Call the traffic police to the scene of a minor accident. A new fine has been prepared for minor accidents. Which accident does not require the presence of an inspector?

Any driver, regardless of experience, can get into an accident. You will need to call the traffic police. But in practice, not everyone knows the right phone number. How to call traffic police officers to the scene of an accident in case of an accident?

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Road accidents are always unexpected for those involved. And sometimes the driver is so confused that they don’t know how to call the traffic police to register the incident.

Meanwhile, it is possible to do without a road inspector only in some cases. How to call the traffic police in case of an accident?


The occurrence of road traffic accidents in Russian roads, unfortunately, not uncommon.

No matter how the rules are followed and speed limit Almost every car owner sooner or later has to face an emergency situation.

Emerging nuances

Since July 1, 2015, the procedure for drivers’ actions in case of an accident, approved by .

As before, you must act accordingly, that is, install alarms and not move objects related to the accident.

Drivers are also required to release roadway when cars interfere with traffic. It is when the road is cleared that nuances arise.

If there are no casualties, the car should be removed from the roadway in any case when the car poses an obstacle to traffic.

Namely, impose a fine of one thousand rubles under Part 1 of Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code.

When the road is cleared, it will be necessary to record the fact of the accident using photos or videos with reference to road infrastructure objects. But it is not necessary to have testimony, as before.

Phone number

Almost all operators cellular communication make it possible to use single numbers to call emergency services. Such calls are made free of charge and even with a zero balance.

The numbers of the main operators for calling the traffic police are as follows:

Also available single number for all operators, by which you can call any emergency service. This is the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 112. When calling this number, the operator will switch the caller to contact the traffic police.

It is important that you can call the Ministry of Emergency Situations not only if you have no funds on your mobile account, but also if you don’t have a SIM card at all.

It happens that the most accessible means of communication is a landline telephone. In this situation, you need to call the traffic police at number 02.

But in addition, in each region there are own numbers emergency services. It is advisable to write them down in a notebook in advance and have them in the car just in case.

When calling the traffic police, you should provide the duty officer with such information as the coordinates of the accident site:

  • name of the road, locality;
  • address, street and number of buildings located nearby;
  • a famous object in the city;
  • number of damaged vehicles.

Calling ambulance it is necessary to clarify the number of injured persons and the nature of their injuries. Before the arrival of doctors, all possible assistance should be provided to the injured participants in the accident.

You definitely need to call your insurance agent and OSAGO. The insurance company number is indicated in the policy. The timeliness of payment depends on the call.

Is it possible to cancel a call?

It’s no secret to experienced motorists that you can wait for hours for the traffic police to arrive. Sometimes drivers can’t stand it and leave the scene of the accident.

As a result, they lose driver's license. At the same time, it is useless to prove that you waited for two, five, eight hours.

IN judicial practice There are cases when a participant in an accident waited for the traffic police for twenty-two (!) hours and then left, and for this he was deprived of his license.

It happens that in the first minutes after the accident, the participants called the traffic police. Then, upon closer inspection, it turned out that the damage was minor.

Video: how to draw up a European protocol 2019

The parties agreed to resolve everything amicably and leave. In principle, you can call and cancel the traffic police call. But there are some nuances here.

Participants in an accident must come to the traffic police themselves and register the accident. Drivers can independently agree among themselves.

We recommend that you always have this leaflet in your glove compartment, since in the event of an accident a person is usually in a state of shock and cannot always act adequately. Meanwhile, incorrect testimony of participants in road accidents, failure to fill out necessary documents etc. nuances can greatly influence consequences of an accident. New rules registration of road accidents came into force in 2015.

So, according to clause 2.5 Traffic rules driver in the event of an accident, he must stop, provide assistance to the victims, then report the accident to the traffic police, write down the names of eyewitnesses, indicate the position of the vehicle on the road and wait for the arrival of the traffic police vehicle.

2.5. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and put up a sign emergency stop in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, do not move objects related to the incident.

Further actions of drivers involved in an accident are prescribed in paragraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6 of the traffic rules. In order not to be unfounded, we will quote the points of the law, and below we will analyze them in more detail.

