What is a carbon adsorber? Adsorber of the fuel vapor recovery system - how it works and why the part breaks. Malfunctions of the adsorber valve and their elimination

According to the new Euro-3 environmental standards, all vehicles must be equipped with equipment that prevents harmful fumes from recycled fuel from entering the atmosphere. The main function of collecting and processing fuel vapors in a car is performed by an adsorber, the principle of operation and design of which every car owner should have an understanding of.


Protection environment, of course, the topic is very important for our country. It should concern everyone, especially vehicle owners. Every year, cars emit huge amounts of harmful fumes into the atmosphere, which will not make our world a better place. That is why every modern vehicle is equipped, in which the adsorber plays a key role. Depending on the composition, the following types of parts are distinguished:

  • with granular stationary adsorbent;
  • with granular moving adsorbent;
  • with a fine-grained adsorbent, the bottom layer of which is always in a boiling state.

The first type of parts, which are used by most car manufacturers around the world, are considered the most effective. The second and third types of parts are also capable of preventing fuel vapors from entering the atmosphere. However, both boiling and moving substances tend to enter the atmosphere along with processed vapors. Therefore, in order to maintain the operation of the vehicle's vapor recovery system, the amount of active substance must be checked regularly. To do this, each time it is necessary to dismantle the adsorber.


The design of an adsorber with a stationary substance includes a housing filled with an adsorbent. The latter is activated carbon. On both sides, the adsorber is connected to special tubes that connect the device to the vehicle’s fuel tank and control valve.

Automotive adsorbers work on the following principle: vapors from processed fuel rise upward. Further, through the hole at the neck of the fuel tank, the evaporation enters the separator. There they condense and then return to the fuel tank. That part of the vapor that does not have time to go through the condensation stage passes into the steam line, after which it is drawn into the adsorber. All this happens when the car is not started. When the engine is running, the fuel vapor recovery system opens a solenoid valve through which air enters the canister. This is how the process of blowing the part occurs. In this case, the fuel vapor remaining inside the element, together with the air, enters the car engine. There they are recycled.

Thus, the adsorber performs a double function. Firstly, the device prevents the release of harmful substances into the atmosphere. Secondly, drivers get the opportunity to save a small amount of fuel.


Due to almost continuous operation, the EVAP system canister very often fails. In this case, there are 2 reasons for the breakdown of a part:

  1. The solenoid valve is not sealed, and the tube through which evaporation vapor passes into the engine is clogged. In this situation, fumes pass into the intake manifold, clogging it. If the car does not start the first time or does not start when the tank is not full, these are direct signs that it is necessary to clean the pipes and check the valve tightness.
  2. The tube became clogged, but the valve remained sealed. Moreover, in hot weather, evaporation will accumulate in fuel tank, increasing the pressure inside it. A direct sign of such a breakdown is hissing when the tank is opened.

Having discovered a malfunction, many owners immediately buy a new adsorber and run to the nearest service station. However, doing this every time the device is clogged will be unaffordable for many drivers. Therefore, in order to save time and 6–7 thousand rubles, we can repair the adsorber ourselves.

To repair the system there is no need to purchase optional equipment. All we need is a set of keys, a screwdriver and a file. The fuel system canister is located in the wheel arch near the car engine. To get to the part, we do not need to dismantle other elements of the car.

First, open the hood lid. Next, we look for fasteners that secure the adsorber. Some car models have them, but other cars do not. Pull out the adsorber and unscrew its cover. Next, saw off the bottom part of the part. This must be done extremely carefully, as all the coal may spill out. It is advisable to first make small cuts on the wide side of the body and seal them with tape. Next, we file the adsorber along the remaining edges. The cutting depth should be no more than 10 mm. There is no need to cut deeper, since there are tubes on the inside of the body that compact the activated carbon. After we sawed off the bottom, we turn the adsorber over and peel off the tape. We disassemble the lower part of the part’s structure, taking out all the springs and filters. Carefully pour out the coal. Next we see the intermediate filters, take them out and check for damage.

Some manufacturers equip the adsorber with foam filters. This material has a big drawback - over time it turns into dust, clogging the adsorber and tubes. It is best to replace foam filters with felt pads. This material breaks down more slowly and allows fuel vapors to pass through much better.

After we have cut out the gaskets of the required sizes, we carefully apply them to the walls of the adsorber and treat the structure with sealant. Taking advantage of the moment, it is also worth replacing the activated carbon in the part. After this we assemble the adsorber. To fasten the 2 parts of the device, we coat the edges of the upper half with epoxy resin and apply the lower half to it. For better fixation of the device, you can additionally wrap it with tape. At the final stage, we assemble the entire structure in reverse order.

