Saint Anthony of Dymsky helps with what. On the holy lake on the day of remembrance of St. Anthony of Dym. Holy lake, stone and cross of St. Anthony Dymsky

A. Demkin
Russian pilgrim.
Description of the holy places of North-West Russia.

© 2011, Andrey Demkin, St. Petersburg.
Reprinting or other full or partial reproduction of the material is permitted only with the written permission of the author.

1.Holy lake, stone and cross of St. Anthony Dymsky.

Anthony Dymsky was born in Novgorod at the beginning of the 13th century. He began his monastic journey at the Khutyn Monastery, where he received monastic vows. In 1238, with the election of all the brethren and the blessing of Archimandrite. Novgorod Spyridon (1229-1249) was sent by Rev. Anthony to Patriarch Germanus II of Constantinople (1224-1240) The circumstances of this embassy are unknown, but it is known that Anthony (probably in the rank of hieromonk) for some reason stayed there for 5 years. Manuscript life of the late 17th century. tells that Anthony, “having visited holy places, returned with the Patriarch’s blessing.” Anthony after the blessed death of the abbot of the monastery, Rev. Varlaama (November 1/19, 1243) became the builder and manager of the Khutyn monastery. During this period, the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was completed and decorated (painted) in the Khutyn Monastery.

From the life of St. Anthony it is known that he was born in the 12th century in Novgorod into a pious family. He early felt an attraction to monastic life and came to the Khutyn monastery, begging the abbot Varlaam (St. Varlaam of Khutyn) to accept him as one of his students. After some time, he was tonsured a monk. Anthony enjoyed the love of the brethren for his humble character and kindness, and at the general council it was decided to send him to Constantinople. On this journey he visited the Holy Land and five years later returned to the monastery.
After the death of the Monk Varlaam, the brethren wanted to make Father Anthony abbot, but, seeking desert solitude, the monk went to the shore of Lake Dymskoye and set up a cell on a hill. Subsequently, in 1243, in search of prayerful solitude, Anthony went to look for a hermitage, which he found on the shores of Lake Dymskoye, so named because of the thick fogs - smoke that happened over the lake. Anthony Here he set up a hut for himself, and soon dug a cave for his winter stay. However, the very next year he cut down a cell on the hill, and on the lake he found a large stone - a boulder, barely peeking out of the water. The saint sailed to the stone in a boat and prayed on it for a long time, carrying out the feat of pillarism on the waters. To further exhaust his flesh, he constantly wore an iron hat on his head. After many years, rumors about his ascetic life brought people to him who wanted to share his exploits. With general consent and asking for the blessing of Archbishop Isaiah of Novgorod, they erected a church in the name of Anthony the Great with a chapel of the Intercession of the Mother of God. The Monk Anthony lived in the monastery until the end of his life and reposed in the year of the Nativity of Christ, 1273, June 24th. His holy body was buried in the temple he created in the chapel of St. Anthony the Great near the choir. The Lord glorified His saint with incorruptible relics and numerous miracles. The relics of Saint Anthony were found incorrupt in 1370 during the reign of the holy noble prince Dmitry Ioannovich Donskoy, intact and in no way damaged, and were placed openly in a shrine in the Anthony Church. In 1409, on the occasion of the invasion of the Tatars, the crayfish with relics was lowered into the ground.

The memory of St. Anthony is honored on January 17, probably on the day the relics were found. In 1655, the Holy Trinity Cathedral was built in the monastery, in which, hidden in the chapel of St. Anthony of Dymsky there were the relics of the saint. In 1744, the St. Petersburg merchant Kalitin, who received relief from his illness at the relics of Anthony of Dymsky, built a shrine over the relics of the saint and an iconostasis in the Trinity Church. The reliquary kept the iron hat of St. Anthony of Dymsky (weighing more than 3 kg), the wide brim of which was nailed to the crown with thick nails. Every year on June 24, the day of the saint’s repose, a religious procession to the lake was held in the Dymsky Monastery.

The Dymsky Monastery was subsequently destroyed several times. In 1409, the monastery was completely destroyed by the Tatars, who suddenly invaded the Novgorod borders, under the leadership of Edigai, into the Novgorod volosts. The brethren of the Dymsky Monastery, in order to avoid desecration, lowered the reliquary with the relics into the ground, under a bushel, covered it with a stone slab on top, covered it with earth, and hid all the church utensils and bells at the bottom of the lake, as well as the iron hat of the monk - it is believed that it was from those times por lake Dymskoye also began to be called “Saint”. The brothers left the monastery for a long time that year. The date of the resumption of monastic life in the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery after the devastation by the Tatars in 1409 is unknown.
However, in 1585, during the invasion of the Swedes, due to the complete destruction of the Valaam Monastery of the Transfiguration of the Savior, his brethren were forced to go deep into the Novgorod borders. The threat of invasion also loomed over the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery. With the blessing of Metropolitan Alexander of Novgorod, the latter's brethren were evacuated, and the monks of the Valaam monastery were moved into the empty Anthony-Dymsky Monastery. In 1611 the monastery was destroyed by the Swedes. During the secularization of the monastic lands, the monastery was abolished and reopened only in 1794. The relics of St. Anthony of Dymsky were in the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, in the chapel of St. Anthony the Great. In addition, the cathedral housed an ancient icon of the Kazan Mother of God. According to legend, the Monk Anthony commanded every pilgrim coming to the monastery to first of all wash in the waters of the Holy Lake. This tradition was preserved in the monastery until 1917 and has been revived now.

After the Bolshevik revolution, the monastery shared the fate of almost all Russian monasteries. To disperse the monks, an armored car was driven from Tikhvin, after which the proletarians named locality, where the Red Armored Car monastery is located. Old-timers say that one of the monks is a priest. Job. hid in nearby villages, secretly performed baptisms, funeral services, and prayer services. One day, he was found and shot in a deserted place by Bolshevik Satanist commissars, suffering a martyr's death.

For many years there was a psychiatric hospital in the monastery; later the monastery buildings were owned by the Boksitogorsk Alumina plant.

The revival of the monastery began in 1994 with the installation of a cross on Lake Dymskoye near the Holy Stone. The installation of the cross was timed to coincide with the 770th anniversary of the repose of St. Anthony. The cross was carried from the monastery to the lake in a procession of the cross - the same road along which in the old days the traditional monastery procession of the cross was carried out.
The day of the resumption of the Dymsky Monastery was the first celebration of the memory of “Winter Anthony” on January 17/30 right on the lake in 1997. A few days before the holiday, on January 27, a decision was signed to transfer the buildings of the Dymsky Monastery to the Church. From 1996 to May 2008, the monastery was a registered monastery of the Tikhvin Monastery. On June 16, 2001, the relics of St. Anthony of Dymsky were rediscovered and transferred to the Tikhvin Monastery. On June 1, 2008, the relics of St. Anthony of Dymsky were returned to the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery, which was again approved by the Holy Synod on October 8, 2008. Hegumen Ignatius (Buzin) was appointed rector.

