What should be in your car. What do you need to have in a car according to traffic rules? Universal charger

A woman driving is far from being wild, but rather a common occurrence: taking children to kindergarten and school, going to the grocery store, and even being in time for work.

Autolady - travelers are also not at all a rare occurrence.

So, while the beloved man is working tirelessly at work, or also tirelessly watching football / hockey (this is nicer than the beloved man), we grab the children in an armful, put them in the back seat of our favorite car (Pupsika, Kotika, Lapochki, Girls and etc.), and we are going to travel.

And it doesn't matter that our journey is only to the village to the grandmother, or to the next street. Ambushes and sabotage can expect us everywhere and at any time of the year: from active snowfall to passive actions of road services ...

I myself have been driving since 2005, every day, and even on weekends.

What should always be in the car

I always keep in the car (regardless of the season):

1. Car compressor

For inflating tires, working either from the cigarette lighter or from the battery terminals. It is not always possible to change a wheel on the road, but it is quite possible to pump it up and drive to the nearest tire shop.

2. Work gloves

2-3 pairs of fabric and the same amount of rubber (thin, with which I wash dishes, similar to gynecological ones). I always keep rubber gloves at hand (or in the pocket of the driver's door, or in the glove box), fabric gloves - in the trunk or between the back seat and the car body (near the left passenger door of the car).

I use them often. For example, if I need to wipe dirty headlights, I put on rubber gloves, and if I need to pump up the wheel (or, God forbid, change it), I first put on thin rubber gloves and then fabric gloves: through rubber gloves, dirt does not get on my hands, and fabric ones do not allow rubber break. I tried to take only rubber ones - they still tear, and it’s not convenient.
But who cares, the options may be different.

You can laugh for a long time. But my hands and manicure are always in perfect order.

3. Dust - moisture collecting cloths

Not rags, as some drivers do - men, namely rags. I love and respect my car. Therefore, care must be appropriate. There are a lot of options in the store now: both microfiber and artificial suede. It is especially important when traveling out of town - there is not always a car wash at hand, and the car collects dust with amazing success.

Even better than a vacuum cleaner… I always keep rags with a margin, I keep them in a neat purse - something like a big cosmetic bag with a zipper. Well, a couple of rags in the pockets of the front doors - and you can wipe the dust on the go and the glass is fogged up ...

A set of necessary items depends on the time of year


I always keep glass and headlight cleaners - to wash insects. Well-known means such as "Second" or "Mr. Muscle" help best of all. A couple of times I tried to buy a "unique insect repellent" in the auto shop. Price - quality does not match, in general disappointed.

Light jacket - windbreaker. In case it rains, and you need to urgently run out of the car. An umbrella usually doesn't help, especially when both hands need to be free. Although the umbrella in the car in the summer, too, always lies. Is there a little…

in winter

There is also a standard set: a snow brush, a scraper. Although I do not like glass scrapers. I prefer to use a plastic card (I don’t throw out unnecessary discount cards, I use them).

Spare bottle with antifreeze liquid for glasses.

Husband's old down jacket (it's big, you can wrap yourself in it). He travels with me both in winter and summer, most often used in summer and autumn, practically “to fight” when going out into the countryside: it’s very good to sit by the fire wrapped in a down jacket ...

Spare mittens, socks. Be sure to wear a hat in the car. Usually I don’t wear it, there is enough hood on a jacket or fur coat, but on weekends a hat is very much needed.

This Sunday, October 28, the world celebrates Motorist Day. This holiday is used to be considered a male holiday, although statistics show that there are more and more female drivers in the world every year. We spoke with the host of the program Jedi on the channel 2+2 , who has been driving for more than 15 years, and asked what a girl should definitely have in a car.

“I bought my first car back in the early 2000s. Of course, I didn’t have a budget for a new one, but one of my acquaintances told me that car dealerships sell used cars with low mileage and a full technical inspection. So I found my "fawn" with mechanical box gear, cherry color at a very nice price, also on credit. This, of course, was a big financial blow for me, because I only had enough money for gasoline and lipstick. But since then I have been driving for 15 years.

