Killing a spider is a sign with a negative meaning. Why you shouldn’t kill spiders: folk signs Why killing a spider is a bad omen

Spiders are often associated in people's minds with black magicians and witchcraft. Many are simply afraid of them, wary of them. There are many signs associated with these insects. The most important of them is the ban on killing a spider in your own house or apartment. Why shouldn't you kill spiders in your house? Signs on this matter.

Folk signs about spiders

Can't kill spiders? According to legend, spiders are not scary insects that bring evil. According to ancient legends, Moses, hiding from his pursuers, hid in the lair of a spider. Since then it has come to be known that the spider is a protector and patron.

People have invented many superstitions regarding spiders:

  1. The spider is a symbol of happiness. If there are cobwebs in the house, do not rush to remove them. The spider weaves webs for family well-being. And, conversely, it was considered a bad omen if the web suddenly disappeared. This means there is nothing left to catch in this house.
  2. The spider is the protector of the house from evil forces. To kill him means to bring troubles and misfortunes upon your family. While the insect lives in your house, it protects you from the machinations of evil spirits.
  3. Meeting a little red spider at home is a money sign. This insect needs to be put in your pocket. The British have a belief that if a spider accidentally falls on your head, it will mean a big inheritance.
  4. The spider is a messenger; to see it means to receive good news. Why you shouldn’t kill a spider in the house; the sign says that the good news will disappear along with the killed insect.

You should not kill spiders in the house, because by doing so you will frighten away the financial success and well-being of your family.

What connects people with spiders

Spiders have been associated with man and his home since ancient times. Our ancestors were treated not only with the use of herbs, but also with the help of these insects. The web was used to eliminate various ailments.

Even today, Chinese healers use spider webs to get rid of varicose veins. Killing a spider, according to healers, will bring illness and epidemics into the house. Many recipes have come down to us in which spider webs were used:

  1. To treat asthma, the patient had to swallow a lump rolled out of a spider's web.
  2. A roll of spider web was applied to the open wound to stop the bleeding.
  3. A patient suffering from jaundice had to swallow a whole spider. To make this easier, the insect was coated with oil.
  4. When children had whooping cough, a spider was hung over their crib and spells were whispered.
  5. A person who was suffering from a fever had to place an insect in an impenetrable box and hold it until it died. It was believed that as soon as the spider died, the disease would go away.

Today, scientists have proven that cobwebs have no medicinal properties, but the awe of insects remains deep in man.

In India, spiders are considered luck hunters. Dream catcher talismans are made in the form of spiders. It is believed that they catch nightmares and bring only pleasant and positive dreams to a person.

In Christianity, there is a legend that a spider saved the baby Jesus and his parents. They were hiding in a cave, and the insect wove a web at the entrance to the cave. The pursuers, approaching the cave, saw the web and left. Since then, spiders have been considered sacred insects.

What to do if you accidentally killed a spider

Despite the fact that many people know about the ban on killing spiders, this can happen by accident. Some, out of a feeling of disgust, others, in a fit of fear, kill the insect without thinking. What to do in such a situation? How to take trouble away from your family?

It is believed that you need to immediately think about the good. Only positive emotions can restore the aura.
Believers advise turning to the Lord in prayer and asking nature for forgiveness. Your apology will be accepted as repentance, which means you will be forgiven.

Why shouldn't you kill spiders in your house? You now know the signs of this superstition. When faced with a spider in your house, do not panic and do not try to kill it. Remember, this little hard worker weaves his network for a reason. In them he catches your happiness, luck and family well-being!

If we digress a little from superstitions, then the first thing we need to say is that a spider is a living creature, and often a completely harmless one. Even though you don't like the spider, killing it is still inhumane. In addition, spiders bring some benefit to humans by destroying annoying flies, from which there is simply no escape in the summer.