2.6.1 If, as a result of a traffic accident, damage is caused only to property, the driver involved in it is obliged to clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is obstructed, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a road traffic accident or the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles cause disagreements among the participants in the road traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and report the incident to the police for receiving instructions from a police officer about the location of the registration of a traffic accident. If they receive instructions from a police officer to fill out documents regarding a road traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest road patrol post or police department, drivers leave the scene of the road traffic accident, having previously recorded it, including by means of photography or video recording , the position of vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles do not cause disagreement between the participants in the traffic accident, the drivers involved in it are not required to report the incident to the police. In this case, they can leave the scene of the traffic accident and:

  • draw up documents about a road traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest road patrol post or police unit, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles;
  • draw up documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out a notification form about a traffic accident in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance - if 2 people are involved in the traffic accident vehicles(including vehicles with trailers to them), the civil liability of the owners of which is insured in accordance with the legislation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, damage was caused only to these vehicles and the circumstances of the harm in connection with damage to these vehicles as a result of road traffic the incidents do not cause disagreement among the participants in the traffic accident;
  • not to draw up documents about a road traffic accident - if in a road traffic accident only the vehicles or other property of the participants in the road traffic accident are damaged and each of these participants does not need to complete the specified documents.

So, paragraph 2.6.1 prescribes actions to register an accident if there are no injured persons. If any person is physically harmed, such an accident should be registered in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Rules traffic(below).

Registration of accidents without injuries according to the new rules of 2017.

Unlike previously existing rules, now the first step is to record the position of the cars and objects involved in the incident from all possible angles with a camera or mobile phone camera, and clear the roadway. Thus, now there should be no situations where two slightly touching cars create a multi-kilometer traffic jam because they block the passage. You can keep cars off the road only if they do not create any interference with the movement of other vehicles. Otherwise, the arriving traffic police squad will fine both drivers for failure to comply with traffic rules.

Next, drivers should find out whether their views agree on the circumstances of the accident and the damage to their vehicles. If they agree with each other, they record eyewitnesses of the incident and either go to the traffic police to register the accident, or issue notices for the insurance company (if the requirements for the accident are met, for which it is allowed to register the so-called without a certificate from the traffic police), or agree on compensation for damage " on the spot”, without the traffic police. As you can see, there is now no obligation to report an accident to the traffic police. Previously, drivers were afraid to leave the scene of even a minor accident without calling the traffic police, because for leaving accident scene deprivation of rights was expected. Now it is possible to reach an agreement in accordance with clause 2.6.1. Traffic rules and leave, everything will be legal. If the culprit transfers money to the victim for repairs, this must be recorded with a receipt.

If drivers do not agree on the circumstances of the accident or the damage to their vehicles, they should contact the nearest police station, where they will receive instructions on where they should go to report the accident. The traffic accident investigation team of the traffic police will determine the culprit and the damage.

Registration of road accidents with victims according to the new rules of 2017

Registration of road accidents with victims is carried out in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

2.6. If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

  • take measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance medical care and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims along the way, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical facility, provide your last name, registration plate of the vehicle (with presentation of an identification document or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

As you can see, the procedure for registering an accident with injured people is different: first of all, we provide assistance to the victims, or even hitch a ride with them to the hospital, or even take them in our own car. Further: vehicles can be removed from the roadway only if the detour of those participating in Car accidents impossible without forgetting to record the position of the car and all related objects in photos and videos. If there is a free lane or shoulder for traffic, we leave the cars motionless until the traffic police arrive.

Sometimes it is not possible to call and wait for employees at the scene of an accident (remoteness of the accident site, lack of available traffic police crews). Let's consider the option of independently filing an accident without injuries.

If you decide to draw up an accident report without the participation of the traffic police

Record details of witnesses to the incident

Discuss the circumstances of the accident with other participants. All opinions must be the same.

