What you don't know about okroshka. Who came up with the okroshka? Ancient recipes of Russian national cuisine What people is okroshka

Russian and Belarusian summer cold liquid dish. The liquid part of okroshka is kvass, best of all special, okroshka, or white, and in the absence of its usual drinking, bread. The solid part of okroshka consists of raw vegetables (fresh cucumbers ... Culinary Dictionary

okroshka- Cm … Synonym dictionary

OKROSHKA- OKROSHKA, okroshka, pl. no, female 1. A dish of kvass, in which they put greens and finely chopped pieces of meat. Cold okroshka. 2. trans. Chaotic mixture, confusion (colloquial fam.). Okroshka in the head. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

OKROSHKA- cold kvass soup with the addition of boiled and some fresh vegetables, boiled or fried meat products, sour cream, herbs, hard-boiled eggs, etc. Meat okroshka. Cut into small cubes fresh cucumbers and boiled meat (beef or veal, ham ... The Concise Encyclopedia of the Household

OKROSHKA- OKROSHKA, and, wives. 1. Cold kvass dish with various herbs and finely chopped meat or fish. O. with sour cream. 2. trans. Chaotic mixture (colloquial neod.). O. from other people's thoughts. | adj. tiny, oh, oh (to 1 value). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

OKROSHKA- from lipstick. Jarg. they say Shuttle. iron. or Neglect. About a very stupid girl. Maximov, 286 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

OKROSHKA- Russian and Belarusian summer cold liquid dish. The liquid part of okroshka is kvass, best of all special, okroshka, or white, and in the absence of its usual drinking, bread. The solid part of okroshka consists of raw vegetables (fresh ... ... The Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

OKROSHKA- Cooking okroshka in a dream - you will not behave in the best way with a man who has serious intentions to marry you, despite the existing obstacles. Eating okroshka means a boring society of older people in which you have to ... ... Dream Interpretation Melnikov

Okroshka- cold stew, for which the remains of any meat, fried or boiled (beef, veal, game, ham, etc.) may be suitable. After cutting the meat, add chopped fresh or salted (peeled) cucumbers, hard-boiled eggs, finely chopped ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron


  • , Natalia Krachkovskaya. The main thing: Natalia Krachkovskaya is a symbol of Russian hospitality and national color! This book is about authentic Russian food, using tricks and tricks that make it easy to… Buy for 660 rubles
  • Shchi, potatoes and okroshka. Homemade recipes for Russian cuisine, Natalya Krachkovskaya. Main dish: Natalia Krachkovskaya - a symbol of Russian hospitality and national color! This book is about authentic Russian food, using tricks and tricks to…

And although in the old days okroshka was poured with cabbage or cucumber brine, kvass is traditionally considered to be its basis. The word is of old Russian origin and means "sour drink". The first written mention of kvass dates back to 989, when Kyiv prince Vladimir converted his subjects to Christianity. In the annals on this occasion it is said: "Distribute food, honey and kvass to the people." Apparently, from that very day, kvass began to win popular love, and already in the dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron of the century before last noted that kvass with black bread and onions is the main food of the common people. Perhaps it is with this poor set of components that okroshka begins its history, however, there is also an opinion that an old dish, radish with kvass, was its prototype. For its preparation, 2-3 small black radishes and an onion were taken, all this was crumbled, salted to taste and poured with sour bread kvass. And kvass by that time in Rus' was already at a premium. It was made in monasteries and soldiers' barracks, in hospitals and hospitals, in landowners' estates and peasant huts. The methods of making kvass, as well as the methods of baking, were known in every home. However, it is important to remember that dark kvass, which is now sold in many supermarkets, is not suitable for okroshka - more acidic light (white) kvass is usually used for its preparation. And if you suddenly do not know how to cook it yourself, I will be happy to share the recipe with you.

Recipe for light kvass for okroshka.

  • 4 liters of water
  • 1 kg wheat flour
  • 0.5 kg barley flour,
  • 0.5 kg of buckwheat flour,
  • 1 kg rye malt (crushed)
  • 1 kg barley malt,
  • 7 g mint
  • 17 g raisins,
  • 1 tsp liquid yeast.