Of course, a cobweb in a prominent place in your home will not add beauty and neatness to your home, but this problem can be solved with the help of an ordinary broom. Just sweep away the web, and its inhabitants will find a new habitat for themselves.

Religious background

The ban on killing spiders has some religious overtones. For many years, one legend has been passed on from mouth to mouth. It tells about a man who hid from his pursuers in a dark, deep cave, the walls of which were completely covered with cobwebs. The people pursuing the hero of this legend passed by the cave without even looking into it. They considered that due to the large number of spiders, it was unlikely that a person would hide in such a habitat.

The name of the main character from this story is difficult to determine exactly. In one version, this man is the prophet Mohammed, another version claims that Moses was fleeing from his pursuers, and in one version of the legend, the main character was Jesus Christ. Be that as it may, if you believe the plot of the story, then the spiders saved the life of the prophet - this justifies the taboo on their destruction.

Other reasons for the ban

MirSovetov identified some other reasons why you should not kill spiders:

  1. One version says that the destruction of even one spider will bring many diseases to the inhabitants of the house. This superstition has some basis. The thing is that in the old days spiders were used in folk medicine, with their help people were relieved of all sorts of ailments. Some shamans used cobwebs collected in the corners of the patient’s house as a remedy. If there were no cobwebs in the home, human health was in serious danger. Modern medicine refutes rumors about the benefits of such a substance, but traditional healers sometimes continue to use cobwebs as medicine. Among other things, the venom of some spiders actually contains certain components that can be used in the creation of medications.
  2. The second reason forbidding the destruction of spiders is based on the belief that these arthropods are capable of attracting happiness and good luck to the house. It is believed that the web of spiders brings prosperity and luck to itself, therefore, if it is not in the house, all luck will pass by such a home. Many of us know about Indian talismans called dream catchers. It was the principle of weaving a web that formed the basis for their creation. It is believed that such a catcher can delay nightmares, allowing only good and kind dreams to pass through.
  3. The third reason for banning the killing of spiders is based on humanitarian considerations. It is believed that the destruction of a small and defenseless creature can cause all sorts of troubles in the life of the person who committed such an unpleasant act. There is even a version that the smaller the killed spider, the more serious the consequences will be for the one who destroyed it.
  4. There is another superstition associated with these arachnids. It is believed that if a spider crawls unnoticed onto your clothes, this promises you to receive some pleasant surprise in the near future. But if you accidentally or deliberately crush a spider, you won’t get a gift.

Folk signs regarding spiders

Superstitious people know many omens associated with spiders. MirSovetov has selected the most famous signs that relate to these creatures:

  1. If you see a spider nearby, depending on the time of day, this could mean the following:
  • a spider that appears in your field of vision during the day promises worries;
  • saw a spider in the evening - you will receive it soon;
  • a spider crawling towards you at night portends hope.
  • Early in the morning, did you happen to watch this little creature hardworkingly weave its web? This means that good luck awaits you in the near future.
  • A spider has quietly crawled onto your clothes - such a sign promises money or advancement up the career ladder. Red spiders can also be a harbinger of financial prosperity, which you will gain very soon.
  • If you saw a spider descending on its web right in front of your eyes, it means that you will soon receive very important news.
  • Sometimes signs regarding spiders are negative. For example, newlyweds who meet a spider on the way to the altar should not count on a long and happy life together.
  • Spiders in folk medicine

    We said earlier that ancient folk medicine made extensive use of spiders as medicine. Let's take a closer look at exactly what recipes the ancient healers used:

    1. If a person was sick with jaundice, he was given a live spider to eat, previously immersed in a piece. Exactly the same remedy was used if the patient had a strong increase, accompanied by fever and chills.
    2. A child with symptoms was treated in a rather original way. They held a spider over the baby’s face and said many times: “Spider, die yourself, and take away the disease.” Agree, such a method of therapy now looks rather doubtful.
    3. Small open wounds were treated with spider webs. It was believed that this could be stopped.
    4. People suffering from asthma had to swallow a small ball of cobwebs during their next attack.