Draw up and sign an accident report

How to draw up an accident diagram yourself

There's probably no need to explain. that the traffic police’s decision on the guilt of a particular participant will depend on the correctness and clarity of the road accident diagram. That's why:

  • We draw a diagram that is understandable and clear.
  • It is mandatory to link the position of the vehicle to objects on the ground (intersections, kilometer posts, etc.)
  • Indicate the braking distance length
  • It is mandatory to indicate the date and time of the accident
  • If there is only one participant in the accident (type of accident - hitting an obstacle, etc.), it is necessary to indicate two witnesses to the accident, they must sign the diagram.

The following must be noted on the diagram:

  • width of the roadway, number of lanes for each direction, availability road markings and road signs, the effect of which extends to the section of the road where the accident occurred, as well as technical means traffic regulation; barriers, traffic islands, stops public transport, sidewalks, lawns, green spaces, buildings (if any);
  • positions of vehicles after an accident, traces of braking and dragging, location of damaged parts and fragments of vehicles, cargo, debris from cars and other objects related to the accident, with their connection to stationary road objects, sidewalks, roadsides, ditches and other road elements ;
  • direction of movement of the participants in the accident before its occurrence

If an accident is registered by traffic police officers, they record the following information:

The traffic police officer must prepare:

  • Information about the drivers and vehicles involved in the accident;
  • explanations of participants and witnesses of the accident;
  • list of damage to vehicles during road accidents;
  • a report indicating additional information that may be important for clarifying the circumstances of the accident and making a decision on the case;
  • all participants in an accident must be issued a certificate of participation in an accident, regardless of guilt;
  • if an administrative offense has taken place, proceedings on an administrative offense case are initiated (a ruling is made or a protocol is drawn up);
  • in some cases, a decision on an administrative violation may be immediately issued.

The case materials must be accompanied by a waybill and/or a car rental agreement, a power of attorney - if the car was not driven by the owner.

Let us add that usually the crew comes to the scene of an accident and draws up a diagram of the accident, then the participants go to the departmental department of the traffic police, where their explanations are recorded in a calm atmosphere, a little later (sometimes the next day) a certificate of the accident is issued.

It would be a good idea to independently record the data of witnesses to the incident, even if the second participant in the accident admits his guilt. Also write down all possible data about the participants in the accident: full names, addresses and telephone numbers, compulsory motor liability insurance numbers and names of insurance companies.

In order not to miss compensation for damages under OSAGO

Drawing up an accident notification form

According to the OSAGO Rules, in order to receive compensation under the OSAGO, an accident notification form must be filled out. Such forms are issued when concluding MTPL agreements. The form is filled out either alone if there are two participants in the accident, or each participant fills out their own copy of the form.

These forms must be sent within five working days by registered mail to the insurer. The victim simultaneously submits an application for insurance payment along with this form. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of an accident issued by the police, a copy of the protocol and a resolution on an administrative offense, if any, in the actions of the person responsible for the accident.

A traffic accident can happen at any time as soon as you start your car and set off. Moreover, there is a possibility of becoming involved in an accident without even being behind the wheel of a car. A collision with a parked car is far from a rare situation: due to the lack of sufficient parking pockets, motorists leave their cars on the side of the road or, in general, on the edge of the roadway.

How to call the traffic police in case of an accident by mobile phone

Each cellular operator has its own combination of numbers to notify emergency services about various types of incidents and accidents. Calls to such numbers are made free of charge; therefore, you can contact and get help even if your mobile phone balance is zero or negative.

  • The police number (traffic police) for MTS, U-tel, TELE2 and Megafon is 020.
  • Beeline provided subscribers with the number 002.
  • Operators Skylink and Motive - 902.

There is also a single number by dialing which you can call an ambulance, police, firefighters and rescuers Ministry of Emergency Situations - 112. Moreover, you can call it from any region of Russia.

By number Rescue services 112 (Beeline - 911) you will definitely get through, even if you are outside the network coverage area and the phone does not receive cellular signals or, in general, does not contain a SIM card or is blocked for debts.

In what cases is it necessary to call the traffic police?

