Insurance from July 1. New insurance policy. How will the introduction of new policies affect the price of compulsory insurance?

From July 1, 2016 insurance companies started selling a new type of MTPL policies. The documents not only changed in appearance, but also received enhanced protection against forgery.

What are the reasons for issuing new forms?

The release of new forms will allow:
  • remove counterfeit forms from circulation,
  • will reduce the likelihood of counterfeit products,
  • will force policyholders to refuse to buy a counterfeit and purchase a new type of MTPL policy.

What are the benefits of replacing insurance policies?

New MTPL policies from July 1, 2016 will help:
  • increase the level of protection and preservation of personal data of car owners and the vehicles themselves;
  • stop fraudulent activities related to the production and sale of counterfeit auto liability insurance policies by third-party companies posing as representatives of insurance companies;
  • stop the uncontrolled distribution of unused old forms.

What has changed in the form

Let's look at what the new OSAGO policy looks like and how it differs from the old one:

  • Document color. The new form changed color - it became pink (previously it was green).
  • Graphic design. For additional protection against counterfeiting, MTPL insurance policies of the new type have received graphic designs and complex colors (from yellowish to lilac and pink shades).
  • Text font. Now the letters and fields to fill in have become larger and easier to read.
  • Protective equipment. The form of the new OSAGO policy received protection of more than high level: metallized strip with the inscription “policy”, RSA logos, etc. The size of the old watermarks has changed.
  • 2D QR code. It appeared at the top right of the form. With its help, you can obtain information confirming the conclusion of the contract.

Do I urgently need to change my MTPL policy to a new one?

If your previous policy did not expire before July 1, 2016, then there is no need to urgently purchase new insurance. Old green forms are valid until the expiration of the car insurance period specified in the contract.

New policies must be issued after October 1, 2016. The registration process remains the same. Car owners who have electronic MTPL policies will not be affected by the innovations at all.

You can buy a new OSAGO policy at the nearest AlfaStrakhovanie office in Moscow or another city. For more information, please contact your company consultant.

From July 1, new pink MTPL policies will be put into circulation in Russia, which, according to the Bank of Russia, are better protected from counterfeiting. The form of the medical certificate that drivers provide to the traffic police when replacing their license is also changing. Finally, the state is beginning the transition from paper vehicle passports to electronic ones.

New MTPL policies There is no need to change an old but still valid MTPL policy, although if you wish, this can be done free of charge by contacting your insurance company. If the policyholder makes changes to the current insurance contract, for example adding a new driver to the insurance, then the insurance company will issue a policy of a new type. Or maybe even the old one - insurers do not rule out a shortage of new forms from agents and in remote sales offices, so they warn right away: until September 30, 2016, policies on both new and old forms will be on sale at the same time.

From October 1, only policies on new forms will be issued to drivers; old ones will remain legitimate until their expiration date. The main visual difference of the new OSAGO policy is its color. Insurance will now be pink instead of green. In addition, a QR code will appear on the form, with which you can check the validity of the policy based on the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA). Also on the new form there is a column with information about the bonus-malus discount. Insureds will not have to thoroughly study a new policy when taking out a policy under fear of receiving a counterfeit - insurers assure that fraudsters will learn to make counterfeits only in a couple of years. “The country is flooded with fake policies produced in China, Poland, in the former Soviet republics on the remnants of Goznak equipment; they cannot be distinguished from the real ones,” explained the need to switch to new forms, RSA President Igor Yurgens. The lost profit was estimated by the union at 5 billion rubles. per year. In addition, from July 1, legislation will come into force that allows insurance companies to sell electronic OSAGO policies. legal entities. Individuals were given the opportunity to enter into MTPL contracts via the Internet in July last year. However, today only 14 companies offer clients such a service. New medical certificates According to the order of the Ministry of Health, from July 1, 2016, a new form of medical certificate is being introduced, which must be provided to the traffic police by candidate drivers, as well as upon expiration of the license and the return of the certificate after the expiration of the period of deprivation. New form certificate has been brought into line with the recently introduced additional driving categories, for example M (mopeds) or BE ( cars with trailer). If previously certificates were printed on plain white paper, now they will be secure printed products with a colored background.

