Bridgestone blizzak vrx winter tire tests. Bridgestone winter tire test: which is better for an SUV. Feedback from experts who conducted the test

K classic tread patterns, soft compound rubber compound, good traction on snow and ice and a reinforced sidewall that can survive road surprises - that's what Bridgestone promises to buyers of this tire model. Some of this can be seen immediately, something can be felt on a short test, and something will have to be checked in a long acquaintance. And since the tires have spent a lot of time with us, we can draw certain conclusions for each of the groups of characteristics. Well, let's start.

External acquaintance

The Spike-01 has finally ceased to be a novelty this season, with the release of the new Spike-02 model. However, they did not turn into a pumpkin - there is also a “special” spike here, and a good compound that prevents the tires from “dumming” in severe frosts. In addition, in the new product, the manufacturer does not focus on the strength of the sidewalls and the presence of lugs in the shoulder area, and for Spike-01 these properties are noted, although the first external examination will not give you. The tread pattern is traditional, V-shaped, with deep “ridges” of the main deflection sipes. They will be especially useful in deep snow: the width of the grooves makes them self-cleaning, and the angled position can help "force out" snow when driving under traction - and along with water during the thaw period. The rest of the tread structure is quite classic for winter tires: a huge number of thin sipes, coupled with the softness of the compound, provides the necessary frictional properties.

Another feature that can be seen upon closer inspection is the shape of the spike - more precisely, the carbide insert on it. Here, a round spike with a head made using the “Cross-Edge Pin” technology is used. Behind this high-profile name lies a completely logical solution: a round spike head with a cross-shaped notch on it. Such a head, thanks to the resulting "teeth", should pierce the ice more aggressively, contributing to a more effective deceleration.

We leave on the road

The very first days of operation made it possible to find out several important consumer characteristics of new tires. Throwing tires that have just had their stickers off into a skid on lightly powdered pavement would be too cruel a test, but you can understand the noise level and the degree of softness of the rubber almost immediately. There were no problems with the second - naturally, adjusted for the fact that any winter tires by default, it is many times softer than summer, and Spike-01 is also softer than some others due to the declared ability to withstand severe frosts.

However, the new tires showed very confident traction at city speeds (however, who would doubt it) and, more importantly, predictable behavior in corners: up to reaching the limit and stalling into drift, the Blizzak does not require constant steering and course correction.

As for the noise level, everything here turned out to be quite predictable. In the sense that miracles did not happen, and studded tires did not show a degree of noiselessness comparable to friction models - but acoustic comfort is provided at speeds up to the maximum permitted. Of course, the rubber does not add any noticeable vibrations, and the light hum of the spikes can be clearly heard only when driving on clean asphalt at country speeds - in other cases it merges with the general background noise. Although this characteristic, of course, cannot be absolutely objective, since it depends on the size of the rubber, the specific car and the level of its sound insulation.

Soon, after running the tires a little, we tried them in harder modes with dynamic accelerations and decelerations - and the tires did not disappoint. Increasing the load does not affect the confidence of the car's behavior in any way - and only by breaking the wheels into the axle box, you can achieve yaw and drift of the drive axle. Summarizing the behavior of Spike-01 in a mild winter with asphalt, snow-water porridge and reagents, we can say that the result is definitely positive.

However, it turned out to be no worse in thoroughly sub-zero temperatures, when ice and snow appeared under the wheels. With the change of tires, the behavior of the car on ice has noticeably improved (although, again, this is not very significant due to the certain wear and tear of the previous set): the need to firmly hold the steering wheel in readiness to steer has gone, the speed and angle of recovery of tire adhesion to the surface after demolition have increased, and also increased stall speed in this very demolition. Also, it's worth noting that Bridgestone's idea of ​​the knurled stud heads seems to be working: smooth movement and deceleration on ice when the studs are shearing is healthy.

We're pulling off the road

For completeness and objectivity of impressions, we traveled to our heart's content both in snow-covered yards and on country paths - as far as the car allowed, of course. And here another expected difference between the new set of tires and the old one showed itself.

1 / 3

2 / 3

3 / 3

When moving evenly in shallow snow, Blizzak makes a clear track behind it. But as soon as you go to the area with the “powder”, the Spike-01 immediately reminds you that it was put on the car quite recently: the old set strove to stall when it lost speed, rolling the snow under it, and the new one confidently starts digging when the wheels turn, until does not get to the area with the best grip or ... does not dig the car at all. This is exactly the case when it is worth using the available opportunities wisely: either coasting at a constant speed (as, in general, the logic of movement on snow requires), or moving in steps, gradually laying a deep track and not dragging in front of you snowdrift to the last, until the wheels begin to burrow into the snow.

However, if you do not get involved in off-road trips, the possibilities of rubber are enough. An exhaustive characteristic can be considered the fact that in three months we never got stuck in uncleaned yards (of course, on a Freelander) and were not afraid to drive out of town without support - without intending to storm off-road, of course. So the small snow adventures of Blizzak Spike-01 are quite capable.

And one more note about reinforced sidewalls. We can't judge how other tires would have performed in the same conditions, but our set has experienced quite a few blows over the winter, some of which were quite serious due to the sharp edges of the pits. So: these sharp edges did not force Spike-01 to give up and show us the "fig", swollen on its side. The whole season went without a hitch, and we didn't have to remember about the installed tires, except when it was planned. And what else does a car owner need, striving to get normal tires for sane money?

