Plugged the egr valve. Where is the EGR valve located - cleaning or how to muffle the EGR. Pros and cons of removing the USR

The EGR system has been installed on cars since the mid-70s of release. It was at this time that manufacturers began to pay special attention to the requirements of environmental friendliness of cars.

The functioning of the EGR system is similar to the fact that a person inhales part of the exhaled air again. Air pollution naturally decreases. But it also makes breathing difficult. Photo:

Why is an EGR system needed?

The principle of operation of the USR system is based on a scheme when part of the exhaust gases re-enters the inlet manifold. This allows:

  • reduce the level of nitrogen oxide in the exhaust;
  • introduce an additional level of control of the toxicity of spent combustion products;
  • reduce engine knock;
  • increase the completeness of fuel combustion;
  • accelerate the heating of the inlet path.

Modern control units of internal combustion engines vigilantly monitor the performance of the USR, as one of the systems that ensure the environmental properties of a car. With a user shutdown or inoperability of the EGR, the control unit is able to "choke" the engine for high speed, speeds and increased load. To fix this problem, chip specialists use special software by flashing the microprocessor of the control unit.

Design features

The first EGR system, delivered to Chrysler in 1971, did not have a valve. It worked constantly, even at low speeds and starting the engine, which significantly worsened the engine parameters. For the first time, Buick manufacturers included a pneumatic valve in the system, which provided control of the moment the recirculation system was turned on according to the manifold vacuum pressure. This design proved to be successful; pneumatic valves are still installed on some cars to this day.

This is what the main types of EGR valves look like. Photo:

The solenoid (aka digital) valve, used on most modern cars, has significant advantages over pneumatic:

  • the valve activation control process can be organized based on the readings of a large number of sensors (vehicle speed, crankshaft, throttle, differential pressure at the USR outlet/inlet, lambda probe, flow meter, and others), increasing the accuracy of parameter control;
  • electroelectric valve is more reliable than pneumatic system;
  • regulation of the gas bypass channel can be carried out smoothly in pulse or analog mode;
  • no air tube required.

An electro-pneumatic EGR valve system can be installed on engines that are regulated by two or more recirculation channels.

Structurally, gas vent and valve parts are made of high-alloy steel, capable of withstanding high temperature loads of exhaust gases. With a worn piston group, the valve becomes contaminated with oil products of combustion over time, starts to work incorrectly, and may fail.

The principle of operation of the USR system

The main task of EGR is to reduce the percentage of nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gases. The formation of nitric oxide occurs at elevated combustion temperatures. The temperature can be reduced by lowering the oxygen concentration in the incoming mixture. By opening the recirculation channel, the USR valve lets in exhaust gases, in which there is practically no oxygen. The ignition temperature decreases, the concentration of toxic oxide decreases.

A decrease in temperature leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, its power. This is brought in tribute to the requirements of ecology.

In diesel engines, the amount of recirculated gases reaches 30 - 50%, the valve opens to Idling, closes when the engine warms up. In gasoline models, the EGR valve closes at increased load. The amount of recirculating gases usually does not exceed 10 percent of the main composition.

Self shutdown of the EGR valve

Independent shutdown of EGR is carried out in the following cases:

  • heavy wear piston group Internal combustion engines in cars with high mileage to prevent combustion oil from entering the intake manifold, fouling spark plugs, and increasing smoke;
  • chipping in the process of forcing the internal combustion engine;
  • refueling with bad fuel, pollution of channels;
  • incorrect EGR algorithm.

In cars after 2010, blocking the USR system by the user leads to the fact that the control system begins to forcibly "choke" the engine in order to reduce the concentration of toxic emissions. This is felt by the driver at high speeds and load, high speeds. Experienced chip makers, by forcibly turning off the USR system, reprogram the operation algorithm of the control unit, the fuel card.

Should I disable the EGR valve? Reflections on this topic can be found in the video:

Causes of a malfunctioning EGR valve

The causes of the malfunction may be:

  • low-quality fuel;
  • injector malfunction;
  • incorrect adjustment of the ignition angle;
  • ICE wear, low compression;
  • excessive oil level;
  • problems with electrical equipment;
  • improper operation of internal combustion engine control devices;
  • mechanical wear of the EGR valve.

Usually, problems with the USR valve begin after 100,000 kilometers, when using low-quality gasoline - after 30-40 thousand km.


The main signs of incorrect operation of the USR system:

  • Clogged valve increases its response time, can lead to jamming, which in turn leads to an increase in fuel consumption.
  • A permanently open valve reduces the rated power of the engine, causing starting problems.

Valve failure is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • unstable idle speed;
  • detonation when stopping the internal combustion engine;
  • change dynamic characteristics auto;
  • increased smoke;
  • increased noise of the running engine.

EGR valve control

In cars before 2005, a valve malfunction may not manifest itself in any way, even by the indication of the “CHECK ENGINE” signal light. Therefore, periodically (better before the start of the next season of operation) it is recommended:

  • visually check the integrity of the electrical wiring to the valve, tubes, fasteners, electrical connectors;
  • measure the resistance of the solenoid valve winding (should be between 15 and 200 ohms);
  • do computer diagnostics ICE.

EGR valve repair and replacement

The exhaust gas recirculation valve is usually located in the easily accessible part of the engine compartment farthest from the bumper. Its dismantling and installation usually does not cause problems.

In the event that the winding of the solenoid valve has failed, it must be replaced. If the winding is intact, the problem is severe contamination of the channels, you can clean the USR valve. At the service station, this procedure costs from 1000 rubles. You can save time and money by cleaning the EGR valve yourself.

The first stage of valve cleaning is the immersion of the recirculation and valve channels in a special flushing composition (time from 1 hour to a day, depending on the degree of contamination). As such a composition, you can use a non-aggressive solvent, in extreme cases, acetone.

Most suitable option- carburetor cleaner. It is better to protect the electromagnetic part (winding) of the valve from the ingress of cleaning fluid: this can lead to its destruction.

