What are the responsibilities of a driver when involved in an accident: an exact statement of the rules. How to act correctly in the event of an accident and what you need to know Rules of conduct in case of an accident as a driver

I got into an accident... What should I do? This is the first question that arises in the mind of an accident participant. Most people who are involved in such an incident are simply lost and do not know what to do and what documents to fill out. This material will help you gain the necessary knowledge and receive significant insurance payments in case of an accident.

What is OSAGO?

Some car owners still perceive taking out a policy as just another extortion; they confuse it with CASCO, believing that they are insuring their car. What is OSAGO? Auto liability insurance protects the property interests of its owner in the event of an accident.

If you are the culprit of an accident, the insurance company with which the contract is concluded will compensate for the damage you caused. If you are the injured party, then you need to contact insurance company the culprit. You can do this either independently or with the help of a representative of your insurer. It is very important to follow the procedure for compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident.

Payout limits

There is a maximum limit on the amount of insurance payout. For policies received before September 30, 2014, the following restrictions apply:

Due to changes in legislation, payment limits under contracts concluded from October 1, 2014 have been increased. Now each victim can count on payment of 400,000 rubles for damage caused to property, and 500,000 rubles for damage caused to life and health. The number of victims does not matter. The leader in the number of payments is Rosgosstrakh OSAGO. This insurer reviews the accident as quickly as possible and pays promptly.

First actions in case of an accident

If you are involved in an accident, there is no need to panic. It is necessary to soberly assess the situation and act strictly according to the instructions. The procedure for compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident can be read in the Road Traffic Rules (clause 2.5).

Photos from the accident scene should be as detailed as possible.

  • General plan. Must be visible damaged cars and the roadway. From such a photo it is easy to determine what kind of place it is - a parking lot, the courtyard of a residential building, or a busy street.
  • Take photographs of the condition of the road surface, brake marks, scattered parts and glass shards.
  • Capture the state vehicles using general photos from the front, back, sides. The numbers must be clearly visible.
  • Take close-up photos of any damage.

Registration of road accidents under compulsory motor liability insurance

Motorists who find themselves in an unpleasant situation have 3 possible actions:

  • call the traffic police and wait for them at the scene of the accident;
  • report the incident by phone and, with the consent of the employees, fill out the documents yourself, and only after that go to the department;
  • draw up a European protocol.

In the event of a collision of three or more vehicles, there are disputes about guilt in the incident, the nature of the damage, the refusal of one of the drivers to sign a notice of the accident, or in the event of a preliminary assessment of damage of more than 50,000 rubles, it is necessary to call a traffic police officer.

The paperwork regarding an accident can be completed at a stationary traffic police post within 24 hours if any reasons prevent the preparation of papers at the scene of the accident.

Registration of a European protocol is possible if several conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. Only 2 cars were involved in the accident; damage was caused only to vehicles (that is, no people were injured).
  2. Both drivers have valid MTPL agreements.
  3. The circumstances of the accident and the nature of the damage do not cause disagreement among drivers.

Thus, the procedure for compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident depends on the severity of the accident and the agreement of the participants in determining who is at fault.

In the presence of police officers

Depending on the nature of the accident, traffic police officers fill out a different set of documents.

If the accident resulted in personal injury:

If the accident results in damage only to property:

  • a map of the scene of the incident is drawn up;
  • explanations are collected from those involved in the accident;
  • participants and victims are issued certificates of road accidents;

If administrative responsibility is not established, then a refusal to initiate a case is issued; if responsibility is established, a protocol on administrative violation is drawn up.

Preparation of the protocol

After the traffic police officer has drawn up a protocol and diagram of the incident, drivers must carefully read them and sign them, and if necessary, make their comments. What should you pay attention to when reading the protocol and diagram?

  1. The correctness of filling in your data, the nature of the violation, information about participants and witnesses.
  2. Check the completeness of the list of all damage to vehicles.
  3. There should be no missing lines in the protocol; do not sign a blank or incomplete document.
  4. The accident diagram must fully reflect the real state of things, road markings, signs, traffic lights and everything that matters in this case.

Various factors can influence the decision about guilt in an incident, which should be reflected in the documents. These could be:

If there are victims in an accident, and the inspector does not offer to undergo an alcohol test, you should do it yourself.


