Academic year. Self-education of teachers. Preparation for a report on self-education Forms of work on self-education for teachers

Self-education as one of the ways to improve the professional skills of teachers

Purpose of consultation:Improving skills independent work self-education teachers.


  • Reveal the essence of the process of self-education, its necessity in modern conditions.
  • providing methodological assistance to teachers in the ability to work with educational, reference, scientific and methodological literature, highlight the main, key concepts in any information material, compose reference diagrams, plans.

Planned result:Teachers’ awareness of the need for constant self-education and the formation of certain skills.

Consultation plan:

4. Reflection.


Belaya K.Yu. Self-education of preschool teachers. / Directory of senior educators. N 2, 2007. p. 37.

Preschool education N 2, 2008 p. 97

Korotkina O. How to organize self-education. /Preschool education. N 8, 2004, p. 36

Materials from internet sites on the issue of self-education

I feel I have the right to say: long live self-education in all areas!.. Only that knowledge is lasting and valuable that you acquired yourself, prompted by your own passion. Any knowledge must be a discovery that you made yourself...

K.I. Chukovsky

1. Self-education as one of the ways to improve the professional skills of teachers.

The quality of preschool education is determined by many factors, one of which is the continuous improvement of the level of theoretical training and professional skills of teachers. An important role in this regard is played by the systematic, independent familiarization of educators and other pre-school specialists with the latest achievements of pedagogy, with the best practices of other educational institutions, as well as the study of program and methodological materials and regulatory documents. How do you understand what self-education is?

Various sources give the following definitions:

Self-education- This purposeful cognitive activity, controlled by the individual himself to acquire systemic knowledge in any field of science, culture, etc. Ozhigov gives the following definition:self-education- this is the acquisition of knowledge through independent study without the help of a teacher.

Self-education- This purposeful work of the teacherto expand and deepen their theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences.

During the academic year or other period of time, the teacher must study in depth a problem whose solution causes certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

Self-education of a teacher isnecessary condition professional activities. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others you need to know more than everyone else. A teacher must learn everything constantly, because every year in the faces of his pupils before him, time stages change, ideas about the world around them deepen and even change. The ability for self-education is not formed along with a diploma from a pedagogical university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher, but no less this ability is developed in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and self-analysis, monitoring one’s own activities and the activities of one’s colleagues.

However, no matter how high a teacher’s abilities for self-education are, this process is not always implemented in practice. The reasons that teachers most often give are lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc. But this is just a manifestation of inertia of thinking and laziness of the mind, since self-improvement, first of all, should become an integral need.

Let us determine the components of this need, the motives that encourage the teacher to self-education:

Daily work with information.When preparing for a lesson, speech, parent-teacher meeting, etc., the teacher needs to search and analyze new information

Desire for creativity.A teacher is a creative profession. A creative person will not be able to work according to the same yellowed lesson plan or script from year to year, or read the same reports. There must be a desire for more. Work should be interesting and enjoyable.

Rapid growth modern science. Especially psychology and pedagogy.

Changes taking place in societyform the image of the teacher as “not modern man».

Competition. It is no secret that many parents, bringing their child to kindergarten, are concerned about what kind of teacher will work with their child.

Public opinion. The teacher is not indifferent to whether he is considered “good” or “bad.” It's a shame to be a bad teacher.

Financial incentives.The category of a teacher, the opinion of the certification commission, bonuses, allowances, and maybe even titles and government awards - all this depends on the qualifications and skill of the teacher. This cannot be achieved without constantly acquiring new knowledge.

Interest . It's just interesting to learn. Like a person who teaches daily will not be constantly learning. Does he then have the right to be a teacher at all?

Sources of self-education.

What is the essence of the process of self-education?

The teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life.What are these sources of knowledge, and where to look for them?


Newspapers, magazines

Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.)


Video, audio information on various media

Paid courses

Seminars and conferences

Master classes

Experience exchange events

Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts

Refresher courses

2. Organization of work on self-education.

An important condition for self-education is properly organized and carried out work on self-education. Unfortunately, not all teachers always have the skills to work independently; the following problems most often arise:

They cannot decide on the topic of self-education and highlight its relevance

Cannot correctly formulate the topic of self-education

When selecting literature, one gets lost in its abundance. Find it difficult to make the right choice

When working with methodological literature, they cannot deeply comprehend the material they read

Cannot formulate the purpose and objectives of the work

(teachers offer their solutions to the identified problems)

Possible problem


I can’t decide on a topic for self-education

  • Select from the variety of problems that arise from observations of children, diagnostic results, job analysis, etc., the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give a lasting positive result.
  • determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance for improving the educational process

I can’t correctly formulate the topic of self-education and highlight its relevance

When selecting literature, one gets lost in its abundance. Find it difficult to make the right choice

Formulate topics according to the following schemes:

  • - SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING;

SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING;
- Using SOMETHING as a means (or condition) of development (or formation, education, formation) of SOMETHING

For example: “Plot-role play as a means of developing the communicative abilities of children up to school age»

  • The formulation indicates the process being studied and the conditions under which it is being studied:

Process being studied

Subject of research












Cognitive abilities

Cognitive activity

Ability to do something

Personal qualities





In music classes

On excursions

In the process of studying something

In the process of getting to know something

In gaming activities


For example:
“Development of observation skills in older children preschool age during excursions"

Definition of relevance:

Answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied today, how important and significant is it for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers? Novelty may lie in a new solution to issues and affect regional characteristics.