Now I have mini one, which I myself brought from Sicily, went through the release procedure and proudly received Kyiv numbers. This is a very comfortable city car. Because it's so tiny, I can always find a parking space, squeeze into the heavy traffic, and drive through the narrow streets in the old part of the city. But still, like any girl, I chose him rather for a stylish appearance and nice design,” said the TV presenter.

We asked Katya Nesterenko, based on our many years of experience as a driver and host of the program Jedi, which shows the loudest automotive news every day, make a list of things every girl needs in a car. Read her column below.

Emergency phone list

In case of an emergency, I have compiled a list of various services with telephones that can help change a wheel, repair malfunctions in the car, tow or evacuate the car if necessary. I also added the number of the insurance company there. When for the first time after 5 years of living in Italy I punctured a tire on an unlit highway 100 kilometers from Kyiv, at first I was a little confused, because I myself simply could not physically replace it in this pitch darkness. And on the street, in addition, it was raining with sleet. But then my experienced colleagues came to the rescue, who advised me to contact a mobile tire service. Since then, I always have phones of such services at hand.

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Phone charger

In a situation with a punctured tire, my phone literally saved me. I don’t know what I would do if I were left without a connection, so charging is a must. Modern smartphones sit down quickly, especially if you use GPS.


I bought a video recorder a long time ago. It is better not to drive on Ukrainian roads without it, because in the event of an accident it is difficult to prove one's case. I know this for sure, because I regularly have to talk about such cases in the program. Jedi.

Paper road map

Of course, in the modern world we are used to using GPS or mobile navigation, but you should also always have a paper map of Ukraine in your car in case the signal fails or the device runs out of power. In addition, electronic maps do not show all local roads.

The causes and condition of the star are already known. The girl was injured as a result of a domestic conflict with neighbors. Law enforcement agencies are already involved, verification of testimony and search for evidence is underway. What is known to this hour is in the material.

Read the most interesting news of Ukrainian, Russian and world show business at.

Now remember your handbag. Sometimes it is so heavy that we ourselves wonder why we need so many things. Likewise with a car. It is very important for us girls to have everything at hand. Little whether that?

We drive to work, meetings, negotiations, we take the children to school and classes, and sometimes we spend almost the whole day in the car. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the most necessary items that you may definitely need.

Garbage bags

Garbage always starts up in the car: candy wrappers, banana skins, chocolate wrappers, empty water bottles. To keep the cabin tidy, you should always have a couple of garbage bags. And it is more convenient to store them in a tissue box. Such as in the photo.

Smartphone charger

Almost all women go to an unfamiliar place using a navigator, and if you use it from an application on your phone, you know how quickly the phone sits down when the navigator is working. In order not to be left without communication at the most inopportune moment, carry a charger and buy an additional cord for the car.

Well, if you already understand everything with charging and a cord, then we’ll tell you about a convenient way to use the navigator on your smartphone so as not to hold the phone in your hands and catch it around the cabin every time you turn the steering wheel.

You can use the usual clerical gum, hooking it on the fan grille.

Or take a case from under the glasses and, placing it on the top panel, insert the phone into it. For reliability, you can put it in a eyeglass case or tighten it from behind with something heavy.

rubber scraper

It is needed not only to clean dirty stains from the windows, but also for the seats in the cabin. A scraper, for example, is the fastest way to get pet hair off seats. Try it, it's a proven method.


It will be needed not only to calm down and while away the time in traffic jams. If the wipers of the car began to clean the glass poorly due to adhering dirt, ice and snow, bend them and walk along the entire length with the sharp edge of the file to clean off what is clogged under the rubber band. You will instantly feel the difference.

Just do not forget that the wipers need to be changed over time. The old ones start scratching the glass.

