Replacing Lacetti brake fluid. Replacing fluid in the hydraulic brakes and clutch of the Chevrolet Lacetti. What kind of brake fluid should be poured into the Lacetti?

Hydraulic brake system Chevrolet Lacetti has two circuits, including the ABS system. Each of these car circuits ensures the braking of the wheels of two mechanisms located diagonally on the car.

The car also has one reservoir responsible for supplying working fluid, both for the clutch system and for the vehicle. The correct performance of the brakes is maintained not only by the need to change the pads, but also by replacing them on time brake fluid(TZ), according to the Lacetti regulations. How to do this - look at the photo.

According to the instructions for use operating fluids for Chevrolet Lacetti, the brake and clutch hydraulic drive system should be filled with 0.5 liters brake fluid.

The manufacturer allows the use of brake fluid that meets the specification requirements FMVSS116 and DOT4 standard.

Some manuals talk about using DOT5 on a Chevrolet Lacetti. It should be mentioned that the same instructions indicate which fuel fluid should be used, the name of which is indicated on the main tank brake cylinder(GTC). Secondly, DOT5 brake fluid is not compatible with DOT3, DOT4+, or DOT4, and moreover, it is not used in cars with an ABS system.

Original brake fluid General Motors has article number 93160363. A similar replacement will be “BRAKE FLUID” brake fluid from Opel, catalog number 1942421, produced by GMotors for Opel cars. The price of this working fluid 450 rubles.

A wide range of fuel fluids from other manufacturers are also available: Fenox “SBrake” SBF4005, Miles “BRAKE FLUID” EBF455, Hella-Pagid “BRAKE FLUID” 8DF355360011, Miles “BRAKE FLUID” EBF910. The price of these liquids varies from 100 to 200 rubles.

Prices are current for autumn 2017 for Moscow and the region.

How to change brake fluid on a Chevrolet Lacetti

To do this, you will have to pump out the old fluid from the tank, add fresh fluid, create pressure in the system (by pumping the pedal or a special device), put a hose on the fitting (one end of which will be in a transparent bottle with liquid), unscrew the bleeder fitting on the wheel caliper, wait until it goes fresh brake fluid without air. It is very important to follow the pumping scheme.

We extract air from the system with the engine off, first from one circuit, and then from the other, observing the sequence of bleeding the brakes: right rear wheel; left front wheel; left rear wheel; right front wheel.

Replacement instructions DIY TJ:

  1. Unscrew the cover of the GTZ tank.
  2. Using a syringe, pump out the working fluid from the tank.
  3. We pour new fuel oil up to the lower rim in the neck of the tank.

    It is important to prevent air from entering the vehicle’s hydraulic system. To do this, you need to ensure that its level in the tank does not drop below the “MIN” mark.

  4. The brakes must be bled with a helper. We clean the wheel brake cylinder fitting from dirt and remove it protective cap.
  5. Using a “10” wrench, loosen the tightening of the bleeder fitting.
  6. We put it on one end of the vinyl hose and lower the other into a bottle half filled with brake fluid.
  7. The helper must depress the pedal 4-5 times, swinging the TJ and hold it in the lower position.
  8. We continue to unscrew the fitting with a wrench ½-¾ of a turn. In this case, old fuel fluid and air bubbles should come out of the end of the tube, and in the meantime the pedal is pressed all the way.
  9. As soon as the fuel fluid stops flowing, tighten the fitting and release the pedal.
  10. We carry out the above steps until a new brake fluid comes out of the hose. In this case, the pedal travel should not exceed half the distance to the floor.
  11. We carry out similar actions on another wheel of the same circuit (according to the diagram).
  12. In the same way we pump brake mechanisms wheels of a different contour (according to the diagram).

To work you will need the following:

  • assistant;
  • transparent tube with a diameter of 4-5 mm;
  • transparent bottle;
  • special key “10 mm”;
  • container for draining fuel fluid;
  • syringe;
  • new brake fluid class DOT4.

We replace brake fluid in a Chevrolet Lacetti.

Unscrew the cap of the brake fluid reservoir.

We pump out the brake fluid with a syringe, but not all of it; it is advisable to leave a little at the bottom so as not to air the system.

Take new fluid and fill it to the MAX mark.

We go down and remove the wheel.