Counting money

In a financial context, two aspects are worth mentioning: fuel consumption and, in fact, the cost of the rubber itself. The first, however, can only be said in passing: the winter consumption is too uneven. It is much more influenced by temperature, warming up and road surface than the rubber itself - and therefore we were not able to note a statistically significant decrease or increase in fuel consumption. However, he was indirectly affected by the saving of time: with new tires, rare wanderings around the yards in search of optimal travel were noticeably reduced, as the cross-country ability increased. So there is definitely a small financial and time benefit in changing tires.

Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01

Price for 1 tire

2,500 - 3,000 rubles

As for the price of the tires themselves, it should be borne in mind that the Blizzak Spike-01 belongs to the middle price segment. Tires are presented in sizes starting from 13 inches - this is another indirect evidence of their "mass" orientation, and the price tag for rubber of this diameter is a little more than two and a half thousand rubles in large networks, which is quite consistent even with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbudget. Obviously, this circumstance should also become an effective tool in the struggle for the hearts and wallets of buyers. The choice, as always, is theirs.

Only at first glance it seems that all winter tires in the world are the same, they are divided into studded and non-studded, and the test of a new tire is reduced to a “hold / not hold” rating. In fact, there are many evaluation criteria, and an observant owner will feel the difference in rolling, the subtleties of grip and the changed noise accompaniment. So the Blizzak DM-V2 tires surprised us first of all with the fact that they are soft and quiet. Winter wheels in principle tend to be much more pliable than summer ones, but Blizzak DM–V2 are made of microporous, very soft rubber, and it is felt even to the touch. The first hundreds of meters are a real surprise. Extraordinary silence! Any sound that accompanies the rolling of the wheels has disappeared, small irregularities are swallowed, and large ones are largely leveled out. Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 are designed for crossovers, and therefore are not without good traction in specific conditions. On the wet pavement The foam rubber tread wicks away moisture, while the tread's V-groove and well-developed grooves wick water away. The tires also handle snow drifts quite well, even if they are partly wet slush mixed with mud. Additional recesses in the shoulder blocks help here, which begin to work when the wheel falls a little into the snow.

It is noteworthy that confident grip, good handling and stable contact with the road are maintained at high (up to 150 km / h) speeds. And the stronger the frost, the more noticeable it is. Here, without a doubt, the main role is played by the suppleness of the soft mixture, which does not tan at low temperatures. Tires transmit braking forces very well. It should be noted that under loads in the longitudinal direction, the Bridgestone Blizzak DM–V2 has almost no competitors among other winter models. In addition, in loose snow and sand, on wet and dry roads, the grip quality is stable, which is rare.

But deepening into the winter reality revealed those factors that should alert the owner. First of all, DM-V2 noticeably lose ground when there is clean ice under the wheels. No matter what anyone says, banal spikes are the only guaranteed solution. Ice is rare in the city, but if you periodically have to deviate from your usual route and make your way along unexplored winter roads, be careful - these tires do not hold lateral loads on ice so well and grip may not be enough in a critical turn. Another notable disappointment is a direct consequence of the soft tread. The tire wears out pretty quickly, and two or three intense winter seasons will be the limit for them. Well, one more thing, again arising from the frosty specifics of tires - they categorically do not like positive temperatures (above 10 degrees). The car begins to noticeably float, rolling resistance and fuel consumption increase.

To summarize, let's define the scope Bridgestone tires Blizzak DM-V2. Mostly these are trips outside the city and winter trips on snow-white roads. That is, where there is a high probability of meeting an uncleaned track with poor coverage, pits and dirt. For continuous urban use, they are also suitable, but to a lesser extent, and they will be erased on asphalt faster.

Test Drive

Bridgestone Blizzak VRX
Winter tires. Part 2

Zhdanov Pavel ( 16.03.2015 )
Photo: PushCAR

Let me remind you that we are testing Bridgestone Blizzak VRX winter studless tires in the dimension 215/55 R16 with the index 93S, where 93 is the load index, informing us that no more than 650 kg is allowed on each wheel, and S is the speed index , he, in turn, tells us that the maximum allowable speed on this rubber is 180 km / h.

The non-studded Blizzak VRX is made from foam rubber. The working surface of the tread of any tire is a kind of cut, since the tire is constantly abraded in the contact patch and the cut on the surface always remains fresh. To increase the efficiency of water removal from the contact patch, tire manufacturers resort to various tricks. In an effort to improve its winter studless tires, Bridgestone is constantly improving its rubber compound. Bridgestone Blizzak appeared in 1988, therefore, at the time of our test, she was already 27 years old. A feature of the Blizzak tire line is the composition and microstructure of the Multi-Cell Compound rubber compound. In the early days of Blizzak in 1988, the feature of the Multi-Cell Compound was simply the microporous structure of the rubber that the tire was made from. Today, compared to the first Blizzak tires, solutions such as an increased number and increased size of micropores and microchannels, improved hydrophilic properties of micropores and microchannels are used in the rubber compound. All these micropores and microchannels allow the tire to be softer and to remain effective longer, because the microporous structure continues to appear on the surface even when the tire is worn.

So, in the first part of this test, we looked at the main bridgestone features Blizzak VRX, but I repeat:

  • improved tread compound

  • asymmetrical tread design

  • cross grooves

  • arrow-shaped tread blocks

Immediately after installing the rubber on the car, we measured the tread depth with a vernier caliper, the result was as follows:

  • tire center 8.9 mm

  • inner side (closer to the engine) 8.6 mm

  • outer side (closer to the wing) 8.6 mm

It turns out that the tread depth is uneven over the entire surface of the wheel. Thus, several issues of tire operation are solved. The first and simplest is the reduced weight of the tire itself. Second, shorter tread blocks become stiffer. More rigid side blocks allow for more precise and precise steering, and steering responses will become faster and sharper. As conceived by the manufacturer, the abbreviation "VRX" means "top", in this case, the uneven tread height correlates well with the name of the tire.