The second stage consists in purging and further flushing the recirculation channels with a syringe or medical enema. It is better to open the solenoid valve by forcibly applying voltage to it with battery. The pneumatic valve can be opened by applying a vacuum to the pneumatic inlet.

When installing a new or repaired valve, you should:

  • use high temperature sealant;
  • install only a new gasket;
  • observe tightening threaded forces;
  • control the tightness of the pipes.

The EGR valve replacement option is presented here:


Some car owners do not pay due attention to the performance of the USR system, considering it insignificant. However, with the correct operation of the EGR valve, the engine runs smoother and wears out less. Environmental performance is improving markedly, it is so important in our time.

Should I blank the EGR? Or leave? Now we will understand this. And then every seven times he will think before drowning out the USR.

The exhaust gas recirculation system, as it causes so many misconceptions among car owners, that it is a little uncomfortable.

According to my subjective observations, to the question: what is the USR? - only 10-15 percent will give an adequate answer. The rest believe that the USR is the removal of exhaust gases back to the engine so that they burn out there and do not spoil the environment, or, in general, they confuse this system with

Therefore, most immediately try to drown out the USR! And how, of course, you need to jam - after all, he drowned out and he drowned out, and he, in general, drowned out a long time ago. And I haven't turned it off yet! It is necessary to quickly turn off the USR - their engine already receives a lot of oxygen, and mine is poisoned by some kind of exhaust gases

And this trend is growing like a snowball. The more people who drowned out the EGR, the more people want to become parrots and modify their car following the example of the rest, otherwise the engineers at the plant were stupid and could not figure out that the EGR was strangling and killing the engine. Moreover, no one pays attention to the problems that some people have after plugging the USR. After all, initially the goal was not to understand the system, namely to drown it out.

I look at some - oil is running from all the cracks, the engine is no longer visible due to a layer of dirt, you can’t find sensors at all, and it jams the USR to make the engine “easier”

Still need air filter zero resistance put it in, or better, in general, throw it away - you can catch air in the cylinders, that twenty or even thirty horses will be added! After all, they are not put on racing cars either, and they are like a rod along the track. Such a budget tuning.

Everyone wants to hear what they want to hear. Therefore, whoever is an ardent fan of getting rid of everything “superfluous”, I will tell you - turn off the USR valve without fail, because almost everyone does this, so it is necessary.

EGR system (EGR)

As we all know, the EGR system (exhaust gas recirculation) serves to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere, in particular, nitrogen oxides (NOx).

Reference: Nitrogen oxides are harmful and dangerous to the human body. For example, NO is considered a strong poison that affects the central nervous system, can lead to blood damage due to the binding of hemoglobin. NO2 is also highly toxic and can cause respiratory irritation. Of the known compounds of nitrogen and oxygen, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, which are formed during the combustion of fuel in industry and transport, are the most dangerous as atmospheric pollutants. Combining with water vapor, they form nitrous and nitric acids. The latter make up a third of the components of "acid rain". At high concentrations of nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere, poisoning is possible, accompanied by pulmonary edema, ulceration of the mucous membranes, and headaches.

But the USR system does not burn them, as many people think, but does not allow this muck to form initially.

How does the EGR system work?

We will not go into chemical processes, as this is not the purpose of the article. Let's look at this matter in general terms.

The thing is that air is a mixture of gases, including oxygen and nitrogen. At high temperatures, oxygen and nitrogen react to form this ominous NOx. It follows from this that if the temperature in the combustion chamber is reduced to a certain level, then the formation of NOx will be minimal.

There are several ways to reduce the temperature in the combustion chamber:

  • Cooling the fuel-air mixture before entering the cylinders - a lot of nuances
  • Reduce compression ratio - engine power is lost
  • Use a richer mixture - increased fuel consumption and increased emissions of other harmful substances
  • Reduce combustion temperature - what you need

Here's to last way and most manufacturers go, since it is less expensive and has been serving for more than a decade. But how to lower the combustion temperature? Everything here is simple to the point of banality. From school lessons, we remember that oxygen supports combustion and the more it is, the stronger, in fact, this combustion. Everyone saw the gas welder - he has gas in one cylinder, and oxygen under pressure in the other. The gas itself will not melt the metal, but when it simultaneously supplies a lot of oxygen from the cylinder, the metal melts like butter.

This means that at certain engine operating modes it is necessary to supply a little less oxygen to the cylinders with the same amount of total supplied air volume. But where to get air without oxygen? Of course, in the exhaust gases, because there it has already burned out. This is where the EGR system comes in. It adds just the right amount of "oxygen-free air" just when it's needed.

Many will say that for greater engine efficiency and reduced fuel consumption, on the contrary, more oxygen is needed! Everything is correct! Let's figure it out.

As already mentioned, when the temperature in the combustion chamber becomes very high, nitrogen and oxygen begin to interact, and nitrogen oxides are formed. In a gasoline engine, oxygen is needed to burn fuel, and since there is not enough of it due to the already formed nitrogen oxides, the fuel does not burn out completely, which does not contribute to an increase in engine power, but rather reduces it. Fuel consumption and emissions of harmful substances into our atmosphere also increase.

It turns out such a collision - we reduce the amount of oxygen so that it becomes more

Once again, we reduce the amount of oxygen to lower the temperature in the combustion chamber so that the remaining oxygen does not react with nitrogen, but supports the combustion of the fuel.

But even if you do not pay attention to the above, then this system has other equally important useful functions.

From my point of view, the main merit of this system is the reduction of the detonation boundary zone. Knock is the biggest enemy of internal combustion engines, so the engine management system closely monitors this phenomenon using a knock sensor. And if it is detected, the ECU instantly makes adjustments to the ignition timing and to the composition of the fuel-air mixture. These adjustments are designed to avoid detonation to the detriment of the dynamics of the car and economy!

Have you noticed that a car rides better in cool weather, and dulls in the heat? I think yes.