    Other uses for spiders

    1. In Cambodia, spiders are not only eaten, but also considered a delicacy. It is in this country that you can try such an unusual dish as fried tarantula. Note that before preparing such a delicacy, the burning hairs must be removed from the spider’s body.
    2. In some countries, this same species of arthropod can be kept as pets. Those who, for one reason or another, do not want or cannot have a more traditional pet in the house, acquire such an exotic pet as the tarantula spider.
    3. It should be said that spider venom does not always pose a danger to humans. As a rule, the venom of most species of these arachnids kills insects, while it is completely harmless for vertebrates. People have learned to use this feature, creating effective pesticides from such a substance. If you irrigate plants with this product, it will not be afraid of any pests, and in addition, spider venom is considered an environmentally friendly product and does not cause any harm to the environment. Arthropods of the Atracinae family, living in Australia, are capable of producing a secretion that kills most insects existing on our planet. In addition, such spiders can be kept in captivity, which makes it possible to obtain their venom in industrial quantities.
    4. Spider venom is sometimes used in traditional medicine. It is believed that a certain amount of this substance helps cope with Alzheimer's disease. Sedative drugs are produced from the venom of tarantulas, and the venom of the fiddler spider is used in the creation of thrombolytic drugs.
    5. The web is also of some interest to people. It is quite durable, wear-resistant, and also has a beautiful shine. Science is trying to find a way to synthesize a substance that will have the same properties. They are trying to create an artificial web from goat's milk, as well as from the leaves of some plants, using knowledge and methods of genetic engineering. Physicists who invent optical communication systems also use the finest threads of the web in their work.

    Spiders do not ask people for permission to move into their homes. The insect brings a lot of problems into the life of the owners of the house, but fear does not allow them to kill the spider, because according to popular belief, such an act is punishable by severe punishment from higher powers. A person who wishes happiness for his family will never raise his hand against a spider.

    Signs about killing spiders

    The small creature is the source of good luck, prosperity and health - that’s why you should not kill spiders in the house.

    News bearer

    There is a sign: if a spider travels across a person’s body or furniture, you can expect a gift or news from friends. To kill a spider is to “block the road” to these pleasant surprises.


    In ancient times, healers prepared medicines from herbs and insects. In many old recipes for medicinal potions, arthropods were found as an ingredient. Even the web was used for “medical” purposes. To take the life of a spider is to leave your home “to be torn to pieces” by diseases, without “medicines” (which there is nothing to prepare from).

    Defender from corruption

    There was a belief about spiders that protect the house from evil spirits and negative energy. To destroy an arthropod is to attract troubles, curses, and the evil eye of ill-wishers into your home.

    Catcher of luck

    Observant people have noticed that spiders use their webs to attract joy into the house. If the spider is not allowed to spin its web, there will be nothing to attract family happiness and well-being.

    "Money spinner"

    According to legend, small red spiders attract material well-being and prosperity to the family. Signs recommend keeping such an arthropod in your pocket. The British believe that an arthropod falling on one's head portends a substantial inheritance. Kill the spider - block the money channel.

    Wisdom teacher

    Since ancient times, people have considered these animals to be divine beings, a model of spiritual development and hard work. For killing an arthropod, the culprit was expelled from the tribe, dooming him to eternal wandering.

    Is it possible to kill a spider in the house

    The well-known folk superstition why you should not kill spiders in the house did not arise out of nowhere. Many peoples have a legend about how spiders saved a saint. And it doesn’t matter who it was: the prophet Magamed, the baby Jesus or Moses himself. Arthropods weaved a web around the entrance of the cave in which the fugitive was hiding. The pursuers decided that there could be no one in such a place, and walked past. Since then, believers have revered the eight-legged insect; killing it is considered a great sin. Who would want to lose protection?

