Tests of Chinese passenger car tires. Which Chinese brands produce the best quality car tires. Is it worth it to buy Chinese tires

Often, motorists face a difficult choice - to buy cheap Chinese tires or expensive ones from famous brands? As a rule, budget tires are much worse than premium tires in all driving characteristics, but the price gap between budget and premium tires is not always justified. Logistics costs, intermediary markup, raw materials and even the brand name - all this is reflected in the final price. And in order to choose the most profitable option in terms of price + quality, you need to make a lot of effort. How can you navigate in tens tire manufacturers, and are budget tires worth at least their money? Let's try to figure it out.

Important! Article considers Chinese brands, and not tires made in China by other manufacturers (Michelin, Pirelli, Kumho, etc.).

Tires from the Middle Kingdom are a very delicate issue for any dealer or tire fitter. Often, when requesting a Chinese tire, a client hears something like “well, China, you understand”, “it seems nothing, even though it is China”, etc. Definitely a dishonest approach to both the buyer and the manufacturer. Yes, the lion's share of Chinese brands specialize in inexpensive tire products, but this entire huge market segment should not be generalized. The tire market consisting of Chinese tires has its leaders, outsiders, middle peasants, like any other. But certain patterns that can help pick up tires, there is.

Advantages of buying Chinese tires:

  • Price. A key plus when choosing. Prices for tires from local manufacturers are often cheaper than domestic rubber.
  • A wide range of. In the Chinese tire market huge selection wheels for all vehicles. In addition, most companies produce products in several brands at once.
  • Dynamic quality growth. Just a few years ago, tires from China were the last option in the selection. They were taken not because of running characteristics and recommendations, but solely because of the low cost. Now there are several worthy brands whose models are an order of magnitude higher than European, Korean or Japanese counterparts. Of course, Bridgestone and Michelin are still far away, but middle segment(Matador, Barum, Sawa, Lassa, etc.) PRC brand products have already caught up.
  • No bad fakes. Counterfeiting any tire products is not a very profitable occupation, and even more so for Chinese.
  • Freshness and production relevance. This positive moment follows from the shortcomings of the Chinese tire. Since tires made in China are not very high driving performance(although this is debatable) and less hyped, then when they age, it’s easier to return them for disposal or recycling than to interrupt the release date. By the way, interrupting the release date is typical of unscrupulous suppliers of eminent tire products from Europe, so be extremely careful, carefully inspect the resulting rubber, especially the place where the production date was welded.

Disadvantages of buying Chinese tires:

  • Frequent marriage. Yes, the quality of products manufactured at the factories of the Celestial Empire has increased significantly in recent years, but defective rubber often comes across. That is, tires without factory defects are in no way inferior to products of the same price segment from European brands, but the probability of defects in Chinese tires is increased. Therefore, when buying, you must carefully inspect the wheels.
  • Technological backwardness of tires. Not quite obvious, but a very important drawback. By itself, car tires are such a product that at the first glance at it you will think that you can think of something to improve the quality of movement. This is a clear misconception. The quality of materials, rubber compound, tread pattern - all these are the most important aspects. Actually, eminent brands, like Michelin, differ from others in this. While other brands are pursuing an extensive development path, the elite of the tire market are investing huge amounts of money in the development of new materials, design solutions, etc. Chinese tires, unfortunately, are far from technologically advanced modern products. The only thing that brands from the Celestial Empire do is to create replicas of protectors of popular models.
  • Little information content. If you can find out about tires from European, American, Japanese and Korean brands on official websites and in local offices, then we know little about most Chinese tires. Also, Chinese wheels have recently begun to be included in the lists of tested models. An important point is the data of international certification. If the manufacturer is certified according to all the basic requirements, rubber can be bought, if there are none, in no case. It is also worth noting that Chinese rubber tends to have few reviews. Here you can refer to the experience of foreign motorists, if you have certain knowledge skills of English language, or try to get information from the seller. As a rule, an experienced seller, especially a wholesaler, can say more about Chinese rubber than anyone else.

As you can see, both advantages and disadvantages are worthy of attention. However, why are Chinese tires better budget tires European manufacturer? Consider the above advantages and disadvantages in comparison.

Differences between Chinese tire products and European budget products (American, Korean, Japanese)

Chinese brands Budget brands Premium brands
Price quality Yes not always not always
A wide range of Yes not always Yes
Dynamic quality growth Yes No No
No fakes Yes not always No
Permanent novelty of the assortment on the market Yes Yes No
Probability of a manufacturing defect Yes not always No
Lack of modern developments Yes Yes No
Weak information about products Yes not always No

Chinese tire brands

It is very difficult to navigate tire brands, and even more so in Chinese ones. The names seem monotonous, there is no identity. Below in the table you can see which brands are united by belonging to one manufacturing plant or concern. As a rule, the lineups of brands belonging to the same manufacturer are identical.

