Toyota Prius III is a hybrid of the entire planet. Toyota Prius - disadvantages and advantages, owner reviews Main technical indicators of the hybrid Toyota Prius II

Despite the fact that electric vehicles have been occupying the best places on the catwalks of international automobile shows, they are still far from conquering markets. Until recently, these developments were spurred by the rapid rise in oil prices, but today the situation has changed, and without legislative pressure from “green” engines, the internal combustion engine would have remained the only “heart” of the car for a long time.

According to a recent survey on the website, hybrid cars are the most promising in the near future - 41% of voters think so. Second place is shared by traditional internal combustion engines running on gasoline and diesel fuel(17% of votes each), electric vehicles are in third (12%). Our readers do not consider other types of fuel for internal combustion engines to be promising: liquefied and natural gases, as well as ethanol and its mixtures received only 3–5% of the votes.

Today, hybrid cars can be found in many countries around the world - from Europe to the New World and Asia. The most popular model is the Toyota Prius; in 2005, when the second generation of the model had already appeared, Americans were buying it up at a rate of one car per hour, and today there are more than 1.7 million Prius owners in the world. By 2010, Toyota, the founder of this trend, plans to introduce 10 new hybrid cars, and by 2020, every Toyota model will be equipped with a hybrid powertrain.

However, the hybrid future has already arrived in Russia. Back in 1997, the first gas-electric Prius appeared on the market in the land of the rising sun (the name translates as “going ahead”). Soon, these cars, along with other Japanese second-hand goods, leaked to the Far East, where they began to master them using the method of “scientific poking and staring”, broke many copies (read batteries, controllers and electric motors), but still tamed the strange car to ours. climate, and to our roads. Later, hybrid Lexus officially came to the market, but in a completely different status - an expensive and prestigious toy.

And now - the premiere of the third generation Prius at the Geneva Motor Show, a generation that will officially come to Russia for the first time this year. An economical hybrid car is not cheap today, so we can hardly expect rush demand, but there is certainly interest - and how to technical innovation, and how to treat the product: how long will it last, how much will it cost, will it be liquid on the market. This review will focus on both the new Prius and the company's hybrid program as a whole.

The guiding principle of the new Prius is an optimal balance between comfort, driving pleasure and operating costs. It was for the sake of good dynamics that the Japanese did not skimp on the displacement of the internal combustion engine, increasing it from 1.6 liters (in the previous model) to 1.8 liters. The total power of the hybrid power plant has increased to 134 hp. (by 22%), torque also increased. At the same time, consumption also fell internal combustion engine fuel by optimizing settings and redistributing the main modes to a range of more low revs. And the total consumption in the combined cycle was 3.9 l/100 km, which corresponds to a record low level emissions for a D-class car are only 89 g of CO2 per kilometer.

Prius can drive either separately on electric or internal combustion engines, or using both propulsion systems. At stops, the internal combustion engine switches off automatically (Start&Stop system). Despite the fundamental similarity of the two generations, 90% of the parts of the hybrid installation were designed from scratch. This is a more compact electric motor with greater output (due to increased speed), and new attachments that do not require drive belt: all components are driven by electric motors. Let's add to this the more advanced electronic filling of the power plant control unit: its efficiency has become higher, and the cooling of components has become more efficient, due to direct washing of them with antifreeze. An engine heating system using the heat of exhaust gases also appeared.

New body contours not only give the model modern look, but also work to improve aerodynamics: Cx decreased by 0.01 and reached 0.25, and noise also decreased. Note that at low speeds, when the internal combustion engine is not working, the car is practically silent, which, by the way, is potentially dangerous for pedestrians who are accustomed to relying on engine noise.

An interesting option is a solar panel in the roof. Typically, drivers try to leave their car in the shade in the summer so that the sun's rays do not heat up the interior. In the Middle East, limousine drivers often do not turn off the engine at all, so that the cabin always remains pleasantly cool. The Prius interior remains cool even when the engine is not running. The elements built into the roof power the climate system, which keeps the cabin cool even under the scorching sun, and the more sun that hits the roof, the more free energy they produce.

Global sales of the Prius will start in July; the car will appear in Russia in the fall (see below). By 2010, Toyota expects to sell 60,000 Priuses in Europe and 400,000 worldwide. Sales plans in Russia, as well as prices, have not yet been announced.

Exclusive interview with Thierry Dombreval, Executive Vice President of Toyota Motor Europe:

Suppose you are faced with the task of choosing a keyword to launch an advertising campaign for Toyota. Which of the three would you choose to indicate the main advantage of the brand - reliability, availability or manufacturability?

Probably none of the three...

Then your option...

Or rather, a little bit of everything. Reliability is one of the main components of the image Toyota brands. New technologies are also the basis of our development, this includes the direction of hybrids, safety, and reduction of carbon dioxide emissions, which we see in the example of IQ... Here our position is very strong. But today the consumer is thinking about it. And I would highlight trust in the brand as a key point for the consumer in today's situation. And Toyota is very well positioned in the market, buying such a car is a good investment. Therefore, I would note precisely the trust in reliability and Toyota technologies as the basis of our success.

Today Toyota, like many other automakers, pays a lot of attention to hybrid technologies. You were the first to put this technology on stream. But there is an opinion, shared by car designers, that hybrids are just a temporary compromise, a stage on the way to electric cars. For all their advantages, they have many disadvantages. What is your forecast, perhaps the crisis will scare away a significant part of consumers from these expensive and complex cars, and after some time we will immediately enter the era of electricity?

No, I don't think that an electric car can compete with a hybrid car today. Its autonomy is limited to 100–120 km, that is, short trips, mainly in the city, while the mileage of a hybrid car depends only on the capacity of its tank, and gasoline is available everywhere. We are currently working on an electric FTEV concept based on the Toyota IQ, but it will be a purely city car and not a competitor to hybrids. I think both approaches will coexist for quite some time; hybrids will become a mass product, and urban electric vehicles will complement the range.

But today there are cars like Tesla, whose autonomy reaches 300 km, and there are “electric gas stations” that can charge the battery in an hour or two, so perhaps it’s just a matter of organizing a network of charging stations and the same technology. Perhaps in two or three years there will be a battery capacious enough to cover three hundred kilometers on a single charge. Or do you still think that this will not become a reality in the next ten years?

All these developments cannot yet be called large-scale. Yes, even with batteries from mobile phones... How long will they last? Three years, no more.

The developers announced seven.

Well, these are just words for now. And the cost of replacement, you know...

Yes, it’s scary to imagine!

Today we have lithium ion batteries, more capacious and lighter, we own advanced technologies, we present ways of their development and, believe me, many years will pass before an electric car can travel 300 km.

