Testing of electronic motion stabilization systems of Lada Vesta, ESP, ABS. How traction control systems esp, asr, tcs, trs work Lada Vesta stabilization system how it works

For those who don’t know what kind of animals these are: ABS and ESP.

The ABS system is an anti-lock braking system that can prevent wheel spin during braking maneuvers - this is necessary to ensure greater driving safety.

The ESP system is a solution to ensure directional stability, designed to prevent the car from skidding (the necessary wheels are braked, this is controlled electronic unit). By the way, ESP itself without ABS is absolutely useless, because it is, let’s say, an add-on to it.

How does Vesta behave on ice using ABS and ESP?

We decided to test the Lada Vesta in the winter - it’s interesting how the operation of the above systems will behave. For testing, we chose an ice testing ground with a length of 700 m. It was important for us to find out in which cases the system would perform poorly and in which cases it would perform well. For greater stability, we equipped the sample we tested with Nokian tires.

Typically, such tests begin by turning off both systems. This is not surprising - after all, it is important for us to know how a “naked” car behaves on ice. To disable ABS+ESP, you will need to remove the voltage supply - namely, remove the fuse responsible for their operation. If you don’t pull it out, then no matter how much you poke your finger at the ESP switch off button, the on-board electronics will in any case force it to turn on at speeds over 50 km/h.

So, let's start, since good studded tires help us get off the ice. We see a turn, we try to fit into it, but at the same time we feel that the car is starting to skid. The front wheels confidently hold traction, but the rear is unstable - however, nothing critical.

An experienced driver will overcome such a small skid without any particular difficulties by pressing down on the accelerator pedal - fortunately, the test site allows this. The fact that the car drives very confidently even on icy surfaces is definitely encouraging - at the same time, the quality of control does not suffer, Vesta clearly responds to the slightest rotation of the steering wheel, turns smoothly, and does not fidget while moving in an arc.

We stop and turn on the anti-lock and directional stability systems. We start it up and hit the road again - and the car practically does not suffer from loss of dynamics.

Once again, excellent wheels come to the rescue. In this case, ESP + ABS do not respond instantly to changing driving conditions.

Most likely, problems will begin only when the car completely skids. If you get into a real side drift, the electronics are unlikely to help you out. In such a situation, the driver may not be able to save the situation, because the fuel supply control will already be controlled by the on-board electronics - no matter how much you press the gas, you will not get an adequate response from the car.


Summarizing the above, we can safely say that with the exchange rate stability and anti-lock systems disabled, Vesta showed a track time of 8 seconds faster than with turning on ABS and ESP. As one can easily assume, this result is due to the fact that the turned on systems in some way suppressed the driver’s actions, wasting precious time assessing the responses of various sensors. However, during an ordinary trip on an icy road, the systems, on the contrary, will only help while driving, preventing loss of course and skidding.

How to drive - with or without ASB+ESP, it's up to you to decide. Only your driving style and your driving experience influence this decision.

Cuvette test Lada Vesta with and without ESP

The winter road promises many hidden dangers. Often the right side of the roadside looks like a snow-covered, flat surface. However, a very large number of motorists who, for one reason or another, have to drive onto it, annoyedly (and, alas, belatedly) end up in a real ditch, covered with a seemingly horizontal layer of snow.

Our new test of the Lada Vesta is designed to find out what advantages the ESP system provides, specifically designed to control the distribution of vehicle forces in difficult situations. For greater clarity, we decided to drive into a ditch and try to get out of it, first without the exchange rate stabilization system, and then using it.

Let's say right away that the car had to work hard. Almost in a dangling state, its two wheels balanced on the edges of the ditch - in this case, as a rule, it is almost impossible to do without outside help. But we dare to assure you that the factory electronics did not let us down. The on-board “brains” accurately dosed the injection of gasoline, allowing not only to let the car stand up straight, but also to climb onto the opposite side of the ditch, returning to the roadway.

Let us remind you that we performed all the above maneuvers with the ESP system engaged.

