Insurance check the policy by car number. How to find out where a car is insured under compulsory motor insurance using the registration mark or vin number. To perform the check you should

Sometimes you need to find out your car insurance policy number. This happens if the document is lost, you need to find out whether the person responsible for the accident has insurance. A motorist can find out information about a motor vehicle without contacting the insurance company. To do this, he only needs to know the license plate number of the vehicle. You can also search for car insurance data by Vehicle VIN. Information about everyone technical specifications transport the car owner provides to the insurer at the time of concluding the contract. And this data is transferred automatically to the RSA database. Therefore, they can be used to search for information about compulsory car insurance policies. In addition, only documents prepared by reliable insurers are included in the RSA. Therefore, a motorist can be sure that if the information system of the Union of Motor Insurers website provides data about a document, then it has been verified for authenticity.

Checking the MTPL policy by state number

You can find out information about compulsory motor liability insurance by car license plate online. For this, there are special services that make a request to the RCA database. And, using them, the motorist will receive the data he needs. To do this, he needs to enter the state number of the vehicle in the electronic service field. The system may also require the user to indicate the date at which the policy is being verified. After this, the service will make a request to the AIS RSA and show the motorist the number and series of the OSAGO form in which the car is entered, the data of which was specified by the user during the search. The system will also report which company insured the car. Some services may even show a list of drivers approved to drive a vehicle. It will take the service user less than a minute to conduct a check using the information base of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers.

Checking compulsory motor liability insurance by vehicle registration number

The presence of information about the car in the AIS RSA indicates that the insurer promptly transferred the data on compulsory motor liability insurance to the database. But sometimes motorists say that they cannot find information about their car insurance policy by state number, although they are sure that the document should be in the RSA. In this case, they should try to find it by VIN. If in this case you cannot find the data, you should contact the Union of Auto Insurers for clarification.

In addition to OSAGO, you can also check the technical inspection card using the RSA database. To do this, you will also need to enter information about the car into the search form and send a request. Check diagnostic card It is worth carrying out simultaneously with the auto insurance policy if information about it is sought by a person who needs information about the culprit of the accident. After all, if a car has not passed inspection, then you cannot drive it. In addition, a compulsory motor liability insurance policy that does not include data on a completed technical inspection will not be valid.

Before buying a used car, more than 48% of motorists are not aware of the possibility of checking their current insurance. Taking advantage of this, fraudsters deliberately distort information in the insurance, indicating the details of another car. In addition, when buying a used car, you run the risk of not finding out that the car was involved in a major accident, was used as a taxi, or has incorrect mileage or registration restrictions. To protect yourself from a bad deal and not have problems with the traffic police, use the Autocode service check.

How to check the authenticity of OSAGO by VIN and state license. number

Autocode suggests checking your MTPL policy using the RSA database. Our service will allow:

  • Find out the insurance number and policy series;
  • Check until what time the policy is valid;
  • Find out the insurance company that issued the MTPL;
  • Find out the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance and tax.

To check insurance, you must provide VIN or state registration number auto. Information is provided according to data from the RSA database.

Fake MTPL insurance does not belong to the insurance company or is listed as lost. Naturally, such a policy will not be considered valid. The Autocode service will allow you to detect a problematic situation and identify an unscrupulous insurer. This information will be useful not only to potential car buyers, but also to insurance agents.

You can check your MTPL insurance policy by wine or car number right now in the window at the top of the page.

What else will the Autocode check tell you about?

In addition to information about compulsory motor liability insurance, the report will contain the following data:

  • from PTS;
  • about mileage;
  • about those examinations;
  • about traffic police restrictions;
  • about fines;
  • about working in a taxi;
  • about customs history and much more.

The cost of one report is 349 rubles.

Advantages of the Autocode service

Autocode gives a number of advantages to those who want to enter the MTPL policy details before buying a car:

  • Possibility to check the insurance policy by VIN or registration number;
  • 24/7 toll-free support;
  • The service functionality is available without registration;
  • Obtaining the necessary information about the policy number, place of insurance online;
  • Prompt provision of data within 5 minutes;
  • The ability to check information about the policy yourself, without the help of an insurance agent;
  • Opportunity to find out the complete history of the car.

The Atvokod service checks the insurance policy only through a reliable source - the RSA database (Russian Union of Motor Insurers). The service also receives other information about the car, only from official sources: State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, EAISTO, Taxi Registers, Federal Tax Service, Federal Customs Service, Federal Tax Service, etc.

Today, the insurers' database allows you to check compulsory motor liability insurance in different ways: by the policy number, by the car number, etc. And vice versa - by the insurance number, for example, you can find out the car number. There are three verification options:

Attention, in recent weeks the verification forms have been working very slowly and do not load the first time. This is a problem on the RSA side. If you want, you can try to download the verification forms individually on their website: one, two, three, respectively.

1. Checking the status of the form by its number. Check paper or electronic policy OSAGO according to the AIS RSA (Russian Union of Motor Insurers) database and you can find out its validity period below.

