Typical malfunctions Daewoo Nexia. Why the Daewoo Nexia car does not start If the starter does not spin

Daewoo Nexia GNJ › Logbook › The 4th speed of the stove fan stopped working

The 4th speed of the stove fan has stopped working, and there is some kind of click in the left side when it is turned on, can the fuse help? where to look, or tell me what could be the problem)

Daewoo Nexia 2013, 109 l. from. - self-repair


The fourth speed is connected through a relay, apparently the relay is activated, but the contacts do not converge. Try swapping with any working relay, it will become clear that the relay is not working or something else.

Good luck on the roads!

Already done a long time ago) the fuse went off

where is this fuse?) does it go separately to 4th speed? I have the same problem

Look here, it shows where the 4 speed fuse is located!

There is a separate relay for 4th gear.

Thank you for your advice)

that's why I talked about my own manual specialist from the service. boy tested by me and now for several years I trust the machine only to him. and both the receiver and the service director know this. I just took out their brains at one time, and in their own language (in Uzbek). The fact is that I am from Uzbekistan, I grew up there, got an education, and therefore there are no problems with the Uzbek language. Here is how I plugged them in.

Daewoo Nexia oven does not work, the fan does not turn

one of the reasons why does not work not one speed stoves vk page add))

The Daewoo Nexia stove does not work.

Why in Daewoo Nexia stove does not work. Auto.

do not be lazy, drive to the service. Let them take a look and do it under warranty. I didn't have that.

my advice to you, stop by the service early, for hours at 6-30 in the morning and take a turn to the receptionist for the service, because. there are a lot of cars coming there, because this is the only service in Almaty. The work of changing the oil and all that will not take long. more time is spent on the buildup of individuals from the service. by the way, they like to play football, using the owner of the car instead of the ball. go there, call someone, buy it... just a little patience and everything will be fine. but in general, it’s better to skant with someone there and you will have a master practically your own - manual))))) I personally have one. I still drive to see him in my sister's car. She has a matizik

Yes, that’s just the time for the first Maintenance Service is just right for one thing and I’ll say what they would do, but how much will they generally change the oil? Should you leave your car there? or you can wait

When you bring a car to them on T.O., then my advice to you is to stay there and see how they will do it to you. It's only there for about an hour! I always look after them in the service, they can not be trusted, my sincere advice to you!

A small stove fan can sometimes cause a lot of trouble. During its operation, there may appear extraneous sounds or it suddenly stops working. There are several reasons that lead to malfunctions. But first, it is better to understand what a fan is and why it is needed.

What is a stove fan for?

The car is designed so that the air enters the interior of the car through or heating systems. The radiator can be cold or hot, depending on how the antifreeze or antifreeze has warmed up. If the coolant has warmed up to a working level of ninety degrees, the radiator warms up and it becomes warm in the cabin. The Daewoo Nexia stove fan is necessary in order to suck in ambient air, pass it in a directed flow through the radiator, where the air heats up.

newbies bad device aware machines, they often ask where the Daewoo Nexia stove fan relay is located. The relay is easy to find: it is located under the windshield on the right. By the way, located nearby cabin filter must be changed when clogged. A well-functioning cabin filter purifies the air entering from the stove, collects dust, and does not allow exhaust gases to pass through.

What factors lead to fan failure

Experts identify several main reasons that lead to a fan failure, consider some of them:

  1. Blown fuse. At first glance, this is not a cause for concern; changing it does not require much effort. In fact, everything is not so simple, this is a rather unpleasant situation and it is not the difficulty of replacing the fuse. And the fact that a blown fuse means a short circuit and you have to find its source by going through the entire electrical circuit.
  2. The next factor lies in the oxidized contact of the mounting block. To reveal it, it is enough to move or slightly shake the block of harnesses that go to the mounting block, the one you need is inside. If the fan motor is running, turn it off, remove the block and clean the necessary contacts.
  3. If the stove only works when the car has warmed up well, then the source of the problem lies in the ignition relay and it must be replaced. Finding it is easy, even if you don't know where the Daewoo Nexia stove fan relay is located. It is located under the dashboard.
  4. A faulty additional register leads to the fact that the stove only works at the third speed. At the first two speeds, electric current flows to the motor from an additional resistor, and at the third it goes straight to the fan. To fix the problem, you will have to replace this resistor.
  5. Faulty heater switch. To verify this, you need to take a twelve-volt marker lamp with two soldered wires. Then close the negative (negative) wire to the body, and apply the second one in turn to the three contacts of the resistor. The light bulb didn't light up? So there was an open in the circuit or this fuse was blown (it was knocked out).
  6. Most often, the problem is hidden in a breakdown, which breaks due to a fuse. In this case, replace the defective fuse with a new one. It is also important to eliminate the malfunction that led to the short circuit, in addition, there is a possibility that the cable is damaged.

