This means enrollment without entrance tests. How to enter a university without an exam. What do you need to apply for a budget?

What are university entrance tests? This question worries many high school students who have to make difficult choices.

Features of entrance tests

Despite the numerous transformations that are currently taking place in the system of domestic secondary and higher education, in addition to the results obtained by graduates on the Unified State Exam, academies and universities have the right to conduct their own entrance exams.

Many high school students want to know in advance how to pass entrance tests at a university and whether it is possible to prepare for them.

In order to select from the large stream of applicants the guys who really deserve to be admitted to the university, prestigious domestic universities conduct internal tests.

Classification of additional exams

Entrance tests to universities - what are they? Currently, they are usually divided into basic and additional tests. The first group consists of those subjects that are included in the Children get a chance to pass within the walls of a higher educational institution those subjects that, for various reasons, they did not choose at school.

The second group includes special entrance tests to universities in the Russian language, social studies, and creative tasks. Depending on the specifics of the higher-level educational institution, additional exams may vary. They make it possible to identify among the stream of applicants the most talented students who have deep knowledge and skills necessary for their chosen specialty.

Technical focus

Engineering universities and academies typically have additional entrance tests in mathematics. You can get into a university based on the results of special subject Olympiads organized by the educational institution itself. Each top-level educational institution tries to organize intellectual tournaments and competitions on its base, the winners of which receive additional points when submitting documents to the university.

Who should take additional tests?

Not all applicants know how to pass the university entrance examination. For some of them, the very fact of having to take additional exams becomes an unpleasant surprise. Let's try to understand what university entrance tests are and who should take them. The main tests will be faced by those applicants who are not in the disciplines that are mandatory in the chosen field of study.

They are also available to those individuals who graduated from secondary educational institutions before 2009. Applicants who already have a higher or secondary specialized education also take mandatory exams.
Entrance exams are also mandatory for foreign citizens who decide to study at Russian higher educational institutions.

Features of additional tests

What are additional university entrance tests? Their higher-level educational institutions are established for creative specialties: acting, architecture and construction, artistic creativity. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and future cadets of flight and military schools undergo additional tests.

Discussing what university entrance tests are, we note that their results are summed up with the points scored by the applicant on the Unified State Exam.

All applicants applying for admission to their chosen specialty are required to take additional exams.

List of tests

Each educational institution has the right to independently determine the type and number of additional tests, as well as to establish subjects that are taken in the form of the Unified State Exam.

What kind of university entrance tests await applicants?

Examples of general education subjects for which main tests are conducted at a university (academy):

  • mathematics;
  • geography;
  • physics;
  • Russian language and literature;
  • biology;
  • story;
  • foreign language.

How are entrance tests held at the university? For example, as additional exams, applicants are offered testing of their physical fitness, psychological readiness for the profession, and creative work is offered.

The educational institution itself chooses the form of the exam:

  • testing;
  • written testing;
  • oral interview;
  • essay writing.

How to prepare for additional tests?

Is it possible to successfully pass entrance tests to universities? What are these preparatory courses? Each university that conducts additional tests organizes various preparatory courses for future applicants.

In addition, in large cities there are special educational centers whose main task is to fully prepare high school students for passing the unified state exam, as well as for successfully passing additional tests offered by higher educational institutions.

While many high school students only need to do well in school to prepare for the Unified State Exam, only a few can prepare themselves well for creative tests on their own. The best option would be to choose preparatory courses based on the higher educational institution you plan to enroll in.

Only in this case can one count on receiving the most useful information, which will certainly help the applicant become a student at an academy or university.

In addition to obtaining a certain level of knowledge necessary to successfully pass creative tests, in the process of additional course preparation, high school students will receive useful information about the teaching staff of the institute (university) and will get to know their future classmates. The courses also provide information about the requirements of a particular educational institution and the features of the educational process.

Useful information

In order to get additional coursework at a university, you need to contact the educational institution at the beginning of the academic year, find out about the deadlines and In most domestic universities and academies, preparatory courses begin in October-November and continue throughout the academic year.

These courses will not only allow you to better assimilate certain information on academic disciplines, but will also provide an opportunity to change direction in a timely manner. For example, if a high school student, while attending preparatory courses in mathematics, realized that it would be difficult for him to compete with his peers in this academic discipline, he can switch to another major.

In addition to year-long courses, higher education institutions also offer short-term courses. The abbreviated training is designed for 2-3 weeks and is organized mainly immediately before entrance examinations to the university. Such courses are suitable for those high school students who for a long time could not decide on the choice of their future profession or had doubts about the selection of an educational institution.

Among the main disadvantages of such preparation for entering domestic universities and academies is the need to assimilate a large amount of information in a minimum time period. There is a high probability that the applicant simply does not have enough time to process the information received and optimally use it when passing the main and additional entrance tests to an academy or university.