A prototype of the Toyota Prius with the Toyota Plug-in HV hybrid power platform combining a 1.5-liter engine internal combustion and an electric motor. The car received type approval even before being shown at the Paris Motor Show. vehicle in the Ministry of Transport of Japan and after testing on the roads of the USA (California) and Japan, it will probably go on sale. Main characteristics: dimensions (LxWxH) - 4445x1725x1490 mm, seats - 5, internal combustion engine - 110 Nm at 4000 rpm, 56 kW/76 hp. at 5000 rpm, electric motor - 400 Nm at 0–1200 rpm, 50 kW/68 hp. at 1200–1540 rpm, electric autonomy is 10 km, max. electric speed - 100 km/h, battery - nickel-hydride, 13 Ah.

A prototype of the Toyota Prius with the Toyota Plug-in HV hybrid power platform, combining a 1.5-liter internal combustion engine and an electric motor. Even before being shown at the Paris Motor Show, the car received vehicle type approval from the Japanese Ministry of Transport and, after testing on the roads of the USA (California) and Japan, will probably go on sale. Main characteristics: dimensions (LxWxH) - 4445x1725x1490 mm, seats - 5, internal combustion engine - 110 Nm at 4000 rpm, 56 kW/76 hp. at 5000 rpm, electric motor - 400 Nm at 0–1200 rpm, 50 kW/68 hp. at 1200–1540 rpm, electric autonomy is 10 km, max. electric speed - 100 km/h, battery - nickel-hydride, 13 Ah.

Just a year ago, when oil prices were rising, it could have been assumed that sales of fuel-efficient cars would grow at the same rate. Now oil prices have fallen, as have household incomes. Perhaps the market will reorient itself to more simple cars, more affordable, and would it be worth thinking about new technologies to create just such cars?

Today, the European car market has lost 30%, but we notice that customer preferences have generally remained unchanged. They don't say "I would buy a simpler car", they still want to have a reliable, comfortable, economical car. This is the approach of most clients. Of course, there are those who are focused on accessibility, but, as a rule, these are either the unemployed, or those who are afraid of losing their jobs, or those who have encountered problems with lending. But again, they are a minority. In addition, the legislation of many European countries, in particular taxes, encourages the choice of a more economical vehicle. Another trend is downsizing, reducing the size of a car. Many people realize that they don't need a big car. But I don’t see any radical changes here yet.

What part of the market do you estimate that hybrid cars, in particular in the Toyota range, will occupy in the coming years?

In the next three years, according to our calculations, the share of hybrids in the Toyota product range could reach 10%.

Lexus today has this figure - 70%.

How do you assess the European market as a whole?

Look, in reality there are practically no other hybrids, only the Honda Insight. We hear a lot of statements, but try to buy real car! My forecast is a maximum of 2–3% hybrids.

What are the forecasts for Russia? Hybrid Lexus are already well known here, but I would say that they are bought not so much for the technology as for the image. And what product will become a business card? Toyota hybrids? New Prius?

Yes, it will be a Prius. This year we will gradually bring it to Russian market, in limited quantities, since market conditions are unstable (details in an interview with Ruslan Romanyuk, development director model range Toyota Motor LLC. Note ed.). He will become link between our high-tech product and consumers who are attracted to new developments, who value technology and are more environmentally conscious. In Russia this approach is not yet very widespread. But I think the new Prius will change a lot. There are people in Russia who are open to innovation.

Are you planning special programs or discounts for corporate clients? For example, in Spain Priuses work in taxis...

No, we haven't discussed these issues yet. It is important for us to first understand how the market will react, not so much in terms of sales levels, but in terms of interest in the model. This is the first phase. We are not going to push this model by all means; our task is to establish interaction.

On our website we conducted a survey about the main disadvantages of electric vehicles. 7% noted a long charging time, 21% - limited range, 30% - high price and the majority - 39% - are afraid of the unreliability of equipment in our conditions. What can you say about the reliability of the new Prius? I heard that these cars have already been tested in Russia. Did you have to change anything in the design based on the test results?

The main thing that had to be done was to include heated seats as standard equipment. IN Western Europe there is no such need. We also had to adapt the suspension because Russian roads different from European ones. Otherwise, we only stated the normal operation of all systems, including electrical and electronics. Even in cold weather. In addition, in the north of Japan, for example, or in Canada, where the cars were tested, it is also very cold.

But there is not that much salt on the roads.

Salt and chemicals are not a problem. All electrics are well protected. We sold Prius in Canada and Finland, where the roads are also treated with reagents, and we had no problems.

What about service? Are you ready to service and repair Prius in Russia?

When we launched the Prius in Europe, we selected a group of dealers, trained specialists and trusted them to work on this car. Gradually we expanded this circle, and today all European dealers work with these machines. We are planning the same scheme in Russia.

Do you already have a sales plan for Prius in Russia for this year? Ten, a hundred, a thousand?

Yes, there is a plan, but I would not like to announce the numbers, since the market is very unstable, and making forecasts in these conditions is a particularly thankless task. This is the same as predicting what the dollar-ruble exchange rate will be in three months. I'm pretty sure I'll be wrong.

Ready to predict in exchange for your assessment!

- (Laughs.) Not yet, let’s wait.

Exclusive interview with Akihiko Otsuka, chief engineer of the division passenger cars, who developed the third generation Prius:

Third generation Prius - is it an evolution or a revolution? And if there is a revolution, then what?

Oh, this is a difficult question! In general, we follow the previous concept. On the one hand, the Prius has already proven itself well on the market. On the other hand, it is an image product of Toyota. Therefore, we do not want to change the concept while maintaining the image. At the same time, we were faced with the task of significantly improving a number of parameters, such as handling, comfort, and functionality of the car.

On the other hand, there are revolutionary changes. We have redesigned the hybrid power unit by 90%, using new technologies. Firstly, we have improved the internal combustion engine - the most important part of the hybrid power plant (since all the energy for moving the car is provided by this engine, which consumes fuel). Today, the 1.6 liter engine has been replaced by a 1.8 liter engine operating on the Atkinson cycle. You may ask, why do you need a larger displacement engine? The fact is that it turns out to be more economical during quiet driving on the highway due to the lower crankshaft rotation speed. The engine is also equipped with an exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) system and an electrically driven coolant pump (there is no accessory drive belt at all). In addition, the traction electric motor and generator have become more compact and lighter (by about 20%).

One of the main goals for the new Prius is to reduce fuel consumption. What contribution does the engine make to its solution, and what other components - the body, transmission, new tires, etc.?

Third-generation Prius emissions are 89 g of CO2 per 1 km of run, an indicator previous model- 104 g/km. Reduction of emissions (and fuel consumption) - 14%. Half was achieved through engine improvements, the other half through other changes: aerodynamics, tires with reduced rolling resistance, etc.

