CVT or automatic, which is better than Nissan? Which is better: CVT or automatic? Basic automatic transmission modes

The CVT gearbox belongs to the segment of continuously variable transmissions and is a modernized version of the classic automatic transmission. The main feature of this type of gearbox is the ability to quickly increase speed without increasing engine speed. Before purchasing a car, you need to understand that better variator or automatic and what disadvantages are typical for these types of transmissions.


Design and principle of operation of the variator

Before you know the differences automatic transmission transmission of the car from the CVT and determine which type of unit is more reliable, let’s get acquainted with the structure and operating principle of both transmissions. Let's start with CVTs. The important difference between such a box and an automatic machine is not appearance, and in the absence of fixed gears. CVT transmissions operate over a specific range of gear ratios as engine speed increases and decreases. This is achieved by using a different operating principle.

Diagram of changing pulley sizes with increasing and decreasing speed

The operation of a CVT transmission is based on the use of a belt transmission of force between the engine shaft and the drive wheel pulley. Modern vehicles usually use metal straps or chains. The gear ratio changes smoothly due to the soft and synchronous transformation of the dimensions of the driven and drive shafts. There are several types of CVT transmissions, but most modern cars V-belt systems are used.

This transmission is based on a trapezoidal toothed strap or chain. No less important components of the system are two pulleys made in the form of conical disks. During operation of the unit, these elements change their diameter, which leads to a transformation in speed and torque.

The principle of operation is as follows. When the driver presses the gas pedal, rotation is transmitted from the drive shaft of the unit to the driven shaft. But its device is designed in such a way that when exposed to centrifugal forces due to an increase in speed, the so-called disc cheeks are compressed. As a result, they push the belt from the center of the shaft to its side. On the driven pulley there is reverse process. His cheeks unclench and the strap moves to the center of the shaft. So it changes gear ratio and effort. If the driver releases the gas pedal, the reverse process occurs.

User Sergey Ivanov in his video showed the principle of operation of a CVT gearbox.

Basic faults

Malfunctions in the operation of a CVT transmission are usually associated with improper operation and improper maintenance of the system.

Even if the manufacturer of a car with a CVT does not specify a replacement interval according to the regulations lubricating fluid, the car owner must periodically evaluate its condition and level.

In maintenance-free gearboxes, the service life of the oil is on average 60-80 thousand km.

What malfunctions are typical for CVT transmissions:

  1. Failure of the hydraulic unit. If low-quality oil is used in the system, this leads to increased friction in bearings and other moving parts. Due to insufficient lubrication, they wear out faster, resulting in the formation of deposits in the form of wear products. Metal shavings clog the hydraulic unit. As a result, the oil pump has too little pressure to operate normally.
  2. If the pumping device operates under low pressure conditions, this will cause the pulleys to be unable to compress or release the belt properly. As a result, the shafts will slip.
  3. When the belt slips, it wears out and breaks several times faster, while all its metal links scatter inside the structure. This problem can lead to other problems.
  4. Often in CVT transmissions, the so-called pulley mirrors lift up, which leads to rapid wear of the belt.
  5. All CVT transmissions are equipped with various sensors and controllers. These mechanisms sometimes fail, and their connectors can also become clogged, resulting in electronic failure.

The CVT repair procedure is presented on a video filmed by the Automatic Transmission Repair Technology channel.

Pros and cons

The main advantages of the variator:

  1. Vehicles with a CVT transmission are characterized by dynamic acceleration compared to cars equipped with classic automatic transmissions.
  2. Compared to a traditional automatic transmission, cars with CVTs consume less fuel.
  3. No gear. Thanks to this, cars with CVT accelerate without jerking, which provides additional benefits in the form of smoothness and dynamic driving of the car.
  4. Quite a high efficiency. Compared to automatic transmissions it is 5-10% more.
  5. Simplified unit control. When compared with mechanics, a novice car enthusiast does not need to learn how to move away smoothly and “feel” the car in order to change gear in time.
  6. Cars with CVT transmissions are characterized by higher environmental friendliness. This is achieved by reducing fuel consumption and, accordingly, low level emissions of harmful gases into the atmosphere.


  1. The main disadvantage is the difficulty of performing repairs. Today, in the CIS countries, qualified servicing of CVT transmissions can only be entrusted to official dealers. Moreover, it is not a fact that they will do it correctly. And the cost of this task is very high. Finding a specialist at a service station who could repair a variator, especially in small towns, is very difficult.
  2. The need to periodically replace the belt or chain. On average, the service life of this part is about 100-150 thousand kilometers. The cost of the service is not cheap, and not every service station will perform it.
  3. Availability of a large number of electronics. If the sensors or control system break down, only an authorized dealer can solve the problem.
  4. To service CVT transmissions, a specific oil must be used in a car's gearbox. This type of lubricant is not cheap and is not easy to find. If you make mistakes when choosing a fluid, this will lead to damage to the unit.
  5. Impossibility of using CVT on vehicles equipped with powerful engines. As a result of operating under high force conditions, the engine will put a lot of pressure on the drive belt or transmission pulley.
  6. Vehicles with CVT transmissions are not designed to tow other vehicles or trailers. You cannot tow a car with the engine turned off.

Design and operation of an automatic transmission

Automatic transmission torque converter diagram

The main components of an automatic transmission are a torque converter device, as well as a mechanical gearbox. The first node is used as a clutch, and the second is designed to transmit mechanical force between gears.