The entire job will take no more than two hours. However, the amount saved on a new adsorber is worth the time we spent.

When gasoline comes into contact with air, vapors are released, which, when released into the atmosphere, worsen the environment. To catch them, an adsorber is installed in the ventilation system. In a number of European countries, the use of this device in a car is mandatory at the legislative level and is determined by environmental standards Euro-2 and higher. Knowing the adsorber device and why it is needed, you can easily identify malfunctions, as well as better understand its advantages.

What is an adsorber and EVAP system

Many motorists call a device for absorbing fuel vapors an “absorber”, but this is incorrect, since the name “adsorber” comes from the Latin words “ad” (translated as “on”) and “sorbeo” (translated as “absorb”) , which together means “surface absorption” (accumulation on the surface). In turn, the absorber absorbs the entire volume and cannot be used in this case.

Diagram of the fuel vapor recovery system

Since the largest amount of vapor accumulates in the fuel tank, the adsorber is located not far from it. In fact, it is part of an entire gasoline vapor recovery system (EVAP). The latter consists of the following elements:

  • Gasoline vapor separator.
  • An adsorbent element is a container with an adsorbent substance.
  • Ventilation valve.
  • Canister purge solenoid valve (located between the canister and the intake manifold).
  • Pipes and hoses for connection to the fuel tank, intake manifold and atmosphere.

In addition to the main elements, the EVAP system is part of the OBD-II on-board diagnostic system and includes a number of sensors (fuel evaporation, pressure) and the electronic unit control unit (ECU), which actuates the solenoid valve.

Types and principle of operation of the adsorber

Adsorbent element

Depending on the substance used, there are several types of adsorbers:

  • with a stationary granular adsorbent of medium fractions;
  • with mobile granular adsorbent of medium fractions;
  • with a fine-grained adsorbent in which the bottom layer is in a boiling state.

The most popular is the first type of system, in which activated carbon is used as an absorbent component.
The adsorber has three outlets for connecting pipelines. The first is intended for the entry of gasoline vapors, the second is connected to the solenoid valve, and the third is to the air filter, which provides the pressure drop necessary for purging.

How EVAP works:

  1. The car is at rest, the engine is turned off.
  2. There is a natural release of gasoline vapors in the fuel tank, which rise to the top point and accumulate at the neck.
  3. In this zone of the tank there is a separator that separates the liquid component, which settles in the form of condensate and is discharged back into the gas tank by special tubes.
  4. The remaining vapor that has not settled in the form of condensate passes through the steam line and enters the adsorbent element. They gradually accumulate on the surface of the adsorbent.
  5. The driver starts the engine and when the specified crankshaft speed is reached, the solenoid valve for purge the adsorber begins to operate. When the car is Idling, the valve does not work.
  6. Through the ventilation valve, air enters the adsorbent element due to the pressure difference (between the intake manifold and the atmosphere), and purging is performed.
  7. Air and gasoline vapor from the adsorber are supplied to the engine combustion chamber.

Signs of a malfunctioning adsorber

The main malfunction of the adsorber is contamination of the absorbent element, which occurs naturally. In this case, the pressure in the tank will increase, since the vapors will not be removed. A characteristic sign of this will be a hissing sound when you open the gas tank cap. A drop in engine speed, which is noted by many motorists, can also be the cause of a clogged adsorber.

Another important malfunction may be a leak in the seal. solenoid valve. In this case, the adsorber sensor may display the error “ Check Engine» through the diagnostic system. A sign of a leaky solenoid valve is difficulty starting the engine the first time, as well as when the fuel tank is incomplete. Such a breakdown can be corrected at a service center.

The issue of ecology has long been an issue largest producers cars, the result is achieved through many innovations. Among them is installing an adsorber in a car.

What functions does this device have? Where is it located? What are the advantages and disadvantages? These and a number of other issues require consideration in more detail.

What is an adsorber in a car, why is it needed and where is it located?

Valid today European standard ecology "Euro-3", according to which the emission into the atmosphere of hydrocarbon vapors resulting from fuel combustion is prohibited. To implement this task, a special device was developed - an adsorber.

The name of the device comes from the word adsorbent (absorbent composition). The unit is mounted in fuel system vehicle in order to absorb harmful vapors arising during the evaporation of fuel.

