Notifications. Nokian and Cordiant tires - high quality and standard Which tires are better than Nokian or Cordiant

The end of 2015 was marked by key changes in the Russian tire market: it overtook in sales winter tires and, as a result, significantly increased its market share. At the beginning of 2016, another event occurred that seriously worsened Nokian’s market position - former employees of the company reported that the tires that were sent for testing were different from the serial ones. What explained Nokian's constant victories in various tests, especially those that lasted at their sites in Finland.

Against the backdrop of this scandal, another story related to the Finnish company remained unnoticed. In June 2015 Nokian Tires PLC filed a lawsuit against Cordiant JSC with a demand to “prohibit the defendant from any actions to use the patent protected by the Russian Federation industrial design", which is the Cordiant tire Snow Cross. From Nokian's point of view, the herringbone tread pattern used in the tire Cordiant Snow Cross, taken from a tire tread pattern Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7. Although from a point of view design features, tires are no more similar to each other than other tires with a similar pattern. Nokian's attention to Cordiant Snow Cross tires is not due to a technical issue, but to a market one!

Cordiant Snow Cross

It is worth noting that similar tread patterns have been used by almost all tire companies for more than 15 years. At the same time, each company makes its own changes to the pattern, which allow the tire to work better in difficult conditions. winter conditions operation. An example of tires with a similar tread pattern is Pirelli Ice Zero And Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-02.

For the average person, the tread patterns of the Cordiant Snow Cross and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 tires are indeed very similar. At the same time, the Cordiant Snow Cross tread pattern is patented in Russian Federation- which means it has at least 5 significant design differences from other tires with a similar type of tread pattern.

The confrontation between the key players in the tire market – Cordiant and Nokian – took place in the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg. The trial lasted more than a year: after JSC Cordiant won the first instance, Nokian lawyers filed an appeal. The final decision was made by the court on May 23, 2016, when the court upheld the first instance decision without changes and Nokian’s complaint without satisfaction.

Nokian also tried to influence, through Rospatent. The company filed an opposition to the then issued patent for snow tires Cross. Having received the first decision of Rospatent to refuse to satisfy the objection to the issuance of RF patent No. 92061 for Snow Cross tires, Nokian appealed to the Intellectual Rights Court to invalidate this decision, but the Court, by its decision dated December 6, 2016, did not satisfy Nokian’s application.

205/55 R16

Budget "winter"

The popular “sixteenth” tire size comes from popular brands. In this comparative test, we collected and evaluated the qualities of ten friction tires costing from 100 to 200 rubles. The cheapest of the selected tires were produced in Russia (Cordiant and Viatti) and Belarus (Belshina’s native Artmotion). But the most expensive was the Japanese Dunlop: from 200 rubles per wheel. Let's see how much more effective and safe this imported product turns out to be. Also included in the test were studded tires – Nitto Therma Spike. We did not stud them (by the way, studding one wheel will cost about 40 rubles) and decided to check how “unarmed” tires, which are designed to be used without studs, would perform.

We also remind you that during comparative tests, the characteristics of winter tires are primarily assessed, which are responsible for safe behavior on roads covered with snow or ice, as well as on wet and dry asphalt. Simply put, we evaluate the level of grip provided by the tires.

The winter part of the tests was carried out at a polar training ground on ice and snow at a temperature of -10...-8°C. The spring part of the tests took place at a temperature of +5...+7°C.


The test program for Scandinavian winter tires includes four tests on icy surfaces. Acceleration and braking on ice are the most important for any driver. In the test with braking from a speed of 25 km/h, five tires performed excellently, stopping the car in 12-13 meters. The leaders are Nokian and Cordiant. Among the outsiders, four tires of the Dunlop, Kumho and Nitto brands stopped the car almost 1.5 meters later. Belshina's result is the lagging behind, 16 meters. The same pattern of results was noted in the acceleration time test on ice.

A similar ranking of test participants was noted in the lateral grip test on ice. In this test, the car moved around an ice circle for a time. The better a particular tire provided stability on a bend, the faster car passed the circle. The best results were shown by Nokian and Viatti tires, and the pilot noted the clear behavior and predictable handling on both of these tires. Then, with a lag of about 1.5 seconds, the test car arrived on Sava, Cordiant, Gislaved and Hankook tires. The pilot also noted that on these tires the cars begin to slide outward early, and on Hankook tires a “hook” that seems good at first glance is replaced by a rather sharp drift into sliding. The last four tires were noted for their low lap speed, due to weak lateral grip on ice, and rather deep drifts.

