We will register with the traffic police all types of changes made to the design of the vehicle. Making changes to the design of the vehicle Technical re-equipment of the vehicle

Good afternoon, dear reader.

Almost every car owner makes some modifications and improvements to his “iron horse” over time.

For some, the changes are very minor, for example, replacing nipple caps with colored ones. Other car enthusiasts approach improvements more thoroughly and make changes to the engine, suspension, and car body. All listed changes relate to tuning (finishing) vehicle.

This article will talk about what fines a car owner will face for illegal tuning.

Types of car tuning

First of all, let’s highlight the common types of tuning that have become widespread in Russia:

  • or in the headlights.

All these changes are widespread, so each of them is discussed in a separate article. Today we will not dwell on them in detail.

As for other types of tuning, they can be divided into the following groups:

  • Improvement appearance car. This group includes, for example, the installation of non-standard bumpers and spoilers on cars.
  • Improvement technical characteristics cars. In this case, we are talking about making changes to the car engine, its suspension or other structural elements.
  • Improving vehicle cross-country ability. Preparing a car for off-road travel includes installing additional equipment, such as a winch or snorkel, as well as modifying the design of the car itself.

In general, changes to the design affect a fairly large group of car owners.

Fine for car tuning in 2019

Fines for changing the design of a vehicle are provided for:

1. Driving a vehicle in the presence of malfunctions or conditions under which, in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Responsibilities officials on security traffic operation of the vehicle is prohibited, with the exception of malfunctions and conditions specified in parts 2 - 7 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount five hundred rubles.

So, the driver will receive a fine of 500 rubles for most of the changes made to the design.

There are a few exceptions that carry more severe penalties:

  • Installing headlights with red lights on the front of the car - deprivation of rights from 4 to 6 months (part 3 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of special lights (flashing lights) or sound signals- deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (part 4 of article 12.5);
  • Installing a “Disabled Person” sign - a fine of 5,000 rubles (part 4 1 of article 12.5);
  • Installation of color schemes for operational services - deprivation of rights from 12 to 18 months (Part 6 of Article 12.5);
  • Installing a color scheme for a passenger taxi - a fine of 5,000 rubles.

All of the above design changes are illegal and this does not raise questions among drivers. Within the framework of this article, we are interested in those changes that do not fall into the specified list. You need to understand in which case a fine of 500 rubles can be imposed and in which it cannot.

And to do this, you need to understand what types of tuning relate to design changes.

Note. If a change in the design of the vehicle is detected, the traffic police may cancel the registration of the vehicle:

What are changes to a vehicle's design?

Part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses refers to. Full text This document is not required, you just need to study its appendix:

In this document, final paragraph 7.18 applies to tuning:

7.18. Changes were made to the design of the vehicle without permission from the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation or other bodies determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

After reading this paragraph, the question arises as to what exactly refers to changes in the design of a vehicle, for which you can receive a fine of 500 rubles.

The concept of “making changes to the design of a vehicle” is given in the Technical Regulations Customs Union " ":

making changes to the design of a vehicle - exclusion of components and equipment not provided for by the design of a particular vehicle, made after the vehicle is put into circulation and affecting road safety;

This definition does not give a clear answer to the question of what exactly refers to components and equipment affecting safety:

“vehicle safety” is a state characterized by a set of parameters of the design and technical condition of the vehicle, ensuring the inadmissibility or minimization of the risk of harm to the life or health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, government or municipal property, environment;

However, in technical regulations there is Appendix No. 9, which also contains list of individual (not all) design changes:

  • Replacing the type of truck body.
  • Installation of additional fuel tanks.
  • Installation of lifts and winches on trucks.
  • Installation of special equipment.
  • Installation and dismantling of gas equipment.
  • Replacement of external lighting devices (including installation of xenon or diode lamps).
  • Re-equipping a car for people with disabilities.

All of the above points are guaranteed to apply to changes in the design of the vehicle. If you do them without permission, you can receive a fine of 500 rubles.

As for the installation of other equipment, it remains unclear in what cases it should be classified as changes to the design of the vehicle.