The absorbent is activated carbon, which fills the tank. It is this that absorbs harmful substances when the engine is not running. Otherwise, the vapors are sucked into the intake pipe and burned in the engine along with the combustible mixture.

This feature helps to increase the efficiency of the car. The result is a double effect: fewer harmful vapors enter the atmosphere and the combustible mixture is saved.

An adsorber is a filter element that becomes dirty over time and its effectiveness decreases.

The main sign of a malfunction is a “hissing” sound when the fuel tank cap is unscrewed. This happens due to the fact that fuel vapors have nowhere to go, and they “rush” out with all their might.

The location of the adsorber varies depending on the make and model of the car. So, in VAZ cars the device takes the form of a black can with a cylindrical shape. The device is often located on the right side in the direction of travel, in the near corner (near the headlight).

But for each model, the manufacturer determines the location of the device individually.

For example, in the VAZ 21099 the absorbent injector is located like this.

From what Euro standards is it established?

According to international requirements, the installation of an adsorber is mandatory on cars with Euro-2 standards and higher. As for the standard known in Russia (Russia-83), there is no installation of an adsorber here.

So, in VAZ-2108 cars there is no adsorber. Here the separator and the fuel tank are connected to each other using a drain tube.

During operation, condensation occurs and returns to the fuel tank.

In addition, the separator interacts with the atmosphere using a 2-way valve, which does not allow the pressure in the tank to increase or decrease.

The connection between the tank and the neck occurs using a gasoline-resistant tube, fixed with clamps. It turns out that when the pressure in the tank decreases (increases), fuel vapors escape into the atmosphere.

The system is organized differently in VAZ Priora cars. Here, the fuel vapors that entered the separator from the fuel container are condensed. The condensate then accumulates and returns to the tank.

A gravity valve is mounted in the upper part of the separator, which prevents the fuel mixture from leaking out of the tank if the machine overturns.

If the engine is started, vapors of the fuel mixture are mixed with air masses and discharged through the throttle assembly into the intake pipe - to the cylinders power unit.

It turns out that fuel vapors in a stationary position of the car accumulate in the adsorber, and if the car is moving, they are purged by the valve and sent to the receiver and to the engine for afterburning.

According to Euro-2 requirements, the fuel tank ventilation must not come into contact with ambient air, and vapors must be collected and directed to the engine (or adsorbed by the device in question).

As for the Russia-83 standards, contact between the atmosphere and ventilation of the fuel bank is not prohibited.

The adsorber device, together with which devices it works

The device for absorbing harmful vapors of the fuel mixture consists of the following components:

  • adsorbent composition (activated carbon);
  • gravity (electromagnetic) valve;
  • separator;
  • purge valve;
  • fuel drain pipes;
  • steam hose.

The basis of the design is the adsorber, whose task is to collect harmful vapors that come from the fuel tank and prevent them from entering the atmosphere.

In this case, the adsorber will combine with:

  1. Fuel tank;
  2. Intake manifold;
  3. Atmosphere (through a separate valve installed on the air filter or at the inlet to the device).

The system valve is an actuator that combines the adsorber and the intake manifold.

Principle of operation

Operating principle of the adsorber:

  1. When the car is stationary and the engine is turned off, excessive pressure of fuel vapor is formed in the fuel tank, which rises through the pipeline and is sent to the adsorber.
  2. The engine is running. The ECU (electronic control unit) of the machine, taking into account the current program and operating mode of the power unit, commands the solenoid valve to open.
  3. Fuel vapors accumulated in the adsorber are blown out through the vacuum that takes place in the intake manifold.
  4. Next, the vapors are sent to the intake manifold itself and to the combustion chamber. The result is obvious - the vapors burn out. As for the volume of vapor that enters the manifold, it depends on the opening time of the EM valve. The longer the path is open, the greater the volume of vapor available for combustion.

Motors equipped with a turbine have a compressor. The latter's task is to create a vacuum in the intake manifold.

That is why in special systems that provide vapor recovery on turbocharged engines, a 2-way valve is installed that operates and directs fuel vapor to the compressor inlet or into the intake manifold (in the presence or absence of pressure, respectively).

Pros and cons of the device

Like any other unit, the adsorber has its own positive and negative qualities that the car enthusiast should know about:

1. Advantages:

  • No harmful fuel vapors enter the atmosphere.
  • Fuel is saved because the vapors do not escape into the atmosphere, but return back to the engine for combustion.
  • The unpleasant smell of gasoline disappears from the passenger compartment (this effect does not always occur).

