Tatar pastries, cooking recipes. The most famous recipes for Tatar pies Pie made from unleavened Tatar dough with


We bring to your attention recipes for Tatar pies with an unusual name - Bakken and Balesh.
In fact, there are a lot of recipes for Tatar pies; they are made both sweet and salty.
Bekken are pies with boiled carrots and chicken eggs. Balesh is a meat pie.

Recipe for Tatar pie Bekken

Ingredients needed to prepare Bekken:

How to cook Bekken

1 .You may need a little more flour; you need to be careful here so that the dough does not stick to your hands.

2. Ingredients for filling: 3 eggs, 5 pcs. carrots, butter, salt. Boil the eggs and carrots in advance and set aside to cool.

3. Prepare the dough. The water must be warm. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add the egg, flour, vegetable oil, a little salt and proceed to kneading.

4. Any yeast dough must stand in a warm place and rise before baking. This process takes at least 1 hour.

5. Prepare the filling: finely chop the carrots, you can grate them with a grater, chop the eggs and combine them together. Melt the butter and add to your filling.

6 .Divide the dough into equal balls, roll out, add the filling and pinch the edges on all sides.

7. Preheat the oven, place the pies and brush each of them with a raw egg.

8 . Bake over medium heat for no more than half an hour.

The pies are equally delicious both hot and cold. We recommend serving them with the most tender.

Recipe for Tatar pie Balesh

Recipe for Tatar meat pie - Balesh. To prepare this pie, it is better to choose lean meats.

Required products for the test:

  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp. flour, salt

Products for filling:

How to cook Balesh

You can cook from one type of meat, or you can combine and combine several types.

1. Combine flour with salt, pour in a glass of water, oil, mix everything well and knead the dough. The dough should stand in a warm place for about half an hour.

2. Cut all the meat into small pieces.

3. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces, chop the onion and combine it with the potatoes and meat. Add a little salt and black pepper.

4. Preheat the oven, grease a baking dish and place half of the dough. Next, lay out all the filling, cover with another part of the dough and pinch the edges on all sides with your fingers.
Place a few bay leaves inside the pie before baking.

In this recipe for Tatar pie Balesh, the main rule is to bake it for a long time. The dish is baked for at least 2 hours over medium heat. Served cold.

Bon appetit!

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My husband’s mother lived for a long time in a Tatar family, because she married a young, handsome Tatar. He had many brothers and sisters who, after years and the loss of Babai and Abika, their parents, scattered around the world in search of a better life. Of course, they were given a powerful start, because the head of the family, my husband’s grandfather, was a very rich man.

I once wrote that he could afford to line up his children and wife in front of the stove and burn a whole bag of money in front of their eyes. Like, look how your father lives - he doesn’t depend on money, but it still comes to him. The house was also a full bowl: sets, dishes, carpets, appliances, furniture. All that remains of all this now are only words: the husband’s uncle lives with his wife in a small private house in the city center, the aunt lives in a rented apartment, and only those who went to Europe live happily ever after.

A really terrible thing happened to my husband’s uncle. Those were hard times, and his own son was then taken hostage. Who, why - I don’t know, everything is overgrown with reality, but I heard that he had to serve several years for his child and lose everything. Now not a trace remains of their prosperity and five-room apartment in the city center, but the hospitality and broad soul characteristic of Tatars have not been erased from their soft faces.

My son is also a Tatar, because my husband wanted it that way. Small, mischievous, with a fiery stubborn character - a real Tatar with white hair. And our daughter-in-law is also a Tatar - a principled, cunning, but hardworking and economical girl, the mother of three lovely children. From early childhood she dreamed that her house would be a full cup, and so it happened. There are, of course, difficult times in their family, but in just over ten years of marriage they have acquired a large four-room apartment, fully furnished and renovated, a car, their own business and other benefits.

She and I have a hard time getting along, because she is disgusted by our lifestyle and ways of earning money. But the point is also that all Tatar women are harmful - this is a pattern. When I met my husband’s relatives, the female half seemed to weigh me on scales and crucify me on a torture table: education, upbringing, priorities, work, salary.

And then one of my husband’s Tatar aunts asked me if I knew how to bake Tatar pies. Like, she married a Tatar and learned to feed him properly? I bit my lip and remained silent, muttering something unintelligible about my gastronomic skills.

No, I didn’t know how to bake balishi, pretzels, or gubadia. And I still can’t. But my mother absolutely loves baking this pie. She took the recipe from her daughter-in-law and now, for any holiday, in addition to the “Old Stump”, she bakes gubadia.

