Troubleshooting a fiat albea engine failure. Fiat Albea. Starting the engine from external current sources. Automatic transmission fluid leak

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Fiat Albea. Starting the engine from external current sources

If you cannot start the engine due to a partial or complete discharge battery, then you can use the battery of another car to start. To connect the "donor" battery, use special connecting cables with "crocodile" clips.

When starting the engine from an additional battery, carefully follow the sequence of work described in this subsection.

Otherwise, a fire or explosion may occur, resulting in damage to both vehicles. Therefore, when starting the engine from an external source, do not harm yourself, the car and the battery, do it as follows. If you have any doubts, it is strongly recommended that you entrust these operations to an experienced specialist or towing service. Make sure the ignition is off before connecting an external battery. Also turn off all electrical consumers (headlights, audio system, windshield wipers, etc.). When connecting and disconnecting wires, do not allow them to touch each other, as well as contact wires with fans, drive belts or other rotating parts.

Use only 12V external power system. If you apply 24 volt power (two 12 volt batteries connected in series or a 24 volt motor generator set) to the 12 volt starter motor, ignition system, and other electrical components, irreparable damage may result.

Keep open flames or sparks away from the battery. It releases hydrogen gas that can explode in their presence.

Do not disconnect the external battery wires until the engine is running at normal idle. If you leave the audio system on while starting the engine with an auxiliary battery, it could be seriously damaged. Always turn off the audio system before starting the engine from another vehicle's battery.

1. Park the vehicle with the dead battery next to the donor vehicle within reach of the connecting cables.

A warning

Vehicles must never touch each other. Otherwise, an unwanted short to ground may occur, as a result of which you will not be able to start the car's engine with a dead battery, and the electrical systems of both vehicles may be damaged.

2. Brake both vehicles with the parking brake.

3. Check the electrolyte level in the discharged battery

If the electrolyte level is too low or if the electrolyte looks frozen, do not attempt to start the engine with the auxiliary battery! In this case, an explosion of a discharged battery is possible.

4. Fold away a cover from the plug "plus" of the storage battery.

5. Connect the clamp of the connecting cable with red handles to the plus terminal of the battery.

6. Connect the second cable clamp with red handles to the "plus" terminal of the "donor" battery.

7. Connect the clamp of the second cable to the “minus” terminal of the “donor” battery

8. and the second cable clamp with black handles - to the "ground" of the car with a discharged battery in a place located at the maximum possible distance from the battery.

The requirement to connect the wire at the maximum distance from the battery is due to the possibility of sparking at the time of connection.

9. Make sure you have connected the cables in the correct sequence and that they do not come into contact with moving parts of the engine.
10. When using the battery installed on the “donor” car, start the engine of this car and let it run for several minutes at a speed of 2000 rpm

11. Start the vehicle's engine with the dead battery and let it run to a steady idle speed.

12. Disconnect the cables in the exact reverse order of their connection.

Home Electronics repair Automotive

Features of the electrical equipment and engine management system of the Fiat Albea car (Additional)

The electrical equipment of the Fiat Albea car is made according to a single-wire circuit, the function of the second wire is performed by the car body.

The rated voltage of the on-board network is 12.6 V; fuses are used to protect electrical circuits.

The electrical equipment includes a battery (battery), a generator, a starter, engine control systems, lighting and light signaling, as well as instrumentation and additional electrical equipment. Let's consider some of the listed systems (nodes) in more detail. On fig. 1 shows a fragment of a car electrical circuit with generator, starter and ignition switch assemblies.

Rice. Fig. 1. Fragment of a car electrical circuit with generator, starter and ignition switch assemblies

In table. 1 shows the color marking of the mounting wires of the electrical equipment of the Fiat Albea car.

Table 1. Color marking of mounting wires of electrical equipment of a Fiat Albea car

Generator The car has a three-phase alternator with a built-in silicon diode rectifier and an integrated voltage regulator. It is designed to supply car consumers with direct electric current and charge the battery.

Structurally, the generator consists of a stator and a rotor. The stator is made in the form of a ring of separate tightly pressed steel plates. On the inside of the structure there is a stator winding consisting of three coils located at an angle of 120° with respect to each other. The coils of this winding are divided into three groups, in each group they are connected to each other in series, and the groups are interconnected by a “star” (some conclusions of the three groups are interconnected, while others are connected to the rectifier input).