From the very beginning of the test, I was interested in how the Blizzak VRX would wear out during operation and how much an effectively engaged working surface could last, because the manufacturer guarantees a long service life. There are many ways to track the level of wear of car tires: tire wear indicator, profile depth indicator, tire color change. The Blizzak VRX uses a wear indicator that appears when the tread has worn down to 1.6mm.

At the time of this writing, Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tires have covered 9,000 km. According to the measurements, the tread wear was small, but uneven. In the middle of the tire, the tread depth was 7.8 - 8.0 mm, which means that wear turned out to be in the range from 1.1 mm to 0.9 mm. On the sides, the tread was worn evenly on both sides, up to 8.3 - 8.4 mm, which means that the wear was from 0.3 to 0.2 mm. It turns out that initially the central part of the tread wore out the most. The main reason for this result, in my opinion, is the wrong tire pressure chosen by me. Somewhere in the middle of the test run, that is, after 5,000 km, instead of the prescribed 2.3 atmospheres on both axles with a light load, I pumped up the wheels to 3.0 atmospheres, as with a heavy load, and continued to drive in an almost empty car. This was done to save fuel. The result of pumping the wheels was premature wear of the central part of the tread. How to pay for the movement, tire wear or more fuel? Everyone decides for himself. But fuel consumption is just consumption, eh residual depth tread profile is, first of all, safety. By the way, another important factor in tire wear is the driving mode, an active and fast driving style will prematurely age the car's shoes, and the difference with a calm driving style will be enormous. I prefer a quiet and smooth movement, so the wear of the test rubber in one season turned out to be relatively small.

By the way, in the case when we exploit car tires in the conditions of Russian winters and Russian roads, do not forget about the specifics of road surfaces and their wear rate!

Road surface defects that increase tire wear:

chipping- this type of damage to the asphalt pavement is listed as a defect and suggests that individual particles of the roadway can be knocked out of the top layer of the pavement. This process is called chipping, and violations made during laying or repairing the coating lead to it - work during rain, at low temperatures.

potholes- these damages are depressions with abruptly breaking edges. Potholes are formed as a result of unprofessional laying of the asphalt pavement, as well as due to the use of low-quality road materials.

The appearance of a wave-like coating- this defect is formed due to the deformation of the asphalt layer, for the laying of which materials with a high degree of plasticity were used. At the same time, cracks and other defects may not form for a long time.

cracks- the most common defect, for the appearance of which even the impact of ambient temperature is sufficient. If the weather is characterized by sharp fluctuations, for example, at night the temperature drops to -5°C, and during the day it rises to +10°C, then these fluctuations will affect the condition of the asphalt surface very soon.

To evaluate driving performance Blizzak VRX on dry and wet pavement at temperatures from +5°C to -5°C was enough for us the first month of winter, because until the twentieth of December last year, 2014 was just such a weather. There wasn’t much snow yet, and we managed to ride enough on the asphalt, besides, we ran in our set of tires and waited for the moment when the micropores would open. The Blizzak VRX performed well in positive temperatures on clean pavement, grip and handling at +7°C, +5°C, similar to the grip and handling on summer tires during the warm season. With proper operation, without fear of excessive wear, you can drive on asphalt up to + 7 ° C. It is only important, if possible, to observe a calm driving style and monitor the correct tire pressure so that it does not happen as I described above. The passage of particularly steep and long turns is given to our tire easily. The rear axle was the first to skid at the critical speed of passing such turns, since it is more unloaded and it is possible that during the running-in process the front tires have already revealed their microporous structure, while the rear ones have not yet. After running in all four wheels, the rear axle became more confident to stay at the same speeds on the same turns. I really liked that at the beginning of a skid, all reactions of the wheels to loss of traction proceed smoothly and evenly, giving time for response, and in order to regain control over the grip of tires and the roadway, minimal actions are required - Blizzak VRX obeys the steering wheel immediately, without waiting for long persuasion. The main thing is to be careful and monitor the reactions of the car.

We conducted noise tests according to the methodology of the ADAC European Automobile Club, which consists in assessing the noise level by the driver when coasting at a speed of 80 km/h to 20 km/h. The motor is off during this test. Of course, this test is very subjective, because the quality of the car's sound insulation matters here, but since an economy class car took part in our test, we will assume that its results will be applicable to any non-premium "C" class car. In fact, the Bridgestone Blizzak VRXs were quite quiet, and satisfactorily soft.

The main and indisputable advantage of Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tires, in my opinion, is the constant predictability of behavior. In winter, when road conditions are not just unfavorable, but frankly aggressive, the most important thing is to feel what the tires in which the car is shod with can do. Consistent, stall-free, smooth tire response to changes in road grip in most cases gives confidence behind the wheel, which allows you to stay calm. Good grip on dry and wet roads, both at positive and negative temperatures, excellent behavior on packed snow and icy areas make it possible to successfully operate the Bridgestone VRX model in a wide range of winter and even spring-autumn temperatures. Moreover, deep snow with skillful handling of torque is also not a serious obstacle to the VRX. Driving a diesel car shod in this Japanese tire, I effortlessly parked in any snowdrift all winter and just as effortlessly drove out of any snowdrift without provoking slippage. If only not to sit on the "belly".