This form is for checking both paper policies and electronic policies of the XXX series purchased via the Internet! Usually, electronic insurance is included in the database immediately after registration, but sometimes due to the workload of the database, this can take several days. The correct status for valid insurance is “held by the policyholder” (but if immediately after purchase the status is still “held by the insurer”, then this may be normal - the agent may not have had time to make changes to the database, wait a couple of days and only then sound the alarm) . Definitely “bad statuses” of an MTPL policy are “lost in force” (why exactly it lost force can be seen in more detail by checking below) or “lost”. The status “printed by the manufacturer” means that such a form was not even handed over to the insurer.

Such a check does not give 100% confidence that you have a valid policy (after all, fraudsters could make a “duplicate” of the real form), but it allows you to reject obvious fakes and stolen forms. But in order to exclude “duplicates” you need to check which car is insured under your policy...

2. Find out which car is insured using a specific form. In addition to the license plate number, VIN code or body number, in the results you can find out a more detailed status of the form, for example, why exactly the insurance is not valid (the contract could have been terminated early or the policy could have been lost by the insurance company):

3. Find out the MTPL policy number by state number, VIN or body number + check whether the driver is included in the insurance. This check is the opposite of the previous one, here, based on the car’s data, you will find out which insurance company it is insured with, the policy number and its type (limited or unlimited). Checking by VIN is the most complete. It is searched by license plate number only if this information was provided by the insurer (they do not always do this).

If the insurance has a limited list of drivers, the system will suggest by number and series driver's license check whether a certain driver is included in the insurance (this option appears in the second step after).

If you have recently added someone to your MTPL policy or made other changes to the data, then according to regulations, insurance companies are required to make changes to the RSA database within 5 days. Therefore, do not be alarmed if after a couple of days the changes have not yet been reflected in the AIS RSA database.

The last check is also useful for checking a used car before purchasing. After all, the presence of two simultaneously valid MTPL policies on one VIN number (or GRZ) can be a “bell” that the car is a “double”. In this case, I also recommend it (in this case, a bad sign is that the car regularly undergoes maintenance in one region or another).

4. Assistance from a motor vehicle lawyer on MTPL issues:
If you are faced with the fact that your policy, judging by the database, is fake or you have other legal questions related to compulsory motor liability insurance, then you can receive a free response from a lawyer in the form below.

Checking an MTPL policy using the RSA database by number takes less than 1 minute. The procedure takes place online.

Click the button below to open the RSA database

How to check the authenticity of OSAGO? Is your car insurance policy valid? There are several ways to do this. Let's look at each of them in more detail so that you can check your insurance in various ways, including on the RSA website. After you check your policy, you can determine which car is insured under OSAGO.

The procedure for checking an insurance policy is identical for popular insurance companies, for example:

  • Rosgosstrakh
  • Ingosstrakh
  • Alfa insurance
  • Renaissance
  • Agreement
  • And also for other insurance companies that have a license for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Visual check of the policy

You can check the authenticity of OSAGO by external factors. What should grab your attention? What is the difference between a real policy and a fake one? Next, we will consider the main elements of the form itself, which you need to pay attention to when visual inspection MTPL insurance policy.

  • The size of the strict reporting form (SSR) according to OSAGO is 5-10 mm longer than an A4 sheet.
  • The surface of the form is covered with SAR watermarks.
  • Numerous inclusions of red fibers throughout the policy.
  • The reverse side of the BSO contains a vertical metal strip and the digits of its number, which are embossed to the touch.

Checking your MTPL license

Don’t forget to check the relevance of your insurer’s license to issue MTPL contracts. Insurance companies with revoked license on this page. Check the insurance company whose policy you purchased to see if it is on the blacklist of insurers.

Check the OSAGO e-policy

Nowadays eOSAGO is gaining popularity. Every day, a huge number of car owners buy compulsory car insurance online. But how to protect yourself from scammers? Even a digital policy issued by the official website will not protect your transaction. There is one caveat. As soon as you have purchased a real e-policy, it immediately goes into the general database. Be sure to check the authenticity of your policy in official sources, namely the RSA database! This can be done directly on our website at the bottom of the page. Just enter the policy number into the RSA database and wait for the verification to complete.

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If you have purchased an MTPL policy and doubt its authenticity, you can check it.

Checking by number does not take much time and does not require additional expenses or long waits in queues. This can be done online.

OSAGO check is a guarantee of protection from any troubles on the road.

How to check the authenticity of an OSAGO policy by number?

Why do you need a compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

OSAGO is compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners. If you crash into any car, the insurer will pay for repairs to the damaged car and pay for treatment.

The insurance company will cover the costs associated with repairing, for example, a storefront or a fence if you damage them too.

But under the MTPL policy you will not be able to compensate for the costs of repairing your vehicle or car theft. It only compensates the costs of the person responsible for the accident.

People gave the policy the name “Auto Citizen”. The amount of payments depends on the size base rate and coefficients.