The output voltage of the generator depends on the speed of the rotor, the magnetic flux generated by the excitation winding, as well as on the strength of the excitation current. The integrated voltage regulator ensures the stabilization of the output voltage when the rotor speed and load change. Voltage stabilization occurs due to a change in the current in the excitation winding by switching the power supply circuit of the excitation winding with a voltage regulator. In table. 2 shows examples of the most likely generator failures and their causes.

Table 2. Generator malfunctions and their causes


The starter is a DC electric motor with an electromagnetic traction relay and an overrunning clutch. The starter is powered in the engine start mode directly from the battery. When voltage is applied from the contact group of the ignition switch to contact "50" traction relay starter, it moves the overrunning clutch along the starter axis by means of a lever with a fork and, thereby, mechanically connects the gear on the starter shaft with the flywheel ring gear. At the same time, the contacts of the traction relay are closed, while voltage is applied to the winding of the armature and the starter stator. In table. 3 shows typical malfunctions of the above nodes and their causes.

Table 3. Typical malfunctions of the engine start system and their causes

Fuse blocks The fuses are located in the relay and fuse boxes located in the engine compartment and the car interior (Fig. 2, 3).

Rice. 2. Location of the fuse box in the engine compartment

Rice. 3. The location of the fuse box in the car

The fuse cases are marked with the rated current. When replacing a fuse with another fuse, use a fuse of the same rating. On the inside of the covers of the fuse boxes, graphic symbols of the fuse belonging to a particular circuit are applied. Circuits protected by fuses and their nominal values ​​are given in Table. 4. Connecting various vehicle electrical systems, such as lighting, ignition, light signaling, instrumentation, etc. carried out by means of wire harnesses with connectors. Lighting The vehicle lighting system includes the following elements: — headlights, marker lights with direction indicators, headlight adjustment unit (these elements are structurally combined into the front headlights); — Front fog lights; - rear block headlights, which include fog lights, brake lights and reversing lights, direction indicator lights; — interior lighting. Lighting systems are controlled by multifunction switches located on the steering column. Possible malfunctions lighting systems are often associated with the failure of lamps and fuses. When replacing defective lamps, it is necessary to install lamps of the same power (indicated in the vehicle manual). In the event of malfunctions related to vehicle lighting, a warning lamp lights up in the instrument cluster. In modern modifications of the car, along with the warning lamp, a message appears on the multifunction display informing about the malfunction of one of the lighting devices. The instrument cluster and indicator lamps also includes a multifunction display that displays the following information: - a message about the upcoming maintenance(TO) of the car (the rest of the mileage until the next MOT, the settlement day and the month of inclusion control lamp); - trip computer information ( total mileage, average speed, gasoline consumption, etc.);

— setup menu; — error message; - date, current time, outdoor temperature, mileage (total, daily); - information during diagnostics. Fault messages displayed on the multifunction display are accompanied by a soundtrack and the inclusion of a warning lamp in the instrument cluster. Multiport fuel injection system Consider the device, principle of operation and diagnostics of the multiport fuel injection system in Fiat Albea cars. These vehicles use a distributed injection system for Euro-3 toxicity standards.

Rice. Fig. 4. Simplified electrical diagram of the multiport fuel injection system of a Fiat Albea car under Euro-3 toxicity standards model range 2008

On fig. 4 shows a simplified electrical diagram of the multiport fuel injection system for a Fiat Albea car under Euro-3 emission standards for the 2008 model range, with electronic control throttle valve. The multiport injection system is controlled by an electronic control unit (ECU). It controls fuel supply, ignition timing, idle speed, engine cooling system, air conditioning compressor clutch and generates the necessary signals for the trip computer. In addition, the ECU provides the necessary ratio of air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber of the engine. Also, the ECU exchanges information with the standard alarm (immobilizer) to prohibit unauthorized starting of the engine. In the system of distributed fuel injection of the car, sensors are used that register General characteristics of one or another node, with further signaling to the computer. Various types of sensors are used: potentiometric (resistive), electromagnetic, piezoelectric and others. To reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases in the engine management system on a car, a catalytic converter (catalyst) is installed in the exhaust pipe, it is designed to reduce the content of harmful chemicals in exhaust gases: carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides.