Rev. Anthony bequeathed that all visitors to the monastery first bathe in the lake. Modern tradition stipulates that it is necessary to swim or walk around the cross and stone three times (near the cross and stone, not so deeply). The stone is located approximately one meter to the right hand of the cross. If you wish, you can climb the stone and offer your prayer to Rev. Anthony.

On the shore of the holy Dymsky Lake a new stone chapel of St. Anthony Dymsky, a stone embankment with steps to the Holy Lake was built, and spacious changing cabins were equipped.

2. Photos of the holy lake, stone and cross.

Church of St. Varlaam of Khutyn (Temple of Anthony on the Waters)

New gates of the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery.

Restored Church of the Holy Trinity

Cross on the Holy Lake near the stone of St. Anthony Dymsky

Miracles through prayers at the relics of St. Anthony and as a result of swimming in Lake Dymskoye

From about 1670, the compilers of the life of St. Anthony began to record miracles that had occurred from his relics before. The manuscripts of the life of the Dymsky ascetic have preserved for us descriptions of these numerous miracles.

For example, we learn how a resident of Tikhvin Posad, Simeon, two years after the onset of the illness, from which his eyes were very festered and blood was constantly oozing from them, having heard about miracles from the relics of the Dymsky Wonderworker, he came to the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery. Near the church, above the saint’s coffin, he scooped up morning dew from the leaves of the grass growing there and washed his eyes with it. Having received healing from this, Simeon went completely healthy to his home, praising Anthony for this wonderful mercy of his.

Miracle of 1671

In 1671, it happened to Simeon, a resident of Tikhvin Posad, who had previously received healing from an eye disease, to fall into temptation again. He fell seriously ill and for seven weeks, burning with fire, he knew no rest, day or night. In the eighth week, awaiting the hour of death, he was honored to reverently prepare and fearfully partake of the Most Pure and Life-Giving Mysteries, the Body and Blood of our Savior Lord Jesus Christ, from Hier Priest John.

When the priest, having given communion to the sufferer, left, he began to pray fervently. From the very depths of his heart flowed the words: “I thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, the Heavenly King, for you have granted me, a sinner and unworthy, the desire to partake of Your Most Pure Body and Blood! For the sake of Your Immortal and Life-giving Mysteries, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and Your venerable saint Anthony, the head of the Dymsk monastery, have mercy on me and rise from this mortal illness, since before his prayers I received healing for my eyes and found full health. Even now I believe, Lord, that Your mercy will be shown to me.”

And so, having prayed, the sick man bowed down in exhaustion and lay down on his bed. And then, in a subtle dream, as if in reality, he sees his house, where he lies, with the walls seemingly dismantled to the bottom of the windows, he sees the abode of the Queen of Heaven, and between his house and the Tikhvin Monastery there are no other houses.

Simeon sees how angels, not on the ground, but through the air, from this most honorable monastery, carry the miraculous icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God and the icon of St. Anthony, the ruler of the Dymsk Hermitage. And along with the icons, the angels carry a great cup filled to the brim with holy water swaying in it from edge to edge.

When the angels brought the cup to him, they exclaimed: “Rise, Simeon, and sit down! Why are you lying stretched out on your bed?” He answered them: “Lord! Most of all, I wish you such health that you can get up from your bed. I am exhausted for my sins!” Then the Monk Anthony also says to him: “Get up and sit!” After which he, taking a sprinkler, sprinkled the sick man with holy water brought from the monastery of the Queen of Heaven.

From this sprinkling, Simeon, feeling how the heavenly rain was falling on all his clothes, was horrified and greatly frightened by such a vision, quickly jumped out of his bed and felt complete health in all his limbs. And immediately, by God’s grace, the intercession of the Mother of God and the intercession of their saint, the Monk Anthony, he was able to walk.

Having received a grace-filled healing, which left no consequences of the disease, in joy and joy Simeon began to thank the Lord God and the Most Pure Mother of God, also praising the head of the Dymskaya monastery, the Monk Anthony.

Miracle of 1680

In 1680, under the rule of the pious sovereign Fyodor Alekseevich, the cleric of the Belozersky district Peter came to the monastery of St. Anthony. He begged the builder of the monastery, monk Simon, and the other brethren to leave him in the monastery. Then he lived there for some time, fulfilling his church obedience, but when he wanted to leave, he fell ill with tremors. For a long time the illness did not leave him. He suffered greatly, having no peace day or night.

One day, in a subtle dream, the Monk Anthony appeared to him and commanded: “Rise up, man, and swim in the local lake!” - promising that the sick person will receive healing. Waking up from such joyful news, during the morning prayer singing, Peter hurried to the lake, bathed in it and, with the Grace of the Light of Christ and the merciful charity of His saint the Wonderworker Anthony, immediately recovered completely.

Miracle of 1687

In 1687, a certain youth named Nikifor from the village of Nikiforova, which was located not far from Ustyug Zhelezopolsky, came to the monastery of the Monk Anthony and begged the abbot and the brethren to allow him to read psalms in the church. Three months had passed since then, and he planned to leave the monastery. But suddenly he fell ill with shakes, so much so that he was close to dying.

While awaiting his death hour, he was greatly grieved, but the monk showed him his mercy, raising him from his sick bed. The idea came to the sufferer’s mind to piously worship the Wonderworker. Getting out of bed, he went to church. Having prayed diligently, he took the dust from the holy tomb of Anthony, threw it into a bowl of water and washed his face. And from that hour of Christ, through the grace and prayers of St. Anthony of Dymsky, I immediately felt with my whole body that I had completely recovered.

The Miracle of the Cell Fire of 1687

On October 2, 1687, there was a fire in the monastery, which was associated with the miraculous intercession of St. Anthony for his monastery. In the evening, the saint of God appeared in a subtle dream to the builder of the monastery, monk Simeon Kleopinus. He dreamed that the monk came to his cell and loudly exclaimed: “Rise up, you careless one! You’ll burn out idlely!” Greatly frightened by such a vision, the abbot immediately woke up and saw that, due to a faulty stove, a fire was already raging in his cell. He managed to jump out of it and hit the beater. The brethren came running to this call. Turning with prayer to the Lord, the Mother of God, calling for help from the head of the monastery, they began to put out the fire. Through the prayers and intercession of the monk, the fire was soon stopped.