Select literature as follows:

Viewing and reviewing the table of contents, introduction, summary gives general idea about the intention of the book, makes reading meaningful and purposeful;

Answer the question: Can I learn what I need from a book by looking at the table of contents?

Where to start studying the selected literature:

Start by studying traditional techniques for this problem

Study modern views on the problem

Use the experience of other teachers and preschool educational institutions

When working with methodological literature, I cannot deeply comprehend the material I read

  • As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments;
  • Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own wording, using various techniques for recording what you read: summary thoughts, facts, highlight the main thing for yourself with a conventional symbol;
  • Write down questions that arise as you read the source;
  • Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.

I can’t formulate the purpose and objectives of the work

Target - this is what needs to be obtained or shown as a result of work.

For example:

Topic: “Educational games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children”

Purpose of the work: To show the role and importance of educational games in the formation of the cognitive abilities of preschool children.

Tasks – ways to achieve the goal.

Answer the question, what needs to be done to confirm the assumption?

Scheme for formulating tasks:

research activities





explore, analyze, consider,



develop, test experimentally,


test, etc.







means, possibilities, feasibility, techniques,

3. Results of self-education.

What does self-education give?

Independent work on self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise when working with children.

An experienced teacher has the opportunity not only to replenish his knowledge, but also to find effective, priority methods for developing work with children and parents, and to master basic diagnostic and research activities.

In addition, teachers develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, flexibility of thinking, the ability to model and predict the educational process are formed, and creative potential is revealed.


Every activity is meaningless if it does not result in the creation of a certain product, or if there are no achievements. What can be the results of self-education?

  • Improving the quality of work done with children;
  • Development of notes, programs, scripts, manuals
  • Reports, speeches
  • Development of didactic materials, visualization
  • Development and implementation open classes using our own technologies
  • Conducting seminars, consultations, master classes
  • Generalization of work experience on the problem (topic) under study, etc.

Also, the results of self-education are professional competence and a high general cultural level of the teacher.

Dear colleagues, I wish you good luck!





Start date of work on the topic _____________________________________________

Estimated completion date of work on the topic ___________________________

TARGET: ___________________________________________________________________

Tasks: _____________________________________________________________________

Example tasks:

Increase your own level of knowledge by... (studying the necessary literature, visiting the RMO, self-education...);

Develop a long-term plan for working with children;

Prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year;

Organize the work of the circle, create a working curriculum;

Set up an activity center (or mini-center) “________________________________” in the group;

Prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic: “___________________________”; speech at the pedagogical council on the topic: “_____________________________________________”;

Prepare (take part) in the seminar “___________________________________________”;

Prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “_________________________________________________________________________”;






1. Diagnostic

1. Analysis of difficulties.

2. Statement of the problem.

3. Study of literature on the problem and existing experience.

2. Prognostic

1. Definition of goals and objectives

work on the topic.

2. Development of a system of measures aimed at solving the problem.

3. Forecasting results.

3. Practical

1. Introduction of advancedteaching experience;

systems of measures aimed atsolution to the problem.

2. Formation of a methodological complex.

3. Tracking the process, current and intermediate results.

4. Correction of work.

4. Generalizing

1. Summing up.

2. Presentation of results

works on the topic.

3. Presentation of materials.

5. Implementation

1. Using experience yourselfteacher in progress

further work.

2. Sharing experience among colleagues.

Practical solutions, for example:

  1. Open browsing directly educational activities.
  1. Preparation (participation, holding) of the seminar.

Topic: “_______________________________________________________________”;

  1. Conducting master classes for teachers.

Topic: “__________________________________________________________”;

  1. in the self-education system of preschool teachers there may be:

    1. Familiarization with new regulatory documents on issues of preschool education;
    2. Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature;
    3. Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;
    4. Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies;
    5. Familiarization with best practices of preschool institutions;
    6. Raising the general cultural level.

    Algorithm for drawing up a plan for self-education

    Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself.

    The plan specifies:

    • topic name
    • goals
    • tasks
    • expected result
    • stages of work
    • deadlines for each stage
    • actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic
    • a way to demonstrate the results of the work done
    • work report form

    Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers.

    Algorithm for working on the topic of self-education

    • Selection of a topic
    • Defining goals and objectives
    • Start date of work on the topic
    • Selection of activities within the framework of working on the topic
    • Selection of sources of self-education
    • The results of self-education and their translation at the institutional, district, district, city and regional levels.

    Forms of work of teachers on self-education topics:

    1. Reading methodological, pedagogical and subject literature.

    2. Browse the Internet for information on the topic.

    3. Attending seminars, conferences, and classes of colleagues.

    4. Discussions, meetings, exchange of experience with colleagues.

    5. Systematic completion of advanced training courses.

    6. Conducting open sessions for analysis by colleagues.

    7. Study of information and computer technologies.

    8. Communication with colleagues in the preschool, the city and on the Internet.

    9. Participation in competitions on the Internet.

    10. Posting your developments on Internet sites.

    Forms for presenting the results of self-education

    • Report lecture.
    • Protection research work
    • Demonstration of new forms, methods, means in the process of training and education
    • Brochure,
    • Leaflet,
    • Booklet
    • Open lesson
    • Conducting a seminar, consultation, master class
    • Training colleagues in new techniques, means, methods, methods of raising and teaching children.
    • Workshop (training), etc.
    • Thematic parent meetings

    The essence of self-education and its necessity

    Improving the quality of teaching at school directly depends on the level of training of teachers. The teacher must be included in the development regime, one of the components of which is the process of self-education.
    Self-education of a teacher is a purposeful cognitive activity controlled by the individual himself, with the goal of acquiring systematic knowledge in the field of pedagogy.

