Bridgestone blizzak vrx winter tire tests. Bridgestone winter tire test: which is better for an SUV. Feedback from experts who conducted the test

Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2- the heir to the sensational VRX, which is very popular all over the world. Our buyer also liked it and many car enthusiasts prefer friction rubber from the Japanese tire giant. In July 2017, Bridgestone engineers introduced this model and this news changed the plans of many to buy a winter set. Unfortunately VRX 2 at the moment is sold exclusively in Japan, so there is very little information about it. However, the local portal Car Watch conducted my own testing of this new product, and the site editors tried to adapt this material as accurately as possible.

It is also worth noting that there is a model Bridgestone Blizzak Ice, having the same tread pattern and performance characteristics. Therefore, this study concerns her as well.

Testing Bridgestone Blizzak VRH 2 (Blizzak Ice)

Testing took place in Baba City, Hokkaido Island. Hokkaido is the northernmost island of the Land of the Rising Sun, the climatic situation on the island is similar to ours, with minor conventions. In any case, the amount of precipitation there is commensurate with our volumes.

A well-known specialist not only in Japan, Matsuda Hideki, was involved in testing. Tests took place on new Toyota Prius (4WD), tires were used in different sizes applicable to the car.

A few words about the tire

Tread pattern Blizzak VRX 2 tires was made in the asymmetrical pattern traditional for the series. There is an internal (inside) and an external (outside) side with different functionality. This pattern allows for increased stability on snowy, dry or icy surfaces. The number of lateral grooves has been reduced, but they are now cut in each direction.

The sidewall looks quite attractive. Now it is more convex and elastic. It feels like premium rubber that can raise the quality bar very high.

Performance on Ice

First you need to determine the nature of driving on ice. During large amounts of precipitation and further icing of roads, an ice crust of varying sizes forms. A water film forms between this crust and the tire, and removing this film is the main task of any friction tire (Velcro). To do this, manufacturers use a soft rubber compound, a large number of slots and lamellas of different shapes. Manufacturers also often manipulate the size of the contact patch by distributing pressure to specific active areas of the tread.

The tests took place in an indoor ice hangar where the temperature was maintained at sub-zero temperatures. Mr. Hideki first tested the old Blizzak VRX. As expected, the first VRX showed excellent results. Acceleration up to 25 km/h and sudden braking with ABS working gave good results. The new Blizzak VRX 2, in turn, showed much improved results, braking distance turned out to be 3 meters shorter (1 car body). The car with new tires feels more maneuverable and braking feels sharper.

Matsuda Hideki also noted the reason why he left ABS system included. He noted that steering in icy conditions it loses its effectiveness significantly and even professional drivers like him do not turn off the ABS. Safety is the most important thing, no matter how great of a driver you are.

In addition to direct braking, Matsuda Hideki tested the new VRX 2 for braking during maneuvers. According to him, the new product copes with the task perfectly. The front axle of the car adheres more tightly to the road surface than an equipped axle first VRX. After this, Mr. Hideki tried the same operation, but with increased speed. The rubber began to slip more, however, the tires feel quite correct and even have a certain reserve of braking distance.

The manufacturer cites the use of a new active recycled rubber as the reason for this improved behavior on ice. There are a large number of small bubbles and waterways present on the surface of the tire. Thus, this hydrophilic membrane provides close contact with the icy road. The Blizzak VRX 2 has also increased the amount of silica, which when combined with active all-foam rubber further improves grip characteristics.

Regarding the tread pattern, it was found that in the tread patterns of the first VRX, intermittent braking when ABS was activated caused the blocks to "bevel", correspondingly the contact area was reduced. This is a minor drawback, however, the manufacturers have corrected this issue. In Blizak VRX 2, the dimensions of all constituent elements were increased to make deformation more difficult. Stiffness has been increased by 24% and increases the contact area with the road. In addition, the performance of the lamellas has also been increased by optimizing the edges of the sipe blocks, which give the effect of real steel spikes. It should be noted that the increase in rigidity did not affect the quality of the grip, as often happens in such cases.