Unlike the previous sample, the new certificates do not require photographs. In addition, the line “Validity period” disappeared from the document - it is stated in the order of the Ministry of Health and is one year. Car owners will be freed from paper PTS From July 1, a transition period begins to replace paper vehicle passports with electronic ones. At the same time, PTS will be converted to electronic form not only in Russia, but also in all countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). As planned, as a result, a number of processes related to the movement of vehicles, taxation, customs clearance, permission to operate and purchase and sale will become more transparent. Nothing will be issued to car owners - only statements are provided that vehicle owners, those who want to check the car before purchasing, and government agencies can receive via the Internet. In addition to the information that is entered into the PTS now, other data may later begin to be entered into electronic passports: on the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance and comprehensive insurance, mileage, road accidents, maintenance and inspection, etc.

They will not be forced to change their paper policy to an electronic one - vehicle owners will be able to do this if they wish. Citizens will be able to apply for an electronic PTS both to the traffic police and to authorized bodies, which, however, have not yet been determined. The replacement itself does not require any financial costs from citizens. At the same time, officials assure that procedures for making changes to an electronic passport will cost citizens less. At the same time, the costs for restoration of PTS in case of loss, they are completely excluded - now about 800 thousand car owners apply to the traffic police annually for this reason, and the fee for replacing a passport is 800 rubles. “For us, this simplifies a lot of things: there is no need, for example, to issue a passport vehicle. And this is a document that is produced for budget money and has a high degree of protection,” Chief State Traffic Inspector of Russia Viktor Nilov explained to reporters. — The car owner will not have to keep a huge sheet at home with data about his car. The history of the purchase and sale of a car can be easily added to other information related to the transaction in the future. maintenance, repair, replacement. Anything. In fact it may turn out Russian analogue Carfax systems. To some extent, the history of the car in all its manifestations is not very necessary, but in theory it is not a burdensome function. And most importantly, the car owner does not have to pay extra for it. And in case of sale, the buyer can familiarize himself with it.”

“It is obvious that an electronic title can be an additional advantage when selling a used car, provided that it reflects full information about the history of ownership and operation of the car,” said Sergei Solonchenko, director of the development department of the ROLF company. - So critical important information is primarily the recording of mileage during the transfer of ownership, insurance, after-sales service and so on. Also important is information about the purchase of the car - on credit or for cash, the history of insurance claims and repairs. Without this information, the value of an electronic PTS when buying and selling a used car is low. So far there is no talk of entering this data into the electronic PTS. This means that the market will have to look for other solutions.” Now automakers, tax authorities and the traffic police will test the system via the Internet. From January 1, 2017 paper PTS They will begin to gradually withdraw from circulation, and from July 1 next year, paper passports will no longer be issued at all. If desired, car owners will be able to replace a paper document with an electronic one approximately at the beginning of next year.

What changes in OSAGO await us tomorrow? July 1, 2016 year - latest news.

New MTPL policies from July 1, 2016

The most important change is the replacement of MTPL policies. From July 1, 2016, new forms of compulsory motor liability insurance policies are being issued in Russia. They will be pink and will replace the old green forms, which are already being counterfeited on an industrial scale. According to some reports, there are already about 1 million fake OSAGO policies in Russia.

The replacement of MTPL policies with new ones from July 1, 2016 will affect not so many drivers as insurers. It is the insurers who must receive new policy forms from this date, and only after that begin issuing them to their clients. That is, if you have a valid MTPL policy in your hands, no one will force you to change it from July 1.

To date, 2 million new OSAGO forms have already been prepared. Tomorrow they should go to insurance companies.

According to Goznak, the price of new forms, manufactured with more advanced security measures, will be approximately 10-15% higher than conventional policies. However, these costs should be borne by the insurance companies, not the buyers.

The transition period, when policies will be sold simultaneously on both new and old forms, will last until October 1, 2016, the RSA press service reported. “The transition period for the simultaneous sale of old green and new pink policy forms will be established from July 1 for 3 months. During this period of time, insurance companies will be able to make changes to contracts or conclude new contracts on both new and old policy forms. This period will provide an opportunity to most comfortably adjust to working with new policies both for consumers of insurance services and for regulatory and supervisory authorities,” said Igor Yurgens, President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Electronic MTPL for legal entities

From July 1, 2016, changes come into force that allow insurance companies to open the possibility of purchasing electronic MTPL policies for legal entities.