This is a dish of Tatar and Bashkir national cuisine, a closed round pie, traditionally served with tea, since it is prepared from sweet ingredients, but sometimes it also becomes a meaty, hearty dish.

Gubadiya is usually prepared on holidays and must be present at the wedding table and when welcoming dear guests. A kind of analogue of the Russian loaf, into which the newlyweds sink their teeth and hands, trying to grab their powerful piece of family life.

How to cook Gubadia?

Gubadia, it seems to me, is far from “stupid”, because it contains: unleavened dough or yeast, rice, raisins, eggs, dried apricots and prunes, cottage cheese or minced meat. Regardless of what kind of dough you take for cooking, you need to put a lot of oil in it.

Today I suggest you make sweet gubadia for tea - the same as my mother bakes. By the way, the specialty of the Tatar sweet pie is considered to be “kort” or processed cottage cheese. In Kazakhstan it is called kurt, and in Tatarstan it is called kyrt. But we can do without him.

Ingredients for the dough:

Sour cream - 1 glass;

Egg - 1 shuka;

Half a teaspoon of baking soda, slaked with vinegar;


Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;

Salt, sugar to taste

This is unleavened dough, which is mixed with sour cream. Not for very long, after which vegetable oil is added to it. The dough is divided into two parts, one larger, the other smaller. A large piece is rolled out into a flat cake and laid out on a baking sheet so that the edges hang from it.

Filling ingredients:

Rice - 200 grams;

Pumpkin - a little bit, that's what mom said

Half a glass of raisins;

A glass of dried apricots and raisins;

Butter - 100 grams;

Sugar - 100 grams

First, boil the rice in salted water, and then drain the water. Wash the raisins and dried apricots and dry them. Now mix all the ingredients for the filling: rice, dried apricots and prunes (these products need to be chopped), grated pumpkin, sugar. Then place pieces of butter on top of the filling.

Cover everything with a second tortilla and pinch the edges. Some people use sprinkles for gubadia, but my mother makes it without it. If anything, it is prepared like this: a tablespoon of flour is mixed with the same spoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of butter. Grind everything with your hands to form a loose mass with which you decorate the gubadia.

Place the sheet in the oven for 30-45 minutes, baking it at 200 degrees.

Belish - Tatar pie

I love Balishi with a high degree of adoration. This is a very tasty pie and a real salvation for housewives who want to feed a lot of guests.

The dough for it is prepared from 150 grams of margarine, 1 cup of kefir, 1 egg, salt, flour - enough so that the dough is not too tight, and soda on the tip of a knife.

The filling consists of fatty meat, onions, potatoes, salt and spices to taste. Meat, onions and potatoes are cut into cubes, mixed with spices and salted. Then the dough is rolled out into 2 layers: one will serve as the bottom of the pie, the second will serve as the top.

A large layer of dough is laid out on a round frying pan, leaving its edges outside the edge of the dish. Place the filling, cover with a second piece of plastic and seal. A small hole is made in the middle of the balish, which you plug with a homemade “plug” made of dough.

Place the pie in the preheated oven and bake for 30 minutes. Then the balish is removed, the cork is uncorked, and 100-150 grams of hot broth are added to it. Once again we plug the “cork” and put the pie in the oven for half an hour. It will be ready when the filling is baked, and you check its readiness through the “magic” keyhole.

Peremyachs, chibiriks and bekkens

There are many more types of pies in Tatar cuisine - these are not our two traditional ones, with fish and meat. For example, chibriks are called kabartma and are prepared from yeast dough. It can be either rye or wheat, and chibiriki are baked in different ways: some in a saucepan, immersed in oil, some in a frying pan directly on an open flame, covering with fat or leaving the kabartma without it.

Bekkens are a type of Tatar pies. They don't quite look like samsa, because the dough for them, although unleavened, is made much larger. The filling for bekkens (almost an English name) can be either potatoes with liver, or rice with pumpkin, and carrots are well suited for this yummy.

In general, go wild, bounce the dough! One would like to say that the Tatars not only know how to cook, but also do it with special taste. That’s why Tatar wives’ husbands never go hungry, because girls are not given in marriage until they learn to bake Gubadia or Balishi. Maybe that’s why they’re harmful, because they know their worth and, despite all their beauty and grooming, they know how to cook, thereby putting European girls in the belt?