Manufacturer Brands Rating from site users
Triangle Tire triangle ★★★★☆
Hengfeng Tires Hifly, Sunfull, Mirage, Ovation, Ushield, Cachland, Hengfeng ★★★★☆
Aeolus Tires Aeolus ★★★★★
Doublestar Group Doublestar, Kumho (45% stake) ★★★★★
Shandong Yongtai Chemical Group Durun, Banners, Goldway, Bennaf ★★★★☆
Sailun Jinyu Group Jinyu, Evergreen, Sailun, Rovelo, Blacklion ★★★★☆
Shandong Fengyuan Tire Farroad, Saferich, Yeada ★★★★☆
Qingdao Fullrun Tire Fullrun, Autogrip, Fullway, Turnpike, Antyre, Carbon Series ★★★★☆
Shandong Guofeng Rubber Plastics Goform -
Shandong Huasheng Rubber Huasheng, Kapsen, Habilead, Taitong, Terraking ★★★★☆
Qingdao Keter Tire Intertrac, Keter, Neoterra -
Sentury Tire Delinte, Landsail, Pantera, GrandSpeed -
Shandong Haohua Tire Lanvigator, Aplus, Compasal, Royal Black ★★★★☆
Shandong Linglong Tire Linglong, Leao ★★★★☆
Shandong Yongsheng Rubber Group Rotalla, Tracmax -
Trendsetter Torque Tires Torque -
Qingdao Sunwide Tire sunwide -
Hangzhou Zhongce Rubber (ZC Rubber) Westlake, Chaoyang, Arisun, Goodride, Trazano ★★★★☆
Best Choice International Trade Mazzini, Autogreen, Delmax, Sunew, Gowind -
Prinx Chengshan (Shandong) Tire Company Prinx Tires, ChengShan, Fortune, Austone -
Zhejiang PDW Industrial Co. Ltd (PDW Group) Altenzo (designed in Australia, made in China) ★★★★★
Zeta Tires Zeta ★★★★★
Zafco (UAE company, but manufacturing facilities in China) Zeetex ★★★★★
Guangzhou South China Rubber Tire Aptany, Wanli, Sunny ★★★★★
Shandong New Continent Tire Composer, Roadcruza ★★★★☆

Should I buy Chinese tires?

Are Chinese tires worth the money paid for them? Of course. However, it is worth considering the risks and being careful. They fully justify their price. Chinese tires are not categorically bad products. Do not forget that each brand has its own characteristics and credibility, you should also listen to this.

Having begun the expansion of its tire products to the world market, China, following affordable truck tires, quickly mastered the production of rubber for passenger cars mobiles and crossovers. And if five years ago the purchase of Chinese tires was considered only in extreme cases (with an acute shortage of funds), today tires from the Middle Kingdom are slowly but surely pushing traditional brands on the market. The preparation of raw materials has changed, Chinese production has become more modern and technologically advanced, and the price of tires has practically remained the same, and if it has changed, then not so significantly. Such metamorphoses with Chinese products are not new on the market for a long time. More and more buyers are leaning towards Chinese-made tires in their choice, wanting to pay a fair price for the product, and not for its name.

The basis of affordable cost, sadly to admit, is the low wages of Chinese workers. And if in other countries, with such pay, the employees of the company will work very badly, then in China it is a taboo, discipline in this country has always been in the first place. Chinese tire factories tend to have established distribution channels. Usually these are car dealers or large trading companies for which the image is a very sensitive issue. Buying tires in popular and trusted online stores, car dealerships (service centers), etc. will help you avoid a lot of unpleasant surprises. As a rule, such points of sale support the manufacturer's warranty, which gives additional confidence in the quality of the purchased products.

Where not to buy Chinese tires

When buying Chinese-made rubber, there is still a risk of purchasing low-quality products. As a rule, such tires are produced by small cooperative artels that use the cheapest raw materials, outdated equipment and manual labor in their production. They attract unscrupulous merchants with an already low price, as well as skillfully disguising their goods as the products of large tire factories. In this regard, the fact where you buy a Chinese tire is of great importance. The smaller the outlet, the more likely it is to purchase illiquid goods under the guise of factory products.

TOP 7 Best Chinese Tire Brands

Below is an overview of a selection of top brands Chinese tires. The trademarks included in our rating certainly deserve your attention.

7 Antares

The most practical tires
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.5

This rubber is produced at the plant, during the construction of which (2007) all the technical documentation for the production of Bridgestone was used. Japanese high-end equipment and quality control system does not allow tires to be produced even with a slight hint of marriage. The fact is that the state control is established over the enterprise, which reacts very harshly (and sometimes cruelly) to deviations in work from the set priorities. This approach guarantees the highest possible quality of the products and full compliance with the declared properties. Antares tires are successfully mastering the budget niche of the global car tire market, offering the consumer to pay the most fair price.

In our domestic Chinese tire market, the Antares INGENS A1 occupies a special place. A large size range covers almost the entire the lineup passenger cars - starting from the most common diameter R 13 and ending with premium, R 20. The speed index of premium tires (Y) is the same as that of more expensive (at times) models. This indicator is especially relevant for low-profile tires - there are such tires in the Antares INGENS A1 model range. In their reviews, the owners note the remarkable qualities and practicality in operation. Not outstanding and unique properties, but those that in the usual daily routine of city trips behave very dignified and reliable. When attempting extreme driving on these tires, they quickly return the “pilot” to the ground, showing a delay in response to vigorous steering turns at high speed.

6 Kinoforest

The Quietest Tires
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.5

A new Chinese tire manufacturing facility appeared in 2007. During the construction of the plant, a modern technological project was used, capable of competing on equal terms with the leaders of the tire market. As a result of these efforts, today the company is successfully expanding into the international space, producing high-quality tires for luxury cars. This means that the design of the tires is based on innovative developments that allow the product to obtain unique properties. No tire will leave the factory grounds unless it passes a balance test and a structural uniformity test. The presence of international certificates of conformity documented the excellent performance of Kinforest rubber.

On the territory of Russia, the Chinese Kinforest KF-717, designed for crossovers and SUVs, is very popular. Given the large dimension of the wheels (R 18 and above), the owners of such cars comfortable tires were quite expensive. This was the case until Kforest appeared on the market.