The increase in rigidity also led to an increase in the service life of the model. It was the most weak side previous VRX. This also gave more uniform wear - an equally important indicator, indicating that the rubber will be effective not only when new, but also with maximum wear.

Performance on snow

The test drive was not limited solely to ice. The behavior of the tire on snowy or dry surfaces is no less important. The Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2 clearly responds to steering commands in snowy conditions and the driver intuitively feels that the level of grip is an order of magnitude higher than that of its predecessor. During repeated testing, it was found that the Blizzak VRX 2 has a 10% shorter braking distance on snowy surfaces. Performance on dry or wet surfaces has also been increased.

To determine the quality of grip on snow, several cars of different shapes and sizes were used.

Acoustic comfort

Winter tires, as a rule, have a disadvantage in this component, since the large number and size of grooves creates resonant noise. Of course, the presented new product is not as quiet as possible, since such a task is not the manufacturer’s first priority. But optimization of groove sizes and block placement made it possible to reduce high-frequency pattern noise.


From such large-scale testing, it can be noted that this new product is a huge qualitative shift not only for the Japanese manufacturer, but also for the tire industry as a whole. The first VRX was a real revolutionary phenomenon in the tire market. Until now, many are afraid to test them with analogues from Michelin or Continental, since the obvious advantages of the model, coupled with its relatively low price, are smashed to smithereens. competitive advantages other brands. Considering that winter tires Bridgestone Blizzak VRX 2 has far surpassed the first model; we can talk about it as a sales leader for many years.

In February 2015, Avtodela took part in the annual test winter tires Bridgestone company. Journalists were able to test tires for SUVs and crossovers - the studless Blizzak DM-V2 and the studded Blizzak Spike-01.

The test carried out is a classic problem of choice for almost any motorist buying winter tires. Should I take it with or without spikes?

Race participants were given a unique opportunity to test winter Blizzak tires, and also test their key features in real off-road conditions on the tracks of the international off-road training school Land Rover Experience. For each of the tires, special tracks were selected to demonstrate the stated advantages of the test models of Bridsgestone winter tires.

“The collaboration between Land Rover Experience and Bridgestone once again shows that vehicles can be even more efficient in off-road conditions. Safety is a key factor when traveling, especially in winter, so the role of tires in this matter is really difficult to overestimate,” commented Mr. Kuroki Minoru, commenting on the joint work of the two companies. general manager Bridgestone CIS LLC.

Bridgestone winter tires were tested at Land vehicles Rover Defender, Land Rover Discovery, Land Rover Range Rover and Land Rover Evoque. The tires were tested on several tracks at the test site.

Test participants were offered several exercises to visually assess tire grip, acceleration and braking, both on ice and in deep snow.

Before we talk about the test results, let's take a closer look at the new products.

Blizzak DM-V2 is a non-studded winter tire for crossovers, as well as mid-size and large-size SUVs. According to Bridgestone, the Blizzak DM-V2 tire was designed specifically for Russian roads and taking into account the specifics of the Russian winter.

The company positions the Blizzak DM-V2 as a universal tire that can cope well with both ice and snow. A distinctive feature of the tire is its long service life. The tires are designed primarily for those who drive in the city and periodically travel to snowy country roads.

Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 is the second generation of the already proven DM V1 tire. Compared to its predecessor, Blizzak DM V2 received a number of changes.

Firstly, what is visible visually is the tread pattern, which increases the contact patch and provides more efficient removal of water and snow mass from the contact patch. Thanks to this, the Bridgestone Blizzak DM V2 tires have become more effective on ice. At the same time, the modified shape of the shoulder blocks increased the efficiency of traction with snow, which made it possible to improve the braking performance of the tire on snowy surfaces. To this were added new volumetric 3D slats and a support stand. These innovations maintain the distance between the sipes: as a result, a stronger edge effect is achieved and, accordingly, the tire's grip on snowy road surfaces improves.