It is not for nothing that Tatar women are called excellent wives who know how to create comfort and a favorable aura in the home. They are also good mothers, but the fact that they are demanding of a man is a habit. She keeps herself on top, that’s why she doesn’t want to see a lazy person next to her.

What do you think? By the way, try gubadia - it was tested at home.

, echpochmak, peremyachi, etc. And of course, a section of Tatar cuisine would be incomplete without recipes for preparing various types of test.

Yeast dough on dough

Sift the flour. Take yeast at the rate of 20-40 g per 1 kg of flour and dilute in warm water or milk. Pour one third of the flour taken into the bowl and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
Lightly sprinkle the kneaded apara with flour and place in a warm place for fermentation for 2-3 hours.
The temperature of the dough should be 30-35 degrees. During fermentation, the volume of the dough approximately doubles. The finished dough will begin to fall off. Add water, butter, granulated sugar, salt, spices (vanillin, etc.), add the rest of the flour and knead the dough. It should be mixed so that it does not stick to your hands and easily comes off the dishes. Place the dough for fermentation in a warm place.
After 1-2 hours, when the dough has risen, you need to squeeze it and let it rise again. This removes some of the carbon dioxide from the dough and replaces it with air, which promotes better fermentation of the dough. It is advisable to crimp the dough twice.
The dough should not be allowed to rest, as this deteriorates its quality and a sour taste appears. That's why dough It is not recommended to knead in advance.
In addition to butter, ghee or margarine, you can add sunflower oil to the dough.

Approximate layout for 1 kg of flour: pressed yeast 20-40 g, salt 12-15 g, water or milk from 350 to 450 g, eggs 2-3 pcs., granulated sugar 30-40 g, butter 50 g.

The amount of yeast used to prepare the dough depends on the quality and temperature conditions under which the dough ferments. For example, the worse the quality of the yeast and the lower the temperature, the more of it should be added.
When mixing the same type yeast dough Fluid standards may change in one direction or another. This is explained by the degree of moisture in the flour. The more moisture the flour contains, the less liquid it absorbs, and vice versa.
If the dough is used for baking, then you need to take twice as much butter, granulated sugar, and eggs.

Unleavened yeast dough

If the dough is not intended for baked goods, it is usually prepared using the straight method. Dissolve yeast in warm water (or milk), add sugar, fat, salt, mix well and add all the flour. You need to take more yeast than for preparing dough on dough. During the fermentation process, it is recommended to knead the dough 2-3 times and let it rise again. When the dough begins to fall, it is ready.

To prepare a straight dough, for 1 kg of flour you need: 400-500 g of water or milk, 30-40 g of yeast, 2-3 eggs, 12 g of salt, 50 g of granulated sugar, 50 g of fat.

Unleavened dough

Pour water or milk into a clean bowl, add sugar, salt, eggs, butter and mix everything thoroughly. Pour the sifted flour into the prepared mixture and knead the dough so that it does not stick to your hands and easily comes off the walls of the dish. You can immediately make various products from the finished dough: peremyachi, zur byalesh, echpochmak, vak byalesh, etc.

To prepare 1 kg of unleavened dough: flour 600-700 g, water or milk 200-250 g, granulated sugar 30 g, butter 100 g, eggs 2 pcs., salt

Dough for noodles and dumplings.

Sift flour, preferably premium quality, separate the required amount, pour it onto the board in a mound. Make a hole in it, pour cold water or cooled broth into it, add eggs, salt and knead. The dough should be quite stiff and viscous. Divide the finished dough into 2-3 pieces, roll into balls and let rest for 15-20 minutes, then roll out the balls to a thickness of 1-1.5 millimeters. Sprinkle the rolled out dough with flour and leave for 10-15 minutes to dry. Then fold in four and cut into long ribbons 4-5 centimeters wide. Place the ribbons on top of each other and finely chop them. The noodles can be cut into thin strips, as well as into quadrangles, diamonds, and triangles.

To prepare noodles, for 1 kg of flour you need: 200 g of water or cooled broth, 7 eggs, 30 g of salt.

Prepare the dough for dumplings in the same way as for noodles, only here it should be softer and less eggs should be placed in it. Roll dough, as for noodles, then cut it into circles with a glass or a special cutter.

To prepare the dough for 1 kg of flour, take: water - 300 g, eggs - 5 pieces, salt 20 g.