Rice. 5. Catalyst device and sensor installation locations

On fig. 5 shows the device of the catalyst and the location of the sensors. Structurally, it consists of a thin metal case, usually stainless steel, and a porous ceramic grid (honeycomb), the walls of which are coated with platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, rhodium).

An oxygen sensor (lambda probe) is installed directly in the exhaust pipe in front of the catalytic converter, and a diagnostic sensor is installed after the converter. Using these sensors, the ECU monitors the efficiency of the converter and regulates the parameters of the air-fuel mixture. The operation of the distributed fuel injection system of the Fiat Albia car is in many ways similar to the operation of the distributed fuel injection system of cars, the VAZ-11183 Lada Kalina and VAZ-2170 Lada Priora families. The on-board diagnostic system during engine operation constantly monitors the condition and operation of the catalytic converter; in case of malfunctions or malfunctions, the ECU turns on the malfunction indicator lamp located on the instrument panel. Malfunctions of the catalytic converter can be caused by several reasons: - misfire in one or more cylinders due to the fault of the mechanical part of the engine, malfunction of the injectors, ignition system; - use of low-quality fuel. During normal operation of the entire engine management system, the catalyst has a resource of about 100,000 km.

Port injection system diagnostics, troubleshooting Diagnostics of the distributed fuel injection system of Fiat Albea cars is performed in the following sequence: - error codes are read from the computer memory; - erase error codes from the memory of the computer; - check the operation of the engine; - Troubleshoot. For diagnostics, you can use a specialized portable diagnostic tester or a personal computer equipped with specialized software. The tester or computer is connected to the diagnostic connector located in the relay and fuse box in the passenger compartment. On fig. 6 shows a general view of a diagnostic tool based on a laptop.

Rice. 6. Laptop diagnostic tool

Checking the components of the port injection system Checking and troubleshooting the components of the distributed injection system begin with monitoring the voltage at the battery terminals on running engine, it should be in the range of 13.8 ... 14.2 V. During the test and troubleshooting, you should turn off all additional equipment (lighting, the radiator fan of the cooling system should not work, when the car is equipped with air conditioning, it should also be turned off, car built-in musical equipment, etc. must be turned off). After that, the fault codes are read, searched and eliminated. Below are examples of failures and error codes of some components of the vehicle's multipoint injection system.

Air pressure / temperature sensor (error codes P0105-P0108, P0110-P0113) This combined unit consists of a pressure sensor and a temperature sensor. It is installed directly in the air stream in front of the throttle pipe. The pressure sensor is a barometric type, it measures the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the pressure in the inlet pipe. The sensor has a linear characteristic of the dependence of the output voltage (0.4 ... .4.5 V) on the measured pressure (0.025 ... .0.100 MPa). The ECU, based on the readings of the sensor, evaluates the load on the engine and corrects the ignition timing. The air temperature in the intake manifold is recorded by a temperature sensor. This sensor is of a resistive type, its resistance varies depending on the air temperature - at low temperatures, the sensor has a high resistance. The air temperature sensor readings are used by the ECU to set the ignition timing. Structurally, the temperature sensor is built into the pressure sensor housing. In the event of a malfunction of the barometric part of the sensor, the ECU sets the standard pressure value.