There are also negative aspects in the behavior of these tires, namely in slush on snow slurry and wet surfaces. According to the results of some independent tests, the VRX model is unsatisfactory in its resistance to slashplaning. The danger of slashplaning lies in the fact that contact with the road surface, unlike hydroplaning, can be lost already at a relatively low speed, for example, at 30-40 km / h. The main reason for such an early loss of grip lies in the fact that micropores and microchannels are clogged with dirty slurry, which is in the boundary state between liquid and solid state and is much more difficult to remove from the porous surface of the rubber compound during tire self-cleaning. The second reason follows from the design features of the protector. A relatively small percentage of the negative profile does not allow the VRX tread to be instantly cleaned and therefore in such road conditions you have to move more carefully, and slipping is simply not possible to avoid.

On both ice and packed snow, the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tires performed well under braking performance for non-studded tyres. During independent testing by one of the automotive publications at a special test site, in a comparative test, Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tires showed better braking on ice at near zero temperatures than Toyo Observe G3-ICE studded tires. In practice, during tests and, especially during comparative tests a studless tire, the so-called "Velcro", brakes more efficiently on ice at low temperatures, for example from -15°C, -17°C and below. Here, the tests were carried out at near zero ambient temperatures and the Velcro worked better than a studded tire. True, it should be noted here that the rest of the studded competitors slowed down better than our VRX, but the VRX lost 0.5 meters to the nearest studded competitor, and 2.1 meters to the test leader. For now, it doesn't even matter that the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX doesn't outperform all studs, in a discipline in which friction tires typically lag far behind their iron-laden competitors. The fact that the Japanese Blizzak VRX literally breathes down the back of studded tires in this test is enough, and here it already becomes clear that the position of friction tires on the market is getting stronger and more confident every day.

And how is the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX doing with cross-country ability? On loose snow and ice, flat or on icy hillocks, our rubber combined with good torque diesel engine stubbornly and reliably pulls the car with little or no wheel slippage. The torque slowly and inevitably rotates the wheels, and the tread reliably clings to the thickness of the snow or the slippery surface of the ice. The main thing in this situation is not to give free rein to the gas pedal.

Speaking of the exploitation of the tested winter tires, I would like to add that Bridgestone claims "long life" as one of the goals that its engineers pursued when creating the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tire. We at our team are ready to believe that this model is indeed one of the toughest and toughest friction tires on the market. This opinion is confirmed both by independent tests, which we talked about in the first part of our review, and by our own observations during test operation. One of the characteristic examples of the “hospitality” of Russian roads: at one of the interchanges of the Moscow Ring Road, during the reconstruction of the overpass, before entering the interchange from the inside of the Moscow Ring Road to the Minsk highway into the region, at a speed of 70-75 km / h in the dark, I did not see a sharp drop temporary layers of asphalt and ran into this drop with a height of about 10 cm with the right side. The right side was the first to encounter an unexpected obstacle. front wheel. The sound of the impact was so strong that it seemed to me - a little more and the front wheel would open the hood from the inside. The situation was such that it was not possible to stop immediately, and the density of the flow would not allow photographing the oversight of the builders. Despite my expectations, the subsequent detailed inspection showed that visible damage to the suspension of the car (Peugeot 408), rims and even the tires do not, which I was unspeakably happy. After this unauthorized and unexpected endurance test, I became convinced that the manufacturer's Blizzak VRX tire durability promises are not empty words.

At the end of our review, I remembered interesting fact: on duty, the test editors of our magazine manage to periodically communicate with driving instructors in such eminent schools driving skills, emergency and off-road driving like the Jaguar Experience, Land Rover Experience and Audi quattro camp. All driving schools listed have Bridgestone tires installed on their training vehicles. different models. In winter, this includes the Blizzak VRX and other Bridgestone tires. All driving instructors who work on Bridgestone tires speak very well of it.

Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2- the heiress of the sensational VRX, which is very popular all over the world. Our customer also liked it and many motorists prefer friction rubber from the Japanese tire giant. In July 2017 Bridgestone engineers presented this model and this news changed the plans of many to buy a winter kit. Unfortunately VRX 2 is currently sold exclusively in Japan, so there is very little information about it. However, the local portal car watch conducted its own testing of this novelty, and the site editors tried to adapt this material as accurately as possible.

It should also be noted that there is a model Bridgestone Blizzak Ice having the same tread pattern and performance characteristics. Therefore, this study also concerns her.

Testing Bridgestone Blizzak BPX 2 (Blizzak Ice)

Testing took place in the city of Baba, Hokkaido. Hokkaido is the northernmost island of the Land of the Rising Sun, the climatic situation on the island is similar to ours, with minor conventions. In any case, the amount of precipitation there is commensurate with our volumes.

For testing, a well-known specialist not only in Japan, Matsuda Hideki, was involved. The tests were carried out on new Toyota Prius (4WD), tires were used in different sizes applicable to the vehicle.

A few words about the tire

Tread pattern tires Blizzak VRX 2 was made in the traditional asymmetric pattern for the series. There is an internal (inside) and external (outside) side with different functionalities. This pattern allows you to get increased stability on snowy, dry or icy surfaces. The number of transverse grooves has been reduced, but now they are cut in every direction.

The sidewall looks quite attractive. Now it is more convex and elastic. The touch is a premium rubber that can raise the quality bar very high.

Performance on ice

First you need to determine the nature of driving on ice. During a large amount of precipitation and further icing of roads, an ice crust of various sizes is formed. A water film forms between this crust and the tire, and the removal of this film is the main task of any friction tire (Velcro). To do this, manufacturers use a soft rubber compound, a large number of slots and lamellas of various shapes. Also, manufacturers often manipulate the size of the contact patch by distributing pressures to certain active areas of the tread.