Pour mint with a little boiling water and leave to infuse. In the bowl where you will prepare the kvass, mix the flour and malt thoroughly. Gradually pour in boiling water and stir at the same time until a homogeneous batter is obtained. Pour in the rest of the water. Add yeast and mix everything thoroughly, then add infused mint and cover the container with a lid (not too tight, gas should not accumulate). Place the container in a warm place for 1-3 days. When the kvass ferments and settles, carefully drain it without lifting the thick. Pour into bottles and toss a few raisins into each. Your kvass is ready!

We owe a more modern version of okroshka to barge haulers (those who worked on the Volga). It was they who at one time came up with an interesting dish that is very reminiscent of our fish okroshka:

"In the morning barge haulers were fed porridge, and in the afternoon, in the midst of shipping, they were given dried roach and kvass. Since the teeth of many workers left much to be desired, they soaked roach in kvass. And later, for greater satiety, they began to add vegetables - baked potatoes radishes, cucumbers.

Most likely, over time, the okroshka recipe became more arbitrary, and the number of ingredients increased. And so another unique dish of Russian cuisine was born, whose philosophy is truly simple - everything that is in the peasant economy will fit for okroshka. And it doesn’t matter if one of the usual ingredients is not at hand, then it’s okroshka: you can chop up something else. A real peasant okroshka is always improvisation, variegation and a variety of taste. That is why now kefir, whey, sour cream, mayonnaise, vinegar, broth, yogurt, sour milk, mineral water and even beer are often used instead of kvass. However, these cold soups are already more reminiscent of other dishes: okroshka on kefir - Uzbek chalop, on beetroot broth - botvinya, on matsoni - dogramach, on yogurt - tarator ... India also has a similar dish, the basis for which is chicken broth mixed with natural yogurt. Also in the Indian "okroshka" they actively use curry, mint and ginger. And in Lithuania, for example, instead of meat, minced meat is put in okroshka, and a spoonful of mayonnaise with garlic is also added to the plate.

It is curious that back in the early 19th century, okroshka was served not at all as a first course, but as an appetizer. In the culinary book of the landowner V. Levshin "Russian Cuisine" (late 18th century), the following recipe is published:

“Onaya (okroshka) is made from the remains of fried meat of various, four-legged, domestic and wild birds ... Crush the skinned meat from the bones very fractionally with raw onions, fresh or pickled cucumbers, add salted plums cut from the seeds, mix it all, erase with a spoon, moisten with cucumber or plum pickle with an addition of vinegar, let stand, and when serving, dilute the okroshka with kvass.

It is not difficult to imagine how the further fate of okroshka turned out. Invited chefs from Italy, France, Germany worked in the homes of high-ranking persons almost side by side with Russian chefs who came from the hinterland. And this very mixture of styles and different cuisines has given us many of the modern versions of our favorite dishes. So it is not possible to find out exactly who was the first to cook this or that type of okroshka.

The general principle of preparing this dish is as follows:

1. Prepare vegetable grounds from neutral vegetables cut into small cubes.

The most commonly used boiled potatoes, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, fresh cucumbers. The now widespread addition of radish is not characteristic of the classic okroshka and significantly distorts its taste.

2. Mix it with meat or fish (if necessary).

To prepare a hearty meat okroshka, boiled, lean, different varieties of meat are used. The best for okroshka is meat cut from the bone. In the classic Russian okroshka, turkey, black grouse and pig meat were combined. Later they began to use any meat, but mainly beef and poultry. Fish is taken with sweet and non-bony meat - these are tench, pike perch, sturgeon, cod. If you decide to cook fish okroshka, add a little lemon juice to it to emphasize and shade the taste of the fish.

3. Mix with spicy okroshka dressing and let it brew for at least half an hour.

And even though not everyone cooks the dressing today, it doesn’t hurt to know its recipe either. Okroshochnaya dressing is prepared from kvass or cucumber pickle, mustard, green onions, black pepper, horseradish and egg yolks, ground in a small amount.

4. Mix with herbs.

In the classic version, okroshka uses green onions, dill, parsley, celery, tarragon and chervil.

5. Pour kvass, add sour cream and chopped egg white.

Your okroshka is ready.

Gradually, the recipe changed, more and more new ingredients were added to it, and therefore today you can find a recipe for okroshka with green peas, beans, mushrooms, sauerkraut, shrimp, crab sticks, squid, horseradish, ham, rhubarb, smoked cheese and even cranberries! That's for sure - everyone will find okroshka to their taste!