Remove the rubber protective cover. We put a hose on the bleeder fitting to drain the brake fluid.

Replacing the Lacetti brake fluid is a very necessary procedure. Moreover, replacing the brake fluid yourself is not particularly difficult.

It is also worth noting that the hydraulic brake drive and hydraulic clutch drive on the Chevrolet Lacetti are fed from the same reservoir, so when replacing fluid in the hydraulic brake drive, it is advisable to change the brake fluid in the clutch release drive as well.

The working brake system of the Chevrolet Lacetti is dual-circuit, diagonal. Each of the Lacetti brake circuits includes brake mechanisms of two wheels: one front and one rear, located diagonally on the car. If one of the circuits fails, the second circuit, although with less efficiency, will ensure that the car stops.

Why change brake fluid?

It is recommended to change brake fluid every 2-3 years, depending on the age of the car and the condition of the brake system as a whole. Those. The older the car, the more often it is advisable to change the brake fluid. Also, if the liquid changes color prematurely, then it must be changed without waiting for a certain period.

The most important answer to the question - why change the brake fluid - is that brake fluid is hygroscopic. Simply put, it absorbs moisture. And this is very, very bad for two main reasons.

Firstly, this leads to increased corrosion of the brake system elements.

Secondly, the boiling point of the brake fluid decreases sharply. The following can be read on the brake fluid container:

It can be seen that in just one year the boiling point decreases by 30-40%!

I think there is no point in giving further arguments in favor of regularly replacing brake fluid.

Step-by-step replacement of Lacetti brake fluid

To work, you will need an assistant, a 10 mm spanner, and also:

Rubber bulb or syringe;
- transparent vinyl tube with an internal diameter of 4-5 mm, suitable for a dropper;
- container for draining used brake fluid;
- fresh DOT4 brake fluid. IN brake system The Lacetti is filled with 0.5 liters of liquid. But you buy at least 1 liter for replacement;
- inspection hole or overpass (preferably).

1. Unscrew the cap of the Chevrolet Lacetti master cylinder reservoir and use a syringe or rubber bulb to remove all the old brake fluid.

2. Fill the tank with fresh liquid to the top edge.

To prevent air from entering the hydraulic drive of the brake system when replacing brake fluid, make sure that its level in the reservoir does not fall below the “min” mark.

3. On the rear right wheel we find the bleeder fitting, clean it of dirt and put a transparent tube on it. It is advisable to apply WD-40 to it, otherwise these fittings tend to “stick”. We lower the second end of the tube into a container for waste liquid.

4. An assistant slowly presses the brake pedal (about 5 presses at intervals of 1-2 seconds) and holds the pedal pressed. At this moment you unscrew the fitting 3/4 turn. Liquid should begin to drain from the fitting through the tube until the brake pedal reaches the floor. After this, tighten the fitting. The assistant should not release the pedal until you tighten the fitting!

Note! It happens that when you unscrew the fitting, the liquid does not flow through the tube. Especially if you are overdue for a brake fluid change. This means that the inner hole of the fitting is clogged. It is necessary to unscrew the fitting completely and clean the hole. Then screw the fitting into place and continue bleeding the brake system.

Repeat this sequence again until fresh liquid begins to come out of the tube (you can identify it by color).

5. Then we carry out this procedure in sequence - left rear, right front, left front. And carefully monitor the brake fluid level!

I'll say a few words about the sequence of pumping calipers. Some pump diagonally, some from far to near... I think there is not much difference. I tried this and that. The result is always the same. Therefore, I do it the way that is convenient for me and as I am used to the old fashioned way - right rear, left rear, right front, left front.

Therefore, decide for yourself in what order to do this.

Here's the last caliper bleed

After fresh and clean brake fluid comes out of all the fittings, add it to the level in the reservoir, close the reservoir cap and do a test drive, paying attention to the operation of the brakes. After the trip, take a control measurement of the level in the tank.

Here is a video about changing brake fluid

Possible problems with calipers and their solutions

That's it. Take care of yourself and good luck on the roads!

Attention! When operating a vehicle with a trailer and frequent trips on mountain roads, the brake fluid must be replaced every 15,000 km.

We carry out the work on an inspection ditch or overpass.

We pump out the old liquid from the tank with a syringe or rubber bulb.