The cost of MTPL consists of the following factors:

If a motorist does not have an MTPL policy, he is prohibited from driving vehicle and register it. Ignoring these conditions is punishable by a fine of 500-800 rubles.

The insurer fulfills its obligations to each victim. The number of insured events is not limited.

Damage is indemnified in the following amounts:


This is a simplified registration, a procedure for drawing up documents for the purpose of compensation for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance without the participation of traffic police officers.

The following conditions must be met:

  • An accident involving two cars whose owners are insured under MTPL;
  • as a result of the accident, damage was caused to the vehicle specified in the first paragraph;
  • disagreements between the participants regarding the circumstances and damage received are resolved, and the relevant information is recorded in the notification form according to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • the amount of damage does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

To apply, contact any insurance company, fill out an application and provide a package of documents:

  • application for concluding a contract;
  • identity document or certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, technical certificate;
  • certificate of drivers who are allowed to drive a vehicle;
  • diagnostic card, maintenance or state inspection certificate;
  • previous policy (if any);
  • do not forget to make copies of the above documents.

Let's consider how to find out the authenticity of an MTPL insurance policy.


There are different ways to check:

  • visual;
  • verification of authority to conclude an insurance contract;
  • automated database of stolen and lost policies.

Insurance payments are not made on fake policies. If the owner gets into an accident, he will have to compensate for the damage himself.

Fake policy:

  • a false form, which is made in a typographical way, having the necessary attributes;
  • an original form that was stolen or lost by the insurance company;
  • forms that were not submitted by insurance intermediaries immediately after termination of contracts with the insurer;
  • forms of insurance companies whose licenses were revoked or were declared bankrupt.

Let's look at how to determine the authenticity of an MTPL policy visually:

The introduction of new policies in 2016 was aimed at:

  • to increase the level of protection and preservation of car owner data;
  • suppression of fraud associated with the production and sale of counterfeit OSAGO documents;
  • stopping the uncontrolled distribution of unused old forms.

We check the company’s rights to enter into an MTPL agreement:

  1. The insurance company must have a valid license to sell policies. If the license is revoked, the insurer has no right to enter into such contracts.
  2. There must also be an intermediary of authority to conclude an agreement, a valid power of attorney for the right to enter into agreements.

You can check whether an insurance company has a license on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

Let's find out how to check the authenticity of an OSAGO insurance policy using the RSA database.

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers providing compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners.

The status of this association is fixed by law. Includes 71 insurance company.

You can check OSAGO on the official website of RSA Using the policy number, you can easily determine expired, stolen documents, authenticity, and whether the policy belongs to a specific company.

The response information on the policy must contain information:

  • duration of the policy;
  • document status (lost, stolen, valid);
  • location (at the insurance company or insurer);
  • to whom it was issued, license plate number of the car, full name of the car owner.

You can also check whether there is an insurance policy for the car using the vehicle number. You must enter the VIN number or vehicle registration number.

Possible options for checking:

  1. The policy cannot be found. Then the document is fake and needs to be replaced.
  2. Not issued. If the status contains the entry “is with the insurer,” then you only have a copy of it, and the original is with the insurance company.
  3. Lost power. You previously received a policy, but for some reason it was canceled.
  4. Expired. This policy also needs to be replaced.

The RSA database is freely available 24 hours a day. You can use it for free. You can find several on the site useful tips, find out useful numbers, look at sample forms, ask questions, read important documents.

How to check the authenticity of an electronic OSAGO policy?

OSAGO can be issued electronically, paid via the Internet, or received by email. The insurance company signs it with an enhanced, qualified electronic signature.

It is completed quickly and quite easily:

  • Log in to your personal account on a site that has this function (pre-register);
  • select “Create a new MTPL agreement”;
  • fill in your details, vehicle details, drivers, policy validity periods;
  • after automatic check pay with a bank card;
  • if the verification fails, some sites require you to attach copies of documents for manual verification;
  • Afterwards, the electronic policy is sent to you by email.

There are many sites where you can check the authenticity of the policy:

  • Ingosstrakh: ;
  • Rosgosstrakh:;
  • Renaissance: ;
  • Consent: ;
  • and other insurance companies with a license for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Authentication by last name is not the best way. It may be incorrect. Usually such data is scarce. There are many namesakes in Russia, so additional data is required everywhere.

Check the authenticity of the MTPL insurance policy immediately after receiving it. This way you will be better able to protect yourself from counterfeits and other related problems.

Don't be lazy:

In the RSA database you can see a list of all the forms that are necessary for issuing compulsory motor liability insurance policies.

If your policy is not in the database, if a completely different insurance company is listed in the data, you are being deceived, do not enter into such an agreement. But if you have already taken out such a policy, take measures to recover the amount paid from the fraudster.

There is liability for purchasing a fake policy or an empty form (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It will not be possible to receive an insurance payment under a fake policy.

If an accident occurs, the car owner must compensate for the damage himself. Be vigilant and always carefully check the policy you purchase.

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