Speaking of aerodynamics, you claim that the drag coefficient (Cx) has been significantly improved. However, it decreased by only one hundredth: 0.25 versus 0.26 for the previous generation. How has the midsection (middle section) changed? After all, today cars are becoming taller (for greater capacity) and wider (for increased safety)...

Yes you are right. The cross-section of the new Prius is slightly larger. But still, there is an overall gain in aerodynamics, although it is really small.

What is the fuel efficiency of the new Prius?

Oh, another difficult question. I can’t give an exact figure, approximately 45%, taking into account losses in the transmission.

This is very good indicator! If I'm not mistaken, the transmission of the new Prius is built according to the previous scheme, where the electric motor is used as a clutch. What has changed?

Yes, you are right, the basic principle remains the same. But, for example, the maximum revolutions of the electric motor have doubled, from 6400 rpm to 13400. This is the price to pay for its compactness and increased power. Therefore, we had to introduce a planetary gearbox into the circuit.

How much energy can be recovered during braking?

From 70 to 90% of electric motor power.

The press release stated that power keys The inverter and other electronic components of the hybrid power plant control module received direct liquid cooling. What kind of liquid is used?

This is engine coolant.

Seriously? Does antifreeze directly wash microcircuits? Will this lead to failures?

No, everything is quite reliable. We checked!

How does the exhaust gas heat recovery system work? What is it for?

In winter, the engine takes much longer to warm up to operating temperature. To make it reach optimal mode faster, we installed a heat exchanger in the exhaust system, which transfers the heat of the exhaust gases to antifreeze.

If I understand correctly, this system only works in cold weather?

Absolutely right.

How will other systems work in Russian winter conditions? Have you done cold testing? If yes, at what temperature?

Minus 40 Celsius.

We have minus 50 and minus 60! How long will batteries last in Russian conditions?

The same as a car.

And specifically? A year, two, five?

Ten. This is quite real. The consumer need not worry about this.

I was surprised that all the Priuses on display at the auto show were shod with... different tires. Toyo Proxes 215/45R17 87W, Bridgestone Turanza EL400 195/65 91H, ER33, 250 Ecopia. But tires are an important component of fuel efficiency. What tire models will actually be used in the original equipment?

Yes, it is very important for us to use tires with low rolling resistance. For the European market, the following configurations are provided: for 17-inch wheels - Bridgestone, Toyo and Michelin, for 15 inches - exclusively Bridgestone. (They plan to deliver the Prius to Russia only with 15-inch wheels, but, according to the latest data, in addition to Bridgestone, they will probably be equipped with tires from other manufacturers. Ed.)

Interview with Ruslan Romanyuk, director for development of the Toyota Motor model range in Russia:

When will the new Prius appear in Russia?

We are planning for early September.

How hybrid Toyota models adapted to our conditions? Has such work been carried out? How are they different from European ones?

I'll focus on the Prius, it is more interesting in this regard. There were big battles around it, and the result was that we in Russia are introducing Prius in maximum configuration. Its customers are focused on high technology, so the database already includes LED headlights, active parking assistance system, navigation system. Unfortunately, we couldn't get a solar roof because this option weakens the rigidity of the body, which is critical on our roads. Due to the same specifics, the car is equipped only with 15-inch wheels (there will be no 17-inch wheels).

Has the new Prius been tested in Russia?

A group of engineers came and brought a Prius, which is sold today. We drove it quite a lot, and based on the results we decided that it could be sold in Russia.

But economically this is not the most profitable model for our market. What prompted you to make this decision?

Yes, the sales volume will be small, but this is not the main thing. The Prius is a very attractive product from an image standpoint. Our advanced technologies stand behind it. It may be expensive, but for the money it will have options that the LS600 doesn't have.

For example?

For example, active parking assistance system. In Europe it is available on the LS600, but not yet in Russia. And LED headlights, by the way, are also only available on the LS600 and Prius.

Who will buy the new Prius?

These are progressive people, of course, quite wealthy, but most importantly, they are eager to try something new and fashionable. We have already shown the car to potential buyers and carried out preparatory work.

Are the main customers private individuals?

Yes, first we want to bring to market an expensive version aimed at private buyers. Subsequently, we may sell more budget model corporate clients, government agencies.

What about the service? Have you already completed training in Russia?

This process is currently underway.

In what volumes will Prius be sold in Russia?

This will depend on the price. But for now we are talking about hundreds of pieces.

Are you taking orders for the Prius yet?

They will start around August of this year.

What can you say about your competitors (Honda Insight), where do you see your advantage?

Honda is more environmentally friendly. The Prius is a little different. There's enough here powerful engine, the total power of the two engines is 136 hp, due to this the car drives very well. We have a good balance between dynamics and efficiency.

How is it paid? transport tax Are there any benefits for these cars?

Good question. The PTS of hybrid vehicles only indicates the power gasoline engine, and this is logical, because it is the only source of energy; the batteries are charged using the energy of gasoline combustion. But our customs is already starting to ask questions. Although our cars comply with Euro 5, there are certain preferences for them in European countries.

What is the lifespan of Prius batteries?

The manufacturer gives them a five-year warranty.

What about the car itself?

Three years.

Will service mileage and service costs change?

No, the mileage remains the same (10,000 km), the amount of maintenance should not change, the hybrid filling does not require special care.

Are there any problems with the supply of spare parts?

No, fundamentally there is nothing new here.

Prius cars of previous generations are quite well known beyond the Urals (they were brought to us from Japan). Craftsmen have long studied the design and even learned to restore many of the components of the hybrid filling. In which regions will the new Prius be sold?

We plan to sell Prius, like other Toyota models, throughout Russia. Based on road conditions, first - in larger cities.

The Toyota Verso delivers the best fuel economy in its segment across the 110-140 PS power range. With a two-liter diesel engine D-4D The compact MPV's CO2 emissions are 140g/km.

The Toyota Verso delivers the best fuel economy in its segment across the 110-140 PS power range. With the 2.0-litre D-4D diesel engine, the compact MPV produces CO2 emissions of 140 g/km.

Can you announce the schedule for the launch of new models on the Russian market?

The Avensis and petrol RX will appear in early April, the updated RAV-4 closer to the middle of the year, and the Verso in the second half of the year. The latter will be equipped with a CVT gearbox; The MMT box, which customers did not really like, will no longer be available. Also, in addition to the 1.8 liter engine, a 1.6 liter will appear, which is almost equal in power to the 1.8.

Will a five- or seven-seat version be sold in Russia?

Both. Our customers do not yet realize all the advantages of this body type, and are mainly focused on the price. Although there are options here such as a panoramic roof, for example.

