Requirements for the conditions of transportation of organized groups of children. On approval of the rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus List of documents for the organized transportation of children

IN Russian Federation The rules for transporting children on buses are becoming stricter and stricter every year. It should be noted that if previously a regular GAZelle could easily be used for these purposes, now it is possible to transport children and schoolchildren only using specially equipped buses.

What rules and innovations have occurred this year and what should the group leader know about the buses in which his charges will travel?

Rules governing bus transportation of children

Basically, the rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by bus are created in order to ensure the safety of young people during public events. They are dangerous, first of all, due to the presence of a large number of people in transport. That is why the organizers of such events must comply with some requirements of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

Now all the rules are described in detail in Resolution No. 652, which was adopted on June 30, 2015. Before this change, the Resolution adopted in 2013 was in force.

After the update, the rules for transporting children on the bus received new requirements for the necessary documentation, vehicles, drivers and other aspects. You need to understand this topic.

When the rules for transporting children on the bus do not apply

The main change that has appeared in the rules is now a ban on the presence of both parents of the child or their representatives. Parents of children or their legal representatives can participate in the transportation of a children's group only if they simultaneously serve as a medical worker or accompanying person.

How to understand these rules for transporting a group of children on a bus? They mean that if their parents or official representatives are also present with the children, then it is not necessary to comply with all the requirements. When transporting children, parents are required to independently monitor the safety of minor passengers, and the accompanying person and driver are no longer responsible for the group.

Basic Requirements

Of course, a lot of improvements have been made this year, however, it is necessary to highlight a few main ones.

  1. According to the rules for organized transportation of children by bus, there must be at least eight minors in transport.
  2. During transportation, the bus should not be a regular bus and perform the function of public transport.
  3. The traffic police issues a special permit to the driver, a copy of which he must carry with him. After completion of transportation, the document must be kept for three years.
  4. Children's bus trips can only be carried out from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Driving at night is possible only if the bus is connected to air or railway transport, and if weather conditions have delayed it during the day.

It is also worth noting that the maximum night speed cannot exceed 50 kilometers per hour.

Coordination with the traffic police

So, when there are more than 8 minors traveling, the organizer is obliged to report it to the traffic police. If this does not happen, then the inspector may take it for a deliberate violation of the rules for transporting children by bus.

When planning a trip, the leader must first choose transport company in accordance with the requirements and conclude a charter agreement with it. By the way, it is not necessary to involve a transport company. This may be another individual who meets the requirements. After this, the charter agreement is sent to the inspectorate and a notification is automatically generated. This notification will be quite sufficient for a small group, which will consist of no more than two buses.

If the trip involves three or more buses, then the organizer will be required to submit an application to the traffic police to order an escort vehicle.

It is important to remember that any notification, including an application, must be submitted several days before the event. Otherwise, inspection staff may simply ignore the notification, and then the trip will have to be postponed.

What is needed to submit a notification to the traffic police

Since this year the requirements have been changed (transportation of children by bus is now organized differently), the following papers are required to submit a notification to the inspectorate:

  • exact time and date of travel;
  • precisely laid route;
  • the number of buses that will take part in the trip, as well as their make, models, numbers;
  • all information about drivers, as well as their driver’s license;
  • customer information;
  • information about the transport company;
  • all information about the person accompanying the group;
  • number of minors on the bus.

In general, to organize transportation, it is necessary to collect a lot of documents, but the accompanying person only needs to contact the transport company to transfer the necessary information.

Other documents required for transportation

In addition to notifying the traffic police, the bus driver and accompanying group must have a large package in their hands necessary documents, namely:

  1. Information about food and drinking water supplies. Previously, such data was optional for short journeys.
  2. Route and approximate time for it.
  3. The route must be written out in every detail. Special attention must be given to planned stops.
  4. Complete data for the entire group, including its leaders.
  5. Seating areas.
  6. Information about the medical professional who is required to be present during the trip, the duration of which exceeds 12 hours.

By the way, it should be noted that the rules for transporting children by school bus are practically no different from the requirements for one-time trips.