Hand sanitizer

Most antiseptics contain alcohol, so you can use it on frozen locks and door handles. Only in this case, you should not carry an antiseptic in the car - it's better to just take it with you on a frosty day. Especially if it rained in the evening, and it froze in the morning. From the fact that the antiseptic will be stored in the cabin, the door will not open.


Even professional craftsmen see nothing wrong with polishing tarnished headlights with toothpaste. So, if you notice that the headlights have become poorly illuminating the road, apply the paste to the surface and rub it with a rag with vigorous movements. Do not forget to wash it off the headlights only after that.

Intimate hygiene products

Put a couple of tampons and pads in the glove compartment of your car so you don't get into an awkward position next time. Remember: we need to be ready for anything.

Starter wires

Women are distracted and sometimes leave their headlights on, and then they are surprised that the car did not start. So starting wires (crocodiles) are needed at any time of the year, and especially in winter, when the battery can run out overnight due to severe frosts. In this situation, the drivers will not refuse to help you, but not everyone has such wires in the car. And let you have it! Buy longer wires so that you can run them from one car to another without any problems. It is not always possible to get close to the car.

Spare socks

They need to be stored in the car for several reasons: firstly, they can be used to protect the wipers from sticking to the windows and icing (in recent years, freezing rain has often happened). Secondly, they can be used in emergency situations. For example, the car is stuck on the ice, and you need to push it. Put your socks on over your shoes and stop slipping.

Rules traffic obliges every motorist to carry driver's license, registration certificate of the car, insurance policy, as well as a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher and an emergency stop sign. This is enough to successfully pass the inspection, but for emergencies that happen on the road, it is better to supplement the list with a few useful things.

Minimum set

Going on the road without these items is not only forbidden, but it is highly discouraged. Of course, you can always call a tow truck or ask other drivers for help, but it is better to be able to deal with the breakdown on your own.

1. Spare

All manufacturers supply cars with a spare. Often this is the so-called dokatka - an emergency wheel that is not intended for long-term use and driving at high speeds. Nevertheless, you can get to the nearest tire fitting without any problems.

2. Jack

As a rule, a jack is also included in the standard equipment of the machine. Usually this is some simple version, which is nevertheless quite enough to replace the wheel. The main thing is to be able to use it at the right time. It is better to practice in a calm environment.

3. Balloon wrench

Another attribute of the standard set is a wrench for removing wheels. It is often located next to the jack. If you changed wheels to alloy wheels, make sure that the size of the new bolts remains the same and the old wrench fits them. Otherwise, buy the right one.

Basic set

Things that experienced drivers do not forget to carry with them. With such a kit, you can feel more confident on the road and help not only yourself, but also other motorists.

4. Reflective vest

A bright cape with reflective stripes will make you much more visible on the road both during the day and at night. When folded, it easily fits in a door pocket, where it will always be at hand when you need to get out on the road. For example, to replace a punctured wheel.

5. Paper cards

With the development of technology, automotive atlases have been replaced. However, the good old paper cards should not be written off. Keep them in the glove compartment: they will help out when the navigator turns off, there is no signal, or the battery in the smartphone runs out.

6. Compressor or pump

The wheels can be pumped up at a gas station, but when such a need arises on the road, a car compressor is indispensable. If desired, it can be replaced or supplemented with a hand pump. If they do not have built-in pressure gauges, you will have to buy a separate device.

7. Towing cable

Having a cable in the trunk, you can ask someone to tow the car to the nearest service and do without calling an expensive tow truck. And, of course, you can always help other motorists as well.

When choosing this useful accessory, pay attention to the maximum load and length: the larger it is, the easier the towing process will be. According to the rules SDA RF, 20. Towing of mechanical vehicles the length of the cable should be at least four meters, but it is better to take six meters.

8. Lighting wires

A set of wires for starting a car is a very necessary thing, especially in winter time when there is a risk of not starting the engine due to frost. With the help of such wires with crocodile clips, it is easy to get your car away from more successful neighbors in the parking lot. Or help out those who are unlucky.