Pancake batter

For pancakes, unleavened batter is prepared in milk with the addition of eggs, sugar and salt. For splendor, you can add tea soda. Pour the sifted flour into the egg-milk mixture with sugar and salt and stir thoroughly with a whisk until a homogeneous batter without lumps is formed. If there are lumps, it is advisable to strain the dough. Thin pancakes are baked from the resulting dough in hot round frying pans with a handle, greased. To do this, hold the hot or greased frying pan at an angle with your left hand, and pour the batter with your right hand using a pouring spoon so that it completely covers the surface of the frying pan, and fry until pale brown on the bottom. The finished pancakes are placed on a wooden board with the toasted side up (if you have ground crackers, it is advisable to sprinkle each layer)
Pancakes can be served folded in four, with butter, sour cream, honey or jam.
Pancakes can be prepared with various minced meats: cottage cheese, meat, etc.

Tatar meat pie is a traditional holiday dish of Turkic cuisine.

A large covered pie is baked for the occasion, called zur-belish- big pie.

Unlike vac-belish(small pie) you can feed the whole family.

The traditional dough for Tatar meat pie is unleavened, often flaky.

However, the great popularity of this dish has made changes to the national recipe. Today you can find a recipe based on yeast text.

Beef, lamb or poultry meat is used as filling. For obvious reasons, it is better not to use pork. Duck, chicken, goose are the most common options for poultry meat.

The filling consists of two main components: meat and potatoes. They definitely mix with onions. You can season the filling with spices to taste, although the rich taste and aroma of the meat is self-sufficient. Instead of potatoes, some housewives use rice.

Tatar meat pie - general cooking principles

To prepare the filling, the meat should be cut into very thin cubes. Minced meat is practically not used. National cutting allows you to get a richer, more intense taste. Potatoes are used raw. Baking it into a pie is an interesting culinary challenge. It is better to cut the vegetable into almost transparent slices: then the potatoes are guaranteed to be baked. The onion is cut into transparent rings.

Mix the filling in a large bowl, add salt, black pepper and set aside for a few minutes.

The dough for belish is prepared on the basis of kefir, yogurt, milk, butter or margarine. Additional ingredients: salt, vinegar. You may need more or less flour than specified in the recipe, which depends on its type and the characteristics of mixing with other ingredients. Sometimes an egg is added to the dough.

Traditionally, a frying pan without a handle is used to bake a pie. The dough is divided into two unequal parts: two thirds for the base, one third for the top. The layer needs to be rolled out thin enough and placed in a frying pan so that the edges protrude a few centimeters above the edge of the frying pan.

Having distributed the filling, you need to lift the edges of the base to the center of the pie, roll out the top layer and pinch the pie nicely. Be sure to leave a hole in the center: through it, the readiness of the potatoes is checked and the broth is poured in.

By the way, it is the broth that is the special feature of the Tatar meat pie. Thanks to the liquid, raw potatoes have the opportunity to cook, and the pie itself turns out juicy and tender.

Tatar pie with meat is baked at a temperature of 200 degrees. Baking takes an hour and a half on average. After an hour, the oven temperature is usually reduced to 180 degrees (so that the potatoes “cook”). To distribute the heat evenly, you can place a container of water under the bottom of the mold. To prevent the top from burning, after browning (after about forty minutes) it should be covered with a sheet of foil.

Tatar pie with meat and potatoes made from dough with sour cream

The classic version of Tatar meat pie is a temptation for the family. Unleavened dough with sour cream turns out airy and tender. Ingredient quantities are for extra large pan.


A kilogram of any meat;

Ten medium potatoes;

Two large onions;

Fifty grams of butter;

250 grams of sour cream;

100 ml milk;

100 ml water or ready-made broth;

Two chicken eggs;

A kilogram of white flour;

A teaspoon of sugar;

Salt, pepper;

Two tablespoons of mayonnaise;

Two tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes into thin slices.

Finely chop the onions.

Cut the meat into very small pieces.

Mix all filling ingredients in a large saucepan, add salt and pepper to taste.

If desired, add dried parsley, dill, and basil to the filling.

Prepare the dough. Mix eggs with milk, mayonnaise and sour cream.

Add salt.

Pour in vegetable oil.

Gradually adding flour, knead the dough. It should turn out soft and not stick to your hands.

Separate a small lump of dough - about the size of a walnut.

Divide the dough into two parts.

Form the bottom layer of the pie.

Carefully, so as not to tear the dough sheet, lay out the filling.

Roll out the top layer, pinch it, make a hole.

