Sign area 2.1 main traffic road. Traffic rules about the main road sign. Traffic regulations on the actions of drivers at road intersections

Dividing intersecting paths into main and secondary using symbol 2.1 helps to streamline traffic at the intersection and establish the order of passage through this zone. Failure to comply with its requirements is dangerous and can lead to an accident, or, at best, to punishment under the Code of Administrative Offences. Read further in the article about how to drive under the “Main Road” road sign, where its area of ​​influence ends, and complementary symbols.

Read in this article

Interpretation of the road sign “Main Road”

2.1 is part of the priority symbol group. It shows which direction gives a car the right of way at an intersection. There are other requirements of this sign regarding permitted and prohibited actions on the priority line beyond the point of intersection with the secondary line. What to do in zone of influence 2.1:

  • Transport traveling in the direction designated by it has the right to enter the intersection and leave this territory first. The person moving in the secondary direction is obliged to yield.
  • The same rule works when we are talking not about an intersection, but about an adjacent segment. It is secondary. Cars from it can turn to the priority one only after passing vehicles that were already on the last one.

There are special requirements imposed by 2.1 if it is attached outside settlement. The rules concern not only the passage of intersections in different directions and the need to provide priority in traffic.

What other symbols are on the main page?

On the path of transport moving in the priority direction there are also symbols:

  • 2.3.1. Warns drivers that they will soon find themselves at a point where unequal roads converge. And that the advantage for them when passing through this zone remains.
  • 2.3.2-2.3.7. The symbols show that a secondary direction is adjacent to the main direction ahead. And priority for cars moving in the first direction on this section is also not lost.

Installation locations

Symbol 2.1 can be seen within a city, village or between settlements:

  • At a convergence of paths without a traffic light, that is, unregulated. Here the road symbol must be obeyed unconditionally, that is, pass this zone first. The remaining vehicles allow vehicles moving along the path marked 2.1 to pass.
  • Before an intersection with a traffic light. In this case, the signals of the latter are more important than the requirements of the sign. You can only drive on green, everyone stops on red. Requirements 2.1 are met only when the traffic light is faulty or turned off.
  • Before the secondary path adjoins the priority one on one side only. The rules for driving this section are the same as at an unregulated intersection of unequal roads.
  • On a segment outside the intersection. Here 2.1 duplicates the same sign installed earlier before the intersection. It means the continuation of the priority path. And the requirements here are special.

Next to 2.1 there may be a road sign “Direction main road» – 8.13. The image shows which way she is going. For a vehicle turning there, the advantage remains when this vehicle is an obstacle on the right for another one already moving along the priority path. But even if the first car goes straight, that is, moves to a secondary path, it can proceed in front of those who were there.

Installation outside the populated area

Impact 2.1 does not end beyond the last path crossing. In addition, the sign can be duplicated, that is, show a continuation of the priority direction. And if so, on this stretch, cars and motorcycles are strictly prohibited from parking on the side of the road, even for a short time.

It is necessary to overcome a section or find a symbol at this distance that allows you to stop to rest in a certain place. Usually such markings are available, as is parking space.

End of main road sign

In traffic rules and real life 2.1 is adjacent at some distance to sign 2.2. Road sign“The end of the main road” indicates that from this point all intersections are equal. And if we are talking about a section between populated areas, parking is allowed there in the absence of other prohibiting signs.

2.2 does not turn a road that was previously the main one into a secondary one. Both become equal. But cars traveling along the previously prioritized route lose their advantage in traffic at the next intersection. You will have to pass it, guided by paragraph 13.11 of the traffic rules:

At the intersection of equivalent roads, with the exception of the case provided for in paragraph 13.111 of the Rules, the driver of a trackless vehicle vehicle must give way to vehicles approaching from the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

And also clause 13.12:

When turning left or making a U-turn, the driver of a trackless vehicle must give way to vehicles moving on an equivalent road from the opposite direction straight or to the right. Tram drivers should follow the same rule among themselves.

If there is a traffic light at the convergence of tracks after 2.2, its signals become decisive for drivers.

Sometimes you can see 2.5 directly with the “End of the main road” symbol. It means that vehicles need to stop before moving on. More often, such a combination of signs occurs at railway crossings or intersections, road junctions, where visibility is poor.

Mandatory stopping makes driving in difficult areas safer. Drivers have the opportunity to assess the situation. And those who turn in this direction manage to see their opponent.