According to amendments to the Traffic Rules, which entered into force on July 1, 2015, the procedure for registering road accidents has changed significantly. In particular, the services of traffic police inspectors are not required if:

  • Only two vehicles were damaged in the collision:
  • each driver has a valid MTPL policy;
  • both participants agree with the circumstances of the accident;
  • there are no casualties;
  • vehicle damage is minor;
  • both are ready to make their own necessary documents recording an accident and come to the traffic police post or police station.

However, current legislation requires the mandatory presence of traffic police officers in the following cases:

  • if three or more cars were damaged (a car with a trailer is considered two transport units);
  • the damage exceeds the amount of 50 thousand rubles;
  • there are casualties, including pedestrians;
  • damaged municipal property(enclosing structures, lamp posts, billboards, etc.);
  • one of the drivers shows signs of alcohol or drug intoxication, behaves aggressively, threatens physical harm;

All participants in a traffic accident are required to wait for the arrival of traffic police inspectors without leaving the scene of the accident or changing the location of the vehicles. A car can be removed from the roadway only after an accident has been registered.

The driver's actions immediately after an accident

An accident is always a huge stress for the driver and passengers. Therefore, before you do anything, turn on the alarm, try to calm down a little and start acting according to the established rules:

  1. Turn off the car and press parking brake, fixing the car in the position it took after the collision.
  2. Assess your own condition and the condition of the people in the cabin.
  3. Get out of the car and place a warning triangle behind the car. (This must be done as quickly as possible so as not to provoke a new accident). Within a populated area, the sign must be installed at a distance of at least 15 meters from the collision site, outside municipalities - no closer than 30 meters to provide drivers of passing cars with the opportunity to make a timely maneuver.
  4. If there are victims, first of all, provide all possible assistance and call an ambulance (numbers for subscribers of all mobile operators - 030), then notify the traffic police.
  5. Be sure to call your insurance company. The insurer's telephone number is indicated on the OSAGO policy form.
  6. Write down the coordinates of witnesses to the accident, especially if they have video footage of the circumstances of the accident. Such foresight will help you out in case of disagreements with other participants in an accident.
  7. Before the traffic police inspectors arrive, just in case, take a photo mobile phone damage to the car, general plans of the crash site, location of vehicle parts on the roadway, brake marks.

In no case “to relieve stress”, otherwise you risk falling under the sanctions of Part 3 of Art. 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation: deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for one and a half to two years and a fine of 30 thousand rubles. It is unrealistic to prove the fact of drinking alcohol after, and not before, the events.

If something as unpleasant as a traffic accident happens to you, try to restrain your own emotions and accept the situation with dignity. The further decision of the competent authorities on the guilt of the participants and the payment of insurance compensation for damage in an amount adequate to the damage depend on the correctness of your behavior, adherence to the algorithm of actions and attentiveness when filling out documents.

From July 1, amendments to the traffic rules come into force - the innovations also specify the procedure for drivers to act in case of an accident ().

Just like today road accident participants will be required to immediately stop cars after a collision, turn on the hazard lights, display a warning triangle and not move objects related to the incident ().

If cars are obstructing traffic, drivers will still need to clear the roadway. But there is one nuance here. Drivers in any accident, as now, will be required to vacate the roadway if movement on it has become completely impossible. If there are no victims in the accident, it will be necessary to drive the car away from the scene of the accident not only when traffic is completely paralyzed, but also when obstacles are created for it. Traffic regulations do not explain what exactly is meant by such a situation - for example, will an accident in the middle lane be an obstacle to traffic if in the extreme left and right lanes The movement continues, but has slowed down a bit. Obviously, this will have to be decided by the drivers themselves in each specific case.

Let us note that the amendments did not establish special liability for violation of this obligation. However, the driver can be punished according to the general norm for failure to fulfill duties in connection with an accident in which he is a participant. The fine for such a violation is 1 thousand rubles. ().

Before driving their cars away from the scene of the accident, drivers will also have to, as now, first:

  • use photographic or video recording equipment to record the position of cars in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects (currently it is enough to fix the position of a car without linking it to road infrastructure objects and its location in relation to other cars);
  • capture on photos and videos all traces and objects related to the incident;
  • take all possible measures to preserve traces of the accident and organize a detour to the accident site.