Miracle of the refectory fire of 1687

A month later, on November 14, after the evening service, the refectory and bakery had already caught fire. And again the Monk Anthony appeared as the deliverer of his monastery from misfortune. Sexton Pachomius, who was performing his obedience, in the evening after the service, leaving the church at the usual time, lit the stove in the refectory and closed it. Then he went to the kitchen to prepare food for the brothers for dinner. At this time, due to a malfunction in the pipe, the wall adjacent to it caught fire. Then the monk again appeared before the abbot and, seeing him sleeping, pushed him in the ribs with the words: “Wake up! The monastery is on fire! The abbot, frightened by the vision, jumped out of bed and hit the beater, calling the brethren and workers to the fire. They, with prayer, calling for help from the patron saint of the Dymskaya monastery, hastened to dismantle the roof of the refectory and put out the fire.

Miracle of the Painful Legs of 1687

And the Monk Anthony did not abandon those who came to him with faith through his intercession. About forty-five kilometers from the monastery in the Cherensky churchyard, the estate of the nobleman Savva Palitsyn, lived the peasant Lavrenty Yakovlev. In 1687 he fell ill and had leg pain for six months. He couldn't even stand on them. One day, dozing off, he heard a voice that said to him: “Man! Why are you lying there so carelessly? Promise to go to the Mother of God in the caves and to St. Anthony. Pray at his tomb, serve a prayer service, then you will receive healing!”

Waking up from sleep and not seeing anyone next to him, Lavrenty realized that this was not a simple vision. At that very hour, with tears, from the very heart, he promised to do what Anthony commanded him. And from that time he recovered and began to walk.

Miracle of 1689

On April 23, 1689, a cleric of the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery fell into a serious illness. The Lord visited him with His mercy. Burning with fire, Luka's mind became clouded and began to run around the monastery in a frenzy. He threw himself out of the windows of the church... He did ridiculous things. And so, after spending two weeks in illness, he did not allow anyone to help him. However, the monk did not leave the sufferer. Through Anthony’s intercession and prayers, it somehow came to Luke’s mind, in order to alleviate his suffering, to swim in the lake. Having fulfilled his plan, he barely reached his cell and fell asleep.

In a subtle dream, he saw how a certain monk in an ancient monastic vestment unfamiliar to him with a sword came into his cell and exclaimed: “Why are you lying in such an inhuman state! Completely crazy! You are dying in vain not from people, but from yourself and your madness! You come to the Church of God to serve God, but your thoughts are not church-like. There is no fear of God in you. Is this how clerics should behave?! You keep whispering, arguing, spending your time in foul language and sinful thoughts!”

The patient, having heard the words accusatory of him, wanted to move from his place, but could not. He felt as if his legs were tied with iron bonds. The monk, holding a sword with him, said to him: “Now I will give you relief from your illness, but you remember that you should, especially in church, have the fear of God. Do not tempt those gathered to pray and sing by talking, but remain silent. Don’t argue, don’t whisper, and don’t do other inappropriate things.”

Having said this, he struck with his sword and freed the legs of the bound sinner. From this strong blow, which cut through his iron, Luke received relief from his illness.

Having done all this, the unknown person said to him: “This is a small punishment for you, man, for your insolence. If in the future you do not come to your senses and remain chaste, if you come to the Church of God without reverence and stand in it without fear of tempting people, then a more severe punishment will follow. And not only to you, but also to others, to everyone who does the same thing.”

The patient, upon waking up, was frightened and surprised by everything he saw, especially since he felt relief from the illness in all his limbs. And therefore, without hesitating a minute, he went to the tomb of the saint, thanking the Lord God, His Most Pure Mother and Anthony of Dymsky himself for his intercession with them, for the small punishment, for the fear that he experienced, and for the mercy towards him from the Lord God.

Miracle of 1744

In 1744, after swimming in Lake Dymskoye, the St. Petersburg merchant Ermolai Ivanovich Kalitin received healing from a skin disease. He suffered from a skin disease for a long time. His body was covered with “cruel scabs.” Hearing about the miracles of the Monk Anthony, he came to the monastery and, having served a prayer service at the tomb, began to swim in the lake, after which he completely recovered. Kalitin, in gratitude for his healing, gave money to the church that was “rebuilt that same summer.” In addition, inside the newly built church, two iconostasis and a shrine were built over the relics of the Wonderworker Anthony using his donations.

Second miracle of 1744

At the same time, another merchant from St. Petersburg, John Vasiliev, was sick with his eyes. Arriving at the monastery, he served a prayer service at the shrine with the relics of the monk and swam in the lake. After bathing, his eyes received complete healing.

Miracle of 1796

In 1796, in the city of Tikhvin, the merchant John had a son, who was named Vasily. Until he was five years old, he could not walk. His parents were very sad about this. After a long treatment that did not produce any results, they decided to take him to the monastery of St. Anthony. Arriving at the monastery and praying at the tomb of the Wonderworker, the parents bathed their son in Lake Dymskoye, calling for help from the head of the monastery. From that time on, the boy began to walk on his own through his prayers.

Miracle of 1800

In 1800, in the city of Tikhvin, a merchant named Peter became very ill. When he was already dying, he fell into oblivion. Bowing to sleep, he saw the Most Holy Theotokos and the Wonderworker Nicholas and St. Anthony of Dymsky standing before her. And from this icon of the Mother of God a voice came to him: “Repent, man, and promise to live piously!”

The patient immediately swore an oath to the Mother of God to do what she advised him to do. He also appealed to the upcoming ones with a request to vouch for him. The Monk Anthony begged the Mother of God to help the sufferer, promising to be his surety.

Having begged the Mother of God, he turned to Peter with the words: “You promised and correct yourself! Go to my monastery, swim in the lake and you will be healthy. And remember your promise!”

From this vision the patient woke up and suddenly felt within himself that he had completely recovered. However, getting up from his sick bed, he hurried to the monastery of St. Anthony, served a prayer service at his tomb and swam in the lake. Having received his health, he went to his house rejoicing.

Miracle of 1802

In December 1802, a certain nobleman named Vasily, whose eyes hurt so much that he could barely see, promised to go to St. Anthony and serve a prayer service at his holy relics. After he prayed at the tomb of the founder of the monastery, his painful eyes received complete healing.

01.02.2018 12:49

Very cool! I always prayed to the saints when it was very difficult!

How often have I had quarrels over some trifles, over trifles... I just gave up, I didn’t know what to do... And suddenly, like a gift from heaven, I see your article!

As soon as I prayed, peace and prosperity appeared in my marriage. My husband and I have become more loyal to each other, more tolerant, or something. Thank you, thank you!


The Great An-to-niy Dym-sky was born in Nov-go-ro-de around 1157. In the Khu-tyn monastery he received tonsure and in the same abode, after the death of the great Varla -ma in 1192, became abbot.