The urban compact Toyota IQ has already been launched into production, but still attracts a lot of curious glances. However, the main advantages here are hidden in the details. Just look at the layout alone: ​​asymmetrically arranged seats, new form backrest, unusually located fuel tank. Thanks to this, three adults and one child can be accommodated relatively comfortably in a tiny car. And for a crash test of 5 stars according to EuroNCAP, stars are just right to be given to the designers. Ruler power units The small car is represented by two petrol and one diesel engines.

What about the Lexus 450h?

In the middle of the year or a little earlier.

What about the UrbanCruiser?

The situation is still unclear. European configurations are not very suitable for us. From our point of view, the car is aimed at women, so it should have automatic transmission. Besides, Russian buyer waiting here four-wheel drive. There is no such version with a gasoline engine yet either.

Why did this happen? Didn't you initially count on the Russian market?

No, we didn't count on it.

Will IQ show up here?

The situation with him is different. First of all, it is a question of price. If the market had not faltered in the fall, IQ would have already been sold in Russia. Now, if this happens, it will be very expensive.

With leather interior, xenon headlights?

Certainly. There can be no other way! But overall the car is very interesting, a completely different feeling: very sharp handling, good dynamics...

And even broke into five stars.

Yes, even though it seems impossible!

Toyota Prius is a car from a popular brand in the world, characterized by a hybrid engine, reliability and an increased level of comfort. Transport is going to largest factories China and Japan.

The Prius is economical, almost does not pollute the atmosphere (corresponds to Euro-5 class), reliable and comfortable. Besides this, he has no idle speed, which distinguishes the model from its competitors.

Toyota Prius models

The production of Toyota Prius started in 1997. The main models include:

  1. NHW10 - first generation (Prius-1). This model was only sold in automotive market Japan. Year of manufacture (1997-2000).
  2. NHW11 - rebranding of the first generation (Prius-1.1). Sales began in 2000 and continued for the next three years.
  3. NHW20 - second generation (Prius-2). In 2003, it appeared on the market new version Toyota Prius, which remained on the assembly line until 2011.
  4. ZVW30 - third generation (Prius-3). The issue was launched in 2009.
  5. ZVW35 - third generation (Prius-3 PHV) The model entered production in 2012 and is produced to this day.
  6. ZVW40 and ZVW41 - third generation (restyling). Start of production - 2011. The difference between the two mentioned options is the number of seats. In the first case it is a 7-seater, and in the second - a 5-seater station wagon.
  7. Toyota Prius 4th generation - debuted in September 2015. About this car complete information It’s not enough yet, so we’ll tell you about it a little later.

Features and Specifications

Toyota Prius is a popular “hybrid” in wide circles. As mentioned above, production of the car was launched in 1997.

1. First models NHW10/11.

It had an electric motor with a power of 30 kW and a battery with a capacity of 6 Ah. Gasoline engine could boast a volume of one and a half liters and a power of 58 hp. The car accelerated to “hundreds” in 15.5 seconds.

The operating principle of the hybrid is as follows:

  1. The gasoline engine only works to charge the battery, and the electric motor is responsible for the movement of the vehicle ( serial mode work);
  2. Any of the motors (gasoline or electric) is responsible for the movement of the car. This type of control is considered optimal.

2. Second model NHW20.

Belong to the second generation. It works on a similar principle. The power part of the car is called Toyota Hybrid Synergy Drive. It consists of a 1.5-liter gasoline engine with a power of 76 hp. and an electric motor with a power of 68 hp.

Total power - 116 “horses”.

The main achievement of the new model was minimal harmfulness. CO2 emissions in combined mode were just 104 g/km.

Special attention the car's efficiency deserves. The average fuel consumption in the city is 8 liters, and when driving on the highway - 5.5 liters.

The new Hybrid Sinergy Drive has the following operating modes:

  • The movement is started by an electric motor powered by a battery. After gaining speed, the gasoline engine comes into operation, and the electric motor goes into standby mode;
  • In the case of active acceleration, the two types of motor work together to achieve maximum power;
  • Uniform movement is characterized by the active operation of the electric motor. In this case, the gasoline engine is switched off. If the battery charge level drops below permissible level, then the computer starts the motor to replenish the lost capacity.

A special feature of the Prius II is its richness in electronics, such as ABS, VSC and EBD, as well as the presence of an economical electric drive activating the car's air conditioner.

The body of the car also changed, which turned from a classic sedan to a hatchback.

Despite external changes, the transport did not impress buyers. When creating the second version, the manufacturer was no longer chasing beauty.

The goal was to make trips as comfortable as possible for the driver and passenger.

The salon is spacious and unique in style. The instrument panel is perfectly designed. An LCD monitor is installed in the central part on-board computer.

A diagonal of 14.5 centimeters is enough to see the information on the screen even with poor eyesight.

The main information transmitted by the on-board computer is fuel consumption, power distribution between the battery, wheels and engine, remaining fuel, and more. Information is updated every five minutes.

3. Prius-3 (ZVW30/35).

Appeared in 2009. It was this generation of the car that provided the model with worldwide recognition.

The new car has become longer and wider (by 1.5 and 2.0 centimeters, respectively). As for the length of the wheelbase and the height of the body, they remained unchanged.

The appearance of the car has also changed. Now the rear and front headlights seem to be united with each other, thanks to the insignificant at first glance, but harmoniously looking stripes on the sides of the body.

An important feature for passengers was the shift of the highest point of the body to the central part of the cabin. Now, even with a height of 1.7 meters and above, you can feel comfortable and not be afraid of hitting your head. The passenger and driver's seats became three centimeters thinner, and there was more room for knees.

The gearshift knob also changed its position. WITH dashboard, where it was previously, the handle was moved to a height in the center console.

Buyers now have the opportunity to choose wheel diameters - between 15 and 17 inches.

In the third version of the Toyota Prius, small protrusions appeared to provide better control of the vehicle's air flow. In comparison with the second version, the air resistance coefficient decreased by 0.01 (from 0.25 to 0.24).

The power part of the car has also undergone major changes. Instead of a 1.5-liter gasoline engine, a 1.8-liter engine with a power of 99 took the reins. horsepower.

The decision to increase the engine size was caused by the desire of the developers to reduce fuel consumption when driving the car at high speeds.

The total power when operating an electric and gasoline engine is 136 horsepower. The car accelerates to “hundreds” in 10.4 seconds.

The electric motor now features a planetary gearbox, complemented by a heat recovery system and an oil pump.

Additional operating modes have been added. So, instead of one “EV Mode”, when the car was driven only electric traction, two more options appeared:

  • “Power Mode” - a mode designed for traveling at high speeds;
  • “ECO Mode” is an economical option designed for reduced fuel mixture consumption.

In normal mode, fuel consumption averages 4 liters per hundred. When switching to the eco-option, it drops to 1.75 liters.

4. Restyling of Prius-3 (ZVW40 and ZVW41).

In 2011, the world saw a new restyled version of the already beloved third Prius.

