We are testing winter tires Yokohama Ice Guard IG35. Resistance is not futile. Test of winter studded tires Viatti Bosco Nordico.  Independent tests of the Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 tire

The first and second places are occupied by long-time competitors - Nokian and Continental, which update their products almost every year. Prices (3,700 rubles) are almost the same, but since the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 (in Russian version) is slightly better in terms of the sum of indicators than the Continental ContiIceContact, the price/quality ratio of the “Russian Finns” (3.9) is a little more attractive than that of the “Germans” "(4.0).

Another domestic product, Michelin X-Ice North 2, is firmly in third position, although the model is no longer new. The price tag is a little lower - 3,300 rubles, so the price/quality ratio turned out to be a little tastier: 3.6.

Old man Gislaved Nord Frost 5 (RUB 3,200) is fourth in cost. However, in our tests, with 892 points, it ranks sixth and in terms of price/quality ratio (3.6) is on par with Michelin. In our opinion, people buy this model more out of habit, taking into account the good reputation of its predecessors. And the real price should be even lower.

Next in price rating– Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 (RUB 2,900). The new model has very modest characteristics for our winter. Therefore, it occupies only eighth position with a score of 829 points, although in terms of price/quality ratio of 3.5 it lies very close to Michelin and Gislaved. Apparently, our customers are willing to pay more for a well-promoted brand. However, many appreciate the increased hernia resistance, which helps to confidently jump over road potholes. Our opinion is that these tires should be cheaper.

Yokohama's product iceGUARD iG35 (RUB 2,800) is traditionally slightly cheaper than Bridgestone, although its characteristics are almost as good (828 points and ninth place in the final list). Accordingly, the price/quality ratio (3.4) is more attractive. We think the price tag is again too high. Buyers are in awe of Japanese brand, but its tires say “Made in the Philippines.” Another reason for its popularity is participation in WTCC races.

Winter Carving Edge from Pirelli for 2,700 rubles. in terms of cost only in seventh place. But according to the test results, the “Italians” scored 912 points and entered the top five of the ZR rating. A very good result, and the price/quality ratio is lower than all top tires - 3.0. We respect you! By the way, problems with losing spikes are a thing of the past.

You can buy cheaper Korean Kumho I’ZEN KW22 and Russian Nordman 4 – 2,400 rubles each. According to the test results, “Russian” is clearly more attractive: 913 points and fourth position, and therefore its price/quality ratio is 2.6. A very interesting and profitable product.

The domestically developed Cordiant Sno-Max is even cheaper – 2,200 rubles. The position in the test (852 points and seventh place) is worthy of respect - the model outperformed imported tires from eastern manufacturers. Price/quality ratio – 2.6.

The cheapest tires are Kama Irbis (or 505), they can be bought for less than 2000 rubles. per piece. In the test, they did not even reach 800 points, scoring only 776. They cannot be called the last century - the model appeared six years ago, simultaneously with the Gislaved NF 5, but its characteristics clearly no longer correspond to the modern level. I foresee the question: why didn’t you try the latest Kama Euro 518 and 519 models? Alas, they are simply not produced in the most popular winter size 175/65R14, limiting themselves to the old model.

Note: There are still not enough test results in some disciplines.

Table of expert assessments

Final result: 944 points

The debut took place in 2008, and since 2009 - in Russia. At the beginning of this year, the rubber composition and stud geometry were once again modernized.

The grip properties are very well balanced. Longitudinal ones on ice and snow are practically the best. Transverse ones on ice are very good, only “Gislaved” is better. On snow - above average. They walk smoothly on a snow-covered road, without making any comments, and are sensitive to direction adjustments. A little improve the information content on the steering wheel - and you can score nine points.

When cornering, the front wheels clearly set a given trajectory, while the rear wheels cling to the road a little worse, causing slight oversteer. But it is enough to add a little gas, and the car is screwed into a turn of any curvature. They are not afraid of deep snow and maneuver easily. If the car bumps its bumper into an insurmountable snowdrift, it won’t be difficult to get out.

They don’t give up on asphalt either. They go smoothly at high speeds, brake well in the dry and well in the wet. There are no comments regarding acoustic comfort and smoothness.

In terms of fuel efficiency, they hold the leading position at both 90 and 60 km/h.

The protrusion of the spikes is close to reasonable limits. Not a single dropped thorn.

Excellent braking performance and better acceleration on snow and ice, high lateral grip on snow and cross-country ability. Good directional stability for any winter road. High level comfort, economical.

Not noted.

Verdict: They will add confidence and drive on any winter roads. Will help save fuel at any speed.

Final result: 927 points

They were released in 2010 and immediately appeared in Russia. In the coming year, the tires and stud design were updated.

In terms of exemplary grip properties, they occupy leading positions in all exercises on ice and snow, with the exception of the ice circle. They do not walk quite smoothly on the winter road, they noticeably drag the car into deeper snow, and they noticeably slide on transverse slopes. Steering wheel not informative enough. They handle well, but with some peculiarities. In sharp turns, the speed is limited by the drift of the front axle, and in gentle, higher-speed turns they tend to skid sharply, which is better to counter at small angles, preventing it from developing.

They are not afraid of snowdrifts, but they require a certain driving style: they do not like intense slipping, preferring to drive under tension. They are not always able to rescue a car from a snow trap in reverse.

On the asphalt they keep the course without any comments. They brake very well on dry and wet roads, allowing only the related Gislaved to pass ahead. Comfortable - no excessive noise. But the car shakes noticeably on uneven surfaces.

Fuel consumption is modest, on par with Michelin, Nordmann, Pirelli and Yokohama.