A more complex and multifaceted test of tires on ice is driving on an icy track at speed. Cordiant and Nokian tires showed good and similar results, which also give the car clear and predictable driving behavior. Dunlop tires also give the car a very harmonious character, but their grip on ice is generally worse. “Belshina” showed an average time and was generally remembered for its rather predictable handling. The same cannot be said about Sava and especially Nitto tires, which behave nervously on ice: on them the car suddenly and deeply breaks into skids or drifts.


This time among budget tires Hankook tires showed exemplary results. The worst result is for the “unarmed” Nitto. When accelerating on snow, the spread of results increased to 15%. Six tires showed very close results with a difference of literally 5%. The outsiders were Nitto, Belshina and Sava.

But in a more dynamic test - testing controllability on a snowy track - Sava tires have shown themselves to be exemplary. They provide good lateral grip and give the car easy handling. They showed quite a decent result Viatti tires and Nitto, as well as Nokian. Less confidently, the test car rushed along the track on Hankook and Gislaved tires.


The “spring” tests of winter tires on asphalt included braking on wet and dry asphalt, as well as handling on a wet track. As often happens, in the asphalt program tires perform well that lost on ice and snow. Braking on wet asphalt best result showed Sava tires. The second result is for Belshina. The longest braking distances– with an extra four meters – was shown on Dunlop tires and Kumho.

Sava tires also led in handling on wet asphalt; Gislaved tires showed very close results. “Belshina” held on well, showing the 4th result. The slipperiest tires on wet asphalt were Kumho, Dunlop, Cordiant and especially Nitto.

Rolling resistance

We assessed the ease of rolling on a special stand with a metal drum. For studded tires, the studs had to be removed for this test. The rolling resistance coefficient is expressed in kg/t (or N/kN). A factor of 7 kg/t means that if a tire is weighed down by one tonne, a force of 70 N must be constantly applied to it to prevent it from losing speed due to rolling resistance. The lowest rolling resistance coefficient is found in winter tires Nokian, Hankook and Gislaved. The highest are at Cordiant and Belshin.

Results of a comparative test of studded winter tires




Load index

Tread depth

Tire weight

Country of manufacture

Cost, white rub.




Artmotion Snow Bel-317

Load index

Tread depth

Tire weight

Country of manufacture


Cost, white rub.

Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Brand Nokian Gislaved Hankook Sava Viatti Cordiant Kumho Dunlop Belshina Nitto
Model Nordman RS2 Soft* Frost 200 Winter I* Sept iZ2 Eskimo Ice Brina V521 Winter Drive I`Zen KW31 Winter Maxx WM01 Artmotion Snow Bel-317 Therma Spike
Test scores
Ice braking x0.75 75,0 70,5 67,9 69,3 69,7 71,4 63,1 64,1 55,4 61
Acceleration on ice x0.75 75,0 72,4 70 68,3 71,9 73,8 63,2 66,6 53,7 59,9
Lateral grip on ice x0.5 50,0 47 47 47,8 49,8 47,5 46,4 46,5 46,3 46,5
Handling on ice x0.5 49,7 47,4 47 47 48,6 50,0 47,9 49 47,1 44,9
Snow braking x2 195,0 195,1 200,0 191,6 191,8 189,7 192,0 190,3 192,8 186,2
Acceleration in the snow 99,0 100,0 97,3 85,6 96,1 96,6 91,1 95,3 85,7 86,2
Handling on snow 99,0 98,0 97,4 100,0 99,8 98,6 98,0 98,3 98,0 99,0
Intermediate result 642,7 630,4 626,6 609,6 627,7 627,6 601,7 610,1 579 583,7
Braking on wet asphalt x2 190,2 192,7 187,7 200,0 185,6 185,0 182,0 184,5 194,3 186,3
Handling on wet roads 97,8 99,8 93,1 100,0 92,3 90,5 91,7 91,4 95,1 88,0
Braking on dry asphalt x2 200,0 199,6 198,0 191,4 185,2 184,5 196,8 185,6 192,1 194,4
Rolling resistance x0.3 30,0 28,4 28,8 26,0 26,9 21,7 25,2 24,1 20,9 23,9
Intermediate result 518,0 520,5 507,6 517,4 490,0 481,7 495,7 485,6 502,4 492,6
Bottom line 1160,7 1150,9 1134,2 1127,0 1117,7 1109,3 1097,4 1095,7 1081,4 1076,3

Tires from the Russian manufacturer Cordiant are often compared in terms of performance characteristics with tires from the Finnish manufacturer Nokian. Such a comparison is quite appropriate, because most tire models have the same characteristics and components used in rubber compound for the production of tires. They can also be compared with unspoken indicators, such as safety, comfort of use, grip on the road surface and other characteristics.