The accident notification form is filled out by all participants in the accident, the circumstances of the incident and the nature of the damage are certified by their signatures. The amount of insurance payment under the European protocol cannot exceed 50,000 rubles. The victim cannot demand compensation from the insurer for damages exceeding this amount, but can make such demands against the perpetrator in court.

MTPL insurance implies that the insurance company has the right to order an independent examination of the damaged vehicles if it finds contradictions in the description of the circumstances of the harm and the characteristics of the damage received in the accident notice.

In this case, vehicles cannot be repaired until a decision on payment is made.

Notification of an accident

To eliminate disputes and confirm agreement about the circumstances of the accident, the front side of the notification of a road accident is filled out by drivers together. If there are more than two participants, then the notice is filled out by the drivers of the nearest vehicles. If joint filling is impossible for any reason, they must be indicated in the document. Filling out the document by third parties (for example, due to the health status of one of the drivers) is not allowed.

In the absence of disagreements, two drivers may fill out one notice together. The insurance company must be notified of this. If there is a disagreement, each driver fills out a separate form.

The notice must indicate the presence of victims, and, if possible, information about them.

The front side of the document indicates the date, time, place of the accident, information about its participants, insurers, a list of visible damage and other information. Reverse side serves for additional information.

The insurance payment may depend on the correct completion of this document, so it must be carefully checked. Pay attention to whether the other driver filled out his data correctly, whether he indicated the insurance policy number in full, and whether he put crosses everywhere.

List any visible damage to the vehicles. If you do not do this, it will be impossible to receive a payment for missed elements.

Submission of documents to the insurance organization

Within 15 working days, the injured party must provide the culprit’s insurer with all the necessary documents.

Documents in case of an accident (MTPL):

  • application for insurance payment;
  • completed accident report;
  • protocol, resolution on refusal in a case of an administrative incident, resolution-receipt;
  • certificate of accident;
  • passport and vehicle registration certificate;
  • driver's license;
  • a copy of the power of attorney to drive the vehicle;
  • vehicle assessment report (if done independently);
  • payment documents for evacuation from accident scene and storage of vehicles (if available);
  • bank account details.

Compensation under compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident

The insurer is obliged to make payment within 20 calendar days (except for holidays) from the date of filing the application. If the decision is delayed, the company is obliged to pay a penalty. If the victim is not satisfied with the amount of payment, he has the right to file a pre-trial claim, which is considered no longer than 10 days, and go to court. The payment will be maximum if you follow the procedure for compulsory motor liability insurance in case of an accident.

We recommend that you always have this leaflet in your glove compartment, since in the event of an accident a person is usually in a state of shock and cannot always act adequately. Meanwhile, incorrect testimony of participants in road accidents, failure to fill out necessary documents etc. nuances can greatly influence consequences of an accident. New rules for reporting road accidents came into force in 2015.

So, according to clause 2.5 Traffic rules driver in the event of an accident, he must stop, provide assistance to the victims, then report the accident to the traffic police, write down the names of eyewitnesses, indicate the position of the vehicle on the road and wait for the arrival of the traffic police vehicle.

2.5. In the event of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to immediately stop (not move) the vehicle, turn on the hazard warning lights and put up a sign emergency stop in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 7.2 of the Rules, do not move objects related to the incident.

Further actions of drivers involved in an accident are prescribed in paragraphs 2.6.1 and 2.6 of the traffic rules. In order not to be unfounded, we will quote the points of the law, and below we will analyze them in more detail.

2.6.1 If, as a result of a traffic accident, damage is caused only to property, the driver involved in it is obliged to release roadway if an obstacle is created to the movement of other vehicles, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to the vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a road traffic accident or the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles cause disagreements among the participants in the road traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and report the incident to the police for receiving instructions from a police officer about the location of the registration of a traffic accident. If they receive instructions from a police officer to fill out documents regarding a road traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest road patrol post or police department, drivers leave the scene of the road traffic accident, having previously recorded it, including by means of photography or video recording , the position of vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles.

