Subject full name what. Artem: the meaning of the name, character and fate of a man (boy). Famous people with this name

Choosing a name for a child means to a large extent determining his fate. That is why it is necessary to know exactly the meaning of the name and future guardian angels. The name Artem has its own strengths.

Meaning and origin of the name

It is believed that this name has its roots in distant Greece. Today it is perceived as an independent name, but originally it was a shortening of the name Artemy, also of Greek origin.

There are two interpretations of this name. Some experts believe that the name Artem means “healthy”, “unharmed”, “invulnerable”. However, the version of the formation of this name on behalf of the ancient Greek goddess Artemis is also very true. In this case it means “dedicated to Artemis.”

Artemis was considered the patroness of hunting, which means that her ward would also not miss out. In addition, she was revered as a goddess of fertility, so that in the original form of the name, Artemy, due to the origin of the name, there is a creative principle.

Fate and character of Artem

Artem depends little on the words of others, he always has his own opinion and, if necessary, will defend it. He knows what he wants and goes his own way towards the goal. Moreover, Artem strives not to lie. These qualities can cause not only a positive reaction, especially considering that Artem does not like to bow to authority. Even if he recognizes them, Artem always remains self-sufficient. This is a man with character.

We can say that the bearers of this name are successful and achieve their goals at least in most cases. They can realize themselves in any field, but most often they prefer humanities. At the same time, they have a penchant for analysis and even philosophizing, as well as a logical mindset. They prefer to work on their own projects rather than carry out orders from their superiors.

Artem, if desired, can become a good businessman, but it is not always the owner of this name who dreams of linking his destiny with the world of business plans and business projects. His character allows him to achieve heights in his sports career.

In family life, Artem turns out to be both a good husband and a loving father. One of the most important principles of interaction with this person is not to put pressure on him. Quite often, he needs time to understand his wife’s request and defuse the conflict with his son or daughter. By the way, Artyom does not like conflict situations, but excessive self-care also drives him into depression. In the family nest, he is distinguished by hospitality and frequent readiness to help his other half in household chores.

The meaning of the name Artem for a child: choosing a name for children

Since childhood, Artem has been a fairly confident person. This quality helps him find a company and, to a certain extent, even manage it. Even among people he doesn’t know, he knows how to find his niche and feel comfortable among them. Quite often, Artem prefers to communicate with those who are older than him. In general, the environment plays an important role in his life. The quality inherent in boys and men with this name is friendliness. They know how to be excellent friends, since it is quite easy to find mutual understanding with them.

Little Artyom’s character combines diverse hobbies, for example, a love of sports achievements or books, travel or science. When choosing the name Artem for a boy, it is worth considering that it will be difficult to predict his future interests.

Energy name

The name Artem has strong energy, and it is included in the list of names that bring good luck. But Artyom’s entourage can cause problems. It is important that from childhood he communicates with suitable company, since otherwise his desire to focus on elders may not play the most favorable role.

Artem's name day: January 17, February 26, April 6, May 12, November 13. The bearers of this name are patronized by the righteous Artemy of Palestine and the martyr Artem of Kizichesky.

Which patronymic is suitable for the name Artem? Antonovich, Glebovich, Iosifiovich, Lvovich, Maksimovich Semenovich.

Characteristics of the name Artem: Artyom is characterized by rather soft character traits, which is why his talismans do not have an aggressive, but an inviting attitude. However, the energy of iron - the metal of this name - speaks of the hidden strength of Artem’s character.

Patron animal: a cricket, not too impressive at first glance, but quite nimble and quick.

Name element: Fire, which, however, cannot be overdone.

Stone-amulet: jasper, an ancient amulet against all ills.

Metal: solid and discreet iron.

Color: red, the color of Fire, or brown, the color of the Earth that balances it.

Number: Five, the number of those who are true to their ideals.

Planet: Venus, capable of bringing other talismans with more aggressive energy into harmony.

Plant: Rowan, a bitter berry that has healing properties.

Famous representatives: Artem Nikolaevich Chebotarev (boxer), Artem Valerievich Tkachenko (actor), Artemy Andreevich Lebedev (author of a web design guide).

Love your name, because it gives you such important character traits and worldview. And the numerological characteristics will tell you even more about him.