Secondly, this is what is not visible without special devices: The Blizzak DM V2 tire uses a new proprietary compound rubber compound Multi-Cell Compound, a feature of which is the presence of micropores. The technology, familiar to consumers from the first generation, has received a number of improvements that have made it possible to increase the absorption of water from the contact patch. Increased absorption properties combined with longitudinal microgrooves improve the tire's performance in thick water and reduce the vehicle's tendency to hydroplane.

In addition to the driving characteristics, the use of the new Multi-Cell Compound in the Blizzak DM V2 tire made it possible to almost completely eliminate the need for break-in new tire. In addition, Bridgestone claims that the new tire has become less sensitive to temperature changes and has an increased service life. This was made possible thanks to the RC polymer included in the tread and the shape of the bubbles and channels in the rubber compound, which allows the tire to show its best characteristics throughout the entire service life.

According to tests conducted by Bridgestone, compared to the first generation Blizzak DM V1, the new Blizzak DM V2 shows best results according to all characteristics. However, the company has achieved particular success on ice.

Bridgestone BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 studded tires replace the Ice Cruiser line. The new tire combines advanced technologies developed as a result of extensive research and testing during the creation of its predecessor line.

Compared to the studless tire Blizzak DM V2, the studded BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 is more universal - it can be successfully used for both serious SUVs, and for ordinary cars.

The main difference of the BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tire is the unique “Cross-EdgePin” with carbide inserts. The hole shape was designed to optimize tenon retention. All this together allows the tires to maintain contact with ice longer and withstand heavy loads without damage. The manufacturer claims that in the Russian climate, BLIZZAK Spike-01 spikes are able to maintain high performance for 3-4 seasons.

The improved tread pattern of the BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tire combines three elements:

Modified cross grooves for better snow grip;
- Self-cleaning slats for removing snow and ice, optimizing the performance of the studs;
- Shoulder blocks that improve cross-country ability in deep snow.

In addition, the new studded tire from Bridgestone has a rubber compound designed specifically for low temperatures, characteristic of the Russian winter. This allows the BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tire to remain soft and maintain the declared characteristics in wide range temperatures

The company also strengthened the sidewall in the new BLIZZAK SPIKE-01 tire. To demonstrate the improvements, Bridgestone conducted a special test in which the car approaches the impact zone where an obstacle is installed, with at different speeds. The test starts at 60 km/h. After the test finish at 60 km/h, each subsequent test is carried out with a decrease in speed by 5 km/h until the tire fails. After this, the condition of the tire was assessed. According to the Bridge4stone test, the Spike-01 tires remained intact throughout the entire speed range.

Bridgestone says that for the new BLIZZAK Spike-01 tire, the company's developers have managed to significantly improve braking performance on all types of road surfaces: on ice, on snow, and also on melted winter roads.

BLIZZAK Spike-01 tires are available in 70 standard sizes. In the future, it is planned to increase the number of standard sizes to 82.

Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 and Blizzak Spike-01 tire test results

Studless Blizzak DM-V2 tires were tested on the Skating Rink track. At the ice skating rink, the exercises “Snake” (going around cones at speed) and “Rearrangement” (accelerating in a straight line, emergency braking and getting into the corridor) were performed.

In turn, the Blizzak Spike-01 studded tire was tested on the Lesnaya highway - in deep snow on a difficult section of a forest track with descents and ascents - conditions far from urban ones. The test participants had to overcome various obstacles, including fallen trees, as well as broken deep ruts covered with a thick layer of snow.

To compare the two tires, tests were also carried out on the classic snowy tracks of the Land Rover Experience.