    According to another version, by destroying a spider, you doom your home to the absence of a web. But it is the spider’s web that attracts and traps everything good in the house, just as the owner of the web catches prey in it. In addition, the web collects all the negativity - you need to get rid of it when the thinnest threads are covered with dust. But this must be done carefully so as not to harm the “manufacturer”.

    It is believed that you can kill spiders in an apartment only in one case - if they crawl or weave webs on the icon.

    Random murder

    There are cases when arthropods end up in an unexpected place, or due to their small size they are not noticed. In this case, accidentally killing a spider is a good sign (according to signs, such an incident serves as a reason for the forgiveness of 40 sins).

    If you had to destroy an animal in fright, do not be discouraged. Throw the dead arthropod over the threshold with the words: “Go away, and take the bad things with you into the night!” This measure will prevent the occurrence of problems assigned for killing the sacred insect.

    If you just find a dead spider in the house, you need to throw it out the door - this will bring good luck. If you throw the corpse of an arthropod in the trash, this will lead to losses of varying sizes.

    What does fate promise for the one who kills the spider?

    According to biblical commandments, killing is prohibited. Even though spiders differ in size and significance from people, it is a sin to destroy them. Such an offense will be followed by punishment. Moreover, superstitions suggest that the smaller the injured arachnid, the more serious the retribution for its murder will be.

    Omens of what will happen if you intentionally kill a spider:

    • a person who has committed an offense will be subject to failure and bad luck;
    • the culprit expects waste and losses (and not necessarily material ones);
    • A chronic disease may worsen in the one who offended the arachnid.

    It is possible that such threats appeared as a result of a “reverse” in the methods of using arthropods to treat various ailments, as a result of which the eight-legged animals die and the sick person recovers.

    Ancient Spider Treatments

    • Patients with jaundice were offered to ingest a live animal lubricated with butter.
    • A spider hung over the baby's crib helped cure a child of whooping cough.
    • Fever patients put the little spider in a blind box from which it could not get out.
    • It was believed that the death of an animal would provide relief from the disease.
    • Asthma and excessive sleepiness were treated with spider webs. The patient had to swallow a piece of spider net.
    • The bleeding was stopped with a skein of spider web, which was applied to the open wound.

    As you can see, the signs prohibiting killing spiders did not arise in vain. But believe them or not, choose for yourself. If insects and the fruits of their labors are very disturbing, carefully collect the spiders with a twig and take them out into the wild, where they will be as comfortable as in an apartment.

    The spider is an insect with which quite a few beliefs are associated. Most of them are related to home and family relationships.

    The appearance of a spider in the house considered to be a sign. Depending on how and where you noticed the spider, you should consider whether what is the meaning of a sign. It is worth noting that most of the signs associated with this insect positive.

    The most common opinion, which arose hundreds and thousands of years ago, states: a spider appears in a house or apartment for money. If you suddenly notice a spider in a place where it should not be (furniture, food, walls, etc.), rest assured - it foretells prosperity for you.

    No matter how terrifying this insect is, you should not be afraid of it. In most cases (with the exception of some exotic varieties) spiders are harmless. In addition, their sudden appearance may indicate that positive events will soon happen to you.

    Having met a spider in a house or apartment, you should know that this “meeting” portends prosperity for your home for the near future. This sign applies literally all residents of the house.

    Another popular belief says that negative energy always collects in the corners of the house. That's why spiders like real "guards" of the house, stretch the web in the corners, catching it. If a spider catches your eye, it means it is actively “fights” with all the negativity at home.

    IMPORTANT: Whether to believe in omens about a spider or not is a personal matter for each person. However, these beliefs have accumulated over the years and hundreds of people adhere to their meanings. The main thing is not only to trust the signs, but also to independently make efforts to achieve your goals.