    The need for self-education is dictated, on the one hand, by the very specifics of teaching activity, its social role, on the other hand, the realities and trends of continuous education, which are associated with the constantly changing conditions of teaching work, the needs of society, the evolution of science and practice, the ever-increasing demands on a person, his ability to quickly and adequately respond to changing social processes and situations, readiness to rebuild his activities, skillfully solve new, more complex problems.
    The main principles of self-education are continuity, purposefulness, integrativeness (orientation towards the formation of a holistic picture), the unity of general and professional culture, interconnection and continuity, accessibility, proactive nature, permanence (a constant process of development) of the transition from a low level to a higher one, variability, etc.
    The most commonly used forms of organizing self-education are:
    1. Course training at advanced training institutes.
    2. Getting a second one higher education or second specialty.
    3. Distance training courses, conferences, seminars, Olympiads and competitions.
    4. Network pedagogical communities - new form organizing self-education for teachers, sharing experience in a network of practicing teachers.
    5. Individual work on self-education, the technology of which we will consider in detail.

    Planning the self-education process

    The technology for organizing self-education for teachers can be presented in the form of the following stages:
    1st stage- diagnostic, which involves creating a certain mood for independent work, analyzing difficulties, posing a problem, studying psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the chosen problem, planning and predicting results.
    At this stage, questionnaires “Assessing the level of teacher readiness for development” can help - to identify the teacher’s ability for self-development and the factors that stimulate and hinder the training, development and self-development of teachers at school, as well as rough planning of the stages of work on the topic of self-education.
    2nd stage- practical, during which the accumulation of pedagogical facts takes place, their selection and analysis, testing of new methods of work, and setting up experiments. Practical work continues to be accompanied by the study of literature.
    3rd stage- generalizing. There is a summing up, presentation of results on the topic, presentation of materials at meetings of methodological associations and pedagogical councils.
    4th stage- implementation, in which the teacher uses his own experience in the process of further work, and also disseminates it.

    How the topic is chosen

    The topic of self-education is chosen based on the problems that the teacher discovers in the process of his teaching activities (to improve his professional level and, accordingly, solve the identified problems). For example: a teacher needs to master the methodology of group work, therefore, he plans for 3-4 years to work on the topic of self-education “Improving general educational knowledge, abilities, skills through the use of group forms of work in lessons... (subject).”
    The topic of teacher self-education can be related to the general methodological topic of a general education institution; if the teacher works in an experimental, innovative mode, then the topic is chosen in accordance with the tasks that this area of ​​activity of the educational institution implements. For example: " Methodical recommendations on the use of information and communication technologies in lessons ... (subject)”, “Use of the regional component in lessons ... (subject) as a condition for the formation of a citizen’s personality”, “Use of activity-based approach techniques in lessons ... (subject) for the development of students’ creative abilities.”

    How to correctly formulate the topic of self-education

    The formulation of the traditional topic of self-education conventionally contains three parts:

    Part I
    (main part: contains the problem)
    Part III
    (the aspect through which the identified problem will be solved)
    Improving... Forming...
    Development …
    Creation … a means... a condition...

    Thus, the topics of self-education in the traditional formulation sound like this: “Formation of universal educational activities in the classroom... (subject) through the use of the principles of the activity approach”...
    Topics should not be:

    • too general: “The use of innovative technologies in teaching ... (subject)” (it is impossible to master everything perfectly at the same time innovative technologies; it can be either one technology or some techniques of several technologies);
    • incomplete: “Ways to enhance the cognitive activity of students” (the formulation is incomplete, questions arise: “Why are you activating it?”, “On what subject?”);
    • too everyday: “Formation of knowledge, abilities, skills in lessons ... (subject)”, “Activation of mental activity in lessons”.

    Formulation of the goals and objectives of self-education. After you have chosen the topic of self-education, you need to formulate goals and objectives. The goals of self-education can be:
    1. increasing the level of one’s erudition, legal and general culture;
    2. study and implementation of new pedagogical technologies;
    3. study and implementation of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching;
    4. improving your knowledge in the field of educational psychology
    At the same time, the goal should sound succinct, reflect and clarify the topic of self-education.
    Self-education objectives are steps to achieve the goal of self-education.
    Drawing up a self-education plan. Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself.
    The plan specifies:
    1. topic title;
    2. goals;
    3. tasks;
    4. expected result;
    5. stages of work;
    6. timing of each stage;
    7. actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic;
    8. a way to demonstrate the result of the work done;
    9. report form on the work done.
    Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers.
    The duration of each stage of work on the topic of self-education can be reduced or, on the contrary, increased.
    Algorithm for a teacher’s work on an individual topic
    1. Selecting a topic (problem) for individual scientific and methodological work:
    - familiarization with literature;
    - familiarization with regulatory documents;
    - study of progressive pedagogical experience on the research problem.
    2. Detailed familiarization with the problem through literary sources:
    - compiling a card index of literary sources;
    - extracts from literary sources.
    3. Clarification of the topic and development of a preliminary version of the plan for individual scientific and methodological work:
    - justification for choosing the topic;
    - relevance and novelty;
    - selection of adequate methods and means of search activities;
    - formulating the goals and objectives of the work;
    - development of a calendar plan for individual work.
    4. Selection and development of models, innovative technologies of pedagogical activity.
    5. Introduction of innovations into the practice of one’s teaching activities.
    6. Analysis and evaluation of the results of individual experience in working on a scientific and methodological topic (problem), formulation of conclusions and proposals.
    7. Literary presentation of the work, report on the results obtained to colleagues.