2. Disadvantages:

  • The adsorber has a substantial size, so it takes up a certain space under the hood.
  • The engine operates unstably, and “swimming” occurs at idle (one of the main signs of a failed adsorber).
  • High price. Installing an adsorber increases the cost of the car.
  • Risk of the tank cap “shooting out”. This is possible in the event of a breakdown of the adsorber and prolonged accumulation of fuel gases in a confined space.
  • Risk of deformation of the fuel pump. Ignoring the failure of the device also leads to this problem.
  • Risk of accumulation of a combustible mixture in the intake manifold due to the inability of the adsorber to perform its functions. As a result, the stability of the motor is disrupted.

Why do some motorists remove it?

Many car enthusiasts decide to remove a functional adsorber, considering it an unnecessary element in the car. At the same time, not all motorists can justify their actions.

Some drivers are sure that the presence of an adsorber leads to a decrease in the dynamics of the car, others - to an increase in the “gluttony” of the vehicle, and to others such a device seems completely unnecessary.

The work of discarding the adsorber (if you know some aspects) takes no more than 5 minutes. All that is required is to put a fine filter on the separator tube.

In this case, fuel vapors are directed into the atmosphere. In this case, the tube from the valve is closed, and the ECU program is adjusted. If you do not perform the last action, an error appears.

How long does the adsorber last and what are the first signs of its malfunction?

Like any other device, the adsorber is not “immortal” and sooner or later breaks down. Its service life depends on many factors - frequency of vehicle operation, fuel quality, and so on.

It is impossible to determine a product malfunction visually. But there are a number of signs that signal a problem almost immediately after its appearance.

Among these signs it is worth highlighting:

  1. Increased pressure in the tank, which manifests itself as a “hissing” sound when the lid of the fuel container is unscrewed. The reason for the phenomenon is the accumulation of vapors that have nowhere to go.
  2. Floating car speed at idle. The difficulty is that there are many reasons for this, and the malfunction manifests itself less often. Still, you shouldn’t ignore the problem. The issue of “floating” speed at idle should be considered separately. To check your suspicions, you need to discard the tube that leads from the manifold to the valve and install a plug (an alternative is to bend or tighten the tube). If the malfunction does not go away, then there is a high probability of contamination of the adsorber.
  3. Decrease in dynamics while accelerating. This problem is explained by a drop in the performance of the fuel pump due to insufficient vacuum in the fuel container.
  4. Valve silence. Experienced car enthusiasts know that during acceleration the operation of the valve is easily diagnosed - it begins to tap or click. If this is not the case, then the malfunction will soon manifest itself.

In the situations mentioned, the only correct solution is to replace the faulty unit and install a new adsorber. In this case, the work takes no more than 15 minutes (the sequence of actions for replacement is discussed below).

Changing the device yourself

To change the adsorber, it is enough to perform a number of simple manipulations. In this case, there are two solutions - do the work yourself or go to a service station and entrust the problem to specialists.

The advantages of the first option are cost savings and high speed of work. The sequence of actions is as follows:

The work time is 15-20 minutes.

In device modern car There are many different parts that the average car enthusiast doesn't even know exist. The adsorber, the adsorber valve, malfunctions of which can significantly impair the operation of the machine, is an example of this.


This spare part was not always part of the car. We owe its appearance to modern requirements for the environmental performance of cars, and to be more precise, the Lada Granta acquired an adsorber thanks to Euro-3.

(Euro 3 is an environmental standard that was introduced in 1999, but its requirements Russian manufacturers were able to answer only in 2008.)

Adsorber, for which Granta became one of the first “shelters” on the market domestic auto industry, is a spare part directly linked to the catalyst. It allows you to accumulate gasoline vapors to prevent them from entering the exhaust manifold.

Such actions allow you to preserve the catalyst and prevent its premature wear, since the combination of a cold catalyst with gasoline vapor is unacceptable. As soon as the engine warms up to the required temperature, the adsorber purge sensor is activated. The adsorber valve drives the vapors back into the gas tank.

Additional features

Of course, initially, created to create environmentally friendly engine operation, the Lada Granta adsorber, the price of which is insignificant, was underestimated. Manufacturers tried to avoid this newfangled trend with all sorts of tricks, but the law obliged all car manufacturers who did not comply with this innovation to pay heavy fines.

