Aquarius sign designation. Zodiac sign Aquarius: horoscope, meaning and description. Strengths and weaknesses

Maria Svetlaya

Characteristics of Aquarius by zodiac sign - changeable by nature, but not liking sudden changes in personality, with an unpredictable character and enormous creative potential. These are people with constant internal conflict. It is impossible to predict their behavior.

It is difficult to give an accurate description of the representative of this sign - he is subject to mood swings and is elusive, like his very element - Air. The main thing for such people is their own freedom and independence. This is what gives room for imagination and creativity, and inspires new exploits.

What does this sign mean? Under it, people are born who cannot sit still. Their life is a constant movement and aspiration towards the future.

Thanks to their powerful energy, they constantly attract other people to them, and their innovative ideas are often far ahead of their era.

Aquarians love experiments, are friendly and hospitable, can adapt to any conditions and have a clear intellect.

They are distinguished by their expressive appearance, they are excellent housewives and conversationalists. independent, do not like to enter into official marriage, but at the same time kind and sympathetic.

Every Aquarius is a powerful idea generator

Aquarius birth dates

The month of Aquarius begins in the third ten days of January and covers the first two ten days of February. That is, everyone born from January 21 to February 20 belongs to this sign. But at the same time, those born in the first and last week can also combine traits inherent in the previous and next zodiac signs (Capricorn and Pisces, respectively).

  • People born in the period 01-1.02 feel the influence of Venus. Therefore, these are most often timid and modest men and women, with a soft character, prone to melancholy and picky in love affairs.
  • Those who were born on February 2-12 feel the influence of Mercury. The patron planet gives them wisdom and clear mind, good sense of humor. These are people who tend to be arrogant and strictly adhere to social norms of morality.
  • Those born in the last ten days from February 13 to February 20 feel the influence of the Moon. This is manifested in their emotional restraint, a tendency to frequent disappointments in life and high sensual sensitivity. They value the truth very much and know how to insist on their own.

Aquarians love extreme sports and adventures

Compatibility of Aquarius with other zodiac signs

Who is suitable for Aquarius in love? People of this sign always rush headlong into love and surrender to this feeling completely. According to the forecast, the most suitable relationship for marriage with an Aquarius may be with Gemini, Cancer or Libra.

People of this sign are not at all prone to casual advances and flirting. First of all, they will study a potential partner and only then will they allow themselves to show their attitude

In adulthood, Leo will be an excellent partner, but for spiritual development and self-improvement, a stable and calm Capricorn is more suitable than anyone.

Aquarius has the best sexual compatibility with other air signs - Gemini and Libra.

In relationships, Aquarians tend to be faithful

Compatibility chart for Aquarius and other zodiac signs

Aries Good compatibility, but the idyll can be broken on the shore of everyday life and problems. Relationships are possible long and stable, without any extremes. If there are no financial problems, this union can become happy.
Taurus A successful and active relationship between two realists. But the marriage does not last long due to the unpredictability of Aquarius and the stubbornness of both signs. Life together is full of emotions and storms.
Twins Both signs have a similar love for society and travel. This is a very favorable union, the main thing is that both have somewhere to direct their energy outside the home. Routine is destructive for them.
Cancer Despite the possibility of a long and happy union, these two can completely suddenly put an end to the relationship. At the same time, their breakup will be stormy.
Lion Both signs are prone to adventure and always find something to have fun from the heart. They are compatible in all areas of life, give each other freedom and value their partner. This relationship is more of a strong friendship than a passionate romance.
Virgo Aquarius is capable of becoming a muse for Virgo, but she, in turn, limits the freedom of the air sign with her feelings, which will cause a breakup after the first passion passes.
Scales The idyll of a beautiful romance will disappear with the onset of everyday life, because everyone has their own habits and their own view of the way of life for the family. But if Libra compromises and does not encroach on the freedom of Aquarius, they can have a long and pleasant relationship for both.
Scorpion This is a union where each partner lives on his own. Both are leaders. Only Scorpio acts as an eminence grise under the Aquarius leader. This is a real game with fire, where the sensual Scorpio is constantly ready to explode next to the cooler Aquarius. However, marriage prospects are good.
Sagittarius This is an ideal couple if we talk about a long-term, but without obligations, romance. But family life, with its restrictions and feeling of lack of freedom, will quickly get boring for both. Children are unlikely to be able to cement their relationship; you should decide on their birth only after thinking everything through well.
Capricorn They feel good together, but at the same time, frequent scandals and showdowns are common for them. The airiness and unpredictability of Aquarius baffles and unbalances the more stable and grounded Capricorn. Cases of long family life in such a couple are rare.
Aquarius Despite or, on the contrary, despite the similarity, you should not expect a deep relationship in this couple. They can be wonderful companions or passionate lovers, faithful partners, but not husband and wife. In this regard, they will constantly be haunted by a feeling of some emptiness and incompleteness.
Fish A creative union, full of all the necessary attributes - emotionality, mental anguish and excitement. This provides food for their talents, but is of poor help in family life. After the novelty of the relationship and intimate life wears off, they will realize how different they are.

The element of Aquarius is water?

When people hear the name of this zodiac sign, they mistakenly believe that its element is water. However, this is not the case Aquarius belongs to Air and Wind. This is what determines their fickle and impetuous nature. But they also dislike sudden changes, because Aquarians are still air. They preserve the knowledge that they strive to give to the world around them.