If the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles do not cause disagreement between the participants in the traffic accident, the drivers involved in it are not required to report the incident to the police. In this case, they can leave the scene of the traffic accident and:

  • draw up documents about a road traffic accident with the participation of authorized police officers at the nearest road patrol post or police unit, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure objects, traces and objects related to the incident, damage to vehicles;
  • draw up documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out a notification form about a traffic accident in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance - if 2 vehicles are involved in the traffic accident (including vehicles with trailers to them) , the civil liability of whose owners is insured in accordance with the legislation on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, the damage was caused only to these vehicles and the circumstances of the harm in connection with damage to these vehicles as a result of a road traffic accident do not cause disagreements between the participants in the road traffic accident ;
  • not to draw up documents about a road traffic accident - if in a road traffic accident only the vehicles or other property of the participants in the road traffic accident are damaged and each of these participants does not need to complete the specified documents.

So, paragraph 2.6.1 prescribes actions to register an accident if there are no injured persons. If any person is physically harmed, such an accident should be registered in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Rules traffic(below).

Registration of accidents without injuries according to the new rules of 2017.

Unlike the previous rules, now the first thing you should do is capture it with a camera or camera mobile phone position of vehicles and objects involved in the incident from all possible angles, and clear the roadway. Thus, now there should be no situations where two slightly touching cars create a multi-kilometer traffic jam because they block the passage. You can keep cars off the road only if they do not create any interference with the movement of other vehicles. Otherwise, the arriving traffic police squad will fine both drivers for failure to comply with traffic rules.

Next, drivers should find out whether their views agree on the circumstances of the accident and the damage to their vehicles. If they agree with each other, they record eyewitnesses of the incident and either go to the traffic police to register the accident, or issue notices for the insurance company (if the requirements for the accident are met, for which it is allowed to register the so-called without a certificate from the traffic police), or agree on compensation for damage " on the spot”, without the traffic police. As you can see, there is now no obligation to report an accident to the traffic police. Previously, drivers were afraid to leave the scene of even a minor accident without calling the traffic police, because Leaving the scene of an accident was subject to deprivation of rights. Now it is possible to reach an agreement in accordance with clause 2.6.1. Traffic rules and leave, everything will be legal. If the culprit transfers money to the victim for repairs, this must be recorded with a receipt.

If drivers do not agree on the circumstances of the accident or the damage to their vehicles, they should contact the nearest police station, where they will receive instructions on where they should go to report the accident. The traffic accident investigation team of the traffic police will determine the culprit and the damage.

Registration of road accidents with victims according to the new rules of 2017

Registration of road accidents with victims is carried out in accordance with clause 2.6 of the Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation.

2.6. If people are killed or injured as a result of a traffic accident, the driver involved in it is obliged to:

  • take measures to provide first aid to the victims, call an ambulance medical care and the police;
  • in emergency cases, send the victims on a passing route, and if this is not possible, deliver them in your vehicle to the nearest medical organization, provide your last name, vehicle registration plate (with presentation of an identification document, or driver's license and registration document for the vehicle) and return to the scene of the incident;
  • clear the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of the vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to eliminate them preservation and organization of a detour to the scene of the incident;
  • write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

As you can see, the procedure for registering an accident with injured people is different: first of all, we provide assistance to the victims, or even hitch a ride with them to the hospital, or even take them in our own car. Further: vehicles can be removed from the roadway only if the detour of those participating in Car accidents impossible without forgetting to record the position of the car and all related objects in photos and videos. If there is a free lane or shoulder for traffic, we leave the cars motionless until the traffic police arrive.

Sometimes it is not possible to call and wait for employees at the scene of an accident (remoteness of the accident site, lack of available traffic police crews). Let's consider the option of independently filing an accident without injuries.

If you decide to draw up an accident report without the participation of the traffic police

Record details of witnesses to the incident

Discuss the circumstances of the accident with other participants. All opinions must be the same.

Draw up and sign an accident report

How to draw up an accident diagram yourself

There's probably no need to explain. that the traffic police’s decision on the guilt of a particular participant will depend on the correctness and clarity of the road accident diagram. That's why:

  • We draw a diagram that is understandable and clear.
  • It is mandatory to link the position of the vehicle to objects on the ground (intersections, kilometer posts, etc.)
  • Indicate the braking distance length
  • It is mandatory to indicate the date and time of the accident
  • If there is only one participant in the accident (type of accident - hitting an obstacle, etc.), it is necessary to indicate two witnesses to the accident, they must sign the diagram.