Next we disabled ESP. In this case, no attempts or tricks to move the car from an awkward position were successful. The wheels of the front axle only bit into the snow and ice harder and harder. In such a situation, leaving the ditch is possible only with great luck or with outside help.


The test results revealed a clear benefit provided by the ESP system on the Lada Vesta. This applies to both smooth road surfaces and roads with poor traffic. In general, the presence of an electronic stability control system will be an excellent help for both beginners and experienced drivers - after all, when they want to help you, is it worth refusing?

We test the Lada Vesta uphill with the electronic stability control system turned on and off

AvtoVAZ developed the Lada Vesta for use in urban areas. But sometimes it happens that cars sometimes have to leave the city, and it is no secret that the road surface outside the metropolis may contain potholes, holes and other irregularities.

New testing for the Lada Vesta took place on a special track, which perfectly helped us figure out how best to overcome hill climbs - with or without the use of the ESP system.

Modern Western models have a complex electronic assistants driver can include more than a dozen or two different systems. B-class budget employees are not yet entitled to such luxury due to their status, but in this area Vesta is ready to give a head start to its competitors. In addition to the usual set of ABS and EBD, VAZ’s new product is already in basic configuration equipped with exchange rate stability system (ESC). Over the winter, I managed to study her behavior enough to give her settings the highest rating.

Firstly, it allows you to skid to your heart's content in first gear, allowing you to overcome a difficult section of the yard or an uncleared parking lot. The traction control system is in no hurry to intervene in this case - and it does the right thing. It behaves similarly when starting too quickly from a traffic light on slippery asphalt. I also like this: there is no hysterical help from electronics in situations where it is not required at all.

I note that over the past snowy winter the stabilization system never worked unexpectedly for me. I'll chalk it up to good Winter tires And right choice speed. But in safe places I experimented with it to my heart’s content.

What do you think, should ESC be made mandatory equipment for inexpensive models? Is there any real benefit from it, in your opinion, or is it just another way to rip off more money from the buyer?

Vehicle equipment active systems safety is one of the most important factors in assessing the configuration. With the development of the automotive industry, the list of these systems is being supplemented with new ones, and existing devices are being improved. One of them is ESP - the vehicle's directional stability system in motion, which received this abbreviation, the most common in Europe, from the German definition Elektronisches Stabilitatsprogramm, since concerns were the first to equip their cars with it 20 years ago Mercedes Benz and BMW.

Depending on the car manufacturer, this device may be designated differently - ESC, DSC, DTSC, VSA, VSC, VDC, but the essence of its operation does not change from this - automatic correction of the car's course in conditions of a potential skid:

  • neutralization of sharp jerks of the steering wheel when skidding;
  • impact distribution brake system individually for each wheel;
  • adjusting engine speed to ensure the required degree of control of the vehicle's course;
  • control of angular velocity and lateral acceleration to detect the start of a skid.

The importance of each of these ESP functions in ensuring the safe operation of the machine can hardly be overestimated, therefore new models of their cars, including Lada XRay even the basic configuration is equipped by the AvtoVAZ concern with this system.

The presence of an ESP module in the basic configuration is an absolute advantage, but after the start of sales of the Lada XRay, a circumstance incompatible with the “crossover” status emerged - the car, with a ground clearance of 190 mm, gets stuck in liquid mud and small snowdrifts, cannot accelerate on a slippery surface or does not walk on it on the rise. This is especially evident in situations when the tires get stuck in sand or snow, and the stabilization system slows down the slipping wheel and at the same time reduces the engine speed, depriving the driver of the opportunity to “accelerate” and leave the problem area.

The advantages of each individual ESP function in ensuring safety in a critical skidding situation turned into a problem when they operated simultaneously in light off-road conditions, aggravated by the adjustment of the electronics of the system of the first batches of the crossover to asphalt pavement. The situation was aggravated by the lack manual shutdown stabilization module.

To date, AvtoVAZ has solved this problem - since the end of September 2016, the Lada XRay has been equipped with an ESP disable button, and the system, in addition, is configured to different types coating and allows moderate slipping - upon reaching a speed of 50 km/h, directional stability stabilization will automatically turn on.