After some time, he secretly left the monastery and sat down on the bank of Smoke-no-go (or Smoke lake, 15 versts from the city of Tikh-vi-na. The pre-reputable one encouraged himself to make heavy moves. For the greater-re-re-of-his-flesh, he s-to-yang-but-forced an iron hat on his head.

Gradually, the brethren gathered around him. With the general co-gla-sia and is-pro-siv-shi blah-go-word-ve-niya of the ar-hi-epi-sco-pa of the New-city Is-ayi they there is a church in the name of An-to-niya Ve-li-ko-go with the de-lom Po-kro-va Bo-go-ma-te-ri.

The great An-to-niy lived in the monastery until the end of his life and died on June 24, 1224. He was buried in the church he built.

The re-powers of the pre-excellent An-to-niya were imperishable in 1330, but in 1409 on the occasion of the invasion ta-tar ra-ka with the powers was lowered into the ground. The memory of the pre-excellent An-to-niya is honored on January 17, most likely, on the day of the discovery of relics.

Memorial Days:

January 17 (January 30 - new style) - St. Anthony Dymsky
(St. Anthony the Great)
June 24/July 7 - Rev. Anthony Dymsky
(death 1273)
The Nativity of John the Baptist and the day of the discovery of the relics of St. Antonia

Our reverend and God-bearing father Anthony of Dymsky was born in 1206 in Veliky Novgorod under Prince Mstislav Mstislavovich the warrior and in the days of the Grand Duke of Vladimir Vsevolod (in holy baptism Dmitry) Yuryevich the Big Nest. Parents, whose names, unfortunately, remained unknown, as legend says, diligently instilled virtues in him, raising Anthony in Christian piety from infancy. WITH early years he loved God more than all the visible blessings of this world and felt an attraction to monastic life. Every day the boy came to church and tried to stand there at a distance from other people, so that during singing and prayers he would not enter into conversations with anyone about perishable and earthly things.

Once, when the Holy Gospel was being read in church, the words of the Savior penetrated deeply into his soul: “If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and come after Me” (Matthew 16:24). Thus, the Providence of God appeared on it, which leads the chosen ones to the path destined for them. Reflecting on what he had heard, he firmly decided to leave his parents’ home and, through monastic deeds, acquire salvation for his soul.

In 1225, Anthony came to the monastery of the All-Merciful Savior on Khutyn, near Novgorod, and asked the founder of the monastery, Varlaam, to clothe him in an angelic image. He was then nineteen years old. The abbot did not immediately fulfill the request of the young novice. Two years passed before Varlaam, seeing the persistent and sincere desire of his student, tonsured him in 1227. From that time on, the Monk Anthony, showing perfect obedience to his mentor, devoted himself entirely to the Lord. He tried to appear smaller among those living in the monastery, although he sometimes worked more than others; He carefully and humbly went through the obediences entrusted to him, without missing either his rules or church services. He was the first to arrive at the temple and the last to leave.

In 1238, the need arose to send someone from the brethren on church affairs to Byzantium to the Ecumenical Patriarch. The humble Anthony, who was more successful than anyone else in spiritual deeds and virtues, was chosen by the brethren to accomplish this new feat. Sending him on a long journey, the abbot said to his beloved student: “Go, child, in peace. May the Lord arrange your way. If it seems too difficult and regrettable to you, remember that through narrow gates we have to enter the Kingdom of God.”

Having received the blessing, Anthony set off on his dangerous journey with the words of the Savior himself in his heart: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and then are unable to do anything else” (Luke 12:4). He endured a lot, overcame everything on his way, thanking the Lord for the path that led him to the Heavenly Fatherland.

It is not known what exact needs were the reason for his embassy; however, upon his arrival in Byzantium, he was honorably received by the patriarch. Anthony talked with him more than once, listening to the wise instructions of the saint about how in a troubled world one should steer the ship of temporary life, how it is appropriate to overcome with meekness and humility all the misadventures that await us on our earthly journey. Having settled all matters, fulfilled his assignment and succeeded in every possible way, Anthony received a blessing and hurried to return to the Khutyn monastery.

Before his death, Varlaam called together the weeping brethren. Comforting the disciples, he commanded them not to weaken in fasting, labor and prayer and to live every day as if it were their last. Saying goodbye, he said that in his place as a mentor, as the steward of their souls and bodies, he was leaving his peer, which means his equal in spiritual gifts, Anthony, who, led by his prayer, was now returning from Byzantium. The brethren were perplexed: how will Anthony become their abbot if he is not in the monastery and it is not known where he is now? But before the words of their spiritual mentor had time to fall silent, Anthony himself appeared in the monastery, came to Varlaam’s cell, hugged his teacher and gave him the patriarchal gifts, which the saint had sent as a blessing to the abbot and to decorate the monastery.

The Monk Varlaam joyfully met his peer, accepted the patriarchal gifts he brought, and handed over the monastery and the entire brethren to his beloved disciple. Then, placing the sign of the cross on himself, he betrayed his all-honorable soul into the hands of all God, in memory of Paul the Confessor, Patriarch of Constantinople, November 6/19, 1242.

Varlaam was buried by the Archbishop of Veliky Novgorod with many priests, abbots and monks who arrived for the funeral.

After the death of the teacher, Anthony took over the monastery building and had vigilant care for the brethren entrusted to him. In the management of the monastery, he was a faithful guardian of the rules of the monastery, left by the Monk Varlaam. Fulfilling his order, Anthony completed the stone Church of the Transfiguration, begun by his teacher, beautifully decorated and painted it (1).

1-This small stone church stood for 273 years, became very dilapidated, after which it was dismantled so that a new Transfiguration Cathedral, which still exists today, could be built on this site by order of Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich. This temple was consecrated on August 6, 1515 under Abbot Sergius and with the blessing of Metropolitan Varlaam.

In less than a year, the Khutyn monastery was destined to be decorated and prosper through the care of Anthony. The humble disciple of the Monk Varlaam preferred unknown asceticism in the wilderness to the complex and honorable concerns of the abbot. Once, during prayer, the abbot for a long time, with tears, asked the Lord and His Most Pure Mother to show him the resting place of his old age. Having finished praying, he secretly, without telling anyone, left the monastery in 1243.

One of the lists of his life says that he left Khutyn due to the crowds. There we learn about the sedition and contradictions of the brethren. They did not want to agree that after a five-year absence he became their abbot. After Anthony's departure, the Khutyn monastery was ruled by the Monk Xenophon of Robey, who subsequently founded his own monastery.

Anthony covered a considerable distance, bypassing mountains and wilds, until he finally reached a secluded place where the Anthony-Dymsky Monastery stands today and where his holy relics now rest. Below, at the foot of the hill, hugging it, a small lake breathed freshness. Above its surface, which reflected the sky and the surrounding forest, a light white fog rose like smoke, which is why it was called Dymsky. The desert, full of pristine silence, was perfectly suited for monastic life.