The following must be noted on the diagram:

  • width of the roadway, number of lanes for each direction, availability road markings and road signs, the effect of which extends to the section of the road where the accident occurred, as well as technical means traffic regulation; barriers, traffic islands, stops public transport, sidewalks, lawns, green spaces, buildings (if any);
  • positions of vehicles after an accident, traces of braking and dragging, location of damaged parts and fragments of vehicles, cargo, debris from cars and other objects related to the accident, with their connection to stationary road objects, sidewalks, roadsides, ditches and other road elements ;
  • direction of movement of the participants in the accident before its occurrence

If an accident is registered by traffic police officers, they record the following information:

The traffic police officer must prepare:

  • Information about the drivers and vehicles involved in the accident;
  • explanations of participants and witnesses of the accident;
  • list of damage to vehicles during road accidents;
  • a report indicating additional information that may be important for clarifying the circumstances of the accident and making a decision on the case;
  • all participants in an accident must be issued a certificate of participation in an accident, regardless of guilt;
  • if an administrative offense has taken place, proceedings on an administrative offense case are initiated (a ruling is made or a protocol is drawn up);
  • in some cases, a decision on an administrative violation may be immediately issued.

The case materials must be accompanied by a waybill and/or a car rental agreement, a power of attorney - if the car was not driven by the owner.

Let us add that usually the crew comes to the scene of an accident and draws up a diagram of the accident, then the participants go to the departmental department of the traffic police, where their explanations are recorded in a calm atmosphere, a little later (sometimes the next day) a certificate of the accident is issued.

It would be a good idea to independently record the data of witnesses to the incident, even if the second participant in the accident admits his guilt. Also write down all possible data about the participants in the accident: full names, addresses and telephone numbers, compulsory motor liability insurance numbers and names of insurance companies.

In order not to miss compensation for damages under OSAGO

Drawing up an accident notification form

According to the OSAGO Rules, in order to receive compensation under the OSAGO, an accident notification form must be filled out. Such forms are issued when concluding MTPL agreements. The form is filled out either alone if there are two participants in the accident, or each participant fills out their own copy of the form.

These forms must be sent within five working days by registered mail to the insurer. The victim simultaneously submits an application for insurance payment along with this form. The application must be accompanied by a certificate of an accident issued by the police, a copy of the protocol and a resolution on an administrative offense, if any, in the actions of the person responsible for the accident.

Every car owner should know what actions they must take in the event of an accident so as not to violate the law, and the possibility of...

From Masterweb

01.06.2018 10:00

Traffic accidents are considered fairly common situations on the road. As a result, damage is caused to property or even to the health and life of citizens. Therefore, every car owner should know what actions must be taken according to the law in the event of an accident. If the basic requirements for this process are violated, this may cause difficulties in obtaining compensation from the insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance.

Road accident concept

Road accidents are represented by events in which cars collide with movable or immovable objects, people, cyclists or other elements. The consequences of such accidents can be different, since damage can be caused not only to property, but also to the health or life of people.

An accident is officially recognized as an accident only in a situation where at least one car is moving before the collision. If damage is caused by people standing car, then this situation is not considered by the traffic police.

What to do if there are no casualties?

Every car owner should know what to do after an accident so as not to violate the law. Actions in case of an accident depend on whether there are victims as a result of the incident.

The rules of conduct for drivers during such incidents are prescribed in Art. 2 traffic regulations. This lists all the sequential actions that must be performed by the participants in the incident.

The most common accidents are those in which there are no casualties, so only the integrity of the vehicles is compromised. Actions in case of an accident without injuries are as follows:

  • First you need to stop the car;
  • an emergency stop sign is installed to warn other drivers that an accident has occurred on a specific section of the road;
  • the emergency lights turn on;
  • it is prohibited to touch any parts related to the incident;
  • it is important to ensure that the other driver and passengers do not suffer any damage;
  • the amount of damage caused is assessed;
  • if the accident is minor, then drivers can independently handle its registration, for which they record the locations of the cars using photos or videos;
  • then they are sent to the nearest traffic police department to register the incident;
  • if less than 50 thousand rubles is required to repair a car belonging to the victim, then a European protocol can be drawn up.