During the tests, the protrusion of the studs did not change; the studs were of high quality.

Better braking and acceleration on snow and ice, lateral grip on snow. Very good lateral grip on ice and braking on dry and wet asphalt.

Minor comments regarding directional stability on snowy roads, cross-country ability in deep snow and smoothness.

Verdict: Will like it on any winter roads.

Final result: 921 points

Appeared in 2009. From the same moment on the Russian market.

They have a good balance of grip properties. Acceleration on winter roads is confident in any mode; slipping when accelerating does not reduce its efficiency.

They walk smoothly and steadily along a snow-covered road, not paying attention to the thickness snow cover, unevenness and transverse slopes, are sensitive to direction adjustments. Behavior when cornering on snow and ice is clear and well predictable; slight understeer (soft drift of the front end at the limit) coupled with immediate reactions to steering inputs.

They feel confident in deep snow and prefer slipping when moving. Even if the car is crawling on its belly, in most cases it will still be taken out.

They won't save you on the asphalt. At good speed they move smoothly in a straight line and respond to course corrections without delay. Braking on dry and wet roads is good. Comfortable. Quite quiet, perhaps a little loud on asphalt of varying quality. There are no complaints about the smoothness of the ride.

Fuel consumption is modest.

The protrusion of the spines is normal, the rate of its growth during testing is insignificant. This indicates good quality of the stud.

Good braking and acceleration, lateral grip on snow and ice. Low fuel consumption.

Not noted.

Verdict: They will give you confidence on any winter roads and winter off-road conditions.

Final result: 913 points

The model was created in 2009, since then it has been sold in Russia. The composition of the mixture has been updated this winter.

The grip properties of the tires are similar to Michelin ones. They are good on ice and snow in terms of longitudinal and transverse traction properties, and when repositioned they turned out to be even faster than their progenitor, the Nokian. On a straight line they float slightly, requiring constant adjustment of direction - they keep in suspense. In fast turns, it is easier to control the car with the gas than with the steering wheel: they respond to reset by screwing in, and when adding, they increase the radius.

Virgin snow can be overcome without problems. Reversing confidently get out of any snowdrift. Feature: they prefer a soft, slip-free starting. And while you’re on the move, you can stomp on the gas as much as you like, it even helps. More gas - better performance!

The asphalt straight has the same features as the snowy road. Minor deviations from the given direction, requiring constant steering. Braking on wet asphalt is good, on dry it is average. The noise level is higher than that of its more expensive relatives, but the ride is the same.

Fuel consumption is modest at any speed.

The protrusion of the spines and changes in its size are normal. During testing, the tires lost three studs from the front tires, but this is unlikely to be critical.

Good braking performance on snow, ice and wet asphalt, acceleration on snow and ice. Excellent lateral grip on snow and cross-country ability. Good handling on winter roads, modest fuel consumption.

Minor comments regarding directional stability on snowy roads and asphalt, and noise.

Verdict: Suitable for any winter roads and winter off-road.

Final result: 912 points

Created in 2008, they have been modernized several times since then. Last time– at the beginning of this year.

The braking properties on snow are the best, on ice they are mediocre, and the lateral grip on both surfaces is also average. Acceleration is good, and on any surface. However, it is only effective when driving under tension.

On a snow-covered straight line, the tires surprise with their clear course, sensitive asphalt reactions and small steering angles when adjusting direction. You take any turns with pleasure - the tight, informative steering wheel and immediate reactions, as well as steering close to neutral, help you understand the car. It is better to overcome deep snow by walking. When starting off, the tires sag slightly, although they do not show a tendency to bury themselves. The car moves in reverse confidently.

On the asphalt the same clear course as on summer tires. Tight steering wheel and small angles during course correction. Braking on wet surfaces is average, on dry surfaces it is downright bad. The tires sound the change of surface and rough asphalt, diligently transmitting shocks from uneven surfaces.

Fuel consumption is modest.

The protrusion of the spines is normal, the change in its size is not critical. Only one thorn is missing.

Better braking on snow, good overclocking on ice and snow, lateral grip on ice. Modest fuel consumption, excellent handling and directional stability on any road.

Weak braking properties on dry roads. Minor comments regarding cross-country ability in deep snow and comfort.

Verdict: They will show their best qualities in highway modes on any winter roads.

Final result: 892 points

Another one of the oldies - the model was created back in 2006, and has been sold in Russia since then.

This winter the mixture was updated. Longitudinal grip on snow and ice is average, but transverse grip on snow is very good, and on ice - the best. You need to accelerate on the verge of slipping - this is more effective.

They drive smoothly along a snow-covered road, but the “zero” on the steering wheel is empty and there is not enough information content. Handling issues are minor. There are no complaints about the initial phase of the turn, but on the arc the speed is limited either by drift or skid - this ambiguity is noticeably annoying. In deep snow they require minimal slipping and pull in confidently. Getting back out is easy.

On asphalt the course is smooth, without any comments, but also without frills. In braking disciplines the best are both on dry and wet surfaces. Comfort is standard, although some howling is noted on asphalt and dense snow.

Fuel consumption is above average at any speed. The protrusion of the studs is normal; during the tests, the average value increased within the acceptable limits, that is, the quality of the studs is good. But during testing, the tires lost five studs. Last year there were only two. The trend is alarming: this has not been seen before with Gislaved.

The best braking properties on dry and wet asphalt, the best lateral grip on ice, very good on snow. High level of comfort, good directional stability on any road.

Average acceleration on any surface, above average fuel consumption at any speed, minor handling issues, loss of five studs.