This happened one hundred and forty years before the appearance of the miraculous Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God, which in 1383, during the reign of Moscow Prince Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, under Metropolitan Pimen and under Archbishop Alexy of Veliky Novgorod and Pskov, radiantly walked through the air in these places, invisibly carried angels. She then appeared before eyewitnesses seven times. At first it was seen by fishermen over the waters of Lake Ladoga. The icon flew “through the air like a second sun passing through the great Lake Nebo, with an indescribable speed faster than an eagle’s flight.”

Then the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos crossed Lake Ladoga and appeared near the Svir River in the Smolkovo churchyard. Then she stopped on the Oyat River in a place called Vymochenitsy. After this, the icon was seen on the Pasha River, on Kukova Mountain, where it stood for only one hour. Then the icon appeared on a mountain in the town of Koshele until it reached the Tikhvinka River, where it stopped in two places. On its left, low-lying and marshy bank, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected. And no one could touch the miraculous icon during its wondrous walk through the air, but many received miraculous healings from their illnesses from its contemplation. And since the relics of St. Anthony of Dymsky were found immediately before the appearance of the miraculous icon, he is called the forerunner of the Tikhvin Mother of God.

Having found the newly found place near Lake Dymsky very convenient for a monastic settlement, Anthony raised his hands to the sky and prayed for a long time with tears, thanking the Lord and calling on the blessing of the Creator to the chosen place. Then, getting up from prayer, he erected a small hut, which was fenced on all sides by tall grass and bushes. And after some time, he dug himself a cave for his winter stay and built a cell. He was then thirty-seven years old. He spent the second half of his life in the Dymskaya desert.

Working during the day and standing in prayer at night, Anthony avoided bodily rest. To further exhaust his flesh, he constantly wore heavy chains on his body, and covered his head with a heavy (weighing about six kilograms) iron hat with wide brims. The brim of this hat was nailed to the crown so that the points cut into the head of the monk. As a result, non-healing ulcers formed on his honest head. The heaviness of the hat intensified the pain, reminding Anthony of the torment of the Savior’s crown of thorns. There is evidence that this hat lay with the saint’s shrine until the end of the 19th century.

The dense smoky forests and swampy swamps could not hide the saint’s godly life for long from the sincere followers of his chosen path in life. As the rumor about his exploits spread, the brethren began to gather around him. Many wanted to share with him his labors, nightly prayer vigils, fasting, heartfelt contrition and tears of holy repentance, so that under his leadership they could acquire humility and purity of heart. Monastics from other monasteries also came to him.

So, over time, the deaf, deserted and wild desert began to be populated. The future inhabitants, having consulted among themselves, with common consent, turned to the Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavovich Nevsky with a request to give them a charter for the lands around Lake Dymsky to create a monastery on them.

According to the Pskov presbyter Vasily, the author of the life of the blessed Prince Alexander, he revered the priesthood and loved monks, and therefore ordered a grant of land to be given for the establishment of a monastery. And Archbishop Isaiah, who was then in Novgorod, blessed to erect in it a wooden cathedral church of St. Anthony the Great, in honor of the founding angel of the Dymskaya Hermitage, with a limit in it of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, and cells for the monastics to live in. When this church fell into disrepair, a wooden two-story church was built in its place with the boundaries of St. Anthony the Great, and on the second floor, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After the construction of the first temple, a warm church was also erected with a meal in the name of the Nativity of the Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. There was a monastery cemetery just down the road from the monastery.

After much labor, having given exactly thirty years to build his monastery and foreseeing in spirit the day of his departure to the Lord, Anthony gathered the monks to say goodbye to them. Then, before the separation of his soul from his body, he communed with the Holy Mysteries of Christ, on June 24 (July 7, BC) 1273, with a prayer on his lips he gave up his soul to the Lord. His hardworking body was laid on the left side in the church of St. Anthony the Great, built by his hands. In total, the founder and builder of the Dymskaya monastery lived in a multi-rebellious world for sixty-seven years.

The Lord glorified His saint with many miracles and the incorruption of his relics. Almost a hundred years later, in 1370, during the reign of Prince Dimitri Ioannovich Donskoy, his relics were first found incorrupt, and we can still venerate them with prayer.

The text was compiled by priest Dimitry Ponomarev based on the manuscripts of the life of St. Anthony of Dymsky.

Edition of the Antoniyevo-Dymsky Monastery.

Brief life of St. Anthony of Dymsky

The Great An-to-niy Dym-sky was born in Nov-go-ro-de around 1157. In the Khu-tyn monastery he received tonsure and in the same abode, after the death of the great Varla -ma in 1192, became abbot. After some time, he secretly left the monastery and sat down on the bank of Smoke-no-go (or Smoke lake, 15 versts from the city of Tikh-vi-na. The pre-reputable one encouraged himself to make heavy moves. For the greater-re-re-of-his-flesh, he s-to-yang-but-forced an iron hat on his head. Gradually, the brethren gathered around him. With the general co-gla-sia and is-pro-siv-shi blah-go-word-ve-niya of the ar-hi-epi-sco-pa of the New-city Is-ayi they there is a church in the name of Po-kro-va Bo-go-ma-te-ri. The great An-to-niy lived in the monastery until the end of his life and died on June 24, 1224. He was buried in the church he built. The re-powers of the pre-excellent An-to-niya were imperishable in 1330, but in 1409 on the occasion of the invasion ta-tar ra-ka with the powers was lowered into the ground. The memory of the pre-excellent An-to-niya is honored on January 17, most likely, on the day of the discovery of relics.

Complete Life of St. Anthony of Dymsky

The Great An-to-niy Dym-sky was born in 1157 in Nov-go-ro-de. God-go-bo-language-nen-nye-ro-di-te-te-whether from childhood taught him the principles of Christianity. Saint An-to-niy ran from children's games, celebrations and laughter. He visited the temple of God every day and prayed absurdly, standing far from people. Once upon a time, during a service to him, the words of the Holy Evangelion were especially struck into my soul: If anyone wants to follow me, Yes, let him believe in himself and take up his cross and come for me (). Thinking about the words of Spa-si-te-la, Saint An-to-niy decided to leave his parents’ house and become a monk. He came to the Khu-tyn Spa-so-pre-ob-ra-zhen-sky monastery, the abbot of someone, the reverend Var-la -am Khu-tyn-sky († 1192; November 6/19), tonsured him into the monastery.

From that time on, the Reverend An-to-niy began to live in perfect obedience to his elder - the Reverend -dob-no-mu Var-la-a-mu. With diligence and humility, he fulfilled all his obedience, never omitted the ceremonial rules and did not pro- started church services. Saint Antoine was the first to come to the temple and the last to leave it.