Particular attention is paid to the correct fixation of vehicle locations, as well as any damage that appears. Additionally, the diagram indicates where the different road signs, engineering systems, buildings and other elements. Only after a diagram has been drawn up and all objects related to the accident have been recorded, is it allowed to move cars to the side of the road.

What to do if motorists cannot reach a compromise?

Often, even in minor accidents, citizens do not want to file an accident in a peaceful manner. In this case, the actions to register an accident involve calling the traffic police. Therefore, after stopping the car, turning on the emergency lights and putting up a warning triangle, the following actions will be required:

  • contact information of all eyewitnesses is taken;
  • traffic police officers are called;
  • it is not allowed to leave the scene of the accident until the traffic police arrive;
  • It is the traffic inspectors who are responsible for further registration of road accidents.

The actions of the culprit of the accident are similar, therefore it is not allowed to leave the scene of the accident or insist on his innocence. If disagreements arise between car owners as to which of them is the culprit, then dashcam recordings, proper drawing up of a diagram and contacting eyewitnesses will be required.

Nuances in the presence of victims

Often road accidents end with injuries. They can cause serious injuries, so motorists should know what to do in case of an accident in such conditions. Therefore, citizens perform the following actions:

  • the car stops and the emergency lights come on;
  • Initially, you should try to provide assistance to the victims on your own, if you have the appropriate skills;
  • then called ambulance and police;
  • if the situation is critical, then you are allowed to try to take the injured person to the hospital by car yourself, and you are also allowed to stop a passing car and ask the driver to take the citizen to the doctors;
  • if a participant in an accident leaves the scene of the accident, then upon arrival at the hospital he must inform the employees of the institution his contact details and information about the car, and also hand over his passport and driver’s license, since only with such actions can it be proven that the citizen left the scene of the accident to provide assistance to the victims;
  • then you need to return to the scene of the accident;
  • under such conditions, direct traffic inspectors are involved in registering the accident, therefore they record various details related to the incident;
  • Only after all necessary actions have been completed is it possible to remove cars from the road to the side of the road.

It is advisable to first obtain contact information from witnesses, if any, since often in such serious accidents both participants try to shift the blame onto each other. Therefore, traffic inspectors must carefully understand the nuances of the incident. If drivers take the right actions after an accident, then truly serious negative consequences can be avoided.

What to do in case of death?

Major accidents can result in the death of the driver, passengers or other participants in the accident. The course of action in the event of an accident in such conditions depends on the unique circumstances present. If any participant in the incident dies, the culprit will have to face really serious consequences, so he will be brought not only to administrative liability, but also to criminal liability.

Actions in case of an accident in the presence of fatalities must be clear and correct so that the situation does not worsen. Therefore, the following actions are implemented:

  • drivers must stop, so no further movement is allowed;
  • the condition of citizens is checked to make sure that it is impossible to provide assistance to the victims;
  • An ambulance is immediately called;
  • Next, you need to call the police and explain the situation;
  • It is advisable to call the insurance company, relatives of other participants in the accident and a lawyer for advice.

Subsequent punishment depends on the correctness of actions.

What should you not do?

If the culprit of an accident immediately after the accident begins to call friends or relatives, and not an ambulance if there are victims, then these actions can be regarded as a serious crime, since the citizen did not try to help the victims.

It is advisable to immediately call a lawyer to the scene of the incident so that all testimony is given in his presence.

What should passengers do?

The correct actions in case of an accident must be taken not only by the direct drivers, but also by other participants in the accident, which includes passengers. Therefore, it is advisable to perform the following actions:

  • assistance is provided to other participants in the accident;
  • if any passenger has a medical education, then he can provide medical assistance to victims, which often allows them to save their lives;
  • if other citizens in the car are unconscious, then an ambulance is immediately called, after which people must be pulled out of the car if there is a possibility of a fire;
  • when interacting with victims, you must be careful not to cause additional harm;
  • It is not allowed to touch any objects related to the accident, and it is also prohibited to give water or food to the victims;
  • in case of bleeding or open fractures, a tourniquet or tight bandage can be applied, but only if you have the appropriate skills and abilities;
  • if the victim stops breathing, then it is imperative to provide resuscitation measures, and you must first make sure that there are no objects in the respiratory tract, and only then perform a cardiac massage and perform artificial respiration;
  • If fractures are detected, a splint is applied.