Road sign "Give way"

Sometimes the fact that the paths at an intersection are divided into priority and secondary is indicated not by the symbol 2.1 on the first, but by another sign. There is also a road sign “Give way”; the main road, if present, retains its significance.

Symbol 2.4 is installed in the secondary direction. Vehicles traveling along it are required to give way to those who are in the right-of-way. 2.1 and 2.4 are often adjacent at an intersection. But they are located at different points of this rectangle, since they do not belong to the same road.

Sometimes 2.4 can be seen next to 2.2 or at a short distance from it. The combination means that the road, after being a priority, has become secondary, and not of equal importance to the one with which it intersects. And from this point the vehicle traveling along it must yield.

Fines for violations

Ignoring priority symbols is punishable in accordance with Part 2 of Article 12.13 of the Administrative Code. A driver who does not allow an opponent moving in the direction indicated by 2.1 to pass will be forced to pay a fine of 1000 rubles. He will punish himself if an accident occurs due to a violation. After all, it is this motorist who is recognized as the culprit with all the ensuing consequences.

A "Main Road" sign gives priority to some vehicles and requires concessions from others. But in the end, everyone wins, because it preserves order and traffic safety. Moreover, the requirements of the symbol will not have to be fulfilled when there is no one on the priority road.

Useful video

Watch this video about how to follow the “Main Road” road sign:

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In the rules traffic There are signs called priority signs, which play an important role in regulating the movement of motor vehicles. One of these signs is the “Main Road” road sign.

Thanks to its instructions, drivers have priority when driving on roads and when crossing intersections if there is no traffic light there.

Unfortunately, many drivers ignore the instructions of road signs, which are called the first problem in Russia, or reckless drivers, so we are dealing with a huge number of accidents and appealing to the insurance company for payments.

In this article:

Requirements of road sign 2.1

When we see yellow diamond on a white background, then we understand that a main road is organized on this section of the road. What does this mean for us?

We can safely move in the direction of the main road, cross intersections and secondary roads without taking into account the “interference on the right” rule.

Why is the sign shaped like a diamond? Surely, when studying traffic rules in a driving school, the teacher explained the meaning of the signs and the geometric shape of the signs used.

There are situations when there is insufficient visibility caused by heavy rain, blizzards, darkness on sections of roads without lighting. Therefore, in addition to memorizing the backgrounds of the image, we also store in our memory the geometric shapes of the characters.

At least three sign shapes are important when crossing an intersection: the diamond, the inverted triangle, and the octagonal sign.

Even if we don’t see images of the signs, we perfectly understand their meaning and what the driver on the right or left of us at the intersection will do.

In this case, we will move unhindered, having priority in traffic, but it is worth looking around and remembering the problems of Russia and the fact that there is transport that uses priority in traffic, despite the instructions of the signs (ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations, police).

Rules for installing a sign 2.1

Sign 2.1 is usually placed at the beginning of the road, which has priority before road sign 2.2, indicating the end of the main road. Sign 2.2 has crossed lines diagonally indicating the end of the main road. Then a different mode of movement operates.

The sign's effect extends to the intersection. If not used additional designation in the distance, sign 2.1 is located before each intersection.

When the road changes direction, the sign 8.13 is duplicated below the sign, where a black straight line is highlighted, indicating the direction for driving along the main road.

Outside the city, sign 2.1 and 8.13 are installed at a distance of 150-300 meters before the road intersection. Also, according to GOST, outside an urban settlement, sign 2.1 may not be installed in front of each intersection; this will be indicated by a give way sign on a perpendicular strip to the main road.

Responsibility for violation of sign 2.1

Since priority signs do not contain prohibitions, there is no fine for violating them. But there are rules for drivers driving from the adjacent side of the road, where there will definitely be a give way sign.

In this case, the driver who ignores the requirements for giving priority to cars moving on the main road will bear administrative liability under Part 3 of Art. 12.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in the form of a fine of 1000 rubles.

Also, being outside the city on the main road, it is prohibited to stop in this area depending on the road markings until a stop pocket is organized. Drivers can be held liable under Part 4 of Art. 12.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and receive a fine of 1000 rubles.

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Sign "Main Road" - meaning, sizes and colors

Priority signs perform a very important function - they tell drivers who has priority in traffic on a given section of the road and who must give way.