But for many owners who purchased a Lada XRay without the option to manually turn off ESP, the problem remains relevant. Let's consider ways to solve it - how to disable the exchange rate control system yourself, urgently or long-term.

Emergency ESP shutdown

If you find yourself in a situation where the stability control system is clearly a hindrance on relatively off-road conditions, the easiest way to disable it is to remove the corresponding fuse from the socket.

Before removing the fuse, you must turn off the engine and turn off the ignition.

The ESP system has several fuses (F62 - 50 A, F64 - 5 A and F65 - 25 A), removing which will disable ESP, but since they are also responsible for other systems, it is necessary to remove fuse F62, which is responsible for ESP, ABS and indication of parking brake activation.

After removing the fuse, the box cover is put in place, the hood is closed, and you can continue on your way. After starting the engine, the instrument panel in the cabin will display three lit icons - ABS (not working), ESP (not working) and parking brake (supposedly activated).

When the car is moving, the ABS and ESP systems really do not work, but it is not a fact that the switchable module is a panacea for solving the problem of driving off-road in a Lada.

After overcoming the problem area, the engine is turned off, the fuse is installed in its normal place, and the electronics on the instrument panel do not display any errors in the operation of the systems.

Installing a permanent shutdown button

This operation is simple and does not require the performer to high level professionalism. The purpose of the action is to install a switch in the cabin to break the power supply to the fuse mentioned above. On the instrument panel at the bottom left, between the mirror adjustment control and the headlight range control, there is a socket with a plug, quite suitable for installing a button (according to the characteristics, it fits under the number 251450002R).

The shield assembly is removed from the panel niche, and the plug is removed from the socket. Through the socket, a break in the power wire of fuse F62 is brought into the passenger compartment, the ends of which are connected to the button. The button is fixed in the socket, and the shield is installed in place in the panel niche. When ESP is turned off, three indicators on the instrument panel will also light up - ABS, ESP and parking brake.

Regardless of how ESP was turned off, after passing the problem area, for safety reasons it must be turned on.

In addition, when ESP is turned off, you should take into account the likelihood of there being blind areas on the road with high-quality coverage, the entry to which is accompanied by an unexpected strong jerk.


The advisability of installing an ESP disabling button on the Lada XRay depends on the operating conditions of the vehicle and the experience of driving specific areas, which determines the effectiveness of disabling the stability system. Disabling ESP performed on Lada XRay not using a standard switch, has another, dangerous side - the absence automatic switching on ESP and the danger of skidding in a situation where the operation of the ESP is vital. Therefore, one should thoroughly weigh the proportionality of some difficulties when driving relatively off-road with ESP turned on and the unpredictable decrease in the safety of operating a car without this system, which was forgotten to be turned on after this off-road.

The latest sedan released by AvtoVAZ really deserves special attention. Serial Lada Vesta cars actively joined the general flow of participants traffic. Every day more and more information is received from people who are directly related to the operation of this car.

Manufacturers have provided Vesta with many innovations that were not previously installed on domestic Ladas. Now, electronic security systems are on LADA cars Vesta even in the basic configuration. How effective and useful are they?

Tests conducted in various situations will help to clarify some questions.

How ESP and ABS affect the stability of LADA Vesta on icy surfaces

Lada Vesta continues to undergo testing in winter time of the year. This time, a 700 m long sports ice track was chosen as a testing ground. The purpose of the inspection was testing electronic systems stabilization of Lada Vesta movement in various situations. As expected, the car is equipped with Nokian winter studded tires.

The first test was carried out with the ESP and ABS systems disabled. To do this, it is necessary to completely de-energize them, i.e., remove the fuse. Otherwise, even if the key to disable the stability control system is pressed, the computer will turn it on automatically when the speed reaches 50 km.

The sedan moves briskly from the start. The spikes on the wheels make themselves felt. When entering a turn, the car drifts, but not much. The drive wheels clearly control the road, and the rear begins to drift. An experienced driver can easily cope with such a situation by adding gas, which has no restrictions. Even on ice, Vesta behaves predictably. Once again, excellent handling should be noted. The car responds adequately to every movement of the steering wheel, turns smoothly and behaves well when driving in an arc.