Torque is transmitted from the shaft power unit torque converter device operating on the basis of pressure transmission fluid. The design of the automatic transmission includes metal discs with friction clutches and clutches. They are used as a mechanical clutch function. When the discs are compressed and unclenched, certain clutches are activated. The latter are used as gears in the unit.

What can break?

User Alexander Sorokin showed in his video how disassembly is done automatic transmission and its repair.

What malfunctions are typical for automatic transmissions:

  1. Failure of the automatic transmission lever. Such problems are more typical for older type units, in which there is a mechanical connection with the transmission itself. A breakdown of the link leads to the fact that the car owner cannot switch operating modes of the box. To solve the problem, you will need to change the failed lever, as well as the rocker itself. Signs of a breakdown include difficulties in switching the gearbox selector; in extreme cases, it will be impossible to move the lever to another position. There is a need to repair the unit. In some cars, this requires completely removing the transmission.
  2. Leakage working fluid. According to reviews from car enthusiasts, they often encounter the problem of oil leaking from under the rubber seals. Therefore, the owner must periodically perform visual diagnostics of the condition of the transmission in a pit or overpass. When the check shows traces of oil leaks, you need to determine the cause of the leak or contact a service station. If the problem lies in the seals, then they can be changed without difficulty.
  3. Malfunctions in the operation of the control module. If the central processor breaks down, it may incorrectly select the speed to change speeds. In some situations, the control mechanism blocks the operation of the gearbox. If the module is completely damaged, it must be replaced. If the control cables are damaged, they also need to be replaced. When the central processor is working normally, but sometimes malfunctions occur, you can try to reflash it. But not every specialist is capable of performing such a task.
  4. Malfunction of the hydraulic unit. Problems occur as a result of wear of the structural elements of the device or non-compliance with the rules for using the unit. If the car owner does not warm up the gearbox in the cold season, but immediately starts driving, and moves abruptly, this leads to malfunctions in the valve body. The main signs are shocks, impacts and vibrations. Sometimes driving a car is completely impossible.
  5. Malfunctions in the operation of the torque converter device. This problem cannot be solved without repair. It is easier and cheaper to repair a torque converter than a control module or hydraulic unit. If the unit malfunctions, the driver will hear knocking, rustling, and vibration uncharacteristic of the transmission. You will feel that the vehicle's dynamics have deteriorated. And if you change the transmission fluid, you will see a large amount of metal shavings in the oil pan.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Let's start with the pros:

  1. Automatic machines are more reliable units. On average, the service life of a modern automatic transmission is at least 300 thousand kilometers if the box is used and maintained correctly. Moreover, a car with automatic transmission can operate in any conditions.
  2. Easier repair compared to a CVT transmission. Automatic transmission service can be carried out in garage conditions. Finding a qualified specialist for this will not be difficult. Moreover, the cost of performing the work will be lower.
  3. Automatic units are less demanding on the quality of the lubricant used. Original oils It is desirable to use, but not necessary. If necessary, you can always find a cheaper analogue.
  4. Gentle relationship between the automatic transmission and the engine. Switching modes in the transmission operation is carried out without the need to increase the engine speed.
  5. Less electronics compared to a CVT.

Disadvantages of automatic transmissions:

  1. Lower efficiency, which is due to its losses in the torque converter device. Accordingly, classic automatic machines do not use all the useful engine power.
  2. Increased fuel consumption.
  3. When switching modes, jerks appear in the operation of the transmission unit. Newer cars do not have this problem because they have more gears.
  4. Not as high dynamic features as CVTs. A vehicle with an automatic accelerates much slower than a car with a manual or CVT.
  5. Automatic transmissions use more transmission fluid. If a CVT transmission requires 5-8 liters of oil for optimal operation, then a classic automatic transmission will require at least 8-10 liters of lubricant.

What is the main difference?

Now let’s look at what the difference is and whether it is possible to visually compare and distinguish these two types of gearboxes. Externally, in terms of the gearbox lever, a CVT transmission is no different from a traditional automatic transmission.

Let's compare the main differences:

  • the automatic machine does not provide the vehicle with dynamism and speed;
  • cars with automatic transmission consume more fuel than cars with CVTs;
  • In automatic transmissions, the lubricant must be changed more often;
  • CVT transmissions operate without changing gears.

Photo gallery

Photos that will allow you to distinguish an automatic transmission from a CVT are given below.

1. Schematic structure of automatic transmission 2. Schematic structure of the variator

How to find out what yours is worth?

When the engine reaches a certain speed, automatic transmission cars shift to a higher or lower gear. At the same time, the driver feels a slight push, as when driving a car with a manual transmission. The switching itself occurs when the engine speed increases to 3500 per minute. The noise of the power unit also increases when the gear increases. As for CVT gearboxes, the transmission does not produce unnecessary noise during operation. The vehicle rides smoothly and softly, and when the speed increases, the engine speed changes, but only slightly. Drivers usually find it more convenient and comfortable to drive with CVT gearboxes.

How else can you distinguish a CVT from a classic automatic:

  1. Use the service book; it always indicates the type of gearbox installed in the car. The symbol “A” indicates that the car is equipped with an automatic transmission, and “CVT” means a CVT transmission.
  2. When you buy a car, you need to find out more about it. Use different sources to obtain information. It is possible that the model you are purchasing is not equipped with CVTs.
  3. In automatic transmissions, the lubricant level in the system can be determined using a dipstick. CVT gearboxes are usually maintenance-free and are not equipped with meters. But it will not be possible to distinguish between the two types of gearboxes using this criterion alone.