However, from tomorrow, while recording the details of the incident in photos and videos, drivers will not need to obtain testimony from witnesses.

In addition, from July 1, traffic police officers will go to the scene of an accident only if people were injured as a result of an accident.

The legislator provides for three different situations, depending on which motorists will have to choose one or another model of behavior (,). Let's take a closer look at them.

Situation 1. As a result of an accident, people were injured or killed . In this situation, the requirements for the actions of participants in an accident have not changed. As now, the driver involved in the accident will be obliged to:

  • provide first aid to victims, call an ambulance and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send victims to the hospital in a passing vehicle or, if this is not possible, in your own car (in the latter case, you will need to present your passport or driver's license and the registration document for the car), and then return to the scene of the accident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident and wait for the police to arrive.

Situation 2. As a result of an accident, damage was caused only to property; there are disagreements between drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . From July 1, a driver involved in an accident will be required to:

  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses to the accident;
  • report the incident to the police to receive instructions on where the accident was registered;
  • leave the scene of the accident if the police officer gives instructions to fill out documents at the nearest highway patrol post or police department. If there are no such instructions, fill out the documents on the spot.

Situation 3. As a result of the accident, only property was damaged; there is no disagreement between the drivers regarding the circumstances of the incident . According to the new rules, participants in such an accident are not required to report it to the police and can choose one of the following options.

Firstly, motorists, as now, will be able to complete documents without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out an accident notification form according to the rules of the European protocol and leaving the scene of the accident.

However, in order to register an accident in this case, additional conditions must be met:

  • two vehicles are involved in an accident;
  • both drivers have valid MTPL policies;
  • damage was caused only to cars;
  • the circumstances of the harm do not cause disagreements among drivers.

Please note that the maximum amount of insurance compensation under the European protocol is 50 thousand rubles. For Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions increased limits apply - insurance company can pay up to 400 thousand rubles. However, in order to use them, additional conditions must be met: record data about an accident using navigation tools using the GLONASS system. But if at least one of the drivers received an MTPL policy before August 1, 2014, the insurance payment, regardless of the region in which the accident occurred, will be 25 thousand rubles.

Secondly, participants in an accident will be able to leave the scene of the accident and draw up documents about the accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest traffic police post or police department (there is no need to call the police in advance to receive instructions).

Thirdly, drivers may not complete documents about an accident if only their property is damaged and each of them does not need to complete the specified documents, and leave the scene of the accident.

It's not that simple

Despite the fact that the provisions of the traffic rules spell out the responsibilities of drivers in sufficient detail, in practice motorists may face a number of issues. The editors of the GARANT.RU portal figured out what to do if...


The accident occurred on a two-lane road with no shoulder. On a two-lane road, any accident causes a traffic jam, often for many hours. New edition obliges drivers to clear the roadway if their cars are in the way, but what if there is no shoulder? Managing partner of the company "Antissurer", head of the portal "Antissurer.RF" Ilya Afanasyev explained to the GARANT.RU portal that in such a situation the driver should move his car as close as possible to the right edge of the roadway.


The car involved in Driver accident as a result of an accident, not on the move. In this case, the driver will not be able to independently clear the roadway for objective reasons, but the traffic rules do not contain any exceptions to the rule establishing such an obligation. “You should try as much as possible to move the car to the side of the road or to the right edge of the roadway using a towing rope, asking for help from passing drivers,” advises Ilya Afanasyev.


The drivers agreed not to file any paperwork about the accident and drive away, but one of them subsequently accused the other of leaving the scene of the accident. To prevent this from happening, participants in road accidents should protect themselves in advance. For example, exchange receipts stating that both participants voluntarily left the scene of the incident. In addition, it is advisable to indicate that the participants in the accident do not have any claims of a property or other nature against each other, or to draw up an agreement on the terms of payment of compensation for the damage incurred. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the time and address of the accident site, passport details of both participants and information about the cars and documents for them.

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