For example, installing non-standard bumpers made of a different material (metal instead of plastic). Obviously, this tuning option affects the safety of the car in the event.

Another example. Installing the DVR on windshield car. On the one hand, the installation is simple and should not affect safety. On the other hand, if the airbags are deployed, they can “pull” the recorder’s power wire, tear it off the glass and send it “flying” around the cabin.

If on additional equipment, which you installed, is necessary documents(manufacturer, manufacturer), then additional information about it is not required in the registration documents.

Good luck on the roads!


I installed the same type of body, awning,

but the van's awning is longer than the frame<1метра, это нарушение, к чему могут привлечь. (стопы и номер остались на раме) спасибо.

I replaced a steering wheel with a smaller diameter on a Lada Kalina with EUR, the employee said that I had made changes to the design of the car, was he right? No fine issued

Sergey, if you do not have documents for the new steering wheel confirming that it is intended for your car, then the traffic police officer could impose a fine.

Subsequently, you can try to challenge the fine, but I cannot guarantee a successful result, because So far, none of the readers have reported such an experience.

Good luck on the roads!

Good afternoon On a UAZ car with the specifics of its work (driving on severe off-road conditions) I installed wheels of a larger diameter with different rims (with offset), which is what a meeting with an employee will turn out to be like for me

Hi all! Guys, please tell me if anyone knows, I have a mark in my PTS and STS that extras are installed. pedals, a "U" sign and an additional mirror, in fact there is nothing (the car used to be from a driving school). What will happen to me for this? And how to officially remove data from the docks? I would be very grateful for your answer (advice)!


In this case, it turns out that the actual design of the vehicle does not correspond to what is indicated in its documents. Those. a fine is possible for changing the design (500 rubles).

Excluding information about changes from car documents is exactly the same procedure as making regular changes. That is, you need to obtain permission, and then contact the traffic police to make changes to the registration documents.

In any case, I recommend that you call the local traffic police and clarify whether, when returning the car to its factory state, it is necessary to undergo additional technical examinations and obtain permits. Please report your results here.

Good luck on the roads!


I put a winch inside the body of the gazelle, they wanted to fine me. Can they do it or not?

Sergey, in practice, traffic police officers may impose a fine. However, if you do not agree with it, you can challenge it in court.

It is not clear from your description whether the design was changed when installing the winch. If you simply loaded the winch into the body, then this is not a design change. But if you drilled additional holes in the body/frame and secured the winch through them, then this is a design change.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello, I want to install a sunroof, do I need to add it to the title? I also wanted to know about the spoiler for the classic "duck tail" - is this legal?

Hello, can I make changes to the design of the car by tinting the front windows higher than 70%? Thank you

Azamat, Hello.

If the tinting does not comply with legal requirements, permission will not be issued for such a design change.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello!!! Lancer 10, I would like to install white angel eyes instead of dimensions, how?

Vasily, Hello.

If you want to change the lighting fixtures simply because of the appearance, then it is not worth it, because... the costs of effort, time and finances will be large.

Good luck on the roads!

Please tell me, when installing the following on the Prado 120, what can cause problems with the traffic police?

Wheel arch covers

Laser brake light, fog light and Star distance limiter

Metal arches (double) on the rear bumper (see photo)

Hello, we made a convertible out of an old car, I wonder if traffic police officers will be able to take it to the impound lot or only a fine of 500 rubles?


Changing the design may result in penalties such as a fine or cancellation of registration. The parking lot is not relevant to the situation.

Good luck on the roads!

Hello! Today a police officer made comments to me about the trunk that is installed on the body of a VAZ 2107 car. Is it possible to install the trunk on the car?

Nizami, describe in more detail what kind of trunk you mean.

In any case, if the car’s documentation allows the use of such a trunk, and there are documents for the trunk itself, then there should be no problems with its use.

Good luck on the roads!

Good night. Is it possible to convert the exterior of a VAZ 2109 to a VAZ 2114 without making any changes?

Good afternoon. Without making changes - no.