So which tires are the best and which models should you choose in different seasons? Let's look at these questions in more detail.

Cordiant tires

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Russian Cordiant tires have some advantages that most other tire models from other European manufacturers do not have. These advantages include, first of all, the possibility of using tires in harsh conditions. winter time, their safety factor is incredibly high, and the design features of the tires and the composition of the rubber mixture allow these tires not to lose air pressure during sudden temperature changes. For the use of such tires in Russian conditions, this is very important advantage, since most European modifications car tires have such an unpleasant property - the tire pressure drops sharply with a sharp jump in air temperature.

It should also be noted that Cordiant tires have excellent road grip. A large number of winter tires are studded, which gives such excellent grip with the road even on a completely icy road surface, even when driving on such a road at very high speeds. The braking properties of these tires are also well developed - the braking distance even on slippery surfaces is quite short.

Susceptibility to temperature changes, grip and braking qualities - these properties can be considered the most important advantage of using Russian tires. This is not to say that these tires no longer have positive qualities, but all other properties are less well developed.

Nokian tires

Finnish Nokian tires are very familiar to both Russian drivers and everyone else around the world. Everyone knows very well that these tires have excellent performance characteristics and are famous for their safety and reliability of use. Let's take a closer look at all the benefits that drivers of cars equipped with these Finnish-made tires receive.

Let's start with the fact that all car tires produced by Nokian have excellent road grip, even in conditions Russian roads. It must be said that this is facilitated by a large number of factors - these are the design features of these car tires, and the optimized tread pattern for each Finnish-made tire model, and the composition of the rubber mixture that is used for the production of Nokian tire models.

The optimized design of the projector has extended grooves in almost all models, and this allows water masses to be removed from the contact patch in a fairly short period of time. This property prevents the formation of a water wedge when moving on a wet road surface, which, in principle, indicates the virtual absence of drift from a straight path during high-speed movement.

It should also be noted that all Nokian tires have a very high degree of safety and reliability. Tires are made from a large number of synthetic materials, which may indicate that the materials are not environmentally friendly, but in reality this is not the case - the composition of the rubber mixture is still dominated by the presence of natural rubber.

The best Cordiant tire models

The best modifications of car tires in model range Cordiant can be considered Comfort PS 400 and Winter Drive, according to the opinions and assessments of independent experts. The first model is intended for use in the summer season, but many Russian drivers often use it in winter, since the safety margin and excellent road grip allow this to be done.

The only drawback of this trick is the loss of tire pressure; after all, this is a summer model, which is not entirely intended for use in the winter season. In general, road grip, excellent rolling resistance, and excellent properties for removing water masses from the contact patch are quite developed in this model and are in no way inferior to many leading European-made models.

As for the Winter Drive model, this winter modification also has an exceptionally high level of safety of use, and also creates excellent reliability when driving on poor road surfaces in winter. This tire model is equipped with studs, which allows you to significantly reduce the braking distance during any braking. It is also worth noting the high acceleration properties that are achieved thanks to the optimized tread pattern. It is because of it that the tires fit tightly to the road surface, allowing cars to quickly accelerate and brake sharply.

The best Nokian tire models

The most leading models of car tires from the Finnish manufacturer Nokian are modifications of Hakka Green and Nordman SX. The first model is summer, and it has a huge number of advantages. These tires have virtually no disadvantages - each quality is highly developed, which allows drivers to feel comfortable and safe in any car on the road in any condition in various weather conditions.

It is especially worth highlighting the grip on the road surface, which allows you to maintain a straight trajectory when driving on not the best roads. This model also has excellent sound insulation - the sound of wheels touching during high-speed driving is virtually inaudible. Also, the water repellency and rolling resistance properties are quite good. high level.

As for the Nordman SX model, all the same qualities can be noted here. The only thing worth noting here additionally is better grip on any quality road surface. These tires have an excellent optimized rubber compound composition - it includes absorbent gels, natural rubber and silica. All this together gives these tires excellent performance in all conditions of use.