If all drivers took into account the requirements of these signs, the number of road accidents would be significantly reduced. But, unfortunately, for now we can state the disappointing fact that the presence driver's license and own vehicle does not always guarantee that a person really knows the rules of the road and can understand any situation.

In this regard, it would not be amiss to remind you of such an important sign as the “Main Road”.

We have all seen this sign - both drivers and pedestrians - it is a yellow diamond in a white frame.

Where is the "Main Road" sign installed?

It is installed at the beginning of the road, moving along which we take advantage of drivers entering it from adjacent roads. The end of its coverage area is indicated by another sign - a crossed out yellow diamond “End of the main road”.

The “Main Road” sign is duplicated at every intersection. If it stands in splendid isolation, without additional signs, then this indicates that the main road continues straight ahead. If we see a sign “Direction of the main road”, then this indicates that the road turns in the indicated direction, and accordingly we cease to take advantage if we continue straight ahead.

If we are moving along an adjacent road to an intersection with the main one, then we will be notified of this by the signs “Give way” and “Driving without stopping is prohibited”, that is, we must stop, let all the cars driving along the main one pass, and only after that start moving along the route we need.

The "Main Road" sign is usually installed at intersections where there are no traffic lights.

Requirements of the "Main Road" sign

Priority signs do not prohibit anything, they only indicate to us which side should have priority when passing through intersections. However, the main road outside the city also means that parking is prohibited on this section of the road. That is, if you wanted to get out of the car for a few minutes to stretch your bones or go, sorry, into the bushes, then you are breaking the rules. Wait until a travel pocket appears, and then you can safely stop.

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Combinations of characters

As already mentioned, there can be one “Main Road” sign, or with a sign indicating the direction of the main road. At intersections it is installed with a “Road Crossing” sign and we must give priority to pedestrians who have already stepped on roadway. When approaching such an intersection, you need to be especially careful and slow down.

If we see the sign “End of the main road,” then this indicates the intersection of equivalent roads and we must start from the principle of obstacle on the right. If “End of the main road” and “Give way” are together, then this says that we must give priority.

Outside the city, according to GOST, this sign is not required to be installed at all intersections. Signs for junctions and intersections with secondary roads will tell us who has the right of way.

Fine for violating this sign, failure to provide an advantage

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses and traffic rules, failure to give priority when crossing intersections is a very dangerous violation, which in many cases can lead to serious consequences.

If an inspector or camera records a violation, the violator will be subject to a fine of one thousand rubles. This requirement can be found in article of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.13 part two.

How to cross intersections with a "Main Road" sign?

If you are getting close to unregulated intersection on the main road, this does not mean that all drivers from secondary roads are ready to give way to you - perhaps they do not understand the signs, but they bought a license. Therefore, it is imperative to slow down and make sure that no one is rushing headlong.

If you are crossing an intersection where the main road changes direction, then the rule of interference on the right will help you miss those drivers who are leaving from the opposite side of the main road. Everyone else must wait until the cars have passed along the main section before they start driving.

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On the roads while driving, you can often encounter situations where, at intersections without traffic lights, drivers on adjacent roads cannot decide who is driving on the main road. As practice shows, not all car owners know all the features of installed signs. One of these signs is “main road”.

In order to understand, we will consider all the features and combinations of its installation.

The “main road” sign can be found both within the city and on highways. It shows which driver has the right of way and can move first, which is why it is often installed at intersections. Moreover, this can be both regulated and non-regulated.

When driving along the main road, you need to keep in mind that drivers in adjacent areas may not know or understand the situation. In this case, it is necessary to drive through such a section of the road by first slowing down and making sure that other participants are giving priority. It should be remembered that some drivers are not entirely literate and do not know all the traffic rules well. By being extra safe, you can avoid a possible accident.

This road sign “Main Road” is designated in the traffic rules as 2.1. Manufactured and installed in accordance with the requirements and GOST.

It has the shape of a diamond in yellow, all edges of the same width are painted white. This sign is one of the most common and can often be found in the city, so it is familiar to most people.

When setting “main road” before an intersection, it should be understood that the right of way will only apply at this intersection. Very often it is repeated and placed at all subsequent road intersections. That is why there is also a sign to limit its coverage area - a crossed out main road. The end of the main road is designated in the traffic rules number 2.2. Anyone who drives a car probably knows that this is not always the case, and the 2.2 sign is not always placed.