The designers made no changes to the power unit, focusing on appearance and car interior.

Thus, LED sections appeared in the head optics, the air intake opening was enlarged, and the interior trim was changed (the quality of the material used improved).

A number of devices have changed locations on the dashboard. The Japanese paid more attention to sound insulation.

The suspension also underwent design changes, which became stiffer.

The power unit remains unchanged - the same 1.8-liter gasoline engine paired with an electric motor producing 82 horsepower.

Fuel consumption in the combined cycle is 3.9 liters per “hundred”. Besides this, new model“learned” to drive only on electric traction.

Reviews from Toyota Prius owners

The best indicator of the quality, reliability and recognition of a car is reviews real owners. To keep things fair, both positive and negative reviews are presented below.

Positive feedback.

1. Viktor Semenov, 46 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, 2008, mileage - 110 thousand kilometers.

“I have been the proud owner of a Toyota Prius for eight years now. During its operation, the car was not seriously repaired.

The main work was changing the oil and filter elements. A year earlier we bought a Toyota Prius for our son too, so he managed to drive 200 thousand kilometers over the entire period.

All that was done on the car was changing the oil, spark plugs and filters. There are no complaints about either of the two cars.

After driving a car for several kilometers, you don’t even want to consider other options.

The car is economical, pulls well at any speed, and is reliable in operation.

Among the additional options, it is worth noting the rear view camera, which has saved us from collisions more than once.”

2. Yuri Skorikov, 47 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, 2009, mileage - 115 thousand kilometers.

“I bought a car in 2012. During the time that I had the car, I managed to drive 60 thousand kilometers. There are no complaints about the transport.

During operation, I had to diagnose the chassis and change the oil. If problems arose, they were resolved personally.

One day the inverter almost burned out. When replacing the battery, my son managed to reverse the polarity, after which an error appeared on the dashboard.

At the service center they said that the car is worthy of respect, because the inverter survived and did not burn out.

I think that the main advantages of a car are reliability, high quality engine and chassis, as well as efficiency.”

3. Evgeniy Petrenko, 49 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.8 l, automatic transmission, 2010, mileage - 90 thousand kilometers.

"Ownership experience different cars minimal. Before the Toyota Prius, there were only two cars - Hondas of 2004 and 2006.

When choosing a car, I paid attention to the following criteria - efficiency, reliability and cost of maintenance.

Friends advised me to buy a Toyota Prius, and as it turned out, it was not in vain. The car turned out to be easy to drive, economical, and stable on the road. The design deserves special attention, as it aroused genuine envy among others.

I bought the car second hand, so many of the modifications had already been done.

So, ground clearance It turned out to be raised to 20 cm, excellent acoustics were installed with ten speakers, and high-quality doors were installed. In general, it’s not a car, but a music center on wheels.

There are no complaints during operation. The car is economical, easy to use, and has a spacious trunk.”

4. Gennady Rastorguev, 38 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, 2007, mileage - 160 thousand kilometers.

“I bought the car in 2012. The year of manufacture of the purchased Toyota Prius was 2007. The car was made in the USA, which only adds “whists”.

During operation, I had to change oils, working fluids and do diagnostics of the main systems (more for self-soothing).

I have traveled 95 thousand kilometers over the entire period. The car showed itself with the best side, was unpretentious and did not break down on the road. This is primarily caused timely replacement technical fluids, and I wish the same for you. Don't forget about filters (they also need to be changed on time).

After 30 thousand kilometers the spark plugs had to be changed (the engine started).

Real consumption fuel struck me to the core. At a driving speed of 80-90 kilometers per hour, the car showed a result of 2.8 liters per “hundred”. Starting the engine in cold weather does not cause problems.

Among the main advantages, it is worth noting reliability, comfort, self-confidence on the road and ease of maintenance.

If you understand the mechanics and electrical parts, then there will be no problems with the car at all.”

Negative reviews.

1. Gennady Ivanov, 35 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.8 l, automatic transmission, 2010, mileage - 130 thousand kilometers.

“Previously, I gave preference only to foreign cars, but I wanted to change the car to some kind of “hybrid” to save on fuel. In 2010 I purchased a Toyota Prius.

At first there were no complaints about the car, but after each maintenance the engine error began to light up. The mechanics at the service station explained that the reason was the filling of low-quality fuel, although they tried to pour only expensive fuel.

After only a year of operation, fuel consumption jumped - 5.0 to 6.0 liters per “hundred”. A year later, the car began to “eat” 7.5-8.0 liters.

Recently the battery failed, and a message appeared on the dashboard demanding that the hybrid system be checked.

When purchasing, they assured that the power source would last forever, but in practice, everything turned out to be not so rosy. The service itself is disgusting - repairs take a long time, you wait months for parts, and the quality leaves much to be desired.”

2. Rodin Osadchy, 33 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, manufactured in 1998, mileage - 330 thousand kilometers.

“The car was reliable and unpretentious for the first three years of operation, but after replacing the battery, constant problems began.

First, the elements of the power supply flew out one by one, then problems appeared with the inverter, then with the hybrid installation. “In the end we had to dismantle and sell everything for parts.”

3. Diana Ivanova, 26 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, 2008, mileage - 60 thousand kilometers.

“When buying a car, I thought that I would get high-quality transport that would provide comfortable warmth in winter. It turned out that it is warmer in the Zhiguli than in the Toyota.

The car's handling also causes criticism. On a bad road, the car tends to drift to the side of the road. I had to sell the car after 2 years of operation.”

4. Nikolay Lunev, 36 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.8 l, automatic transmission, 2011 model year, mileage - 40 thousand kilometers.

“In principle, the car is not bad, but the low ground clearance was disappointing. When traveling to the dacha, I constantly scrape the bottom even when driving the wheel into relatively small holes.”

5. Stanislav Gaydashenko, 38 years old. Toyota Prius, 1.5 l, automatic transmission, 2009, mileage - 40 thousand kilometers.

“The main drawback for me was the price. I wanted to buy a hybrid, so I had to go into serious debt. It turned out that the car was not so good.

Noise insulation is insufficient, the steering wheel is not informative, and there is no lever lock.

If you accidentally hit it, you can put it in neutral. The interior is made of cheap plastic, which began to creak almost immediately after the start of use.

At normal speed (more than “hundreds”), fuel consumption is not so low - almost 7 liters per hundred kilometers.

The battery drains quickly. To properly save gas, you should stick to a speed of 70 km/h.”


Toyota Prius is a reliable, comfortable and economical vehicle. The main thing during operation is to change it on time consumables, monitor the condition of the battery and periodically go for diagnostics in order to eliminate problems at an early stage.

If you do not start malfunctions, then there will be no serious problems in operation. An important point is the quality of the fuel.