The main reasons / options for causing a breakdown have been considered, but does the Daewoo Nexia's stove fan not work? Important! There are a few more points that affect the proper operation of the stove motor. This may be a blown motor or it does not have good enough contact with the mass of the machine, in addition, the brushes of the Daewoo Nexia heater motor could “stick”

Sometimes the fan runs at three speeds and does not respond to the fourth. Refusal to work may be due to the fact that for top speed its own fuse is provided, replacing it, you will ensure the workflow at all four speeds. If the fuse is good, then the relay is not working.

Leaves can get into the fan housing, due to which it is not. The solution is simple: you need to disassemble and clean the fan, and at the same time lubricate the electric motor of the Nexia stove.

In what cases does the motor need to be replaced?

The fan is changed when repairs are not possible: the Daewoo Nexia heater motor has stopped working and does not turn on when the stove control knob is switched. Symptoms of poor fan performance are also extraneous noise, whistle.

Replacing the motor begins with disassembling the front of the console, removing the radio and glove box. For the convenience of work, some motorists remove front seat. Then it remains to unscrew the screws, pull out the heater motor and put in a new one, fasten it and everything else.


We sorted out the main issues related to malfunctions in the Daewoo Nexia stove fan, and told where the Nexia stove motor is located. We hope that the advice of professionals will help you cope with such problems on your own.

And by tradition, we invite you to subscribe to our articles! Write to us, tell us about your experience in repairing a motor and ways to fix problems. Let our readers take advantage of new tips!

Daewoo Nexia is a popular car, and, to some extent, legendary for a Russian car enthusiast. And the point is just the price, and the fact that for relatively little money you can buy a car, the characteristics of which are not too inferior to the average foreign car. And certainly certainly much better than some modern VAZs.

However, not the highest price also makes itself felt, primarily expressed in the "stuffing" and the reliability of some of the details. Therefore, before making such a purchase, it is necessary to carefully study all the shortcomings of the Daewoo Nexia, and determine whether everything is worth possible breakdowns in order to have a comfortable and powerful enough (for the city) car.

Weaknesses of Daewoo Nexia:

  • Various sensors that, after several years of operation, may not show accurate information, or stop showing it at all;
  • High wear of shock absorbers, which are completely unsuitable for our roads;
  • A silencer that has a simply phenomenally poor service life;
  • The gearbox, although this is a problem for many cars, but on the Nexia it should be monitored already at a run of 150,000 kilometers.
  • Turn signal toggle switches that just break, suddenly, for no particular reason;
  • Corrosion, which, as already mentioned, can naturally "eat" your car if you do not look after it.

Perhaps one of the most important disadvantages Daewoo Nexia can be called what it does not live up to expectations. The car looks very solid, which captivates inexperienced owners, and in the future they are simply disappointed. After all, they expect some kind of premium car, but in reality they get only a good foreign car of the last decade.

metal quality

One of the most weaknesses Daewoo Nexia can be called the quality of the metal, which should definitely be better. For this reason, even new car should be carefully treated with various compounds that are designed to help in the fight against corrosion. This is especially true in large cities, where roads are sprinkled with various harmful compounds.

You should also keep an eye on various electrical appliances. In these cars, the rapid wear of wires is very highly developed, and they withstand various external influences very poorly. Even components such as, for example, the ignition switch, can fail due to external factors. And, by the way, severe Russian frosts and the same powder on the road also have a very negative effect on all this. And more “open” parts, such as a clutch, can make you a frequent visitor to the service station, because such a breakdown can hardly be called petty, and this repair will need to be done immediately.


I would like to highlight shock absorbers as a separate item, as sore spot Daewoo Nexia. The fact is that although the car was created mainly for bad Russian roads, it is difficult to call it reliable in this regard. For this reason, the suspension, shock absorbers, and all other components of this plan fail very quickly, letting the driver down at the most unexpected moment. In particular, factory springs begin to “crumble” after 50,000-60,000 kilometers, and if you miss this moment and do not repair, then further damage will be much more difficult and costly.