Aquarians are a storehouse of useful knowledge

For such people it is important to live where there is free air movement and winds. As a last resort, there are air conditioners. You should choose a workplace closer to the window. You should walk more in the fresh air, go into nature, and spend less time in enclosed spaces.

By nature, Aquarians are most often sanguine, with a cheerful, open and easy-going character. Fidgets and dreamers. But they make all decisions only after carefully considering the consequences.

What are Aquarius children like?

Calm, balanced, obedient and quiet - all these epithets do not apply at all to children born under the sign of Aquarius. These kids are a real hurricane and bedlam. They are restless, noisy and completely unpredictable. This is a constant headache for parents.

An Aquarius child is a real punishment for parents

But they cannot be denied imagination.

Little Aquarius is a real generator of ideas

But it’s with the next stage – implementation – that usually all the problems arise. It's about restlessness and a constant thirst for action. It is difficult for a child to sit down and pay attention to one process and bring it to its logical conclusion.

Babies born under this sign are emotionally unstable and sensitive. Their emotions and feelings quickly replace each other. And it is important for parents to ensure that their child grows up in a climate that is psychologically comfortable for him. This will contribute to the development of his character and the discovery of his talents. Although these children are not known for their obedience and complaisance, they can easily be persuaded to compromise. It is enough just to treat the child with respect.

As you know, a name can determine a person’s future life and destiny. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to his choice. What names are best for children born during this period?

If it is a boy, you should pay attention to the following options:

  • Vitaly,
  • Arthur,
  • Hermann,
  • Evgeniy,
  • Novel,
  • Ariel,
  • Ruslan,
  • Hilarion.

More suitable for girls:

  • Elsa,
  • Albina,
  • Xenia,
  • Aelita,
  • Juliana,
  • Ilona,
  • Vlada,
  • Darina,
  • Svetlana.

What profession is suitable for the freedom-loving Aquarius?

Profession is an important choice in the life of every person. And talented Aquarians are no exception. On the one hand, they have a whole list of qualities that make them excellent workers: high abilities in various fields, diligence, discipline, an innate sense of responsibility, agreeableness, and the ability to explain clearly and clearly. On the other hand, it can be difficult for them to devote themselves to just one thing. They can from time to time change not only places of work, but even areas of activity, all the time being in search of something new.

Both men and women of this sign can easily find their calling in the field of arts or media: in journalism, cinema, on stage, in sociology. They are also attracted to scientific practice, law, pedagogy, religion, and engineering.

In any profession, every Aquarius is an innovator and generator of ideas

Thanks to their focus on the future, many representatives of this sign become inventors or initiators of inventions. And although their ideas may seem strange and completely utopian to their contemporaries, this does not mean that they are divorced from reality. Simply, these ideas are aimed at a longer term.

Aquarians are born teachers

If Aquarius has chosen a job that involves publicity, he periodically needs solitude to replenish his strength. Such people are great at working with people, but should avoid the service industry. In addition, business would be a bad decision. Representatives of the air sign show themselves best as hired workers, from whom maximum discipline and responsibility are required. True, it is still unusual for Aquarius to devote himself to the last drop even to his favorite job.

Aquarius symbols and talismans

The symbol of the eleventh zodiac sign is water bearer. He personifies the desire of Aquarius to bring more new and fresh ideas and thoughts into this world. People of this sign give to others much more than they themselves receive in return. Aquarius is a symbol of a clear and strong mind, creative talents and abilities.

Aquarius sign - man pouring water from a jug

The main symbol used to display this zodiac sign in writing is two winding parallel lines, waves.

The following can become mascots for a representative of an air sign: objects related in one way or another to the elements, flight, sky or just quite unusual and extravagant:

  • key (as an assistant in various endeavors),
  • butterfly (has a calming effect, gives harmony, attracts friends),
  • icons (protect from bad deeds, strengthen self-confidence),
  • amulets coins,
  • angels in images or figurines (bring happiness),
  • castle (can become a family amulet and talisman, protects against infidelity)

The key is one of the symbols of Aquarius

Which tree and flower patronize Aquarius?

Each sign has plants and trees that protect it.

If we talk about airy Aquarius, then for him the happiest are myrtle, narcissus and violet

They also point to defining character traits: the desire for power, selfishness and modesty. And all this, oddly enough, coexists harmoniously in one sign.

By decade of birth, the dominant plants can be distributed as follows:

  • The first is the immortelle, elegant but modest.
  • The second is mistletoe, with a risky character and inimitable charisma, a witch’s flower.
  • The third one is a beauty. Women are attractive and have a gentle character, and men, although they do not shine with beauty, are excellent hard workers.

According to the Druid horoscope, the first decade is patronized by cypress, the second by poplar, and the third by cedar. Cypress gives sternness and calmness; such people do not chase success and are big dreamers at heart. Poplars are neat and collected natures, know how to organize their lives and have a remarkable mind. Cedars know how to adapt to any conditions, are courageous and devoted to their favorite work.

Narcissus is the flower of Aquarius, talking about his selfishness

Suitable colors for Aquarius

Every person likes certain colors. But they are often predetermined by the zodiac sign. For example, the main colors for Aquarius are white and blue. They are the ones who show that the sign belongs to the air element. After all, these are the colors of the sky and clouds. And also the colors of the sea. This is the best choice of colors.