Toyota Prius is fussy about fuel, so you should refuel at proven gas stations.


3.9 liters

hybrid Lexus

Toyota Camry.

    At the end of October, two interesting new products appeared at Toyota dealerships. We have already talked about one of them, and we will not ignore the other. We're talking about a hybrid Toyota car Prius, which has not previously been officially supplied to Russia.

    The current Prius is the third generation of perhaps the most famous hybrid model in the world. Created in 1997 by the efforts of Japanese engineers, this car over the 12 years of its existence allowed Toyota to occupy a previously vacant niche environmentally clean cars, outlining the vector of development for the entire automotive industry in the coming years. Over the years of its existence, Priuses of the first and second generations have sold more than a million copies around the world.

    It must be said that once, in the years of its infancy, the Prius was a full-fledged sedan, and the plump “loin” part did not give it away. Everything changed with the advent of the second generation, which was released in 2004, already in hatchback status. The current car body is essentially a deep restyling of the previous one, just more improved in terms of aerodynamics and more beautiful. But the platform is different now - it was borrowed from the current one Toyota Corolla, which is a shame, because before the Prius was built on its own. But what remained unchanged in all three generations was the presence of a gas-electric power plant and a digital dashboard located in the center - a sort of symbol of a futuristic flagship leading the entire Japanese corporation into a bright future!

    Inside the Prius is truly a real spaceship! The interior is finished only with environmentally friendly plastic, the console wraps around the perimeter, and the dual-zone dashboard is replete with incomprehensible symbols. There is even a projector that displays information on windshield. However, if you look closely, you will notice that there is a lot in common with the same Corolla - both in terms of content and the dubious quality of materials.

    But it is not the interior, nor the design as a whole, that is the pride of the Prius. Pride is the most advanced hybrid drive in the world. At least that's what the developers of the Hybrid Synergy Drive power plant say, which runs on nickel-metal hydride batteries located in the rear of the hatchback. It consists of two engines – a 98-horsepower 1.8-liter gasoline engine and an 80-horsepower electric motor. True, their performance when obtaining the total power does not add up, and in total we have only 134 hp. But passport expense fuel is impressive - total 3.9 liters for 100 km of travel. This is much better than the old Prius, which required all 5.1 liters.

    The reduction in consumption was made possible by optimization of aerodynamics (Cx coefficient is 0.25 - a real record!) and refinement of the ECVT (Electronically controlled continuously variable transmission) continuously variable hybrid transmission with a planetary gearbox. The principle is the same as that of hybrid Lexus, but the efficiency is even greater. It is very important for developers that the most advanced hybrid in the world bears the Toyota name.

    However, is a hybrid drive really that economical?

    If we compare this car, say, with a two-liter diesel BMW 1 series, then the comparison will not be in favor of the hybrid. Yes, the BMW consumes 4.8 liters in the combined cycle, but it drives like a sports car, accelerating to hundreds in 7.5 seconds (the Prius accelerates in 10.4 seconds). Comparable to the Prius in terms of dynamics, the diesel Golf 1.6, which, alas, is not represented in Russia, will consume DSG gearbox only 4.5 liters.

    By the way, in one of the episodes of the TopGear program, an interesting fuel economy test was shown, the participants of which were... Toyota Prius and BMW M3 V8. Cars drove around the ring at a relaxed pace - the Prius first, the BMW behind it. Imagine everyone's surprise when average consumption The M3 turned out to be even lower than the Prius...

    The popularity of the Prius in the USA is understandable - the prices for heavy fuel there are rather high. But here we can achieve this kind of fuel economy for significantly less money, and taking into account the ratio of prices for gasoline and heavy fuel, driving diesel engines is even cheaper...

    You can make the excuse that buying such a car is more a matter of prestige. You won’t save so much on gasoline as you will sign your desire to save environment from CO2 emissions and make the city we live in more environmentally friendly and clean. However, it would be strange to forget that rechargeable batteries are by no means environmentally friendly in production. The same TopGear test allows you to look at this problem much more broadly. For example, as the story says, in order to produce the same batteries for the Prius or deliver these cars to consumers in the States or Europe on huge ships, such damage to the environment is caused that the minimal emissions of the car itself cannot compensate for it...

    In addition, many purely Russian questions arise regarding hybrids: how are such machines operated in our conditions, especially in winter? What is the shelf life of batteries? Does their capacity decrease over time? How do they perform in comparison with a diesel engine... Until the answers to all these questions are found, no one will be in a hurry to switch to a hybrid...

    Finally, the price of the new model is also questionable.

    Whatever the car may be technically, it still remains just a golf-class hatchback. But the price of the Prius (1,177,000 rubles) lives a life independent of it, being higher than that of the most popular business class sedan Toyota Camry.

    In the US, a Toyota Prius costs $22 thousand, Russian customs duties add another 50% to this figure. Another thing is that it would be possible to offer the opportunity to choose different levels machine equipment. Then the price would drop to approximately 850,000-900,000 rubles. And these are quite real numbers.

    Perhaps this considerable figure indicates that Toyota is introducing the Prius not to increase sales, but for prestige and strategic purposes. By the way, the only equipment is called “Prestige”, and you can’t call it poor: seven airbags, a stabilization system, a multimedia complex with Russified navigation, keyless access to the cabin and push-button engine start, an intelligent parking assistance system, touchscreen on-board computer control system on the steering wheel (Touch Tracer), LED headlights and lights. Isn't this premium level?

    Another point indicates that Toyota is not going to sell Priuses en masse in Russia. According to unofficial data, only 100 cars were allocated for the whole of Russia to begin with - the plant barely has time to cope with demand in America and Japan itself. The car is on display at dealerships for informational purposes only and is available only by order, so there are no test cars present.

    Perhaps Toyota wants to prepare the market for mass sales of hybrids in 3-5 years, to form public opinion that hybrids are not bought at all to save fuel, and most importantly, to create a technical infrastructure to service them. But the last word has not yet been said about the future of hybrids, among which the Prius, of course, remains number one. So there really is no hurry.


Can a car whose length is almost 4.5 meters consume 2.82 liters of gasoline per 100 km in the urban cycle? It turns out that there is such a “copy” - this is the Hybrid Toyota Prius II. The second-generation Toyota hybrid, which had just appeared, was immediately awarded four prestigious awards.

The performance provided by the Hybrid Synergy Drive, called a hybrid in a square, is simply amazing.

Main technical indicators of the hybrid Toyota Prius II

The dimensions of the car are 4450 mm x 1725 mm x 1490 mm, which corresponds to length, width and height. The size of the wheelbase and front/rear tracks is 2700 mm and 1505/1480 mm. The minimum trunk volume in a hybrid Toyota is 408 liters, and the ground clearance is 145 mm. Maximum speed – 179 km/h, acceleration to “hundredth” - 10.9 s. Fuel consumption in the city and on the highway (per 100 km) is five and 4.2 liters. The gas tank volume is 45 liters, tire size is 185/65/R15.