In conclusion

Entering a university is a responsible and important stage in the life of every high school student. In order to increase your chances of success, you need to use all opportunities: take preparatory courses, collect diplomas and certificates, try your hand at subject Olympiads and creative competitions.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has given higher education institutions the right to independently select a list of tests, upon successful completion of which the applicant receives the right to be admitted to the educational institution on a budgetary basis. Some universities exempt preferential categories of citizens from passing additional tests, but most domestic academies and universities offer them to all applicants. All additional tests are carried out in Russian, the only exception being the direction of study where the main academic discipline is a foreign language.

You have to take entrance exams. In recent years, universities have received more opportunities to choose the form of their conduct. Depending on the specifics of the university, these can be practical tasks, for example, in drawing, or testing knowledge in core subjects.

What are university entrance tests?

Entrance tests to universities are additional exams that are conducted upon admission to study professions, the successful mastery of which requires creative abilities or special physical and psychological qualities.

These tests are carried out:

  • on exam papers orally or in writing;
  • in the format of an interview with representatives of the admissions committee;
  • in the form of tests, essays, creative work.

The program of additional tests is formed by the institutes independently on the basis of state standards.

Why are entrance exams needed at universities?

According to the law, universities must admit students to study based on the results of state exams, but in some cases, institutes and universities have the right to prescribe additional tests. The list of educational institutions with special powers to conduct additional tests of knowledge and skills is annually reviewed and approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Additional exams at universities are necessary to select from a large number of applicants who have successfully passed the Unified State Exam the most capable, talented and most suitable for future work in their chosen specialty. They are often held by educational institutions in which there is a lot of competition for admission, for example, Moscow State University and MGIMO, as well as military schools, universities and academies of creative orientation - art, theater, music.

How are university entrance exams conducted?

The form of entrance tests is determined by the management of the institute: this can be a test of the level of physical fitness or depth of knowledge of specialized disciplines, psychological testing, or a competition of creative works. One exam is usually worth one hundred points.

The results of the entrance examinations are summarized with the marks obtained by school graduates on the Unified State Examination.

The process of conducting additional examinations must be documented in the form of a protocol, where questions and comments from teachers are recorded. In some educational institutions, beneficiaries may be exempt from exams, but most universities do not make exceptions even for applicants of special categories.

Entrance exams can also be conducted using remote technologies. This method is practiced by leading universities of the Russian Federation, for example HSE, for applicants with disabilities.

How to prepare

Tutors for major subjects are not always the best option. Each university that accepts students based on the results of the Unified State Exam and additional tests, pre-conducts special preparatory courses in basic disciplines. As a rule, they begin in the fall and continue until the entrance exams.

During the classes, future applicants gain knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of a specific educational organization, get acquainted with teachers, potential fellow students, rules for taking exams, features of the educational process and other subtleties of university life. Therefore, it is better to prepare for admission at the institute or university chosen for education after school. In addition, universities sometimes award bonus points to applicants who have attended classes in these special programs.

Courses are short-term (from several weeks to a couple of months) and basic (about six months). The first option is less preferable and is intended for those who are late in enrolling in basic programs. But express training will also be very useful.

Entrance exams: specialties and directions

All future students must pass a unified state exam, on the basis of which they will be admitted to a university, institute or academy. The exceptions are:

  • St. Petersburg State University;
  • universities providing training in creative, medical and military specialties.

According to the law on education, since 2013, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University have the right to conduct additional tests in all subjects that are taken at the Unified State Exam for admission to any specialties and areas. MSLU, NSLU im. Dobrolyubov, MGIMO and Moscow State Law Academy, but for enrollment in certain undergraduate and specialty programs.

The list of specialties related to, as well as requiring certain basic knowledge and skills, includes:

  • journalism;
  • physical culture;
  • TV;
  • acting art;
  • painting;
  • sculpture;
  • design;
  • choreography;
  • architecture and others.

A complete list of specialties and areas was approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1142.

Additional tests are often conducted in two or three rounds in the form of a combination of an interview, oral, written, practical professional or creative examination and are always related to the field of future activity. For example, applicants to VGIK for the specialty “producing” at the first qualifying stage must, in 4 hours, analyze in writing the proposed problematic production situation relating to culture and art in order to find an effective way out of it. On the second, give oral answers to exam questions compiled on topics covering literature, music, visual, theatrical and cinematic arts. Plus, complete a practical task, for example, of this type: in an hour of preparation, schematically develop proposals for organizing an advertising campaign and distribution of a feature film.

Universities publish a list of entrance tests for each specialty or in a general field on their websites at the beginning of the academic year, so applicants have enough time to prepare for the creative or professional exam. The main thing is not to waste it, then everything will work out.