According to pre-da-niy, the venerable An-to-niy went to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol on business. During his trip, he visited holy places. Five years later, the great one returned to his monastery. His arrival coincided with the day of the end of Pre-do-do-no-go Var-la-a-ma (November 6). On his deathbed, the holy hegu-man blessedly said that An-to-niya should be married instead of himself. tii and construction of the mo-na-sta-rya.

Managing the Khu-tyn abode, the Reverend An-to-niy complied in everything with the regulations left by the Reverend Var-la -a-mom. He completed the construction and blessedly stole the temple in honor of the Goodness of the Most Holy God. As an example of his own moving life and the meek one, the pre-like An-to-niy set brotherhood in a foreign de-la-nia.

All-common love and holy movement. With tears, he prayed to God and the Most Pure God to show him the place of secluded movements. Soon the Reverend An-to-niy left the Khu-tyn monastery and retired to a deserted place in Dym- ski forests, 15 versts from the city of Tikh-vi-na. Not far from the small lake Dym-sko-go, among the dense forests, the pre-similar one arranged a little sleep for himself ku-shu, and then built a small cell and went out into the cave to live in the winter. He endured the heat and cold, bravely fought with the demons of the is-ku-she-ni- I-mi. The great An-to-niy ran from bed all the time: during the day he worked until his flesh became impossible, but stood at prayer.

When the place of the holy movement became known, monks came to him, looking for a secluded life -no experience under spiritual guidance. By-the-ste-pen-but the Smoke-pu-dust behind-settled bo-go-love-you-mi-mo-na-ha-mi. So a mo-na-styr arose, the reverend An-to-niy became the abbot. Ino-ki built a temple in the name of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di- tsy and in the name of Saint Nikolay Chu-do-creator. Then, where were the cells built, and after some time - a winter (warm) temple with a refectory in the name of St. Pro-ro-ka, Pre-te-chi and Cre-sti-te-la of the Lord under John.

Pre-precious An-to-niy wisely managing the sconce of the Smoke-of-the-monastery until the blissful end. Having seen the day of his death, he gathered the monks and said blessings to them, then he partook of the Holy Ones of Christ. in and peace, but died. According to legend, this happened on June 24, 1224. The body of the pre-precious An-to-niya was buried in the temple he built, on the left side. In 1330, the holy relics of the Holy One were incorruptible.

In 1409, during the next invasion of the Tatars on the Novgorod lands, the abbot of the Dymskaya monastery with a sconce -she, fearing over-ru-ga-niya over the sh-t-you, hid the holy relics of the venerable An-to-niya under a bushel.

Precious An-to-niy invariably remained the guardian of the Smoke ob-vi-te. After the re-establishment of Sweden in 1611, mo-na-styr rose from the ashes, not without the prayer-ven-noy help of the pre-po-po- add-no-go An-to-niya. In 1687 (according to other sources, in 1585), there was a fire in the monastery twice, and both times it -like An-to-niy appeared in a dream-vision of the abbot-man and warned him about the heat, so bra- you managed to get the flame out in time.

Pa-my-pre-pre-do-no-go An-to-niya celebrated in the ob-by-te two times: 17 Jan-va-rya - on the day of the name -stvo (pa-myat pre-po-do-no-go An-to-niya Ve-li-ko-go) and June 24 - on the day of the end, when it came to an end procession of the cross from the monastery to Lake Dymskoye.

In 1744, over the place where holy relics were hidden by the St. Petersburg merchant Ka-li-ti, the - by An-to-no-em from the long-lived heavy pain, there was arrang-e-on the de-re-vyan-naya zo-lo-che -naya coffin. In the monastery there was a heavy iron hat, which could not be worn by the great An-to-niy. Wide-brimmed hats are attached to those thick nails that move lo-woo. So, through patience and forest suffering, the like-like An-to-niy cleansed the soul for eternal life. Many sick people have received healing from placing this cap on their head and from worshiping the coffin -tse over the holy relics of the pre-extended An-to-niya of Dym-skogo.

On the icons, the pre-similar An-to-niy is depicted holding a charter in his hand with the words: Behold, you are so lucky , running, and in the middle of nowhere ().

The Russian-written life of the pre-extended An-to-niya was created in the 17th century.

See also: in the book of St. Phil-re-ta Cher-nigov-skogo.


Troparion to St. Anthony of Dymsky

Zealot of virtues, / desert dweller, / ascetic of the faith of Christ our God, / mortifying carnal lusts through fasting and toil, / namesake of the great Anthony, / whose life you were jealous of / and in his and you erected the name of the Divine Temple, / together with it, Reverend Anthony, pray to the Savior of all,/ that He may also create us conquerors of carnal lusts/ and temples of the Holy Spirit,// according to His great mercy.

Translation: a zealot, a desert dweller, of faith in Christ our God, who mortified carnal lusts through fasting and labor, the same name with, you imitated his life and in his name erected a Divine temple, with him, Anthony, pray to the Savior of all, that he will make us conquerors of the flesh lusts and temples according to His great mercy.

Kontakion to St. Anthony of Dymsky

A peer and imitator of the Venerable Barlaam,/ having acquired true obedience to him,/ you were worthy to appear as his successor,/ having fallen before his time,/ being jealous of his virtue,/ in the same way You have reached the age,/ having loved the silence of the desert,/ and you are pleasing to the Lord you appeared,/ the first ruler of the desert at Lake Dymsky:/ to you we cry:/ with the Monk Barlaam, Father Anthony, pray to God for us,/ that He may give us the same way to please Him, as you do,// oh In the image of obedience and silence, a quiet steward.

Translation: An equal follower in spirit, having acquired true obedience to him, you appeared as a worthy successor to him, you shepherded his flock until the time, being jealous of his virtues, you reached the same measure of age and, having loved desert silence, appeared pleasing to the Lord, became the founder of the desert near Lake Dymsky , therefore we appeal to you: “With the Monk Barlaam, Father Anthony, pray to God for us, that he may give us the same way to please Him, like you, the image of obedience and silence, a meek lover.”