5 Sunny

Excellent handling. Reliability
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.6

Sunny is a medium-sized tire company from China with an annual production capacity of about 4 million tires. In the development of the technological cycle of its enterprise, the company's management tries to adhere to the golden mean - to produce a quality product at the lowest possible cost. The latest equipment and technical developments of engineers from Germany, the USA, Japan and other leading countries have allowed the company to gain a foothold not only in the domestic market - Chinese SUNNY tires are also world-famous. This is confirmed by the use of various tire models for equipping new passenger cars by Audi, Mazda, Volkswagen, Nissan (for commercial electric vehicles).

In the Russian market, the top sales among Chinese-made tires include the SUNNY SN3970 model. Sizes from R 16 to R 20 allow the use of rubber not only on passenger cars. The owners of crossovers who preferred this brand did not regret at all - the tires are quiet, have excellent handling both on the highway and on country roads. The fairly stiff tire handles well at high speeds, but is slightly noisier than the Michelin Pilot Primacy when running. However, Sunny tires have another trump card - the price.

4 Goodride

Better handling. High wear resistance
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.6

Modern Chinese production was organized on the basis of the old state-owned tire factory. Hangzhou Jones Rubber launched a global technological change that led the company to success and popularity, with 17 million sets of tires produced annually in various models and categories. The products have not only Chinese quality certificates, but also received worldwide recognition - the certification of the US Department of Transportation, the European Economic Commission and INMETRO (Brazil) has been successfully passed. The production has also received high marks and boasts an international ISO quality control certificate.

Our market is also attractive for the famous Chinese brand - there is a wide range of tires for cars, SUVs and many other vehicles, including special ones. In our market, the Goodride SV308 model is very popular. It has excellent balance and handling, with a rigid sidewall, is quite comfortable and stands out for good wear resistance. A wide selection of sizes (from R 15 to R 20) with excellent load parameters and speed index (up to W) allows these tires to be used not only on many brands of cars and crossovers, but also for small commercial vehicles.

3 Triangle

Economical. Natural raw materials
Country: China
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Chinese brand Triangle entered the top of our rating because the company uses natural rubber as a raw material for the production of tires. All tires have excellent balance and low rolling resistance, which reduces the fuel consumption of a passenger car. In order to increase consumer demand, Chinese production has introduced a strict quality control system, which includes ultrasound and X-ray checks, as well as balancing tests. This rigor allows you to screen out tires with a defect even at the factory and completely eliminates the possibility of a defective product falling into the hands of the buyer. The company's products have successfully passed the international ISO, ECE and DOT certification, which documented the high quality of products.

In our country, the model for crossovers and small commercial vehicles is very popular and in demand. Triangle Group Sportex TSH11 / Sports. The price of large diameter tires delights car owners. After getting acquainted in practice with the characteristics of these tires, high directional stability is noted, low level noise and no noticeable difference compared to leading brands.

2 Sailun

Best value for money
Country: China
Rating (2019): 5.0

Appeared on the basis of the Qingdao Scientific and Economic Development Center (an analogue of the Russian Skolkovo), the tire concern is one of the largest manufacturers in China, producing modern high-tech tire models. The Chinese production has received high marks from leading international quality control organizations, as a result of which the concern has received 9 patents. High quality and affordable price have led to an avalanche of filling the world market with Chinese tires Sailun for crossovers, cars and cargo vehicles.

In the Russian market, this brand is recognizable and popular - many owners have tested them in operation, and in most cases they were satisfied. Of course, the quality of tires will be somewhat lower than those of popular European manufacturers, but the surprisingly affordable and attractive price completely eliminates this point. Sailun Atrezzo Elite tires are quite soft and quiet, they run 50-60 thousand, they behave confidently on roads with different surfaces. The Sailun Ice Blazer line of tires are successfully replacing premium tires on SUVs and crossovers - they have similar properties, but with a huge price difference in their favor. Tires for Sailun Terramax CVR SUVs are distinguished by high strength and wear resistance - these are the characteristics given in their reviews by owners who have tested these tires in practice.

1 Maxxis

Most popular tires
Country: Taiwan
Rating (2019): 5.0

In 2008, Maxxis first appeared in the world ranking of manufacturers car tires, immediately taking 12th place, bringing the trade turnover to $ 2 billion. Since then, the popularity of this brand has only been growing, the best tire models continue to successfully conquer the world market, including the Russian one. The fact that 25% of all manufactured tires are used in new cars only confirms the high quality of the products. This rubber can be found on brand new sedans and Nissan crossovers Chrysler, Peugeot, G-Em, Hyundai Toyota, Ford and Volkswagen.

Among the wide range of tire products of the company, there are three models that have received the greatest sympathy and preference among Russian buyers. The top 3 included the following tires:

  • Maxxis Bravo HP-M3;
  • Maxxis Arctic Trekker NS3;
  • Maxxis Victra M-36;

In their reviews, the owners admire the excellent technical specifications and the properties of these tires - comfort, excellent handling, high wear resistance and a key difference - a low and affordable price. This is especially pronounced when choosing tires for crossovers and SUVs - the difference in price with traditional and popular brands reaches 100%. As a result, even popular tires like the Michelin Latitude Sport look less desirable than the Maxxis Bravo HP-M3.

According to Russian law, from December to February, a mandatory period for driving on winter tires is established. Depending on the actual onset of winter, local authorities determine the time themselves, because snow can fall as early as November, and disappear only at the end of March.