Roll the reserved piece of dough into a ball and cover the resulting hole.

After an hour, check the readiness of the potatoes by removing a lump of dough and picking up a potato piece.

Pour broth or water into the pie and add butter.

Let the Tatar meat pie sit for a while and serve.

Tatar pie with beef and potatoes made from margarine dough

An appetizing, aromatic Tatar pie with meat is not only incredibly tasty, but also very satisfying. The margarine dough is thin, crispy, tender, slightly flaky. It is prepared without eggs, which is important in the diet of allergy sufferers.


Half a glass of milk;

Half a glass of sour cream;

A tablespoon of vinegar;

A pack of creamy margarine;

Three glasses of white flour;

Half a kilo of any meat;

Two medium onions;

Three potatoes;

150 ml broth;

Spices, salt, pepper;

Cooking method:

Chop the meat finely enough, add salt and pepper.

Place the meat in the refrigerator for two to three hours. It will be soaked in juice and become tender and juicy.

Pour flour into a bowl.

Grate all the margarine into the flour (it is better to freeze it in the freezer first).

Grind flour and margarine into crumbs.

Add milk and sour cream, vinegar and knead the dough.

While kneading the dough, add about another glass of flour.

The dough will turn out uneven, but this is not a problem. After resting for half an hour in the refrigerator, it will become completely smooth and pleasant.

Roll out the rested dough, roll it up and put it back in the refrigerator.

Cut the potatoes into thin slices.

Chop the onion into thin half rings.

Form the dough into a main layer as described above.

Place the marinated meat on the dough and press down a little.

Place onion and potatoes on top of the meat.

If the meat is very lean or chicken, you can add a few pieces of butter.

Form the top of the pie.

Brush it with beaten yolk.

Close the hole in the lid with a small peeled onion.

Bake for twenty minutes, then remove, pour broth or water into the hole, and put back in the oven.

Repeat the infusion of broth after another half hour.

After twenty minutes, taste the potatoes to see if they are done. Finish baking if necessary.

Tatar pie with lamb meat and potatoes made from puff pastry

Lamb is a special product for Tatar cuisine. It is from fresh lamb meat that special dishes of the national cuisine are prepared. Puff pastry with butter gives this version of Tatar meat pie a special charm.


Three glasses of white flour;

Half a glass of milk;

Half a glass of sour cream;

A stick of butter;

A teaspoon of table vinegar;

Half a kilo of fresh lamb;

Four potatoes;

Two medium onions;

150 ml broth;

One yolk;

Salt, pepper.

Cooking method:

Finely chop the meat, add salt, sprinkle with pepper, season to taste with dried herbs and spices, mix and place on the refrigerator shelf. The lamb should marinate for an hour and a half.

Sift the flour into a wide bowl.

Cut or grate cold butter into it.

Add sour cream, milk, vinegar and knead into a soft dough.

Place it in the refrigerator for about twenty minutes.

Take out the dough, roll it into a layer, roll it into an envelope, and put it back in the refrigerator for twenty minutes.

Repeat rolling out the layers four to five more times until the dough turns into a puff pastry.

Slice the potatoes and onions thinly.

Form a pie.

Place the filling in layers: meat, potatoes, salt and pepper, onion, five pieces of butter.

Brush the top of the pie with yolk.

Every half hour, pour broth or water into the pie.

The pie will be ready in an hour and a half.

You need to take it out of the oven, remove the foil and let it rest a little (about twenty minutes).

Tatar pie with meat and rice made from yeast dough

An unusual version of Tatar pie with meat and rice is a godsend for an experienced housewife. Yeast dough gives the dish a special taste, beef gives a thick meaty aroma.


A glass of warm water;

One level tablespoon of dry active yeast;

A pack of butter margarine;

Two eggs;

White flour (about three to four glasses);

A teaspoon of sugar;

Salt, pepper;

Two kilograms of beef;

A glass of white rice;

Half a stick of butter for the filling;

Two large onions;

A glass of prepared broth.

Cooking method:

Cook the rice and rinse it with water.

Slice the beef.

Chop the onion into rings.

Mix rice, meat and onion, add salt to taste and sprinkle with pepper.

Prepare a dough from water, sugar and yeast: mix the ingredients and leave for fifteen minutes.

Melt the margarine in a saucepan and cool slightly.

Beat one egg vigorously.

Mix egg, margarine, dough.

Add some salt and start kneading the dough, adding flour little by little.