Insurers have made appropriate technological preparations for the expansion of the electronic policies project, and RSA is all ready to launch this process.

However, companies have the right to independently decide how many MTPL policies to sell electronically.

Currently, 14 RCA member companies sell electronic MTPL policies to individuals.

The procedure for concluding an agreement with legal entities will be practically no different from individuals. The client creates a personal account on the insurer’s website, fills out an application, the company’s information system takes the necessary data from the RCA automated information system, then an invoice is issued, after payment the policyholder receives the policy in his personal account and by email.

Prices for MTPL from July 1, 2016

There are rumors on the Internet about an increase in MTPL tariffs from July 1, 2016. Let us remind you that recently insurers are increasingly mentioning the liberalization of tariffs. This means the abolition of the currently established tariff corridors and the introduction of a free MTPL tariff. That is, each insurance company will independently set the price for compulsory motor liability insurance.

However, in soon There are no plans to increase the cost of compulsory motor insurance. “As for the MTPL market, before talking about liberalizing tariffs, we need to put things in order with the situation that has developed in the market. If the tariff is released, it could seriously increase in a number of regions, since some regions are now unprofitable for insurers. This will lead to imbalances in the market,” said the head of the Bank of Russia, Elvira Nabiullina, today.

According to her, today in companies that have properly organized their work, compulsory motor liability insurance is not an unprofitable type of insurance, so there is no need to increase tariffs.

Latest changes to OSAGO

Let us remind you that with June 1, 2016 years in Russia came into force latest changes in compulsory motor liability insurance: a five-day “cooling period” for almost all types of voluntary insurance, eSingle MTPL agent in pilot regionsand the new cost of spare parts, materials and standard hours of work used in MTPL.

The sensational news was announced by the President of the All-Russian Union of Insurers and the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, Igor Yurgens, following a meeting of the RSA Presidium. By the first of July, all OSAGO policy forms will be replaced, including those that are in the hands of car owners.

This will be implemented as part of the Roadmap to combat counterfeit OSAGO forms. Let us recall the history of the issue. Just recently, RSA announced that the number of counterfeit policies on the market is literally off scale. There are more than one million of them on free sale. And this is about five billion rubles, which insurance companies do not receive, and which motorists overpay for the fact that they are deprived of services under compulsory motor liability insurance. This surge began after the tariff increase for compulsory motor liability insurance. Many companies have appeared that offer to buy a policy from them at a meager price, for example, 1200 rubles. However, representatives of these companies do not explain to car owners the consequences of such a purchase. And the consequences can be different: a criminal case for driving a car with a deliberately forged document, or paying for damages in full from your own pocket to third parties in the event of an accident.

The problem is that policies are sold not only that have not been destroyed and not returned by insurance companies that have left the market, but also freshly manufactured counterfeits. Moreover, they were printed not on a simple printer, but on more than professional equipment. Such counterfeits come from Belarus and China. Recently, 30 thousand pieces of such forms were detained at the crossing of the Amur River.

That is why insurers decided to strengthen the protection of forms. And at the same time exchange all legal forms for new ones. And this exchange is scheduled for July 1st. Moreover, RSA does not disclose in advance either the type or degree of protection of the forms, or the mechanism for their exchange. It only says that RSA will try to do this at once, and citizens will not have to pay anything extra for it.

To understand the volume of all this backbreaking work, imagine that car owners have about 40 million MTPL policies in their hands. And a huge number of forms are kept by insurers who purchased them for further sale.

However, the complete replacement of policies is only one of the tools in the fight against fraudsters. The second part of this work is strengthening measures to combat the system of distributing counterfeits. Already, 41 domain names have been removed from delegation, 19 hosting accounts have been blocked, violations have been eliminated on 11 resources, 104 accounts and 73 groups on social networks have been blocked, 192 publications on forums and message boards have been deleted. We are talking about those advertisements where it was proposed to buy fake policies.