Verdict: They will show their best properties primarily on well-cleaned roads, but they do not fail on icy and snowy ones.

Final result: 852 points

The debut took place in 2008.

On an icy road, despite average acceleration and lateral grip, braking is mediocre. On snow, the situation is more logical: weak acceleration and satisfactory lateral grip get along quite well with good braking. Decent acceleration is achieved only by pushing.

On a snowy straight line they scour from side to side. It is quite difficult to steer because feedback is not very informative. In fast corners, speed is limited by drift. Moreover, sliding outward is delayed, and you have to wait a long time for traction to be restored. They make their way through snowdrifts confidently, move in any mode, and do not require pushing.

You can drive fast on asphalt only with great caution - sailing within the lane forces the driver to constantly adjust the course. Significant steering angles and its lack of information content interfere. Braking on dry and wet surfaces is good, the results are comparable to those shown by the Nokian. They are no different in terms of comfort: they make loud noise, thump on uneven surfaces, and announce the change of surface.

You will have to forget about fuel economy. Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km/h is average, at 90 – increased. The protrusion of the spines is within normal limits, as is the rate of its growth. There are no lost thorns.

Good braking on snow, dry and wet asphalt, cross-country ability.

Mediocre braking performance on ice, acceleration on snow, lateral grip on ice. Increased fuel consumption at 90 km/h, low directional stability on asphalt.

Verdict: For snowy, slightly icy and cleared roads.

Final result: 829 points

Like Yokohama, the latest model.

They have the same year of birth, 2010, but Bridgestone has been sold in Russia only since 2011.

On ice, acceleration is very uncertain, braking properties and lateral grip are satisfactory. On snow, longitudinal grip is frankly weak. When accelerating, they lose speed at the slightest slip, into which they break down very unexpectedly. They drive smoothly along the snow-covered road, there are no comments on directional stability. There is no use in rushing around corners on a winter road: on ice, speed is limited by skidding, which occurs suddenly and requires immediate adjustment.

In the snow, the car straightens its trajectory, and slides to the outside of the turn for an excessively long time. In the snowdrifts the movement is not confident enough, it’s better to get underway without skidding; you get out in reverse quite confidently.

They float slightly on the asphalt, and noticeable delays and low information content interfere with direction adjustments. They brake well on both dry and wet asphalt.

They make a lot of noise; they emit an unpleasant hum and howl on asphalt and even on ice. Any road irregularities result in excessive vertical acceleration.

Increased fuel consumption at any speed.

The amount of protrusion of the spines and the rate of its change are normal. There are no lost thorns.

Good braking on dry and wet asphalt, directional stability on snowy roads.

Weak braking performance on snow, acceleration on snow and ice, lateral grip on snow. Increased fuel consumption, loud noise, difficult handling on winter roads.

Final result: 828 points

On ice, the longitudinal grip properties are very weak, and the transverse grip properties are average.

On snow the balance is a little different: acceleration and lateral properties are satisfactory, but braking is poor. You can move the car from a standstill with slipping, then it is better to stop it, since it is possible to gain speed only by moving under tension.

On a snow-covered road, the car yaws violently, trying to leave the trajectory towards deep snow. When cornering, the behavior is clearer, the steering is tight and clear, and the initial reactions are immediate. However, speed on any surface is limited by skidding. They don’t like deep snow, they have difficulty moving forward, and it’s unlikely to be possible to get out of the snow in reverse.

There’s also no need to rush on asphalt: yaw, requiring constant adjustment, large steering angles and “rubber” stabilization with damped steering rear axle then in one direction, then in the other direction.

On a dry road they stop very well, but on a wet road braking distance the biggest. Comfort leaves much to be desired - it shakes violently on any uneven surfaces. They are noisy even on ice and snow.

Fuel consumption is low.

The studs, in our opinion, are too deep, which partly explains the low grip properties on ice. The growth rate of spine protrusion is normal, there are no lost ones.

Good braking on dry asphalt, moderate fuel consumption.

Mediocre braking properties on snow and ice, weakest acceleration on ice and weakest braking on wet asphalt. Low directional stability on snowy roads and asphalt, poor cross-country ability.

Verdict: For cleared, partially snow-covered and slightly icy roads.

Final result: 823 points

They appeared in 2008, and a year later they began to be sold in Russia.

Longitudinal grip properties on icy roads are weak, transverse grip properties are average. On snow, acceleration is satisfactory, braking and lateral grip are weak.

It’s better to move away “in a whisper”; slight slipping is acceptable when accelerating. They walk smoothly along the snow-covered straight line, without any comments. In the snow, the behavior of the car is not very clear - it drifts outwards or skids and goes inwards. The transition to sliding is sharp and unexpected. The slides are long.

On ice the behavior is more stable: only a skid, but very sharp. In deep snow they fall through when starting and tend to bury themselves. It is better to start with tension and move with slight slipping. You shouldn’t get carried away with driving on virgin soil: you can drive into a place where you won’t be able to get out in reverse.

They hold up well on an asphalt straight line, but when adjusting the direction, delays in reactions are annoying.

Braking properties on wet asphalt are average, but on dry asphalt they are the worst. They hum and howl loudly and shake noticeably on uneven surfaces.

Fuel consumption is low at any speed. The protrusion of the spines and its change are within normal limits.

Low fuel consumption, good directional stability on a snowy road, satisfactory on asphalt, quite smooth ride.

Mediocre braking properties on ice and snow, lateral grip on snow. The weakest braking performance is on dry asphalt. Difficult handling on winter roads, increased noise, poor cross-country ability.

Verdict: Suitable for cleared, partially snow-covered and slightly icy roads.