Since 2009, all graduates of 11th grade must pass the Unified State Exams, which not only provide them with a certificate, but also form the basis for admission to a university. Preparing for the Unified State Exam takes a lot of effort and time - schoolchildren begin to prepare for the tests several years before graduation.

Without tutors and additional courses, it is almost impossible to score the required number of points, so most graduates experience real stress in the run-up to exams. But is it possible to enter a university without the Unified State Exam? It would seem that this is impossible, but there are a number of cases when it is still possible to avoid taking exams.

Methods of entering a university without Unified State Exam results

According to the law, a certain category of applicants can enroll without the Unified State Exam, provided that all necessary documentation is submitted to the university in a timely manner:

To a university without the Unified State Exam with a college diploma

If you do not fall under the above conditions and want to go to college without the Unified State Exam, then you can take a different route. After 9th grade, you have the opportunity to apply to a college or technical school, where admission is based on the OGE. After studying for three years at a secondary school, you can then enter a university for an accelerated training program in a specialized specialty.

It is worth considering that many institutions in 2016 are canceling this benefit for college graduates and will not consider candidates without Unified State Exam results. However, some commercial universities will still accept applicants under these conditions. In this case, you will not have to take the unified exam, but you will need to pass internal tests at the institution.

When applying for a bachelor's degree in a specialized specialty, you have a chance to be admitted without the Unified State Exam and the opportunity to skip the first year of university, thereby reducing the duration of your studies to three years. To be sure, study the list of educational institutions that provide college graduates with such a chance. You can look up information on the Internet or contact the educational institution directly.

Additional option

Why are most applicants so afraid of the Unified State Exam? Because he is afraid of not gaining enough points for the desired specialty and losing the chance to enter a higher educational institution. If all of the options listed above do not suit you at all, then in any case you will have to take the Unified State Exam, because this is a prerequisite for obtaining a school certificate.

Let's say you are well versed in social studies, but dream of enrolling in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, where this subject is not counted for admission. At the same time, you are afraid that your knowledge of English (or another) language will not give you the opportunity to score a sufficient number of points.

Then you can do the following: choose a university with the desired faculty, but apply for a completely different specialty that requires disciplines in which you are well versed. In this case, it is best to choose a direction with little competition and the lowest passing score.

Next, you enter a university and study for a year in a specialty that is not at all interesting to you, but at the same time you are preparing to transfer to the desired department within this institution. Of course, in order to change your specialty, you will need to pass an exam in your core subject at the faculty itself. Remember, you have a whole year to thoroughly prepare for the test. In addition, if a successful combination of circumstances occurs, you will immediately enter the second year.

Such a scheme is possible, since first-year students of different faculties study identical general education subjects, such as history, computer science, Russian language, etc. But, of course, you need to check in advance with the dean’s office the conditions for transferring to another faculty, find out the list of necessary documentation, and also find out the specifics of the upcoming specialized exam.

All methods of admission without the Unified State Exam require a special status or require a lot of effort and energy. Therefore, think carefully: maybe it would be better to spend all your time on thoroughly preparing for the Unified State Exam?

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation defines a list of entrance tests for admission to educational programs of higher education - bachelor's degree programs and specialty programs. (Complete list).

In this case, the results of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language and in the relevant subject for the given specialty must be taken into account. Universities are given the right to choose one more third exam from several recommended for a given specialty.
(Procedure for admission to universities, order No. 890 dated July 22, 2016)

In 2018, the Unified State Examination results for 2014–2018 will be valid.

Two universities - Moscow and St. Petersburg State Universities have a special status. These universities have the right to independently decide to conduct one additional entrance test of a profile focus when admitting them to undergraduate programs and specialist training programs.

By order of the government, the right to conduct their own entrance examinations for certain specialties may be granted annually to some more universities. The form of these exams (written, oral, testing, interview) is determined by the university.

The right to conduct ( in addition to the Unified State Exam) one in-house entrance test in a core subject was given to 5 universities:

Universities that have the right to conduct additional tests for applicants
(for some specialties)

  1. Moscow State Law Academy named after O.E. Kutafin (jurisprudence)
  2. Moscow State Linguistic University (political science, jurisprudence, linguistics, etc.)
  3. Moscow Pedagogical State University (sociology)
  4. National Research University Higher School of Economics (philology, linguistics)
  5. Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University named after. N. A. Dobrolyubova (translation and translation studies)

Additional tests may also be conducted by universities when applying for creative and sports majors. Some entrance examinations may be considered by the university on a pass/fail basis, while others may be considered competitive. Universities must determine the final list of entrance examinations and admission conditions by February 1 of the current year.

Admission to universities without entrance examinations

Without entrance examinations (Unified State Exam results), only winners and runners-up can enter the university final stage All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams that participated in international Olympiads in general education subjects, for training in areas of training (specialties) corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad.