Blue, white and green are colors that can bring good luck to these people

Blue color is not only happy, but also healing. Its power can bring peace, give a feeling of calm, remove negative emotions and experiences and relieve pain.

The green color and its shades simultaneously calm the owner and fill him with life-giving and positive energy, which can inspire and stabilize his health. This color is also known for its beneficial effect on our immune system and improves digestion.

Especially avoid Aquarius people are worth red, black and orange colors.

Lucky metal for Aquarius

The most important The metal of this sign is silver. It gives a feeling of calm and balance, somewhat dulls the natural egoism of Aquarius and makes it softer. Also favorable for the eleventh sign are copper, gold and tin. They can become wonderful amulets. The softness of these metals also symbolizes the rather gentle character of its owner. Tin can charge with energy, and gold can neutralize the negative influence of the Moon on character.

You can wear items made of brass, nickel or titanium. Bad choices are cupronickel, white gold and platinum.

Silver earrings “Flowers”, SL(price on the link)

Gold brooch with topaz and cubic zirconia, SOKOLOV(price on the link)

March 31, 2018, 10:56 pm

What are the principles of happiness for Aquarius? Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aquarius.

Secrets of Aquarius Happiness

You are characterized by isolation and an excessive desire for in-depth study of the surrounding reality; this does little to help you form lasting attachments. Your feelings are more emotional than sexual. You also have a love for everything strange and unusual, and this tendency can become an obstacle in your desire to give happiness to the person you choose. It's not that you can't love deeply and sincerely... it's just that you need change, and this is the root of the possible problems.

It is for this reason that marriage is not your main priority - after all, the ties and shackles of family life are not created for people like you. You may become cold towards family life, which has become a serious test for you. You crave freedom, strive to follow the path you have chosen, finally you want to do what you want, and you will be outraged by the demands of another person and his interference in your affairs - you rebel against any bonds. However, you are not at all against interaction, the free play of feelings and thoughts, and will be happy about the flexible union of two souls while maintaining complete freedom and mutual understanding. It's a tough job, but maybe you'll get lucky!

Astrological characteristics of Aquarius

Symbol: a person holding a jug.

Ruling planet of Aquarius: Uranus.

Sign: air-fixed-positive.

The sign of an inventor, a seeker of truth.

Character of a true "Aquarius": honest, loved by people, friendly, truth-seeking, hesitant, impractical; this person is kind, but suspicious, undisciplined, has developed intuition, is tolerant of other opinions, and is impartial.

Positive qualities of Aquarius: honesty and the pursuit of truth, kindness and attention to people, significant creativity and intuition, tolerance, attractiveness and friendliness.

Negative qualities of Aquarius: strangeness and eccentricity, impracticality, absent-mindedness, instability, intractability and indiscipline, tendency to hesitate.

Your personality is Aquarius

All schools of astrology agree that Aquarius is the sign of giftedness and creativity, and all view this sign as a sign of failure and suffering. Your character is marked by extremes. You are the extreme individualist of the Zodiac. Despite your undoubted intelligence, you are characterized by a feeling of great indecision. On the one hand, you are very strong and very independent, you are a born humanist, on the other hand, you have a wonderful sense of humor, good-natured and impartial, giving you the ability to laugh at yourself.

Your symbol, the water bearer, indicates your ability to enrich the world with new, inspiring thoughts and ideals. You give more than you receive from the world, sincerely striving for the well-being of society and any individual.

Your sign, the eleventh, “air” sign of the Zodiac, serves as a symbol of intelligence and creativity, and is also a sign of help, friendly support and sincere camaraderie. All this brings you luck and gives you a tendency to do strange, unusual things.


Most people love rainbows. But Aquarius love her more than anyone, they live on the rainbow. Moreover, they took it apart, examined every color and yet continue to believe in it. And it's not so easy to believe in something after you know what it really is. But Aquarians are avid realists, despite the fact that their address is tomorrow. You must always be prepared for any surprises with this sign. Generally kind and calm by nature, they take great pleasure in challenging public opinion and secretly enjoy shocking conservative people with their unusual behavior. They may surprise you with some out-of-the-ordinary act at the most unpredictable moments. They can appear barefoot in public if they feel like it and laugh at you if you laugh at them. You can recognize these people by their frequent use of the word debt. They may even offer you friendship after their relationship ends.

Aquarians are not naive or over-sophisticated, not enthusiastic, and not indifferent. Their main feature is the curiosity of penetrating the next secret. And the next secret could be you. But he is interested not only in you, but also in other people. Politics attracts them, sports absorbs them, children intrigue them, the same can be attributed to many other things. You need to forget your ego when communicating with an Aquarius, his relationship with you will not be his only interest and goal in life. The freedom-loving Aquarius can be funny, original, independent, but can also be diplomatic, sympathetic, timid and gentle. They are almost desperate to be around people, they always have friends, but at the same time they often have dark periods of loneliness when they want to be completely alone. But no matter what state Aquarius is in, he always retains a keen insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs. Uranus makes them rebels who instinctively feel that old traditions are wrong and that the world and people need drastic changes. Aquarius always analyzes the situation, friends and strangers. You may feel awkward when they ask you direct, often tactless questions, getting to the bottom of your feelings. But when they discovered that the crossword puzzle was not that difficult for them, they become bored and even upset about it.