If cars stop near the scene of the accident, you can ask the drivers to take the victims to the hospital. Only through the correct behavior of all participants in the incident can we guarantee the preservation of the lives of citizens and the competent registration of an accident. The procedure must be followed not only by drivers, but also by passengers or eyewitnesses.

When is the European protocol issued?

Often minor accidents are reported by the direct drivers. To do this, some rules must be followed:

  • no more than two cars are involved in the accident;
  • there are no casualties;
  • the damage caused can be compensated with an amount not exceeding 50 thousand rubles;
  • drivers have a document form;
  • citizens understand the rules for filling it out.

If at least one rule is violated, you will have to call traffic inspectors.

Rules for drawing up a European protocol

In this case, certain actions must be performed when drawing up a European protocol in case of an accident. Therefore, the following steps are implemented:

  • initially the cars stop and the emergency lights turn on;
  • emergency stop signs are posted;
  • the absence of casualties is established;
  • damage to vehicles is assessed;
  • drivers decide on the need to draw up a European protocol;
  • the document is filled out and an accident diagram is generated;
  • Both participants must enter information into the protocol in their own hand;
  • Insurance companies should be notified of the preparation of the document.

The procedure for action under the European protocol must be correctly followed. In this case, the accident will be processed promptly and correctly.

What to do next?

With the drawn up document and diagram, the victim can contact the insurance company to receive compensation. If there are violations or errors in the document, the company may refuse compensation. The payment cannot exceed 50 thousand rubles, although in cities federal significance a maximum of 400 thousand rubles is transferred. according to the European protocol.

When drawing up a protocol, you must be careful to avoid various mistakes. It lists all damage sustained by the vehicle during the collision. According to such a document, insurance payments are transferred only to the innocent participant in the accident.

Rules for registration with the participation of traffic inspectors

If the accident is serious, you will have to use the help of traffic inspectors. Actions in case of an accident under compulsory motor liability insurance must be competent, since otherwise the insurance company may refuse to accrue compensation. The procedure is divided into successive stages:

  • after stopping the car, turning on the emergency lights and putting up a sign, you must call the traffic police officers to the scene of the incident;
  • if cars interfere with the movement of other cars, then before the traffic inspectors arrive, you can record the scene of the accident in photographs, after which the vehicle is moved to the side of the road;
  • traffic police officers study all the nuances and circumstances related to the accident, after which they draw up a protocol;
  • everyone's comments can be included in the document participant in an accident;
  • the culprit is issued a decree, and the victim is given a certificate of the accident.

With all the documents received from the traffic inspector, you must contact the insurance company to receive compensation.


Whenever traffic accident car owners must know what actions they are required to perform. The safety of citizens and the possibility of receiving insurance payment under compulsory motor liability insurance depend on this.

Actions vary significantly depending on the presence or absence of victims. Minor accidents can be registered by drivers themselves by drawing up a European protocol.

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If there is a need to move the car, then you need to draw up a diagram of the location of the cars after the accident, indicating the required distances. This scheme is signed by all participants in the incident. Traffic police officers need to outline the entire current situation. Make sure that the protocol records all the damage and the maximum number of nuances of what happened. Special attention pay attention to recording facts that indicate your innocence. Read the completed protocol carefully and, if necessary, insist on making additions and comments, as this incident may result in litigation. Do not refuse to conduct the necessary examinations, since refusal to conduct them may be regarded as evidence of your guilt in what happened. Only after carefully studying the protocol can it be signed.

Driver actions in case of an accident - instructions

You must have:

  • restraint system - seat belt, belt tensioner, airbag, head restraint system, child seats;
  • body structure, which will not allow changes in the volume of the interior or the entry of a dangerous object into it. This means installing high-quality glass, equipping with safe controls, installing a damage-resistant frame;
  • body structure, which will protect the passenger (energy is absorbed during collisions). These are deformation zones of the front, rear, and side parts of the vehicle.

30% of accidents occur due to inadequate support passive safety roads.