Another solution to the problem is the automatic detection of violators who drive without a policy. The database of insurers and the Ministry of Internal Affairs has already been adjusted to receive the relevant information. This was done as part of a project on electronic policy OSAGO. Now all that remains is to teach photo-video recording devices to check the information on the car number with the SAR database. This is not a long process. But there is one more point. The fact is that information on recent offenses is stored for 24 hours. And checking the validity of the policy requires a longer time frame. Therefore, RSA executive director Evgeny Ufimtsev believes that the traffic police will soon make amendments to the storage periods for photo and video materials.

In the first stage, cameras will only check the insurance of those caught for another violation, such as speeding. In the future, insurers hope, they will check everyone who drove under the lens.

In order not to find yourself in a stupid position on July 1, when you decide to change your policy, it is better to check its accuracy now. This can be easily done on the RSA website If you have a valid policy, you will receive information about this by its number.

If you just came to an agent or broker to conclude an agreement on compulsory motor liability insurance, you can check by the form number whether it was shipped to the exact insurance company on behalf of which they want to conclude an agreement with you. Later, after signing the contract, you can check whether this policy is registered with you. And if it turns out that it is not, then you can safely file a fraud report with the police, complain to the RSA, and also to the Central Bank.

Today at a press conference following a meeting of the presidium of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA), insurers announced that they are planning from July 1, 2016 introduce new, more secure OSAGO policy forms.

According to RSA President Igor Yurgens, work is already underway with Goznak, which prints forms for insurance companies. Now new design not yet approved, but there are two working options. In one of them, the cost of the document will increase by 6%, in the other - by 15% (now each form costs RSA approximately 4 rubles 70 kopecks).

At the same time, RSA executive director Evgeny Ufimtsev did not mention that “despite the fact that insurers will pay a little more when purchasing new policies, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance for car owners will not change” (quote from RIA Novosti).

Let me remind you that we are talking about a maximum price increase of 70 kopecks. That is, the insurers, with a “broad gesture,” promised not to pass on these 70 kopecks to clients.

Generous, to say the least. Especially against the background of the gradual planned in 2016.

Insurers have kept silent about how exactly the forms will be replaced, as well as about the details of the new degrees of protection and plan to keep the secret “until the last moment”, because “the replacement will be carried out as a measure to counter the spread of counterfeit OSAGO policy forms” (quotes from Interfax ).

Such uncertainty and, perhaps, a hint specifically made at the press conference about a “universal” and one-time replacement of all forms, forced the Russian media to assume and disseminate information that on July 1, drivers will have to forcibly change the old-style forms to new ones.

In general, they wanted to “scare” the scammers selling fake policies, but they scared ordinary Russian drivers.

This growing panic forced other participants in the process - Goznak and the Central Bank (regulates the OSAGO market) - to speak out in the afternoon in order to reassure the Russians.

Natalya Nikiforova, assistant to the general director of FSUE Goznak for public relations, told TASS that:

The insurance union and I did not talk about the date. It’s not smart to do this all at once, you’re in a rush to arrange it. What we mean when we talk about replacement is that from a certain date, so that insurers issue only new ones and do not change policies that are in circulation

The Central Bank spoke more succinctly (quote also from TASS):

The Bank of Russia has not yet received this RSA initiative

Current sample MTPL policy form.

In general, nothing terrible is coming. It’s just that from July 1 they will start issuing compulsory motor vehicle liability insurance on new forms. Insurers specifically keep the form of the forms secret so that counterfeit manufacturers cannot print them in advance and so that it is not profitable for them to print counterfeits now (after all, their “expiration date” will be in July 2015).

Apparently, at the same time, they wanted to slightly scare buyers of “left” policies, but they overdid it :) Perhaps in the future, for example, they will change the form of the form once a year, by analogy with the previously existing maintenance coupons, for which a new design was invented every year to make it more difficult to manufacture and sell counterfeits.

Let me remind you that you can always check the authenticity and validity of your current insurance. When purchasing a policy, you can also first “punch” the number of the form that you are offered to buy (in this case, the “correct” status will be “from the insurer”).

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