The finished dough should be soft and elastic. There is no need to leave it to proof.

Form a pie.

Place pieces of butter on top of the filling.

Pour broth (or water) into the hole.

Brush the top with the yolk of the second egg.

Bake for an hour.

Then remove, cover with a damp cloth or towel and let rest for about an hour.

Tatar pie with chicken meat “Kubete”

A type of Tatar pie with meat is kubete, which means “fast”. It is prepared from puff pastry, which in combination with chicken really speeds up the preparation. It turns out deliciously tasty, juicy and appetizing.


Six hundred grams of white flour;

Two hundred milliliters of water;

Three hundred grams of creamy margarine;

One egg;

A tablespoon of vinegar;

Three hundred grams of chicken fillet;

A spoon of cumin;

Six potatoes;

Two onions;

Pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Chop the margarine with a knife along with half the flour, then grind into crumbs.

Beat the egg and add to the flour crumbs.

Salt, add water and vinegar.

Gradually add the remaining flour and knead the dough.

Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film or put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After twenty minutes, take it out, roll it out, fold it into an envelope and put it back in the refrigerator.

Repeat the procedure two more times.

Chop potatoes and onions.

Cut the chicken fillet into cubes, finely.

Mix the filling ingredients, add salt, add a spoonful of cumin, and stir.

Form a cake (not forgetting about the hole), brush with yolk and place in a preheated oven for about forty minutes.

Serve hot.

Tatar pie with meat “Uch pochmak”

A quick and convenient version of the Tatar pie with meat is uchpochmaki pies. Small in size, they cook faster than zur-belish, but are no less tasty. The kefir dough is tender, tasty, soft.


A glass of kefir;

Three quarters of a pack of margarine;

Two yolks;

A teaspoon of soda;

A teaspoon of vinegar;

Two to three glasses of flour;

Three hundred grams of beef;

Three hundred grams of lamb;

Six potatoes;

Large onion;

Bay leaf;

A teaspoon of dill seeds;

Pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

Melt the margarine.

Mix two yolks, salt, soda, slaked vinegar, kefir and margarine.

Add flour and knead the dough. It should come off your fingers.

Place the dough in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Cut the meat into small cubes.

Cut the potatoes into the same cubes.

Chop the onion.

Mix all the ingredients of the filling, salt, sprinkle with pepper, season with dill seeds and crushed bay leaf.

Divide the dough into small balls.

Roll out the ball, put the filling in the center, bring the edges of the circle towards the middle and pinch so that you get a triangular pie with a hole in the center.

Place the uch puchmaki on a sheet and bake for about an hour.

Tatar pie with lamb ribs

An excellent dough made with yogurt and butter will make the Tatar meat pie a real masterpiece of culinary art. Two types of meat are used: ground beef and lamb ribs.


Four hundred grams of flour;

150 grams of butter;

One hundred grams of natural yogurt;

Two hundred grams of sour cream;

One egg;

Half a spoon of soda;

Salt, black pepper;

Half a kilo of ground beef;

Three hundred to four hundred grams of lamb ribs;

Two onions;

Five potatoes;

A spoonful of coriander and cumin.

Cooking method:

Melt one hundred grams of butter.

Mix yolk, yogurt, sour cream, butter, slaked soda.

Knead the dough.

Roll the dough into a ball, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator.

Trim the meat from the ribs and cut it into very small cubes.

Make broth from the ribs, adding carrots, onions, bay leaves, pepper, salt, and herbs.

Finely chop the onion.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes.

Mix minced meat, lamb, potatoes, onions.

Add salt, season with spices, mix.

Roll out the dough into two circles and form a pie.

Place the remaining butter on top of the filling.

Bake for about an hour.

If desired, after half an hour from the start of baking, pour a little broth into the pie.

After baking, be sure to let the cake rest.

Serve with broth.

Tatar meat pie - tricks and useful tips

    You can add any spices to the pie filling to your taste. Anise gives it a special taste.

    Homemade puff pastry will always turn out well if you add vinegar to it.

    It is better to knead the dough not with your hands, but with a wooden spoon. The fact is that margarine and butter quickly melt from the warmth of your hands, so you have to add more flour to the dough. This will not make it airy and melting.

    When laying out the filling, you need to try not to damage the bottom of the pie. Otherwise, the broth will leak out and the filling will turn out dry.