If there are no wires at hand, and, unfortunately, there are no passing cars, you can order a lighting service by calling a taxi. Usually such a service is available in all services.

9. Toolbox

Even for those who do not understand anything about repairs, it is advisable to carry with them a minimum set of tools that can always come in handy. It will be enough to use a flat and Phillips screwdriver, pliers and a wrench to remove the terminals from. More experienced drivers, if desired, can take a universal set with a ratchet, sockets and wrenches.

10. Knife

At least a small folding knife should be in every car. It is useful in everyday life to cut food, open some package or parcel, and also help out in emergency situations. For example, in an accident, it can be used to cut the seat belt.

11. Gloves

Regular work gloves will help keep you from getting dirty when changing a punctured tire, checking the oil level, and during other fussing under the hood. Ideally, you should have several pairs in the cabin and in the trunk. They certainly won't be redundant.

12. Napkins

To maintain cleanliness in the cabin, it is convenient to use wet and dry wipes. The latter can be successfully replaced with kitchen paper towels or even toilet paper. Microfiber cloths should also be on hand, which are very convenient to wipe the misted glass.

13. Water

You need to have a bottle (or even a couple) of ordinary non-carbonated water in the car. In addition to quenching thirst, you can wash your hands with it, use it instead of a glass washer and for other needs.

14. Snacks

When a car breaks down or on a long road, a feeling can overtake. The easiest way to satisfy it is with energy bars, seeds or raisins. In summer, it is better to replace chocolate bars with muesli, which will not melt in the heat.

15. Mug

A small mug or collapsible glass will help warm up with tea on the road. Instead, you can also use disposable paper or plastic cups that won't take up much space in the glove compartment.

16. Cash

In the city, it is easy to pay for purchases and fuel with a card or smartphone, but far from civilization, cash is indispensable. Always carry a small amount of money with you in case of emergencies that may happen on the road.

17. Bottle of vodka

Alcohol can come in handy in a variety of situations. First of all, it is a currency that is sometimes valued more than money. Also, vodka can be used to defrost locks, remove ice or instead of washer fluid.

For this set of things, you will have to sacrifice some space in the trunk. Motorists who do not get out of the city may not need it. But for those who travel often and a lot, these items will simplify life and save nerves on the road.

18. Flashlight

During a breakdown at night, even a small one will come in handy. It is better to take the option with a head mount, which will free your hands. Choose models powered by conventional batteries and don't forget to take a few in reserve.

19. Phone charger

In order not to be left without communication, it is good to have a car adapter in the glove compartment that connects to the cigarette lighter and allows you to charge your smartphone from onboard network car.

20. Fuse set

Penny fuses take up almost no space, but they will be simply irreplaceable at the right time. With their help, you can restore the performance of certain partings and chains after a breakdown.

21. Spare lamps

A lamp that burns out on the road can cause a lot of trouble. To prevent this from happening, experienced drivers always carry spare bulbs for headlights, dimensions and turn signals. Some manufacturers even produce ready-made sets of these consumables complete with fuses.


You can not talk about the benefits of this wonderful tool. In the car, the aerosol is doubly useful and will help out more than once both in everyday life and in emergency situations. It will help loosen stuck nuts, displace moisture from locks, lubricate door hinges and come in handy for dozens of other tasks.

23. Scotch or duct tape

Just as a “vehicle” helps in cases where what it should not spin, it helps out in situations where something that is not supposed to move is moving. You can also use electrical tape instead.

24. Liquids for topping up

Prudent drivers are not lazy to keep a small supply in the trunk engine oil, brake and coolant for topping up. It also doesn't hurt to have washer fluid on hand.

25. Canister

On a long journey, a canister for. If the fuel runs out at the most inopportune moment, it will need to be brought in something, and a small canister of 5-10 liters will come in handy here. In addition to it, it is also good to have a funnel.

26. Plaid

A blanket in the car seems superfluous exactly until the moment when it is needed. It can be used to keep warm backseat, so as not to stain it with the cargo being transported, and also use it as a pillow, rolling it up with a roller.