Numerology of the male name Artem

Five is the number under which the name Artem goes. Five are not only privileges, but also obligations. Intelligence, hard work, perseverance, responsibility, pedantry, punctuality, accuracy. In addition to these advantages, he is also distinguished by high moral qualities, which few can boast of. At the same time, Artem is not arrogant and can soberly assess his merits... A more detailed numerological analysis of the name is available.

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The name Artem (Artemy) is on the list of the most popular male names in our country. There are several versions of its origin. According to the first, the name is derived from the ancient Greek Artemios, which in turn came from the name of the patroness of the moon and hunting, Artemis. According to the second - from the word “artemes”, which translated means “unharmed”, “healthy”, “impeccable health”. Observing Russian traditions, the church recognizes that it is correct to name the boy only as Artemy.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Libra
  • Patron Planet: Venus
  • Talisman stone: beryl
  • Color: dark blue
  • Tree: rowan
  • Plant: chrysanthemum
  • Animal: cricket
  • Favorable day: Friday

Character Traits

From an early age, Artem shows independence and self-confidence. He is sociable and easily comes into contact with people of different views, hobbies, and beliefs. He is characterized by leadership qualities, which throughout his life allow him to highlight and subjugate other people behind the scenes, as well as achieve his goals and objectives. He is very sociable and is always the “soul” of the company.

The secret of the name Artem hides such advantages of this person as devotion to people and the ability to keep other people's secrets. The complexity of his character lies in the fact that he is very stubborn, and it is impossible to knock him off his intended goal or convince him of something. The striking features are activity, prudence, and objectivity.

Conflicting views are inherent in winter Artyom. But at the same time he is very attached to work, loves to travel, drives vehicles well and is very hospitable. Autumn is stubborn and demanding, but at the same time always excludes conflict situations. He is endowed from birth with a variety of talents, which, unfortunately, he does not always have time to reveal. He loves and always strives for sports activities. Born in the summer, Artyom is characterized by strict discipline, correctness, gallantry, and the ability to comply with various rules. He tends to always think through everything down to the smallest detail. He likes to delve into all the subtleties and nuances of what is happening and always strives for leadership. The character of the spring representative of the name lies in exclusive responsibility for oneself and others, a tendency to worry about relatives and friends. But at the same time, he is characterized by selfishness, narcissism, irritability, and capriciousness. He loves praise.

Interests and hobbies

Artem is passionate about all types of sports and traveling to different countries. Hobbies include a passion for books and cars, as well as preparing various culinary delights.

Profession and business

What helps Artem become a professional is strength of character, boundless hard work, impeccable logical thinking and intuition. He can succeed in such professions as builder, architect, jeweler, teacher, journalist. Persistence helps you achieve excellent results in any endeavor and in every field of activity.


As a child, Artem is often susceptible to colds. Having matured, he can boast of good health thanks to a sports lifestyle. But his weak points are considered to be his back, thyroid gland and vision.

Sex and love

Artem can safely be called a tempter and a seducer. He often cannot settle on sexual relations with only one partner, thereby trying to gain self-affirmation. For him, sex is the best way to relax, relieve fatigue and stress, and also have fun. He is a sensual and passionate lover, he is amused by long-term erotic games and fantasies. He chooses a sexy and temperamental woman who is able to cope with all his desires.

Family and marriage

He has been searching for his life partner and ideal for a long time. But in the family, Artem is an exemplary husband and exemplary father, a caring and attentive son. He always equally shares responsibilities around the house, helps his wife, plays and walks with the children. Loves to travel with his family, give gifts to loved ones, and organize holidays.

He never resigns himself to the role of a henpecked man and total control from his wife. She always values ​​her independence, even in marriage. Artem rarely cheats and does not easily agree to divorce, especially if there are children in the union.

Artem is one of the most popular names in recent years. This is due to the many positive characteristics of this name. In addition, the revolutionary Fyodor Sergeev, known by his nickname “Comrade Artem,” became popular in the CIS and Russia.

The name Theme takes its roots from Greek mythology from the daughter of Zeus Artemis. But on the territory of our country it became a derivative of the name Artemy.


The name Artem means “healthy” or “mature”, as well as “dedicated to Artemis.”