Coolant temperature sensor (error codes P0115-P0118) This sensor is installed in the cooling system pipe, the sensor housing is located directly in the engine coolant flow. The sensor is a thermistor. The ECU calculates the temperature from the voltage drop across the sensor, a high voltage level corresponds to a cold engine, and a low voltage level to a warm one. The sensor is checked with an ohmmeter, while the connector from the sensor is disconnected. The resistance of the sensor should be within 0.5 ... 1.5 kOhm. Throttle position sensor (error codes P0120-P0123) This sensor is of the potentiometric type, it is mounted on the body of the throttle body and mechanically connected to the axis of the throttle body of the pipe. The resistance of the sensor changes depending on the throttle opening angle. The manifestation of a sensor malfunction can be different: unstable engine operation on Idling, no increase in engine speed when pressing the accelerator pedal, etc. If the throttle position sensor fails, the ECU registers an error code and automatically sets the nominal engine speed in order to ensure that the car moves to the nearest service station. Oxygen sensor (error codes P0130-P0135) and diagnostic oxygen sensor (error codes P0136-P0141) The oxygen sensor incorporates a sensitive element capable of generating voltage in the range of 55 ... 980 mV, depending on the oxygen content in the exhaust gases and the temperature of the sensitive element. To quickly warm up the sensitive element of the sensor after starting the engine and reaching the set temperature, the sensor includes a heating element controlled by the ECU. Rated working temperature oxygen sensor is ZOSGS. The catalyst body is closed with a protective screen made of aluminum alloys; this design solution was adopted to retain heat transfer and fire safety. During operation of the oxygen sensor, its output voltage changes from low (85...250 mV) to high (680...950 mV). Low level voltage corresponds to a lean mixture (the presence of oxygen in the exhaust gases), and a high level corresponds to a rich mixture (low oxygen content). The output voltage of the diagnostic oxygen sensor on a serviceable converter must be in the range of 600 ... 800 mV. The first signs of a malfunction of the oxygen sensor may be an increase in fuel consumption and a deterioration in the dynamics of the car, unstable idling of the engine is possible. Crankshaft position sensor (error codes P0335 - P0344) The crankshaft position sensor is electromagnetic type, it is installed on the drive cover camshaft at a distance of 1 ± 0.5 mm from the top of the teeth of the crankshaft pulley.

The crankshaft pulley has 58 teeth arranged in a circle. When the crankshaft rotates, the teeth of the disk change the magnetic field of the sensor, creating pulses that are not fed to the computer. Sensor failures are often associated with an increase in the gap between the sensor and the tops of the pulley teeth or with the failure of the sensor itself. Fuel system malfunctions The fuel supply system includes an electric fuel pump, a fuel rail assembly with four injectors, a fuel pressure regulator, and a fuel filter. The operation of the electric fuel pump and injectors is controlled by the ECU. Turbine-type electric fuel pump, it contains a fuel level sensor. Error code for the fuel supply system P0185-P0193. The injector rail is a hollow bar with injectors and a pressure regulator mounted on it. The nozzles are installed on one side in the ramp, and on the other side in the intake pipe holes, the tightness of the connections is ensured by sealing rings. The design of the nozzle is solenoid valve controlled by a signal from the ECU. Through this valve, fuel is injected under pressure into the intake pipe. Error code for the operation of the injectors P0200-P0214.

When diagnosing the fuel supply system, be sure to check the integrity of fuses No. 4 and 6 located in the relay and fuse box engine compartment.

Literature 1. A. Tyunin. "Diagnostics electronic systems engine control cars”, “SOLON-PRESS”, 2007. 2. N. Pchelintsev. "The operation of the electronic module of the throttle pipe for the engine management systems "Euro-3" and "Euro-4", "Repair and Service", 2009, No. 8, p. 46-49. 3. N. Pchelintsev. "Diagnostics of the engine control system of cars VAZ-11183 "Lada Kalina" and VAZ-2170 "Lada Priora"". "Repair and Service", 2008, No. 2, p. 43-48.

Fault error codes and their interpretation in Russian for a Fiat Albea car since 2002

Engine management system

Motronic ME ( OBD) 7.3 H4




Suction height/pressure sensor

intake air temperature sensor

coolant temperature sensor


Throttle/pedal position sensor A


Lambda Probe (Bank 1. Sensor 1)




Lambda Probe Heating Circuit (Bank 1. Sensor 1)


Impaired function


Lambda probe (Bank 1, sensor 2)



Lambda Probe Heating Circuit (Bank 1. Sensor 2)


Injection valve (Cylinder 1)


Injection valve (Cylinder 2)


Injection valve (Cylinder 3)


Injection valve (Cylinder 4)



Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor B


Fuel pump Supply voltage


Various cylinders

Misfire detected


Cylinder 1

Misfire detected


Cylinder 2

Misfire detected


Cylinder 3

Misfire detected


Cylinder 4

Misfire detected


Knock Sensor 1 (Bank1)



crankshaft position sensor

Outside prescribed. nominal range


Camshaft position sensor


Catalyst. The degree of transformation. (Bank 1)

Too low


Fuel evaporation. regeneration valve


Cooling fan 1 Control circuit


Cooling Fan 2 Control Circuit


Movement speed sensor


Idle speed adjustment


Engine Oil Pressure Sensor/Switch

Impaired function


Climate. Installation Pressure sensor


Power supply system


Tempo mat Braking circuit A


Control block

Mass storage error



Control block

Control block

Memory error


Throttle control device (bank 1)

Outside prescribed. nominal range


Exhaust Warning Light (MIL). Control circuit


The motor is too hot. Signal lamp control circuit


Main relay



Throttle position sensor, path 1


Throttle position sensor, path 2

Wrong signal/no signal


Lambda probe connections (bank 1, sensor 1)

Reverse polarity (reversed poles)


Lambda probe (Bank 1, sensor 1)

Signal offset


Lambda probe heating resistance (bank 1, sensor 1)

incorrect value


Lambda probe heating resistance (bank 1, sensor 2)

incorrect value


Mixture adaptation additive (bank 1, mode will force, idle)

out of range


Multiplicative mixture adaptation (bank 1, low engine load)

out of range


Mixture adaptation additive (bank 1, idle)

out of range


Multiplicative mixture adaptation (bank 1, high engine load)

out of range


Accelerator position sensor 1

Wrong signal/no signal


Accelerator position sensor 2

Wrong signal/no signal


Accelerator pedal position sensor, depressing fault

The signal is unreliable


Bad road recognition

The signal is unreliable


Control block. adjustment module. deton

defect detected


Torque control/Demanded motor torque

Too high (torque limit)


Function Tracking / Torque Comparison

Wrong signal/no signal


Signal with pulse width. modulation Radiator fan stage 2

Wrong signal/no signal


A/C compressor relay activation

electrical fault


cruise control lever

The signal is unreliable


Throttle valve control Closing spring check

electrical/mechanical defect


Throttle valve control Checking the opening spring

Electrical/mechanical defect


Throttle control device

Position deviation


Throttle valve control Emergency position

Adapted position out of range


Throttle valve control regulation range


Throttle valve control Replacement recognition without adaptation

Signal invalid


Throttle valve control Adaptation, lower mech. limiter

Error during memorization process


Interrupt due to success. surroundings environments


Throttle valve control Error during adaptation

Rememory error


Throttle valve control sensor 1 during adaptation

Out of prescription nominal range


Safety shutdown of supply of fuel

There is a defect


Safety shutdown of fuel supply by the control module

There is a defect


Exhaust warning light (MIL), activation via CAN bus

Malfunction in the gearbox control system


The requirement to turn off the engine from an automated mechanical gearbox

No CAN message


Movement blocking

Uncorrected/No Signal - Uncorrected the code


Engine bay CAN bus



CAN bus communication in the passenger compartment



CAN bus communication with system diagnostics (host computer)



CAN bus communication with electric power steering



CAN communication to ABS/ASFUESP)



Communication via CAN bus with automated mechan. checkpoint



CAN bus communication with ACC (adaptive cruise control)



Since Albea has not been produced since 2012, you will have to choose exclusively for secondary market. I prepared thoroughly for the purchase, reviewed many options, at least ten pieces. I noticed that many cars, even relatively fresh ones, have stained interiors. Upholstery, as a rule, easily soiled, poor quality. But it's not the best main disadvantage, especially since it is partially eliminated with the help of covers. Many cars with conders have bypass rollers. I understand this is weakness at Albea. Not critical, of course, but I really didn’t want to bother with the replacement. At one time I had a similar problem on Peugeot 206. So I ended up taking without air conditioning. It also came out cheaper. In summer it is a little stressful, of course, but I can stand the heat well, I am thermophilic.

Otherwise, I did not find any special flaws in the cars, which in itself pleased me. In the end, I dug myself a copy of 2011 with a mileage of only 36 thousand in a very good condition. For a year and a half, I dashed off almost 17 thousand more and (Pah-pah!) The machine asked for little during this time.