    Traditional Tatar pie is served in a frying pan, which is placed in the center of the table. Using a sharp knife, cut the crust in a circle and serve it in portions to each plate. Then the filling is laid out. At the very end of the meal, the bottom of the pie is sliced. You need to cut it into triangles.

    Belish (or balesh) is served not only with broth, but also with katyk and brine.

Recipe for Tatar Pie Dough

We suggest considering the recipe for Tatar pie Echpochmak or Belish. Recipes made from meat and dough are considered a national feature of the Tatars. Tatar pies, recipe with photos, how to prepare the dish The Gubadiya recipe is traditional for Tatar cuisine, this pie is served at all major celebrations. And for this case, a simple recipe for a sweet pie with cherries made from straight yeast dough will come in handy. Recipe for Tatar meat pie. Photo Let's knead the dough. A variety of recipes for traditional Tatar pies will delight all lovers of delicious pastries. You can prepare kystyby with potatoes, cottage cheese or millet porridge. Ingredients for the dough Balesh - Tatar pie, recipe with photo Tatar pies. The best recipes in the catalogue. To prepare unleavened dough, you get approximately 1.2 kg: mix milk with melted butter, eggs, sugar, salt, gradually add flour for pies and pies. DOUGH PRODUCTS. Tatar cuisine Consistent presentation of recipes ensures success even for novice cooks. 50th page of the section. Katly-pate Pate - in Tatar cuisine - the name of the pie. Ingredients: 1 kg of yeast dough, 400 g of thick jam, 100 g Tatar pie “Balesh” - Step-by-step recipe with photos Roll out the second piece of dough for the Tatar pie. This is the recipe for Tatar pie that I liked. And the kind of dough he makes is simply the pinnacle of culinary art! Experts: How to prepare dough for Tatar pie? Maybe he's called Kurnik? otvet Yeast dough, puff pastry. The dough can also be prepared with kefir and sour milk. Yeast dough recipe - flour-300 g, yeast-20 g, warm water-200 ml. , sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. l. , salt - 0.5 tsp. Puff pastry recipe - flour - 400 g Recipes for Tatar pies and pies » » Test food flour - 3-4 cups, sour cream - 1 cup, mayonnaise - 1 tbsp. l., sunflower oil - 50 ml, salt - 1 pinch, soda - 1 pinch, veal beef - 400 g, potatoes - 400 g, onions - 2 heads, salt - to taste, pepper mixture - to taste... 3 hours 6 servings 300 calories Tatar pie - delicious recipe with step-by-step photos Tvoi Recept potatoes - 7-8 pcs., preferably beef, goose or lamb - 0.5 kg, onion - 1 pc., egg - 1 pc., sour cream - 125 g, milk – 50 ml, flour – 0.4-0.5 kg, sugar – 0.5 tsp, vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l., butter - 50 g... Pies, Tatar cuisine, recipes with photos. Dough recipe for Tatar Pies -
Channel -

Date added: 2016-04-18

Gubadia is a round-shaped butter pie with a multi-layer filling that contains boiled rice, chopped eggs, raisins (or apricots), minced meat and kort (dried cottage cheese).

Gubadia can be unsweetened (with meat) and sweet, fruity (without meat).
In this recipe we will cook unsweetened gubadia, with meat.

The pie should be served hot. It is permissible to warm up the gubadia before serving.

To prepare the pie, you need to prepare the maximum amount of required products.

1. First, let's prepare the court:

Court- This is dried crumbling cottage cheese, which can be bought ready-made in specialized stores. You just need to bring it to the desired consistency.

You can prepare the court yourself. This happens in different ways - by boiling kefir or evaporating cottage cheese. Sufficiently dry cottage cheese must be combined in a saucepan with sugar and melted butter. Next, you need to heat the mixture, constantly stirring it with a wooden spatula that fits tightly to the bottom. It is necessary for the moisture to evaporate and the court to become a yellowish-cream color. The structure of the finished court is thick. It can take up to an hour to boil!

2. Now let’s boil the rice:

To do this, the rice must be thoroughly washed and placed in a large amount of boiling salted water. Boil. When the rice is almost ready, place it in a fine sieve and let it stand so that the broth drains.

3. Five (5) eggs should be hard-boiled and cooled.

4. Now let's prepare the meat filling:

Melt 1 tbsp in a frying pan. butter, fry the finely chopped peeled onion until transparent. Add minced beef.
Fry everything together, adding salt and spices to taste.
Set the meat filling aside.