Final comparison of Cordiant and Nokian tires

If we compare best models tires Cordiant and Nokian, then it becomes clear - after all, tires Russian production still do not reach the level of performance that exists in the production of Finnish tires. In all respects, Nokian tires are superior Russian analogues, except for one component - if we consider the conditions of use in Russia, then, of course, Cordiant tires win here, since they were created for use specifically on Russian roads.

However, they have also found use on European roads. In all other respects, Cordiant tires are noticeably inferior to Finnish products - both in terms of road grip quality, braking properties, and speed characteristics and for many other features.


As a result, we can say the following - even if we consider the model ranges of both car tire manufacturers in full and try to compare them with each other, then such a comparison is inappropriate and meaningless - car tires from the Finnish manufacturer Nokian have a clear advantage here. In the Finnish manufacturer's model range there are no models that have either low performance qualities or at least average ones.

This suggests that the Finnish manufacturer has really worked hard on the technologies for producing its own products, which ultimately brought Nokian tires to a qualitatively new high level. The Russian manufacturer just needs to work further in this direction. This is not to say that everything is so bad with Russian Cordiant tires - far from it, many characteristics are very well developed. But still, this development does not occur at such a qualitatively high level as that of Finnish-made tires.

Recently, more and more motorists are paying attention to Nokian tires. The company's lineup includes many winter tires, which attracts buyers. However, many of them wonder whether it would be better to purchase tires from another manufacturer? To answer this question, let’s compare Nokian winter tires with models from other brands.

Nokian or Goodyear

Nokian's top winter model is Hakapelita 8. Goodyear's is Ultra Grip Ice Arctic. The Hakkapeliitta 8 tires feel ideal on Russian winter roads, as they were developed specifically for such conditions.

There are increased numbers of spikes on the surface of the rubber. Paired with a modified tread pattern, they significantly improve traction in difficult conditions.

They are resistant to the effect of aquaplaning, as they have a drainage system through the grooves of which moisture and snow are removed. They have improved wear resistance, ideal traction on ice and snow, and also provide minimal braking distance.

However, in ruts, tires behave unstably and are characterized by high cost.

Goodyears are also suitable for harsh winters and are also suitable for off-road use. Thanks to the change in rubber composition, they have an increased service life. Advantages of this model:

  • directional stability will be maintained at high speed,
  • resistant to aquaplaning.

But when they hit a rut, they can go into a skid.

If we compare Nokian and Goodyear, then it is impossible to give an exact answer. Nokian has better grip and cross-country properties, but at the same time the cost of these tires is higher. If financial capabilities allow, then it is best to purchase Nokian, but if not, then Goodyear, since they also have acceptable performance.

Nokian or Cordiant

The company Cordiant is the best model – Snow Cross. Its cost is approximately the same as that of Hakkapeliitta 8, so the comparison conditions are close. Cordiant improves vehicle dynamics and prevents slipping on snow and ice. Handling in such conditions is excellent.

The directional stability of the tires is at a decent level. However, on asphalt surfaces, the braking distance increases, and at high speed, fuel consumption increases significantly. Among other things, the tread pattern causes additional noise.

Hakapelita 8 does not have such disadvantages. There is only one - poor resistance to rutting. However, compared to the disadvantages, Cordiant is only a minor drawback. As you can understand, Nokian is a noticeable leader in comparison with Cordiant and is suitable for any operating conditions.

Nokian or Hankuk

When choosing winter tires, many motorists are faced with a choice: Hankuk or Nokian? To answer this difficult question, consider the Hankook WinterI Pike RSW419 and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 8 models. Both models are equipped with spikes and are presented in the same class - for passenger cars.

Nokian have the following advantages:

  • increased resource,
  • ideal grip and maneuverability in harsh conditions,
  • minimum braking distance.

However, its disadvantages are that when hitting a rut there is a risk of skidding, and the cost of tires is quite high. Hankook tires have slightly worse performance, but the grip is almost the same due to the increased number of studs.

The cost is much lower. That is why it is better to choose between these two models in accordance with your financial capabilities.

As it turned out, Nokian is noticeably in the lead compared to Cordiant. However, it is approximately on par with Hankook and Goodyear. Therefore, when choosing, it is best to take into account individual preferences and the allocated budget.