Artyom's fate largely depends on the environment in which the boy will grow up. He tries to follow the rules of morality, does not like to be offended and does not forgive insults. Colds are Tema's frequent companions in childhood, but with age everything becomes more stable, the immune system is restored and strengthened. Therefore, a man can easily lead an active lifestyle.

Tem has a lot of fans. They are attentive and gallant, which attracts women from a very young age. But for Artemy, all connections most often look like entertainment, so he breaks them off without hesitation at the right moment. But he chooses his life partner carefully. She must be ideal in all respects - appearance, intelligence, ability to work and sexuality.

She must also understand that Artem will always be jealous of her, because he is an owner who will not tolerate even a cursory glance at the body of his chosen one. Many women are not ready to accept such a man, but the one who copes with the task will be appreciated by her husband. Also, since childhood, the guy has been appreciating unattainable girls, whose hearts need to be wooed over the course of a single day or even a month.

Artem is in no hurry to become a legal spouse. He searches and looks closely, waiting for someone who will completely suit him and can put up with his jealousy and a large number of regular fans.

After marriage, Artem becomes an exemplary husband, a hospitable host and an excellent father. He helps his wife with everything from housework to raising children. But the wife must be prepared for the fact that even with ideal family relationships, her husband requires freedom of action. Artems rarely cheat on their wives. They honor marriage, family traditions and moral principles. Only the betrayal of a spouse can destroy an idyll, so a marriage with a guy under this name can be called one of the most reliable and strong if the wife is chosen correctly.

Artem always has well-developed intuition and memory. He knows how to analyze various situations, so he will be comfortable in any professional field. He cannot immediately decide what to do with his life. After all, he is attracted to various directions. Therefore, Artems do not immediately settle into some profession, they look for themselves and activities according to their interests.

A man is not afraid of problems and difficulties - on the contrary, they force him to move on, armed with a certain amount of experience and skills. And all this is thanks to the fact that Artemy can understand the case for a long time and persistently. He also has such qualities as scrupulousness and responsibility, which are valued not only by employers, but also by the people around him.

In practice, Artyomov produces wonderful doctors, psychologists, writers, politicians, architects, engineers, economists, teachers and journalists. They strive to climb the career ladder and most often achieve their goals. For Artem, work should bring not only money, but satisfaction.

As mentioned above, Artem has well-developed intuition, which is the main component in business development. Therefore, a guy can easily build one or another company that will prosper and generate income. His competitors respect him and are often a little afraid of him. But he does not have and cannot have business partners, because he is extremely distrustful and is accustomed to relying solely on himself. All subordinates on the team feel like family members who will always be praised and appreciated, and if necessary, punished.

Among Tem's hobbies, active pursuits can be noted. This could be traveling, sports outings, hiking, parachute jumping, etc. The attraction to cars is especially worth noting. They can collect vintage models, reconstruct old cars, or they can start participating in races, and, unfortunately, not always legal ones. Only from them do guys get a real adrenaline rush.


Artem grows up to be an obedient and fairly quiet boy who likes to be alone. He begins to read and count early, learns poetry and memorizes cartoons. At school, the boy is valued for his heightened sense of responsibility and justice. These same qualities are valued in him by his few friends, whom he treats kindly and with understanding.

He loves everyone, tries to help, but does not forget to read lectures. He does not strive to become a leader in the company, but he is not ready to be led either. Most often, among his friends are older guys, since they have the same “adult” qualities that he himself has.

Name day

Artem celebrates name days twice a year:

  • July 6.
  • November 2.

Name color

Artemy or Artyom also has its own colors inherent in the name. These are red, brown and blue.

Name flower

Plants that suit Artem are rowan and chrysanthemum. They correspond to the meaning of the name.

Church name, calendar

At baptism, the child is given the appropriate name, which is found in the calendar. For Artem this name is Artemy.

Translation of name in different languages

The name Artem can be found in different countries. Therefore, it is important to know how it sounds in other languages:

  • English – Artemy.
  • Polish – Artemiusz.
  • Italian – Artemio.

Full name, shortened and affectionate

The full name Artem can be shortened like Tema and Tesha.