Traffic police officers say that I don’t have any children’s shelves on the Gazelle for transporting children; the Gazelle was transferred to me without shelves from another organization. Traffic police say there will be a fine. Please explain what the fine is for and whether they can impose it.

Good afternoon Tell me, the car is already equipped with lambo doors that tilt up, but they have two positions, they open like a regular door to the side and tilt up, now we will register the car, but this modification is not specified in the title, what the fine will be and is calculated Is this a violation at all? In fact, the doors remained factory, only the hinges were replaced.

75. Verification of compliance with the requirements for vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design is carried out in the form of a preliminary technical examination of the design for the possibility of making changes and subsequent verification of the safety of the design and technical inspection of the vehicle with changes made to the design.

During the preliminary technical examination, it is ensured that after changes are made to the design of the vehicle, its compliance with the requirements of these technical regulations that were in force at the time the vehicle was put into circulation will remain.

During the safety check of the vehicle design, it is ensured that after changes are made to the design of the vehicle, its safety meets the requirements of these technical regulations.

76. The objects of inspection are vehicles that have been put into circulation and have passed state registration, in which design parameters or components have been changed, except for the cases specified in paragraph 77.

77. Vehicles are not subject to inspection in the following cases:

  • 1) when installing components on a vehicle:
    intended for this vehicle and have undergone conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;
    provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;
  • 2) when serial changes are made to the design on the basis of design documentation developed and approved in the prescribed manner, if on its basis an assessment of the conformity of the changes made was carried out.

78. Changes to the design of a vehicle and subsequent verification of compliance with the requirements of these technical regulations are carried out with the permission and under the control of the unit of the government authority in the field of road safety at the place of registration of the vehicle in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of a member state of the Customs Union.

79. Based on the results of consideration of the submitted documents, the territorial division of the government body in the field of road safety draws up, registers and issues to the applicant a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements in the form provided for in Appendix No. 18 to the technical regulations, or refuses its issuance, indicating the reasons.

80. The number of the certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements is entered by the department of the government body in the field of road safety in the document identifying the vehicle. All special notes on restrictions on the use of the vehicle contained in the certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements are also entered into the specified document.

The presence in the specified document of the number of the certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to the design of the safety requirements is a necessary condition for allowing further operation of the vehicle with the changes made to the design.

Project dossier

Explanatory note

In accordance with Section 4 of Chapter V of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

List of unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

2. Before December 1, 2017, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation shall approve the administrative regulations for the provision of public services for issuing a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements.

Government resolution
Russian Federation

The procedure for monitoring when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes the requirements for the implementation of control when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles put into circulation and registered in the prescribed manner (hereinafter referred to as vehicles).

2. Control is carried out by divisions of the internal affairs bodies, which are entrusted with responsibilities for federal state supervision in the field of road safety, when issuing a permit to make changes to the design of a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the permit) and issuing a certificate of conformity of the vehicle with the changes made to its design changes to safety requirements (hereinafter referred to as the certificate).

3. Registration of a permit and issuance of a certificate are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 210-FZ of July 27, 2010 “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” at the place of application of vehicle owners permanently residing in the Russian Federation or representatives of legal entities regardless of the place of issue of registration documents for the vehicle.

In the event of an appeal from the owner of a vehicle temporarily residing or temporarily staying on the territory of the Russian Federation, control is carried out by divisions of internal affairs bodies located within the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in which these persons temporarily reside or temporarily stay.

4. The permit is issued on the basis of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter - the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination), containing a conclusion on the compliance of the vehicle after making changes to its design with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter - TR TS 018/2011), in force at the time of its release into circulation.

5. The certificate is issued on the basis of the received permit, an application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the application-declaration), a protocol for checking the safety of the design of the vehicle after changes made to it (hereinafter - the protocol for checking the safety of the design ), containing a conclusion about its safety compliance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, and checking the technical condition of the vehicle after making changes to its design.

6. The conclusion of the preliminary technical examination and the protocol for checking the safety of the design are drawn up by testing laboratories (centers) that meet the following requirements:

a) included in the Unified Register of certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union;

b) accredited to assess compliance with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011;

c) the scope of accreditation includes assessment of the conformity of individual vehicles.