Fill the reservoir with new fluid.

It is necessary to bleed the hydraulic actuators of the brake system and clutch until new fluid (lighter than the old one) begins to come out of the bleeding fittings of all working cylinders.

Replacing the hydraulic fluid of the brake system

We carry out pumping to replace the fluid with the engine not running, first on one circuit, and then on the other in the following sequence:

  • right rear wheel brake
  • left front wheel brake
  • left rear wheel brake
  • brake mechanism of the right front wheel.
Before pumping, check the level of working fluid in the reservoir of the brake and clutch hydraulic drives. If necessary, add liquid.

We bleed the brakes with an assistant.

We clean the bleeder fitting of the brake mechanism of the right rear wheel from dirt.

Remove the protective cap from the fitting.

An assistant must vigorously press the brake pedal all the way 1-2 times and keep it pressed.

Using a 10mm spanner, unscrew the bleeder fitting 1/2–3/4 turn.

In this case, liquid will flow out of the hose, and the brake pedal should be pressed all the way.

As soon as the liquid stops flowing from the hose, tighten the fitting, and only after that can the assistant release the pedal.

We repeat this operation until new brake fluid (lighter than the old one) comes out of the fitting.

We remove the hose, wipe the bleeder fitting dry and put a protective cap on it.

Remove the protective cap from the brake bleeder fitting of the left front wheel.

We put a hose on the fitting, and immerse its free end in a container that is partially filled working fluid.

We bleed, as described above, the brake mechanism of the left front wheel, unscrewing the bleeding fitting with a “10” key.

Similarly, we bleed the brake mechanisms of the other circuit.

When pumping, you need to monitor the fluid level in the tank and add fluid.

Replacing clutch fluid

We work with an assistant.

Before pumping, check the fluid level in the reservoir on the master brake cylinder. If necessary, add working fluid.

Remove the protective cap from the bleeder fitting.

Use a 10mm wrench to loosen the bleeder fitting, holding the tube adapter with a 19mm wrench.

We put a transparent hose on the fitting, lower the other end of the hose into a container partially filled with working fluid, so that the free end of the hose is immersed in the liquid.

It is advisable to install the container below the level of the fitting.

An assistant presses the clutch pedal several times and holds it down.

With the clutch pedal pressed, unscrew the bleeder fitting 1/2–3/4 turn. In this case, the liquid is forced into the container. Keeping the pedal pressed, tighten the fitting and repeat this operation until new brake fluid (lighter than the old one) comes out of the fitting.

Remove the hose and put a protective cap on the fitting.

After bleeding the brake and clutch hydraulic drives, bring the fluid level in the reservoir to normal.

There is an even simpler option for replacing brake fluid. This method does not require the presence of an assistant. With this method, a certain supply of brake fluid is desirable (at least 1 liter).

We place the car on an inspection ditch or overpass and ensure free passage between the brake fluid reservoir in the engine compartment and the brake cylinders of all wheels.

Use a rubber bulb or syringe to pump out the brake fluid from the reservoir. Add new fluid to the top edge. To speed up the process (to release fluid from all cylinders at once), it is advisable to select four pieces of tubes that fit tightly onto the bleeder fittings of all cylinders. We lower the free ends of the tubes into small transparent bottles.

We unscrew the fittings of all brake cylinders. We make sure that the liquid has flowed through all four tubes. We control the decrease in fluid from the reservoir located on the brake cylinder and immediately replenish the reservoir. We observe an increase in the level of liquid in bottles located near the wheel brake cylinders.

It is necessary to move several times from the position of observing the flow of fluid from the brake cylinder fittings to a position where you can check and replenish the fluid level in the reservoir located on the brake cylinder in order to prevent the reservoir from drying out.

Usually the level rises most quickly in the bottle into which the hose coming from the brake cylinder of the front left wheel is lowered. As soon as there is about 200 ml of liquid in the bottle of the front left wheel, wrap and tighten the fitting of this cylinder. Next, we wait for the same result for the front right wheel cylinder and tighten its bleeder fitting in the same way. The process can be completed after 200–250 ml of liquid comes out through the fitting of each rear wheel.

We make sure that all fittings are tightly tightened. We put on protective caps. Check the fluid level in the master cylinder reservoir.