Final result: 776 points

Together with “Gislaved” she was born in 2006.

On ice, grip properties - both transverse and longitudinal - are the weakest. On snow there is simply no longitudinal grip. And the transverse one is very weak. Acceleration is problematic; you must avoid slipping the wheels, otherwise it will be impossible to gain speed.

On a snowy road, you should drive slowly: the car yaws a lot on uneven surfaces, tends to go to the side of the road, into deeper snow.

The steering wheel is empty and uninformative, like in computer racing. When turning, the car drives as it pleases, as if the steering wheel is disconnected from the wheels. It can slide outwards or slip into a skid and end the movement with a U-turn. The situation is aggravated by significant delays, huge angles of rotation of the steering wheel and prolonged sliding.

Movement through snowdrifts is only possible under tension, without stopping. An attempt to move leads to self-burying. Moves in reverse unsteadily.

They float on asphalt, requiring constant adjustment. The brakes are very weak in the wet and moderate in the dry. It's better to forget about comfort. Strong noises, shocks and vibrations even where the road looks smooth.

Fuel consumption at a speed of 60 km/h is above average, at 90 km/h it is increased. The protrusion of the spines and the rate of its growth are within acceptable limits. There are no lost thorns.

Average braking properties on snow and dry asphalt.

The weakest braking performance on ice, acceleration and lateral grip on ice and snow. Weak braking properties on wet asphalt. Problematic handling on slippery surfaces, poor directional stability on snowy roads. Loud noise, very hard tires, increased consumption fuel.

Verdict: Only acceptable for well-cleaned roads.


The sources correspond to companies that independently compare tires based on a consistent methodology that includes as many tire quality criteria as possible, and provide objective test scores for a group of similar tires based on type of use.

This database includes only those sources that meet these criteria. These criteria also apply for each source test.

Sources used to determine technical indicators tires:

  • Test results published in specialized publications.
  • Data obtained in accordance with Regulation (EC) 1222/2009 on the labeling of tires in relation to fuel efficiency and other relevant parameters. Or ratings used in markings car tires(MOBS*) in the absence of official data.
  • Data published by independent testing laboratories.

A detailed list of sources (excluding EU Regulation 1222/2009) used to assess the rating of each product is appended to the publication.

Evaluation scheme

The final rating consists of 9 basic indicators, which are supplemented by 4 other basic indicators for winter tires.

Basic indicators are divided into 5 groups: 3 - for summer tires, 2 - for winter tires.

Each basic indicator occupies a different weight in its group based on the degree of its importance in the category.

Below are the groups of indicators and their basic indicators:

Calculation method

Each basic indicator is assessed according to the following principle:

  • A score out of 10 points is assigned to the tire that receives the highest best result for a specific test.
  • The rating of other tires is reduced in proportion to the resulting standard deviation of the discriminant.
  • All results exceeding 9 times this standard deviation receive a score of 1.

If the source uses its own rating system (which is not based on a 10-point system), then linear recoding is performed.

The final baseline score will be based on the arithmetic average of the scores obtained from each test.

Note: Tests conducted by automotive magazines or specialist organizations are generally based on the most common sizes on the market. Although tire scores may vary slightly by size, we have chosen to rate the entire size panel of a specific tire model.

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Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 - these tires are considered relatively affordable, and they also attract attention with their big name. However, how good are their performance properties really?

From this article you will learn:

Model overview

These tires are winter studded tires. Produced since 2010. Available on the market in sizes from R13 to R22. Possible ranges from 145 to 325 millimeters, and from 30 to 75.

Thus, Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 is suitable for the most different cars− from budget runabout to a sports roadster or large SUV. Positioned in the middle price category.

These tires have a nice design. The central part of the tread is in the form of a herringbone, which looks very impressive and gives reason to believe that the Ice Guard IG35 will perform well on wet asphalt roads and in slushy snow.

The shoulder areas of the tire are notable for their pronounced blocks - they provide good traction on ice and snow, and also demonstrate stability in corners.


Yokohama Ice Guard IG35 perform well on icy roads, showing sufficient grip and predictable steering responses. The directional stability is good. Braking performance is also good, as is traction.

Additionally worth noting low level noise, both on a snowy road and on asphalt. At the same time, on a wet asphalt surface there is good resistance to aquaplaning.


Despite the big name, the tire's behavior on snowy roads is quite mediocre. The traction force even on compacted snow is not outstanding, and braking efficiency relatively low.

When turning, early and sharp drifts may occur, and the steering wheel becomes uninformative. In standard modes, the steering wheel reacts to turns with some delay. It is better not to drive the Ice Guard IG35 into deep snow - they can dig in even with a slight layer of snow and skid heavily.

As for the asphalt surface, you shouldn’t expect anything special here either. When driving slowly, the behavior of the tires is predictable, but when driving actively, you can notice low steering sensitivity, strong yaw at high speeds and drifts in corners. At the same time, braking may seem unimportant, as well as smoothness, even on small bumps.

Pull, pull!

And you yourself hold it tightly, with both hands! Hurting! The pincers have broken loose, and Uncle Vanya, swearing, is trying to grab the thorn more tightly by its “sting.”

But we have experience! A long time ago, when in the winter we rushed from Finland to Germany in a car “shod” with studded tires, the German border guards did not let us in: either leave where you came from, or buy and install tires without studs, or... Then we haven’t yet We knew that there was a ban on spikes in Germany! We had to pull out the “nails” from all four wheels, and the wheels were rather large - we had a Land Rover Discovery! Thank God, now the task is different: we need to check how firmly the studs sit in the tread, so with the help of pliers and a dynamometer we will pull out only a couple of studs from each tire. We have already easily dealt with other tires, but the ContilceContact tires just don’t want to part with the studs.