Leaders and organizers of the trip must remember that no one should be allowed on board while the bus is moving. If the transfer of a person is still planned, then in this case it must be indicated in all documents.

How to choose the right driver and bus

The rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by bus state that the choice of the driver and the vehicle itself must be approached especially seriously.

How to choose a bus driver?

First of all, he must have a driver's license with category D with 1 year of experience over the last three years. Also, the driver does not have the right to transport children if in the last year he has had his license revoked or arrested for traffic violation. Before going on the route, he is required to listen to a safety briefing and undergo the necessary medical examination.

It is worth noting that until 2016, the requirements for the driver, or more precisely for his experience, were stricter. Previously, only those drivers who had continuous experience for one year were allowed to transport children.

In addition, when organizing a trip, you need to pay attention to the year of manufacture of the bus itself. He must be no older than ten years. Also vehicle must be equipped with a tachograph, as well as a GPS navigator or the ERA-GLONASS system. You will also need a diagnostic card.

If at least one requirement is not met, the trip will not take place.

Punishment for violating transportation rules

Organizers of a children's trip should not hope for chance and prepare all the documents in advance. Traffic police officers warn that by violating the rules for transporting children on a bus, the organizer will find himself in an unpleasant situation: a large fine will be imposed on him in accordance with 12.23 of the Administrative Code.

The fine issued to the driver is 3,000 rubles, officials can receive a fine of 25,000 rubles, and a fine for legal entities is 100,000 rubles.

Such punishment is provided if a charter agreement was not provided to the traffic police, lists of children were not transferred, or a route was not agreed upon. A fine is also imposed if the driver does not comply with the requirements.

If the violators were “caught” at night, then in this case the fine for the driver will be 5,000 rubles or deprivation of driving license for up to six months (at the discretion of the court). Officials will be fined 50,000 rubles, and legal entities will be fined 100,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that recently, due to high fines, violations when transporting minors have decreased significantly.

Published material on transportation organized groups children by road transport prepared on the basis of the following legislative acts:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1177 dated December 17, 2013 was adopted “On approval of the Rules for the organized transportation of groups of children by buses” ,
  • Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation regarding the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children by buses dated June 23, 2014, June 30, 2015 (Decree No. 652), June 22, 2016 (Decree No. 569)
  • Federal Law No. 138-FZ of May 1, 2016 “On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offences” (on administrative fines for violating the Rules for the organized transportation of a group of children)

! If new regulatory and other documents appear, they will be reflected in this text.

Let's start by defining what it is“ORGANIZED TRANSPORTATION OF A GROUP OF CHILDREN”?

Are there age restrictions for transported children?

Yes, I have.

Including children under 7 years of age to a group of children for organized transportation by bus when they are in Travel routes longer than 4 hours are not allowed.

Are there time limits for transporting children?

Yes, I have.

Not allowed transport children at night from 23 o'clock to 6 o'clock.

* But “at night (from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.) it is allowed organized transportation of a group of children to and from railway stations, airports, completion of organized transportation of a group of children(delivery to the final destination determined by the traffic schedule, or to an overnight stay) in case of an unplanned deviation from the traffic schedule (if there is a delay en route), as well as organized transportation of a group of children, carried out on the basis of legal acts of higher executive bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation. At the same time after 11 p.m., the transportation distance should not exceed 100 kilometers.”. (Changes made by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2016 No. 569)

Currently, to transport an organized group of children (in the predalkh settlement, to another region) it is required to prepare several documents in accordance with the current Traffic rules and Government Decree No. 1177 (including subsequent amendments and additions thereto).

For various violations of the Rules for transporting an organized group of children by bus, the traffic police may fine both the driver, the carrier and the trip organizer. It is very important to know how to behave with traffic police representatives.

What are the requirements for the driver?

8. Drivers who meet the following requirements are allowed to drive buses carrying out organized transportation of a group of children:

    having work experience as a driver of a category “D” vehicle and at least one year of continuous experience from the last 3 calendar years of work;

    have not committed administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, for which administrative punishment is provided in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest, during last year;

    who have undergone pre-trip instruction on the safety of transporting children in accordance with the Rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road transport and urban ground electric transport, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

    have undergone a pre-trip medical examination in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.