The Russian company Cordiant, which produces tires for a wide variety of equipment, was founded in 2005. Since then, it has become one of the leaders in the sale of tires in Russia. The range of products manufactured by the company includes about 400 varieties of wheels. The motto of the Cordiant company is a combination of European tire quality and an acceptable pricing policy.

Tire treads are made from a rubber compound that has increased wear resistance. The side parts of the tires have a more elastic structure that is resistant to all kinds of mechanical damage. Strength is additionally provided by a textile shielding layer with spiral winding, as well as a double steel cord breaker.

Cordiant Products

Today, under the Cordiant brand, rubber is produced for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, trucks, construction and loading equipment, and aviation transport. More than 150 different tire sizes are produced. Depending on the time of use, each car owner can choose suitable tires:

  • Winter. Friction tires They perform well on clean roads, and the studded tires cope well with snow drifts and ice.
  • Summer. Increased rigidity summer tires prevents overheating of tires and their increased wear in hot weather.
  • All-season. In addition to ordinary passenger cars, it is actively used on SUVs and pickup trucks.

The positive aspects of Cordiant tires

  • The tires are fully adapted to the conditions of Russian roads.
  • The cost of tires will satisfy any car owner.
  • In terms of driving characteristics, Cordiant products are not inferior to famous foreign brands.
  • Soft rubber, not much noise on the road.
  • New models with improved characteristics are constantly appearing.
  • In Russia you can easily purchase any type of Cordiant tire you like.

Negative points

  • Winter tires without studs slip on ice and compacted snow.
  • At high speeds (about 120 km/h), the smoothness of control is somewhat lost.

My tire rating

  1. Cordiant Sport 3.
  2. Cordiant Off Road.
  3. Cordiant Snow Cross.
  4. Cordiant Winter Drive.
  5. Cordiant Sno-Max.
  6. Cordiant Road Runner.
  7. Cordiant All Terrain.
  8. Cordiant Polar SL.
  9. Cordiant Polar.
  10. Cordiant Comfort.

Cordiant Sport 3 tires

Summer tires Cordiant Sport 3 are intended for active style driving. They ensure the stability of the car and its excellent cornering without skidding. These tires have an asymmetrical tread pattern, which improves stability and traction on asphalt. The tire's contact patch with the road is stable, providing good grip on any road surface. The tires perform well on dry and wet roads: polished grooves are provided to drain water from under the wheels.

When choosing tires, please note that Cordiant Sport 3 are road tires. They are not intended for poor quality roads and off-road conditions. They perform best on asphalt – wet and dry. For everyday driving around the city or on the highway, this great option, but on muddy roads they drive worse.

Characteristics of Cordiant Sport 3

Type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes No
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality summer
Diameter 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 255 / 265
Profile height 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type symmetric
Directional tread No
Index maximum speed H (up to 210 km/h) / V (up to 240 km/h)
Load index 85...116
515...1250 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Pros and cons of Cordiant Sport 3

Cordiant Sport 3 tires have the following advantages:

  • price;
  • good stability on straight sections and predictable in corners;
  • excellent grip;
  • decent braking performance;
  • prevention of aquaplaning;
  • softness;
  • comfortable ride.

The disadvantages include rapid wear and relative noise, which is typical for high-speed tires. Considering the budget price and domestic production, this is a very worthy and reliable option for everyday use in the city and on the highway.

Video review of Cordiant Sport 3

Cordiant Off Road Tires

All-season tires Cordiant Off Road are designed for SUVs. These are “mud” tires with a hard engraved tread with side grips. Wide grooves on the tread perfectly drain water and dirt. On asphalt these tires perform averagely, but on off-road they outperform many foreign analogues. These tires are also suitable for driving on mud and snow. Please note that they are not intended for movement on ice.

These tires are very durable and wear-resistant, can withstand collisions with bottles and glass, and perform well when driving through forests or on sand, peat and clay. This is the optimal choice for fishermen and hunters.

Characteristics of Cordiant Off Road

Type tires
Seasonality all-season
Spikes No
Purpose for SUV
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality all-season
Diameter 15 / 16
Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 265 / 275
Profile height 65 / 70 / 75
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Maximum speed index
Load index 96...114
710...1180 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Pros and cons of Cordiant Off Road

All-season Cordiant Off Road tires have the following advantages:

  • excellent off-road performance;
  • wear resistance and strength;
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages could be noise and weight, but these are attributes of all “mud” tires. But the lack of popular sizes in the line is really a drawback.