However, Winter tires- this is a guarantee of a safe ride, so motorists with such serious questions do not joke and disciplinedly change tires for their "iron horses".

If your choice is tire products from Chinese manufacturers, below we have compiled TOP 5 the best brands in China. The rating is based on feedback from motorists who have tested tires from various companies in real conditions.

5. GOODRIDE- comfortable and reliable

Goodride has been in production since 1958 and produces 17 million sets of tires annually. The products have received worldwide recognition - the ISO certificate, have been certified in the USA, the European Union and Brazil.

For Russian market a wide range of tires for different types of vehicles is presented. The Goodride winter tire pattern provides excellent traction and good performance when braking on slippery roads. The teeth on the tread are applied along and across, providing acoustic comfort. In the manufacture of protectors, a special rubber compound is used that does not tan at low temperatures.

Speaking specifically about models, then in the production line, you should pay attention to these three tires:

1. Goodride SW 618- non-studded tread designed for severe testing.

2. Goodride SW606- studded tires for passenger cars with good acoustic comfort.

3. Goodride SnowMaster SW601- comfortable ride for milder winters.

4. SUNNY- quality at low cost

The company's capacity allows it to produce up to 4 million sets of tires on the market annually. The credo of the company is the minimum price for products without sacrificing quality.

In production, Sunny uses high-tech modern equipment and technical developments of leading auto engineers from Europe, the USA and Japan. The company's products are popular far beyond China, and are included in the package of new cars from Audi, Mazda, Volkswagen, Nissan. Sunny is constantly updating its lineup, releasing about 30 new models every year.

Russian car owners choose Sunny winter tires due to their safety and confident handling at high speeds. Application of special rubber compound and

reinforced cord, increased tire strength. The tire has one more trump card - low cost. And the disadvantages include excessive rigidity and noise on the road.

Especially motorists note such tire models:

1. Sunny SN293C- winter studless tire for easy trucks maintains directional stability as much as possible and instantly responds to steering.

2. Sunny SN3830- non-studded winter car tire with self-cleaning function of the tread when driving. Does not give 100% confidence on the ice.

3. TRIANGLE- economical and balanced tires

Triangle confidently took the golden middle of the rating of Chinese winter tires. The brand produces 30 million items a year, ranking 14th in the world in terms of tire production. Products have international ISO, ECE and DOT certification.

All tires of this brand have good balance and low rolling resistance, which saves fuel. Factory quality control completely excludes marriage from falling into the hands of the buyer.

In Russia, models with both studded and alpine tires are very popular. After using tires in practice, good directional stability, acoustic comfort and practicality of products are noted.

1. Tire Triangle TR777 features good performance even in harsh winter conditions, comfort is achieved by reducing noise and hum.

2. Triangle TR646- non-studded winter tires for minibuses and commercial vehicles. Show excellent coupling and traction properties, wear-resistant.


The tire concern has been producing modern high-tech tire models for any equipment since 2002. This is a unique company, as it produces tires, develops and tests them. Sailun tires have received European and American quality certificates, and since the brand does not set high prices for its products, the cost of tires is lower than that of competitors for analogues.

In the Russian car market, this brand is recognizable and popular. Winter tires provide perfect traction, regardless of the conditions and the presence of difficult terrain. It is also worth adding high strength and wear resistance. Overall, this is an affordable rubber that meets world quality standards with excellent performance.

When choosing winter tires from the Sailun brand, pay attention to the models:

1. Sailun Ice Blazer WST1- Studded tires showing excellent traction and skid resistance. They have good traction on ice and snow.

2. Sailun Ice Blazer WST3 with a studded tread provides reliable grip on icy and snowy surfaces.

1. MAXXIS- Most popular tires

Maxxis - takes the palm in our ranking of Chinese winter tires, and for good reason. These tires are the most popular among Russian car owners.

The company began producing tires in 2008 and almost immediately took 12th place in the world in terms of turnover. This rubber can be found on brand new cars from such concerns as Nissan, Chrysler, Peugeot, Hyundai, Ford, Peugeot, Toyota.

Maxxis tires are made using a rubber compound with a high concentration of rubber, which increases their wear resistance. In their reviews, the owners admire the excellent performance characteristics of rubber - comfort, good directional stability of the car on wet road surfaces and on snowy roads.

The best Maxxis winter tires are:

1. Arctictrekker NS3- popular and quality tires, are considered the best in the Maxxis winter tire line.

2. MA-W2 Wintermaxx show good traction and hydroplaning resistance.

3. Arctic Trekker NP3- Studded tires for improved grip and handling.

All of the listed Chinese brands that produce winter tires are the best for use in winter time. The rating was compiled based on surveys of car owners and a comparison of technical and operational characteristics.

The tire industry in China is developing with space speed. Even 5 years ago, only the most desperate Russian motorists purchased little-known products. And the first tires from China did not differ in quality or durability. Today, Chinese tires compete on equal terms with recognized leaders from the United States, Japan, England, Italy, France, the Republic of Korea and Russia. At the same time, the main trump card remains constant - the democratic price. Experts have identified several key benefits automotive rubber from China.