And now every summer I myself cook okroshka for my family. But I cook it not on kvass, but on kefir - this is the desire of my loved ones and it is this okroshka that we like the most. Maybe my recipe will be to your taste too?!

So, we need:

  • Kefir - 1 l;
  • Mineral water without gas - 0.5 l;
  • Doktorskaya sausage (ham, boiled chicken breast) - 200-250 g;
  • Boiled potatoes - 3-4 pcs.;
  • Radishes - 5-6 pcs.;
  • Cucumber - 3 pcs.;
  • Boiled egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Dill, green onions - one bunch each;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Finely chop the dill and green onion and crush with salt until the juice is released. Add diced sausage, potatoes, radish, cucumber and eggs. Pour in kefir and dilute with a little non-carbonated mineral water. Add salt and pepper to taste. When serving, you can add a spoonful of sour cream to the okroshka on kefir. Enjoy your meal!

And you, with the onset of the season of fresh vegetables, often remember the recipe for okroshka ..?

Alena Cuba , specially for Etoya.ru

Each dish has its own history of origin. Okroshka is an original soup served cold. It is willingly cooked in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. The name okroshka comes from the verb "crush", that is, grind the ingredients.

Each dish has its own history of origin. Okroshka is an original soup served cold. It is willingly cooked in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other countries. The name okroshka comes from the verb "crush", that is, grind the ingredients. For the basis of okroshka, housewives take vegetables that complement each other for a pronounced taste, for example, turnips, potatoes, carrots, turnips and others. Various spicy, fragrant herbs are added to vegetables and boiled hard-boiled eggs are cut. The final culinary touch is dressing. History says that in Rus', for real okroshka, they preferred to take not one, but 2 or 3 types of meat. The main thing is that it is non-greasy. There is a simple explanation for this, meat leftovers from a plentiful dinner or lunch, a meal after the arrival of guests went to okroshka. Most often, okroshka was eaten in wealthy families, ordinary peasants took care of their livestock until autumn to eat meat. They didn’t slaughter cattle just like that, they ate more lean, dairy dishes. In the old days, every housewife knew that okroshka is good on kvass, on something milky, or on cucumber or cabbage pickle.

Of course, kvass was considered the best basis. In old Russian kvass means "sour drink". In a written source, kvass was first mentioned in 989, when the prince of the city of Kyiv, Vladimir, converted all those living in Rus' to Christianity. He issued a decree according to which kvass with honey was distributed to ordinary people. Historians believe that thanks to this, kvass became popular among the common people. The dictionary of I. A. Efron and F. A. Brockhaus mentions that peasants and workers ate black bread with natural kvass and ate onions. Historians suggest that this was the prototype of the first real okroshka. Many do not agree and say that even earlier in Rus' they ate radish with kvass.


Take 2 or 3 medium black radishes and an onion. Crumble into cubes, salt everything and pour over with natural kvass. In the old days, Russians adored kvass; it was a favorite drink in every home. The production of kvass for their own needs and to treat people was engaged in monasteries, hospitals and soldiers' kitchens. The best kvass is white, it is lighter and more sour. Here is a kvass recipe that will come out light and is best suited for preparing our dish.

kvass recipe


  • 4 liters of water;
  • 0.5 kg of high-quality barley flour;
  • 1 kg of good wheat flour;
  • 0.5 kg of real buckwheat flour;
  • 1 kg barley malt;
  • 1 kg of crushed rye malt;
  • 1 kg barley malt;
  • 17 g of any raisins;
  • 1 tsp yeast in liquid form;
  • 7 g mint
  • Rinse the mint and place in a bowl. Pour boiling water over it and let it infuse.
  • Take a large pot in which you will cook kvass, and pour flour into it. It must be thoroughly mixed with malt.
  • Gradually pour in boiled water. The dough should turn out liquid, all the water should enter.
  • Now throw the yeast in there and mix everything, enter the mint tincture and close everything loosely with a lid so that the gas comes out.
  • Let the pot stand warm for 1 to 3 days. Kvass will ferment, and you will merge it, leaving thick. Don't shake!
  • Now kvass needs to be bottled and thrown into each bottle with 2-3 raisins.
  • So we got homemade light kvass.