Rust and paint problems

When buying a Daewoo Nexia, special attention should be paid to the body. Because he is not capable of fighting the salt that is showered on the road. And problems begin even with paint, after several years of operation. Surprisingly, when choosing a car, there is an opportunity to protect yourself, and in a very unusual way - you need to choose a metallic color. Apparently, due to the characteristics of the paint, it is able to withstand much more than other types of color.

Disadvantages of Daewoo Nexia:

  • door locks;
  • electrical appliances;
  • Fog lights;
  • Equipment.

Door locks

In addition to problems with paint, you should prepare for the fact that you will be “tormented” by the wear of the door lock larvae, up to their complete failure. This will be especially felt on the trunk lock.

Yes and windshield it is difficult to call it reliable, small stones from under the wheels of oncoming cars in three or four years will give it a not quite marketable appearance, and may even affect the view in the car.

Complicated electrical

The electrics in the car, although working properly, but not for long. This is especially true of the instrument panel, which can simply fail at one moment due to a broken wire.

And in general, all elements of the car that use electricity quickly fail, including such key ones as a generator or starter. And to stay with the window open, simply because the motor is not able to lift it back - can also be very disappointing.

Fog lights

I would like to single out fog lights as a separate item, which experts generally advise not to include in dampness - they simply burst from the unexpected ingress of cold water. A little strange, considering that the fog appears just in wet weather.

Ease of assembly

Special attention certainly requires the choice of equipment for this car. And if the characteristic does not change too much, then the variety of options is amazing.

In the cheapest configuration, the car will be equipped only with a radio and alarm. None of the features that are now standard, such as electric lifts, power steering or air conditioning, are here. Even the tachometer will be missing. Although, as more expensive "stuffing" they will still appear in the car.

Thus, the most maximum equipment will have all the "goodies" of a good foreign car - electric windows for all windows, air conditioning, heated seats, power steering, fog lights, and much more. Of course, you will have to pay extra for all this, and not the smallest amount.

On the other hand, if you look at the "rivals" of Nexia, and most often they put domestic VAZ- it generally lacks some functions, even in expensive trim levels. Yes, and to buy a car with a set of options, or not - it's everyone's decision.

Auto assembly can be completed:

  1. in Korea, at the car's home factory. And although cars have been fussing from there for a long time, they began to gain popularity only after the price of a car fell sharply. The reason was not a change in characteristics, or something else, but that the cars were dismantled at the border, and then dismantled already on the territory of Russia. Thus, it was possible to save on duty, and as a result, reduce the final price.
  2. in Rostov, at the Krasny Aksai plant. And although it is customary to think that cars assembled in Russia suffer in terms of quality, this is clearly not the case. The peculiarity is that such cars are assembled completely with the help of parts sent from Korea. So, the quality is the same.
  3. Another assembly option is in Uzbekistan. And surprisingly, it is here that the best quality cars are assembled, at the same time, cheaper in price. The secret lies in the fact that many parts are produced in the same place, and the assembly uses mass production, and not "screwdriver assembly". Although, the old generation of cars assembled there may indeed be of lower quality, possessing, as auto mechanics put it, "childhood diseases."

It is quite easy to determine the place where your car was assembled specifically - using the VIN code that is on any car, as well as additional notes. For Rostov cars, this is the "Plant" Red Aksai"", and for Uzbekistan - the inscription " ULV» in the vehicle's VIN.


To summarize, then, despite all the pros and cons, we can safely say that it makes sense to buy such a car.

One of the key features of a car when buying is a fairly high-quality assembly for a cheap price. There are simply no alternatives to the car among the new ones, not counting the VAZ, but it is he who loses to Daewoo Nexia in all respects. But, just like with VAZs, you need to be prepared for periodic repairs and replacement of parts. On the other hand, if you use high-quality parts, then repeated breakdowns will not appear soon.

The parts themselves are very cheap, and finding them will not be a problem, because most of them are made in Russia, and thanks to the popularity of the car, key “consumables” will always be available in car dealerships and service stations.

So, if you are ready for the fact that the car will need to be monitored and sometimes repaired, and the vulnerable sides do not scare you, choose Daewoo Nexia and enjoy ownership. Moreover, there really is something to choose from, thanks to a large number of very different trim levels.