Advantages of Chinese tires

  1. The price is not expensive. Russian consumers are accustomed to the fact that the price of Chinese goods is several times lower than that of more leading manufacturers. And although today there is no gap in the price of tires between branded and products from China, the much lower cost remains an excellent argument for domestic motorists. And if until that time the low wages of the Chinese played a central role, now modern, very technological production has come to the fore in pricing. It makes it possible to reduce human participation, increase labor productivity, make better quality tire products.
  2. Quality. The level of quality is still considered a deterrent for most Russian motorists when buying Chinese tires. And while the big manufacturers rely on precise equipment and tight control using avant-garde diagnostic tools, the artisan workshops continue to supply low-quality products. Therefore, very often the reviews of car owners are radically different.
  3. Where to buy Chinese tires. In order not to purchase tires made in cooperative artels, you should seriously consider choosing a store. Large tire manufacturers from China supply their own products to serious trading companies or dealerships. From there, tires penetrate into car dealerships, warranty centers, online stores. Buying at such points of sale in most cases is accompanied by a guarantee from the manufacturer. But buying from hand or at car markets becomes a very risky event, because it will be difficult for someone to provide quality claims.

We have selected 11 best brands of Chinese tires for our review. They all supply their own products to the domestic market. When allocating places, the opinion of the expert community and the reviews of domestic car owners were taken into account.

Rating of the best brands Chinese tires

Triangle is regarded as a model for other Chinese tire manufacturers in terms of excellent quality and good value. The manufacturer carefully takes the incoming raw materials (real rubber). Thanks to advanced equipment, very well balanced tires with low rolling resistance are obtained. These indicators of rubber lead in the end to tangible fuel savings. It was possible to reduce the reject rate by combining a strict control system and the use of ultrasonic and x-ray inspection. Not surprisingly, the tires successfully passed certification tests in accordance with the requirements of ISO, DOT and ECE parameters. Specialists gave the brand a palm in our rating.

Russian car enthusiasts speak with admiration of the good value, quiet operation and wear resistance of Triangle tires.

Positive traits

  • innovative equipment;
  • scrupulous selection of raw materials;
  • tight control;
  • the price is not expensive.


  • not detected.

The Sailun brand was founded in 2002. Companies from the Chinese Silicon Valley took an active part in the development of modern tire production. At the start of production, many leading rubber professionals were involved. Sailun tires are produced by 2 companies, the assortment includes the entire line of standard sizes for cars, SUVs, commercial vehicles and small trucks. Specialists drew attention to their brand developments, the company has 9 patents.

Russian motorists managed to check the Chinese tires in action. Of the advantages, they note noiselessness, tight adhesion to expensive and low price. Weak side no protection against lateral cut is considered. The brand is ranked second.

Positive traits

  • advanced developments;
  • research work;
  • budget price;
  • a wide range of.


  • no side cut protection.

The Chinese tire factory Goodride has a long history. He began his own activities in 1958, but the brand was able to reach the global level only in the 21st century. Experts consider 2004 to be the starting point for new production levels, when the world document ISO / TS16949 was received. The Chinese company's annual output is astounding, exceeding the mark of 17 million sets of tires. The range includes tires for cars, agricultural machinery, bikes and bicycles. Manufacturer Special attention devotes to market research. New models are being developed in time, equipment is being updated.

Domestic motorists rightfully appreciated the similar properties of rubber quality, such as durability on the road, a small noise level. Of the bad qualities, weak sidewalls can be distinguished. The brand was awarded the bronze of our rating.

Positive traits

  • a wide range of;
  • noiselessness;
  • durability on the road;
  • the price is not expensive.


  • weak sides.


The Chinese company Doublestar was founded in 1921, but the first tires were released only in 1996. Quite quickly, the manufacturer entered the TOP-10 of the best tire companies in the Middle Kingdom. Tires are distributed all over the world, the geography of deliveries includes more than 140 countries. Experts have identified several positive qualities on Doublestar tires. This is a high service life (up to 200 thousand km), resistance to heavy loads, good cost. The company's designers have developed a unique design that prevents tire damage. The combination of a reinforced bead with a protective belt and an inner layer of sealant makes it possible to resist cuts and punctures very effectively.

The brand is located in the stage from the top three of the rating, as motorists condemn rubber for its primitive design and problems during balancing.

Positive traits

  • durability;
  • resistance to damage;
  • the price is not expensive;
  • original design.


  • poorly balanced.

The largest tire manufacturer in China is Guangzhou South China Rubber Tire Co., Ltd. It supplies tires under the brand name Wanli. The plant began producing rubber in 1992, the workshops of the enterprise were equipped with equipment from the United States, Japan, England and Germany. This has become one of the main reasons for the excellent quality and reliability of tires. Experts gave a good assessment of the sales of radial tires, since 1996 the brand has been holding the second place in China. It offers the consumer more than 500 modifications of car tires, and every year the company develops about 30 new products.

According to domestic car enthusiasts, Wanli tires are praised for their durability on the road and low price. Unfortunately, low-profile tires are prone to hydroplaning.

Positive traits

  • innovative equipment;
  • a significant volume of sales;
  • constant updating of a number of models;
  • low costs.


  • predisposition to hydroplaning.

Aeolus is believed to be the first truck tire factory in China. It was founded in 1965 in the periphery of Henan. A small enterprise for 20 years has been transformed into a corporation that creates a wide range of automotive rubber. The concern includes a research institute where testing of finished products is carried out. Now the Chinese manufacturer has managed to improve the quality of its own tires, which is confirmed by certificates from international organizations. The company's securities have been listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange since 2003.

Experts included the brand in the TOP-6 of our rating for affordability and durability on the road. The weak side of tires is balancing and fleeting wear of the edges.

Positive traits

  • the price is not expensive;
  • wonderful quality;
  • durability on the road;
  • a large assortment.