The application-declaration is drawn up by the manufacturer of the work on making changes to the design of the vehicle.

7. Requirements for the content of the preliminary technical examination report, application-declaration and design safety inspection protocol are set out in Appendices NN 1 - 3 to this procedure.

II. Registration of permission to make changes to the design of the vehicle

8. Permits are issued based on an analysis of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination and inspection of the vehicle.

9. Obtaining permission is not required in the following cases:

a) when installing components on a vehicle:

intended for this vehicle and have undergone conformity assessment as part of this vehicle, which is confirmed by the documentation of the component manufacturer;

provided by the vehicle manufacturer in the operational documentation;

b) when making serial changes to the design on the basis of design documentation developed and approved in the established manner, if on its basis an assessment of the conformity of the changes made was carried out.

10. To obtain a permit, the applicant provides a vehicle and the following documents:

a) statement;

b) passport or other identity document;

c) a power of attorney, agreement, or other document certifying the applicant’s authority to represent the interests of the owner of the vehicle, in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

d) conclusion of a preliminary technical examination.

11. If a change is made to the design of a vehicle related to making it possible for a person with disabilities to drive it, its submission is not required.

12. The grounds for refusal to issue a permit are:

a) submission of documents that do not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, contain unreliable information, have signs of forgery, and are also among those lost (stolen);

b) negative conclusion contained in the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination;

c) the proposed changes in the design of the vehicle are included in the List of Inadmissible Changes in the Design of Wheeled Vehicles in Operation;

d) being on the wanted list of a vehicle, its components, state registration plates;

e) failure to provide a vehicle;

f) detection of signs of concealment, counterfeiting, unauthorized modification, or destruction of identification markings applied to the vehicle by the manufacturer.

III. Issuance of a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements

13. The certificate is issued by the internal affairs body at the place where the permit was issued.

14. The certificate is issued on the basis of the permission received, an analysis of the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle, the components used, the results of checking the safety of the design of the vehicle after the changes were made and its technical condition, as well as an inspection of the vehicle.

15. To obtain a certificate, the applicant provides a vehicle with changes made to its design and the following documents:

a) documents provided for in subparagraphs “a” - “c” of paragraph 10 of this procedure;

b) application-declaration;

c) design safety inspection protocol.

16. In the case provided for in paragraph 8 of this procedure, the applicant additionally submits documents confirming the relevant changes in the design of the vehicle, while the submission of documents provided for in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 15 of this procedure is not required.

17. The grounds for refusal to issue a certificate are:

a) the circumstances set out in subparagraphs “a”, “d” - “e” of paragraph 12 of this procedure;

b) absence of documents provided for in paragraph 15 of this procedure;

c) negative conclusions set out in the design safety inspection report;

d) lack of information about the passage of a technical inspection of the vehicle after making changes to its design and (or) about the payment of the state duty;

e) discrepancies between the changes made to the design of the vehicle and the submitted documents.

18. The form of the certificate and the procedure for its execution are established by a decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission.

19. After receiving the certificate, the owner of the vehicle is obliged to submit it within 10 days to the division of the State Traffic Inspectorate that provides the state service for registering motor vehicles and trailers for them, in order to make changes to the registration data of the vehicle.

20. The certificate is considered invalid and subject to cancellation if it is issued in violation of the requirements of TR CU 018/2011 regulations or this procedure or on the basis of documents that were duly recognized as forged (counterfeit).