Although AvtoVAZ has never been known for its large exports, it was forced to take measures to install an adsorber, since it has a small, but still a sales market. Today, the adsorber is installed on the Lada Granta without fail, since world research has revealed the following capabilities of this component:

– reduction in gasoline consumption

A similar result is achieved because the adsorber valve allows gases to be driven back into the gas tank, from where they enter the engine, which, when warm, is capable of processing them. If this device is not present, or the canister valve itself does not work, Granta loses fuel, which significantly increases consumption.

– normalization of exhaust system operation

Thanks to filtration, the likelihood of premature wear of the system and its components disappears.

Valve - as the most important component of the device

Speaking about how the adsorber valve works, it is necessary to introduce the device itself. It is, roughly speaking, a can of coal, which is equipped with a valve that allows the vapor to condense and direct. The canister purge valve is controlled by the ECU, which sends a signal to open/close it.

Important!!! The adsorber solenoid valve can create certain troubles for the driver. In the cold season, when starting a cold engine, a certain sound similar to clicking may be heard. This sound is normal, since the valve may not work correctly when cold.

In order not to confuse this sound with possible breakdowns, it is necessary to apply gas control. If there are no changes, you can safely attribute the clicks to the absorber.

Features of valve operation

The Grant canister purge valve itself was inherited from Kalina. Thus, the Kalina adsorber purge valve and the Lada Granta adsorber purge valve are completely identical. This allows us to assert that the signs of adsorber malfunction in both cars are identical.

If we take into account the Kalina adsorber purge solenoid valve, malfunctions and their symptoms can be completely attributed to a malfunction of the adsorber of its younger brother.

How to understand a malfunction of the absorber

Speaking about the adsorber valve, the symptoms of a malfunction will be fairly standardized, which makes it possible to obtain a fairly detailed description. So, signs of a malfunctioning adsorber valve:

– Constant smell of gasoline in the cabin.

This fact is caused by improper circulation of gases, which may have a certain leakage. Due to the proximity of the system to air filter, odors freely penetrate into the cabin.

- Valve knock.

Signs of a malfunction of the canister purge valve on the Grant include this sound, familiar to all Grant owners.

(to fix this, you can tighten the nut, or you can purchase a new one; fortunately, the Lada Granta adsorber valve, the price of which is low, is available for purchase)

– Increased fuel consumption.

An inoperative adsorber ventilation valve is not able to control the correct path of gases, which does not allow them to be processed in the form of combustion.

– The amount of harmful substances released through the system increases.

Speaking about how the canister purge valve works and why, do not forget that increasing the environmental performance of a car is a primary task, which can be disrupted if the canister purge solenoid valve does not function correctly.

- Sounds similar to some hissing.

Strong hissing in the adsorber hose, the cause of which is the accumulation of gases, is not uncommon. Since modern requirements for cars do not allow gas emissions while parked, a certain accumulation is acceptable.

– Characteristic sounds coming from the gas tank.

Speaking about the Lada Granta adsorber, malfunctions of which are always characterized by extraneous sounds coming from the gas tank, it must be said that they are the most typical sign of a breakdown. In this case, the adsorber sensor may not give any indications of malfunction, therefore, it must also be replaced.

Thus, signs of a malfunction of the Lada Grant canister purge valve are quite easy to identify. In addition, they are detected when simply refueling the car, which necessarily requires opening the gas tank cap.

How to repair a problem

When talking about repairing the adsorber, the fault should be clearly identified. For example, if we are talking about the Grant adsorber purge valve, the malfunction of which can be indexed by the lack of high-quality gas removal, a new VAZ adsorber purge valve can be a solution to the problem.

The repair of the adsorber valve itself comes down to using a Phillips screwdriver and its application. The procedure for influencing the Lada Granta adsorber sensor:

1) We remove the terminals so that there are no disastrous consequences.

2) Apply physical force and gently remove the valve.

3) We compare the new valve and the old one, because anything can happen in life. Buying an adsorber valve, of course, is a simple thing, but there are mistakes made by sellers/storekeepers who may mistakenly sell an unnecessary spare part.

4) We insert a new valve, assemble this system, return the terminals to their place and enjoy life. The Grant adsorber purge valve, the price of which is almost equally low throughout the Grant sales area, is also a reason for a small, but still joy.

It is impossible in the course of the story about the adsorber not to mention the fact that a huge number of Lada Grant owners prefer to remove this device. There are two reasons for this action:

– lack of desire to repair

– lack of faith in the possible environmental benefits of the installation of this device within your car

Price policy

Speaking about the Grant adsorber purge valve, which can be purchased today in all large and not so large places for selling spare parts for the Russian auto industry, it is impossible not to note its pleasant price. The Grant adsorber valve, the price of which is equivalent to the probability of its failure, provides independent replacement and is the simplest mechanism.