List of tested tires:

  • Continental Conti4X4IceContact
  • Bridgestone
  • Gislaved Nordfrost 5
  • Michelin Latitude X Ice North 2
  • Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7
  • Nokian Nordman 4
  • Pirelli Winter Carving EDGE
  • Yokohama ice Guard Stud IG35
  • Kama 515

Testing the strength of the studs is only part of the testing program for winter tires for crossovers of size 215/65R16.

There are more and more crossovers. Last year, their share among new cars sold in Russia reached 13%! And they all need winter tires. Which?

Our test included nine sets of tires: Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000, Continental ContilceContact 4x4, Gislaved Nord Frost 5, Michelin X-lce North 2, Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, Nordman 4, Pirelli Winter Carving Edge, Yokohama Ice Guard 35 and domestic Kama-515. All studded. And are studded ones good? To answer this question, we carried out “dynamometric stud pulling”. It turned out that the force with which a stud can be pulled out of the tread ranges from 3.5 kgf for Michelin tires to 7.0 kgf for Nokian tires. With the exception of ContilceContact tires, where new technology installing studs: they are coated with a special compound that works like glue. When Uncle Vanya finally pulled out the spike, there were traces of rubber on it, and the dynamometer recorded a force of 20 and 25 kgf for two spikes. About four times more than the “hospital average”!

And with Nokian tires An incident arose: on one of the tires we found three studs without carbide inserts. Nokian specialists commented as follows:

This year we changed the supplier of studs, and apparently he made a defect. We'll figure it out.

In the Tiguan, I did laps on the handling track, and Uncle Vanya and Andrei Mokhov worked on a Volvo V70: they measured acceleration time and braking distance on ice. A front-wheel drive Volvo with the rear brakes off allows you to take measurements while changing only the front wheels, and this helped keep track of the weather.

On each set they do six to eight brakings, and the same number of accelerations to collect statistics. And they periodically repeat measurements on the tires that were the first (we call them basic) in order to then adjust the results taking into account changes in weather and ice conditions. On a long and wide track, these conditions do not change so quickly, especially since Uncle Vanya brakes and accelerates in a new place every time, but for me - literally every lap. It's very slippery at first. Soon a notch from the studs appears on the trajectory, and the coefficient of adhesion increases - the lap time improves. Then, in turns, the amount of ice chipped by the studs increases, and the time on the “base” tires again becomes worse, that is, it increases... As a result, taking into account the correction using the base tires, the advantage of the Continental ContilceContact 4x4 tires was recorded in this exercise. But the studs in these tires protrude from the tread the most - on average by 1.6 mm, and individual inserts stick out by 1.9 mm. This is prohibited in Finland - according to rules aimed at reducing damage to the road surface, studs should not protrude more than 1.2 mm. We have such standards only in the draft - if they are approved, then in technical regulations The item will appear: “The protrusion of the stud beyond the tread is 1.2±0.3 mm.” In the meantime, even if you ride on a sports seven-millimeter spike, no one will say a word. This is what Continental uses. True, it is not clear why others do not use it - they are afraid of deterioration of the “asphalt” characteristics?

Shadrichev and Mokhov put the equipment on the Tiguan and again drive out onto the ice track - now in order to simulate an emergency situation, or rather, an attempt to avoid a sudden obstacle using the brakes. The car accelerates to 30 km/h, Uncle Vanya hits the brake pedal and at the same time turns the steering wheel half a turn. Our measurements have shown that it is easier to avoid an unpleasant collision with a “deer” on Michelin or Continental tires than, say, on Yokohama or Bridgestone tires. How do Nokian tires perform?

After the snowfall, we were able to measure the acceleration dynamics of the car in deep snow - Nokian, Nordman and Yokohama tires "row" better than others

Company representatives work in neighboring boxes and do not interfere with our testing process. So I came up with a question - and caused considerable surprise:

Is Nokian worse on ice than Continental? Can't be! This year we upgraded the Hakkapeliitta 7 tires, taking into account the recommendations of Porsche engineers. Outwardly they are the same, but something has changed in the design.

The Finns ask if they can travel with us. Mika, a local test driver, gets behind the wheel, I’m on the right - and we go to the track of “icy” handling. First, a couple of laps on Continental tires, then on Nokian tires. Mika is perplexed: the results are really not in favor of Finnish tires.

Now the same exercises, but on packed snow. Here the studs are no longer the determining factor - and the hegemony of Continental tires comes to an end. Michelin tires win on acceleration, Gislaved tires on braking, and Pirelli tires are preferable when passing deer. And on the handling track, Nokian tires perform better than others: the best lap time and the maximum score for ease of driving. Eh, I wish the ESP on the Tiguan would be completely turned off, otherwise you’ll be driving with a strict instructor at a driving school...

The surface here also changes, but in a different way: a rut forms. Five or six laps - and I’m going to change the tires, and at this time a snowcat with a wide blade-scraper comes out onto the track - and the surface is like new. Right there on the handling track I met real, not virtual, deer. Fortunately, this happened already at the exit, when I slowed down - six deer blocked the entire road! If they had entered the track two turns earlier, there would hardly have been any casualties.

All that remains is to evaluate the permeability. The Finns themselves do not conduct such tests, so finding a suitable site with moderately deep snow was not easy. Either impassable virgin soil or perfectly cleared roads. We finally found a site on the lake with a layer of snow of about 30 cm. Even the Tiguan - up to the most fog lights. We are crawling through the virgin soil on each set of tires - with slipping, tightening, that is, on the verge of slipping... There is a shovel in the trunk, and a pick-up truck on duty with a cable is in touch. We only needed his help once, when the Tiguan was on Pirelli tires: he could not get back along the track that he had just laid on the same tires. And this, by the way, is one of the main criteria for evaluating tires from the point of view of cross-country ability: the car must drive out of the place where it drove slowly, without preliminary acceleration.