The condition of the brake fluid in the circuit determines the failure-free operation of the vehicle stopping system. To maintain the brakes, you need timely replacement liquids, its right choice and following filling recommendations. Otherwise, there is a risk of the brake circuit “boiling,” for example, during an intensive, emergency stop of the car.

Selecting brake fluid for the Chevrolet Lacetti

The original General Motors brake fluid has article number 93160363. Its cost is just over 1,000 rubles.

For Chevrolet Lacetti, it is allowed to use branded GM brake fluid with catalog number 1942421. This fluid is used in Opel cars. It has identical composition and characteristics with the original brake fluid GM 93160363. According to official recommendations, both fluid fluids are interchangeable and can be mixed by topping up.

Recommended brake fluids from third-party manufacturers must comply with the DOT4+ class. The use of other brake fluids can cause rapid wear of the brake circuit elements and cause its failure. Therefore, you should only purchase brake fluids that meet all General Motors requirements. Best options The specifications for the Chevrolet Lacetti are given in the table below.

Table - Analogues of the original brake fluid for Chevrolet car Lacetti.

ManufacturerArticlePrice, ruble
BOSCH1987479106 160-200
ATE3990158012 200-250
TEXTAR95002400 150-170
TOYOTA882380111 500-550

Replacement frequency

According to the regulations maintenance Brake fluid should be replaced every 30 thousand km. At the same time, it is necessary to fill in a fresh fuel oil every 2 years, regardless of the mileage of the car. In case Chevrolet operation For Lacetti with a trailer, it is recommended to reduce the replacement time to 15 thousand km. It is also necessary to reduce the interval if the machine is frequently used on mountain roads. Unscheduled brake fluid filling is required in the following cases:

  • repeated boiling of the liquid in the circuit occurs;
  • the presence of foreign impurities in the liquid;
  • prolonged airing of the brake circuit;
  • the presence of plaque on the walls of the tank;
  • the slurry gives off a burnt smell;
  • mechanical damage was detected on the tank body;
  • moisture or other technical liquid has entered the fuel fluid.

Also, unscheduled brake fluid replacement is necessary after purchasing a used car. This is due to the fact that the quality of the liquid poured into the circuit is unknown.

Rules for filling TJ

Used fluid and fresh brake fluid are very toxic, so it is forbidden to simply dump them on the ground. It is necessary to use specially prepared containers.

Even a small amount of oil getting into the brake fluid can lead to a significant deterioration in the braking capabilities of the car. Therefore, you should avoid wiping the surfaces in contact with the brake with a rag containing lubricant residues.

Brake fluid is hygroscopic, so if it is stored in an open container, it absorbs moisture from the surrounding air. As a result, the boiling point of the fuel fluid drops. The risk of being left without brakes increases. Therefore, it is prohibited to use brake fluid from an open container, even if it has been stored there for a short time.

The brake circuit is sealed. Therefore, from replacement to replacement there should not be a significant decrease in the level of TJ. If the volume of brake fluid has noticeably decreased, then simple topping up is prohibited. It is important to find the location of the leak and only after it has been eliminated, add fresh fluid.

Otherwise, brake failure may occur during vehicle operation.

Required Tools

To replace the TJ with a Lacetti, you will need the tools that are shown in the table below.

Table - List of tools required to change brake fluid.

Replacing brake fluid on Lacetti

In order for the replacement of brake fluid on a Chevrolet Lacetti to be successful, you must follow the instructions below.

  • Open the brake fluid reservoir cap.
  • Using a syringe, hose or rubber bulb, pump out the old liquid from the tank as much as possible.

  • Pour fresh fluid into the reservoir up to the rim or maximum mark.
  • Clean the fitting of the right rear wheel from dirt.
  • Remove the protective cap from the fitting.

  • Using a socket wrench, loosen the fitting.
  • Place one end of the transparent tube onto the fitting. Place the second one in a container to drain the liquid.

  • Tell an assistant to press the brake pedal 3-6 times. After this, he needs to fix the pedal in the lower position.
  • Unscrew the fitting half a turn. At the same time, the old slurry will run.
  • When the fuel fluid stops flowing, you need to tighten the fitting. After this you can release the pedal.
  • Bleeding is carried out until new brake fluid begins to flow through the transparent hose.
  • After bleeding the right rear wheel, you must perform similar steps for the left front. Once completed, you need to proceed to the left rear. The final stage of replacing old brake fluid is to drain it through the fitting of the right front wheel.
  • Add brake fluid to the maximum level.
  • Close the tank.
  • Check the performance of the Chevrolet Lacetti brake system.