    Sample topics for self-education
    labor training teachers:

      “Increasing the effectiveness of vocational training lessons in a special (correctional) school of the VIII type based on the use of information technology”

      “Development of the creative component of students with disabilities through the active use of decorative and finishing materials in sewing lessons through the introduction of the project method”

      “Development of students’ creative abilities through the use of computer technology in carpentry lessons”

      “Organization of the educational process in SBE lessons based on the use of active forms and teaching methods”

    for preschool teachers on self-education


    I feel right to say:
    long live self-education in all areas!..
    Only that knowledge is durable and valuable that you have acquired yourself,
    driven by their own passion.
    Any knowledge must be a discovery that you made yourself...
    K.I. Chukovsky

    Self-education- This purposeful work of the teacher to expand and deepen their theoretical knowledge, improve existing and acquire new professional skills and abilities in the light of modern requirements of pedagogical and psychological sciences. Teacher self-education is necessary condition professional activities. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others you need to know more than everyone else. A teacher must learn everything constantly, because every year in the faces of his pupils before him, time stages change, ideas about the world around them deepen and even change. The ability for self-education is not formed in a teacher along with a diploma from a pedagogical college or university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher, but no less this ability is developed in the process of working with sources of information, analysis and self-analysis, monitoring one’s own activities and the activities of colleagues.

    However, no matter how high a teacher’s abilities for self-education are, this process is not always implemented in practice. The reasons that teachers most often give are lack of time, lack of sources of information, lack of incentives, etc. But this is just a manifestation of inertia of thinking and laziness of the mind, since self-improvement should be an integral need of every teacher. It is possible to determine the components of this need, the motives that encourage the teacher to self-education:

    Daily work with information. When preparing for direct educational activities, a speech, or a parent meeting, the teacher needs to search and analyze information.

    Desire for creativity. A teacher is a creative profession. A creative person will not be able to work according to the same plan or scenario from year to year, or read the same reports. There must be a desire for more. Work should be interesting and enjoyable.

    The rapid growth of modern science. (Especially psychology and pedagogy).

    The changes taking place in the life of society form the image of the teacher as an “unmodern person.”

    Competition. It is no secret that many parents, when bringing their child to kindergarten, are concerned about what kind of teacher will work with their child.

    Public opinion. The teacher is not indifferent to whether he is considered “good” or “bad.” It’s a shame to be a “bad” teacher.

    Financial incentives. The category of a teacher, the opinion of the certification commission, bonuses, allowances, and maybe even titles and government awards - all this depends on the qualifications and skill of the teacher. This cannot be achieved without constantly acquiring new knowledge.

    Interest. It's just interesting to learn. They say: “To the doctor, heal yourself!” Like a person who teaches daily will not be constantly learning. Does he then have the right to be a teacher at all?

    What is the essence of the process of self-education?

    The teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life. What are these sources of knowledge and where to look for them?

    · Television.

    · Newspapers, magazines.

    · Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.).

    · Internet.

    · Video, audio information on various media.

    · Paid courses.

    · Seminars and conferences.

    · Master classes.

    · Experience exchange events.

    · Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts, etc.

    · Refresher courses.

    Organization of self-education work.

    An important condition for self-education is properly organized and carried out work on self-education.

    The duration of work on the topic of self-education can be an academic year or a fairly long period - 2 - 3 years.

    Topics for self-education can be selected by teachers taking into account individual experience and professional skills. They are always related to the predicted result (what we want to change) and are aimed at achieving qualitatively new work results.

    The topic for self-education is chosen by the teacher based on his difficulties in any area of ​​work or in accordance with his area of ​​interest.

    Unfortunately, not all teachers always have the skills to work independently. The most common problems that arise are:

    They cannot decide on a topic for self-education and highlight its relevance;

    They cannot correctly formulate the topic of self-education;

    When selecting literature, they get lost in its abundance and find it difficult to make the right choice;

    When working with methodological literature, they cannot deeply comprehend the material they read;

    They cannot formulate the purpose and objectives of the work.

    We offer our solutions to the identified problems:

    Table 1

    Possible problem


    Can't decide on a topic for self-education

    ñ select from the variety of problems that arise from observations of children, diagnostic results, job analysis, etc. the one that is the main one for you and the solution of which could give a lasting positive result

    ñ determine the relevance of this problem, prospects and practical significance for improving the educational process.

    They cannot correctly formulate the topic of self-education and highlight its relevance.

    When selecting literature, one gets lost in its abundance. They find it difficult to make the right choice.

    Formulate topics according to the following schemes:

    SOMETHING as a condition for the development of SOMETHING;

    SOMETHING as a means of forming SOMETHING;
    - Using SOMETHING as a means (or condition) of development (or formation, education, formation) of SOMETHING.
    For example:
    “Plot-role play as a means of developing the communicative abilities of preschool children.”