The next day, nature helped us make measurements that we had long dreamed of. There was a snowfall and the test roads were covered with approximately 15 cm of snow. And now we can evaluate the dynamics of acceleration after a snowfall, when the roads have not yet been cleared. Five or six starts in a Volvo with slipping on each set of tires - and we find out that a car on Nokian, Nordman and Yokohama tires accelerates best on virgin soil. And worse - on Michelin tires.

After the tests, we carefully inspect the tires and calculate the loss of studs. Of course, minus the two that we ourselves tore out before the tests. The losses turned out to be small - one or two spikes per set. And the tires Continental, Nokian, Nordman and, what we are especially pleased with, Kama have not lost a single stud. And only the state Pirelli tires- like thunder in February. We counted 21 empty holes on one of the four tires, and there were 32 in total! Is it worth buying studded tires if they turn into studless tires at the end of winter?

Having finished with winter tests, we took a break until spring to continue testing at the company’s summer testing site Nokian Tires.

As a matter of fact, we could conduct “asphalt” tests at the Dmitrovsky test site, but we went to Tampere mainly because here we can also evaluate the tendency of tires to slushplaning - “floating” on a snow-water porridge. The phenomenon, by the way, is dangerous and widespread. In the spring, our road workers often shovel wet snow from the curbs into the middle of the road so that it melts faster under the wheels of cars, and if the layer of such “liquid” snow is only two centimeters, the tires lose contact with the road already at a speed of 37 km/h - the car becomes uncontrollable! It would be a good idea for road workers to remember these numbers too.

It is at a speed of 37 km/h that the Nokian and Nordman tires “float up”. And others lose reliable contact with the road even earlier - Yokohama does not allow you to accelerate to 34 km/h. It would seem that the difference is small, but in real conditions this means that a car on some tires will only slip slightly when turning, but on others it risks ending up in the oncoming lane.

We conduct the following exercises mainly for those who spend the winter in large cities and drive mainly on asphalt.

Braking from 80 km/h on wet asphalt, from 100 km/h on dry, “rearrangement” - and once again it becomes clear that tires that shine on slippery surfaces do not work well on asphalt. Take braking, for example: if on summer tires, according to our measurements (AR No. 17, 2008), the Tiguan stops from 100 km/h in 42.3 meters, then on winter tires the braking distance on asphalt increases by an average of ten meters!

And finally, comfort. First - acoustic. I maintain the same speed on the “testing” sections of the road, and Andrei Mokhov, sitting next to me, holds a sound level meter in his hands. However, even without a sound level meter it is clear that the Continental and Nokian tires are louder than others. But even these “loud” tires are not annoying. And the quietest tires in the test were Russian Kama-515 tires.

And on a track with artificial unevenness (asphalt ledges, buried wells, etc.), we found that Michelin tires provide the best ride, while Pirelli, Kama and Nordman tires are harsh.

“Ice” properties have the greatest weight in the final assessment (35%): ice was and remains the most dangerous surface on a winter road. In second place is snow (25%), then in separate lines are cross-country ability (10%) and slushplaning (10%), braking properties on wet asphalt (10%), and we allocate five percent each to comfort and behavior on dry asphalt. The favorites have been determined, and they scored an equal number of points. Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7, Continental ContilceContact 4x4 and Gislaved Nord Frost 5 - choose any, you won’t go wrong. Nordman 4 tires would also be a reasonable choice; they are noticeably cheaper, but according to the test results they are only slightly inferior to the leaders. Pirelli Winter Carving Edge are potentially good winter tires, but they are let down by the quality of the studs. Japanese tires from another company might have looked better, but compared to the “grands” they look pale. It is curious that in the final ranking both Bridgestone and Yokohama lost domestic tires Kama-515.

Or maybe these spikes are useless? Maybe, all-wheel drive vehicle, and even with off-road inclinations, will winter tires without studs be enough? Or even spend the whole year on all-season bikes? You will find answers to these questions in the next issue of Autoreview.

The test results are shown below in tabular and graphical form.

Place Tire Brief description


Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,3
Number of studs/studding lines 130/10
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,6
Tenon pullout force, kgf 22,5
Country of origin Germany

With such long spikes, no ice is scary! Their work can be felt immediately, without any measuring equipment. Including hearing - “diamond” spikes bite into the coating with a loud crunch, leaving 10 rows of deep “scars” on its surface. Working part the stud protrudes above the tread by an average of 1.6 mm, and some “upstarts” - by as much as 1.9 mm! When braking from 50 km/h, Continental tires beat their closest competitors by 3.6 meters - consider the body of a small car! On an ice track, handling and sliding are minimal, control over the car is excellent...

But on snow, ContilceContact tires lose their lead, although the car’s behavior remains clear and predictable. And snowdrifts are no obstacle to these tires - they work well in deep snow.

The main losses are on asphalt, especially on dry: when braking sharply or changing lanes, the tires are literally smeared on the asphalt. It’s good that the new technology for fixing the studs eliminates their loss even after deliberately aggressive dry driving.

+ Grip properties on ice.