So, let's summarize what is better - a CVT or an automatic. Automatic transmissions are more reliable than CVTs. They do not break down so often and are not very demanding correct operation and service. If desired, you can repair such gearboxes yourself. As for CVTs, they are more demanding in terms of maintenance and use. But driving a car with a CVT will be more enjoyable due to the absence of gears and shocks when changing them. Drivers who prefer comfort are better off choosing cars with CVTs.

An automatic transmission can be represented by a classic automatic transmission or a CVT. When purchasing a car, a car enthusiast thinks about which gearbox to choose; Which is better: CVT or automatic transmission. When choosing between a CVT and an automatic, you need to know how they differ, take into account their pros and cons, and also understand which device is more reliable.

CVT gearbox

Like any other gearbox, a variator is a device that converts the torque coming from the engine to the wheels. Torque transmission is carried out steplessly within a certain control range. Quite often, a variator is denoted by the abbreviation “CVT” (Continuously Variable Transmission), which translated from English means “transmission with continuously varying torque.”

CVT types

Depending on the device, the following main types of variators are distinguished:

  • chain;
  • V-belt;
  • toroidal.
V-belt variator

The most widespread is the V-belt.

The CVT V-belt variator consists of a V-belt located between two sliding pulleys. As the car moves, the pulleys either compress or unclench, providing a change in the gear ratio. The main goal of a CVT transmission is to provide a smooth, stepless change in torque. This is true for cars, scooters, snowmobiles and other equipment.

Toroidal variator

In a CVT, power is transmitted by the beveled ends of the chain link axles, and the pulling force is transmitted by the chain.
In toroidal variators, cone-shaped disks are used instead of pulleys, and rollers are used instead of a belt. They are capable of transmitting more torque. To manufacture parts for this type of CVT, high-strength steel is required, which ultimately affects its cost.

Advantages and disadvantages of CVT

Chain variator

The main advantage of a CVT transmission is the ability to provide a continuous change in torque. This allows you to achieve best performance fuel consumption and vehicle dynamics.

The disadvantages of the variator include:

  1. It is impossible to install it in cars with a powerful engine.
  2. Maximum loads, towing or systematic driving high speed will lead to rapid wear of the variator belt, and, accordingly, to breakdown of the CVT.

Automatic transmission

Hydromechanical automatic transmission

The automatic transmission is controlled by a shift selector located on the central tunnel or on the steering column (in American cars). Moving the selector to a specific position allows you to select desired mode movements. Additionally, you can choose special ones: winter, sports, economical. The difference in fuel consumption between normal, sport and economy modes is obvious.

Consists of a planetary gearbox, control system and torque converter. The machine can be used in passenger cars and trucks, as well as buses.

It consists of pump and turbine wheels with a reactor located between them. The pump wheel is connected to the engine crankshaft, the turbine wheel is connected to the gearbox shaft. The reactor, depending on the operating mode, rotates freely or is blocked using.
Transmission to the gearbox occurs through a flow of liquid (oil) ejected by the pump wheel blades onto the turbine blades. The gaps between the pump wheel and the turbine are minimal, and their blades have a specific shape that forms a continuous circle of oil circulation. Thus, there is no rigid connection between the engine and transmission, which contributes to the smooth transmission of traction force.

Converts the rotation speed and transmitted torque in a limited range, so a multi-stage planetary gearbox is attached to it. It also provides reverse movement.

Gear shifting occurs under oil pressure using. The pressure between the clutches in accordance with the algorithm of the box operation is distributed using the system solenoid valves(solenoids) under the control of the control unit.

The disadvantages of an automatic transmission are its high cost, and also increased consumption fuel.

Comparative characteristics of two types of gearboxes

Which device is better: CVT or automatic? Let's carry out comparative characteristics, allowing you to identify differences and determine which of the boxes is better and more reliable.

The difference between a CVT and an automatic from an economic point of view

Which gearbox is better in terms of operating costs: CVT or automatic? Let's compare some indicators.

  1. Transmission fluid. CVT oil changes occur more frequently and are more expensive.
  2. Fuel consumption. Fuel in a car equipped with a CVT is consumed more economically.
  3. Repair. Maintenance and repair of the variator are much more expensive more expensive to operate machine. CVT is a rather complex and “sensitive” mechanism.

Although servicing a CVT is more expensive, the gearbox itself is cheaper than an automatic. And when correct use boxes, it can last a long time without repair.

Which device is better in terms of reliability?

In order to determine the degree of reliability of devices, we will set a number of severe conditions:

  • possibility of towing;
  • off-road;
  • high speeds;
  • sporty riding.

The CVT cannot cope with difficult conditions. His belt won't hold up under the strain. An automatic machine will do a better job here. The element of CVT is smooth movement without sudden acceleration.

How to determine which device is installed in the car

  1. It is necessary to study the technical documentation of the machine. The designation of the variator is CVT, the automatic is AT.
  2. Take a test drive. If a CVT is installed, you will not feel the gear changes. You can “listen” to the machine and monitor its operation using the tachometer. CVT works in one key, measuredly. However, it is possible to have a special mode that simulates gear changes and allows the driver to feel them shifting.

Let's sum it up

Today, automatic transmissions are much more common than CVTs. But the latter has great potential. Automatic transmissions are more reliably used in cars with high power and capable of towing trailers. From the point of view of economy, a variator looks preferable.