P.S.: Dear car owners, if you have noticed systematic breakdowns of any parts, assemblies of this model, please report it in the comments below.

Direction indicators for passenger car Daewoo Nexia, like on others Vehicle ah, play an important role in traffic safety. After all, if they do not work, then the implementation of various maneuvers on the carriageway will be unexpected for other road users. Of course, according to the rules traffic, you can give signals about turns with your hand, but will all our drivers understand them, since even in driving schools these actions are not practiced on training cars.

The electrical circuit of the Daewoo Nexia direction indicators includes: lamps on the right and left sides of the car; a relay that also works for an alarm; Understeering's shifter; twenty amp F8 fuse and wires connecting these devices.

Most often, in this electrical circuit on Daewoo car Nexia, the three output relay of the direction indicators fails, which is marked as follows: 96312545U. You will be warned that it is out of order. control lamp direction indicators on the instrument panel, and its clicking will not be heard, since it is located in the cabin in the mounting block (upper on the left side), located on the front panel in the area where your left knee is located.

In this case, the direction indicator lamps will simply burn without blinking. Usually, the relay, before finally failing, starts to work with arrhythmia, then turns on for a couple of seconds, then turns off and the driver has to turn the steering switch to the neutral position several times during the maneuver, and then turn on the direction indicators again.

As soon as such arrhythmia has begun, the relay must be replaced. The standard relay is quite expensive, even more expensive than a similar relay from BOSCH, so for those drivers who are tight on money, we can advise you to purchase a relay manufactured by the Korean company POMAX, it is more than half the price of a standard one. You can also try to put a three-output relay from the domestic "eight", in which the landing dimensions are also the same as the standard relay.

If the yellow fuse F8 (20A), which is the second from the left in the middle row of the mounting block, blows out, not only the direction indicator lamps, but also the stop lamps will not light. And this means that when braking, there will be nothing to warn drivers behind moving vehicles. If your Daewoo Nexia has an anti-lock braking system (ABS) installed on your car, it will not work either. This is due to the fact that they all receive power through the F8 fuse.

Probably every car owner, regardless of what kind of car he has, knows that feeling of powerless disappointment in a situation when the car refuses to start. The owners of the Daewoo Nexia car are also familiar with this feeling. The engine will not start - this is a familiar topic for such machines. We will analyze the main causes of such failures and how to eliminate them.

When buying such cars, the future owner should be clearly aware that this is a budget car and no more. Once on television there was a powerful advertising campaign for even pre-styling models - "I love Uzbeks, they start up well in winter." Soon this phrase became famous and quickly went to the people. And as it turns out, there is truth in this. If the Daewoo Nexia does not start after parking in the cold, then something has definitely happened. The car has no problems starting in cold weather. But here there is one small nuance.

Daewoo Nexia

The ancestor of this car is the Opel-Kadet E, which was assembled in Germany from 1984 to 1991. The first cars, manufactured under the Opel license, rolled off the assembly line in 1986. "Nexia" was sold in Canada and the United States under the brand name Cileo. In other countries, the model was known and bought as the Daewoo Racer. The "cadet" engine was taken as the basis. However, it has been improved and updated. This motor is highly reliable.

Trambler and Daewoo Nexia

A huge number of owners of pre-styling models can easily challenge the opinion of a car thief from advertising that various problems associated with starting in cold weather are not a surprise. But the Daewoo Nexia does not start not only in cold weather. Sometimes just so suddenly, without serious reasons, it suddenly refuses to start from the key. At the same time, if the car is pushed, the engine starts and runs easily with the precision of a Swiss watch.

This behavior of the motor directly informs the owners of malfunctions with the ignition system. In the case of the Nexia, this diagnosis is also confirmed - the problems with starting from the key are in the distributor, and if you diagnose the breakdown even more accurately, then in the induction coil

Over time, this part can literally crumble into dust. The manufacturer thought for a long time how to solve this problem, and found a way out. The company radically got rid of the ignition system along with the distributor. Auto mechanics say that in 2007 the one and a half liter engine was modernized - unified with an engine from a related budget car Lanos. In addition to the main design changes, this modernization led to the fact that there was no distributor in the internal combustion engine. Instead, an electronic module responsible for ignition is installed.