Types of hybrid drives

Speaking about hybrids, which, by the way, are also produced by Honda, and are being developed by dozens of enterprises, it is worth remembering two types of hybrid drive - parallel and serial.

In the first case, with the help of a gearbox, the internal combustion engine is connected to the wheels, to which an electric motor is also connected (no matter the same as the internal combustion engine or others), powered by a battery.

In the latter case, the internal combustion engine is not connected to the wheels. It runs on a generator that charges the batteries. Current is supplied to the traction electric motors either directly from the generator and additionally from batteries, or from batteries (depending on the driving mode).

The whirlwind of flows is monitored on the central display Hybrid Toyota

In both cases, electric motors can operate as generators during braking, thereby allowing for energy recovery and economic benefits.

This same hybrid Toyota uses both combinations, allowing it to achieve both efficiency and high acceleration dynamics, which gives the right to call it a hybrid of hybrids.

Gasoline volume four-cylinder engine amounts to 1.5 liters, and power - 75 hp. The power of the hybrid Toyota can hardly be called a record for such a volume, and even for compression (13:1). But the engine itself (without an electric motor) is economical in itself. And, most importantly, it meets the most stringent toxicity requirements, which have not yet even been introduced in America, i.e. The emissions level of the hybrid Toyota is “ultra super low”, and the standard is “partial zero”.

Now about the permanent magnet electric motor: its power 67 hp, synchronous.

Filling diagram of a hybrid Toyota

The Toyota hybrid batteries are nickel-metal hydride with a noteworthy characteristic - peak power is 28 “horses” (versus the usual 1-2 hp). In all driving modes, of course, a system of redistribution between these load elements operates. Driving in a hybrid Toyota is possible only with an internal combustion engine, only with an electric motor, or using both at the same time. At the same time, part of the power of a gasoline engine during uniform movement still goes to the generator, control system, and then to the electric traction motor. At first glance, these transformations entail additional losses; in reality, engineers thus achieve an optimal mode (speed/load) for the DSV, which has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

“Hybrid-hybrid” system: connection diagram

By the way: The huge torque of the hybrid Toyota, which the electric motor is capable of delivering at any speed, is the key to flexible and convenient control of the enormous traction on the front wheels. The wheels (during braking) and the gasoline engine are simultaneously charged battery(the voltage in this traction “smart” electrical network reaches 500 V). For so high power it assumes relatively low currents, therefore, low losses due to ohmic heating of the wires in comparison with systems used previously (for the same Prius I it is only 274 V).

The power divider is another highlight of the hybrid Toyota: the transmission is planetary, the central or solar wheel is connected to the generator, the planetary wheel is connected to the DSV, the outer ring is connected to the wheels and electric motor. In a variety of directions, the Toyota Hybrid system redistributes power flows very smoothly.

Hybrid drives: serial and parallel hybrid


There is a lot of electronics in this car: electric air conditioning drive, which allows you to reduce energy consumption, which is saved in this car; second generation VSC, which controls electric power steering, as well as EBD ABS, etc. The matured Toyota Prius II, which has moved to the “D” segment, is quite spacious - it is practically a hatchback, having the features of a minivan.


Externally, the Hybrid Toyota does not make much of an impression, since it is intended for those. Who values, first of all, comfort.

And the cabin is really comfortable: Very comfortable seats, meeting high ergonomic requirements. The interior itself is very bright and spacious, with a nice dashboard with an LCD monitor for the on-board computer. The diagonal of the screen is 14.5 cm. It contains information about the road surface and the condition of the car, the distribution of power flows (“Energy”), the remaining fuel and the number of kilometers that can be driven on it (“Consumption”), and the mileage traveled. It also serves as a map of the navigation system. Thanks to the second generation Prius, the car gained worldwide fame.

But even such a high rating did not make the company’s specialists stop. Almost twelve years after the debut of the amazing car, they presented the third generation Hybrid Toyota Prius, in which they tried to preserve as much as possible all the originality of the image of its predecessor, introducing new features into it.

Third generation Prius: differences from Toyota Prius II

The new car has grown in length by 15 mm and has become wider by 20 mm. The dimensions of the wheelbase and the height of the car have not changed. It was decided not to deviate far from the “triangular” silhouette of the eco-car. It’s as if a light touch connected the headlights with the rear ones, adding some piquancy to the outline. Unlike the previous hybrid Toyota, the highest point of the roof, previously located above the heads of the front passenger and driver, has now been moved to the center of the cabin. This resulted in additional comfort for second-row passengers. Now tall passengers don't have to worry about hitting their heads. There is also more legroom due to the fact that the thickness of the backrests of the front seats has been reduced by 30 mm.

There are also innovations for the driver: The gear shift knob, which was previously located on the dashboard, was moved to a console raised above the floor. The wheels of a hybrid Toyota, depending on the configuration, can be 17 or fifteen inches.

In the third generation restyled car, in order to somewhat refresh the appearance of the car, the designers changed the head optics, updated the interior materials, and changed the location individual elements, worked on sound insulation, modernized chassis, having made the suspension more rigid, they added volume to the engine (up to 1.8 liters), whose power is 99 hp, and electric motor– 82. When driving on electric power at a speed of 50 km/h, the range is up to those kilometers.

Small protrusions have appeared in the front bumper of the hybrid Toyota, which are not so much a design element as a functional nuance that improves air flow control. The new model has a 0.01 lower drag coefficient (Cx=0.25).

The change in the name of the Toyota hybrid body brand to ZVW30 from NHW20 reflects the fact that the old engine has been replaced by a new one - a 1.8 liter N series, thanks to which fuel consumption can be reduced at high speeds. The electric motor is equipped with a planetary gearbox. The system is supplemented with an electronic oil pump and an innovative exhaust gas heat recovery system.

In addition to the electric driving mode "EV Mode", there are now two more - economical ("ECO Mode") and for dynamic driving - "Power Mode".

If, when driving in the usual style in a hybrid Toyota with ups and downs, 4 liters of fuel are consumed per 100 km, then in the “eco” mode the figure can be reduced to 1.75 liters.

There are two ways to look at a used Toyota Prius. On the one hand, it is a symbol of ecology, which has turned into an economical, characterless car for traveling from point A to point B. On the other hand, it is an interesting and rather original way to reduce fuel costs.

But what do the vast majority of people really need? So that the car is reliable, relatively fast, comfortable, safe and consumes a minimum of fuel. The third generation Toyota Prius meets all these requirements.