The exterior of the car, I think, it makes no sense to describe. Anyone who has ever seen on the street knows what Albea looks like.

So I'll go straight to the insides.

In general, comfort is not quite the word that should be applied to Albey. Salon, although its size suits me quite well, many may find it cramped. The doors are thin, almost like on our basins like VAZ 21-15, which I also had to ride ... The pockets in the doors are very small, narrow and incapable. A folded umbrella hardly fits into such a pocket and ... and nothing more. In such cases, I often recall with sadness my old Renault Symbol, where the pockets in the doors were like drawers in a closet, even special departments for one and a half liter bottles were provided. And it would seem that a budget foreign car of the same class ...

Interior trim is also very simple. Everywhere fabric. Even the doors are lined with fabric on the inside. Not leatherette, not plastic, but a thin cloth! I have never seen such machines. I already spoke about the soiled interior. With regard to seats, this issue is solved with the help of covers, but with regard to doors, it is not solved. This, of course, is a minus. Not the biggest, but a minus.

Of the pleasant moments, I can note the three-level brightness of the interior lighting and a very comfortable soft gearbox. I move the pen with one little finger, like a toy.

The trunk for a car of this class is large, roomy. In my opinion, this is a plus and a very significant one.

The stove fires properly. But I noticed a shortcoming. It's only really warm when you direct the airflow towards you. If up or mixed positions, then noticeably colder. And if you point it at your feet, then in winter you will generally freeze. Here on Peugeot 206 I liked the stove better. No matter where you go, it's still warm.

All electrical is working properly. Even in severe frosts, it did not fail. Very fast heating rear window. I was surprised that for some reason there are fog lights in my configuration, despite the fact that there are no fog lights, from which there would be much more benefit. Irrational. But what is, is.

In general, for an unpretentious owner, this car has everything you need. But don't expect anything special inside. Of the advantages, I can also note the body with galvanization. It probably matters to some.

If you have a car without an air conditioner, then the compartment under the hood on the left looks like something was not reported there. Don't be scared. Just such a device. In other configurations, this empty space is occupied by air conditioning, a belt and rollers.

The hood opens in a very peculiar way. It’s not enough, as usual, to pull the lever from the passenger compartment, so you also need to find and pull such a thing under the hood. It bothered me at first, but I quickly got used to it.

The doors are locked by pushing the handles inwards. Not very comfortable. I like the classic locks on top. However, at a speed of 20 km per hour, the doors are automatically locked, so I almost never use these locks.

Obviously, the first Fiat is depicted on native rugs ...

The gas tank hatch opens with a button from the passenger compartment, which is very convenient.

Native caps are screwed together with the wheels. So you won't get lost along the way!


The quieter you go, the further you'll get. I said from the very beginning that it was a donkey. Arranging races on Albea is just stupid. For its characteristics, the car accelerates normally. If we compare from what I had in the same class, then it is definitely slower than Renault Symbol, but faster than Peugeot 206. On the track, even some basins overtake. But on the other hand, the Albeyka holds the road well, does not wag, you feel confident. And most importantly, you know what is reliable.


I'm quite satisfied. With a 1.4 liter engine in the city in the summer, I have real consumption it turned out from 5 to 6 liters per 100 km. Economical. Now in the November off-season, taking into account traffic jams and warm-ups, the consumption is about 7 liters. Last winter it reached 9. But again, I will make a reservation, I have a very economical driving style. I switch ideally, wherever possible, I go to neutral. Kettles, or vice versa, fans can burn one and a half times more fuel. The owner is a gentleman, as they say.

The Albea gas meter is not very convenient in that it does not show the number of liters spent per 100 km, but the number of kilometers that you drive per liter. That is, the higher the number, the more economical the ride. As much as possible, the device can show 50 - and this means that your consumption at the moment is 2 liters per 100 km. Not very convenient to recalculate, but I adapted.


Although this is a Fiat, it is felt that our "craftsmen" still collected it. Fortunately, it is felt only in small things. Having driven Albea for a year and a half, I can say that the engine of the car is just excellent, the hodovka is generally normal. It is unlikely that this machine will give you some serious trouble. But there are little things that can spoil the mood. Here are some of the ones I encountered.

doors. Doors on Albea are just some kind of hemorrhoids. Basically, all the minor troubles were associated with them.