If you really need it off-road tires, all season tires Cordiant Off Road – the best choice. They are not suitable for the city, nor for rare trips to the country. They are designed for difficult conditions in which they simply have no competitors at this price.

Video review of Cordiant Off Road

Cordiant Snow Cross tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Snow Cross

Type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes Yes
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality winter
Winter tire type for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245 / 265
Profile height 45 / 50 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and Features
Spikes There is
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type symmetric
Directional tread There is
Maximum speed index Q (up to 160 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 75...116
387...1250 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Snow Cross


  1. They hold the road well on ice and snow.
  2. Price.
  3. Good handling at speed.


  1. They make noise.

Video review of Cordiant Snow Cross

Cordiant Winter Drive tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Winter Drive

Type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes No
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality winter
Winter tire type for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
Profile width 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215
Profile height 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type asymmetric
Directional tread There is
Maximum speed index
Load index 75...102
387...850 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Winter Drive


  1. Doesn't make noise.
  2. Soft, confidently holds the road.
  3. Not dear.
  4. Reinforced sidewall.
  5. Wear-resistant.

Video review of Cordiant Winter Drive

Cordiant Sno-Max tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Sno-Max

Type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes Yes
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality winter
Winter tire type for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235
Profile height 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and Features
Spikes There is
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type symmetric
Directional tread There is
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km/h) / Q (up to 160 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 73...108
365...1000 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Sno-Max


  1. Acceptable price.
  2. Wear resistance, quite durable.
  3. Good maneuverability.
  4. Holds up well on ice.
  5. Good handling and braking.


  1. Noisy.

Video review of Cordiant Sno-Max

Cordiant Road Runner tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Road Runner

Type tires
Seasonality summer
Spikes No
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality summer
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Profile width 155 / 175 / 185 / 195 / 205
Profile height 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 75...94
387...670 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal optional

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Road Runner


  1. Good braking.
  2. Quiet.
  3. Well balanced.
  4. At quiet ride handles great.
  5. Not dear.
  6. They hold the road well.

Video review of Cordiant Road Runner

Cordiant All Terrain tires

Characteristics of Cordiant All Terrain

Type tires
Seasonality all-season
Spikes No
Purpose for SUV
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for SUV
Seasonality all-season
Diameter 15 / 16
Profile width 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 245
Profile height 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type asymmetric
Directional tread No
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km/h) / S (up to 180 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 95...111
690...1090 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Advantages and problems of Cordiant All Terrain


  1. Not expensive.
  2. Good drainage and controllability.
  3. Not noisy.
  4. Holds well wet asphalt and icy conditions.

Video review of Cordiant All Terrain

Tires Cordiant Polar SL

Characteristics of Cordiant Polar SL

Type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes No
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality winter
Winter tire type for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17 / 18
Profile width 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 225 / 235 / 255
Profile height 45 / 55 / 60 / 65 / 70
Functions and Features
Spikes No
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type symmetric
Directional tread There is
Maximum speed index H (up to 210 km/h) / Q (up to 160 km/h) / S (up to 180 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 80...108
450...1000 kg
Chamber No
Diagonal No

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Polar SL


  1. Soft and not noisy.
  2. Good cross-country ability in snow.
  3. Holds the road well on wet asphalt.
  4. Wear-resistant.


  1. The optimal temperature is less than +5 degrees.

Video review of Cordiant Polar SL

Cordiant Polar tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Polar

Type tires
Seasonality winter
Spikes Yes
Purpose for passenger car
Runflat technology No
Are common
Purpose for passenger car
Seasonality winter
Winter tire type for northern winter
Diameter 13 / 14 / 15 / 16
Profile width 175 / 185 / 195 / 205 / 215 / 235
Profile height 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Functions and Features
Spikes There is
Runflat technology No
Tread pattern type symmetric
Directional tread There is
Maximum speed index Q (up to 160 km/h) / T (up to 190 km/h)
Load index 82...109
475...1030 kg

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Polar


  1. Not expensive.
  2. Good grip on the surface.
  3. Excellent maneuverability.
  4. Strong sides.


  1. Noisy.
  2. No directional stability.

Video review of Cordiant Polar

Cordiant Comfort tires

Characteristics of Cordiant Comfort

Advantages and problems of Cordiant Comfort


  1. Excellent road holding.
  2. Not noisy.
  3. Wear-resistant.
  4. Copes well with hydroplaning.
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