This is due to two reasons. Firstly, cold air is denser and, accordingly, more mixture can be forced into the cylinders. Secondly, this mixture is colder than in hot weather and therefore it is possible to increase the ignition timing without knocking, since knocking occurs in an overheated combustion chamber. That is, the higher the temperature in the combustion chamber, the greater the chance of detonation. And the USR system, as we understand it, is just what is needed to lower the combustion temperature.

Also, the EGR system reduces fuel consumption, improves work efficiency gasoline engine, reduces the "sharpness" of the diesel engine and prevents cylinder head overheating and valve burnout.

You can say in simple terms - the USR system allows you not to squeeze all the "juice" out of the engine in exchange for a long-term engine life!

I will give an example from life.

As you know, the USR system was not invented today or yesterday. It was patented back in 1932 in Germany, when the ecology was not yet particularly worried. What does it say? The fact that this system does not live by a single ecology.

So, a very long time ago my friend had our domestic "Niva" - Vaz 21213. And it had an exhaust gas recirculation system. At that time, this system was even more underestimated and, with the question: “Why is it needed?” - got rid of it safely.

After that, the problems started. For some reason, detonation began to be heard in almost all engine operating modes. They tried to get rid of it by installing a later UOZ, but this step inevitably led to a loss of dynamics, “stupidity” of the car and excessive fuel consumption.

This continued until I put the owner of the Niva on the right path and offered to return the recycling system to its rightful place.

So it was a simple machine with an obsolete engine and no software control system.

And what will happen to your car after the EGR plug? I don't know either, but you might think.

Should I blank the EGR?

No, well, it is clear that the questionable cleanliness in the collector will warm the soul. And if you also turn off the crankcase ventilation, then finally everything will shine in the collector. Moreover, it will shine even more than those who have turned off only one USR!

Well, okay.

It is known that the EGR system is activated in partial load mode, lowers the combustion temperature, which reduces the detonation threshold, and this, in turn, makes it possible to use earlier ignition.

I analyzed diagnostic charts of different machines a lot. Including the Chevrolet Lacetti. And I found two patterns:

  1. Cars that did not have the USR system from the factory (and disabled by software) work with a later UOZ in general
  2. When the USR valve is opened, the UOZ increases. Or vice versa - with an increase in UOZ - the USR valve opens.

Here is an example. The EGR valve opening graph visually constantly repeats the ignition timing graph. UOZ up and the signal for controlling the USR valve is also up, UOZ is down and the USR signal is also down. And the voltage of the knock sensor remains practically the same.

The consequences of jamming the USR

From this we can conclude that the USR system plays an important role in the operation of the engine. This is a whole algorithm of actions that the ECU takes to ensure the CORRECT operation of the engine. Each parameter clings to the other and forms a chain of necessary processes. Therefore, removing one link in this chain can destroy the entire algorithm and lead to bad consequences. Maybe it will not be noticeable right away, and then, after several thousand km, when you will already forget that you once interfered with the operation of the system.

Many people put plugs in the USR valve, but they don’t think about the fact that the ECU continues to open the valve, as before. But the gases do not pass, and the ECU does not see this ...

Therefore, in some cases, satisfied car owners do not even suspect that, together with the plug, they have driven long-term fuel corrections far into the plus ... After all, instead of reducing the amount of oxygen when the valve is opened, we supply the same amount of oxygen as when the valve is closed. I talked about this in the video at the end of this post.

But who needs it - the main thing is that the error does not pop up.

I also can’t understand the expressions - “after jamming the USR, the idling became smooth.” This is not true, since the EGR does not work at idle.

Or this - "muffled the USR - and the car stopped twitching." Have you had any trouble with the same valve before? Simply in these cases, the system is faulty or requires cleaning!

But then again, who cares? It's easier to muffle and the repair is over ...

This can be compared with - it is easier to remove the pads so that the wheel spins normally, and not. So what? I saw these - they smeared the pads with grease so that they would not rub much. Well, at least they didn’t boast on the Internet, otherwise the next day they would have smeared the pads with what God sent.

If the soot bothers you more than the correct operation of the engine, then remove the USR valve not only physically, but also programmatically. And get ready to change the oil more often, as nitrogen oxides in gases, breaking through into the crankcase, will worsen the properties engine oil.

By the way, if there is a lot of soot from the recirculation system, then it is necessary not to turn off the USR, but to bring the engine back to normal! This is like an indicator that not only the fuel-air mixture is burning in the cylinders, but also a lot of oil.

And if you decide to think about nature and are not going to interfere with the operation of the engine, then carry out regular cleaning of the system and it will not cause you problems.

A working EGR system helps the engine, and a faulty one interferes!

EGR valve cleaning

Personally, anti-carbon agents that I steal from my wife in the kitchen help me a lot in cleaning the USR system

There is nothing difficult there. We soak the valve and, for example, clean the soot with a toothbrush. The main thing is to prevent detergents from entering the valve position sensor. It is located at the top of the valve under the cover. Therefore, when cleaning the valve, it is advisable not to turn it over.


In general, the essence of all this writing can be contained in a few sentences. You can jam the EGR system. There is nothing criminal in this and no one will judge you for it. But it’s not worth telling on every corner that the USR system is guilty of all automotive sins and all problems from the USR. In addition to soot, this system does no harm. And if your car was miraculously cured of a bunch of problems after jamming this system, then the reason was not in the USR, but in a malfunction of the USR! Because no one has ever serviced the system and, naturally, it is tired. And everything in the car gets tired and everything requires regular maintenance.

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During the operation of a diesel engine with an EGR system, especially after a run of several tens of thousands of kilometers, owners often complain about a decrease in power power unit and diesel engine smoke. There is also an opinion among tuning enthusiasts that the exhaust gas recirculation system “suffocates” the engine, preventing the power unit from fully realizing the power output. For this reason, many drivers decide to turn off the EGR valve.