Oh, good shepherd, our teacher and mentor, and ruler of the holy monastery of Dymsky, Rev. Father Anthony! We pray to you earnestly. You, who have boldness towards the Lord Christ and towards His Most Pure Mother, be for us unworthy, who flow to you with faith, a warm intercessor and prayer book, interceding us from all troubles and misfortunes, yes Through prayers and intercession we will remain unharmed from our visible enemies and invisible. Pray for His mercy to save us from our sins, which is the message of fate. Pray for His goodness, which He mercifully bestows upon us and the whole world. Praying to the Giver of peace to all: send peace to the Churches, gathering the scattered into one, keep our country in peace and quiet and grant to all the faithful at home and on the way and everywhere, good and tranquil days, reconcile our lives, have mercy on us who stand here for the blessed wine departed father and our brothers, and the whole world, and to save our souls, let us glorify, praise, sing and magnify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Canons and Akathists

Akathist to the Holy Venerable Anthony, Abbot of Dymsky, Wonderworker

Kontakion 1

We honor the chosen warrior of Christ our God, the Venerable Anthony, with songs, as the conqueror of worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the tricks of the devil, who miraculously appeared in our country, calling to him:

Ikos 1

You appeared as an angel, Reverend Father Anthony, in the days of your life on earth: therefore, now you are blessed in heaven with the faces of angels, but from our mortal lips you receive a song of praise:
Rejoice, zealous imitator of angels.
Rejoice, angelic image worth wearing.
Rejoice, never-ending prayer of angels.
Rejoice, you who constantly glorify the Lord with your angels.
Rejoice, acquisitive angelic disposition.
Rejoice, living angel on earth.
Rejoice, thou clothed with angelic purity.
Rejoice, you who showed angelic meekness to everyone.
Rejoice, companion of angels.
Rejoice, teacher of the angelic life as a monk.
Rejoice, heavenly citizen.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Having seen your wondrous life, the brethren who lived with you glorified the Lord for you, and we, hearing your deeds, seeing miracles, in the image of which God glorified your incorruptible body, sing to the wondrous thing in the saints of God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

You have gained the understanding of divine things through many labors, Reverend Father Anthony, for the sweetness of your soul and for the eternal salvation of your flock, with whom we cry out to you:
Rejoice, warrior of Christ, who has endured much labor.
Rejoice, you have labored hard in ascetic labor.
Rejoice, you who were tempted by vigil and fasting.
Rejoice, thou who has succeeded in the struggle of prayer.
Rejoice, having strengthened the body with the work of your hands for the service of God.
Rejoice, having sanctified your nose through a long journey of saving obedience.
Rejoice, for your head has obtained a crown of glory through his feat.
Rejoice, having washed your eyes to see God with pure tears.
Rejoice, having adorned your soul with the fear of God.
Rejoice, your mind is fixed on heaven.
Rejoice, having cleansed your heart from every evil thought.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 3

Armed with the power of God's grace, you patiently lifted up the good yoke of Christ and, having cleansed yourself into the vessel of God's well-chosen one, you steadily looked towards the heavenly abode and you philosophized on high, crying out to God with gladness of heart: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having vigilant concern for the salvation of the flock entrusted to you by God, Rev. Father Anthony, constantly taught you the path of salvation, setting an example of piety; For this reason we cry out to you:
Rejoice, repository of virtues, showing the path of salvation to many.
Rejoice, dwelling place of holiness, who brought many to the Lord.
Rejoice, for the sword of God cut off the sins that destroy souls.
Rejoice, O lamp, who foretold the right path for your flock.
Rejoice, helmsman, who has guided many to the haven of eternal bliss.
Rejoice, supporter of the grace of God, who swindled many from the mouths of hell.
Rejoice, teacher of monks, teaching them the saving virtue.
Rejoice, having taught them kindness.
Rejoice, teacher of abstinence.
Rejoice, teacher of kindness.
Rejoice, you who have shown an image of humility.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 4

The storm of evil thoughts did not disturb you, Reverend Father Anthony, the waves of worldly temptations did not shake your temple, but you stood against the wiles of the devil, established on an unshakable rock, always singing in your hearts to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the monks of the monastery of the Monk Barlaam hear your sudden departure, Rev. Father, you were greatly overcome with sadness, but for the sake of love you did not abandon your intentions, showing the image of God’s zeal and love of desert for salvation to everyone; we also cry out to you:
Rejoice, zealot for a life pleasing to God.
Rejoice, true worshiper of the Lord, imputing all vanity for Christ’s sake.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord of all, serving Him alone.
Rejoice, most blessed follower of the Lord Jesus, lover of His Only One.
Rejoice, desert dweller, who chose the desert above all else.
Rejoice, thou who has understood the bliss of desert life.
Rejoice, for in the desert you directed your whole mind towards the One God.
Rejoice, for you have become accustomed to God-pleasing prayer, constantly communicating with God in it.
Rejoice, good adornment of the desert.
Rejoice, faithful imitator of the ancient hermits.
Rejoice, teacher of the true spirit of desert dwelling to all.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star appeared to you, Reverend Father, following the path of your life, which led you to God. You faithfully followed His commandment, leading your flock with you to the heavenly abode, where you sang a song to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen you set off on a long journey in obedience to the elder, your brothers marveled at you; We, remembering your obedience, overshadowed by the blessing of God, sing to you:
Rejoice, true worker of God, having fully fulfilled all your vows.
Rejoice, having achieved ascetic perfection by the grace of God.
Rejoice, you who humbled your will to the end.
Rejoice, having achieved true freedom for the children of God through your obedience.
Rejoice, thou who has acquired perfect power over one’s thoughts.
Rejoice, having driven away all doubt from your soul.
Rejoice, for the sake of obedience to God’s great work, you were not afraid.
Rejoice, you have flown on your long journey.
Rejoice, having observed your patience to the end.
Rejoice, you who graciously bore all the sorrows of your long journey.
Rejoice, true novice, having faithfully carried out the will of your superior.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 6

Thou hast appeared as a preacher of the virtues of Christian life, thy worthy example, who know God in all things and strive in all life, worthy to send Him honor and praise: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Rise into your soul the light of true knowledge of God, illuminating the souls of your admirers, Reverend Father, and arousing thee to sing:
Rejoice, faithful worshiper of the One True God.
Rejoice, our Father who is in Heaven, glorified in your life.
Rejoice, O Only Begotten Son of God, for our sake incarnate, faithfully confessing.
Rejoice, thou who faithfully worshiped the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, you who cling to the true vine by faith.
Rejoice, imitator of divine humility and patience.
Rejoice, partakers of redemptive ulcers and diseases.
Rejoice, follower of Christ's feat on the cross.
Rejoice, abode of the gifts of grace of the Holy Spirit who has appeared.
Rejoice, living temple of the Spirit of God.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 7

Although you offered yourself a living, holy sacrifice, pleasing to the Lord, you submitted everything to the law of God and cleansed you from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit by fasting and prayer, singing to God from pure lips and hearts: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