CVT or automatic? The choice is yours. And it will depend on the characteristics of the devices that are your priority. Love the smooth city ride in a small passenger car? Your choice is CVT. If you prefer sporty driving or often use a trailer, then an automatic is better for you.

Automatic or CVT - which gearbox is better? This question is usually asked by drivers who want to purchase new car, and don’t know which transmission to choose. There are many contradictions about this on the World Wide Web, and you can quickly get confused. We will consider comparative parameters, disadvantages and advantages of service and design, information collected from real reviews owners of cars with different transmissions, and data on the design and operation of the automatic transmission and variator.

​Many people think that the CVT was invented later than the automatic transmission, but this is not so. The principle of operation of a continuously variable transmission was discovered in 1490 by Leonardo da Vinci, but he was unable to implement it, since at that time there was no type of motor that is used in modern cars today.

The principle of cones, which are directed in opposite directions, and tensioned conical belts, was discovered by this scientist. Such devices were used in mills. At that time, such a mechanism was a primitive variator. Then they forgot about this mechanism, and only in the 19th century they began to use it on machine tools in production, but it has not yet reached cars. The first engineer who decided to use this invention for road transport, was an engineer from Holland, Hubert van Doorn. He invented the continuously variable transmission, which was installed on cars in 1958.

The variator was installed on cars with an engine of 0.59 liters of useful volume. This was a great success, and then other manufacturers began to think about installing a continuously variable transmission on their cars.

Before moving on to the comparative parameters of an automatic transmission and a variator, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the operating principle and design of both mechanisms. This information will help you make right choice. Let's start our consideration with the variator.

The main difference between a CVT and another box is that it does not have separate gears. Each variator has a certain range in which there is a transmission force under certain conditions at a certain point in time. This condition is possible because the CVT uses a different operating principle, unlike a gearbox.

Let's understand the principle of operation of the variator. It consists of using a belt drive, usually in modern cars a chain (metal belt) is used that transmits torque between the engine crankshaft and the driven shaft connected to the wheel drive. The gear ratio changes smoothly by smoothly changing the diameter of the driven and drive shafts. For such purposes, special methods are used. All modern car manufacturing plants have their own developments in this regard. But all variators are divided into two main types:

  1. V-belt variator.
  2. Toroidal appearance.

The main element of a V-belt drive can be called a timing belt with a trapezoidal cross-sectional shape. Some factories use a belt or chain made of metal plates. The other component is two pulleys formed by conical disks that are capable of changing diameter. This allows you to change the speed and magnitude of the transmitted torque.

The work is performed in the following order. When you press the gas pedal, the drive pulley transmits torque from the motor to the driven shaft. But its design is such that when exposed to centrifugal forces due to an increase in speed, the two halves of the disks converge and push the conical belt from the middle of the pulley to the edges. The reverse procedure is carried out on the driven shaft. It has the two halves of the disc separate and the belt moves to the middle of the pulley. This is how the gear ratio and force changes slowly. When the gas pedal is released, the reverse process is performed.

The toroidal type of variator works in a different way. Instead of shafts, there are two wheels that have a spherical surface. Rollers are clamped between the wheels, one of which is driving and the other driven. A change in the magnitude of the torque and gear ratio appears due to a change in the friction force of the rollers and wheels. Changing the location of the rollers in a perpendicular plane makes it possible to change the gear ratio. When the roller is positioned horizontally, the driven and drive wheel rotate at the same angular speed. And if the rollers are in a different position, then the gear ratio changes.

But due to the complexity of the device and production technologies of some elements, toroidal variators are rarely used. Therefore, in the future we will consider the most common V-belt variators in car production.

Lubricants for CVTs differ from other transmission fluids. They are marked CVT. These fluids not only lubricate the parts, but also prevent them from slipping. Thanks to this property, the belt can operate to transmit torque between shafts. Therefore, you should not allow the gearbox to become “oil starved,” otherwise the chain or belt will slip along the surfaces of the shafts, which will lead to their rapid wear.

Which elements in the variator are susceptible to malfunctions?

This device requires high-quality maintenance. The oil must be changed every 80 thousand km, as specified in the manufacturers' regulations. This must not be forgotten, otherwise problems will arise that will require a large investment of money.

  • May become dirty oil pump, hydraulic unit
  • As a result, the shafts are not able to normally open and tighten the belt, which is slipping.
  • If the belt slips, a lot of wear occurs. With increased wear, it will quickly rupture, which will create big problems in a box.
  • Scores appear on the ground areas of the shafts, which negatively affects the belt.
  • The CVT transmission has a serious drawback in the presence of a large amount of electronics, reaching 50%.

CVT service life

Here it is necessary to remember the need for timely replacement of lubricant, otherwise the service life will be significantly reduced. However, if you service the gearbox in a timely manner, then after 150 thousand km it is recommended to replace the belt so that it does not break and cause harm to the mechanism. Therefore, a CVT gearbox is a more problematic mechanism, unlike other types, and its service life cannot reach 300 thousand km.