In other words, the egr valve plug is actually a shutdown of the exhaust gas recirculation system, which eliminates possible problems with this solution and add power to the engine. Next, we will take a closer look at why the EGR system is jammed, as well as where to plug the EGR valve on a diesel engine and how to do it right. The EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) system is a solution that reduces the level of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of a gasoline or diesel engine. This system for modern ICE absent only on gasoline turbo engines. Diesel engines have different emission standards. For this reason, the EGR of a diesel engine can be implemented in various ways.

The main function of the EGR system is to partially return the exhaust gases back to the engine intake manifold for afterburning. The EGR of a diesel engine allows you to make the operation of engines of this type softer and smoother, gasoline units with EGR suffer less from detonation. The exhaust gas recirculation system can improve performance indicators diesel or gasoline internal combustion engine, reduce fuel consumption. Engine exhaust with USR becomes less toxic.

Why turn off the EGR valve

Let's start with the fact that the EGR system is installed on a diesel engine to comply with the ICE stringent environmental regulations and standards that apply in developed countries. EGR is mainly designed to reduce the level of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of the engine. The system partially redirects the exhaust gases back to the intake manifold, due to which the amount of oxygen in the air-fuel mixture decreases, the formation of nitrogen oxides becomes less intense and exhaust toxicity is within the specified limits. The EGR valve opens at the right time, allowing some of the total exhaust gas to flow back into the intake to be fed into the engine cylinders. As practice shows, the exhaust gas recirculation valve often clogs during operation. The need to jam the egr arises due to the fact that soot and other exhaust components quickly disable the specified element, clogged system prevents the supply of clean air for the most efficient combustion of diesel fuel. On high-quality European diesel fuel, cleaning the EGR valve may be required once every 40 or even 60 thousand km. Riding on domestic diesel fuel forces the specified procedure to be performed every 20-30 thousand km. Moreover, the relevance of equipping the engine with such a system is called into question by many experts. Disabling the USR naturally leads to an increase in the level of emissions of nitrogen oxides. At the same time, emissions of soot, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are noticeably reduced. Also, after the EGR system is turned off, fuel consumption decreases, as the amount of oxygen in the intake increases and the mixture burns in the cylinders more efficiently. In other words, the usefulness of such an exhaust recirculation system is questionable. The environmental performance improves marginally compared to the loss of engine power, increased fuel consumption and fuel costs. service maintenance EGR. There are also separate statements that the rapid contamination of the USR valve and the exhaust supply to the intake lead to increased carbon formation and coking of the combustion chamber. Malfunctions of the EGR system, which are often associated with incorrect operation of the EGR valve, lead to unstable engine operation and increased fuel consumption. Soot and resins get into the engine, the process of accelerated oxidation of diesel engine oil occurs, which greatly affects the overall engine life of the diesel engine. The need to turn off the USR system often occurs at runs of about 80-120 thousand km. The fact is that after such a run, the engine wears out a little. Exhaust gases that are redirected to the intake have a higher degree of pollution. Then they mix with crankcase gases, and the result is the appearance of a powerful layer of resinous deposits in the intake manifold, on the EGR valve, and also on the valves of the engine itself. The intake cross section is clogged with deposits, the diesel engine gradually loses power. A clogged EGR valve leads to errors, the car may suddenly go into emergency mode. It is quite obvious that in such a situation it is necessary to urgently repair the exhaust gas recirculation system or turn it off by turning off the EGR valve.

How to plug the EGR valve with your own hands

Let's start with the fact that the correct shutdown of the exhaust gas recirculation system involves:➤ mechanical damping of the valve; ➤ software shutdown in the control unit; At the initial stage, a mechanical plug of the USR valve is installed. Further, the EGR system is deactivated using electronic equipment. It must be added that only on some models is it enough to physically shut off the EGR valve. Often, after the mechanical shutdown procedure, the software shutdown of the USR valve in the control unit is additionally required. Otherwise, the ECU will fix an error in the operation of the exhaust gas recirculation system, “check” is displayed on the instrument panel, the engine goes into emergency mode with limited power output. The most simplified version of installing the egr valve plug in general terms involves: 1. Removing the valve. The specified element is most often located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intake manifold and is fastened with several bolts. 2. If necessary, the intake manifold is additionally removed and the intake manifold channels are cleaned of dirt. 3. Next, you need to remove the gasket, which is located in the place where the EGR valve is attached. 4. After removal, the gasket plays the role of a template, according to which it is necessary to cut out a similar in shape, but completely blind plug gasket from a steel sheet. The plug will only have holes for the mounting bolts.

Please note that the plug will come into contact with hot pressurized exhaust gases during operation. For this reason, it is necessary to make the EGR gasket of the appropriate thickness in order to exclude the possibility of its rapid burnout. We add that the ready-made egr valve plug is also found on free sale. To order a solution suitable for a specific model, you can use the search on specialized automotive forums.

5. The next step is to reinstall the egr valve. In the place of attachment, the standard gasket and the new plug are combined. When re-tightening the bolts, be careful as they can be quite brittle. 6. At the end, it is necessary to implement the shutdown of the vacuum hoses, since it is no longer necessary to open the valve through the vacuum system. 7. The final step in the procedure for shutting down the recirculation system is to make adjustments to the firmware of the engine control unit in order to programmatically disable the EGR error.

Advantages and disadvantages of disabling the USR

The only drawback of removing the USR can be considered an increase in exhaust toxicity. There are many more pluses. After plugging the EGR valve on a diesel engine, owners note a sharper response to pressing the gas pedal in moderate load modes, the so-called turbo-lag effect on turbodiesels becomes less noticeable. During operation under load, the engine smokes less, the service life of the particulate filter increases, and the intervals between cleaning it increase. The service life of engine oil is also extended, the engine is better cleaned, less prone to coking and wear.

It should be noted that although there is no noticeable increase in diesel engine power after disabling the EGR system, the engine becomes more responsive, and the car itself feels more dynamic when driving.