While driving, especially in intercity traffic, children must fasten their seat belts, not walk around the bus, do not sit on the handrails of the seats, and provide children with meals only during stops. All these measures will protect children from injuries and accidents during sudden/unexpected braking of the bus.

You may say that it is difficult for children to remain motionless for a long time. In this case, provide stops along the way at parking lots along the route. Do not sit indifferently on the bus waiting for children at scheduled and unscheduled stops; get off the bus with them.

Follow the requirements for transportation of organized groups of children and formalities for registration of transportation!!

Good afternoon, dear reader.

The innovations affect the specifics of transporting groups of children. First of all, this information is intended for staff of child care institutions, as well as drivers of travel companies involved in the transportation of minor children.

The concept of organized transportation of a group of children

From July 10, 2015, the concept of " Organized transportation groups of children":

“Organized transportation of a group of children” - organized transportation of eight or more children on a bus that is not a route vehicle.

“Organized transportation of a group of children” - transportation on a bus, not related to a route vehicle, of a group of children of 8 or more people, carried out without their legal representatives, except for the case when the legal representative(s) is(are) appointed (and) accompanying person(s) or designated medical professional.

Just as before, organized transportation has the following characteristics:

  • children are on the bus;
  • the bus is not public transport;
  • the number of children is 8 or more.

A new sign of organized transportation. It is carried out without legal representatives of children. Let me remind you that the legal representatives of the child are parents, adoptive parents, trustees or guardians.

So if children and their parents are traveling on a bus, for example, an excursion bus, this is not organized transportation of children and the rules of organized transportation do not apply to this case.

However, there are situations when, even if legal representatives are present, transportation is organized. For example, there are 8 children on the bus. The parents of one of the children act as accompanying persons. Transportation in this case is organized and requires compliance with the rules.

Accompanying children with a traffic police vehicle

First of all, the changes affected the list of documents required for the organized transportation of a group of children:

c) a decision to assign escort of buses by a car (vehicles) of a unit of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Traffic Inspectorate unit) or a notification of a negative decision based on the results of consideration of an application for such escort;

c) a copy of the decision to assign buses to be escorted by a vehicle (vehicles) of a unit of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the State Traffic Inspectorate unit) or a copy of the notification of the organized transportation of a group of children;

Until July 10, 2015, transporting children required the original decision to assign an escort or the original refusal to accompany them. Starting from July 10, a copy of the decision to assign an escort or a copy of the traffic police notification is required.

Let's consider the related paragraph of the transportation rules:

10. Manager or official, responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement, the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensures in the prescribed manner the submission of an application for escort of buses by vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate unit.

10. The manager or official responsible for ensuring road safety, organizations, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensure, in the manner established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the submission of notification of the organized transportation of a group of children to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit in the event that the organized transportation of a group of children is carried out by one or two buses, or an application for escort by vehicles of the State Traffic Inspectorate unit of transport convoys in the event that the specified transportation is carried out in at least 3 buses.

Submission of a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children to the State Traffic Inspectorate unit is carried out no later than 2 days before the start of transportation.

Until July 10, 2015, the group leader had to submit an application to the traffic police to have buses escorted by traffic police vehicles.

Starting July 10 request for support is applied only if transportation is carried out by three or more buses. In this case, the traffic police sends an escort car.

If children travel on one or two buses, then another document is submitted to the traffic police - notification of organized transportation of a group of children. In this case, the escort vehicle is not allocated.

Documents must be submitted no later than 2 days before the start of the trip.

Attention! The deadline for submitting a notification to the traffic police has been changed from October 1, 2019. It is 24 hours for city and suburban trips and 48 hours for intercity trips. This issue is discussed in.

In any case, the group leader must carry with him either a copy of the request for escort or a copy of the notification of the arranged transportation.