The tests took place in a covered ice hangar where the temperature is maintained below zero. Mr. Hideki first tested the old Blizzak VRX. As expected, the first VRX showed great results. Acceleration to 25 km/h and sudden braking with active ABS gave a good result. The new Blizzak VRX 2, in turn, showed a much improved result, braking distances turned out to be 3 meters shorter (1 car body). It feels like a car with new tires has become more maneuverable, braking feels sharper.

Also, Matsuda Hideki noted the reason why he left ABS system enabled. He noted that steering in icy conditions it loses its effectiveness at times and even professional drivers do not turn off ABS like it. Safety is the most important thing, no matter how great a driver you are.

In addition to direct braking, Matsuda Hideki tested the new BPX 2 for braking during maneuvers. According to him, the novelty perfectly copes with the task. The front axle of the car adheres to the road surface more tightly than the axle equipped with first VRX. After that Mr. Hideki tried the same operation, but at an increased speed. The rubber began to slip more, however, according to the sensations, the tires behave quite correctly and there is even a certain amount of braking distance.

The manufacturer cites the use of a new active recycled rubber as the reason for this improved behavior on ice. There are a lot of small bubbles and waterways on the surface of the tire. Thus, this hydrophilic membrane gives a tight contact with the icy road. The Blizzak VRX 2 has also increased the amount of silicon dioxide, which, in combination with active all-foam rubber, further improves grip characteristics.

As for the tread pattern, it was found that in the tread patterns of the first VRX, intermittent braking when ABS was activated caused “block bevelling”, correspondingly, the contact area was reduced. This is a minor flaw, however, manufacturers have corrected this point as well. In Blizzak VRX 2, the dimensions of all the constituent elements were increased in order to make deformation more difficult. Rigidity has been increased by 24% and increased the area of ​​contact with the road. In addition, the performance of the sipes has also been improved by optimizing the edges of the sipe blocks, which give the effect of real steel spikes. It should be noted that the increase in stiffness did not affect the quality of adhesion, as often happens in such cases.

The increase in rigidity also resulted in an increase in model life. It was the most weak side previous VRX. It also gave more even wear - an equally important indicator that the rubber will be effective not only when new, but also at maximum wear.

Performance on snow

The test drive was not limited solely to ice. The behavior of the tire on snowy or dry surfaces is equally important. The Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2 responds well to steering commands in snowy conditions, and the driver intuitively feels that the level of grip is an order of magnitude higher than its predecessor. In the course of repeated testing, it was found that the Blizzak VRX 2 has 10% less braking distance on snow. Performance on dry or wet surfaces has also been increased.

Several vehicles of different shapes and sizes were used to determine the quality of grip on snow.

Acoustic comfort

Winter tires, as a rule, have a disadvantage in this component, since the large number and size of the grooves creates resonant noise. Of course, the presented novelty is not as quiet as possible, since such a task does not face the manufacturer in the first place. But by optimizing the groove sizes and block arrangement, the high-frequency template noise has been reduced.


From such a large-scale testing, it can be noted that this new product is a huge qualitative shift not only for the Japanese manufacturer, but also for the tire industry as a whole. The first VRX was a real revolution in the tire market. Until now, many are afraid to test them with analogues from Michelin or Continental, since the obvious advantages of the model, coupled with its relatively low price, breaks the competitive advantages of other brands “to smithereens”. Given that the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2 winter tires far surpassed the first model, we can talk about it as a sales leader for many years.

Comfortable and soft friction tires do not annoy with the crunch and rumble of spikes on the pavement, on which you sometimes drive more often in winter than on ice or snow. And in order to choose the best of them in terms of performance, we tested tires with a dimension of 205/55 R16, which fit almost all golf-class cars.

Friction tires are a complex product, not every manufacturer manages to provide a balance of grip on snow, ice and asphalt, which, in addition, can be dry and wet. No "nails" - everything is only due to the composition of the rubber compound and the tread pattern. Here you can not do without advanced technologies and experience in manufacturing complex molds for 3D lamellas. Therefore, we decided not to take tires cheaper than four thousand rubles: they always slip on at least one of the above-mentioned surfaces. Swimming - we know.

The cheapest in our test (4130 rubles) is the Winter i * cept iZ2 model of the rapidly progressing Korean company Hankook. One and a half hundred more expensive is the Japanese Nitto SN2, which has just appeared on our market. Next comes the Nordman RS2 “Finn” of Russian origin, which is very popular with our motorists, and close to four and a half thousand there is another purebred “Japanese” that is in steady demand, the Touo Observe GSi-5.

About five thousand cost the eminent Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2 and Blizzak Revo GZ from Bridgestone, famous for its durable, indestructible sidewall.

Selling for even more Pirelli Ice Zero FR (5245 rubles). And of course, the leaders of our previous tests were supposed to take part in the tests - German-quality Continental ContiVikingContact 6 tires, the price of which is close to six thousand, and expensive Finnish tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2 (6435 rubles). They have been “butting” with each other for leadership for several years and will not let other rivals relax.

Spring again?

This time, for the snow-ice “battle”, we gathered rivals in Sweden, at the training ground Pirelli. The ring was a small frozen lake near the northern town of Elvsbyn and its banks, covered with a blanket of snow. We gathered there in a completely winter month - February. However, a warm front that came from nowhere warmed the air to a positive temperature and melted all the snow and ice in the area. And when the heat receded, the lake quickly returned to the state of the ice rink. On it, we started the tests, somewhat violating our traditional order of exercises due to force majeure.