Appendix No. 1

Requirements for the content of the preliminary technical examination report regarding the possibility of making changes

The conclusion of the preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) must contain the following information:

b) date of registration and number of the conclusion;

c) about the vehicle before making changes to the design, including its make, model, state registration plate, category according to Appendix No. 1 to the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter referred to as TR TS 018/2011), type of vehicle vehicles, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number, environmental class, model, engine type and power, permissible maximum weight, unladen weight, number of seats for passengers (for vehicles of categories M2 and M3);

d) proposed changes to the design of the vehicle;

e) calculation of the possibility of such changes or information about the absence of such a need;

f) a detailed description of the work required to make the proposed changes and a list of the vehicle components used;

h) a conclusion about the compliance of the vehicle after making changes to its design with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, which were in force at the time of its release into circulation;

i) a list of requirements (tests) and (or) measurements of parameters that must be (confirmed) carried out after making changes to the design of the vehicle to ensure that its safety meets the requirements of TR CU 018/2011 or information about the absence of such a need;

j) signature, surname, name and patronymic of the expert who conducted the preliminary technical examination to determine the possibility of making changes;

k) signature of the head of the testing laboratory (center), certified by the seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur), his last name, first name and patronymic.

Appendix No. 2
to the Procedure for checking compliance with the requirements for wheeled vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design

Requirements for the content of the application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle

1. The application-declaration on the volume and quality of work to make changes to the design of the vehicle must contain the following information:

a) the name of the work manufacturer, his legal and actual address, reference telephone numbers, email address, number and validity period of the certificate of conformity in the voluntary certification system of motor transport (if any);

b) about a vehicle, the design of which has been changed, including its make, model (type), state registration plate, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number;

c) date of registration, number of the preliminary technical examination report regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the conclusion) and the name of the testing laboratory (center) that issued it;

d) a detailed description of the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle and a conclusion about their implementation to the extent provided for in the conclusion;

e) the sealed signature of the head of the work manufacturer, his last name, first name and patronymic.

2. When describing the work carried out to make changes to the design of the vehicle and the vehicle components used, the terminology provided for by the technical regulations of the Customs Union “On the safety of wheeled vehicles” shall be used.

Application N3
to the Procedure for checking compliance with the requirements for wheeled vehicles in operation in the event of changes to their design

to the contents of the protocol for checking the safety of the vehicle design after changes made to it

1. The protocol for checking the safety of the design of a vehicle after changes made to it (hereinafter referred to as the protocol) must contain the following information:

a) the name of the testing laboratory (center), its legal and actual address, reference telephone numbers, email address, registration number of the accreditation certificate, number in the Unified Register of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories (Centers) of the Customs Union;

b) date of execution and protocol number;

c) on the compliance of the manufacturer of work on making changes to the design with the requirements of the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination regarding the possibility of making changes (hereinafter referred to as the preliminary technical examination);

d) confirming mandatory certification or declaration of conformity of structural components, items of additional equipment, spare parts and accessories of vehicles used during the work in the manner established by the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (hereinafter referred to as TR CU 018/2011) ;.

e) confirming the availability of documents required by the requirements of Appendices No. 8 and 9 to TR CU 018/2011;

f) about the vehicle after making changes to the design, including its make, model, state registration plate, category according to Appendix No. 1 to TR CU 018/2011, vehicle type, identification number or chassis (frame) and body number, environmental class, engine model, as well as general technical characteristics provided for in a similar field of the form of a certificate of compliance of a vehicle with changes made to its design with safety requirements;

g) a list of tests and (or) measurements of vehicle parameters carried out in accordance with the conclusion of a preliminary technical examination to certify its safety to the requirements of TR CU 018/2011, indicating their results, possible limits of parameters and an assessment for each (complies / does not comply);

h) conclusion about the compliance of the safety of the vehicle after making a change in its design with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011;

i) signature, surname, name and patronymic of the expert who conducted the safety check of the vehicle design after changes were made to it;

j) signature of the head of the testing laboratory (center), certified by the seal of the organization (individual entrepreneur), his last name, first name and patronymic.

2. If there are no changes in the parameters of any of the general technical characteristics provided for in subparagraph “e” of paragraph 1 of this appendix, when filling out the protocol, the entry “no changes” is made.