    The formulation indicates the process being studied and the conditions under which it is being studied:


    Subject of research


    Cognitive abilities
    Cognitive activity
    Ability to do something
    Personal qualities

    In NNOD for the NGO "Music"
    On excursions into nature
    In the process of learning something
    In the process of getting to know something
    In gaming activities

    For example:
    “Development of observation skills in children of senior preschool age during excursions into nature.”
    Definition of relevance:
    Answer the question: why does this problem need to be studied today, how important and significant is it for the practice of teaching and educating preschoolers? Novelty may lie in a new solution to issues and affect regional characteristics.

    ñ Select literature as follows:
    - viewing and reviewing the table of contents, introduction, summary gives a general idea of ​​the intent of the book, makes reading meaningful and focused;
    - answer the question: can I learn what I need from a book by studying the table of contents?
    Where to start studying the selected literature:
    - start by studying traditional methods on this problem;
    - study modern views on the problem;
    - use the experience of other teachers and preschool educational institutions.

    When working with methodological literature, they cannot deeply comprehend the material they read.

    ñ As you read, highlight key words, thoughts, judgments;

    ñ Write down the most important, in your opinion, in your own formulation, using various methods of recording what you read: a brief statement of a thought, a fact, highlight the most important thing for yourself with a conventional symbol;

    ñ Write down questions that arise as you read the source;

    ñ Use reference books and dictionaries that cover basic terms and concepts.

    They cannot formulate the purpose and objectives of the work.

    A goal is what needs to be achieved or shown as a result of work.
    For example:
    The topic is “Educational games as a means of developing the cognitive abilities of preschool children.”
    Purpose of the work: To show the role and importance of educational games in the formation of the cognitive abilities of preschool children.
    Objectives are ways to achieve a goal.
    Answer the question, what needs to be done to confirm the assumption?
    Scheme for formulating tasks:

    Partial item

    Study, research, analyze, consider, justify, explain, develop, experimentally test, prove, test, etc.

    Conditions, factors, approaches, role, significance, place, means, opportunities, feasibility, techniques, technologies, recommendations, etc.

    Stages of self-education work:

    1. Information and preparatory stage (introductory and familiarization).


    Studying scientific, methodological and educational literature.

    Study of periodicals.

    Visiting libraries.

    Acquaintance with the works of other teachers.

    Maintaining your own card index of literature and periodicals on the topic.

    2. Practical stage.

    At this stage, the teacher can:

    Make cards of games and exercises on the topic you are working on.

    Develop diagrams, models, algorithms on the topic of self-education.

    Development of NNOD notes.

    Prepare consultations on the topic.

    Develop and test a system of work for a specific section of the program - drawing up a long-term plan and selecting methods and techniques for the development of children.

    Develop a project.

    Develop questionnaires for diagnosing children.

    Create a photo album or video about the problem the teacher is working on.

    Create your own teaching aids and attributes.

    Participate in conferences and seminars.

    3. Final stage (report).

    Report forms:

    Project presentation.

    Speeches at teacher councils, “creative living rooms” - to exchange experiences and pedagogical findings.

    Open views.

    Master classes.

    Participation in competitions “Teacher of the Year”, “Teacher-Psychologist of the Year”, etc.

    Consultations for teachers on the topic of self-education.

    Introduction into the pedagogical process of projects, work curricula,

    methodological aids.

    Introducing colleagues to the latest methodological literature on the topic itself

    education (problem).

    Week of teaching excellence.

    Analysis of mutual visits and video materials.

    Exhibitions of works by teachers and children on topics of self-education.

    A sample of maintaining a self-education plan is offered (see Appendix 1 and Appendix 2).

    At the end of the school year, all teachers draw up a report on the work done on the topic of self-education and present it at the final teacher council. (see Appendix 3).

    Self-education results

    Purposeful independent work on self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children. An experienced teacher has the opportunity not only to replenish his knowledge, but also to find effective, priority methods for developing work with children and parents, and to master basic diagnostic and research activities. In addition, teachers develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical and psychological knowledge, flexibility of thinking is formed, the ability to model and predict the educational process, and creative potential is revealed.

    List of used literature:

    1. Belaya K.Yu. 200 answers to questions from the head of the kindergarten / K.Yu. White. - M., 1996.

    2. Golitsyna N.S. Organization and content of the senior’s work preschool teacher. - M.: Publisher: Scriptorium, 2003.

    3. Lvova L.T.. Keeping it under control / L.T. Lvova // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution. - 2008. - No. 11. - P. 10-17.

    Appendix 1

    A sample of maintaining a self-education plan.

    Self-education plan


    Result /

    reporting form



    2012 – 2013

    uch. year

    1. Study of scientific

    2. Study of periodicals (selection of articles from magazines and newspapers).

    3. Development of a long-term plan for the 2012-2013 academic year.

    4. Acquaintance with the works of other specialists (viewing websites, attending open events for teachers).

    5. Carrying out activities according to plan.

    6. Production of demonstration material "...",

    file cabinets "...", etc.

    7. Development of NNOD notes for self-education.

    Card index of methodological literature.

    Long-term plan for the 2012-2013 academic year

    Message to PS or MS.

    Preparation of NNOD notes.


    2013 – 2014

    uch. year

    1. Study of scientific

    methodological and educational literature on this topic.

    2. Design of visual and illustrative material “...”.

    Design of a methodological folder of materials.