Advantages of the variator:

  1. Good acceleration dynamics, better than automatic.
  2. Low fuel consumption, lower than with an automatic transmission.
  3. There are no gears, which means there is no jerking when switching, which provides additional advantages in terms of dynamism and smooth movement.
  4. Increased efficiency, 10% more than an automatic transmission.
  5. The vehicle is easy to control; novice drivers do not need to learn how to drive a car with a CVT transmission, change gears, and start off.
  6. A car with a CVT does not emit many environmentally harmful substances due to lower gasoline consumption.
  7. Gentle mode of action. The selection of working conditions is carried out electronic system, selecting the best operating modes to reduce wear of elements and increase their service life.

Disadvantages of a CVT gearbox:

  1. A complex repair method that has not yet been fully mastered by specialists, so its repair can only be performed by official dealers, which costs a lot of money. Find good master using a CVT transmission is very difficult, especially in small towns.
  2. Complex electronic system that requires a visit if malfunctioning official dealer, and investing a lot of money.
  3. The cost of replacing belts is an expensive procedure; not all car repair shops do it.
  4. Special CVT oil is expensive and not easy to find. The brand of oil also plays a big role; if you fill it with a different oil, the box will not work.
  5. The CVT box cannot be mounted on cars with powerful engines, more than 220 hp, since powerful engines exert a lot of force on the drive belt and the CVT roller.
  6. On a car with a CVT transmission, it is prohibited to tow another car or trailer, or tow the car itself with the engine not running.

This mechanism appeared primarily in shipbuilding in the early 20th century. Its inventor is the German professor Fettinger. He developed a hydrodynamic transmission that separated the ship's engine and propeller. This is how the hydraulic coupling arose, which is the most important element of automatic transmissions. Subsequently, in 1940 in America, engineers began installing the first automatic transmissions on cars.

Their structure has remained virtually unchanged to this day. An automatic transmission has two main elements - a gearbox and a torque converter, which works instead of a clutch. Its principle of operation is to smoothly change gears. The gearbox is designed so that the gears are in continuous mesh with each other. This makes it possible to obtain a single, small-sized mechanism with several stages.

From the very beginning, cars did not have front-wheel drive, they were all rear-wheel drive, and with this design, automatic transmissions were equipped with only three gears, which was enough. Today the situation is different, and cars have front wheel drive, there are more speeds, there are up to six speeds.

Today, this design has been worked out for years, and its design has now been brought to perfection (main types). The design of this box is quite reliable and durable. The rotational torque from the engine is transmitted through the torque converter device, as we discussed, it has no mechanical gearing, it operates due to oil pressure. If there is no rigid clutch, then the reliability of the mechanism is high, but the design includes a planetary gear and shafts, as well as clutches with discs.

The clutches work as a clutch and when they are released and compressed, the necessary clutches come into operation at the appropriate speeds.

Important elements are the hydraulic unit and the high-pressure pump. These are the most important details.

All automatic transmission malfunctions, as well as manual transmissions, arise from untimely repairs and maintenance, and oil changes. Typically, many drivers do not change the oil in an automatic transmission even with significant mileage, which leads to contamination of the cooling radiator, valve body, and filter. As a result, the oil pump is unable to supply operating pressure. Due to this situation, the clutches on the metal discs spin, similar to how the clutch disc slips on a manual transmission. In this case, the speeds are difficult to engage, the car jerks when changing gears.

For this reason, when purchasing, it is recommended to check the automatic transmission oil for smell, since burnt fluid means that the clutches are worn out or burnt. If there is such a smell, then purchasing such a machine is not recommended. Of course, if the automatic transmission is “started”, then there may be more malfunctions: wear of the gears of the planetary mechanism, the friction lining of the torque converter, and many other parts.

​With normal maintenance, the resource can be very large. Sometimes there are cars when timely replacement Automatic transmission oil lasts up to 400 thousand km, and this is on a conventional four-speed automatic transmission. Automatic transmissions of the four-speed older versions are considered the most reliable, especially those made in Japan.

To make the transmission work longer, you need to follow some recommendations:

  • Change the oil according to plan; if you need to change it after 70 thousand, then you need to do so. If you replace it earlier, it will be even better. You also need to know that there are no unserviceable boxes.
  • Along with the oil, the filter must also be changed, which will significantly increase the service life.
  • It is recommended to remove the radiator from the box and clean it, then rinse it.
  • Clean the bottom of the box from various contaminants and clean the magnets.

Such rules are necessary, the service life will increase significantly, and can reach 300 thousand km. Due to this reliability, many people choose an automatic transmission.

Advantages of automatic transmission:

  1. Easy to drive, no need to decide how to get going and what gear to engage, the automatic machine will work itself.
  2. Reliability. With the necessary maintenance, this type of transmission can operate for a long time compared to other types.
  3. Maintainability. Automatic transmissions are well mastered and can be repaired in many car repair shops.
  4. Type of oil. For automatic transmissions, it is necessary to fill in special oil, but the parameters of this oil are lower compared to other gearboxes, and the cost is lower.
  5. A small number of electronic elements, automatic boxes function in conjunction with electronic unit, but the electronic content is no more than 30%, the remaining parts are mechanical.
  6. Possible jerks and transfers. Today there are already six-speed transmissions, they already have a significantly higher threshold highest speed, the car will not make much noise in fourth gear, they have soft gear changes, barely noticeable.

Disadvantages of automatic transmission:

  1. It does not have the dynamics of a CVT or manual transmission.
  2. The efficiency is lower, which means that the automatic transmission does not have a rigid engagement of the transmission with the engine. Everything is done through a torque converter and high oil pressure. Some of the useful work is spent on this engagement.
  3. Jerks when changing gears, as there are gears that other types of gearboxes do not have.
  4. The oil volume in the transmission is larger compared to other transmissions and reaches 10 liters. The CVT has a volume of 8 liters, the manual one has about 3 liters.
  5. Significant fuel consumption, higher than a CVT, but due to lower efficiency.