  • shortage of tires in the European part of Russia;
  • a lot of weights when balancing.

Maxxis car tires are very popular in our country. The company broke into the worldwide tire market in 2008, ranking 12th in terms of turnover. Since then, the manufacturer has managed to consolidate its own positions in various states. Analysts claim stable supplies of Chinese rubber to the conveyors of popular car factories. Maxxis tires are installed on new cars Volkswagen, Toyota, Nissan, Ford, Peugeot. Among Russian motorists, the models Bravo HP-M3, Victra M-36 and Arctictrekker NS3 are in the greatest demand.

Users identified a number of disadvantages, which influenced the place in our rating. Rubber for winter (Velcro) is afraid of ice, it is powerless against snowdrifts, and it buzzes a lot at speed.

Positive traits

  • budget price;
  • wonderful quality;
  • durability and reliability;
  • a wide range of.


  • makes noise at speed
  • poor grip on winter tires.

In 1988, South China Tire Rubber Co., Ltd. was founded and owns the Sunny brand. One of the main good qualities of the manufacturer is the environmental friendliness of tires, it fully satisfies the demanding European and Japanese partners. As a result, products are delivered to Volkswagen conveyors, Audi, Nissan, Mazda. In the workshops of the enterprise, latest equipment from the United States, Germany, Japan. Because of it, the quality of tires improves from year to year. Analysts claim high wear resistance, low noise level. Russian motorists especially liked the SUNNY SN3970 tire.

The brand is in eighth place in our ranking, as motorists complain about the stiffness of the rubber. When it gets cold, road grip deteriorates.

Positive traits

  • the price is not expensive;
  • very high wear resistance;
  • little noise;
  • bump resistance.


  • rigidity;
  • poor grip on snow.

The Chinese brand Firenza focuses on the manufacture of tires for mid-range and premium cars. The first batch of tires was released in 2007, famous Japanese engineers, as well as decorators from Italy, participated in the creation of models. The manufacturer pays great attention to the choice of raw materials. In the design of tires, experts identified a trapezoidal contour and a sound absorption system. The production technology is also considered extraordinary, where all the latest achievements in the tire industry are implemented. The greatest stability of rubber is provided by a double layer of steel cord.

The brand did not manage to rise to a very high place in our rating due to the low popularity of tires among Russian motorists. One of the reasons the masters believe is the high cost.

Positive traits

  • good raw material;
  • strong construction;
  • advanced technology;
  • wear resistant protector.


  • high price;
  • unrepresentable choice.

The Chinese tire company Infinity Tires was made with the participation of Arab capital. The first products appeared on the world market in 2005, today tires are in great demand in the Middle East. Since 2009, the company has been actively promoting tire products in Europe. Experts pay attention to the innovative technology, high safety parameter, rubber durability. The manufacturer's catalog has many models that are suitable for Russian roads. The most popular summer tires INF-05 and winter tires INF-049.

The brand managed to get into the top ten manufacturers from China in our rating due to a qualified combination of affordable prices and excellent quality. Among the shortcomings, a shallow tread is noted.

Positive traits

  • the price is not expensive;
  • wonderful quality;
  • innovative technologies;
  • durability.


  • shallow tread pattern;
  • unrepresentable choice.

The Kinforest tire factory can boast of modern production. The most advanced technological project was chosen for the construction of the enterprise. Since 2007, tires have conquered the market all over the world, competing on equal terms with recognized leaders. Experts rightfully appreciated the manufacturer's desire for their developments. The company operates a strict control, including checking the uniformity of rubber and a test for balancing. This correct approach allowed the company to obtain international quality certificates.

The Russian owners of the car liked the Kinforest KF-717 model, which is installed on SUVs and crossovers. In general, users are satisfied with the noiselessness and ease of balancing. Among the shortcomings, he notes the softness of the rubber and the fleeting wear of the tread.

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It is especially difficult to choose good tires from the Middle Kingdom for a car due to the huge assortment and the high risk of obtaining low-quality products. The fact is that some manufacturers produce fakes and analogues of well-known models with low performance and a high degree of wear. But there are also worthy players on the market, whose products cope with extreme loads on Russian roads, differs in stability on any type of a covering and serves more than 2-5 years. We are talking about the best Chinese tires, which are presented in our ranking.

Here is a list of the best Chinese car tire manufacturers:

  • trianglefamous brand manufacturer of natural rubber tires. The technological solution provides good balance, minimum rolling resistance and reduces fuel consumption. In order to reduce the number of rejects and to ensure that products comply with ISO, ECE and DOT standards, the company has implemented X-ray and ultrasound testing of products, and now the risk of receiving substandard products has been minimized.
  • Dunlop- a company owned by GoodYear (USA) and Sumitomo (Japan), one of the countries where its products are manufactured is China. Tires are supplied to Russia exclusively from China. The peculiarity of the company's tires lies in the special technology of creating rubber, which allows the car to continue moving in the event of a puncture of the chamber. The products of the concern are distinguished by high rates of dynamics and absolute driving safety.
  • Jinyu- a major Chinese manufacturer, considered one of the best in the production of tires for trucks. After achieving success in creating tires for large vehicles, the company released a line of models for passenger cars. The advantages of the company: the presence of certificates from 5 advanced quality institutes, the title of the best tire supplier in China, wear resistance and product safety.
  • Sailun- a world-renowned tire brand with a large assortment of cheap rubber. This brand produces soft, silent tires medium quality, which can withstand a load of up to 50-60 thousand km in domestic conditions on various types of coatings. The main advantage of this product is that it provides driving comfort both in urban conditions and on difficult road sections.
  • Landsail is a young Chinese tire manufacturer producing PCR, LTR, UHP, SUV and OTR tires. The company manufactures a universal tire that is great for both flat and bumpy roads. The product performs well when driving at high speed, has a not very long braking distance and good grip.
  • Ovation is a leading Chinese brand producing tires for passenger cars, crossovers and SUVs. The range includes inexpensive models with special technologies to increase the reliability and stability of products. Unique additives in the rubber compound, combined with an aggressive tread pattern and durable cord, give the car efficient handling, road stability and reduce the risk of aquaplaning.
  • compressor is a company founded in 2013 that managed to stand out in such a short history high quality tires: they are durable, stable and have good tread patterns with responsive handling. The company positions itself as a manufacturer of tires for SUVs, so the latter is characterized by increased cross-country ability and stability. Its products belong to the middle price category.