    3. Conducting consultations and workshops for teachers and parents.

    4. Design of an information sheet on the topic: “...”.

    4 Design of the exhibition of joint creativity of children and parents “...”.

    Replenishment of the card index of methodological literature

    Methodical folder "...".

    Message at parent meeting.

    Information sheet - screen - movement.

    Exhibition of works.

    Speech at PS, MS.

    2014 – 2015

    uch. year

    Open event screening.

    Generalization of experience.


    Appendix 2

    Long-term work plan

    on self-education for the 2012 – 2013 academic year



    Mark about










    Appendix 3

    Memo for analyzing the process of self-education.

    Did the plan pay off?

    How it was combined with the tasks of the preschool educational institution and the individual topic of self-education.

    Was the research work planned?

    Whose teaching experience and on what issues was studied in accordance with the individual topic of self-education.

    Stages of material development.

    What literature was studied: psychological, pedagogical, scientific, etc.

    Practical conclusions after studying a specific topic (thesis, reports, etc.)

    Creative collaboration (with teachers, specialists, senior educator, etc.)

    A list of questions that turned out to be difficult in the process of studying literature and work experience.

    Setting new tasks.

    Appendix 4

    Requirements for self-education teachers

    in preparation for certification:

    · Work on the topic of self-education for at least 1 year;

    · Study of scientific and methodological literature;

    · Development of long-term plans, NNOD notes on the topic, scenarios;

    · Creation of a subject-developing environment in the group;

    · Carrying out diagnostics on mastering the program for this section;

    · Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience in the region, city;

    · Training in advanced training courses;

    · Presentation of a report on work experience at the teachers' council;

    · Participation in seminars, consultations, conferences;

    · Screening of an open event;

    Prepared by: Natalya Mikhailovna Korneeva,teacher English language MKOU "Elementary secondary school No. 17"

    “Every person has the sun, just let it shine!”


    1. Conditions for the emergence and development of experience

    The modernization of modern education is aimed at building and implementing an individual educational route, self-education of a person at various stages of his life path.

    The modern concept of continuing teacher education in Russia is focused on:

    Developing needs of the individual, society, state;

    Expanding the educational space for modern teachers;

    To carry out his mission, a teacher must have a readiness to solve professional problems, that is, a level of professional competence.

    One of the indicators of a teacher’s professional competence is his ability to self-educate, which manifests itself in dissatisfaction, awareness of the imperfections of the current state of the educational process and the desire for growth and self-improvement.

    It's no secret that most new knowledge and technologies lose their relevance on average after five years. Having analyzed the situation of advanced training, we can come to the conclusion that the most effective way to improve the pedagogical skills of teachers is through self-education.

    2. Relevance

    The problem of self-education of teachers has become especially urgent in the conditions of the information society, where access to information and the ability to work with it are key. Information society characterized as a knowledge society, where the process of transforming information into knowledge plays a special role. That's why modern system education requires teachers to constantly improve their knowledge. Knowledge can be obtained in different ways.

    Today, teachers are offered a huge range of advanced training services: in educational institutions - full-time training, part-time training, correspondence training, advanced training courses, seminars, etc.

    Constant self-education is the defining asset in the life of a modern person, which will help not to “lag behind the train of modernity.” Having previously studied innovative methods of methodological work on self-education, you can structure them and apply them in work with teachers.

    Innovative areas of methodological work

    · marketing: studying the demand of teachers

    · informational: creation of a unified information, organizational, methodological teaching and educational environment in the educational institution;

    · scientific-experimental: involvement of teachers in the experimental work of educational institutions

    · psychological and pedagogical: psychological support for teachers

    · managerial: increasing the competence of the teaching staff

    Self-education expands and deepens knowledge, promotes understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level. This is the first step to improving professional skills. Therefore, self-education of every teacher should become his need.

    3. Theoretical background

    According to K.Yu. Beloy, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, self-education is a necessary condition for the professional activity of a teacher. Society has always placed, and will continue to place, the highest demands on teachers. In order to teach others you need to know more than everyone else. A teacher must not only master the methods of raising and teaching children of primary school age, but also have knowledge in nearby scientific fields, various spheres of public life, and be familiar with modern politics, economics, etc.. A primary school teacher must learn everything constantly, because in the faces of his pupils, before him, time stages change every year, ideas about the world around them deepen and even change. The ability for self-education is not developed in a teacher along with a diploma from a pedagogical university. This ability is determined by the psychological and intellectual indicators of each individual teacher. Self-improvement should be an integral need of every teacher.

    Improving the quality of teaching and education in educational institutions directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly grow, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is small without the process of self-education. Self-education is a need for a creative and responsible person in any profession, especially for professions with increased moral and social responsibility, such as the profession of a teacher.

    If you imagine a teacher’s activities in the field of self-education with a list of verbs, you get: read, study, test, analyze, observe and write. What is the subject area of ​​application of these verbs?

    · Study and implement new pedagogical technologies, forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    · Attend lessons from colleagues and participate in the exchange of experience

    · Periodically conduct self-analysis of your professional activities

    · Improve your knowledge in the field of classical and modern psychology and pedagogy

    · Systematically take an interest in the events of modern economic, political and cultural life

    · Increase the level of your erudition, legal and general culture.

    4.Organization of self-education

    When organizing self-education, the professional level of teachers is taken into account, various criteria, allowing teachers to be classified into one group or another and, in accordance with this, to choose the goals and methods of teaching.

    For a novice teacher, independent work on self-education allows you to replenish and concretize your knowledge, and carry out a deep and detailed analysis of situations that arise in working with children.