During the tests, the air temperature dropped to -1.. -15 °C.

Acted as a tire carrier Volkswagen Golf the seventh generation, used by almost all tire manufacturers in internal testing, is a car with classic front-wheel drive handling and transparent behavior.

Battle on the Ice

The first track for the "battle" was ready to assess the handling on ice. Turns of different radii and a straight line that allows you to accelerate to about 80 km / h - this is quite enough to evaluate how flexible the Volkswagen Golf is on slippery surfaces, shod with the tested tires. The assessment is carried out by two experts, replacing each other. Together with the behavior of the machine, they evaluate how easy and reliable it is to operate. Moreover, from the position of an ordinary driver who does not have special training. Therefore, in addition to the “professional” driving, they imitate the typical mistakes of beginners: during acceleration and braking, in corners they act sharply, as if on asphalt.

In order to increase the accuracy of estimates, we decided to use halves when scoring - to separate the results of rivals. The highest rating (nine

points) earned in the first discipline Nokian tires: clear reactions, understandable, predictable behavior even in gliding. No difficulties in driving, with a complete understanding of what is happening under the "legs". This test did not reveal weaklings: the minimum score is seven points for three participants, the rest are higher.

Handling track on the ice of a frozen lake. It's hard to believe, but just a couple of days ago there was "spring" here - the water surface was surrounded by people freed from snowcoast.

The next exercise: we measure the acceleration and braking distance on the ice plateau. We do not disable the ASR and ABS anti-slip system. Start from a place. The measuring complex VBOX fixes the time taken to reach a speed of 30 km/h, then the braking distance from 30 to 5 km/h. Good thing the sky is overcast. The bright sun melts the ice, and the results begin to float away. But even in cloudy weather, friction tires on open ice less stable than spikes, so we repeat measurements with each set of tires 10-12 times. Moreover, every two test sets we change the shoes of the Golf to the base tires in order to assess how the condition of the coating has changed. After recalculating the results, taking into account the behavior of the car on the base tires, it turned out that on ice it accelerates the fastest on Goodyear tires and Nokian. Nordman and Tooo worsen the record result by one tenth of a second. The longest acceleration is on Pirelli tires, the difference with the leader is almost 20%.

The shortest stopping distance is on Nokian and Touo tires (15.5 m), Goodyear and Hankook lose ten centimeters to them, and Bridgestone and Pirelli (17.3 m) lose to them.

We estimate the time for passing the ice circle - the shorter it is, the higher the transverse (lateral) adhesion. The driver tries to complete the lap as fast as possible, making 20 to 35 "revolutions" per friction tires it is not easy to find the edge of maximum grip on the ice. The scheme for changing wheels is the same as when measuring the longitudinal grip: after every two test sets, changing shoes to the base one. After the exercise, we figured out how many circles our tester had wound, and were horrified - more than four hundred! Anyone who thinks that tire testing is a romantic job is deeply mistaken. This is hellish work.

In this test, the Continental bypassed everyone: the circle was completed in 15.9 seconds. Nokian, the closest competitor, was three tenths behind. Closes the list Bridgestone-on these tires failed to show times less than 18 seconds.

Snow battles behind the wheel

At the beginning of the second week, snow fell, and we got the opportunity to evaluate the "snow" characteristics. The first test is the controllability assessment. We used not only a set of “flat” turns of different radii, including running ones, where the speedometer needle sometimes reached the “100” mark, but also an interesting hairpin on the hillside, the entrance of which is on the rise, and the exit is on the descent. In some turns, the snow due to the side slides of the Golf was “rubbed” to the icy base of the track. We dubbed it the “Russian road”: snow interspersed with ice is a picture characteristic of our conditions.

Here, we liked Nokian and Touo tires the most.

Impressions from them are similar: good reactions and informativeness, understandable and predictable behavior. The speed on the turning arc is limited by a soft skid, as if driving the car into a turn, which does not require adjustment by the steering wheel or releasing the gas. After consulting, they decided not to put the nine (thrown off half a point) because of small flaws in taxiing - the required steering angles seemed a little more than we would like. The leaders in the number of complaints were Bridgestone and Nitto. The Golf, shod in the Blizzak Revo GZ, significantly increases the steering angles, there is a skid on the arc that requires compensation, and grip decreases in slips. On Nitto SN2, the car behaves unstably, the turning arc passes jerkily, as if along the perimeter of a polyhedron, rather sharply breaks into a skid and recovers just as sharply after sliding.

Course stability was evaluated on a long rectangular plateau, accelerating to 90-100 km/h. We checked how clearly the car keeps a given direction and how it responds to soft maneuvering with small steering angles, simulating rebuilding to overtake or avoid an obstacle.

Follow the driver's commands more clearly than others Pirelli tires: good reactions, dense, informative "steering wheel". Tires Nitto upset: when driving in a straight line, it feels wide, incomprehensible due to the low information content of the steering wheel at small turning angles “zero”. The car scours from side to side, the driver has a feeling of insecurity. Marked delays in reactions and delayed steering rear axle requiring additional adjustments.

On the same site, controllability was evaluated during extreme maneuvering - during a rearrangement, that is, a sharp lane change, and due to an insufficiently rigid track, they did without measuring the maximum speed. Nokian tires provide the clearest behavior for the car: when the speed limit is reached, the rear axle gently steers, smoothly turning into a skid that does not require compensation. Nitto tires earned the lowest score: delays in the first reactions and increased steering angles are complemented by a sharp skid when leveling the car in the second corridor, and with a shooting effect.