Government resolution
Russian Federation
dated _____________ 2017 N ____

unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation

Changes in the design of a wheeled vehicle in operation (hereinafter referred to as the vehicle), resulting in:

a) the vehicle will not comply with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" in force at the time of its release into circulation, or have technical characteristics lower than those in force at the time of its release into circulation;

b) the vehicle identification number will be destroyed;

c) the vehicle will be used for the manufacture of a single vehicle within the framework of individual technical creativity and providing for:

change in the permissible maximum weight of the vehicle;

changing the dimensions of the vehicle frame and (or) its body, in the absence of approval of the type of vehicle with similar characteristics;

replacement of a passenger car body and (or) vehicle chassis with ones not specified by the manufacturer.

Document overview

A procedure has been developed for monitoring when making changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation.

Control is carried out by departments of the Department of Internal Affairs, which are entrusted with responsibilities for federal supervision in the field of road safety. This is done when obtaining permission to make changes to the design of the vehicle and issuing a certificate of compliance of the vehicle with the changes made to its design with safety requirements.

A List of unacceptable changes to the design of wheeled vehicles in operation has also been developed. In particular, these are changes that lead to the destruction of the vehicle identification number.

In the previous article on this topic, we examined the situation in detail and talked with representatives of a large tuning studio. The bottom line of that conversation can be formulated as follows: if you are modifying a car yourself, in order for the modifications to become legal, you must go through a series of applications to the traffic police and to NAMI. If you contact an organization involved in tuning, then in case of possible communication with the traffic police, it may be enough for you to carry a pack of certificates with you, because the procedure for registering changes has not yet been thoroughly spelled out, and not all traffic police departments understand how to proceed.

The specialists of FSUE NAMI, where we turned for the following comment, have their own vision of the situation. Talking with the director of the Center for Technical Expertise of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "NAMI" Andrei Vladimirovich Vasiliev, we started with general questions and decided to clarify once again: what procedure is provided and what documents are needed if a person is going to modify a production car? And we received detailed instructions, which we present in full.

Registration of vehicle modifications. Order owner's actions:

Obtaining a preliminary technical examination report on the possibility and procedure for making changes to the design of the vehicle. This opinion confirms that the design of a given vehicle can be subject to appropriate design changes and imposes conditions under which it will comply with safety requirements, and also provides recommendations for the selection of a production base.

To obtain a preliminary examination conclusion from FSUE NAMI must be submitted:

  • application for preliminary examination;
  • passport details of the owner (for an individual) or name and address of the organization (for a legal entity);
  • copies of documents for the vehicle (passport, registration certificate);
  • description of the proposed change in the design of the vehicle, indicating the names (make, model) of the components and assemblies being replaced and, if necessary, the vehicle.

Filling out an application to the traffic police to make changes to the design of the vehicle with the provision of the car to the traffic police for inspection. If the decision of the traffic police is positive, you can begin work on making changes to the design of the vehicle.

Carrying out work to make changes to the design taking into account the requirements set out in the conclusion of the preliminary technical examination. Upon completion of the work, the organization carrying out the re-equipment issues a statement of the volume and quality of the work performed and a copy of the certificate for services.

Carrying out a technical inspection of the vehicle after making changes to the design in accredited technical inspection shops with the receipt of a diagnostic card.

Obtaining a protocol of technical examination of the design after making changes to the vehicle.

To obtain a protocol of technical examination of the vehicle design after making changes to the Federal State Unitary Enterprise NAMI must be submitted:

  • application for changes to the design of the vehicle with a resolution from the traffic police;
  • a copy of the document for the vehicle (passport, registration certificate);
  • a copy of the document for the replaced unit (PTS, purchase and sale agreement addressed to the owner of the vehicle);
  • a declaration statement on the scope and quality of work (filled out by the service that performed the work) with a technical description of the changes made and the characteristics of the vehicle after the changes were made;
  • documentation describing changes made to the design (sketches, photos, design documentation, etc.), certificates for used components;
  • certificate for car service services;
  • diagnostic card after the conversion, entered into the EAISTO database;
  • a copy of the preliminary examination report;
  • car for inspection.

Obtaining from the traffic police a certificate of compliance of the vehicle design with safety requirements (SCTS), based on the documents listed in paragraphs 1-5.

Entering data on the re-equipment and the SKTS number into the vehicle registration documents (PTS and registration certificate).