During the test, the weather seemed to break loose and decided to show everything that the Russian winter is capable of. A strong wind, a thaw and a frost in the evening, which caught the melted snow and ice with a crust of ice - in general, almost a complete set winter surprises, which a car driver may encounter in winter in Russia.

So what are the results of the two tire test?Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 and Blizzak Spike-01?

I must say right away that I liked both tires - they are really high-quality winter tires with good characteristics. Therefore, it was extremely difficult to give grades. Especially considering that the tires were compared with each other, and not with similar products from other brands. So the test results were more than predictable.

As a matter of fact, the test came down to solving the already tired question “Which is better - “Velcro” or “spikes”?” And, as expected, there was no single correct answer.

"Velcro" versus "spikes"

Personally, I have been a fan of Velcro for a long time. This continued until I took the risk of putting cheaper Velcro on my car. Having received a fair dose of adrenaline, I rushed to the other extreme and quickly got myself a studded one. And since the winter of 2013, my own car has not had any problems.

However, it is impossible to say that I have become a “fan” of thorns. No, the tires are still pleasing, they are in perfect condition and work great - there are no complaints about the tires. However, there are nuances in the operation of studs that sometimes make us fondly remember Velcro.

The first of them is the sound accompaniment of trips. Spikes are loud. And not just loud, but tiresomely loud, especially when the speeds are high, the trip is long and there is significantly more asphalt on the way than snow or ice. At the same time, sound insulation in the car is mediocre.

The second is operation in the off-season, when it is already or still warm, but the air temperature is not far from the freezing point of water, that is, from zero degrees Celsius.

Let me remind you that summer tires begins to lose its properties when the average daily temperature drops below 7 - 10 degrees Celsius. At temperatures below 7 degrees Celsius, loss in quality of work summer tires are very noticeable - it’s not for nothing that the transition period is aptly nicknamed “the day of the tinsmith.” Therefore, it is better to change winter tires to summer tires and vice versa with some heat reserve, so as not to get into an accident at night, when the air temperature drops noticeably. And this is where the spikes become uncomfortable - after all, during the day the temperature can reach 15 degrees Celsius. Not only do the spikes rattle, but you simply feel sorry for them - you may not see snow for a long time at this time. It’s good to drive a light, low-power car - high-quality studs can withstand such abuse without any problems. But on heavier and more powerful machines, the load on the studs is significantly higher, and the durability of the studs and rubber may be significantly lower. The quality of work of “studding” without spikes is not at all identical to the work of “Velcro”. By the way, this is where convinced “all-season” fans come from - in some regions of our country such preferences may be more than justified.

As a result, for me, as the owner of an SUV, the minimum ideal would be three tire options (this does not take into account trips “in the mud”): summer, all-season Velcro and studded winter tires. But for many this is an excessive luxury, so when choosing tires you should carefully weigh the pros and cons.

So, spikes are needed when O Most of the time you drive on snowy and/or icy roads. And it doesn’t matter whether they are urban or suburban - in some cities, problems with clearing roads of snow create many interesting moments for motorists. Here, no matter how hard you try, studs on ice still brake better and make the car more controllable. As a matter of fact, this is what spikes are for.

But there is no need to be afraid that studs turn into “skates” on asphalt - modern high-tech and high-quality studded tires (which include Bridgestone and Nokian tires) are practically devoid of this property. Yes, the braking quality will be worse than that of Velcro. But what kind of “Velcro” is this compared to! Therefore, first of all, when choosing among modern high-tech tires, you should focus on comfort and durability and maximum tire performance.

If you drive on asphalt 99% of the time in winter (for example, in a warm climate or a metropolis, where, due to deicing agents, you may not see any snow at all all winter), then you don’t need studs. Even if you have to go to the dacha once or twice in the worst weather. You just need to be more careful with speed limit and drive more carefully.

To finally intrigue the reader a little, let’s first look at the table, which shows the ratings of the Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 and Blizzak Spike-01 tires on a five-point scale.