Common Causes

The starter turns, but the Daewoo Nexia does not start? This happens quite often. The opposite situation also arises - the starter does not turn. Which of these is worse is difficult to figure out even for experienced car owners. If such a problem occurs, it is necessary to check the most likely elements of the car that could provoke this malfunction. This can be done on your own.

If there are problems with the starter, first check if there is a spark. Then they look at the filter, the battery and its terminals. It didn't hurt to test the throttle body. To start a motor, four elements are needed: spark, air, compression, and fuel. If the Daewoo Nexia does not start, the first thing they look at is the candles.

Why is there no spark?

There are many reasons why there is no spark on the internal combustion engine. For example, this may indicate problems with malfunctions of the distributor coil in pre-styling models, breakdowns in or the camshaft position sensor. You can test the reading elements with your own hands if you have easy access to them. Experts recommend using a diagnostic scanner - the latest Nexias are equipped with an ECU that can inform the owner about errors.

Next, check the fuse box and relay. So we will make sure that the spark is not missing for this reason. The most common option is the failure of spark plugs or high-voltage wires. This is a popular problem that can be easily solved. But if the candles and wires are fully functional, you should check the coil and the ignition module for operability.

The first can be diagnosed by disconnecting it from the wire. Then someone should turn the key in. Next, it should be observed whether the electric current is coming to the coil. If it goes, then the coil needs to be replaced.

Air filter

If the Daewoo Nexia does not start, the starter turns, then they check air filter. In order for the engine to start successfully, it needs a certain amount of oxygen. If the air filter is clogged, then the normal supply of oxygen may be hindered. The resource of the element is 10 thousand kilometers. Along with the cleaner, it is recommended to check the air intakes, as well as the air ducts. They can be clogged with debris and leaves.

Fuel system

If there is a spark, air enters in sufficient quantities, and at the same time the Daewoo Nexia car does not start, you should not curse the manufacturer. Perhaps the fuel system is simply faulty. Even inexperienced car owners know that the engine will not work without fuel.

In case of problems with fuel system the car will never start. Some car owners test the operation of this system with a syringe. It is filled with gasoline, and then the mixture is injected into the throttle valve. Next, turn the key in the ignition.

Why is fuel not being supplied to the engine?

If the engine does not receive the required volume of the fuel mixture, then it is worth diagnosing the fuel pump and pressure regulator. If the Daewoo Nexia does not start, the reasons may be fuel leaks, clogged fuel filter and injectors. But most often it is a submersible pump. Below we will look at how to check it.

Pump test

You can check if the pump is working with your own hands - it's easy. The first step is to determine the place where it is installed in the car (on the left under the passenger sofa). When you have access to the element, you can proceed to diagnostics. Someone on command should turn on the ignition for a few seconds. When the starter starts to function, the sound of the fuel pump will be heard. This speaks to its correctness. If there is no sound, then the submersible pump does not receive power. Or it has failed and needs to be replaced.

It happens that the pump is functioning, the Daewoo Nexia does not start, the starter is working normally. Then you should make sure that the voltage comes to the submersible element. This is done with a multimeter. The ignition key is turned and held in the "ON" position for three seconds. If there is current, the multimeter will show it. Then check the resistance of the element. To do this, the multimeter is connected to the power contacts of the pump. This must be done without fail if at the time of starting the engine there are no signs of the operation of the mechanism. Measurements are compared with passport data. If the numbers obtained are very different, most likely the fuel pump burned out.

If the starter does not turn

In most cases, this symptom indicates a discharged battery. And if the battery was changed to a new one a few months ago, it's still worth checking. Diagnostics can be performed using a multimeter. It will not be superfluous to make sure that they are in good condition, and the terminals are not subject to corrosion. Next, you need to consider a malfunction. It is located in the distribution block of the car. When starting the ignition, the element should click. After you can check the starter itself. First, it is enough to lightly hit the body with something, then start the engine and listen. If the device makes noise during operation, then it should be replaced.

Engine starts and stops

If the Daewoo Nexia starts up and stalls, then there may be much more reasons. This is a malfunction of the immobilizer. Clogging is possible. It is possible that the car was filled with bad gasoline, and low-quality oil was poured into the engine.


So, as you can see, there are a lot of problems with this Uzbek-Korean car. It is also worth considering that during the Uzbek assembly, the machine is equipped with poor-quality wiring. And with it, the owners have problems out of the blue. But if you take into account the price of these machines, then you can turn a blind eye to all these nuances. Cars are easily repaired in the garage with their own hands.

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