Thus, maintaining the environmental standards of the Lada Granta is truly a man-made matter. The adsorber has become a part that, in addition to caring for the environment, can significantly reduce fuel consumption and improve the operation of exhaust gas removal.

The article is educational in nature and may contain errors; it is recommended for car enthusiasts with a poor understanding of the adsorber. The article is written regarding simple words for better perception

1) What is an adsorber

An adSorber or an Absorber is often confused - correctly “adSorber”... A container with activated carbon most often looks like a barrel (cylinder) with inlet and outlet hoses.

Let's start with the definitions:

Sorption (from Latin sorbeo - absorb) - absorption by a solid or liquid of various substances from the environment.
Adsorption is the accumulation of something on the surface of a sorbent.
Adsorber (from Latin ad - on, with and sorbeo - absorb) - an apparatus for absorption by the surface layer of a solid called an adsorbent ( activated carbon), dissolved or gaseous substances (fuel vapors), not accompanied by a chemical reaction
The gasoline vapor recovery system (EVAP - Evaporative Emission Control) is designed to prevent the leakage of gasoline vapors into the atmosphere.

2) Why is it needed?

Gasoline vapors generated in the tank rise upward and first enter the separator through an opening at the neck of the tank. There they condense and drain back into the tank. That part of them that does not have time to turn into condensate, through the gravity valve through the steam line, goes directly into the adsorber, where it is absorbed by activated carbon.

This happens when the engine is not running. Using an electromagnetic valve, the operating modes of the gasoline vapor recovery system are switched. When the engine is turned off, the adsorber communicates with the atmosphere (gasoline vapors enter the adsorber from the gas tank) where they are absorbed.

When the engine starts, the injection system controller sends control pulses to the valve, resulting in the sorbent being purged. Gasoline vapors are sucked into the receiver and burned in the combustion chamber.

3) Euro-2 and Russia-83

The question arises: why are there no adsorbers on cars with carburetors (Russia-83), but on cars with injection systems and Euro-2 standards there is one?

Let's compare two cars - VAZ 21083 and VAZ Priora, namely the power system:
VAZ 21083:

Through the drain hose (15), the tank is connected to a separator (19), which traps gasoline vapors. The condensate from the separator is drained back into the tank. The separator communicates with the atmosphere through a two-way valve (21), which prevents excessive increase or decrease in pressure in the fuel tank. Filler neck connected to the tank with a gas-resistant rubber hose secured with clamps. The plug is sealed.

Those. When the pressure in the fuel tank increases or decreases, gasoline vapors are released into the atmosphere.

VAZ Priora:

Fuel vapors that have passed through the tube from the tank into the separator (16) are partially condensed in it. The condensate from the separator is drained through a tube back into the tank. A gravity valve is installed in the upper part of the separator, which prevents fuel from leaking out of the tank when the vehicle rolls over.

Fuel vapors accumulate in the adsorber (1) through the gravity separator valve and the tube connected to it when the engine is not running. When the engine is running and other necessary conditions, the valve (14) communicates the adsorber cavity with the throttle assembly - and the sorbent is purged: gasoline vapors are mixed with air and discharged through the throttle assembly into the intake manifold and further into the engine cylinders.

Those. Fuel vapor accumulates in the adsorber, during engine operation it is purged by the valve and enters the receiver, and then into the engine itself to burn out.

Euro-2 standards prohibit contact of the gas tank ventilation with the atmosphere; gasoline vapors must be collected (adsorbed) and, when purged, sent to the cylinders for afterburning. The Russia-83 standards did not prohibit contact between the gas tank ventilation and the atmosphere.

4) Pros and cons of the adsorber:

The atmosphere is not polluted by unnecessary, harmful fumes;
+ slight fuel savings, gasoline vapors do not evaporate, but burn out during engine operation.
+ lack of persistent gasoline smell (debatable)
- takes up space in the engine compartment
- unstable work engine idling with a faulty adsorber
- cost of the adsorber

5) Why do some car enthusiasts remove the adsorber?

Some car enthusiasts remove the working adsorber with the phrases: “I don’t like it, I’ll throw it out”, “it makes the car slower”, “the consumption with it is higher”, “it’s a stupid thing” - in fact, the working adsorber does not affect the dynamics, the consumption is likely to be reduced - in general, a useful thing. Others remove the adsorber when it becomes unusable; they do not replace it due to high cost adsorber.

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