    Meaning of the sign: there is a spider in the home

    Seeing a spider in the morning, evening, afternoon, night: a sign


    • Meet a spider in a house at sunset- such a sign portends positive changes in a person’s life and good events. Most likely, you will soon have a reason to be happy about something.
    • Spider crawls up in the evening- your business will “go up”. This sign portends prosperity and success in your professional activities.
    • Spider crawls down in the evening– you should protect yourself from thoughtless waste, so as not to incur problems with your financial situation.
    • Meet a spider at night- this sign indicates that you will soon have income or you will be able to improve your position in your professional activity.
    • Meet a spider that fell into the water at night- to problems with money, to troubles at work. The larger the insect, the larger your problems will be.
    • See a spider in the morning- a good omen, foreshadowing a good day for you, pleasant emotions, and profit.
    • Spider on the wall in the morning- soon you will receive good news or joyful events will happen to you.
    • See a spider in the web in the morning- a good omen. Make a wish, walk around the web. The wish must come true; the cobwebs cannot be removed.
    • Seeing a web with a spider in the morning and getting caught in it- a bad omen that foretells troubles for you in the near future. If this does happen to you, try to immediately brush away the cobwebs and say “Forget me!”, spit over your left shoulder three times.
    • See a spider on the wall during the day- a sign foreshadowing love. Perhaps you will meet your “soul mate”, or maybe you will just make peace with your loved ones.

    Money signs

    Seeing a spider in a house, apartment, bathroom, kitchen, toilet: a sign


    • Spider in the kitchen with a web- such a sign portends discord in the family. It could be a simple quarrel, or it could be a divorce.
    • Spider in the bathroom– if the spider is close to water, this may “hint” to you that you will soon experience financial difficulties.
    • Spider in the toilet- a bad omen, indicating that your wealth can “flow away like water.”
    • Spider crawling away from you– you may soon spend a lot of money or experience financial collapse.
    • Spider crawling on you- portends prosperity, monetary profit, bonus.
    • Spider on clothes– soon you will hear good news or make a long-awaited purchase.

    Spider has many meanings as a sign

    Why see a spider white, red, black, yellow, green, cross, dead, many spiders: sign


    • Red spider- portends you a new acquisition or reward. It could also be a promotion at work. The red spider is popularly called "Money Weaver Spider". The red spider brings wealth and financial well-being to the house.
    • Black spider– if you come across a large black spider, it may have several meanings for you. A spider near the water means loss of money, a spider near the ceiling means prosperity, a spider in the web means good news, killing a black spider means death or illness.
    • Yellow spider- portends a joyful event or the appearance of a child in the house. The yellow spider can also tell you that your planned business may have a favorable conclusion.
    • Green spider- a good omen. Green color foretells you monetary profit. Do not drive this insect away under any circumstances.
    • Cross spider- is considered a poisonous insect, so you should be careful when encountering such a spider. In most cases, it portends illness or death.
    • Dead Spider- a sign that foretells you problems with money, as well as discord in relationships with loved ones.
    • One spider- a symbol of wealth, depending on its size, one should judge the amount of profit.
    • Lots of spiders- a favorable sign telling you that your business will “go up.”

    The color of the spider matters a lot

    Is it possible to kill spiders in an apartment, and why not: signs

    It is believed that if a person kills a spider, he will attract negativity and bad luck. However, this sign has several Features:

    • Intentionally kill a spider- a sign that foreshadows losses and waste, a series of failures and problems for the person who committed this.
    • Accidentally kill a spider- a good omen that will “save” a person from problems. (According to ancient belief, it was believed that such a murder “gets rid of 40 sins”).

    By getting rid of the spider, you doom your home to a web-free environment. It is the web, like networks, "catches" all the good things and gets rid of the bad. It is believed that you can kill a spider only in one case - if a spider climbed onto an icon.