Finally, we add that if a decision is made to make a power chip tuning of a diesel engine or install a tuning box on a diesel engine, then turning off the exhaust gas recirculation system is a highly recommended procedure.

During the operation of a diesel engine with an EGR system, especially after a run of several tens of thousands of kilometers, owners often complain about a decrease in the power of the power unit and smoke from the diesel engine. There is also an opinion among tuning enthusiasts that the exhaust gas recirculation system “suffocates” the engine, preventing the power unit from fully realizing the power output. For this reason, many drivers decide to turn off the EGR valve.

In other words, the egr valve plug is actually a shutdown of the exhaust gas recirculation system, which allows you to eliminate possible problems with this solution and add power to the engine. Next, we will take a closer look at why the EGR system is jammed, as well as where to plug the EGR valve on a diesel engine and how to do it right.

Why turn off the EGR valve

Let's start with the fact that the EGR system is installed on a diesel engine to comply with the ICE stringent environmental regulations and standards that apply in developed countries. EGR is mainly designed to reduce the level of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust gases of the engine.

The system partially redirects the exhaust gases back to the intake manifold, due to which the amount of oxygen in the air-fuel mixture decreases, the formation of nitrogen oxides becomes less intense and exhaust toxicity is within the specified limits.

The EGR valve opens at the right time, allowing some of the total exhaust gas to flow back into the intake to be fed into the engine cylinders. As practice shows, the exhaust gas recirculation valve often clogs during operation. The need to jam the EGR arises due to the fact that soot and other exhaust components quickly disable the specified element, a clogged system prevents the supply of clean air for the most efficient combustion of diesel fuel.

On high-quality European diesel fuel, cleaning the EGR valve may be required once every 40 or even 60 thousand km. Riding on domestic diesel fuel forces the specified procedure to be performed every 20-30 thousand km.

Moreover, the relevance of equipping the engine with such a system is called into question by many experts. Disabling the USR naturally leads to an increase in the level of emissions of nitrogen oxides. At the same time, emissions of soot, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide are noticeably reduced. Also, after the EGR system is turned off, fuel consumption decreases, as the amount of oxygen in the intake increases and the mixture burns in the cylinders more efficiently.

In other words, the usefulness of such an exhaust recirculation system is questionable. The environmental performance improves marginally compared to the loss of engine power, increased fuel consumption and EGR service costs.

There are also separate statements that the rapid contamination of the EGR valve and the supply of exhaust to the intake lead to increased carbon formation and coking of the combustion chamber. Malfunctions of the EGR system, which are often associated with incorrect operation of the EGR valve, lead to unstable engine operation and increased fuel consumption. Soot and resins enter the engine, the process of accelerated oxidation of diesel engine oil occurs, which greatly affects the overall engine life of the diesel engine.

The need to turn off the USR system often occurs at runs of about 80-120 thousand km. The fact is that after such a run, the engine wears out a little. Exhaust gases that are redirected to the intake have a higher degree of pollution. Then they mix with crankcase gases, and the result is the appearance of a powerful layer of resinous deposits in the intake manifold, on the EGR valve, and also on the valves of the engine itself.

The intake cross section is clogged with deposits, the diesel engine gradually loses power. A clogged EGR valve leads to errors, the car may suddenly go into emergency mode. It is quite obvious that in such a situation it is necessary to urgently repair the exhaust gas recirculation system or turn it off by turning off the EGR valve.

How to plug the EGR valve with your own hands

Let's start with the fact that the correct shutdown of the exhaust gas recirculation system involves:

  • mechanical damping of the valve;
  • software shutdown in the control unit;

At the initial stage, a mechanical plug of the USR valve is installed. Further, the EGR system is deactivated using electronic equipment. It must be added that only on some models is it enough to physically shut off the EGR valve. Often, after the mechanical shutdown procedure, the software shutdown of the USR valve in the control unit is additionally required. Otherwise, the ECU will fix an error in the operation of the exhaust gas recirculation system, “check” is displayed on the instrument panel, the engine goes into emergency mode with limited power output.

The most simplified version of installing the egr valve plug in general terms involves:

  1. Removing the valve. The specified element is most often located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe intake manifold and is fastened with several bolts.
  2. If necessary, the intake manifold is additionally removed and the intake manifold channels are cleaned of dirt.
  3. Next, you need to remove the gasket, which is located in the place where the EGR valve is attached.
  4. After removal, the gasket plays the role of a template, according to which it is necessary to cut out a similar in shape, but completely blind plug gasket from a steel sheet. The plug will only have holes for the mounting bolts.

    Please note that the plug will come into contact with hot pressurized exhaust gases during operation. For this reason, it is necessary to make the EGR gasket of the appropriate thickness in order to exclude the possibility of its rapid burnout. We add that the ready-made egr valve plug is also found on free sale. To order a solution suitable for a specific model, you can use the search on specialized automotive forums.

  5. The next step is to reinstall the egr valve. In the place of attachment, the standard gasket and the new plug are combined. When re-tightening the bolts, be careful as they can be quite brittle.
  6. At the end, it is necessary to implement the shutdown of the vacuum hoses, since it is no longer necessary to open the valve through the vacuum system.
  7. The final step in the procedure for shutting down the recirculation system is to make adjustments to the firmware of the engine control unit in order to programmatically disable the EGR error.

The only drawback of removing the USR can be considered an increase in exhaust toxicity. There are many more pluses. After plugging the EGR valve on a diesel engine, owners note a sharper response to pressing the gas pedal in moderate load modes, the so-called turbo-lag effect on turbodiesels becomes less noticeable. During operation under load, the engine smokes less, the service life of the particulate filter increases, and the intervals between cleaning it increase. The service life of engine oil is also extended, the engine is better cleaned, less prone to coking and wear.

It should be noted that although there is no noticeable increase in diesel engine power after disabling the EGR system, the engine becomes more responsive, and the car itself feels more dynamic when driving.

Finally, we add that if a decision is made to make a power chip tuning of a diesel engine or install a tuning box on a diesel engine, then turning off the exhaust gas recirculation system is a highly recommended procedure.