  1. Case one. It began with the fact that having rolled the first autumn, I began to notice that I had back seat something plops all the time, like throwing a balloon of water into it. At first I couldn't figure out what was going on. Then I guessed that the sound comes from the back doors. Shake them back and forth. So it is - inside the water! How did she get there? The rains were good, of course. But where did the water seep through? Searched, searched, and found it. The rubber bands on the windows were of poor quality. There are tiny holes in the corner, and on both rear doors. Through these holes, water gradually leaked during the rains. I sealed the holes with sealant. It won't pour anymore. And how to pour out the water that has already been collected? At first I went, not knowing what to do. So he splashed water from behind. I'm very tired of it. I was already thinking about drilling holes in the doors somewhere from below, so that it was imperceptible. I began to inspect the doors and accidentally found special factory kingstones below, closed with rubber valves. Well, as if specifically for this occasion provided! Through these kingstones, I poured five liters of water from each door. Hasn't been picked up since then.
  2. Second case. In the first winter, during the first frosts, on one “happy” morning, all four doors froze. None could be opened. I had to pour boiling water. After that, I properly missed all the joints, but still a couple of times it happened that they froze, though not all at once and I could get into the car.
  3. Case three. Having rolled for about a year, I noticed that the front passenger door began to fit loosely. The lock slams shut, but with some strange sound, and the door, when viewed from the side, seems to be skewed. At first I thought the hinges had sagged. Well, I think I'll have to go to the service, go broke. Then he carefully examined everything again and found that the bracket on the rack, for which the door lock clings, had loosened. The issue was resolved in half a minute with an asterisk screwdriver. And a miracle! The door was in place.
  4. Case four. At about the same time, one of the rear doors creaked with a loose bracket. The issue was resolved with the help of a Vedash.
  5. Case five. It happened very recently. And it is connected not so much with the door itself, but with the handle on it. If you open the driver's door, then the handle on it itself in starting position does not return, so raised up and remains. Looks like a spring has broken. As a result, in order to slam the door, you first have to lower the handle, and then slam it. Here's what I'm thinking about doing. Again, it seems to be a trifle, but again annoying. Winter is on the way. I don't want to pay money for something like this. Most likely, I will drive like this until spring, and then in warm weather I will disassemble the handle myself and fix it.
  6. Case six. This time there are no doors. The trouble turned out to be connected with the very gearbox that I like so much. It happened in March. I left the house one morning, warming up the machine beforehand … I stick the first one … nevermind! What the hell?! I start to poke the handle back and forth. None of the transmissions are engaged. The handle moves in only one position - horizontal. I spent about twenty minutes, cursed and went to work by bus. This was the only case when I decided that the machine failed. The most interesting thing is that the car was actually fine, and if I knew what the problem was, I would have solved it in three seconds. But I didn't know that at the time. In the evening, when I returned from work, I fiddled for another two hours, hoping that the box would work. Nothing happened. I realized that the case is rubbish, it seems that something serious has broken. This incident happened on Friday. And the next day I asked my brother to tow me to the service. So we hooked up the cable and drove off. Let's go, let's go, it's not far from the service ... But I have to fork out for new box oh how I don't want to! So I tried for the thousandth time to stick some kind of speed, although I knew that it was useless. And here is a miracle! Happened! The box is perfect as before. Well, I immediately signal to my brother to slow down. So we didn't get to the service. What happened? Don't know. We then decided that something was frozen inside. The weather was such that it would either melt or freeze. And as the car drove a little in tow, everything fell apart and it became all right again.
  7. Case seven. A few days later, in one wonderful morning, the same rubbish with a box was repeated. I, already taught by bitter experience, grunted, got out of the car, put pressure on the back with my heroic shoulder and rolled it forward from half a meter. That was enough. The box is working again.

In general, I described cases when the car gave me minor troubles. They did not cost me a penny of money, but they slightly frayed my nerves. However, theoretically, if you yourself don’t figure out what’s what in time, each of these cases could serve as a reason for contacting the service, where they would not miss the opportunity to divorce me ... So keep in mind if you are thinking of buying such a car. Sometimes you have to turn on your brains and hands. Rarely and on trifles, but it is necessary.