We see you as a new, worthy of the ancients, imitator, Reverend Father, Most Pure Virgin: therefore, honoring the feat of your virginity, we sing to you:
Rejoice, follower of the Immaculate Virgin.
Rejoice, ascetic of perfect chastity.
Rejoice, friend of Christ, clinging to Him alone.
Rejoice, like Paul, loving purity of soul and body above all else.
Rejoice, conqueror of passions from your youth.
Rejoice, all other feelings of soul and body are undefiled.
Rejoice, you who live in the flesh as if you were incorporeally alive.
Rejoice, thou who humblest thy flesh.
Rejoice, you who have cultivated a chaste soul through the labor of unceasing contemplation of God.
Rejoice, thou who hast curbed lust through bodily exhaustion.
Rejoice, co-worker and joint heir of the beloved disciple of Christ.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 8

Your laborious life, strange to unbelievers, Rev. Anthony, miraculously appears in our eyes: for we see in you the true servant of the suffering Master of creation, to whom we cry with you: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Having betrayed everything to God, you have put aside all worldly cares in your life, Reverend Father Anthony; In the same way, the Lord, you cast all your sorrow on the Worthless, nourishing you, but we honor your poverty, calling you:
Rejoice, saving poverty for the zealot.
Rejoice, image of non-covetousness.
Rejoice, man of God, for the love of God you have cut off all earthly attachments.
Rejoice, abode of Christian wisdom, having early understood the futility of worldly goods.
Rejoice, true ascetic, avoiding every loving desire.
Rejoice, protect yourself from the flattery of wealth with free poverty.
Rejoice, enjoy not a single worldly blessing in your life.
Rejoice, who through poverty have gathered for yourself eternal treasure in heaven instead of earthly treasures.
Rejoice, and in the wealth of good deeds you keep yourself poor in spirit.
Rejoice, imitator of Christ's poverty.
Rejoice, co-participant in the poverty of Predtecheva and Pavlova and Antonieva.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 9

You were adorned with all the monastic virtues, Reverend Father Anthony, having diligently served Christ our God in your life, to Him now you joyfully cry out from the faces of heaven: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Thou didst appear to the God-wise Beth, O Reverend Father Anthony, not with eloquent words, but with gentle conversation, and moreover, by his venerable life, thou taughtst thy flock to live a fasting life, and we also cry out to thee:
Rejoice, ascetic of God, lover of fasting.
Rejoice, from youth the work of living a fasting life has risen.
Rejoice, you who have always striven firmly in fasting.
Rejoice, truly jealous of the Forerunner's fasting.
Rejoice, despising all earthly sweetness for the sake of heavenly ones.
Rejoice, having trained the flesh to serve the spirit through true abstinence.
Rejoice, thou who hast curbed self-willed feelings through spiritual abstinence.
Rejoice, thou who subdue the imagination by constant vigilance.
Rejoice, having eased the turmoil of the mind with constant care.
Rejoice, having established all your thoughts in the Lord through the teaching of the Lord’s commandments.
Rejoice, faithful worker and mentor of saving fasting.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 10

Although you despised the vain care of the flesh to save your soul, you mortified your body and enslaved it, and in your spirit you worked for the Lord, never fainting in prayer and always crying out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Thou art a strong wall unto thy flock, thou hast preserved the hedgehog, O wise God, Reverend Father Anthony; We also sing to you, saying:
Rejoice, servant of God, for attracting the grace of God to yourself and your flock.
Rejoice, prayer book warm to God.
Rejoice, humble teacher.
Rejoice, teacher of self-sacrifice.
Rejoice, image of vigil and prayer.
Rejoice, warrior of Christ, having successfully carried out the battle for peace and spiritual warfare in high places and instructing others.
Rejoice, abode of humility.
Rejoice, home of kindness.
Rejoice, receptacle of Christian wisdom.
Rejoice, meekness is a pastoral rule.
Rejoice, faithful servant of God, inflamed with God's zeal.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 11

You brought incessant singing to the Trinity in your earthly life, and in the same way, after your dormition, you were counted among the angelic face, crying out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your life is radiant, reverend father, your dormition is blessed and your memory is bright, and we cry out to you:
Rejoice, glorifying God in all your life.
Rejoice, you who through good deeds have sought eternal glory for yourself.
Rejoice, with the apostle you have made death your own gain.
Rejoice, for Christ's sake you have been dying all your days.
Rejoice, having sought a peaceful death for yourself through prayers.
Rejoice, having prepared yourself entirely for relocation to the heavenly abode.
Rejoice, and glorify God with your peaceful Dormition.
Rejoice, you who faithfully endured to the end and received an end worthy.
Rejoice, you who have acquired eternal memory for yourself.
Rejoice, glorified in Heaven.
Rejoice, thou who art worthily honored on earth.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 12

Grace has been given to you, Reverend Father, to heal ailments and free you from sorrows: therefore, to bless your memory, we cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your miracles, we bless your memory, Reverend Father Anthony, singing:
Rejoice, for you have completely pleased God.
Rejoice, for you have acquired the crown of immortality and incorruptibility.
Rejoice, thou art worthy of the pleasures of heavenly life.
Rejoice, joint heir of Christ according to the Apostle, having reached the bright abodes in the house of the Heavenly Father.
Rejoice, you who have received the gift of miracles.
Rejoice, faithful intercessor of the faithful who has appeared.
Rejoice, healer of the sick.
Rejoice, comforter of the sorrowful.
Rejoice, helper of the weak.
Rejoice, protector of the suffering.
Rejoice, I warmly intercede for all of us.
Rejoice, Anthony, all-honorable ascetic of Christ.

Kontakion 13

O great wonderworker, all-honorable ascetic of Christ, Reverend Father Anthony, accept the wretched singing from us unworthy, who honor your memory, and deliver us with your prayers from present troubles, especially from eternal death, so that having reached the heavenly abodes, we too can sing with you and all the saints Let us be to God forever: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos and the 1st kontakion.

Prayer to St. Anthony of Dymsky

O good shepherd, our mentor and ruler of this holy monastery of Dymsky, Reverend Father Anthony! As if you have boldness towards the Lord Christ and towards His Most Pure Mother, be for us unworthy, living in your holy monastery and for all of you with faith in the race of your relics flowing from everywhere, a warm prayer book, interceding us from all troubles and misfortunes, so that through your prayers we may remain unharmed from the enemy visible and invisible we will remain. Pray for God's mercy to save us from our sins, including our destinies. Pray for His goodness, which He will mercifully give to this monastery and to the whole world. Praying to the Giver of all, as the suffering Russian country from the cruel atheists will free their authorities, and may He raise up Orthodox rulers: His faithful servants, in sorrow and sorrow, crying out to Him day and night, may they hear the painful cry and may our belly be delivered from destruction. And pray to every faithful person in the house and on the way and everywhere to grant good and serene days: to pacify our life; and to have mercy on all people, just as those who are present here, and through the blessed wine of our departed fathers and brethren, and to save our souls, may we continually glorify, praise, sing and magnify the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever forever and ever. Amen.

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