Documents for organized transportation of children

d) a list of a set of food products (dry rations, bottled water) according to the assortment established Federal service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being or its territorial administration - in the case provided for in paragraph 17 of these Rules;

d) a list of food products (packed rations, bottled water);

Starting from July 10, 2015, when transporting children, there must be a food supply list. Previously, such a list was required only if the estimated travel time was more than 3 hours.

Requirements for drivers transporting children

8. Drivers who have continuous experience as a driver of a category “D” vehicle for at least 1 year and who have not been subjected to administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or an administrative penalty during the last year are allowed to drive buses carrying out organized transportation of a group of children. arrest for committing an administrative offense in the field of traffic.

8. Drivers who meet the following requirements are allowed to drive buses carrying out organized transportation of a group of children:

  • having worked as a driver of a category “D” vehicle for at least one year out of the last 3 calendar years;
  • have not committed administrative offenses in the field of road traffic, for which administrative punishment is provided in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest, during the last year;
  • who have undergone pre-trip instruction on the safety of transporting children in accordance with the rules for ensuring the safety of transportation of passengers and cargo by road and urban ground electric transport, approved by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;
  • have undergone a pre-trip medical examination in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Just as before, drivers carrying out organized transportation of children should not have been punished in the form of deprivation of rights or administrative arrest during the last year.

Until 10 July 2015, drivers were also required to have continuously worked as a Category D driver for the past year. This requirement is becoming more loyal to drivers. Starting from July 10, it is enough to have one year of experience out of the last three years.

For example, the following situation could have happened earlier. A man has been working as a category D driver all his life. However, half a year ago he switched to new job(also driver). During a change of workplace, the work experience was interrupted for 1 day. Until July 10, 2015, such a driver was not allowed to organize the transportation of children. After July 10th there is no such restriction.

  • Completion of pre-trip instruction on the safety of transporting children.
  • Walkthrough.

Situations in which a medical professional is required

12. When organizing transportation of a group of children in intercity traffic by an organized transport convoy for more than 3 hours according to the traffic schedule, the head or official responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement - the charterer or charterer (according to mutual agreement) ensures that such a group of children is accompanied by a medical professional.

12. When organizing transportation of a group of children in intercity traffic by an organized transport convoy for more than 12 o'clock according to the traffic schedule, the head or official responsible for ensuring road safety, the organization, and in the case of organized transportation of a group of children under a charter agreement, the charterer or charterer (by mutual agreement) ensures that such a group of children is accompanied by a medical worker.

Previously, a medical professional was required for transportation whose estimated duration exceeded 3 hours. Starting from July 10, a doctor when transporting children is needed only on trips whose duration exceeds 12 hours.

This requirement has made travel arrangements easier. Many children's day trips can now be done without a medical professional.

Admission to a bus transporting children

A new clause has been added to the rules for organized transportation of children:

18. When organizing the transportation of a group of children by bus, it is prohibited to allow persons not included in the lists provided for in subparagraph “d” of paragraph 4 of these Rules, except for an appointed medical worker, onto the bus and (or) transport on it. This prohibition does not apply to cases established by federal laws.

Only persons included in the list of accompanying persons or the list of children may be allowed on the bus.

For example, the parents of one of the children who are not included in the preliminary list will not be allowed on the bus. Also, additional children cannot be placed on the bus.

However, the organizer always has the opportunity to add people to the list who need to be taken on the trip.

Requirements for buses providing organized transportation of children

The latest change to the rules for transporting children:

3. To carry out the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used that meets the purpose and design of the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, and is approved in the prescribed manner to participate in traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

3. For the organized transportation of a group of children, a bus is used, no more than 10 years have passed since the year of manufacture, which corresponds in purpose and design to the technical requirements for the transportation of passengers, is approved in the prescribed manner to participate in road traffic and is equipped in the prescribed manner with a tachograph, as well as GLONASS or GLONASS/GPS satellite navigation equipment.

The transfer is due to the fact that many organizations still have not had time to renew their bus fleet. The remaining requirements for buses are effective from July 1, 2015.

Attention! From October 1, 2019, an additional requirement was introduced that the bus must be equipped with seat belts. This issue is discussed in.

This concludes the review of the updated traffic rules and rules for the organized transportation of children. discussed in a separate article.