The boy can be affectionately called: Temochka, Artemka, Artyusha, Artemushka, Artesh, Teshenka, Artyukha, Artamokha, Timonchik, Artyusha.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

Boys' names that go with the patronymic Artemovich:

  • Oleg.
  • Ivan.
  • Stepan.
  • Bogdan.
  • Sergey.
  • Dmitry.
  • Maxim.
  • Timofey.
  • Yuri.

Girls names:

  • Olga.
  • Anna.
  • Love.
  • Irina.
  • Tatiana.
  • Galina.
  • Nina.
  • Dana.
  • Daria.

Name compatibility

For Artemy, an alliance with owners of names such as:

  • Bella.
  • Inna.
  • Larisa.
  • Ariadne.
  • Violetta.
  • Juno.
  • Tatiana.
  • Elena.
  • Svetlana.

But it’s better to refuse relationships with Zhanna, Evdokia, Dina and Irina. Similar characters will not be able to get along under the same roof.

How to incline

This name is declined according to cases as follows:

  • Nominative – Artem.
  • Genitive – Artema.
  • Dative - Artem.
  • Accusative – Artema.
  • Creative - Artem.
  • Prepositional – Artem.

Famous people with this name

Artemy and Artyom are the same name. Therefore, in the lists of people famous in the history of mankind, both options will appear:

  • Holy Great Martyr Artemy. During the reign of Equal-to-the-Apostles King Constantine the Great and his successor Constantius, Artemius was an outstanding military leader who became the governor of Egypt.
  • Artemy Volynsky. From an early age he was engaged in serving the state, he was not only the governor-general, but also an ambassador on behalf of the persons reigning in the 1700s. He was close to Cherkassky and Dolgoruky, which gave him the opportunity to rise to the empress’s only rapporteur on particularly important matters. The life of a statesman and minister was cut short in 1740, by order of Empress Anna Ioannovna, Volynsky’s head was cut off.
  • Artem Vesely (Nikolai Kochkurov) - Soviet writer.
  • Artemy Ober. A sculptor from Russia who was actively involved in the study and sculpting of animals.
  • Artem Sarkisyan is a famous oceanologist, an outstanding academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Artem Troitsky is considered the first promoter of rock music in the USSR. Music critic and rock journalist.
  • Artem Peshin is a football player from Russia, midfielder.
  • Artem Milevsky is a football player from Ukraine.
  • Artem Borovik is a Russian journalist.
  • Artem Mikhalkov is a TV presenter, actor, screenwriter and director from Russia.
  • Artem Mikoyan is a Soviet aircraft designer.
  • Artem Inozemtsev is a Russian actor.
  • Artemio Franchi is a football manager from Italy.
  • Artemio Iglesias is a famous Cuban politician.
  • Artemio Paludo is a Brazilian politician.

If you want to raise a caring son, a good husband and a hardworking person, then think about naming your child Artem.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Artem

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Forms of the name Artem

The short meaning of the name Artem: Artemka, Artemchik, Artyusha, Artyukha, Artyunya, Theme. Synonyms for the name Artem. Artemios, Artamon, Artemi, Artsyom, Artemio.
Short form of the name Artem. Artosha, Artemyushka, Artya, Artyomka, Artyomchik, Tema, Artyunya, Tyunya, Artyukha, Artyusha, Tyusha, Artyosha, Artemino.

Name Artem in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 阿爾喬姆 (Ā"ěr qiáo mǔ). Japanese: アルチョーム (Aruchōmu). Hindi: आर्टेम (Ārṭē ma). Korean: 아르템 ( aleu tem). Ukrainian: Artem. English: Artem (Artem).

Origin of the name Artem

The name Artem translated from Greek means “unharmed, impeccable health.” According to another version - “dedicated to Artemis.” Comes from, from the name of the goddess. In modern times it has become an independent name, but is also used as a diminutive address to Artemy.

As a child, Artem is a rather calm boy who prefers not to impose his company on others. His self-confidence helps him find company even in unfamiliar places and even leads him well in it. Artem is a very sociable and friendly boy, he likes to be friends with older guys than himself. Preference is given to outdoor games. He always tries to tell the truth, which can get him into various unpleasant situations. Artem usually respects authorities, but will not bow to them.