    Modern okroshka was the first to be eaten by barge haulers, the very ones working on the Volga. They came up with a dish - okroshka with fish. Workers were given kvass with vobla. Many had bad teeth, and the workers soaked the fish in kvass, and then, to make it thicker and more satisfying, they added cucumbers, baked potatoes, radishes and other vegetables in season. Many people liked the idea of ​​such a cold soup, and each hostess chopped up her own set of vegetables there, adding eggs. What is left from the peasant’s table was used to prepare the dish, or it was prepared specially for lunch, dinner, etc. Now we often hear that okroshka is good not only with kvass, but also with kefir or whey, and even with beer. Some take mayonnaise or sour cream. Soured milk, broth and even yogurt and a little vinegar are suitable. But this is already reminiscent of national soups prepared by other nations. For example, Uzbeks add kefir to chalop, tarator suggests a base of yogurt, dogramach is made from beetroot, which is called botvinya, or matsoni. Even Indians mix yogurt with chicken broth. And the seasonings for the dish are there - curry with ginger and fragrant mint. Lithuanians traditionally use minced meat for okroshka, and not meat in pieces. And be sure to throw 1 tsp into each plate. garlic mayonnaise or squeeze a clove of garlic to the mayonnaise.

    At the beginning of the XIX century. okroshka was considered not the first course, but an appetizer. At the end of the XVIII century. such a composition for okroshka was popular: fried meat of various domestic animals and game; raw onion; salted or fresh cucumbers; pickled plums, salted; a little cucumber or plum pickle; a little bit of vinegar; kvass. All this was infused and served in portions, diluted with kvass. In Russia, foreign chefs were often invited to rich houses. And then they returned to their homeland, carrying a modified recipe for Russian national food. Because there are so many varieties of okroshka.
    Let it brew and serve in portions, diluting with kvass.


    You will not believe, but in this dish there may not be a single ingredient that must be added. All products are interchangeable. For example, instead of meat, you can put mushrooms or fish, etc.

    The foundation

    Most often it is kvass, and better is bread white. Bottled is not very suitable, but if there is no other, the housewives use it too. But it is better to take whey or kefir as a basis. Some mix mayonnaise or sour cream with water, or you can use mineral water. Suitable koumiss or ayran, beer and even kombucha or decoctions of sour berries, brut.


    Most often it is beef or pork, for less wealthy families - chicken, etc. It is better to take 2-3 types of meat. In the old days, soft cartilage was used. Meat can be cooked in a variety of ways: boiled, fried or smoked. Now they use ham, soft sausage and sausages. Those who criticize the innovations say that it turns out Olivier on kvass. Yes, natural meat is healthier. The taste is original if you use seafood or fish: squid; cod; scallops; sturgeon; shrimps; stellate sturgeon. Take only peeled seafood and fish fillets.


    Most often used cucumbers. Fresh or salted, marinated. It happens that they take fresh in combination with salty. Boiled potatoes - there are both lovers and opponents of this vegetable in the recipe. Sometimes potatoes are served on a platter separately. Radish goes well in okroshka; green onion is recommended to finely chop and grind with salt. They also add sorrel or sauerkraut, dill with parsley and even spinach.


    The dish is low-calorie, as sausage and meat are low-fat. Eggs are loaded with protein and healthy fats. Very rarely, someone cooks okroshka without using chicken or quail eggs.


    If the dish is simple, then 5 or 6 ingredients are enough in its composition, and in more complex versions there are 20 of them. What seasoning is suitable? For example, rub horseradish with meat and let it brew, “stretch” with taste and aroma. It happens that they use horseradish with mustard or only mustard. Requires 2 tsp. dilute in kvass, kefir, in a word, the liquid with which you dilute the soup. In addition, mint, celery, basil, tarragon are added.


    Sour fresh or soaked apples are suitable. Acid can be obtained from a lemon by cutting it into slices, slices or squeezing the juice.


    If you do not want to cook with meat, then you can take mushrooms, ranging from oyster mushrooms and champignons to forest ones: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, saffron milk mushrooms, volnushki or elite porcini mushrooms. Of course, you can buy mushrooms from the market. As a last resort, use dried or canned.

    Now you are convinced that there can be many options for how to cook this wonderful soup. If you want to experiment by mixing additives, then pour some of the okroshka from a large saucepan into a small container and add it there while mixing. And then enter those ingredients, the taste of which you especially liked.


    There are different cooking options. Let's consider some of them.