Rating of the best Chinese tires

In the field of tire production in the Chinese market, there is tremendous competition, therefore, to compile the TOP the best manufacturers it is important to take into account all the characteristics of the product.

  • rolling resistance;
  • Impact on fuel consumption;
  • Prevention of hydroplaning;
  • The quality of grip with the track;
  • Duration of braking;
  • Resistance to difficult road conditions;
  • Controllability at various speeds;
  • Durability and wear resistance of rubber.

To rate each of the items, we focused on personal feelings from the rubber, on the reviews of the owners and the opinions of experts. Value for money also played an important role.

The best Chinese summer tires

The best Chinese tires for summer should offer efficient handling at high speeds, cut and wear resistance, and provide the shortest short braking distances. According to the quality of handling, 3 models were selected for the rating of such tires.

This model belongs to the high performance series and features strong traction and short braking distances on wet and dry roads. Tire gives the car a response to minimal steering movements and maintains acoustic comfort. Large blocks in the shoulder area improve the maneuverability of the car when cornering.

The tire has an asymmetric tread pattern with numerous notches and sipes that reduce noise levels, promote rapid moisture removal from the contact patch and reduce rolling resistance. To improve handling and directional stability at high speed, 3 ribs and a rigid rim are located in the central part of the wheel.

I decided to purchase such tires for the Infiniti G37. Season on her departure - about 10 thousand km. During this time, I can note that the tires are quiet even on embankments and bumps, they hold the road perfectly at a speed of about 100 km / h, are soft and have good balance. The car enters corners well and its braking is confident. An important nuance is the relatively soft sidewall, the small strength of which negatively affects when accelerating to 120 km / h and above, while a significant rumble appears.


  • Rigid sides;
  • Good exchange rate stability;
  • Noise while driving is almost inaudible;
  • Tires effectively hold the road on various types of surfaces and speeds;
  • Even wear.


  • Small sidewall bumper to protect against friction.

With its softness, the inexpensive Triangle rubber glides easily on the knurled road, retains fuel, and is resistant to bumps on bumps. Optimal size spots in combination with an asymmetric tread pattern reduce tire heating and protect it from deformation.

Buy Chinese Dunlop tires will be appropriate for drivers of medium and budget class cars who are looking for a balance between comfortable rides and excellent handling at high speed. The tire is based on a symmetrical type S-shaped pattern that increases the contact patch, reduces the amount of noise and vibration. The durable longitudinal rib of the tire gives the car easy handling, accurately and quickly responds to all steering movements, and ensures directional stability. The radius of the shoulder zones makes it easy to enter turns and perform sharp maneuvers.


  • wear resistance;
  • Minimum noise level;
  • They perform well both on the tracks and off-road;
  • Moderately soft rubber for comfortable passage of pits and bumps;
  • Fast and predictable response to steering movements.


  • On the mud, sometimes it slips and can go into a skid or skid.

Of particular note is directional stability and maneuverability. In a rut on asphalt, there is no rattling and rudder deflection, and during rebuilding everything happens smoothly and as expected. Braking is also good, performed quickly, without jerking.

The Jinyu YU63 is recommended for drivers who are looking for something in between high performance and soft tyres. Rubber provides a quick response to the steering wheel. Its composition guarantees softness of movement and acoustic comfort for passengers. The asymmetrical tread pattern includes large blocks on the outer sides that offer good grip during cornering. 3 longitudinal grooves in the center help the car maintain directional stability. Due to the two side ribs, the tires are resistant to deformation when crossing difficult sections of the road.


  • They perform well both on dry and wet roads;
  • Withstand fairly strong impacts;
  • Uniform wear and durability;
  • No noise and vibration while driving;
  • Good grip on the track.


  • Sometimes there are difficulties in balancing.

Lots of slats various sizes provide hydroplaning resistance. Water and dirt exit quickly, so stopping distances are minimal and there is virtually no risk of slipping.

The best Chinese winter tires

In winter, Russia has a more severe climate compared to China, which tire manufacturers had to take into account at the manufacturing stage, but not all products from the Celestial Empire are suitable for domestic conditions. However, the experts still managed to select the top 3 Chinese tires for the rating. best models, which are characterized by efficient snow removal, resistance to low temperatures and excellent grip with ice.

It's friction winter tires with spikes for passenger cars, designed for use in harsh winters. The design and material of the tires are adapted for use in cold regions. Road grip is reliable even in conditions of temperature fluctuations. The tires are based on 8-row studs in the form of continuous strips. The increased number of hooks allow the car to confidently stay on the ice. Numerous sawtooth sipes provide fast snow removal, preventing hydroplaning. A rigid rib in the center in the form of an arrow improves directional stability and makes the car's behavior predictable when driving at high speeds.