Artyom's character

Artem is sociable and friendly. Purposeful, but not a careerist. He makes many friends and is popular with women. Easily gets carried away, has many sexual relationships. He chooses his beloved meticulously, paying attention to even minor details of her appearance. He likes to appear in society with a beautiful woman, but does not tolerate protracted love affairs. Tries not to burden himself with obligations. Having married, he becomes a good husband and leader in the family. Very hospitable. He is jealous, but hides it carefully. Places great emphasis on sexual relationships. However, if the wife is not temperamental enough, Artem will not look for adventures on the side, but will be content with what he has. Spiritual intimacy with his wife is more significant for him. “Summer” Artem is too soft, more helpless and defenseless than his namesake. Artem is a good father, a wonderful son, loves his mother very much, and is attentive to everyone close to him. He likes to give gifts. He remembers all significant family dates. Life with Artem is full of surprises and surprises.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Incompatibility of the name Artyom

The name Artem has a fairly strong foundation that does not disappear even with a diminutive sound. As a rule, men with the powerful sound energy of their name are characterized by self-confidence, fortitude and prudence.

The main character traits of the name Artem are activity and, at the same time, amazing calmness, the ability to sensibly assess the situation even in extreme conditions.

What does the name Artem mean for a boy?

Little Tema often suffers from colds, but then his health gradually improves. This is due to the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle and play sports. Parents can rarely complain about his disobedience; the child is quite balanced, does not conflict with others and does not impose his opinion.

The boy is independent and independent, but will never go beyond what is permitted; he has the qualities of a leader.

This name for a boy symbolizes loyalty in friendship and the ability to keep secrets. The child has an excellent grasp of the situation and always tries to objectively assess the situation. Most often, he tries to make friends with children who are older than him. A balanced boy is not inclined to solve problems with his fists; he is gallant and well-mannered. Since childhood, he has been more attached to his mother than to his father.

Character of an adult man

Over time, Artemy becomes more and more sociable; his circle of friends consists of intellectually versatile individuals. He follows strict moral standards and has a hard time dealing with betrayal. Often people fall under the influence of a male leader and do not always understand that he easily manipulates them. Hardworking Artem is a valuable employee, he shows himself well in the role of a leader.

Suitable professions are architect, politician, economist, teacher, as well as engineer or psychologist.

A man with a balanced character will not find it difficult to smooth out any conflict. However, to preserve his own dignity, he may sacrifice the interests of others. With age, special attention should be paid to vision, the endocrine system and the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Artem – compatibility with female names

The maximum strength of feelings is celebrated with Irina, Ulyana, Ekaterina, Victoria, as well as Yana and Veronica. Stability in marriage - with Anna, Tatyana, Natalya, Vera, Daria and Polina. Relationships with Anastasia, Valeria, Alena, Ksenia, Galina and Maria are not going well.

Artem and Anastasia

Despite the fact that both lovers are distinguished by kindness and prudence, their family relationships are difficult to build. The couple strives for a quiet life, but constant mistrust gets in the way. The union is successful if all problems are resolved as they arise and only peacefully.

Artemy and Yulia

Compatibility will be good if lovers share their ideas and thoughts. Trust and understanding are the basis of their relationship. Light affection most often develops into marriage if the man and woman are creative individuals.

Artem and Anna

A dreamy and romantic woman feels comfortable with a modern, active man. The key to a successful marriage is finding a middle ground, when both do not experience restrictions and do what they love.

Tema and Alena

At the first meeting they may feel slight hostility, but over time they become best friends. Compatibility in love is not very successful, since friendly relationships rarely move into the stage of passion and passionate feelings.

Artem and Ekaterina

The union is considered almost ideal. Relationships are rich in passion, understanding, positive energy, trust. Partners provide each other with a certain degree of freedom, but none of the lovers abuses it.

Artemy and Olga

The intensity of relationships, constant outbursts of emotions - all this characterizes such a vibrant union. Compatibility is good only in love; family life is not going well due to constant quarrels and inability to meet each other halfway.

Artem and Irina

The life of this couple is more like a holiday. Lovers are never bored together; each of their journeys or trips is a real adventure, full of impressions that will last a lifetime. The union is successful if a man and a woman try to devote every free minute to each other.

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