Table 1. Comparison of the characteristics of Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 and Blizzak Spike-01 tires on a five-point scale.


Braking on ice

Ice brake

Handling on ice

Ice handling

Braking on snow

Snow brake

Handling on snow

Snow handling

Grip on inclined surface (concrete)

Grip on a ramp

Off-road performance

Off road performance


Noise level


Blizzak Spike-01


But why are there “threes” and “twos”?! - the amazed reader will ask. - After all, the tires are high-quality and high-tech? And they themselves wrote that they liked it!

The answer here is simple: compared to summer conditions, winter even has excellent braking. excellent tires- this is just a drawn-out “C”.

Be careful on the road!

Photos by Natalia Paramonova and Bridgestone.

Bridgestone Blizzak REVO GZ - winter friction tire(velcro) premium class with an asymmetric tread pattern for passenger cars and crossovers.

Country of origin: Japan.

Bridgestone REVO GZ test from Za Rulem magazine, conducted in 2013

In 2013, experts from the Russian publication Za Rulem tested the Bridgestone Blizzak Revo GZ winter tire at size 175/65 R14 and compared it with seven similar mid- and premium class tires.

Test results

Based on the results Bridgestone test Blizzak Revo GZ took fifth place overall and showed balanced, high results in each discipline.

Braking on dry asphalt1 The braking distance is 0.3 meters shorter than that of the test leader.
Braking on wet asphalt3 The braking distance is 1.4 meters longer than that of the test leader.
Braking on ice3 The braking distance is 1.6 meters longer than the test leader.
Acceleration on ice4 The acceleration time to 30 km/h is 0.9 seconds longer than that of the test leader.
Handling on ice5-6 The average time to complete the route is 1 second longer than that of the test leader.
Braking on snow4 The braking distance is 0.8 meters longer than that of the test leader.
Acceleration in the snow6 The acceleration time to 35 mph is 1.4 seconds longer than that of the test leader.
Passability on snow5-7 Subjective assessment - 6 points.
Consumption at speed 60km/h6 Fuel consumption is 0.2 l/100 km higher than that of the test leader.
Consumption at speed 90km/h3-6 Fuel consumption is 0.1 l/100 km higher than that of the test leader.

Feedback from the experts who conducted the test:

The tire is suitable for any winter roads. She has better braking on dry asphalt and good grip on ice. The disadvantages are insufficient cross-country ability and difficult handling in the snow, low level of comfort.

If the answer to the first one - with or without spikes - is found relatively quickly, there are only two options, then the answer to the second one is becoming more and more difficult every year. Not only are manufacturers from Korea and China appearing on the market, along with the usual Nokian, Bridgestone, Hakkapeliitta, Michelin and GoodYear, but tire manufacturers are producing various lines of brands, and within these lines also individual brands.

However, it seems that some of the market leaders are already beginning to realize that they can’t rip the minds of a buyer like that, who will switch to competitors at any moment... There is no other explanation for the action of the marketers from Bridgestone, who convinced the Japanese bosses, people who are very conservative in everything when it comes to even the slightest changes, reduce the number of items model series winter tires. Now all Bridgestone winter tires will bear the “surname” Blizzak, and it will be possible to separate the studs from the “Velcro” by “name” - Spike or VRX. The first two new products of the new range of Bridgestone winter tires - the studless VRX and the studded Spike-01 - were shown to us at the Dmitrovsky training ground.

A very representative group of Japanese top managers, designers and marketers “landed” in the Moscow region to present the new winter tires. We started getting acquainted with the new products with the Bridgestone Blizzak VRX. The manufacturer positions it as a city tire for experienced drivers. To maximally cover market demand, Bridgestone will produce this tire in 53 sizes. The Japanese claim that the main advantages of this tire are good grip on ice and high efficiency when braking in the snow. Structurally, this is ensured by a new asymmetric tread pattern and a new Multicell Compound rubber compound. To confirm their words, the owners showed impressive footage comparative tests, in which Bridgestone Blizzak VRX convincingly beat European competitors. However, during such presentations it cannot be otherwise...