+ Cross-country ability.
- Grip properties and handling on asphalt.
- Noise.
Overall rating: 8.9


Nordfrost 5

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11,8
Tread depth, mm 9.9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 53
Number of studs/studding lines 130/8
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,3
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs. 1
Tenon pullout force, kgf 5.0
Country of origin Germany

After the Swedish company Gislaved came under the control of the Continental concern, products under the Gislaved brand were expectedly assigned to the so-called second line

A little simpler, a little more affordable than Continental tires. But this year, Gislaved Nord Frost 5 tires found themselves in our rating on the same level as the “first line” leaders. Yes, the technology of “glued-in” studs is not used here, and the achievements on ice are not as impressive as those of the ContilceContact 4x4 tires. But the main advantage of Gislaved tires.

Excellent balance between “winter” and “asphalt” qualities. Slightly inferior to the ContilceContact 4x4 tires on ice - which is not surprising given the more modest protrusion of the studs! - Nord Frost 5 tires provide minimal braking distance on snow. And on the track, “snowy” handling gives the car an extremely understandable and even reckless character.

In deep snow, Gislaved tires work well on the verge of stalling, but when they start to slip, they give up. And they float on the snow-water porridge before many competitors.

On wet asphalt - minimal braking distance! And on dry surfaces everything is not bad: confident lane change, confident braking.

And these tires are also one of the most comfortable - soft and silent.

Great option For winter operation in large cities.

+ Braking properties on snow and wet asphalt.
+ Handling on ice and snow.
+ Comfort.
- Low slushplaning resistance.
Overall rating: 8.9


Hakkapeliitta 7

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 12.4
Tread depth, mm 10.0
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 51
Number of studs/studding lines 130/14
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,4
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs.
Tenon pullout force, kgf 7.0
Country of origin Finland

Winter tires Nokian Hakkapeliitta 7 in the “crossover” size 215/65 R16 did not perform as confidently as in previous years. However, this did not stop them from sharing first place with Continental and Gislaved tires.

On ice, diamond-shaped studs work well in the longitudinal direction, but lose ground in turns: the slides are extended and sometimes difficult to control, even despite the support of the non-switchable stabilization system.

But on snow - perfect control over the car and, as a result, the best time to pass a winding track. And in loose snow, Nokian tires are in their element - the car makes its way through the virgin soil very confidently!

The tread also does a very good job of removing snow-water slush from the contact patch.

On wet asphalt the result is average, but on dry asphalt, like the Continental tires, problems already appear. The soft tread “folds”, which is why the braking distance increases and the “rearrangement” speed decreases.

In terms of comfort, it’s also far from best option. Although the studs click a little quieter than the “outstanding” studs of Continental tires, the passage of seams and joints is accompanied by a more noticeable vibroacoustic accompaniment.

However, the spikes hold well even without glue!


+ Cross-country ability.
- Grip properties and handling on dry asphalt.
- Noise
Overall rating: 8.9


Nordman 4

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 11.5
Tread depth, mm 10.0
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 48
Number of studs/studding lines 130/12
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,2
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs.
Tenon pullout force, kgf 6.9
Country of origin Russia

Nordman tires reached the finish line of the test with a minimal gap from the top three. Nothing surprising: the tread pattern is similar to that of the Nokian Hakkapeliitta 4 tires, which shone in our tests several years ago. And Nordman tires are produced on the same equipment.

And in some exercises on ice, Nordman tires even outperformed Nokian, but in the end they still lost, including due to sharp slips on the handling track.

In the snow, the car behaves better - it quickly and accurately responds to control on the verge and beyond the edge of slipping, although the grip properties are not the highest.

Acceleration with slipping in deep snow is as effective as with Nokian tires, but driving under tension requires caution. After stopping, it was not immediately possible to get back along our own track.

There are no complaints about resistance to slushplaning. And Nordman tires work well on asphalt - they made it possible to perform the “rearrangement” at the best speed.

A worthy option for urban winter use. And relatively affordable.

+ High slushplaning resistance.
+ Grip properties on ice and snow.

- Smooth ride.
- Noise
Overall rating: 8.8


Winter Carving EDGE

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 11.8
Tread depth, mm 10.0
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 50
Number of studs/studding lines 130/12
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,3
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs. 32
Tenon pullout force, kgf 4.2
Country of origin United Kingdom

Yes, yes, after driving on snow and ice - without driving on asphalt! - four Pirelli tires lost 32 studs! One of the tires that stood out in particular was the one on which we were missing twenty studs!

It’s a pity, because the tires managed to show good results in driving disciplines. And on snow, Pirelli is in the lead. True, it was not easy for the expert to achieve a high result on the winding snowy track due to early slips. An ordinary driver, especially in a car without ESP, will hardly be pleased with such sweeping “figure skating”.

We were also convinced of the waywardness of Pirelli tires in deep snow - at some point the car stops and there is no way back.

On the asphalt winter tires Pirelli proved to be more flexible.

If it weren't for catastrophic stud loss, we'd consider the Pirelli Winter Carving Edge tires a smart buy. For now, let's wait for changes in studding technology - and a chance to make sure that the result has been achieved.

+ Grip properties on snow.
+ Handling on ice and snow.
+ Handling on asphalt.
- Loss of thorns.
- Patency.
- Smooth ride.
Overall rating: 8.6


Latitude X Ice North 2

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 10.8
Tread depth, mm 10.0
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 50
Number of studs/studding lines 128/12
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,5
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs. 1
Tenon pullout force, kgf 3.5
Country of origin Russia

Michelin tires until they switch to “faceted” spikes. It seems in vain. On ice, they work perfectly in the transverse direction: driving the car along the control line is easy and pleasant, and when going around an obstacle - even better results! But they do not cling well to the ice during acceleration and braking, giving way to Russian Kama tires with their primitive four-row studs!