We finish the "snow" tests by checking the patency. Experts evaluate in deep snow (thickness snow cover slightly more ground clearance) the ability of tires to "carry" the car in motion, move off, turn, "back away". Particular attention is paid to how slippage affects grip. If the tires are ready to perform all the maneuvers only in tightness (the ASR traction control is disabled), and the traction drops when slipping, we lower the rating. If at the same time the wheels burrow, we reduce it further.

In snowdrifts, Nokian tires made the best impression: confident forward and backward movement with any degree of slip, ease of maneuvering. In the laggards - Touo. On these tires, you can only start and move under tension, at the slightest slip, the traction disappears, and the tires are buried. The vehicle maneuvers and moves in reverse uncertainly and reluctantly.

I go to the instruments

It remains to measure the longitudinal grip on the snow. Fortunately, the snow plateau for measurements was well trampled down so that the snow would not move from the ice.

The work is practically the same as on the ice straight - acceleration and deceleration, but with minor adjustments. Since the coefficient of adhesion on snow is higher than on ice, the speed of the end of acceleration and the beginning of braking is increased here to 40 km/h. Especially for creative drivers, we measure acceleration in two modes - regular, with traction control, and "creative", turning it off. We brake, of course, with ABS, we measure the braking distance from 40 to 5 km / h. Do not forget about the measurements on the base tires every three sets of tested ones.

The best acceleration under the supervision of Golf electronics is provided by Continental: 6.1 seconds. Two tenths are inferior to Bridgestone, Goodyear and Nokian. The weakest in overclocking are Nitto and Touo.

The acceleration time on snow was measured in two modes: with the traction control system on and off. Experienced testerl maintains the optimal degree of slip more precisely electronics.

With traction control disabled, the car accelerates faster. For example, on tires Continental - in 5.6 seconds, and they are again in the lead. The closest rivals are Goodyear, Hankook, Nokian, which are only one tenth behind. And in the last, having spent 6.2 seconds on acceleration, there was Bridgestone - the difference with the leader is almost 11%. It is noteworthy that on these tires, acceleration with the electronic limiter turned off improved by only one tenth of a second, which means that grip on snow is practically independent of the degree of slipping. While the rest of the test participants, without the intervention of electronics, accelerate faster by 0.5-1.0 seconds (by 8-14%).

The results of tests of braking properties on snow were a pleasant surprise. Of course, there are leaders in this exercise - these are Goodyear, Nokian and Pirelli with the same result of 14.7 meters. But all the rest are no more than half a meter behind - there were no wimps in this discipline!

Final on home asphalt

Tests on asphalt according to the already worked out scheme were carried out in May in Tolyatti, at the AvtoVAZ test site, a territory neutral for tire manufacturers.

We start by evaluating rolling resistance. One full circle (10 kilometers) on the high-speed ring at a speed of 120-130 km / h is enough for the temperature of the tires and the oil in the gearbox to stabilize. During this time, the expert manages to evaluate the vehicle's directional stability on a straight line, as well as its reactions and behavior during soft lane changes from one lane to another.

The most important thing during measurements is the movement back and forth along the same lane, without maneuvering, with the steering wheel fixed in the “straight” position in order to exclude the possibility of lateral forces that could adversely affect the results. By the way, “there” and “back” are one measurement, not two. This eliminates measurement errors due to deviations in the horizontal of the road surface and wind direction. Three or four measurements, and the result is ready. However, it is not yet final: after two or three sets of tested tires, you have to repeat the “stove” - measurements on the base set, taking into account which the final results are recalculated.

At a speed of 90 km / h (suburban limit), the top three are Continental, Nokian and Nordman. The Golf rolls most reluctantly on Bridgestone, Goodyear and Pirelli tires. Although the difference between them and the "green" leaders is small - 0.3 l / 100 km. At the "city" speed (60 km / h), the "green" three retained their positions, but Hankook infiltrated their company. On Bridgestone tires, the performance in this driving mode is the worst: 0.4 l / 100 km more than the leaders.

Hankook and Pirelli received the highest marks for directional stability. The reactions of the Golf, shod with these tires, are close to those demonstrated on summer tires. Bridgestone and Touo deserved the least flattering words. At Golf on the "bridge" - a wide "zero" and insufficient information content of the steering wheel; Touo tires also have a fuzzy, wide “zero” and more rubber, that is, delayed reactions to steering actions. When trying to correct the course, the car begins to yaw from side to side.

Previously obtained impressions of noise and smoothness remain to be clarified by additional travel on service roads with traditional irregularities - pits, potholes, crevices and cracks. The results were somewhat surprising. The quietest of all are Bridgestone tires, although they are also the hardest: itching and shaking the Golf on small and medium bumps, as if inflated to three atmospheres.

Goodyear tires surprisingly turned out to be the loudest and most resonant, despite the fact that tires of this brand are usually quiet. And experts recognized Touo tires as the softest.

Final exercises - assessment of braking properties on dry and wet pavement. We brake in the corridor clamped by cones so that the tires roll along the same trajectory “cleaned” before measurements - track to track. After each braking, cool the brakes. The speed of the start of braking is lower than in summer tests - this way we will protect the soft tread of the friction clutches from destruction.

On wet pavement we brake from 60 km/h, and on dry pavement - from 80 km/h.

On average, on one set we brake six times in each case. In these exercises, the “basic tire” does not need to be repeated, since changing the tread temperature by several degrees during the braking properties measurements does not affect the traction in any way.

properties - tested by many years of experience.

The shortest braking distance on dry pavement is provided by Bridgestone (28.6 m). Then, in the interval of 29.0-29.2 m, five tires follow with a difference of less than one percent. And only two tires "left" for thirty meters - these are Nitto and Touo with results 7% worse than the leader.