27. Clothes

Regardless of the season, it is convenient to keep a jacket in the car. Wearing it, you can change the wheel in bad weather, get less dirty during repairs and keep warm when it's cold. In winter, in addition to the jacket, take a hat and warm gloves with you.

28. Book

In case you have to while away the time on the road, it’s good to have an interesting one on hand, and preferably two. They will help brighten up a long wait and will not let you get bored.

29. Scraper

This mandatory attribute of the motorist's winter arsenal will allow you to remove ice from the windows and start moving faster. It is more convenient to use combined scrapers with a brush for cleaning snow. Although you can get by with just a brush.

30. Shovel

Everyone who at least once got stuck in snowdrifts in the winter prudently carries a shovel in the trunk. It will help you get out of the snow, clear the road and just dig out the car in the parking lot after a night of rain.

We present the top useful things for the car, which will be useful not only for women.

GPS navigator

The purchase, although not budget, is worth the money spent. No more wandering around unknown microdistricts for hours and persistently calling a friend, husband, girlfriend, dad, neighbor and even an unfamiliar guy from the service station with the question: "How to find this hellish alley ?!"

Garmin Navigator with Color Display>>
Navigator with built-in DVR>>


Not just the most discussed gadget today, but an impartial witness, whose testimony will be unconditionally believed not only by traffic police inspectors, but also by intractable reckless drivers. Moreover, according to recent research, DVRs are a great incentive not to break traffic rules.

Budget video recorder TeXet>>
120 Degree DVR >>

car radio

Modern radio tape recorders are no longer those miserable black boxes made of cheap plastic with three radio stations and rattling speakers at the back, but entire audio-video systems! With tuner, amplifier, display built into dashboard. Plug in your DVD player, watch your favorite movie or series, listen to the radio (memory for as many as 18 FM stations!). In a traffic jam, no one is watching you anyway, and if the phone rings, at the peak of courage Alexander Solodukha (remember how he was the editor-in-chief of the site?) Or Justin Bieber (still ahead, girls!), The radio tape recorder will automatically mute the sound .

car seat

No matter how great a driver you were before the birth of a child, usually after this event, many women are afraid to drive with babies. Double responsibility. Therefore, for the safety of children while driving, a car seat is installed in each car. Some of their models (boosters) allow you to fasten and protect children under 12 years old.

Chicco universal car seat>>
Forward facing booster>>

Universal charger

Less than an hour after talking with a friend, and the phone is already dead? Don't be upset, it can be much worse: just imagine that a second before sending an important file, the laptop is cut down. Catastrophe! On his land! Alas, modern devices are good for everyone, except for the fact that they are quickly discharged. But, having in the passenger compartment of the car universal recharging for iPhone, iPod, Android smartphones and different models laptops - both nerves and things will be intact.

Chargers for laptops and other gadgets>>

Seat Covers

Ladies have higher requirements for interior trim. Therefore, seat covers are selected in the same way as the dress: excellent material and excellent workmanship. Only in the pursuit of style and color, remember the main thing: the softer and better the materials of the covers (plush, polyester, natural and artificial leather), the more comfortable the ride in such a car will be.

Perforated velor cases>>

Set of tools

I bought a car - squeeze it to the end! Garage, repair pit, flasks of gasoline and slogans like: "Girls, today without me. I'm with a swallow on Fridays, remember?" - already bust, but the toolbox is a useful thing. With him, at least change the wheel yourself, at least intercept the wires.

Air ionizer

The compact gadget will do an excellent job of purifying the air in the car, removing unpleasant odors and allergens, refreshing. And you can also choose a model with backlight - it looks very beautiful and romantic.

Cigarette lighter ionizer>>

Massage pillow

The most caring device that has every chance of wandering from home to car, from car to office and back. A compact massager will relieve tension not only in the neck and shoulders, but also suitable for the back, feet and calves. It is better to choose models with heating and a powerful vibration motor.

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