Nothing can be more offensive than feeling like an Aquarius is no longer interested in you and he has turned to another, more interesting person. Despite stability in friendship, Aquarians do not have many friends, they strive for quality in friendship, not quantity, and they rarely establish lasting relationships, because... they are always wondering what's around the next corner. Therefore, they always have only a few real attachments.

If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his emotions. But if you've touched an Aquarius's heart, he may get off his bike and go back to see what he's missing. Aquarius is often surrounded by a special atmosphere of isolation; people often do not understand them. This happens because humanity simply cannot keep up with them, because... they live in the future and come to the present only for short periods. They understand this, and this understanding exacerbates the feeling of isolation. Aquarius wanders alone among his clouds while we mere mortals wonder what he is doing there. Astrology teaches that what Aquarius thinks about today will be something that the whole world thinks about 50 years from now. This sign is known as the sign of geniuses, since 70 percent of famous people are Aquarians.

On the other hand, among them there is a very high percentage of those who are treated in psychiatric institutions. Aquarius is a curious mixture of coldness, practicality and eccentric fickleness. Almost any Aquarius can calm a mentally ill person simply by talking to him. They also have an amazing ability to calm a hysterical or crying child, a frightened person. Apparently Aquarius very delicate nervous system. Their horizons are very broad. Among them there are rarely individuals with prejudices. Aquarius feels at ease in any environment, because they have the opinion that everyone around them is brothers and sisters. His periods of solitude are rarely long and do not try to disrupt them. At such moments he only wants to be alone, leave him alone, soon he will be with you again.

Aquarius prefers a free agreement on anything, without committing himself to any obligations and most often saying: “maybe”, “perhaps”, but if he names the exact time and date, he will be very punctual. Aquarius will not dictate anything to you, so you should not dictate to him how to think or live. Everyone has their own life and everyone dances their own dance to their own music. Individuality must be respected. Aquarius lives according to his own rules and believes that this is enough. He will never fight for anything, he is not a coward. He's just not made for fighting. They prefer to agree with you rather than engage in a long discussion. Their reaction is unpredictable, but one thing I can assure you is that their opinion is always stable. A person who knows how to conduct a discussion can defeat you, because... their attention can be easily diverted. They say that Aquarius debates with a hat: they just put it on and leave. However, their intelligence and desire for truth will not retreat one iota when they defend their firm conviction. Any screams and emotional pressure will not make them turn away from their path.

Aquarians are full of surprises, which also causes hostile criticism. Aquarius will not warn you what he intends to do, he will simply do what he sees fit. Trust in people does not come easily to them - they must first study your soul properly. It can be difficult to be under their gaze; he will study you for a long time and carefully. Sometimes you may get the impression that Aquarius is not listening to you attentively, and his gaze may be absent. In fact, this is not so, he sees and hears everything. But he does not take your words at face value, he will study you from head to toe, he wants to know what is hiding behind this coin. But at the same time, it’s nice to know that if he has already accepted you, then he will always be your faithful friend and will not believe any malicious gossip, although he may listen out of pure curiosity. At the same time, Aquarius draws his own conclusion.

Their diseases are related to the circulatory system. They freeze in winter and suffer from humidity in summer. They are susceptible to diseases such as varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, in old age, if their emotions are directed in a negative direction. They often have weak ankles, may have pain in the legs due to poor circulation, and frequent sore throats. They need fresh air, sleep and movement. But they rarely use it. They close the windows and cover themselves with a warm blanket. The strong nervous tension that accompanies their mental activity prevents them from getting enough sleep. If they are not accustomed to sports from childhood, they move little in adulthood. They have excellent diagnostic health. Aquarians are very susceptible to hypnosis, they benefit from hypnotic sessions, and electric shock treatment also works well for them.

They don't have the best memory in the world, but they need to remember a lot because... it seems that they receive knowledge from some invisible antenna. A typical Aquarius is the embodiment of the legendary absent-minded professor. And at the same time, they are able to capture what is happening around them like a radar. For example, they can be talking to someone and still not miss what is happening on the other side of the room. Their ability to penetrate into the unknown and comprehend various secrets with their special intuition reaches the heights of psychological penetration. They can feel you well and know your secret desires. Aquarius does not tolerate lies or deception. They do not like to borrow and lend. But if you borrowed money from him, you must return it on time, because... They also repay their debts on time. Aquarians rarely lie, but they can fool you very subtly. They are called idealists, but it seems to me that this is an exaggeration, because... they are too insightful to believe in anything blindly. They know for sure that most dreams are just illusions. They can dream and at the same time understand that not all dreams are real. His mind and body must be free as the wind. Trying to stop Aquarius is like putting the wind into a bottle; it is impossible to do. His soul is constantly governed by Uranus, which leads him into the future. Aquarius is the embodiment of the hopes of humanity and its ideals.

You can look into the lonely heart of an Aquarius only for a second and at the same time, if you also live in tomorrow.



He will not behave the way other men usually behave in love. As for friendship, he will be a good friend and advisor. What about love? He believes that any man can have a woman, but love is something big! And he is always waiting for this more. When he feels like he might be hooked, he acts as if he doesn't like you at all. The reason is simple - he loves everyone, everyone is his friend. And if he says that he doesn’t love someone, then that means something. And what does this mean we are now exploring.