    An experienced teacher has the opportunity not only to replenish his knowledge, but also to find effective, priority methods for developing and corrective work with children and parents, and to master basic diagnostic and research activities.

    In addition, teachers develop a need for constant replenishment of pedagogical knowledge, flexibility of thinking, the ability to model and predict the educational process are formed, and creative potential is revealed.

    A teacher who has the skills of independent work has the opportunity to prepare and move on to targeted scientific, practical, research activities, which indicates a higher professional and educational level, and this, in turn, affects the quality of the educational process and the effectiveness of teaching activities

    An important condition is the work on self-education that is properly organized and carried out in the system. Unfortunately, not all teachers always have the skills to work independently (they experience difficulties in selecting and studying methodological literature, choosing a topic, setting goals and objectives, etc.)

    The topics of self-education may include:

    One of the annual tasks of the OU;

    A problem that causes difficulty for the teacher;

    Replenishment of knowledge from existing experience;

    During the school year, the teacher will study in depth a problem whose solution causes certain difficulties or which is the subject of his special interest.

    Self-education is not limited to keeping notebooks, writing reports and designing colorful folders and stands, but becomes an incentive both for improving the professional skills of the teacher and for the development of his personality.

    5. Sources of self-education

    What is the essence of the process of self-education? The teacher independently obtains knowledge from various sources, uses this knowledge in professional activities, personal development and his own life. What are these sources of knowledge, and where to look for them?


    Newspapers, magazines

    Literature (methodological, popular science, journalistic, fiction, etc.)


    Video, audio information on various media

    Paid courses

    Seminars and conferences

    Master classes

    Experience exchange events

    Excursions, theaters, exhibitions, museums, concerts

    Refresher courses


    In general, all sources are divided into sources of knowledge that promote personal growth and sources that promote professional growth. However, they can contribute to both at the same time.

    6. The result of self-education

    Every activity is meaningless if it does not result in the creation of a certain product, or if there are no achievements. And in a teacher’s personal self-education plan there must be a list of results that must be achieved within a certain period of time. What could be the results of teacher self-education at some stage? (self-education is continuous, but it needs to be planned step by step)

    Improving the quality of teaching the subject (indicate the indicators by which effectiveness and quality will be determined)

    Developed or published teaching aids, articles, textbooks, programs, scripts, studies

    Development of new forms, methods and techniques of teaching

    Reports, speeches

    Development of didactic materials, tests, visuals

    Development and conducting open lessons using our own innovative technologies

    Creation of pedagogical development kits

    Conducting trainings, seminars, conferences, master classes, summarizing experience on the problem (topic) under study

    Productivity of the self-education process:

    Self-education of a teacher will be productive if:

    In the process of self-education, the teacher’s need for his own development and self-development is realized.

    The teacher knows the methods of self-knowledge and self-analysis of teaching experience. The pedagogical experience of a teacher is a factor in changing the educational situation. The teacher understands both the positive and negative aspects of his professional activity, admits his imperfections, and therefore is open to change.

    The teacher has a developed ability for reflection. Pedagogical reflection is a necessary attribute of a professional teacher (reflection is understood as human activity aimed at understanding one’s own actions, one’s internal feelings, states, experiences, analyzing this activity and formulating conclusions). When analyzing teaching activities, there arises the need to obtain theoretical knowledge, the need to master diagnostics - self-diagnosis and diagnostics of students, the need to acquire practical skills in analyzing teaching experience.

    The teacher's professional development program includes the opportunity for research and search activities.

    The teacher has a readiness for pedagogical creativity.

    There is a relationship between personal and professional development and self-development.

    However, the system of self-education has proven itself to be the most effective form, allowing the teacher to demonstrate not only skill and creativity, but also to overcome certain difficulties in the implementation of the educational process. Self-education contributes to the support and development of the most important mental processes - attention, memory, improves critical and analytical thinking, and has also become a necessary condition for successfully improving the level of qualifications of a teacher.

    Various forms of improving the level of qualifications of teachers: advanced training courses, participation in methodological associations, studying at an institute, professional skills competitions can lead to the level of active self-development. However, the system of self-education has proven itself to be the most effective form, allowing the teacher to demonstrate not only skill and creativity, but also overcome certain difficulties in the implementation of the educational process. Self-education contributes to the support and development of the most important mental processes - attention, memory, improves critical and analytical thinking, and is also a necessary condition for successfully improving the level of qualifications of a teacher.

    The technology for organizing self-education for teachers can be presented in the form of the following stages:

    Stage 1 – installation.

    It involves creating a certain mood for independent work; choosing the goal of the work based on the scientific and methodological topic (problem) of the school; formulating a personal individual topic, understanding the sequence of one’s actions.

    Stage 2 – training.

    At this stage, the teacher gets acquainted with psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the chosen educational problem.

    Stage 3 – practical

    At this stage, there is an accumulation of pedagogical facts, their selection and analysis, testing of new methods of work, and setting up experiments. Practical work continues to be accompanied by the study of literature.

    Stage 4 – theoretical

    During this stage, comprehension, analysis and generalization of accumulated pedagogical facts occur. At this stage, it is advisable to organize a collective discussion of the pedagogical literature read; creative reports on the progress of self-education at meetings of the MO or department, at regional MOs; visiting and discussing open lessons and other collective forms of work.