Winners and prize-winners of additional Olympiads, the list of which is established by the Olympiad Council, operating on the basis of the Russian Union of Rectors, receive benefits at the discretion of the educational institutions themselves, where they are admitted in accordance with the profile of the Olympiad

What are the benefits when applying to universities?
The most significant benefit for Olympiad participants is enrollment without entrance tests. All you need to do is bring your certificate and diploma to the university, and your student ID is already in your pocket. The second advantage is the maximum score for the Unified State Exam. You show your Olympiad diploma, and the selection committee counts 100 points instead of the corresponding Unified State Examination. The main thing is to remember that this will not work at school; you will still have to take the unified exam. Sometimes universities conduct an additional admissions test (ADT) for applicants. This year only 6 universities can do this. In them, Olympiad participants can receive the “maximum score for DVI” benefit for their diploma; however, they do not need to take the exam itself.

Which Olympiads provide benefits?
You can receive benefits when entering universities by becoming a winner or prize-winner of the finals of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, as well as Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science. Russia hosts many other interesting Olympiads and competitions. They do not provide significant benefits upon admission, but the university can add from 1 to 10 points for diplomas from such competitions. Including additional points (and only these) can be obtained for success in the first three stages of Vseros and the qualifying rounds of the listed Olympiads. Winners or prize-winners of the final stage have the right to admission without exams to any university in a specialized field. At the same time, the correspondence between the direction and profile of the Olympiad is determined by the university itself.

About the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren
So, with a Vseros final diploma in physics, any physics department and even some mathematics departments await you. For example, Moscow State University accepts diplomas in physics and computer science. So, carefully study the websites of universities and look for areas close to your subject. If the winner or prize-winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren chooses an educational program not in the relevant field, then, by decision of the university, he can receive 100 points instead of the Unified State Examination result in the relevant subject. For winners and prize-winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, the right to benefits remains for 4 years. There is no need to confirm the result with a Unified State Exam score.

Olympiads under the auspices of the Russian Council of Olympiads for Schoolchildren
Every year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation approves a list of Olympiads for schoolchildren, the winners of which receive benefits when entering universities. The list also indicates the levels of the Olympiads - from first for the most difficult Olympiads to third for those that are simpler. Each university has the right to approve its own shortened list of Olympiads that provide benefits, and leave without benefits the winners and prize-winners of other Olympiads included in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science. The university also determines what kind of benefits to give to the winners and runners-up of the Olympiad, depending on its level. The right to the benefit can be used for 4 years, as in the case of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. But for the Olympiads on the list, each university can decide for itself in which class a diploma should be obtained in order to provide benefits. Many universities only accept diplomas received during their graduating class. More information about the university's requirements can be found in the admission rules published on its official website. Be sure to read them, despite the complex bureaucratic language that evokes boredom and the desire to stop reading immediately. Universities must publish all information about benefits before October 1 of the year preceding admission.

Confirmation of diplomas with Unified State Examination scores
To use the benefit, winners and prize-winners of listed Olympiads must confirm their results by scoring a certain number of points on the Unified State Examination in the relevant subject. As a general rule, no less than 75, but the university can set a higher bar. In order to take advantage of the “maximum score for the entrance test” benefit, you need to confirm the Olympiad with a Unified State Examination score in the subject of this entrance test. Winners and runners-up who enter without entrance examinations must score the required score on the Unified State Exam in one of the subjects corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad, which one is decided by the university.

About diplomas for winners and prize-winners of Olympiads from the list
The originals of the Olympiad diplomas from the list are issued by the organizers. Also, winners and runners-up can print an electronic copy of their diploma on the portal of the Russian Council of School Olympiads. Copies are equivalent to the original. If there is an error in the data printed on the diploma, immediately notify the organizers of the Olympiad and wait until it is corrected.

A diploma from one Olympiad will be accepted
in several universities
For a diploma from one Olympiad from the list, you can get a discount at several universities at once. According to the general admission rules, an applicant can apply to five universities, and in each of them no more than 3 areas of study. Accordingly, the “maximum Unified State Examination score” benefit can be used no more than 15 times. You can take advantage of the benefit of admission without entrance examinations only at one university and in one field of study. To do this, you will have to submit the original certificate along with your diploma. And by presenting diplomas from various Olympiads to the admissions committee, you can get maximum scores in several or even all entrance tests.

How not to miss anything
The list of Olympiads with levels is published no later than September 1. Until October 1, universities will publish information about benefits on their websites. Don't forget to look at the university website:
- benefits depending on the diploma and level;
- restrictions on the class in which the diploma was received, if any;
- a list of accepted Olympiads, not all Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science could be included;
- the minimum Unified State Exam score to confirm the Olympiad diploma, perhaps it is more than 75;
- correspondence of Olympiad profiles and directions.
If you do not find the answer to your question in this material, contact the admissions office of the chosen university.

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