As a result, we can say that the reliability of this mechanism covers the existing shortcomings - low efficiency, jerks when switching, increased fuel consumption, poor dynamics. But with timely oil changes, the box can work long term.

Features of automatic transmission

There are several interesting features, which will help car owners decide on the type of transmission for their car.

  1. The volume of special oil in an automatic transmission is larger, although not much, depending on the make of the car. This usually does not affect the cost of the car, since the cost of the original variator lubricant is usually even higher.
  2. Filters and oil for the CVT transmission need to be changed more often. During operation, it is necessary to ensure that the oil does not darken or lose its properties, since its quality is important for this mechanism.
  3. Most often, car manufacturers advise changing the oil in the CVT transmission every 60 thousand kilometers, but, according to reviews from owners of cars with a CVT transmission, it is better to do this earlier (by 50 thousand). In this case, you need to replace both the oil itself and the filters, which are cheap.
  4. In a car with a CVT gearbox, you should not move away abruptly. The principle of its operation is to ensure the best speed and torque so that the device operates in a gentle manner. If you want to drive fast, then this type of transmission is not suitable for you. The CVT should not be used to slip or carry trailers or other vehicles.
  5. For a CVT transmission, it is not recommended to drive at too low or very high speeds. Under such conditions, the belt experiences high mechanical loads, which contributes to rapid wear. Also, the oil temperature increases. You need to take care of auxiliary cooling. If you live in a city and often get stuck in traffic jams, then you should think about whether to buy a car with a CVT transmission.
  6. When driving a car with a CVT in severe frost, you must warm up the engine to reduce viscosity transmission oil, otherwise the variator belt will begin to slip, and additional wear will occur on the surface of the belt and pulleys.
  7. It is not advisable to purchase a used car with a CVT gearbox. There is a big risk that problems will arise with this mechanism. It is quite easy to check the condition of the box belt. You just need to drive your car on a flat road at low speed for about 1 km. If you feel jolts while driving, then it is better not to purchase this vehicle.
  8. It is necessary to monitor the performance of the speed sensor. If it fails, the electronic system switches the variator for emergency operation. If such a situation occurs while driving, then the engine brakes, which has a negative effect on the car.
  9. Changing the oil in a CVT box in advance is an important factor. If the oil does not have the necessary performance properties, then the hydraulic unit of the box will slowly clog, which means that the oil pump will not create required level working pressure. Therefore, the shafts will not be able to expand or compress the belt, as a result of which it will slip and wear out quickly. In the worst case, the belt will break, damaging all the internal elements of the device.
  10. The transmission belt should be replaced every 150 thousand km, regardless of the condition of the mechanism.

Despite the existing shortcomings of the variator, today they have become the most advanced mechanism in the transmission. Their merits are appreciated by many drivers in different countries. If we consider the shortcomings, then manufacturing plants are constantly improving the design of CVTs; we can say for sure that over time, CVTs will displace automatic and manual transmissions from the car market.

Features of the CVT gearbox

Lastly, we will introduce you to data that will help drivers understand what nuances the CVT transmission hides.

  • Driving style. If you want to drive your car dynamically, then a CVT transmission will be for you. the best option. And if extreme driving is not suitable for you, then it is better to buy an automatic.
  • For a CVT transmission, you should not drive for a long time at high or low speed.
  • When using a variator at too low or high temperatures, special conditions must be created.
  • A car with a CVT cannot be towed with the engine not running (it can be transported with the drive wheels suspended). It is also prohibited to tow other cars or trailers with the vehicle itself.
  • You only need to drive a car good roads, otherwise drive belt boxes will break due to heavy loads.
  • Change the oil and drive belt in advance.

Before purchasing a car with a CVT-based transmission, you need to be prepared for the conditions of subsequent operation. This is most relevant if you previously owned a car with a manual transmission. But over time, you will quickly get used to it and, most likely, you will be satisfied with the purchase. We must not forget to produce in a timely manner maintenance transmission, follow the rules of driving a vehicle that we discussed earlier.

Which is better - automatic or variator

Considering all the information considered, it is impossible to give definite advice about which transmission is better. These two devices are significantly different from each other, and each mechanism has individual characteristics. Therefore, it is necessary to choose based on the operating conditions of the vehicle. It should also be remembered that today in Russian automotive market There are variators that have not yet been fully developed. Vehicle manufacturers are constantly working to improve them, and there are all the prerequisites that one day they will occupy a high place in the market.

Here are some criteria by which you can choose a car:

  • Driving style: CVT for fast driving, automatic transmission for more moderate driving.
  • Technical Parameters. If you need a car with smooth gear shifting, then take a CVT; if this is not important to you, but you want there to be no clutch pedal, then both transmission versions are suitable.
  • Service life of the gearbox. Of course, the CVT version will work much longer if it is properly maintained, unlike an automatic transmission.
  • Carrying out repairs. The CVT transmission is not yet as common as an automatic transmission, so not every car workshop can repair it, unlike an automatic transmission, which can be done for you in any workshop.
  • Operating mode. Modern gearshift transmissions have different speed modes. There are three modes: economical, comfortable and sporty. In the first of them, the system automatically selects the best operating mode of the motor, trying to switch to high speed at the first opportunity. The sporty mode, compared to the economical mode, switches the motor to a lower speed, thereby ensuring that the motor has a power reserve. Comfort mode guarantees the smoothest switching operation.
  • Gear shift method. In new modern models The automatic transmission has a manual gear shift option. This is a convenient feature for drivers who want to keep the car under constant control and change gears themselves. This type is usually used on those brands of cars on which manual transmission not envisaged from the very beginning.