Good luck on the roads!

In the described situation, parents can act as accompanying persons, the number allows. You are not required to take the school's deputy director on the bus; the law does not require this.

Good luck on the roads!

Natalia, Hello.

In this case, 2 notifications must be submitted. The second notification should be submitted to the traffic police at the place where the second transportation began, i.e. at the traffic police department of another city. This can be done through the traffic police website, instructions are given in.

Good luck on the roads!


Hello, is it allowed to carry skis on a school bus transporting child athletes to competitions (in the region), since skis are classified as hand luggage?

Good day. We are planning a trip with children to another city. We will order a bus. Each child will be accompanied by his or her legal representative. A total of 24 children and 24 adults. Do you need a traffic police escort? If so, who should report the trip? Carrier or customer of the bus? Distance 450 km


Please clarify whether it is necessary child seat or a restraint device when transported by a tourist bus at the request of a child and up to how old?


Hello. If we are traveling with 26 children, 16 parents and 2 teachers. Do we need to apply to the traffic police?

Anastasia, Hello.

Indicate how many children out of 26 are traveling without their parents.


We are going with a children's group to Belarus from a travel agency, 30 children + 4 teachers. Is it necessary to draw up documents with a notary if there is written consent from the parents for each child?

Requirements for the conditions of transportation of organized groups of children are established by the following documents:

- "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the transportation by rail of organized children's groups. SP 2.5.1277-03 (as amended in 2010)"

- "Methodical recommendations to ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being and safety of transportation of organized groups of children by road" (approved by Rospotrebnadzor, Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on September 21, 2006).

children's groups by rail .

Groups of children with accompanying persons are formed at the rate of 1 accompanying person for 8 - 12 children;

(Accompanying persons must have a health certificate or a medical book of the established form with the results of medical examinations and laboratory tests, and a mark on completion of hygienic training)

They select qualified medical personnel to provide medical support to organized groups of children to their final destination.

Medical workers allocated to accompany children's organized groups must be promptly instructed and familiarized with the recommendations(appendix to the joint venture) and are appropriately equipped by the organizers of children's collective recreation.

Along the route, the organizers of children's collective trips provide assistance medical care children in case of forced hospitalization from a passenger train and further sending them to their place of residence or place of rest.

(as amended by amendments and additionsN 1 approved Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated November 22, 2010 N 152) ,

Organizers of children's collective trips send information to the Rospotrebnadzor departments in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and on railway transport about the planned dates for sending organized children's groups and the number of children according to the recommended form(in the appendix to the joint venture) at least 3 days before departure.

Organizers of children's collective trips coordinate with the departments of Rospotrebnadzor the range of products included in the travel kit - "packed rations", and provide meals for children from such kits along the route.

Organizers of children's collective trips need to decide in advance the issue of delivering children's groups from the station to their destination.

When traveling for more than one day, full hot meals are provided to organized children's groups in dining cars. passenger trains jointly by the organizers of a collective recreation for children, the head of the train and the director of the dining car.

It is recommended to place organized groups of children in a passenger car next to the dining car. In the dining car, children must eat separately from other passengers. The number of dining cars intended for organizing meals for children's groups en route should be determined depending on their production capacity and the number of seats.

The organization of meals for children's groups in dining cars must comply with sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of transportation by rail. When organizing meals for children's groups, it is recommended to use semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness.

It is possible to deliver hot meals en route to the place where organized groups of children are accommodated in a railway carriage by the staff of the dining car.

Children traveling by rail on organized group trips must have medical certificates confirming their health status and absence of contact with infectious patients.

Sick children are not allowed to board passengers.. If a child with signs of acute illness is detected before departure, while boarding a train or en route, the child must be hospitalized. The fact of recovery is confirmed by a certificate issued by medical workers of the treatment and prevention institution.

For organized groups of children, regardless of the size of the groups, the sale of train tickets is carried out only if there is official confirmation by the organizers of the collective recreation of children that they provide appropriate medical support.

Requirements for organizing transportation

children's groups automotive transport.