The manufacturer claims that the Prius can get by with 4 liters of gasoline per 100 km. In reality, moving in such a way as not to irritate others, you will need about 6 liters. If you avoid driving on the highway, then in the city the average consumption will be about 5 liters. Outside the city, where the hybrid drive is already useless, and the engine has to push a car with heavy batteries, the costs will be at the level of 7-8 liters.

Practicality is another strong point Toyota Prius. There's quite a lot of space inside. But with comfort things are a little worse. The seats don't provide much support for the body, and the seat cushions are short. In addition, it is impossible to install the steering wheel correctly. You have to either sit with your arms fully extended or with your legs bent.

You will have to get used to the extremely slow heating of the interior in winter. The engine with high thermal efficiency is primarily to blame for this. The thermal energy it produces is simply not enough for such luxuries as crew comfort. To save polar bears something has to be sacrificed.

Even the ergonomics are not exemplary. The head-up display does not strain the eyes as much as the digital instrument panel above the center panel, which is overloaded with small icons. It takes time to get used to it.

Noise insulation and suspension are not bad in the city and at low speeds, but at higher speeds the tires begin to howl and the chassis makes itself felt. Rear axle with an elastic beam, it reacts boldly to cracks in the asphalt and wavy surfaces.

Toyota Prius does not require any special skills to operate. But if you want to get the most out of your hybrid setup, you'll need to get used to driving a little differently. For example, use inertia to accumulate electrical energy (recovery). This way you can save fuel. Having become accustomed to guessing how far the hybrid can go without gas, slowing down by inertia, the brakes can be used only in exceptional cases. This special kind entertainment, no less exciting than driving sideways.

While earlier generations of the Prius couldn't rely entirely on an electric motor, the third-generation model can easily do without the help of an internal combustion engine. The electric power reserve is enough for 2-3 km of travel, but at speeds above 50 km/h, as a rule, the combined mode of the hybrid installation is activated.

The electric motor works mainly as an assistant, helping the relatively heavy car to take off with dignity. There are few people willing to stop for a hybrid at intersections. But imagine the surprise of those around you when the Prius cheerfully starts at a green traffic light. Unlike some automatics, which take forever after you release the brake pedal before the car starts moving, the Japanese hybrid starts moving instantly. Of course, this is not the most economical way to drive, but if necessary, you can always speed up. Toyota readily accelerates to somewhere around 150 km/h, but after 130 km/h the acceleration is no longer impressive. On a flat road you can reach maximum speed 180 km/h.

Hybrid power point has three operating modes. In the first, Eco, the response to the gas pedal is rather sluggish. And in Power mode, the reactions are too sharp and look like operating an ON/OFF switch. Better suited for regular trips" standard mode" Power might come in handy for overtaking.

On steering driving modes have no effect. The reactions are a little vague, as if the signals are being transmitted through wires. Feedback It's just not on the steering wheel. The Toyota Prius has a different character than classic cars. The driver will never be able to become one with the Japanese hybrid.

At speeds up to 80 km/h, after taking your foot off the gas pedal, the engine switches off and the energy recovery process begins. Braking is carried out by an electric motor, which saves brakes. There is also a gearbox braking mode, which is necessary when driving down a steep descent in a loaded vehicle.

Typical problems and malfunctions

Toyota Prius has no fatal defects. And the power drive is very reliable. The 1.8 liter internal combustion engine operates on a modified Atkinson cycle ( intake valve remains open for some time, even when the piston begins to return, thereby effectively simulating the stroke of a variable length piston).

Instead of the often problematic variator with a limited service life, an almost eternal planetary gear is installed here. It works with an electric motor, which also does not have characteristic diseases. But this does not mean that the Toyota Prius does not require maintenance. A gasoline engine, like any other engine, regularly needs to update its oil and filters. And after 300-400 thousand km, the gasket under the head of the block may burn out, or the cooling system pump may leak. Soon the EGR valve may fail. It is easily accessible from above and often comes back to life after cleaning.

If any minor mechanical problems occur, it is usually due to neglect of regular maintenance. Problems appear after long-term parking, during which the battery is completely discharged. This car should not be idle.

The Toyota Prius has gone through a couple of major recalls. One concerned cars manufactured before January 2010 - there were problems with ABS on broken roads. In February 2014, a second one was announced. This time the hybrid installation required repairs. There was a danger of the inverter transistors overheating, as a result the car went into safe mode or was completely de-energized. The defect affected all Prius models and it is quite possible that this problem is still ahead for your car. The cost of a new inverter is from 320,000 rubles, a used one – from 20,000 rubles.

IN winter time sometimes the central display begins to act up, not readily responding to touches. The not very high quality interior creaks at times, and the plastic is easily scratched.

However, the car's reliability is rated as above average. The Toyota Prius regularly ranks first in satisfaction and reliability ratings.

Many people are concerned about battery life. It is true that in winter their capacity, and, above all, the willingness to move the car on pure electric power is reduced. But in a temperate climate, even after 100,000 km or 5 years of operation (warranty period), a significant decrease in battery power is not felt. Owners, even after 300,000 km, do not complain about a drop in battery capacity.

The need to replace a nickel-metal hydride (Ni-MH) battery may only arise after mechanical damage, such as an accident. The cost of a new high-voltage battery is from 280,000 rubles, a used one – from 45,000 rubles.


The oil in the gearbox and differential is designed for its entire service life and only requires checking the level and condition every 60,000 km. And yet, when operating in difficult conditions, Toyota recommends reducing the inspection interval to 45,000 km, and complete replacement carry out working fluids no later than 90,000 km. Difficult conditions include frequent highway travel at speeds of about 130 km/h.

You also need to change the coolant. The first time after 150,000 km, and then every 90,000 km. The inverter coolant also requires updating: first after 240,000 km, and then every 90,000 km.


The third generation Toyota Prius is extremely reliable car, which, subject to operating conditions and regulations, maintenance It will be not only economical, but also durable.

Technical characteristics of Toyota Prius III (XW30 / 2009-2016)

Engine type – petrol;

Working volume – 1798 cm3;

Timing system type – DOHC;

Number of cylinders / valves per cylinder - 4/4;

Bore/stroke - 80.5 mm/88.3 mm;

Compression ratio - 13:1;

Maximum power - 100 kW (136 hp);

Maximum torque - 207 Nm;

Acceleration from 0 to 100 km/h - 10.4 sec;

Maximum speed - 180 km/h;

Gearbox: type – continuously variable;

Capacity fuel tank- 45 l;

Weight: curb / full - 1495 kg / 1805 kg;

Fuel consumption:

Average/highway/city - 3.9 / 3.7 / 3.9 l / 100 km;

Wheelbase - 2700 mm;

Track: front / rear - 1,525 / 1,520 mm;

Tire size - 195/55 R15;

length × width × height - 4460 × 1745 × 1500 mm.

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