Driver's actions during a car accident

What you need to remember: Take pictures of everything in detail: the location of all cars involved in the accident, brake tracks of tires, state numbers and the faces of drivers, fragments, any mechanical damage, etc. When explaining with traffic police officers, describe the circumstances of the accident in as much detail as possible: time of day, road condition, weather conditions, direction of movement of the car, events preceding the accident, approximate speed of movement of all participants in the accident, their actions maneuvers, lighting on the road section, etc. The fairness of the permit in the future will depend on these details controversial situation. Don't forget to indicate in accident diagram collision with any other obstacle, if any. And also if the car overturned.

Step-by-step instructions in case of an accident

Such payments are also possible in cases where the cost of repairs exceeds the actual value of the damaged property;

  • If the car is subject to restoration, then the insurance payment is equal to the amount of repairs carried out, after which the car will look like it did before the accident. Expenses are calculated based on the average prices for carrying out the necessary repair work, and also takes into account the wear of parts and the degree of damage to units and components;

If there is a disagreement between the victim and the insurance company regarding the amount of insurance payments, the insurer is obliged to pay the undisputed part of the insurance without fail. At the same time, the victim retains the right to file a lawsuit against the insurer for payment of an additional amount of damage.

Filing a claim in court may entail additional measures and examinations.

Driver actions in case of an accident: step-by-step instructions

In addition, the violator may lose the right to hold a position for 3 years or more. If an accident leads to the death of a person, then you can realistically receive up to 5 years in prison or forced labor for up to 4 years. For the death of 2 or more persons - up to 7 years in prison;

  • in case of harm to health and being drunk - up to 4 years in prison, up to 3 years of correctional labor and deprivation of the opportunity to work in a certain position (also up to 3 years).
    If an accident leads to the death of a person, they can be imprisoned for up to 7 years. In case of death of 2 or more persons - up to 9 years in prison.

Results When driving out on the road, you should know what to do in the event of an accident, what nuances to pay attention to and how to act correctly. Not only the size of the fine or punishment, but also the quality of future life depends on the level of composure.

Reminder in case of an accident

If this is not possible, the participant in the accident independently takes the person to a medical facility, leaving his data to the second participant, and later returning to the scene of the accident.

  • Remove the car from the roadway if its location interferes with the normal movement of vehicles. If the motorist needs to leave the scene of the accident and take the injured to the hospital, the location of the vehicle and objects that are related to the accident should be recorded in front of witnesses.
  • Call the traffic police officer, find out the information of witnesses.
  • In the absence of serious consequences of the incident, the police officer:
  • draw up a diagram of the accident;
  • describe the damage to the vehicle;
  • will collect information from eyewitnesses of the accident and drivers.

You will need to be given a photocopy of the protocol.


If there are no such vehicles, write down the license plates of passing cars - the drivers of such vehicles will be able to tell the court about the location of the cars after the accident. Write down the numbers of passing buses - their drivers can also be called to court as witnesses later.

  • Call the insurance company where you signed up for compulsory motor liability insurance. Contact information is on the document issued to you (top left).
  • Next, the European protocol itself is filled out, which must be attached to the insurance policy.

    The signatures of both participants are affixed.

  • Write down the details of the second driver (his full name, registration, telephone number, information about his insurance company).

Instructions for driver actions in case of a traffic accident

After all, in the end it may become clear that you are guilty of what happened, even if to a lesser extent. Therefore, the driver’s actions in a traffic accident must be correct, reasonable, restrained and collected. Remember, these are not only your troubles, but also the troubles of other participants in the accident.


The Traffic Rules provide in detail all instructions for the sequence of actions of drivers in case of road accidents. First of all, you need to stop the car and turn on the hazard lights. The car doors must be closed so as not to interfere with other road users.

Then put up an emergency stop sign so that the current situation on the road is visible to other drivers. This warning will help you avoid additional troubles and will allow you to save all kinds of traces until the traffic police arrive.

Instructions for driver actions in case of an accident

It is mandatory to turn on the alarm system (or display the appropriate sign).