But if we leave irony aside, the enlarged images showed that the rubber resembles a sponge, which, falling into water and experiencing pressure upon contact with the surface, collects moisture into the pore cells. They stick to the surface, and then, squeezing out in the contact patch, self-clean the tread. This is the design idea of ​​the new Multicell Compound rubber compound, designed to improve the drainage of the asymmetrical tread pattern. The competitors of this tire are Japanese company called Michelin X-Ice 3, Nokian Hakkapeliitta R, GoodYear Ultra Grip Ice+, Continental Viking Contact 5).

In the first test, the advantage of Blizzak, whose name has long become synonymous with “Velcro,” was clearly noticeable. Although, as soon as we went beyond the 40 km/h limit that the instructors insisted on, the difference between the “Japanese” and the “European” became not so noticeable. We saw approximately the same result in the “moose test”. But where Blizzak VRX was head and shoulders above its competitor was when passing the “snake”. At a speed of 60 km/h, the car’s behavior was much easier to control and righting the car from a skid on Bridgestone tires was easier, and the drift itself rear axle was noticeably smaller. If at the landfill site the extra centimeters of demolition are just a knocked down cone, then in city traffic it is someone’s wing or door...

We tested the new Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 tire on VW Passat and VW Touareg. The main difference between this tire model is new look spike, German design and production. Its tip is divided into four small studs, each of which clings to the ice and helps the tire do its job more efficiently.

The set of exercises was similar. There was no undisputed leader in acceleration on ice, although earlier at the presentation we were shown footage in which a car with Bridgestone tires confidently maintained its trajectory and stopped, and also made a turn at a noticeably smaller radius than a car on competing tires. In braking on snow and "snake" the performance of Spike-01 and its competitor - Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, were approximately equal, but in braking on Ice Bridgestone Blizzak Spike-01 beat the Finnish competitor by 0.5 to 1 meter. To the standard set of exercises for Spike-01, a section was added that demonstrated the behavior of the tire during high-speed cornering and when accelerating uphill. At a speed of 80 km/h, a VW Touareg shod with Blizzak Spike-01 turned out to be easier to control than a car with Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 tires. It seems that the advantages demonstrated at the presentation are not just a marketing trick.

Talk about how successful these new Bridgestone products will be at Russian market, it’s still difficult. Moreover, when answering the question raised during the press conference about plans to localize production, the Japanese answered the question with a question - “Which Bridgestone tires would you buy - made in Japan or in Russia?” True, they clearly did not receive the answer they expected: “The one that is cheaper. We buy Japanese cameras made in Taiwan, and japanese cars made in Europe..." The faces of the Japanese managers hardened for a moment, but then they confidently uttered a mantra about the excellent quality of their products and the connection of this quality with the Made in Japan label. One could, of course, argue about this, but something else is important: localization of production is not in Bridgestone’s plans today. Consequently, Bridgestone tires will remain as expensive as they are effective. However, as authorities say, the car’s handling and the quality of the brakes depend at least half on the quality of the tires, which means that this is clearly not a consumable that is worth saving on...

- We officially declare that we are better than our competitors! Wasn't a representative of Bridgestone speaking too boldly at the presentation of the new Blizzak VRX and Blizzak Spike 01 tires, which at the end last winter took place at the Dmitrovsky Automotive Test Site? Maybe a translation error?

The etymology of the name Blizzak for the Bridgestone line of winter tires is interpreted by the company itself as a mixture English word“blizzard” (“blizzard”) and German “Zacke” (“prong”). Previously, only non-studded models were designated by this name, but now the Blizzak Spike 01 studded tires have also appeared.