    The meaning of spider and web

    Sign: kill a spider intentionally or accidentally


    • Kill a spider in fright- a good sign. Pick up an insect, throw it over the threshold and say “go away and take the bad things with you into the night!” In this case, the insect should help you get rid of your problems.
    • Kill a spider by accident- a good omen. This action also relieves you of problems, turmoil and misfortune.
    • See a dead spider- a sign with two meanings: if you throw a spider into a bucket - to losses, if over the threshold - to good luck.

    Is it possible to kill a spider?

    A spider crawls up or down a wall: a sign


    • Spider crawling up the wall- there will be prosperity, food and peace in the house. All family members will get along.
    • Spider crawls down the wall- you will soon be haunted by wastefulness and financial difficulties. Perhaps there will be quarrels in the house.
    • Spider on the ceiling– so that peace always reigns in your home, you should make a rearrangement. A spider on the ceiling portends positive changes.

    Where the spider crawls: the meaning of folk beliefs

    A spider is crawling on the ceiling and has come down from the ceiling: a sign

    If the spider has descended from the very ceiling to the floor, then such a sign may portend a loss. This could be financial waste, theft. Losses also include the loss of health, strength, friends and loved ones.

    A spider fell on the head, on the hair, or descended in front of the face: a sign


    • The spider fell on his head- most likely, you will soon receive pleasant news and meet a pleasant person.
    • A spider fell on my hair- wait for guests. Hair can be associated with cobwebs, so the sign is favorable. Perhaps your loved ones will help or please you with something.
    • A spider descended in front of my face– a positive sign. Your business portends success for you, you will be prosperous.

    A popular sign is that a spider crawls on a person: on clothes, on a shoulder, on the right or left arm, on the leg, on the body


    • Spider crawling up clothes– you will buy yourself new clothes or personal items.
    • Spider crawling down clothes– you will have to lose something or spend a lot of money.
    • Spider on the shoulder- soon you will meet an old acquaintance or receive a message from him.
    • Spider on the right hand– a sign of the “arrival” of money
    • Spider on the left hand- a sign of “wasting” money, and not always deliberately.

    Signs and beliefs associated with spiders

    Spider on the bed, in the bed, on the pillow: omen


    • Spider on the bed- a bad omen that foreshadows the betrayal of one of the spouses.
    • Spider in bed- if the spider is white - fortunately. A black spider means illness.
    • Spider on the pillow– worries, nerves, troubles. A large number of different issues and their solutions.

    Signs: a spider fell into a glass of water, into a plate, crawling on the table in the kitchen


    • Spider in a glass of water- portends large financial waste that will not bring you any good.
    • Spider in a plate– (without food) to profit, in food – to problems and diseases.
    • Spider on the kitchen table- a bad sign that tells you that an envious person or ill-wisher has appeared in your environment.

    Why there are a lot of spiders in the apartment: signs

    A large number of spiders in the house may indicate that in this home there are difficulties: health problems, quarrels and illnesses. Spiders “attract” all negative energy to themselves and therefore they try to eliminate all the negativity that interferes with a person’s life.

    There are a lot of spiders in the house: why?

    A spider has woven a web outside the window, on the balcony: a sign


    • Web on the ground- portends good weather
    • Cobweb on a window with a spider- a good sign, make a wish - it will come true.
    • Cobweb on the door- quick profit
    • Spider web over the bed- to well-being
    • Spider web on the balcony- to guests

    A spider in a car wove a web: a sign

    A car is often compared to a house because it is the same valuable acquisition. Therefore, you should pay attention to sign of a “spider in the car”. If he has spun a web, you may have an envious person appeared. It is your ill-wishers who give you the negativity that you bring into your home and car. If a car is your means of earning money, it is good sign, This portends you profit.

    Spider in the car: why?

    Spider on the grave: a sign, what does it mean?

    If you come to a cemetery and find a spider on the grave of a loved one, do not rush to get scared. This sign is favorable, it indicates that the human soul “does not get angry” and is calm.

