Is it necessary to insure a Sberbank card? Card insurance – all risks included. Bank card insurance: advantages and disadvantages

We live in the 21st century - a century of great opportunities. Previously, people kept money in savings banks, in a safe at home, under a rug, but now any amount, even a large one, fits on one thin plastic card. To access the card you need to know the card PIN code, this is enough. Attackers go to great lengths to get these treasured three digits and fill their pockets with your money; they specially install overlays on ATMs in uncrowded places and various spy gadgets. Therefore, you cannot be sure that if you have not given your card to anyone, it will be safe. In this case, Sberbank offers its clients to insure themselves against loss of money from the card. With card protection, you can sleep peacefully and not be afraid of losing funds from your bank card.

In March 2018, the maximum insurance amount for Sberbank cards increased - it is now 350,000 rubles. Previously, this amount was 250,000 rubles.

Sberbank insurance protection of bank cards

The Card Protection policy will allow you to protect your money from criminals and have no doubt about its safety. There are three options for card insurance at Sberbank:

  • card insurance in the amount of 30,000 rubles
  • card insurance in the amount of 120,000 rubles
  • card insurance in the amount of 250,000 rubles
  • card insurance in the amount of 350,000 rubles

Cost of card insurance at Sberbank

The cost of subscription to an insurance policy is 700, 1710, 3510 and 5310 rubles, respectively. The price is indicated when purchasing a policy online. The policy can be issued both online and online. Taking out insurance online is not only more convenient, but also cheaper.

Example: with insurance in the amount of 250,000 rubles, the cost of the policy in the branch will be 3,900 rubles, while on the website the policy will cost 3,510 rubles.

How to apply for an insurance policy

  • Go to the registration page and select the amount of insurance protection.
  • Please provide your passport details, address and contact information.
  • Receive the policy by e-mail.
  • Pay for the policy with a bank card.

Please note that the policy comes into force on the 15th day after payment. The policy is valid for 1 year from the date the policy comes into force.

What is insured

What risks is protected against?

Illegal receipt by third parties of funds from the card as a result of:

  • using the card after its loss as a result of robbery or robbery;
  • obtaining a card and PIN code using violence or threats of violence and then withdrawing cash from an ATM;
  • forging a signature and then receiving cash from any bank;
  • using a fake card with valid details to pay for purchases and services or withdraw cash from an ATM;
  • phishing, skimming and similar actions to obtain information from the card;
  • theft (robbery, robbery) of cash within two hours from the moment of withdrawal from an ATM.

One of the programs offered to protect your money and payments is insurance. bank cards to Sberbank Insurance. The program is valid only for plastic issued and serviced directly by Sberbank.

Advantages of obtaining insurance protection for a bank card

Money insurance on a Sberbank card is offered for clients who actively use the product when paying via the Internet, remote services for transfers, withdrawing money from an ATM, paying for purchases, etc.

List of insured risks when taking out a policy

The protection program covers the following risks:

  1. Seizing by others a payment instrument and PIN code (possibly with the use of violence) and using them to seize the client’s money through an ATM.
  2. Receipt of funds by outsiders at the branch using forged signatures.
  3. Actions to falsify or obtain information (skimming, phishing).
  4. Criminals obtaining cash from an ATM using counterfeit plastic.
  5. Theft, robbery, loss of plastic, after which it was used by third parties.
  6. Accidental mechanical damage.
  7. A faulty ATM leading to the loss of plastic.
  8. Theft, embezzlement, robbery of cash that the client independently withdrew from an ATM.

A complete list of insurance risks covered by the policy

The insurance policy for bank cards at Sberbank assumes the possibility of applying within two days after the event. Only under such conditions the insurer considers the incident and makes a payment. In any case, you must report the incident by phone immediately after discovering the incident (up to 12 hours). You will also need to collect supporting documentation.

Among the advantages of this type of insurance are the fearless use of ATMs of other institutions, conducting transactions on the Internet, and withdrawing money from an ATM.

The essence of the bank card insurance policy

Insurance money on the card

Having chosen Sberbank card insurance, the cost of insurance is assigned based on the amount of coverage. It, in turn, is selected individually by the client himself, according to his own preferences, plastic status, and activity in conducting online transactions.

Three options for the scope of insurance coverage and premiums

Today, rates and the amount of insurance amounts depend on the method of issuing the policy.

When signing insurance at a bank branch, the client receives the following conditions:

  • The insurance amount is 120 thousand rubles - the cost of the policy is 1900 rubles.
  • 250 thousand rubles – 3900 rubles.
  • 350 thousand rubles – 5900 rubles.