If an intersection follows after the established sign 2.2, then it will be clearly equivalent and the advantage will be determined according to the right-hand rule. Or priority will be determined by the type of road surface.

  • If the road is asphalted and wide, then it will be the main one, but if it is dirt, then the driver on it will have to give way.

If indicator 2.2 is combined with “give way”, then this combination will mean that the driver needs to give priority to other cars.

Installation locations

The “Main Road” priority road sign is installed in front of intersections, showing the priority of traffic in one direction or another. As already mentioned, this sign can be installed at all types of intersections. If it is installed on an adjustable one, at the same time as a traffic light, then when driving you should focus primarily on the action of the traffic lights. If they don’t work, as a rule, this happens very often at night, then you need to focus on the signs.

In addition to the installation of road sign 2.1, information signs 8.13 are often placed, which indicate the direction for the main road. It is the presence of additional signs that most often creates difficulties for drivers.

In order to figure out who should pass first and who should let us pass, let’s look at a few examples:

1. Very often, “main road” signs are accompanied by the installation of 8.13 signs indicating the route of movement. If the trajectory indicates a main road with some kind of turn, for example to the right, then the advantage will be on it. When the driver enters this intersection, you should carefully look at the adjacent sections of roads and make sure that drivers stop and give way, allowing the one driving on the main road to pass.

In this case, it should also be borne in mind that if the driver needs to drive in the forward direction, he will also have priority over other participants.

2. If simultaneously with installed signs traffic lights are working, then you need to focus on them, and not on the signs.

3. For road intersections where there are no priority signs, the main road is determined by its surface or the right-hand rule.

Installation of a sign outside a populated area

Sign 2.1 is often used on roads between populated areas and cities. The main road sign can be installed either immediately after leaving the city or in any other place on the highway. In this case, it will mean that it will not be possible to stop on the road.

Sign 2.1 outside a populated area prohibits all vehicles from stopping along the road and on the side of the road.

It should be borne in mind that if you need to stop to take a smoke break and rest a little, walk and get some fresh air, then this is prohibited along the road. As a rule, if this traffic regulation sign is installed, then somewhere there will definitely be a place for parking and rest - a special parking pocket that provides an equipped and marked exit from the road. In some of these parking areas, overpasses have been installed for car repairs, and container bins have been installed for collecting waste.

Fine for violating a sign

Drivers must remember that for each traffic violation punishment or warning is provided. So, for those who violate the operation of the “main road” and do not provide the advantage of travel, in this case, on the basis of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine of 1000 rubles is provided. It should be remembered that violation of traffic rules can lead to the creation of dangerous situations that may result in an accident.

Always when passing through intersections, driving along the main road, you should make sure whether other traffic participants from adjacent directions are yielding or not. Only in these cases is unimpeded movement possible and thus it will be possible to avoid accidents.

Compliance with traffic rules is an important requirement for road safety. Ignorance of these rules or neglect of them leads to accidents, accidents, loss of life, material and moral damage. Requirements for ensuring safe driving are reflected in markings and signs. Among them, one of the most important is the “Main Road” road sign.

About priority travel

Before you figure out what the meaning of the “Main Road” road sign is, you need to get acquainted with the concept of priority or priority passage.

Priority in driving is the right to be the first to complete a planned maneuver: go through an intersection, turn around, turn in the right direction, etc. For example, a driver driving on the main green has priority over another driver driving under the arrow and can overcome crossroads earlier.

The "Main Road" sign indicates the presence of such an advantage.

Important! On unregulated pedestrian crossings pedestrians always have priority (exception: cars with flashing beacon And sound signal)! Priority signs do not apply to pedestrians.

About intersections

Intersections can be regulated or unregulated. With adjustable ones, everything is simple: if there is a traffic light, then it determines the order of travel in different directions. The situation is different with unregulated road crossings. It is on them that the traffic rules sign “Main Road” should help the motorist understand the situation.

In addition, intersections can be divided into equivalent and unequal. Equivalent intersections mean that you must pass through them according to the so-called “interference on the right” rule. In other words, a motorist must give way to a vehicle coming at him from the right. In general, equivalent intersections are rare; most roads have priority signs.

The order of traffic at unequal intersections is regulated by “Main Road” and “Give Way” signs.

About the main road

According to the traffic rules, the main road is the paved road in relation to the dirt road. A road that is not the main one is called a secondary road. But the concept of the main road is broader, and the main cases when the road is considered as the main one are discussed below.