So, we have the same scheme that has been described more than once in the media, but in reality often causes difficulties - even stated like this, in specific points, it does not look simple. But apart from this, a number of questions remain, some of which we tried to clarify at FSUE NAMI.

K.: What procedure is provided if a person already owns a car with modifications? How can he legitimize them?

N.: As a rule, for owners who made changes to the design of the vehicle before the entry into force of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union (TR CU 018/2011), that is, before January 1, 2015, the procedure for registering changes is the same, in accordance with paragraphs 1-6, In this case, dismantling of the installed equipment is not required.

K.: Are there any typical situations - in which ones do you issue a positive conclusion, and in which ones do you refuse? For example, is it possible to install a larger engine? Where is the line that your experts definitely won’t cross? And how is it determined?

N.: Experts will definitely not miss design changes that worsen safety parameters or do not comply with the requirements of TR CU 018/2011. Regarding engine power, we can say that it is permissible to install the engine provided by the manufacturer for this type of vehicle. An option with a different engine may also be considered. At the same time, power and torque cannot exceed those of the standard engine by more than 25%. Experts from FSUE NAMI carry out the appropriate calculations or send the vehicle for testing to the Dmitrov Automotive Test Site to obtain a protocol.

K.: Cars are modified in very different ways - here are jeepers with snorkels and power bumpers, and street racers with lowered suspension and large rims, and businessmen who installed LPG on the Gazelle. Can all these people simply show the traffic police officers certificates from component manufacturers describing their installation on a given model?

N.: The presence of a certificate only confirms the safety of the component, but not the safety of the vehicle on which it is installed. Therefore, the procedure for registering changes made to the design for such vehicles is still necessary.

K.: And if a person presents a certificate to the policeman, which says that the installation company tested the car in the prescribed manner (say, in NAMI), received a certificate for the product and its installation on a specific model?

N.: There is only one option not to contact the centers that process changes - if the vehicle manufacturer or its official representative in the territory of the Customs Union has, in the prescribed manner, certified the components of this type of vehicle and received OTTS.

K.: How do you think the legal field should ultimately develop around the new technical regulations and the application of its provisions in practice? Should everyone's title indicate that the car has been modified? Or is it only for those who manufacture and install tuning elements privately?

N.: All changes in the design must be reflected in the documents for the car.

K.: In general, is tuning a good thing or not? Does US welcome competent modifications to the car? Or is a car considered to be in its best shape when it is exactly as it came from the manufacturer?

N.: Tuning, carried out with a sense of proportion and real necessity, can be useful for the car owner.

What's the result?

Let's give a brief summary of what has been said.

  1. Specialists from FSUE “NAMI” note that work with companies involved in tuning is built “on a common basis.” In fact, this means that in terms of registering modifications, tuning studios are equated to private owners - and therefore they are obliged to submit any manufactured car to the NAMI laboratory and receive a “tuned” title for it. The only option for a tuning company not to register each modified car with NAMI is to coordinate with the vehicle manufacturer and carry out the procedure for certifying the components included in this type, followed by obtaining a vehicle type approval and releasing it into circulation.
  2. A tuning company can shift the procedure for registering changes in the design to the car owner, and he, in turn, can not go anywhere, carry a stack of certificates in the glove compartment and, if necessary, present them to the traffic police. But this approach works (not always, however) only because some police officers are still not aware that any modifications, no matter who carries them out, must be recorded in the PTS, and not in the certificate.
  3. All kinds of “swap” of engines (swap, “replacement” (English), when high-performance units are installed in initially low-power cars), as well as serious engine modifications and other serious interventions risk forever (at least for a long time) remaining outside the law. Let’s explain with a simple example: if you have a Lada Granta Sport with a base engine power of 120 hp, and through modification you have increased the power by more than 30 hp. (by more than a quarter), then you cannot receive the appropriate mark in the PTS and legally move on the roads.

This is what the situation looks like at the moment. A hard “no” to those who like to “collect farm”? The beginning of the decline of tuning as a phenomenon? Or maybe the start of new, more professional and balanced directions? So far, all scenarios seem equally possible...

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