    • 1.5 liters of white kvass;
    • 300 g of pre-boiled beef;
    • 3 medium potatoes;
    • 3 small cucumbers;
    • 4 hard boiled eggs;
    • a little parsley and dill;
    • 50 g green onion feathers;
    • 400 g sour cream;
    • sugar, salt, mustard powder.


    1. Cut vegetables with eggs into cubes, and meat - across the fibers. Finely chop the onion with herbs.
    2. Take a large bowl and mix everything.
    3. Add sour cream and mix again, and then pour kvass.
    4. Season with sugar, salt and add dry mustard.


    • 1.5 liters of white kvass;
    • pre-boiled potatoes - 250 g;
    • salted or pickled mushrooms - 400 g;
    • boiled carrots - 100 g;
    • fresh or salted, pickled cucumbers - 200 g;
    • hard-boiled eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • green onion feathers - 100 g;
    • sour cream - 400 g;
    • a little dill;
    • mustard with sugar, salt.


    1. Rinse salted or pickled mushrooms under running water. Cut all vegetables with mushrooms and eggs into medium cubes. Finely chop greens.
    2. Mash the yolks with sour cream, then add the mustard, and cut the whites into cubes.
    3. Pour everything with kvass and add sugar to taste, then salt.
    4. Throw the rest of the sour cream here. Stir the mixture and serve.


    • 2 liters of white tasty kvass;
    • 200 g of any fried fish fillet;
    • 70 g of sturgeon (boiled);
    • 4 small beets (boiled);
    • 50 g of herring;
    • 3 cucumbers, raw or salted;
    • 100 g green onion feathers;
    • some fresh dill;
    • 3 art. l. olive oil;
    • 3 or 4 tbsp. l. horseradish seasonings;
    • some dill and parsley.


    1. If there are bones in the fish, remove them and cut them all, along with vegetables, into cubes.
    2. Chop up the greens.
    3. On a coarse grater, grate the whole beetroot.
    4. Mix the mixture in a large bowl and add kvass there. Mix thoroughly and serve.

    1. Introduce chopped turnips or turnips or radishes with parsley or dill, cilantro into the dish, but not yellow onions.
    2. It is best to cook white kvass yourself, and not buy it in a store. If you have an option - to cook only with the purchased one, then look at the composition and purchase the one with less sugar.
    3. For kvass, many people rub mustard with egg yolk. They say that it comes out very tasty. Try it!
    4. Meat, sausage or fish, mushrooms are added so that they are 1:1 with vegetables. Then it turns out delicious. No meat now? It doesn't matter, get sausage or sausages.
    5. Refrigerate the dish after cooking. You can put dressing in the plates, and pour kvass or other liquid on top. Serve to the table!

    And at the end of our article, we suggest you watch an interesting video story:

    In contact with

    Okroshka is a cold soup with kvass as the main liquid. Okroshka is a dish of national Russian cuisine.

    The concept of "national cuisine" means the totality of all culinary techniques and other skills, as well as the characteristics of the products characteristic of this people.

    However, there are several points of view that Russia is not the country where okroshka originated.

    Historical data has been preserved that Prince Vladimir in 989 AD. ordered to distribute "food, honey and kvass" to the peasants. From this began the popularity of the drink among people.

    The people liked to eat onions and black bread. This was the smallest set of ingredients for okroshka. Based on this, 989 AD. and became the starting point for the creation of okroshka in Rus'.

    Point of view 2

    There is a view that okroshka was cooked for the first time in a peasant environment. People worked all day in the fields in the heat, and they needed to quickly quench their thirst and hunger. And it was a cheap and delicious full meal.

    Barge haulers on the Volga became the founders of fish soup. During shipping, barge haulers needed a hearty meal, so fish soup appeared. For greater satiety, people added various foods.

    Recipes for various types of okroshka appeared in the culinary notes of cooks at the end of the 18th century. In the process of development of Russian cuisine and the exchange of experience at the beginning of the 19th century, okroshka began to be considered not a first course, but an appetizer.

    The name okroshka comes from the word "crush", that is, grind the ingredients.

    Cut fresh vegetables into cubes (fresh cucumbers, boiled potatoes), different kinds meat or fish, pickles, spicy herbs (parsley, dill, green onions), boiled eggs, seasoned with okroshka kvass with sour cream.

    Okroshochny kvass differs from the usual one in that it is less sweet and there is no such obvious taste of burnt black bread.