The situation is better on snow, but this is only true for compacted snow. When its layer reaches 15 cm, the situation changes dramatically - when accelerating with slippage, Michelin is already losing to its competitors.

And on the asphalt there is “confusion and hesitation”: on a wet surface there is a maximum braking distance, but on a dry surface the situation is noticeably better. But the handling is already failing - the car performs “rearrangement” lazily.

But in terms of comfort, everything is clear - the tires are quiet and very soft.

As a result, not the most stable, but very comfortable tires. And the studs, unlike Pirelli tires, do not scatter, although we pulled them out with a little effort.

+ Handling on ice.
+ Grip properties and handling on snow.
+ Smooth ride.
- Longitudinal grip properties on ice.
- Braking properties on wet asphalt.
Overall rating: 8.5



Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index Q (160 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 12.3
Tread depth, mm 9.3
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 58
Number of studs/studding lines 128/4
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,2
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs.
Tenon pullout force, kgf 5.1
Country of origin Russia

The tires are not the first freshness, and we did not expect any revelations. And they took them because they simply couldn’t find more modern Russian models of size 215/65 R16. The rubber is harder than that of imported competitors, and the steel housings of the studs were already covered with a yellow coating of rust by the beginning of the tests.

But the very first trip to the ice - and the Kama tires “go around” the Bridgestone braking. And when accelerating - even Michelin! On the ice circle - third overall result! The tires also performed well on the road and handled well. Here are the rusty spikes for you.

When accelerating and braking on snow, the Kama tires are again ahead of the “Japanese”. And only on the controllability line the car began to skid too sharply.

In loose snow, Kama tires do not work very confidently in tension, but slipping helps out.

Another surprise is good resistance to slushplaning. Only Nokian and Nordman are better. And the results are good on asphalt. When "rearranging" the car reacts more sharply to the first impulse - as if it were on summer tires, but with the start of sliding, the grip on the asphalt deteriorates too sharply.

Kama tires, as expected, turned out to be one of the toughest. And unexpectedly - the quietest. At least according to our sound level meter, although by ear they “sing” no quieter than Michelin or Bridgestone. and in a higher voice.

The tires are quite affordable, and, judging by our test, this is not a case where the stingy pays twice.

+ Transverse grip properties on ice.
+ Resistance to slushplaning.
+ Braking properties on dry asphalt.
- Longitudinal traction on ice and snow.
- Handling in the snow.
- Smooth ride.
Overall rating: 7.9


ice Guard Stud IG35

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 102 (850 kg)
Weight, kg 12.2
Tread depth, mm 9.9
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 53
Number of studs/studding lines 128/12
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,3
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs. 2
Tenon pullout force, kgf 4.8
Country of origin Philippines

Yokohama tires The IG35 came out last year and, to be honest, we expected more from them. Alas: mediocre grip properties on ice in the longitudinal direction and downright low in the transverse direction. The car is reluctant to respond to steering wheel turns, so in a critical situation on an icy road the driver will have a hard time. And on an icy track, the handling tires give the car such understeer that even after sharply releasing the gas, it continues to treacherously slide outward.

In the snow. on the contrary, the tires have poor grip in the longitudinal direction, but work better in the transverse direction.

In deep snow, Yokohama “rows” confidently - both with slipping and pulling.

The tires went bad in the snowy and watery mess, although with such a wide tread pattern we expected it to be more effectively removed from the contact patch.

On asphalt, Japanese tires are in their element - they are especially good when braking on dry surfaces: from a speed of 100 km/h they reduce the braking distance by as much as five meters when compared with Continental tires.

Comfort is at an average level, and in general, mediocre tires with a balance of characteristics biased towards asphalt.

+ Grip properties on asphalt.
+ Cross-country ability.
- Longitudinal grip on snow.
- Low resistance to slushplaning.
- Handling on ice.
Overall rating: 7.8


Ice Cruiser 7000

Dimension 215/65R16
Speed ​​index T (190 km/h)
Load capacity index 98 (750 kg)
Weight, kg 12.6
Tread depth, mm 10.0
Shore rubber hardness of tread, units. 56
Number of studs/studding lines 130/16
Protrusion of spikes, mm 1,3
Loss of studs after winter tests, pcs. 1
Tenon pullout force, kgf 5.7
Country of origin Japan

The Bridgestone Ice Cruiser 7000 tires, it seems, were indeed created specifically for Russia: in the Scandinavian countries, Bridgestone offers another model - Noranza, which, under an off-take agreement, is produced at its Finnish plant by Nokian Tires. And if Noranza tires confidently compete with Nokian and Continental tires in tests conducted by our European colleagues, then the IceCruiser 7000 can only compete with Russian tires.

The worst results are in acceleration and braking on ice. Not everything is smooth on the handling track either: sliding starts early, and you don’t know what to expect: the front axle drifting or the rear axle skidding.

And on snow, Bridgestone is among the lagging behind. On the controllability track it is very difficult to control sliding - and, even despite the ESP insurance, a couple of times I still had to “lean” on a snowdrift.

In deep snow, Bridgestone tires work well with tension, but they are not friendly with slipping. The tires cope well with wet snow. But they perform even better on asphalt, both dry and wet. The car slows down well and confidently avoids obstacles.

Despite the last place in the final protocol, one should not talk about complete uselessness Bridgestone tires Ice Cruiser 7000. This is another winter tire option for large cities, but when you find yourself on ice or snow, you need to be extremely careful!

+ Grip properties on dry and wet asphalt.
+ Handling on dry asphalt.
- Grip properties on snow and ice.
- Handling on snow and ice.

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