It is impossible to unambiguously determine which transmission is optimal; each person chooses for himself what suits him. If you yourself cannot figure out which type of mechanism you should choose based on reliability and other factors, then it is better to turn to professionals. There are technicians at various service stations who can help you in this matter. They are well versed in all the disadvantages and advantages different types transmissions.

Quite often, when choosing a new car, people are faced with the problem of CVT or automatic, which is better? Each of the boxes has its own positive aspects, and negative. We will try to figure out the difference between a CVT and an automatic and choose what suits your type of driving.

So, what is the difference between a CVT and an automatic? The most simple description CVT will be that it is an automatic machine in which there are no steps. The CVT is more reliable and lighter than an automatic transmission. So, to answer the question posed, it is necessary to understand the principle of operation of both boxes.

CVT operation

The principle of a CVT is extremely different from an automatic transmission. It can probably be called the most advanced of all gearboxes. The essence of its work is that it has the ability to continuously change gears. And if there are no steps, then there are no jerks, which add discomfort during movement. It is worth noting that the fuel consumption of a CVT will also be lower due to a smoother ride. If you are a fan of accelerating quickly after a traffic light, then a CVT transmission can give you this, as it has great acceleration.

When starting to move, unlike an automatic transmission, the variator will behave more smoothly and smoothly. When driving a car with this gearbox, you can feel the full power of your engine, since it does not slow it down either due to your unhurried reaction or the operation of the mechanisms of the box itself. The driver has a unique opportunity to enjoy the sound of the growing power of his engine; there are no failures or problems with gear shifting interruptions. When comparing the speed of a CVT with an automatic, of course, the CVT will be in the lead. Let's take a closer look at all the pros and cons of the variator.

Pros of a CVT

  • Rapid acceleration (compared to all other gearboxes)
  • Less fuel consumption
  • Extended service life due to smooth operation
  • Elementary in mastering

Disadvantages of a CVT

  • The cost of servicing this box is quite high, and finding someone who will take the risk of working on it is quite problematic
  • Expensive replacement of the chain between the shafts. This procedure must be done once every 100 thousand kilometers. It is not only expensive, but also difficult to implement
  • The variator has a large number of complex and expensive electronics, and if problems arise, you will need to pay a considerable amount for its repair.
  • This gearbox requires special oil, which is quite difficult to find, and it is still as expensive as all other gearbox maintenance items.

The continuously variable transmission will be a suitable gearbox for both novice drivers and experienced racers. If you are looking for constant drive on public roads, constant maneuvers and rapid overtaking, then the CVT will be the ideal solution for you. But you should prepare for the fact that, in the event of breakdowns, you will need to shell out a fairly large sum for repairs, and in terms of consumables, they are also expensive. If you do not have a fairly substantial amount of money in your pocket, then you should not consider buying a car with a CVT. After all, no one wants your car to be stuck for a long time after the first accidental breakdown due to the owner’s cash-strapped situation.

The operation of the variator is smooth, but it’s not worth overpaying for it. If you don't have enough money, you can easily come to terms with the smoothness of the automatic transmission, which is just a little inferior. The CVT transmission is an attribute of comfort, but for comfort, as we know, it is necessary and has to be paid.

Operating principle of an automatic gearbox

Automatic transmissions are getting better and better over the years. The available implementation options now were previously just dreams. The box itself consists of several vital important details, among which:

  • Torque converter, which replaced the flywheel
  • Planetary gear system, which does the shifting work

Over the years, the number of gears themselves has changed, it has grown from 4 to 8. The control system in cars with an automatic transmission has also become noticeably better. If at the beginning of the popularity of automatic transmissions it was necessary to move a special switch from the upper position to the lower position, now the box itself has begun to do this work for the driver. The next global decisions in the history of the development of these boxes was the ability to choose between the “sport” mode and the “quiet ride” mode.

The variator can be compared in detail with an automatic gearbox, since it can be considered one of its varieties, but with better technical indicators. An automatic transmission will provide acceleration at a lower speed and the smooth ride itself will not be the same as with a CVT transmission. It is worth considering the pros and cons of an automatic transmission.

Pros of automatic transmission

  • Simple controls will appeal to novice drivers, as it is very easy to get used to this gearbox. You will not be constantly haunted by the thought of where the gear you need is located and at what moment it is best to change it
  • It is almost impossible to render the clutch unusable. The manual transmission also has this advantage. In this they are a little similar
  • Gentle gear shifting brings less wear to the engine, and therefore its service life increases
  • If an automatic transmission has a large number of gears, fuel consumption decreases.