On wet pavement, the spread is greater: here Continental is in the lead with a result of 17.4 meters, and Nitto and Touo together show last result- 21.6 meters, which is a quarter more than the leader.

Final parade

As he writes in 2017, the Nokian Hakkapeliitta R2, which scored 939 points, takes the first place with a decent margin from the rest. These are great clutches for anyone. winter roads- everyone will like it. They are especially good on ice, and they will also delight in handling, cross-country ability and economy. The only drawback is the high price.

On the second line of our rating are tires Continental ContiVikingContact 6, earning 912 points. A worthy choice for drivers of any level - from advanced to beginners. We were pleased with excellent lateral grip on ice, grip on snow, braking on wet pavement and economy. When checking the patency and directional stability on the pavement, they gave a little slack.

The third step of our pedestal went to Hankook tires Winter i*cept iZ2 with very smooth properties: 909 points - excellent result. And these are the most inexpensive tires in the test! The only comment - hard.

Category great tires included Goodyear models Ultra Grip Ice 2 and Nordman RS2, which scored 907 points each and shared fourth and fifth positions. Both are equally strong, therefore we recommend them without restrictions. They differ in nuances

which only advanced drivers will catch. Goodyear has several extremes: very good in longitudinal grip on snow and ice, but let us down in comfort and economy. Nordman is close to Hankuk in character - it is also well balanced in all properties.

Sixth and seventh lines are occupied by Pirelli Ice Zero FR and Toyo Observe GSi-5, which received no 888 points. As part of our grading, these are very good tires, since their final results fall into the fork from 870 to 899 points. Each has small weaknesses. Pirelli does not favor ice (weak longitudinal grip), preferring snow and asphalt. Touo, on the contrary, shows good longitudinal grip on ice surfaces and handling on snow, but is weak in deep snow, as well as on asphalt - both in traction and in directional stability.

The eighth-ninth steps were occupied by another couple - Bridgestone and Nitto. In the test they

scored 860 points, confirming the right to be called good tires(this rank corresponds to the range from 840 to 869 total points). The level is the same, both are full-blooded "Japanese", but their characters are different: Nitto clings to the ice more confidently, Bridgestone - to the asphalt.

And on the snow - parity. According to the results of an expert assessment, there is no fundamental difference between them. Except in comfort. Bridgestone is the quietest, but also the most rigid.

Now let's compare the results with prices. The undisputed leader in this coordinate system is Hankook: third place in the overall standings at the most modest price. In second position is Nordman, followed by Nitto and Touo. Eminent products in this list took a modest position. And two leaders close it. So choose - wisely, but also taking into account the thickness of the wallet.

8th and 9th place (840 points): Nitto SN2

Pros: Good flotation in deep snow. v Satisfactory handling on ice. Moderate noise level Minuses: Weak braking properties on asphalt and acceleration on snow. Difficult handling during extreme maneuvering on snow. Small remarks about handling on the Russian road "and exchange rate stability. Low level smooth running.

8th and 9th place (840 points): Bridgestone Blizzak Revo GZ

Pros: Best braking on dry pavement. v Satisfactory handling on ice and directional stability on snow. The quietest.
Minuses: Weak grip on ice and on snow. Average permeability. Fuzzy following the course on asphalt. Small complaints about handling on the "Russian road" and during extreme maneuvering on snow. Worst efficiency and smoothness.

7th and 6th place (888 points): Toyo Observe GSi-5

Pros: Outstanding longitudinal traction v on ice. Reliable handling on ice and the "Russian road". The best running smoothness. Low noise level.
Minuses: Worst braking and difficult course w stability on asphalt. Limited flotation in deep snow.

7th and 6th place (888 points): Pirelli Ice Zero FR

Pros: Excellent braking properties on v snow. Excellent course stability. Clear handling when performing extreme maneuvers on snow
Minuses: Poor longitudinal grip on ice. w Poor fuel economy at 90 km/h. Notes on smoothness

5th and 4th place (907 points): Nordman RS2

Pros: They allow you to confidently accelerate and brake on ice. High efficiency, stable handling on ice and directional stability on asphalt.
Minuses: Minor remarks on the handling w on the "Russian road" and during extreme maneuvering on snow, on cross-country ability, as well as directional stability on snow. Harsh and noisy.

5th and 4th place (907 points): Goodyear UltraGrip Ice 2

Pros: Outstanding longitudinal traction v on ice and snow. Understandable handling on ice and the "Russian road".
Minuses: Low permeability. Small remarks on directional stability and handling during extreme maneuvering on snow. High fuel consumption at a speed of 90 km/h. Noisy and hard.

3rd place (909 points): Hankook Winter i*cept iZ2

Pros: High braking properties on ice. v Robust manageability. Good course stability. Attractive price. High economy.

Minuses: Notes on smoothness. w Minor remarks about cross-country ability. Increased noise level in the cabin.

2nd place (912 points): Continental ContiVikingContact 6

Pros: Best lateral grip on ice, acceleration on snow and braking on wet pavement. Stable handling on ice and directional stability on snow. Low fuel consumption.
Minuses: Average permeability. Minor complaints about handling on the "Russian road" and during extreme maneuvering on snow, as well as directional stability on asphalt and comfort.

1st place (912 points): Continental ContiVikingContact 6

Pros: Excellent traction on ice and snow. Excellent handling. Strict adherence to the course. Excellent flotation in deep snow. High economy.
Minuses: Minor remarks on the smoothness of the ride. Increased noise level. High price.

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