Aquarius does not want to reveal his true feelings, despite the fact that he loves to penetrate the souls of other people. His own reactions and motives are complex. He prefers to hide them for the pleasure of fooling you. He has many strange relationships, both in love and in friendship. And until you get married, you are another experiment for him, no matter how hard it is to admit. But don't turn away, it can be obtained despite all his caution. But before you begin your trek against him, you need to understand his unique way of looking at people. It’s as if he invented fair rules for sports games and translates these rules into relationships between people. His interests are very scattered. This is because his love is very impersonal. He sees a certain personality in every person, while other people spend their energy only on a certain circle of their acquaintances. For him, every person is interesting, even those he has not yet met.

Few Aquarians are selfish or petty. Even if he exhibits these qualities, a small hint is enough to make him fall into place. He simply cannot stand being told that he is not broad-minded enough. He responds to unusually broad ideals thanks to his strict moral principles, although one must understand that these are only his own principles, which may absolutely not correspond to the principles accepted in society. His life is almost certainly full of changes, unexpected events, contradictions. However, he may have moments of complete calm. When he gets over the shock of allowing himself to become interested in one woman more than others, he can be a very attentive lover. The danger zone is located before this shock, because he is used to forgetting about his own problems for the sake of the interest of the majority, this attitude carries over to his love life. But don't count on that alone.

He may well realize that he can give you all his love while there are other people who need him too. Then he can step back to prove to himself that he has not lost interest in other people. He constantly analyzes and will ask himself the question: “I wonder what she meant?” He won't rest until he finds the answer. If he feels that something is hidden from him, he will not sleep at night until he solves the riddle. There seems to be a possibility that he will always be disappointed by what he discovers. Therefore, try to ensure that this does not happen.

A woman who wants to connect her life with him must first of all interest him. An open book never arouses his curiosity. If a woman either ignores him or does not consult him regularly, his eyes will open wider and a wary expression will appear in them: “Is she really so changeable or is she pretending? Does she need men to court her or not? Why is she so emotional?” See, you can be emotional if you don't explain why. And when he searches for the answer to these questions, you will feel somewhat flattered, but when you see that he shows the same curiosity about the waitress or conductress, you will begin to cool down. Of course, feeling like an insect under the cold gaze of a scientist is not exactly what makes a woman’s heart beat. Therefore, in the end, the woman runs away to a more earthly man, and Aquarius sighs a little sadly and begins to consider romantic exploration.

He may be gentle and soft, but you should remember that his superficial calm is a mirage. He does not tolerate any opportunism from women. If he thinks that he is being exploited, his charm will quickly evaporate. The most unpleasant thing about him is that an angry Aquarius is capable of the most shocking actions. And what's even more frustrating is that you can forgive him for it. Don't do such a stupid thing at least once. He admires women who stand firm in their positions, as long as she does not become too much like a man and allows him to fly here and there, without demanding promises and without any tearful promises.

It should be noted that Aquarius is usually gallant with the weaker sex, but at the moment of excitement, the differences between the sexes are erased for him. It is quite possible that he will gain some prestige in life. It could even be a Nobel Prize. Many Aquarians reach the top, but many have become patients in mental clinics and the differences between these people are difficult to notice.

Aquarius often has an admiration for purity. Behind this is an almost nervous fear of germs and disease. And this carries over into his love life; don't be surprised if he starts complaining about allergies to your mascara or perfume. He has the ability to develop allergies to things he would like to avoid. And he can even fool doctors, not to mention a simple-minded woman. This is not the type who will pleasantly surprise you with generous gestures. He would rather pick a dandelion and bring it to you than cover it with purchased flowers. He won't give you fur coats or diamonds, but with him you can live brightly without diamonds.

The most unpleasant fact about Aquarius, unlike other signs, is its attitude towards marriage. It's negative. Moreover, most of them try to avoid it as long as possible. And it helps him that he makes friendship the basis of love, so that it is easier to slip away from you, dear. He will choose a woman who shares his interests because it is easier. If there are many topics to talk about, then there is less time to discuss love topics. And he is afraid that love can carry him away too much. His ideal is a woman - a friend, without emotional feelings for him. And where will we end up then? Well, usually nowhere.

He rarely relaxes in physical expressions of love. And it will take a long time for the first kiss to materialize. Of course, waiting has its own charm, because... after this it will be even greater. But he is inclined to think that his relationship with you is platonic love or friendship. This can continue until they become unbearable for you. At the same time, he constantly invents a way to reject the marriage. But all is not lost: in the end he still gets married. This usually happens when all his friends are already married. And he proposes very suddenly, you understand that this is the merit of Uranus: I want to warn you that you cannot joke with him when you are trying to get him to marry you.

Tell him that you are leaving for someone else - he will not run after you, overwhelmed by a sense of possessiveness. He will shed two stingy tears and say: “Well, the best has won!” He will go without you with insulting ease. He may even ask you the unbearable question: “Can we remain friends?” He is not jealous and will trust you until he sees that you cannot be trusted. And not because he is distrustful by nature, but because... with the help of his analytical mind, he has already studied your character. He will rarely be unfaithful to you physically because sex does not consume him. When Aquarius has chosen a wife, he believes that he can now concentrate on more important things.