Brake fluid, like others lubricants, requires periodic replacement. This is due to the loss of qualities that are lost during operation. So, the process of replacing brake fluid on a Chevrolet Lacetti is quite simple.

Video materials

The video will tell you how to quickly and correctly change the brake fluid in a car, and also tell you about the nuances and tricks of the process.

Replacement process

The process of changing brake fluid in the brake system is quite simple. To carry out the work you will need another pair of legs, a 10mm wrench and a syringe bulb. Changing the fluid in all four cylinders can take from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how aware the car owner is in the technique of carrying out this work.

We replace brake fluid in a Chevrolet Lacetti.

So, changing the fluid also involves bleeding the brake system, so let’s look at two questions at once in one topic. The sequence of actions aimed at changing the brake fluid in a Chevrolet Lacetti, regardless of the year of manufacture and body model:

  1. As a precaution, it is recommended to remove the negative terminal from the battery.

    Unscrew the cap of the brake fluid reservoir.

  2. Using a blower, pump out the old liquid from the tank.

    We pump out the brake fluid with a syringe, but not all of it; it is advisable to leave a little at the bottom so as not to air the system.

  3. After this, pour new fluid into the reservoir and begin bleeding the brake system.

    Take new fluid and fill it to the MAX mark.

  4. Since the circuits of the brake system are located diagonally, the pumping scheme is as follows:

    We go down and remove the wheel.

  5. Rear left.
  6. Front right.
  7. Rear right.
  8. Front left.
  9. Now, you need to clean the brake system bleeder from dirt and other unwanted objects. And then, remove the rubber protective cap of the fitting.

    Remove the rubber protective cover. We put a hose on the bleeder fitting to drain the brake fluid.

  10. Attention! Do not clean the fitting with a wire brush or similar objects to avoid damaging the cap. It is best to use a wet cloth.
  11. Take a 10mm wrench and loosen the fitting.

  12. We put a tube on the fitting, and put the other end into a container where the old brake fluid will flow out.

    We drain the liquid along with air bubbles into a previously prepared container and tighten the bleeder fitting.

  13. Pump the brake pedal 3-4 times at intervals of 1-2 seconds. In this case, air may escape along with the liquid. After pumping, tighten the fitting and then release it. We do this several times until the old fluid comes out of the circuit.

    When draining the fluid, pay attention to the color and drain until clean brake fluid comes out. Thus, we pump all the wheels. Then remove the hose and install the wheel back.

  14. Important! During the process, it is worth monitoring the level of brake fluid in the reservoir. If the liquid drops below the minimum mark, there is a possibility of “airing” the system.

    Then we check the brake fluid level in the reservoir; if necessary, add it to the MAX mark. And we proceed to the other wheel, according to the pumping scheme.

  15. We carry out this procedure with each cylinder.

    Having completed the procedure of pumping and topping up fuel fluid on all wheels, we check the level in the tank again (top up if necessary). Then screw the cap on the brake fluid reservoir. Replacement is complete.

After carrying out the work, it is necessary to tighten the fitting and put on the rubber protective cap.

Fluid selection

In addition to the original brake fluid, the Chevrolet Lacetti can also be filled with domestic DotRos-4. It has a lower cost and is slightly worse in composition, but for the mileage for which it is recommended to fill it, for the braking system it is tolerable.

According to the operation and repair manual for the Chevrolet Lacetti issued by the manufacturer, the brake fluid should be changed every 30,000 km. If the car is operated during periods of frost or rain, the fluid should be replaced every 20,000 km.

There is a lot of debate about how much fluid is needed for complete replacement in the brake system. According to the GM factory manuals, 0.5 liters of brake fluid fit into both circuits. When replacing, some of the lubricant is lost, so it is recommended to take 1 liter to be sure.


On the one hand, replacing brake fluid in a Chevrolet Lacetti is simple, especially for those who have already carried out such a process. For a beginner, this procedure may seem quite difficult to understand, and even more so to perform, so in this case it is recommended to contact a car service.

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