« Methodological recommendations for ensuring sanitary and epidemiological well-being and safety of transportation of organized groups of children by road" are used when transporting groups of eight or more children by bus.

According toBy the Law of the Russian Federation dated 02/07/92 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the Customer of a transport service has the right to receive information from the Contractor about the quality and completeness of the preparation of vehicles and drivers for the transportation of children.

Tourist trips are organized for a longer duration with the mandatory use of two drivers; in this case, when organizing a trip, conditions are provided for proper rest (in hotels, campsites, etc.) for drivers and passengers for at least 8 hours after 16 hours of driving.

To organize the transportation of children, the Customer must enter into an agreement with the Contractor. In this case, the Contractor must havelicense for this type of activity and license card for the vehicle being used. Transferring a license or license card to another carrier is prohibited.

Drivers who have a continuous three-year or more experience driving motor vehicles of category “D” and who have not had any violations of existing regulations over the past three years are allowed to transport groups of children.Traffic rules.

Transportation of organized groups of children is carried out with mandatory accompaniment for the entire period of the trip by an adult accompanying person for each vehicle, and if the number of children transported is more than twenty - two accompanying persons. Before the trip, accompanying persons undergo special instruction together with the driver, conducted by an authorized representative of the Contractor or, as an exception, by the Customer’s manager based on these Guidelines.

The customer is responsible for the safety of transportation of children as far as it concerns.

Automotive Column(3 buses or more ) with children accompanied to their destination special car Traffic police and an ambulance. If the number of buses is less than three, it is necessary to have a qualified medical worker on each bus.

Before carrying out transportation of organized children's groups, the Contractor, together with the Customer, no later than three days before the scheduled start of transportation, submits to the relevant departments of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate an official notification of the planned transportation indicating:

Dates and route;

A traffic schedule that meets the requirements of the drivers’ work and rest regime, including determining the time for passing checkpoints along the route, stopping and resting places, equipped in accordance with the requirements of sanitary legislation;

Schemes of the route of movement and maneuvering with the designation of dangerous areas, traffic police posts, medical aid stations, hospitals, etc.;

Confirmation of provision of medical support;

Stamps and state number bus (buses), names of drivers who will transport children, with attached lists of children and persons accompanying them, approved by territorial departments of education.

The customer is obliged to provide organized groups of children traveling for more than three hours with sets of food products (dry rations) with the coordination of their assortment with the territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner, as well as ensure compliance with the drinking regime while driving in accordance with current sanitary legislation.

The bus driver’s work schedule must include, after the first three hours of continuous driving, providing the driver with a special break to rest from driving while driving for at least 15 minutes. In the future, breaks of this duration will be provided no more than every two hours. When sending two drivers to one bus, they change at least every three hours.

Before the bus departs for a trip, the driver (when moving in a convoy - the leader of the column) must personally verify that the number of departing children and accompanying persons corresponds to the number of seats (for sitting), that there are no things and equipment in the aisles, on storage areas, and that the low beam headlights are on. The windows in the bus must be closed when moving. The upper shelves may contain light personal items. Along the route, the bus(es) can stop only at special sites, and in their absence, outside the road, in order to prevent the child(ren) from suddenly exiting onto the road. When transporting children, a bus driver is prohibited from: Tel. 79-25-53; 79-33-74 - Northern territorial department of the Rospotrebnadzor Office for railway transport- head of department Rogozin Alexander Valerianovich - transportation by rail.

Conclusion of an agreement both with a legal entity. persons and with individuals. Payment: cash, by bank account, by card. The cost does not change depending on the form of payment.