Sex is part of his higher idea of ​​the ideal, i.e. he doesn't think it's the only thing worth living for. If he believes that you are not satisfied with him in some way, then he will abruptly break up with you, because he prefers this than continuing a dishonest relationship. The worst thing is that he never explains the breakup. He will even pretend that your relationship was just fun from the start, which can be very cruel. He is capable of breaking even at 80 years old. Your only reassurance can be that he is also suffering.

As you can imagine, Aquarius can be very stubborn when it comes to love. But don't let the feeling of possessiveness take over you. At times, you may not know where he is or who he is with, even after you got married. Say that this is just his curiosity, interest in people, even if you know that a woman is involved. If you want the truth, then ask him a direct question, but if you doubt the answer, he may make up an incredible story to punish you. Don't be offended when he is in a dark mood and prefers to be alone, he will come back.

Wealth and great fortune are rarely an end in themselves for them. He will generally be smart about money, but you will have to save. Children will be happy to tell him everything, because... he is interested in their lives, and he himself is an excellent listener. The wife should serve him dinner on time, the buttons should be sewn on, you should not talk a lot with your friends on the phone. Throw the book if he needs to pull out a splinter. He married you for several reasons, although love certainly played a role, the most important reason was that he needed to have you around so that someone could cook dinner, find a lost article. His ideal wife is a woman who does this all the time, but you probably won’t be upset about it.

He is so full of different interests that you won't need a girlfriend or a book. When you share women's gossip with him, he may listen to you somewhat absent-mindedly, but if he needs help, you should be there. Oddly enough, Aquarians never forget their first love. (Do not confuse with the first woman.) Despite his clumsiness in love, he can say very good words about his feelings. He may forget your wedding anniversary, but unexpectedly bring you a bouquet of violets in February. He may not say a single pleasant word for months, and then say a few beautiful words about you, but in a way that makes your knees shake. You and he will see rainbows at night, celebrate birthdays at dawn, light candles on pies, after all, you married an Aquarius. But be careful, you might get lost in this wonderland.



When entering into a relationship with her, you need to remember that she is as paradoxical in love as in everything else. She has enough loyalty, like all strong signs, when she is in love, but she also has a lack of emotions, like all air signs. You can have a good relationship with her if you give her the freedom to follow her interests and move among her friends. Never try to tie her to the stove or to the bedroom. Ask those who have already tried to do this.

Her dreams are different from yours and mine: she follows her star, which most of us do not see. It belongs to everyone and no one. Her love can be boring and inspired, but there is always some elusive quality in it, reminiscent of a half-forgotten motive. Her demand for freedom is very persistent, but her loyalty to someone who can accept love within this framework is limitless. And here's a detail you might like - she won't be interested in your bank account. Money is not the first goal of a typical Aquarius women. You may not be the richest man, but you should always be respected, when you decide to catch that butterfly, remember that she will never waste her life on a man who is not true to himself.

She has her own concepts of ethics, which may be completely different from the generally accepted ones, but she lives according to them. She also understands that your life rules may be individual: but in this case, do not deviate from them. If you are looking for a passionate woman, then you have picked the wrong flower. Passion is not her strong point. She believes that physical love is quite pleasant if not too much attention is focused on it.

An Aquarius woman may respond to physical love with great enthusiasm, but if you prefer to keep the platonic relationship longer, that will suit her just fine. Like all Aquarians, she has a subconscious fear that the desire for one person can curb her and deprive her of her only love - freedom, the freedom to experiment and explore, to devote her time to other people, as well as the freedom to explore her imagination. This would be the ideal woman for you if you are pursuing a scientific or educational career. But you may not have luck with an Aquarius woman.

You may find a woman among this sign who likes to shock people by walking barefoot down the street or smoking a cigarette on the bus. Among them there are completely unbridled women, but the average type is usually pleasant to society. She is graceful, witty, bright and surprisingly adaptable to all levels of society. Its characteristic feature is the absence of suspicion under ordinary circumstances. If she catches you cheating, it will hurt her deeply, but she won't be suspicious of you for no reason.

She will rarely distrust your word, will never check where you went, or call you at work, putting you in an awkward position. But you must understand that the lack of passionate jealousy does not entirely come from the strength of her character. First of all, she will examine you under a microscope, and then take a second look at you. In addition, she has so many personal interests that there is no time to think about where you went. Out of sight, out of mind. The absence of her lover rarely makes her heart beat faster. It happens that this woman suffers by marrying a man who loves to flirt. But in such men there is something, apparently, that she can only find in them, and that she really likes. She can forgive them a lot, but she will suffer at the same time because they allow themselves something unnecessary in relationships with other women.

On the other hand, if she loves you, then at the first sign of infidelity, she will immediately leave. Of course, you can still remain friends. Why not! It often happens that she maintains good relationships with former lovers and husbands. And there is one exception to this rule: she will remember her first love all her life. This woman rarely starts affairs while married. Exceptional situations can tempt them, but honest relationships are more important to them, so their affairs outside of marriage are quickly interrupted. Many of them get divorced. They themselves do not seek divorce, but this is less of a shock for them than for other signs, more sentimental. Uranus makes you want to strive for change, and since she is an individualist and has a large list of friends, she is never afraid to be alone if necessary. She may be interested in secret things, analyzes them, but do not try to penetrate her secrets, her motives are always hidden from you. Sometimes she may even enjoy it, which misleads you. For Aquarius, telling a lie is one thing, but not saying something is completely different.