In the second case, all electronics are connected. From the start, it is clear that the car does not lose much of its dynamism. Again, I would like to note the presence of good studded tires. The ESP and ABS systems do not immediately respond to changing situations. Troubles can only begin after the car is completely demolished. In this case, Vesta, rushing sideways, is no longer subject to electronics. At the same time, it is more difficult for the driver to cope with the situation, since the gas is under computer control and pressing hard does not bring results.


Comparing the results, it can be noted that with the driving assistance systems turned off, the car covered the track faster by as much as 8 seconds. Slower passage with ESP and ABS operating is associated with the evaluation actions of the electronics. However, it significantly relieves the driver’s stress when driving the Lada Vesta on ice. The choice of driving with or without the electronics turned on depends solely on the driver’s experience and driving style.

In addition to ice and snow, winter can present other conditions in which electronics installed on a car can pull out of an almost hopeless situation.

LADA Vesta in a ditch: operation of the stabilization system

On winter road A situation may occur where the car is forced to press against the side of the track. In this case, cases of slipping into a ditch are not uncommon. Another test drive of the Lada Vesta showed the advantages of directional stabilization and traction control systems in difficult conditions. At the same time, a comparison without ESP and with ESP was clearly shown.

Sedan was given a difficult task. The car was practically hanging between the edges of the ditch on two wheels. Usually, such a situation requires mandatory outside help. But the electronics coped with the task perfectly. By evenly distributing the fuel supply, it easily allowed not only to level Vesta. The sedan, like a crossover, easily climbed the opposite slope of the ditch and just as easily returned to the main road.

In the second case, in a similar situation, ESP was disabled. No amount of effort or shifting the throttle managed to move the car. The driving wheels only melted the ice and snow in vain. In this position, it is almost impossible to leave the ditch without outside intervention.


The electronic motion stabilization and traction control system of the Lada Vesta proves its advantages both on smooth surfaces and off-road. It is useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced drivers who believe that they themselves are able to resolve all issues. After all, if there is ESP, they simply will not arise.

Traction control and LADA Vesta on the rise

The Lada Vesta sedan is designed for urban conditions. But in any case, he will have to leave the megacities at least sometimes. There may be potholes, bumps and steep hills along the way.

The next test drive of the Lada Vesta took place on a cross-country track, where they compared how best to overcome the climb - with or without electronics.

Four test options were selected. In the first two cases, all driver assistance systems were turned on. With a smooth start, the car did not even reach half the height. The engine never had time to gain momentum and refused to pull the car any further. An attempt with overclocking gave better results. The car rose a meter further and stopped.

Turning off the traction control changed the situation a little. A smooth start, as in the first case, did not show any special results. Having reached a certain level, Vesta began to rake the soil in vain. Acceleration greatly increased the distance traveled.


Situations like this are not uncommon. As in most cases, the way out depends on the driver’s experience, because electronics are not yet able to solve all problems.

Speed ​​requires a reliable braking system. After all, blocked wheels often cause severe skidding, which can lead to disaster. How can electronics help when you press the brake pedal hard?

How effective is the LADA Vesta ABS system?

The next test drive provides information on how disabling the ABS of the Lada Vesta can affect the braking performance of the car.

The car was tested on loose snow and pure ice. The included electronic systems make it easy to drive the car. Snow and ice cease to be obstacles even for novice motorists.

The test showed the following results. ABS, together with ESP, effectively coped with its task. The car performed smooth braking even with the steering wheel released. There was no talk of any skidding. Things went completely differently after the brake force distribution system was turned off. This time braking distances became shorter, but the procedure required significant driver effort. Even with a lot of experience, the car began to skid.


Despite the shorter braking distance, disabling ABS on the Lada Vesta is not recommended. The new systems work differently than earlier versions, where they had no control when turned off. rear axle. The car could somehow remain in a stable position. In the current version, when ABS is turned off, the cylinder evenly distributes braking forces between all four wheels. When you press the brake pedal hard, all the wheels lock and the car becomes completely out of control. Skidding is guaranteed.