The externally directional tread pattern is reminiscent of early models of Nokian studded tires: an aggressive herringbone pattern with wide grooves is designed to increase traction on snow, and if the snow is deep, sawtooth grooves in the shoulder area should help. As for the “ice” properties, the holes for the studs were modified (grooves appeared around them to remove ice chips), and most importantly, the stud itself changed: a cross-shaped notch is now made at the end of the carbide insert. Are new studs really screwed into the tread body with a Phillips screwdriver? Of course not. These cuts are designed to increase the pressure on the ice and, as a result, increase the tire’s grip on the surface. As with the previous model, Ice Cruiser 7000, the studs are produced by the German company Sitek. I counted 130 studs in a 16-inch tire - the Japanese have no need to adjust these tires to new ones European standards, limiting the number of studs per linear meter of tread (AR No. 18, 2013). Blizzak Spike 01 tires are designed specifically for Russia.

The cross-shaped notch on the carbide insert is designed to increase the specific pressure of the stud on the ice - the load is the same, but the contact area is smaller. But how long will such a notch last when driving on asphalt?

I also looked at the studless Blizzak VRX tires. Here is a new asymmetrical tread pattern: its blocks, when compared with previous model Blizzak Revo GZ (their test results are on the pages of the same issue of Autoreview) decreased, the rubber compound became softer. According to the creators, this should provide better grip on uneven roads. The composition of the Multicell Compound rubber compound has also been updated. Its porous structure allows it to “absorb” 30% more moisture than the rubber of the previous series. Special additives in the rubber mixture increase the wettability of the micropores of the tread, which allows for better drying of the contact patch.

Teana, “shod” in Bridgestone Blizzak VRX, performs “rearrangement” without unnecessary slips

When accelerating on ice, the Blizzak VRX provides about the same grip as the Michelin X-Ice 3

0 / 0

The driving program began with a comparison Michelin tires X-Ice 3 and Bridgestone Blizzak VRX on Nissan car Teana. Acceleration and braking, both on ice and snow, did not reveal an absolute leader. And stability during acceleration turned out to be close - cars on both tire models required significant steering. But the “rearrangement” with the stabilization system turned off has already tipped the scales towards the Bridgestone tires - the Teana did not fall into skids so deeply and not for so long. On the “snake”, the grip limit also turned out to be slightly higher - the car responded better to steering turns at higher speeds, however, with a subsequent more abrupt drift. So I’m not sure that Bridgestone tires have proven themselves to be safer in the round.

The next exercise is driving on compacted snow in off-road vehicles. Volkswagen Touareg, “shod” in Bridgestone Spike 01 and Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 SUV tires. On Finnish tires, rolling is accompanied by a high-frequency hum, while Japanese tires were either “silent” or emitted a low-frequency hum. Again, which is better? I don't have a definite answer. But in terms of smoothness, Bridgestone is clearly inferior to Finnish tires: in the winter “comb” the Touareg is Nokian tires goes smoother. But Bridgestone representatives have a strong trump card in this regard: “Yes, the frame is rigid, but this minimizes the likelihood of damage to it on a bad road.” I won’t argue here: the results of our crash tests, which we subjected both studded and non-studded tires (AR No. 18 and No. 19, 2013), showed that Bridgestone tires are indeed the most durable.

As usual, at the first opportunity we will compare the new Bridgestone tires with competitors - unlike the Bridgestone representative, I do not yet have complete confidence that what I was shown at the test site were truly the best best tires. But one advantage is obvious to me - a wide range of sizes: non-studded Bridgestone Blizzak VRX tires are available in 53 sizes (from the Zhiguli 175/70 R13 to the impressive 245/45 R19), and studded Bridgestone Blizzak Spike 01 tires are presented even wider - in 60 standard sizes, from 175/70 R13 to 265/60 R18. It is important that both will be produced in Japan. And it is very important that prices for Japanese winter tires will remain one of the most attractive on the market.

Ice braking: In the absence of measuring equipment, the difference between Bridgestone tires and competitors' tires is barely noticeable

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