5. Now let's do the test:

Sift 3 cups of flour into a large bowl, add a pinch of fine salt and 300 g of butter, cut into small cubes or grated.
You need to grind the dough into fine crumbs with your hands.

6. Add baking powder to kefir and stir. The kefir should foam a little. Add it to the dough. Stir, knead the dough with your hands. Add more flour if necessary. The result should be a soft dough resembling an earlobe.

7. Roll it into a ball. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave to rest for 20 minutes.

8. Grease a large roasting pan with butter. Roll out 2/3 of the dough and place in the roasting pan so that a small part of the dough protrudes beyond the edges of the pan. Place a third of boiled rice on the bottom as the first layer.

9. The next layer is kort, then chopped boiled eggs, now again a layer of boiled rice.

10. Then you should add a layer of minced meat.

Pies, Tatar cuisine

11. Another layer of rice. And sprinkle raisins thoroughly washed in warm water on top.

12. Next, you need to generously pour melted butter (about 100 g) over the filling.
Roll out the rest of the dough to a diameter equal to the top of the pie, place on top, pinch the edges. Brush gubadia with beaten egg. Make several pricks using a fork.
Place in preheated oven.
Bake for 1 hour at 180 degrees.

13. Remove the finished pie and cover with a towel.

14. Bon appetit! 🙂

Tatar wedding cake

Heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil in a frying pan over moderate heat, add the minced meat and fry, mashing with a fork, until tender, about 12 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and transfer to a plate and wipe out the pan.

In the same frying pan, heat 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and fry the onion, remove from heat and add chopped eggs.

Preheat the oven to 180° C. Grease a round cake pan with a diameter of 22 cm.

On a floured work surface, roll out half the dough into a circle 25 cm in diameter and place in the pan so that it hangs slightly over the edges.

Place the filling in the following layers, sprinkling each layer with melted butter: meat, rice, eggs and onions. Sprinkle raisins on top.

Roll out the rest of the dough into a circle with a diameter of 22 cm, place it on the filling and pinch the edges. Cover the pie with a linen or cotton towel and leave for 15 minutes.

Brush the top of the pie with beaten egg yolk, pierce it in several places with the point of a knife and bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes until the pie is deep golden brown. Serve warm.

(2 pies)

Dishes worth trying. Prepare the most delicious dishes with us.

spoons of vegetable oil, 450 g of ground beef, salt and ground black pepper (to taste), 2 large finely chopped onions, 6 hard-boiled and chopped eggs, 1 yeast dough recipe, 16 tbsp. tablespoons (250 g) melted butter, 1 cup cooked long grain rice, 2/3 cup raisins, 2 large egg yolks, beaten with 2 teaspoons milk.

How to cook Tatar pies

Tatar national pies are famous all over the world for their unforgettable, original taste. I have been preparing the recipe for Tatar sweet pie for quite some time, because... this is really unusual! In general, Tatar sweet pies have different recipes - from shortbread, yeast and unleavened dough. Mostly Tatars prepare dough using kefir, but there are recipes for yeast dough as well. I present to your attention a Tatar pie with viburnum - balan belishe.

Recipe for Tatar sweet pie. How to cook?

The recipe for making yeast dough can be anything - it doesn’t matter, each housewife has her own.

But not everyone knows how to prepare viburnum filling. There's really nothing super complicated about this. You just need to collect viburnum after frost (beaten by frost, it is sweeter), clean it of branches and other debris and steam it - it is better to do this in a pressure cooker with a small amount of water, but you can also do it in a regular saucepan in a water bath. The whole process takes about an hour and a half.

Then you need to grind the whole mass through a meat grinder - preferably twice - and mix with sugar to taste. You can add vanillin or lemon zest. The finished filling has an unpresentable color - dark brown, but don’t let this bother you, it does not affect the taste.

Test preparation

The dough for the pie should be rolled out no thinner than 0.5 mm, but no more than 1 cm. Next, you need to line the mold with it, greased with any oil or fat.

Place the filling on top in an even layer and cover with a thinner layer of dough on top.

Blend the edges neatly and tightly. It is necessary to pierce the pie blank through the entire area with a fork, cover with a towel and let rise for about half an hour. Then place in an oven preheated to 220° for 25-40 minutes (time depends on your oven and the thickness of the filling and dough). Be sure to keep an eye on the preparation, especially for the first time!

When the pie is ready, you need to grease it with butter, cover it with a towel and let it sit for about 20 minutes. After that, you can eat it with tea or milk! Bon appetit!

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