Lada Vesta has quite decent dynamic characteristics. But, they describe the state of affairs on a good, dry road surface. What happens to the speed gain if the car ends up on a snowy or icy road?

LADA Vesta electronics are being tested in Lapland

Another test drive of Lada Vesta in winter conditions took place in Finland. The company's test site was allocated for this purpose. Nokian Tires, wherein Russian sedan testing tires.

The subject of testing was again the exchange rate stability system, around which there is constant debate. Experienced drivers believe that ESP and ABS are only needed by beginners and are an expensive toy.

The road surface was ice. The systems had to show their effectiveness with a sharp and smooth start. In the first case, the car took longer to accelerate. When you sharply press the gas, the car quickly begins to gain momentum and the wheels slip. Only moments later do the electronics come into play and acceleration becomes controlled. Smoothly pressing the accelerator pedal allows the ESP system to timely distribute the grip of the wheels on the road and accelerate the car evenly.

A similar situation with the traction control turned off showed that with a sharp start, severe slippage occurs, leading to loss of time. Smooth start showed best results. An experienced driver feels the car’s behavior well and distributes the pressing forces himself.

On loose snow, the results with ESP turned on for a smooth and hard start turned out to be almost the same. Disabling the electronics allowed us to achieve the most efficient acceleration, and again, smoothly pressing the pedal greatly reduced the speed gain.


The results obtained again boiled down to the fact that the main advantage of control is the skill of the driver. However, even experienced motorists will become clear over time that ESP and ABS can make driving the Lada Vesta much easier.

The Lada Vesta car is equipped with all the most necessary systems that contribute to comfortable driving. All of the systems listed below are present in absolutely all trim levels of the car, which makes it a very attractive figure on the car market.

ABS or anti-lock braking system
- in case of emergency, and sometimes standard braking, it prevents the car’s wheels from completely blocking, thanks to this system the braking distance of the car is reduced, and during braking it is possible to control the car due to the fact that the wheels are not blocked. When this system operates, you will probably hear a characteristic “crackling” sound and a slight beating of the brake pedal.

EBD or brake force distribution- correctly distributes the braking forces of the front and rear axle vehicle, the system is activated when the ABS operation, denoted by dashboard in the form of a red indicator - “Brake failure”.

BA or Brake Assist- this function reads how quickly you pressed the brake pedal; from the data received, the system recognizes whether it was normal braking or emergency braking. In the event of emergency braking, the system will increase the pressure in the brake system drive to a certain level and will maintain it as long as the brake pedal is pressed.

HHC or preventing the car from rolling away when starting off on an incline- When stopping the vehicle on a slope of four percent or more, the HHC system is activated to assist in further starting the vehicle, so that the HHC operates correctly, press the brake pedal with sufficient force to ensure that the vehicle remains in place after engaging the gear, releasing the brake pedal and pressing the accelerator pedal, the system will hold the car in place until it starts moving, but no more than two seconds. The system automatically turns off if the car is parked parking brake or the driver's door of the car is open.

ESC and TC - or stability control and traction control- these two car functions work in tandem and are activated automatically when the car engine is turned on. ESC is responsible for the reliable stability of the car on the road, the system reads the rotation speed of all wheels and if one or more of them starts to rotate faster, the system slows down their rotation; in more serious situations, the system resets the engine speed, thanks to which it returns controllability of the car. TC performs the same functions as ESC only when the vehicle is moving off, which reduces excessive wheel slip of the vehicle.

Photo "b"

ESC and TC, unlike other car functions, have the ability to be switched off forcibly. The driver may need to disable these systems when driving in difficult terrain. In order to turn off the systems, you must press and hold the button shown in photo “a” for one second. If you did everything correctly, an icon will light up on the dashboard indicating that ESC and TC have been disabled (photo “b”). Disabling these systems is possible only if the vehicle speed does not exceed 50 kilometers; at this speed mark the systems are turned on automatically.
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