    Video: “Folk signs: a spider in the house”

    Despite the fact that spiders are amazing creatures, few people feel sincere sympathy for them. Their structure is simply amazing, and the ability to create a weightless but durable web makes some people experience superstitious fear, which is confirmed by the myths and legends of different nations. There are also many superstitions, after reading which you can understand why you should not kill spiders. Isn't it amazing that many religions and science, such as medicine and psychology, come to the defense of these creatures?

    Folk superstitions

    Not everyone loves spiders, and when they encounter them at home, some experience not only instinctive fear, but also disgust. And the first, unconscious desire is to try to crush the object of horror. However, in order not to bring trouble to your home, you should find out whether it is possible to kill spiders in the apartment and what the dangers are. For example, there are such beliefs:

    Every religion considers murder a grave sin. This is why you should not kill snakes, insects and other living creatures. And it doesn’t matter how large the victim is, rather, on the contrary: the smaller and more defenseless it is, the more severe the punishment the sinner will suffer for him.

    Ancient legends

    Even in ancient times, people considered these insects to be teachers of wisdom and treated them with due respect. It was also believed that this the insect helps to gain hard work and patience. Moreover, these insects bestowed spirituality and were sacred, so killing them could lead to the culprit being kicked out of the tribe.

    It is believed that Arachne is a weaver who existed in Ancient Greece and once angered the goddess Athena, for which she was turned into a vile insect.

    Magomed himself, hiding for a long time in the mountains from his pursuers, found refuge in one cave. The entrance to it was hidden by a spider, which weaved a strong web for this purpose. The pursuers decided that since the entrance was tangled with cobwebs, then no one had entered the cave for a long time, and they did not begin to inspect it. Thus, the spider justified the mission entrusted to him by higher powers and saved the great prophet. In turn, Magomed strictly ordered his descendants to honor these insects and treat them with care.

    Ancient signs

    Indian talismans, such as the dream catcher, which have become popular for some time now, are made on the same principle as the spider's web. It catches bad dreams in its net, giving the owner pleasant, serene dreams. Endowed with almost magical powers, these insects have lived with people in the same territory for many millennia, therefore, since ancient times, there have been special signs based on observation of the behavior of spiders. For example:

    The time of day at which the spider caught your eye is no less important: in the morning - to adversity, in the afternoon - to troubles, in the evening - to a gift, at night - to gaining hope.

    Medicine spiders

    A very interesting fact is that these insects were used in ancient times to heal various ailments. But it is no less curious how this happened; besides, many legends say that even seriously ill people got back on their feet. For example, there were recipes that were used to treat certain diseases:

    1. To cure jaundice, the patient was asked to swallow a live spider, lubricated with butter for more comfortable eating.
    2. Increased drowsiness and asthma were treated with a ball of spider web taken orally.
    3. The web was also used as a hemostatic agent - it was applied to a bleeding wound.
    4. Whooping cough was treated as follows: an insect was hung over the patient’s bed, where it hung until it died. It was believed that when it dies, it takes the disease with it.
    5. Fever was treated in a similar way, but in this case the insect was placed in a dark box. In some cases, to enhance the effect, the following words were uttered: “Spider, die, take away the disease.”

    Of course, these treatment methods are unlikely to be suitable for modern people, and there is not a single scientific proof of their effectiveness. Therefore, in case of illness, the most reliable method of treatment will be the one recommended by the doctor.

    Psychological aspect

    Despite the fact that man is the king of nature and the crown of creation, he has no right to kill anyone. Any violence, including intentional murder, is, from a psychological point of view, a mental disorder. This is especially true for those who have a desire to harm a harmless creature that cannot stand up for itself.

    However, you can kill an insect through negligence or reflexively, obeying the ancient instinct of survival. In this case, particularly impressionable people may become very upset. To relieve feelings of guilt and also to avoid perceived retribution, Psychologists recommend doing the following: take the insect outside and read a prayer over it. This may seem funny to some, but this psychological technique promotes mental relief and provides an outlet for remorse and guilt.

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