Now that the machine asked for a year and a half of operation.

Total for a year and a half invested in the car 10 780 rubles. I don't count oil and filter changes every six months. It goes without saying. Judge for yourself whether it's a lot or a little. In any case, nothing else broke, and I really hope that nothing will break for a long time (Pah-pah!).

On the whole, I really like my donkey, and I plan to ride it for quite a long time, especially since I have invested in a hodovka. Yes, the machine is small. Yes, not for Schumachers. Yes, not for those who love comfort. Yes, minor flaws are possible, and I honestly talked about them. But all this I consider uncritical. In general, the car is reliable, it is felt that it is durable. And this is the main point. Definitely recommend for people who are not picky.

The car uses a system of distributed fuel injection with feedback. Distributed injection is called because fuel is injected into each cylinder by a separate nozzle. The fuel injection system allows you to reduce the toxicity of exhaust gases while improving driving performance car.
This section only briefly describes the malfunctions of the injection system caused by the failure of certain sensors. The procedure for removing and installing components of power supply and engine control systems is given in the subsections "Power supply system" and "Engine control system".
In the feedback injection system, an exhaust gas catalytic converter and an oxygen concentration sensor in the exhaust gases are installed, which provides feedback. The sensor monitors the concentration of oxygen in the exhaust gases, and the electronic control unit, using its signals, maintains such an air-to-fuel ratio at which the converter works most efficiently.

Before removing any components of the fuel injection system, disconnect the wire from the "minus" terminal of the battery.
Disconnect the battery only when the ignition is off.
Do not start the engine if the cable lugs on the battery are loose.
Never disconnect the battery from the vehicle's electrical system while the engine is running.
When charging, disconnect the battery from the car's on-board network, as an increased current during charging can damage electronic components.
Don't let it get hot electronic block control (ECU) above 65 °C in working condition and above 80 °C in non-working condition (for example, in a drying chamber). It is necessary to remove the computer from the car if this temperature is exceeded.
Do not disconnect or connect the wiring harness connectors to the ECU while the ignition is on.
Disconnect the wires from the battery and the wire connectors from the ECU before performing arc welding on the vehicle.
Perform all voltage measurements with a digital voltmeter with an internal resistance of at least 10 MΩ. The electronic components used in the injection system are designed for very low voltage, so they can easily be damaged by electrostatic discharge. To prevent damage to the ECU by electrostatic discharge:
- do not touch the ECU plugs or electronic components on its boards with your hands;
- when working with a programmable read-only memory (PROM) of the control unit, do not touch the pins of the microcircuit.
It is not allowed to work on leaded gasoline of an engine with a converter - this will lead to a quick failure of the converter and the oxygen concentration sensor.
When working in rainy weather, do not allow water to enter the electronic components of the fuel injection system.

The vast majority of fuel injection system malfunctions are caused by the failure of the following sensors:

Complete failure of the injection system, the engine does not start;

- - decrease in power, increase in fuel consumption;

- - an increase in fuel consumption, a significant deterioration in dynamics, problems with starting the engine;

- - loss of power, jerks and dips during acceleration, unstable operation in idling mode;

- (installed on the rear end of the cylinder head under the bracket of the electronic unit of the engine control system, removed for clarity) - difficulties with starting in cold weather: you have to warm up the engine, maintaining the speed with the accelerator pedal, when overheated, power decreases significantly, detonation appears;

- - increase in fuel consumption and the level of toxicity of exhaust gases;

- - in case of valve failure, a significant deterioration in dynamics and "swimming" of the crankshaft speed in idle mode, up to a complete stop of the engine;

- - increase in fuel consumption, decrease in engine power, unstable idling. Possible damage to the catalytic converter of exhaust gases;

- (installed on the right side of the cylinder block in the region of the 2nd and 3rd cylinders) - the engine is very sensitive to the quality of gasoline, increased tendency to knock;

- (installed on the gearbox housing) - deterioration in the dynamic qualities of the car and an increase in fuel consumption are possible.

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