How to plug the EGR valve

Europeans are very concerned about protecting the environment. To reduce the formation of nitrogen oxides in internal combustion engines, an exhaust gas recirculation system is used.

An important element of this system is the EGR valve. It redirects part of the exhaust into the intake manifold, diluting the fuel mixture with exhaust gases. As a result, the temperature in the cylinder drops, and the formation of harmful oxides decreases.

Many car owners strongly doubt the benefits of the exhaust gas recirculation system, which, moreover, greatly complicates the diagnostic procedure. But the installation of the USR valve plug does not affect the operation of the muffler, or rather the entire exhaust system. There is also an opinion that a lot of extra parts in a car are necessary for manufacturers only to increase the cost of an iron horse and drivers put a plug on the USR valve without any problems.

When to Plug the EGR Valve

The EGR valve is jammed in two cases:

To increase the power of the unit;

If the EGR breaks down, when the computer gives an error, but there is nothing to replace.

How to put a plug on the EGR valve?

The easiest and fastest way is to install the EGR valve plug. To do this, unscrew the mounting bolts and remove the valve. Further, according to the shape and dimensions of the USR mount, you need to cut out the plug. Thick stainless steel is best, if not available, a tin plate will do. Do not forget that the exhaust temperature is quite high, the plate will be in hot conditions.

The hose suitable for the EGR valve is best plugged with a bolt of the appropriate diameter. Install the cut out plate instead of the EGR valve, placing washers under the bolts. The plug must be put on silicone sealant, and the bolts will have to be shortened, since the thickness of the EGR valve body is greater than the thickness of the plate.

After this procedure, which takes no more than half an hour, the computer should not give an error. But if the "brain" is stubborn, you will have to reprogram the BC. Each car model has its own nuances for installing an EGR plug.

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Good luck to everyone and a minimum of damage!

Why and how can I turn off the EGR valve on a diesel engine, is it worth it

In order to reduce the amount of nitrogen oxide emissions and slightly reduce fuel consumption, many models of recent years have been equipped with an EGR system. It returns a certain amount of exhaust gases back to the combustion chamber and makes the diesel work more “soft”. In practice, many motorists are faced with violations of the exhaust gas recirculation system. Since repairs are quite expensive, many simply make a valve plug and do without the USR.

The main part of the entire system is the valve. It regulates the amount of exhaust gases that are reused during fuel combustion. The valve can be controlled by:

  1. Electronics - the position sensor transmits a signal to the controller.
  2. Electropneumatics - control is carried out by measuring the pressure on the manifold and the air temperature at the inlet.

While the engine is idling, the valve opens 50%. When the load increases, it begins to gradually close. This provides the necessary engine power. The valve also closes during the diesel warm-up, until the temperature of the power unit rises to the required value.

EGR valves can be vacuum and digital, their function is to regulate the amount of gases that are fed into the combustion chamber.

The EGR system is designed for fuel High Quality. Refueling at our gas stations, you should not count on the stable operation of the valve and sensors.

When wondering why to make a stub and whether it will lead to disastrous consequences, it is worth considering a little theory. If the recirculation system does not work properly, it is necessary to replace not only the valve, but also to clean other parts. Such repairs are expensive and will be required again after a certain time. From bad fuel, plaque is formed from the remnants of combustion products. If the car is operated quite intensively, then after a few months after the repair, malfunctions will be noticeable. In addition to low-quality fuel, functionality can be disrupted by:

As we can see, the USR system is very whimsical and often fails on diesel engines. On most models, it is only responsible for the amount of harmful emissions and does not affect technical specifications car. A competent plug will allow you to forget about problems with the USR valve and even slightly improve the efficiency of the power unit. But before starting such work, you should still consult a car service and find out the features of the plug specifically for your car model.

How to mute with your own hands

Depending on the design of the EGR system, the valve can be muted in several different ways. Of the tools we need:

  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers;
  • keys set;
  • stainless steel sheet for dampers;
  • solvent;
  • insulating tape;
  • rag.

Depending on the method of jamming, the work can take you a different amount of time, from 20 minutes to 2-3 hours. This is also affected by the electronics and software controls that are used on the vehicle.

Disabling the system by removing the chip from the EGR valve

On some models, the recirculation system is turned off after removing the chip from the valve. She is near fuel filter which is located on the right side of the engine.

The EGR valve is located on the right side of the engine.

To remove the chip, just open the latch that fixes the part.

To remove the valve chips, simply open the latch

After switching off, the valve must be in the closed position.

Sometimes, after removing the chip, error 481 may appear on the control panel. In this case, you should choose a different plug method.

Installation of gaskets and stainless steel plugs

To prevent the flow of exhaust gases back into the combustion chamber, special dampers can be used. They are made from 1 mm thick stainless steel sheet.

Thus, the metal plates will completely block the movement of gases inside the pipe.

EGR valve lock

Here we need a 1 kOhm 2 W resistor, it will block the connector on the valve.

This is the most simple ways shut off the EGR valve. In some cases, more serious disassembly, repositioning of the vacuum tubes or their removal may be required. There are many nuances in such work, and if connected incorrectly, serious problems with a diesel engine can occur.

Video jamming USR in 1.5 dci

Positive and negative sides

The main disadvantages of the USR system, experts call:

  1. Loss of engine efficiency.
  2. An increase in the amount of solid parts due to the reuse of exhaust gases.
  3. The ingress of resins and abrasive into the combustion chamber, which over time has a bad effect on the operation of a diesel engine.

At the same time, the main function of the USR is to reduce the total amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. Unfortunately, due to the rapid failure of the system due to contamination of the valve and sensors, it cannot work effectively for a long time. Most mechanics recommend blanking the EGR. But you should make sure that it is in the closed position. Otherwise, when the USR is turned off, most of the gases will return to the intake, which will lead to unstable diesel operation.