What does it mean to "give way"?

In the traffic rules, the requirement to give way means that the driver is prohibited from moving if this may interfere with other motorists who have priority over him.

The "Give Way" sign is designated by number 2.4.

Accordingly, if a driver approaches an intersection marked with this sign, then he is on a secondary road and will not have priority right of way. He must, if necessary, stop, assess the road situation and, making sure that no interference will be created for other drivers on the main road, drive through the intersection. If he sees approaching vehicles that he can interfere with with his maneuver, then he should wait until all priority vehicles have passed and the movement will be safe for him and for others.

Main road directions

At an intersection, the main road may not only go straight. It often happens that its direction changes, for example, it turns right or left.

In such situations, under the main road sign there is an additional sign showing its direction. If this sign is not there, then the road continues straight ahead after the intersection. Therefore, when approaching a road intersection, the driver must pay attention not only to the priority signs, but also to additional information.

Driving on the main road

If the main road goes in a straight direction, and the motorist is also moving straight, then the situation is simple: traffic continues in a straight direction, no interference will be created for anyone. If he needs to turn right, he won’t bother anyone either. But what if you need to turn left or make a U-turn?

The fact is that motorists traveling towards you are also under the “Main Road” priority sign in this case. If the driver starts to turn around or turn left, an accident is possible. Therefore, according to traffic regulations, the driver is obliged to give way to oncoming vehicles when performing such maneuvers. The fact that it is on the main road does not solve anything in this case.

What if the main road turns left and the driver needs to continue driving, for example, in a straight direction or turn right? It is important to note the following here: if a driver at an intersection of roads moves from the main to the secondary one, he still has the right of way, and vice versa. Motorists approaching from the left (and who, like him, are on the main road) will yield to him the right of way under the previously mentioned “interference from the right” rule.

The same applies when the main road turns right. Under the right-hand rule, the driver will be required to give the right-of-way to vehicles approaching from the right-hand direction (unless he wants to turn in that direction) before continuing on.

Area of ​​operation of the "Main Road" sign

This sign is valid until sign 2.2, marking the end of the main road. If a sign for the end of the main road is installed at the entrance to the intersection, and there are no other clarifying signs or plates, then the road does not become secondary, it will be considered equivalent. The rules of passage will again be dictated by the “obstacle on the right.”

The importance of priority signs

It is failure to comply with the requirements of priority signs that most often leads to road accidents. Most common cause car collision is the failure to provide priority to transport vehicles. Therefore, when driving out from under a “Give way” sign, you should be extremely careful and careful. There is no need to try to "slip" in time. This unjustified risk may cost lives.

On the other hand, drivers using priority right of way also need to be extremely careful. It is because of reckless drivers who are constantly trying to get through first, even without the right to do so, that you should always evaluate the road situation as carefully as possible. A driver driving on the main road should not relax. Sometimes, if another traffic participant violates traffic rules, it makes sense to follow the well-known humorous rule of the three “Ds” - “Give way to the fool.”

Sometimes situations occur when a driver, especially when driving through an unfamiliar area, forgets to look at the signs when approaching an intersection. In this case, it will be safer to consider your direction as secondary.

Traffic lights and priority signs

As already mentioned, intersections can be regulated by traffic lights and unregulated.

Traffic lights sometimes fail. In this case, main road signs and “Give way” signs are also installed at intersections. These are the ones you should follow when driving through an intersection with a broken traffic light.

In some cases, traffic police officers regulate an intersection with a faulty traffic light. Using signals with a baton and hands, they establish the order of passage. In such a situation, the driver is obliged to follow their instructions.

Penalties for driving incorrectly at intersections

If the driver does not comply with the requirements for driving through intersections, he will be subject to a fine. The fine for failure to provide priority to a vehicle having priority is 1,000 rubles. Of course, fines are also imposed for other violations of the rules for driving through intersections: failure to turn on or untimely turn on a turn signal, incorrect position on the road, etc.

Conclusions from the article:

  1. Signs granting priority may look different. The most commonly used main road sign is at intersection number 2.1.
  2. Intersections of equivalent roads are driven in accordance with the “Interference on the right” rule.
  3. If there is a working traffic light, then priority signs do not work.
  4. The main road can go in different directions.
  5. Compliance with the requirements of priority signs is an important condition for road safety.
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