  • If the second participant persuades you to remove the car from the scene, do not agree.
  • If the accident occurred around tram tracks, no need to leave.
  • In the case where there are two participants in the accident, you can start drawing up a European protocol. In other cases, it is worth calling a traffic police officer.
  • Ensure the safety of all parts that are related to the accident - fragments of the car, debris from surrounding objects. Display any items that can help with this - fence off such items with buckets, bags, bags or any other things that you have.
  • Be sure to write down the details of witnesses (full name, contact details).

A fight with the person responsible for the accident will lead to only one thing - a statement to the police and new problems;

Unfortunately, no driver is insured against an accident. It is not possible to predict an accident on the road, so every driver must be attentive to the behavior of other road users and to their maneuvers. How should a driver behave if an accident does occur?

What should a driver do in the first minutes after an accident?

An accident is extremely stressful for anyone. What can we say about the driver, who is also responsible for the lives of his passengers. Everyone has their own reaction to an accident - from aggression to lethargy, but the most important thing in such a situation is to control yourself, not to succumb to any possible provocations and not to admit your guilt even if it is obvious (only a court can establish guilt). Therefore, breathe evenly and deeply and remember, what to do in case of an accident:

Stop immediately.

Turn on the hazard warning lights and immediately put up a warning triangle.

Do not touch or under any circumstances move any objects that are in one way or another related to the accident.

Provide all possible assistance to the victims and call an ambulance.

Call the insurance company, report the accident and act in accordance with the insurer’s detailed recommendations. The insurance company representative must be called to the scene of the accident, if this is provided for in the contract. The traffic police usually reports the accident to the dispatcher of your insurance company.

Write down the coordinates (addresses, telephone numbers, full names) of eyewitnesses and participants in the accident.

Exchange with those involved in the accident all necessary information about insurance companies and policies.

Do not admit your guilt and do not blame others - remain calm and neutral.

Fill out and sign (for each participant) the accident notification form issued by the insurance company.

If you need to clear the roadway, be sure to record everything related to the accident - the position of the car, all traces, braking distance, objects, etc. this must be done in the presence of witnesses.

Recording the circumstances of an accident is the first step to identifying the culprit.

Organize a detour to the accident site and try to take all measures to preserve the details of the accident. It is important to keep the location of the vehicle, as well as all objects/parts directly or indirectly related to the accident. starting position until the traffic police inspectors arrive. Things to remember:

Take photographs of everything in detail: the location of all the cars involved in the accident, tire brake marks, license plates and faces of drivers, fragments, any mechanical damage, etc.

When discussing with traffic police officers, describe the circumstances of the accident in as much detail as possible: time of day, road condition, weather conditions, direction of movement of the car, events preceding the accident, approximate speed of all participants in the accident, maneuvers they performed, lighting on the road section, etc. From these details the fairness of the resolution of the further disputable situation will depend.

Do not forget to indicate in the road accident diagram the collision with any other obstacle, if any. And also if the car overturned.

Remember that without recording all the data, causes and circumstances in the documents about the accident, you will receive an insurance payment only for those damages that are recorded in certificate No. 748.

Closely monitor the actions of the traffic police officer

What you need to get from the inspector:

A certificate from the participant in the accident, which must indicate all damage to the car.

If your license is revoked, you will receive a temporary permit to drive the car.

A copy of the violation report.

Please note:

Every column and every section in the documents must be completed.

Paperwork takes place only with the participation and presence of the driver.

Be sure to make sure that absolutely all damage to the car is recorded by the inspector in documents until the very end. the smallest details. In addition to visible damage, the documents must also indicate the possibility of hidden damage. This point is bureaucratic, but it is very important for your insurance organization.

Do not admit that you are at fault for an accident if you are not sure

Not sure about guilt? Are you sure you're innocent? Scared, confused, in shock? In the protocol, indicate “I plead not guilty” and leave a signature. Then the accident will be considered with the participation of witnesses of the accident and all interested parties, based on the true picture of the accident.

Do not forget to clearly and scrupulously record all the circumstances and details of the accident - this will play a very important role in the investigation and further identification of the culprit of the accident.

Contacting an insurance company - documents to receive compensation

When contacting the insurer after an accident, do not forget to take with you a notification and certificate of the accident, and a copy of the offense report.

Have you been insured under CASCO? Contact the insurer with whom the contract was concluded.

According to OSAGO? First, contact your insurer, and then (in a complex accident case) contact the insurer of the person responsible for the accident.

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