In order to improve the operation of the diesel engine and not spend money on repairing the USR system every time it breaks down, we recommend making a valve plug. In most models, this can be implemented independently, saving on the services of a service center. Before starting work, you need to make sure that jamming will not lead to engine malfunctions.

Is it possible to turn off the EGR valve on a diesel engine and how to do it

Exhaust Gas Recirculation (or EGR) performs an ecological function. This system is the norm for modern car, which contains many programs. It is used for exhaust gas recirculation in engine operation. However, the system clogs the intake manifold and intake valves which negatively affects the machine itself. The presence of the pros and cons of this system divides the owners into two parties, those who care more about the environment, and those who are not indifferent to the fate of the car.

Reasons for shutting off the valve

Should I turn off the EGR valve? Experts answer, if the engine mileage exceeds 100 thousand km - it is worth turning it off.

Many inexperienced motorists do not know why to turn off the EGR valve. In its work, the engine converts gases into nitric oxide. This is what modern ecologists consider the enemy of nature. Turning off the EGR valve, in their opinion, is not always effective for engine operation. A contaminated system can cause even more damage to the engine. A malfunction leads to a decrease in engine power and an increase in fuel consumption.

How does the valve turn off

Not wanting to waste time and money, many drivers decide to apply an independent mechanical shutdown of the USR, the consequences of which can be unpredictable. From failures electronic system to minor breakdowns. You can familiarize yourself with the correct technique of how to turn off the USR valve in the video, where experts explain in detail and step by step what to do and how to do it.

However, this does not guarantee a positive result in your case. Any specialist recommends contacting a service where the USR valve is turned off programmatically and mechanically.

Pros and cons of removing the USR

Nitrogen oxide is formed in the engine system under the influence of high temperature. It will be released in large quantities after the system is shut down. Therefore, the EGR valve plug is definitely a negative for the environment. Removing the system will lead to a cleaner engine and an increase in its dynamic performance, which is an absolute plus for the car.

John Lennon called for a chance to give the world a chance, lying naked on the bed during his next protest. Environmentalists took this much more seriously, who, in an attempt to give the world at least some chance of salvation, force manufacturers to “choke” car engines until they lose consciousness. The introduction of EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation) was supposed to reduce the content of nitrogen oxides NOx in the exhaust.

In general, this is the only task that the exhaust gas recirculation system solves. There are several versions of this system, but the principle of operation of the EGR is always the same: a certain amount of exhaust gases through the valve returns to the engine. This recirculation reduces the combustion temperature, especially in gasoline engines. But just heat- a condition for the appearance of nitrogen oxides.

Nothing else is affected by the EGR. This is a purely "environmental" chip modern motor. Unfortunately, its resource is quite limited, and the time comes when the system stops working as expected (more precisely, it stops altogether). And then the exclusion of the entire system from engine management becomes a good way out of the situation. To be more convincing, let's say that a serviceable EGR does not work on high revs or in emergency mode - under such conditions, the factory program of the control unit provides for its complete closure.

There is no need to be afraid of turning off the EGR: the only unpleasant consequence will be an increased content of nitrogen oxides in the exhaust, but if you put some unknown nitrogen on one scale and trouble-free operation of the car on the other, then the second, of course, will outweigh. For ecology is ecology, and nerves are more expensive.

How and why does the EGR stop working?

There are several options typical breakdowns EGR. This is a jamming of the valve, breaks in the circuit of the actuator or valve position sensor and unaccounted for suction (or leakage) of air. Within each option, several types of breakdowns can also be distinguished, so we will briefly consider each of these breakdowns separately.

The most common case is valve jamming.

We all know perfectly well that soot is formed during the combustion of fuel. Over time, its amount, deposited in the valve, makes it difficult to move. And the valve, of course, wedges. Two options are possible here: either it remains in the closed version, or in the open one. Here, as lucky, and more lucky if the valve remains in the closed position. In this case, at least soot does not enter the internal combustion engine. By the way, sometimes this way of turning off the EGR is practiced - the valve is simply closed programmatically. Why this is not the best way - a little later.

The open position is bad, first of all, because all combustion wastes fly straight into the cylinders. If you look at how EGR works, you can see an interesting picture: in many engine operating modes, the valve is closed and does not take any part in the operation of the engine - for example, at high speeds and under heavy load. Speaking very roughly, the closed position is more natural and does no harm. Unless, of course, the EGR error does not make changes to the operation of other systems that are associated with recirculation.

Since valve jamming is the most frequent malfunction EGR, consider what is most often the cause, and how you can try to delay the death of the valve.

In general, of course, it is clear that the main enemy of the valve is bad oil and unstable fuel quality. To a greater extent, this applies to diesel engines, although it is largely applicable to gasoline. Although we are convinced that the quality of our gasoline and diesel fuel is quite at the European level, in reality this is true only for large chain gas stations, and even then not for all. The market for obviously bad fuels, both gasoline and diesel, still exists in Russia and even thrives.

An important condition for the long life of the EGR is good and timely maintenance. It's clear that it's jammed particulate filter and oil that was last changed on the same day the Berlin Wall fell does nothing to help EGR's longevity. By the way, at good conditions the system may well live 150-180 thousand kilometers. True, it should initially be normal, and not as structurally flawed as, for example, on some SsangYong.

The second common cause is a malfunction of the engine itself. There can be many options here. Any reason that increases exhaust smoke is guaranteed to reduce the EGR resource. For example, a dirty air filter, boost air leaks, a leaky injector, or stuck piston rings. This is a very important factor, especially for those who, by virtue of their convictions, will restore the efficiency of the EGR. Repairs are usually not cheap, so before you deal with the recirculation system, you need to make sure that the internal combustion engine itself is working. Otherwise, there is a chance in the very near future to again be left with a jammed valve.

And, finally, the most paradoxical cause of the valve jamming is his suicide. Yes, oddly enough, the EGR valve has a design suicidal tendency. Here again, you have to go a little deeper into the physics of the motor. Let's do it not much, just touch this process a little.