Number of seats Hourly calculation Minimum order Order time
Up to 10 seats From 700 RUB per hour RUB 3,500
  • 4 hours at work
  • 1 hour to serve
Up to 20 seats From 900 RUB per hour RUB 4,500
  • 4 hours at work
  • 1 hour to serve
Up to 35 seats From 1,400 RUB per hour RUB 8,200
  • 4 hours at work
  • 2 hours to serve
Up to 40 seats From 1,400 RUB per hour RUB 8,200
  • 4 hours at work
  • 2 hours to serve
Up to 50 seats From 1,400 RUB per hour RUB 8,200
  • 4 hours at work
  • 2 hours to serve
More than 50 places From 1,500 RUB per hour RUB 9,000
  • 4 hours at work
  • 2 hours to serve
  • Cash and non-cash payments are possible (the cost does not change)
  • we enter into an agreement as with individuals, and with legal

To book a bus you need to indicate:

  • bus delivery time
  • trip end time
  • mandatory addresses (places through which the bus must pass), or places and times of stops.
  • route end point
  • number of seats on the bus.

Call and we will calculate the cost of the trip

* Price NOT increasing after making an advance payment.

*Driver services are included in the bus rental price. Transport rental is possible ONLY with a driver.

* Toll roads, the customer pays for parking on his own, or the driver arrives “on call” and drives along the highway without charging a fee.

* Trips outside the Moscow Ring Road are calculated at a separate rate based on: + the cost of one hour of work for this type of transport for every 20 km outside the Moscow Ring Road, tk. The mileage of the bus increases and the time it takes for the bus to return to the parking lot increases.

* From Friday to Sunday, on holidays, as well as for urgent orders - the cost in some cases may be increased due to the heavy workload of dispatchers and transport.

* when ordering transport for a work time of less than 4 hours, the cost of the minimum order will not decrease!

  • There are yellow buses
  • We can prepare the entire package of documents for the traffic police on the organized transportation of children

Buses transporting children and schoolchildren meet all the latest requirements for transporting children:

  • GLONAS tracking system (we always see where the bus is)
  • The dispatcher is in touch 24/7 for emergency issues, all other issues are resolved by the dispatcher during working hours
  • Drivers undergo medical checks every morning. No driver goes on a flight without the consent and confirmation of a medical professional!
  • The bus is released for the trip by a full-time mechanic.
  • drivers have no violations or fines
  • Drivers are allowed to work with children only after undergoing special instructions
  • Only foreign cars transport children
  • Each seat on the bus is insured for the duration of transportation by a large insurance company

To transport a group of children you must:

  • notify the traffic police in advance, no later than two days in advance
  • a group of children must be accompanied by at least two accompanying persons
  • a group of children from 8 people can be transported only after notifying the traffic police
  • transportation of mixed groups with more than 8 children (one adult for one child) does not require notification to the traffic police

Our company is ready to provide you with a package of documents provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2013. No. 1177, which is necessary when transporting a group of children.

We know all the nuances of submitting a notification to the traffic police and can prepare the entire package of documents for children’s transportation ourselves, or help you prepare a package of documents.

All buses meet the requirements for transporting children at all points. Your children will be safe during a comfortable trip in a modern bus equipped with the latest technology.

Multi-day trips

If you want to organize an excursion tour for children for several days, we provide this opportunity and will also help you choose a guide!

If you are organizing an excursion for young residents of another country, we will select an experienced translator for you!

The driver's meals and accommodation during multi-day trips are paid for by the customer, as well as the services of a guide and translator. Provides accommodation for each specialist - in a separate room, so that people can rest and recover.

  • Unlike passenger cars, which are often used as taxis, buses, low mobility and clumsy transport. His route must be carefully planned in advance, since he cannot “maneuver” on the roads and take advantage of many other “loopholes” of small cars.

    Buses also have completely different fuel consumption.

    And if an ordinary taxi pays for an hour of travel to a client for a twenty-minute paid transportation, then for a bus such a scenario will be unprofitable: it simply will not cover fuel costs, or the cost of transportation will include not only the cost directly for the route covered, but also the costs of path to and from the client.

    Therefore, we have calculated the optimal minimum order, which will be beneficial to both clients and us. Even a simple bus leaving the fleet and returning back will not be unprofitable for us, only if we pay the minimum order.

  • A transfer is a fixed cost for your trip from point A to point B. It is calculated by the dispatcher. The cost of such a trip does not change regardless of the traffic situation.
    You pay for shipping to your destination.

    Renting a bus means that the customer specifies the start time and end time of the bus and pays for its work by the hour.
    You pay for time.

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