You can borrow money from her. This can be done once or twice, but if you try to do it again without repaying the previous debt, she will refuse you. And in rare cases, when she borrows from you, she will return it to you every penny and on time. She always feels bad about borrowing money.

Her appearance is amazing. As a rule, these are pleasant women and even beautiful, but their appearance can be very changeable. She can give the impression of a very well-groomed woman and suddenly one day she makes an impression completely opposite to the original one. Like Libra, these are the most beautiful women in the Zodiac, or at worst the most interesting.

She also dresses unusually. She can be the first to wear the most fashionable clothes, and on the other hand, she can stick to her grandmother's style. It is possible that her hairstyles will be very different, but you can be absolutely sure of one thing: her hairstyle will be different from the hairstyles of other women. You can have a pleasant conversation with her, she has pleasant manners, she is usually timid and reserved. But then the usual abrupt change for Uranus may occur - it may “give out” a remark that is not relevant to the conversation at all.

Her mind can jump into tomorrow and then jump into today with as much lack of direction as a flash of lightning. From time to time she can make sarcastic remarks, even rudely ridicule something. And never try to impose your opinion on her in an argument. She doesn't like to feel equal to everyone. This can cause her to retreat and become completely unavailable. Since Uranus rules the future, one can assume that she will be a wonderful mother, but usually such a woman finds motherhood confusing: she needs to adjust to spending all her time and energy on one little person, albeit for a period.

In addition, her isolation does not give her the opportunity to openly demonstrate her love for the child, and nevertheless, she is very attached to children, never overprotects them, and rarely punishes them. Despite the fact that Aquarius loves to change the order of things, she will only become a mother when she becomes your wife. And before she becomes your wife, you need to convince her that marriage is not synonymous with prison. She will not rush headlong into marriage. She will not rush to take your hand until she has studied you, weighed everything and found out what you are capable of. The opinions of her friends and relatives mean little to her, although she may ask out of curiosity what they think about it.

Let's assume you pass her test. Marriage to her will not be easy. She will listen to your advice, but something in her Uranian nature keeps her from following your advice. She will smile, as if agreeing with you, but will do everything her own way. She always has a desire to experiment. She will prepare coffee differently than everyone else, try to tie her shoelaces differently, and cross the street in a different place. Don't ask why she does this, she doesn't know. All unique and unusual things and events interest her very much, that's all.

Since her nature is not directed towards anyone, it is not easy for her to express her feelings. She literally has few words with which she expresses her love, and physical love is closely connected with the mind and soul. Although her unique outlook on life often leads her to unusual situations when she finds a suitable partner, their marriage is a model of happiness.

The Aquarius woman can go with the flow of her life with all the grace of a swan, but turns into a clumsy little bear in a love situation. Often the line between friendship and love is almost invisible among Aquarius women. She considers any stories about people living happily with each other to be stupid. Because there are so many miracles in the world! She will be glad if you take her hand and walk next to you, looking around with enthusiastic eyes. But don't try to completely capture her attention, let her walk around her wonderland alone whenever she wants. The fastest way to lose her is to be jealous, possessive or prejudiced, critical, inflexible and ultra-conservative. You will also have to love her friends, who may be completely different.

She has wonderful intuition. Her judgments may at first seem incorrect or too practical, because... she looks ahead months and years into the future. This woman lives in tomorrow and you can only visit it with her help. What she says will definitely come true, perhaps after some time, but it will definitely come true. I believe this is the most unusual trait about your Aquarius. She has a little magic.

Aquarius (lat. Aquarius) is the sign of the element Air under the control of two planets at once - Uranus and Saturn. This is one of the most complex and contradictory signs of the zodiac constellation, whose representatives are constantly in search of new sensations. The sign of Aquarius itself initially contains an internal conflict - they always strive for freedom, new experience, new information. These are ideological people who pass through the prism of their idealism even immoral acts or the acquisition of the most incomprehensible forms of sexual experience. By the way, it is representatives of this sign who easily make friends with former lovers, considering sex to be the natural basis for relationships.

At first glance, Aquarians are kind, gentle and even insecure people. They are always happy to help, value friendship highly and love to study the mysteries of life and human existence - the philosophical component of their nature determines their non-standard view of the world. With all their contempt for material values, pathos and luxury, Aquarians, deep down, are very dependent on comfort and money, although their main ideology concerns the idea of ​​​​equality of people and democracy as the highest value.

Aquarians always strive for originality, which is expressed in literally everything - from their way of thinking to their way of life. They do not flaunt their achievements, but they really love it when their individuality is appreciated. The main spiritual problem of representatives of this sign is the desire to absorb all the information, which is perceived as the highest value, but this information does not always have a worthy use. It is significant that the craving for the exoteric and irrational often leads Aquarius to such professions as magicians and artists. In addition, they have a very good sense of art and are distinguished by a romantic character.

The weaknesses of Aquarius are immaturity, inability to complete their plans, the desire to reject any social restrictions and frameworks, demonstration of their rejection and difference from others in moments of despair and misunderstanding.


Aquarius men are hyper-responsible people who are also distinguished by their unconventional thinking. They love to take risks and experiment, have an original sense of humor and are easy-going.

In relationships, Aquarius seems superficial, although sometimes his extravagance and revolutionary spirit do not exclude the desire for a safe haven. The fact of owning a beautiful woman is sometimes more important to him than physical pleasure.