So, let's imagine a graph on which on one axis there will be the combustion temperature of the mixture, on the other - the level of nitrogen oxides and the intensity of particulation (the appearance of solid particles in the exhaust gases). If you draw a NOx curve, then it will increase with increasing temperature. But the curve showing the amount of solid soot particles, on the contrary, will fall. At a certain point they will intersect.

The difficulty is that the less nitrogen oxides in the exhaust, the better for environmentalists, but worse for the engine- more emission of particulars (soot particles). The task of engineers is to find the most balanced solution: it is necessary to reduce NOx in the exhaust gases, and not to reduce the life of the motor. And yet, in any case, this solution will be a compromise, and the less oxides in the exhaust, the more difficult it will be for the EGR life due to soot clogging of the valve. And so it turns out that this system in the course of work destroys itself, only doing its job of reducing NOx in the exhaust. From this, unfortunately, there is no escape.

The second error, less common, is an open circuit in the actuator or valve position sensor. In this case, the error will look like a discrepancy between the set and actual position of the valve. However, in the first case it will be the same, so the diagnosis must be carried out, and not just anywhere.

And finally, the third mistake is unaccounted for air. Here we are talking about a simple leakage of the system.

Since the nature of the errors in all three cases is different, the methods of repair and partly diagnostics are also different. Of course, they also depend on the design of the motor. For example, EGR errors are often accompanied by air flow measurement errors, that is, air flow sensor (MAF-sensor) errors. And in older systems with vacuum control, there are errors in boosting turbines. So the diagnosis must be taken seriously.

So, let's say that we have found a malfunction, and now we want to get rid of it. How can I do that?

Troubleshooting EGR

I am not a fan of bulleted lists, but here it will come in handy. So, you can fix the problem in the following ways:

  • replacement of the valve with a new original part;
  • use of Chinese analogues;
  • removal of EGR from the system with software shutdown;
  • valve closing.

We have already talked about the first method. It is not the easiest and cheapest, but it has a right to exist. The main thing to remember is that if the system fails ahead of schedule (thousands per hundred runs or less), then most likely there is some kind of problem in the motor. It must be found and eliminated, otherwise the valve replacement may be repeated in the near future, and you will simply throw money away. More specifically, the exhaust.

We will not talk about the second method at all. There are no comments here.

The cheapest and most reliable is the third way. It is they who are usually used when turning off the EGR.

So, here it is necessary to separate the mechanical and software part of the work. What needs to be done with the mechanics?

In general, the task is to block the flow through the valve. The first thing they do is put a stub. Many people think that this is easy to do. In part, this is true. But do not try to put a plug made of thin paronite or a beer can in the way of hot exhaust gases. Such plugs burn out very quickly, sometimes they generally last until the first good press on the gas pedal. The plug must be made of steel, preferably stainless steel, and its thickness should be at least 2.5-3 mm.

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While it is usually easy to weld the valve or remove it and install the diffuser, removing the valve with coolant can be difficult. If the valve has its own cooler, then plugs are simply put on the EGR inlet and outlet pipes. So, for example, they do in the case of working with motors BMW M-series. But, for example, for Volkswagen engines or BMW Series There is no independent circuit N, here the cooling system has to be “ringed”.

If with mechanical part work in most services still cope, but errors are encountered regularly with the software part. So what should be done with the software?

First, stop the valve from opening. Everything seems to be clear here if the programmer knows how to find the corresponding EGR cards in the firmware, but then everything can be much more complicated: you need to eliminate errors in the EGR system, that is, completely remove it from the program.

This is where some programmers go overboard and remove everything that comes to hand. Often their intervention affects the entire diagnostic system, after which the elimination of the consequences becomes a long and complicated process. And, as a rule, expensive (time is money, obviously).

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In addition, you should disable the emergency mode, which sends a non-working EGR. And finally, on some cars, you need to recalibrate the maps by air (air flow through the MAF), if the software does not automatically do this. Sometimes this is also forgotten, and the ECU goes crazy trying to figure out what air came in, where it has so much oxygen from, and what it should do with this incomprehensible mixture now.

And now the last way is to programmatically give a command to close the EGR valve. This method may not always be used. For example, it is justified when physical access to the EGR is difficult due to design features car. And it is completely impossible if the valve is already jammed: the program will not move such a valve. There is only one way out - to disassemble and do everything humanly.

The reliability of this method is not always absolute. First of all, due to the fact that it is not always possible to guarantee that the valve is completely closed. This can lead to soot and other combustion wastes getting into the cylinders, as well as to an unaccounted for amount of air entering through a leaky valve. Therefore, it is still preferable to turn off the EGR completely: both mechanically and programmatically.

To be or not to be?

The last question remains: when should I go to the service to remove the EGR? Suppose we were able to convince you that nothing terrible will happen if we completely get rid of this capricious system. When is the best time to do this?

I already spoke about the valve resource: up to 150 thousand kilometers with good maintenance, you don’t need to worry. If you look at the statistics, diesel cars account for about 80% of service calls due to EGR failure, and only 20% for gasoline cars. Which is logical, because there is more soot in diesel fuel.

In any case, you will definitely have to monitor the condition of the motor. Timely replacement oils, filters, high-quality fuel - this is a prerequisite. But over time, something will still wear out. And if the nozzle can be repaired or replaced (although on most modern diesel engines this is also quite expensive), then changing rings without obvious signs of engine wear just for the sake of EGR operation is probably not entirely reasonable. Moreover, the resource of the cylinder-piston group is still greater than the EGR valve, which will bend regularly even with a small and far from critical wear of the CPG. We have to draw a disappointing conclusion: restoring EGR performance is often an economically unjustified and almost useless thing.

At the same time, do not forget that in a burning light bulb " check engine"and going into an "accident" is far from always the fault of the recirculation system. Only diagnostics will establish the cause of these sad phenomena - as well as the causes of increased smoke, poor dynamics and increased consumption fuel.

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