  • Excellent grip on ice
  • Durable spikes that will not fall out soon;
  • Tires in the cold remain soft;
  • Good balance;
  • Easily leave the rut, without throws.


  • They emit moderate noise, which is typical for all studded tires.

Thousands of sipes, lots of studs and balanced softness - this is all that is needed for comfortable driving on tracks with any road surface condition.

These tires are designed specifically for SUVs and crossovers, so they are adapted to cars with a reinforced center of gravity. This had a positive effect on traction, handling and noise levels. A feature of this model is the rubber compound with numerous microscopic voids. They trap moisture to improve traction on icy trails. As the tread wears, the performance of the tires does not weaken. The model supports the installation of spikes (over 100 elements) and is equipped with 3D sipes that improve grip on ice.


  • Elastic rubber compound;
  • Quickly dry the contact spot;
  • Acoustic comfort while driving at different speeds;
  • Predictable behavior on ice and broken snow;
  • They don't "prowl" in the slush.


  • For complete safety while driving, spikes are needed, without them there is a risk of slipping and skidding.

Tire tires are quite reliable and wear-resistant, withstand movement of at least 50-60 thousand km, and more often even more. At the same time, the model is distinguished by directional stability and maneuverability both on dry pavement and on snow.

it inexpensive tires made in China without studs that create a strong grip on any type of road surface. Tires are made with an asymmetric tread design, divided into 2 parts: external with a large longitudinal rib and internal, consisting of 2 longitudinal rows of blocks. The shoulder area provides the tread with rigidity, directional stability and reduces rolling resistance. The inner area forms a moderately large contact patch, which improves the vehicle's traction. 3 large grooves for drainage of water and slush protect riders from the risk of hydroplaning.


  • Quietly behave on the road;
  • Effective braking at various speeds;
  • Compensate for road irregularities
  • Good road holding;
  • Responsive management.


  • At high speed, they do not always behave stably - body swaying can be felt.

These budget tires successfully hold the road in slush and snow, although they float slightly on icy roads, but non-studded tires all behave in a similar way.

The best all-season Chinese tires

All-season models can tolerate both cold and high temperatures without changing the quality of grip and ride safety. However, universal tires on ice are significantly inferior to studded ones, but they do not require seasonal replacement and behave predictably on various types of surfaces.

All-season tires from Comforser are designed for SUVs. Once installed, the tire improves driving comfort on off-road, bumpy sections on highways and in urban areas. Feature This model has an aggressive tread pattern with large lugs on the sides. Tires are distinguished by a wear-resistant rubber compound and a durable steel cord. Tires show effective grip on rocky roads, asphalt in summer and on ice and snow in winter. The design is self-cleaning and allows you to quickly remove dirt and moisture from the contact patch, protecting against slipping.


  • soft rubber;
  • Effective design;
  • Acoustic comfort;
  • Excellent drainage that prevents liquid from being thrown from puddles onto the windshield;
  • They do not “roam” and confidently follow the rut.


  • Due to the tread depth of 14.2 mm, the weight of the product is 23 kg without a disc;
  • Sometimes there are problems with balancing;
  • Lack of complete marking, dealers can send all the rubber to one side of the car.

Due to the increase in overall weight, these tires made in China slightly impair the vehicle's dynamic properties and lead to a slight increase in fuel consumption. However, this is quite understandable and more than pays off with the high cross-country ability of the machine equipped with them.

Which Chinese tires are better to buy

To choose the best tires for the car, you need to decide on the operating conditions and the desired characteristics. Soft rubber, although it improves driving comfort, shows itself worse at high speed. For fast driving it is better to take tires harder, but they are noisy on the go. The main task of the buyer is to correctly prioritize, and our recommendations will help with the choice.

Here are the best tires from China to take:

  • For comfortable and safe driving in the warm season, it is appropriate to buy Triangle Group Sportex TSH11 / Sports TH201 245/45 R18 100Y. The quality of driving and the patency of this rubber is beyond praise, the only insignificant minus is the rumble at high speeds.
  • With a mixed driving style, it is better to choose Dunlop SP Touring T1 205/55 R16 91H tires. They are quite quiet and are highly stable and reliable traction when accelerating to 140 km / h or higher.
  • If you choose a medium hard rubber with good maneuverability at a reasonable price, then you can recommend Jinyu YU63. With high performance, tires are quite rare in Russia, so it is more convenient to order them via the Internet.
  • For maximum grip on icy roads, it is advisable to install Sailun Ice Blazer WST3 215/60 R17 100T tires, they perform well both in urban conditions and on highways.
  • When looking for high performance SUV and crossover tires, Landsail Ice Star IS37 235/65 R16 121/119R removable studded tires are recommended.
  • As a durable rubber affordable price it is appropriate to use Ovation Tires W-586 185/65 R15 88T. At a modest cost, it behaves well on all types of coatings.
  • On SUVs that are often used in difficult conditions, it is worth putting Comforser CF3000 215/75 R15 100/97Q all-season tires. Off-road, dirt, slush - these are the main conditions for using rubber, which it can easily cope with.

All positions in the rating can be taken without great fears about quality, but taking into account the necessary indicators of acoustic comfort and speed characteristics. To make the right decision on the purchase of tires, you should first study the reviews of Chinese tires. Despite prejudice against Chinese products, most of the listed models have 90% positive ratings on Yandex.Market.

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