The Aquarius man approaches his work with dedication, until it begins to limit his freedoms - he feels confident and comfortable in a situation where conventions and standard schemes are not imposed on him.


Aquarius women are spontaneous, sociable, know how to make an impression and create an atmosphere of comfort. They are incredibly skillful in creating variety in their intimate life, it is difficult to shock them with obscene proposals or put them into a stupor - Aquarius women, being calm and attentive in everyday life, are very inventive in terms of erotic manifestations.

Aquarius women dress in an original and extravagant way and have a very keen sense of fashion - this is one of their strengths. They like noisy companies, attention, special places for leisure and being surrounded by people who are fun and interesting.

In love, the Aquarius woman gives herself completely, selflessly painting idealistic pictures. At the same time, she is very demanding and requires frankness and devotion. She is seriously hurt by the inattention of her beloved man, although she herself, even being head over heels in love, can afford to have an affair on the side. Brutal men rarely attract Aquarius women - usually a spiritual connection with the object of their attention and invisible fluids are more important to them than playing with biceps and three-day stubble.


Astrologers predict a bad union for Aquarius with Scorpios and Leos, whose active and vigorous activity does not find a response in the somewhat mystical and mysterious way of thinking of Aquarius.


Aquarius men
Charles Dickens, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, A.P. Chekhov, Christian Dior, Paco Rabanne, Clark Gable, John Travolta, Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher.

Aquarius Women
Virginia Woolf, Anna Pavlova, Angela Davis, Yoko Ono, Janice Dickinson, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Lisa Marie Presley.

The astrological forecast is based on: August 19, 2019(Moscow, GMT +3:00)

A very fruitful day, perfect for solving current problems and making plans for the future. In all discussions, you manage to maintain a constructive tone, which minimizes the likelihood of conflicts. It is a pleasure to do business with you, and there will be no shortage of offers for cooperation.

You miraculously manage to resolve all controversial situations in such a way that all interested parties are satisfied. You are able not only to improve existing relationships, but also to restore connections that were broken long ago not on your initiative.

Sign element: air

Color: lilac, gray

Sign stone: aquamarine

Sign metal: nickel, brass

Zodiac sign Aquarius: horoscope

The Aquarius horoscope is full of contradictions. With them you always need to be prepared for the unexpected. They are outstanding realists, but at the same time they live rather for tomorrow.

Most of the time they are calm and friendly, but at the same time they take pleasure in breaking generally accepted rules and shocking others. After such a surprise, they observe and enjoy your condition. At the same time, they are familiar with the sense of duty and they religiously fulfill their duties.

According to the horoscope, Aquarians are not inclined to philosophy, but they are not at all naive; you won’t get flashes of enthusiasm from them, but you won’t encounter complete indifference either. Curiosity is the main one characteristics of Aquarius and it leads them forward all the time, gives them the desire to explore more and more new horizons.

He is often drawn to politics, he is interested in children, he is fascinated by sports, he is drawn to work and much more.

If you decide to connect your life with this zodiac sign, forget about your ego. Yes, you are of interest, but not only you, there is still so much unknown in the world.

The zodiac sign Aquarius implies freedom. He can shine with many facets: a sense of humor, originality, diplomacy, tenderness. The environment is important for him, he needs a large number of friends and as many more friends.

Still, there are times when he wants to be alone with himself. But no matter what happens, he never loses his insight.

When meeting a new person, he always shows interest, analyzes behavior, asks often discouraging direct questions, reaches into the depths of the personality and just as quickly loses interest, leaving the newcomer in his social circle.

The Aquarius horoscope says that people of this sign are prone to changing places and destroying traditions. They can make revolutions. It is the zodiac sign Aquarius who, with the power of their mind, gives birth to tomorrow's reality. His deep analysis and unconventional approach give the world brilliant discoveries and allow them to look into the future.

First decade (January 21 - January 30)

At this time, very gifted people are born, from whom geniuses easily grow. They are not afraid of work, so they are ready to develop their talents every day, thanks to which they achieve success. The patron planet Saturn often drives these representatives into deep depressions, so a series of optimistic impulses will regularly give way to depressive declines.

For Aquarius of the first decade, it is no stranger to commit extravagant acts, which sometimes plunge society into shock. However, for Aquarius this only gives pleasure.

In personal relationships, representatives of this sign are not always happy, because they pay more attention to their own development. Among Aquarius women in the first decade you can easily find doctors of science, but happy mothers with many children are quite difficult to find.

Second decade (January 31 - February 9)

During this period, active, inquisitive people with a strong character and self-will are born. They are charming, unpredictable and sociable. They have high intelligence, which develops throughout life. In addition, Aquarians of the second decade have oratorical talent.

Due to their strong desire for independence, they never obey orders, so they can only be influenced through arguments, arguments and persuasion.

Those born during this period are very often susceptible to addictions. It’s interesting, but of all the signs of the Zodiac, it is among Aquarius that the most alcoholics are found.

Third decade (February 10 - February 19)

People born at this time are under the protection of Venus, so they approach all issues creatively. And among them there are often very talented artists.

They have very well developed intuition. They are also big dreamers, which makes them unfocused and unorganized. Although luck always protects them, protecting them from serious troubles. And their numerous talents allow them to successfully complete any of their undertakings.

Very loving. They often combine a strong family life with numerous connections on the side.

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