    Stage 5 – final control

    At this stage, the teacher must summarize his independent work, summarize observations, and formalize the results. In this case, the main thing is a description of the work performed, established facts, their analysis, theoretical justification of the results, formulation of general conclusions and determination of prospects for the work.

    The system of self-educational work of a teacher provides for: current and long-term planning; selection of rational forms and means of assimilation and preservation of information; mastering the methods of analysis and ways of generalizing one’s own and collective pedagogical experience; gradual mastery of research and experimental activities.

    The teacher’s self-education plan should include:

    · list of literature that is planned to be studied;

    · forms of self-education;

    · deadline for completing the work;

    · expected results (preparation of a report, presentation at a meeting of the Moscow Region, lesson planning, description of work experience, presentation of results in the form of a report, etc.)

    It is advisable to divide the material collected in the process of self-education into separate topics and save it in the form of cards, special notebooks, thematic folders, and a personal pedagogical diary. The ability to work with literary sources is important in the process of self-education: making extracts, making notes, abstracts of what you read, a detailed plan or annotation.

    The participation of the administration is important both in the procedure of analysis and self-assessment of teaching activities, and in the process of developing an individual development program, its implementation, and performance monitoring. Involving specialists in cooperation with the teacher, class teacher, mentoring, consulting, rationalization of personal work, creating conditions for updating acquired knowledge, experimental and research work, involvement in the process of innovative transformations - this is not a complete list of organizational and pedagogical activities of the leader in relation to teacher In order to cope with all the tasks, the manager himself needs to constantly engage in self-education. It is important not only to correctly identify and rank the range of emerging and interesting problems, to select literature for study, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. The results of the self-educational work of the school director and his deputies should become the property of members of the teaching staff and have an effective influence on both the improvement of management and the life of the school as a whole. The administration’s task is not to teach the teacher all his life, but to ensure that he learns to do it himself.

    In the school methodological classroom, a bank of materials should be formed to help teachers in their self-educational activities:

    · different options for work plans for self-education;

    · texts of reports;

    · samples of abstracts based on the results of self-educational activities;

    · samples of summaries of literary sources;

    · new items of psychological and pedagogical literature.





    Presentation form results

    1. Diagnostic

    1. Analysis of difficulties.

    2. Statement of the problem.

    3. Study of literature on the problem and available experience

    First year of work on the topic

    Interview with managementMD teacher, deputy school director

    II. Prognostic

    1. Determining the goals and objectives of working on the topic.

    2. Development of a system of measures aimed at solving solving the problem.

    3. Predicting results

    First year of work on the topic

    Speech at the meeting Research Institute of Moscow Region

    III. Practical

    1. Introduction of advanced pedagogical experience; sistopics of measures aimed at solving the problem.

    2. Formation of a methodological complex.

    3. Tracking the process, current and intermediatenew results.

    4. Adjustment of work

    Second year of work on the topic

    Open lessons, protrusionlection at the meeting of the Moscow Region

    IV. Generalizing

    1. Summing up.

    2. Presentation of the results of work on the topic.

    3. Presentation of materials

    Third year of work on the topic

    Speeches at a meeting of the methodological council, at a meeting of the pedagogical council

    V. Implementation

    1. Use of experience by the teacher himself in the processfurther work.

    2. Sharing experience

    During the long-term our pedagogical activities

    Abstract, individualnew creative project etc.


    1. Individual self-education plan for the year(s)

    2. Position (manager, teacher, class teacher)

    3. Full name

    4. Education (when and what educational institution graduated)

    5. When I took the courses

    6. A general school topic, a problem on which the school will work in the next 3 (5) years

    7. Individual topic, problems on which the teacher will work for a given period (by year).

    8. When work on the topic began

    9. When is it expected to finish working on the topic.

    10. Goals and objectives of self-education on the topic.

    Plan form


    Shutdown Form



    1. Study of instructions and normative documentation

    2. Scientific and theoretical training in the subject

    3. Practical implementation of the studied materials in the UVP

    4. Scientific and methodological preparation

    The topic the teacher is working on.

    At the beginning of each school year, all teachers of the school select a “Topic on which the teacher is working” and record this topic in the plans for methodological unification. There are a huge number of possible themes.

    Sample topics:

    Block testing system for mathematics lessons

    Working with gifted children

    Integrated Literature Lessons

    Non-standard laboratory work and demonstration experiments in physics lessons

    Development of a complex of independent and tests in history

    Game moments in mathematics lessons

    Development of speech culture in literature lessons

    Interactive techniques in elementary school

    Using a note-taking system in chemistry lessons

    Development of a set of didactics and visual aids for geometry lessons on the topic “Volume Bodies”

    Practical content tasks in mathematics lessons in grades 5-6

    Anticipatory learning

    Formation of historical thinking in history lessons in high school

    This list can be continued as long as the teacher’s creative imagination, experience, problems and interests are sufficient. Any topic should be aimed at increasing the effectiveness of teaching the subject, educational goals, developing new pedagogical techniques and methods, or creating scientific works.

    Teacher's personal self-education plan

    Based on the chosen topic, the teacher develops a personal plan for working on the problem he has set himself. The plan specifies:

    Topic name

    Expected result

    Stages of work

    Deadlines for each stage

    Actions and activities carried out in the process of working on the topic

    A way to demonstrate the results of the work done

    Work completed report form

    Upon completion of work on the topic, each teacher must write a report with analysis, conclusions and recommendations for other teachers.

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