    There are also options for preparing okroshka with kefir, whey, ayran, mineral water, mayonnaise, cucumber or cabbage pickle.

    The season itself regulates and determines the main landmarks in the menu. Okroshka is especially in demand in the summer because of its satiety and cool, invigorating taste.

    Cold soup is served in all catering systems. Okroshka is appreciated because it cooks quickly and, most importantly, you don’t need to stand for hours near the stove - finely chop the ingredients and fill it with kvass.

    Over time, okroshka has changed its composition. It has many different recipe options.

    The current housewives have long found their recipe for making summer soup, and what it will be on your table is up to you.

    General step by step instructions

    1. Dice vegetables and boiled egg.
    2. Cut meat or fish.
    3. Finely chop the greens and mix with vegetables and meat.
    4. Let it brew.
    5. Fill with kvass.
    6. Add sour cream.
    7. Add salt to taste.

    Do not salt the okroshka right away, as the vegetables will give juice, and it will become like porridge. Cold soups are also best cooked in non-oxidizing dishes, regardless of the composition of the products (it is better to use glass heat-resistant dishes).

    Enjoy your meal!

    Perhaps okroshka is the most popular summer dish that we eat “for the first time”. Delicious, easy, perfectly refreshing - what else do you need for a hot day? The etymology of the name is clear: okroshka comes from the word "crush". The recipe appeared at the dawn of Russian culinary literature, at the end of the 18th century - in particular, in the work of Nikolai Osipov "The Old Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook", and a related dish - botvinia - is mentioned even earlier, in "Domostroy".

    There is an interesting version of the appearance of okroshka. According to some historians, barge haulers on the Volga invented okroshka. In the morning they were fed porridge, and in the evening - spelt, and for lunch, in the midst of shipping, they were given dried vobla and kvass. The teeth of the workers were sick, so they had to soak the roach in kvass. Later, vegetables harvested from coastal gardens were added to the "kvass wobble" - baked potatoes, radishes, cucumbers, and turnips. It turned out satisfying and tasty soup. By the way, in some regions, for example, in the Ryazan and Tula regions, okroshka was simply called “kvass” or “kvass” for a long time.

    If we were asked to describe the recipe in one phrase, then okroshka is chopped vegetables and meat, filled with cold liquid. The traditional basis of the dish is kvass, although in the old days it was poured with cucumber or cabbage pickle. There are many different options for a liquid base: whey, beer, diluted vinegar, kefir, birch kvass, ayran, mineral water, meat broth, kombucha, beetroot broth, mayonnaise, cucumber pickle, tomato juice, and mixed vegetable juices. Some “filling” options are more reminiscent of other types of soups: the so-called okroshka on kefir can be a variant of the Uzbek cold chalop soup, botvinya is prepared on beetroot broth, tarator is prepared on yogurt, there is a beer soup with bread soaked in it.

    The whole world considers kvass to be an exclusively Russian invention. In fact, kvass was drunk by the Egyptian pharaohs in the 6th century BC. The ancient Egyptians soaked baked bread, and when the fermentation process ended, they received fragrant water called ziphos. It did not take root for a long time: after experimenting with the ingredients, the Egyptians turned ziphos into beer.

    For the right okroshka, you need the right kvass. Better to make it at home.

    For a simple okroshka kvass, you will need:

    • 80 g rye bread
    • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
    • 3 g yeast
    • 12 glasses of water

    Bread cut into cubes, fry in the oven until dark brown. Pour these crackers with hot water and leave for about 5 hours. Strain the resulting bread infusion, add sugar and yeast (or a handful of raisins) previously diluted in water and put in a warm place for 8 hours to ferment. When foam appears on the surface of kvass, the drink is ready. Strain again and chill well!

    Okroshka recipes are different for every family. Someone likes to make it with boiled beef, someone gets by with sausage or ham, and for someone the chicken version is more suitable. Therefore, it is difficult to give a specific recipe, but we will give some tips.

    • You can add chopped radishes, turnips, turnips and a lot of greens to okroshka.
    • If you take store-bought kvass, look for one with less sugar.
    • Sometimes mustard and mashed yolk are added to kvass.
    • Meat or fish in okroshka is added in an amount of 1: 1 to the vegetable mass.
    • Fill okroshka with kvass and sour cream only before eating.
    • To get more flavor from greens, you can mash them with a pestle along with salt.

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