The main disadvantages of an automatic transmission

  • Lack of dynamics, both during acceleration and during prolonged maneuvering
  • If an old automatic with four gears is installed, then it consumes much more fuel than a CVT gearbox
  • Although the price for servicing an automatic transmission is incomparable with a CVT, still, in the event of an unexpected breakdown, it will force you to shell out a considerable amount of money from your wallet
  • The machine is picky about oil, and it will have to be changed much more often. The smoothness of the variator does not leave a large amount of chips, which can complicate its operation, but the automatic cannot boast of the same, because the switching is quite harsh, which means there are more chips left
  • It is not recommended to use oil at high sub-zero temperatures. Although the manufacturer claims that some types of oil are immune to thickening, it’s still not worth the risk. Nobody wants to stand up in their car in the bitter cold.

And now, having learned the disadvantages of an automatic transmission, we can recommend using it in average climatic conditions, without large temperature changes. Constantly changing the oil will not allow you to catch your breath as in financially, and in the constantly exciting question of the approach of this very replacement. The automatic transmission is quite smooth, but still not enough to experience true driving comfort. Fuel consumption will be higher than that of a CVT, which means get ready, because you will be a frequent visitor to the gas station.


Once you have figured out all the pros and cons of both boxes, you can choose what suits your lifestyle, driving style and time on the road. If you need low fuel consumption and comfort on the road, and you can afford to repair the CVT gearbox, then it will serve you well without any complaints.

If you are unable to bear such large financial losses, then an automatic transmission will be much cheaper. But the cost of gasoline and oil will take a toll on your wallet.
For novice drivers, in order to get better acquainted with a car, an automatic is more suitable, since it will not require constant costs, which means that a person with an average income, but who needs constant access to a car, can purchase it.

Below you can watch a video about what a CVT is.

How quickly time flies, literally 8-10 years ago cars with an automatic gearbox could be counted on one hand, but now automatic transmission is the overwhelming number passenger cars. Today, car enthusiasts are interested in the CVT, which is equipped in all expensive cars.

Many still have little idea of ​​the structure and operating principle of this mechanism, and ask a completely fair question: what is the difference between a CVT and an automatic transmission and which one is better to choose when buying a car?

To remove all exclamation points, this article was written. In which we will sort everything out and draw the right conclusion about: CVT or automatic - which is more reliable and efficient, which is preferable!

Automatic and variator design

As part of the machine There are two main components - a torque converter and a gearbox.

  1. The torque converter is designed for smooth gear shifting; to put it simply, it replaced the .
  2. The automatic transmission gearbox is a complete mechanism with several stages, in which all paired gears are in constant mesh.

Stepless variator. The mechanism works without the usual gear shifting.

How it works: it has 2 cone pulleys (driven and driven), which are located one against the other and are connected to each other by a metal trapezoidal belt or on some models there may be chains.

This is how the pulleys are connected using a belt

How does a variator work?

Cone pulleys are not solid, but consist of sliding parts.

  1. When the drive pulley is extended as far as possible, the metal belt runs along a small diameter (low gear), which is equivalent to first gear.
  2. When the pulley is shifted, the belt passes over a larger diameter (high gear), which is equivalent to fifth or higher gear.

This is how a variator works, moving and spreading the pulleys, which leads to a change in the gear ratio and, accordingly, the speed of the car changes.

Look interesting video, design and principle of operation of the variator:

Pros and cons of automatic and variator

To better understand the difference between a CVT and an automatic, you need to consider their performance characteristics.

Automatic transmission increases the comfort of driving a car due to the absence of the need to change gears. The driver, for example, within the city, receives greater freedom and ease in controlling the car. Due to automatic gear shifting, the motor does not experience overload and wear is reduced.

Flaws: the automatic machine has low efficiency due to losses in the torque converter, which leads to increased fuel consumption. Another disadvantage of the automatic transmission is the worse acceleration dynamics compared to the CVT.

CVT is under the control of a computer, which very accurately selects the gear ratio depending on the driving conditions of the vehicle and therefore the engine operates in an economical mode, without unnecessary loads. A car equipped with a CVT accelerates from a stop very smoothly (the ride comfort is fabulous!) and the absence (as such) of gear shifting also improves ride quality.

Another difference between a CVT transmission and an automatic transmission is that it has a large number of gears and this allows the engine to operate only in a gentle mode.

  1. Automatic transmission and variator are very difficult to repair. But here the automatic transmission is the leader, because almost all car services undertake to service and repair it; automatic transmission has been studied and used on cars for quite some time.
  2. The variator is still a new mechanism; it is widely installed on vehicles began not so long ago, it has been little studied and has not accumulated its statistics. Finding a specialist to repair it is problematic and the maintenance itself will cost a lot of money. Also, CVT boxes only require their own oil, which is different for each mechanism.

Here is the answer to the question: CVT or automatic, which is more reliable? You can draw your own conclusions!

My opinion: if you buy a new car with a warranty, then buy it with a CVT, in which case warranty service will help out. And if you have to buy without a guarantee, then you should make a choice in favor, you will spend less nerves in case of breakdown.

Let's summarize how a CVT differs from an automatic:

  • the variator gives the car dynamic acceleration (faster than automatic transmission);
  • a car with a CVT has lower fuel consumption (automatic eats more);
  • The variator is demanding on oil, but its oil volume is smaller and the oil change time is longer than that of an automatic transmission;
  • the variator does not have a torque converter and therefore it smoothly changes the gear ratio, there is no gear shift;
  • A variator is very difficult and expensive to repair; it is also necessary to replace the metal belt after a run of 120-150 thousand kilometers.

Video: what is a variator? Pros of a gearbox!

Video: design and operation of an automatic transmission.

Friends, after reading the article and watching the video, please share in the comments which of the presented mechanisms you like best!

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