If the policy is filled out through the bank’s website, the client can choose one of the tariffs:

  • The insurance amount is 30 thousand rubles - the cost of the policy is 700 rubles.
  • 120 thousand rubles – 1710 rubles.
  • 250 thousand rubles – 3510 rubles.

You can purchase a 1-year policy online

Registration of a policy

Insurance can be obtained at a branch or online on the bank’s website. In the first option, the rule applies: insurance is assigned to a bank account, and all products that are connected to it, including additional ones, are subject to security. In addition, you can draw up one agreement for all banking products owned by the client.

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The following rules apply:

  • Insurance is issued for one year.
  • A similar procedure is valid for credit cards.
  • One policy can receive payments no more than three times.
  • As payments are made, the amount of coverage is reduced in proportion to the amount paid.
  • If the main card has expired, the contract provides risks for the rest.
  • If only one card is insured, it is permissible to return it at the end of its validity period. insurance premiums in an amount equivalent to the difference between periods.

At Sberbank, card insurance occurs sequentially: the client selects a program, enters into an agreement, pays a premium, and receives a paper version of the policy.

When applying for a policy online, the client receives more favorable conditions

Policy activation

In order for the insurance to take effect, you need to connect it. Activation occurs independently and remotely - on the Insurance Company website. You must fill out the form: policy number, date of purchase, last name, code indicated on the issued certificate, telephone number and e-mail. Activation occurs after checking the data and comparing it with the parameters entered into the database. This may take a few minutes or a day or two.

Having chosen one of the options for insuring Sberbank plastic cards, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the procedure for action in the event of an unforeseen situation. In any of these situations, it is imperative to take measures:

  • Loss, theft, or disappearance of a product for any reason.
  • The card is damaged or demagnetized.
  • Withdrawal of funds from the account without the participation of the client.

The procedure for this is prescribed in the instructions. It must be strictly observed, otherwise any reason may cause refusal. It would be a good idea to first study reviews from clients about bank card insurance at Sberbank in order to avoid mistakes.

Step-by-step instructions on what to do in emergency situations:

  1. Call the Contact Center, report the problem and block the plastic. This can be done via SMS or through Online Banking.
  2. Call the insurance company, give the policy number, explain what happened, and get instructions on next steps. The call must be made as early as possible, otherwise it is fraught with refusal.
  3. If a crime has occurred (theft, withdrawal of money without the client’s knowledge), contact the police.
  4. Visit the insurance company office and submit an application. 3 days have been allocated for this from the moment of the incident.
  5. Collect a package of documents to confirm the case: an extract from Sberbank indicating the latest transactions, a resolution to initiate a criminal case or terminate it, a court decision, information on the cost of manufacturing the product (requested from the bank).
  6. Wait for a decision on insurance payment.
What to do if funds are illegally written off from your card

You can receive insurance only after a positive response from SK Bank. At the same time, the company analyzes the provided documents and checks the feasibility of the payment.

Today Sberbank is one of the most reliable banks operating in the territory Russian Federation. It employs the most qualified specialists to protect information. Despite this, it is still recommended to insure cards issued by this institution.

Is it necessary

Every day, more and more citizens are choosing electronic payment systems. That's why bank cards are becoming more and more common.

But along with the advent of a new payment method, various previously unknown methods of fraud have emerged.

And no one is safe from theft of funds from a card account. Even clients of such a powerful financial structure as Sberbank.

Especially in case of fraud or unauthorized use of funds, many insurance companies offer special programs for holders of plastic bank cards.

This service is not mandatory according to the current legislation of the Russian Federation. That is why Sberbank does not insist on its use.

Many less honest commercial structures, which also sell bank cards, impose the service in question on their client - this is illegal.

A previously concluded insurance contract can be terminated by contacting specialized authorities. The cost of card insurance is usually low. In addition, the entire amount of the insurance premium is already included in the cost of card servicing.

This applies to elite varieties of this means of payment:

  • MasterCard Gold;
  • Visa Gold and others.

Despite the fact that this type of insurance is not mandatory, it is still advisable to purchase a special policy.

This is especially true for those bank clients who have very large sums of money in their accounts. An insurance policy will help prevent property damage in the event of money theft.

Features of the policy

The insurance policy of this type for clients who are Sberbank card holders has a large number of different features.

The most important are the following:

  • protection is provided around the clock;
  • the policy covers the whole world;
  • protection against all existing risks is possible;
  • With one policy you can insure all your cards.

The most important advantage of this type of policy is its 24-hour coverage. It does not matter at what time the insured event occurred (day or night).

Monetary compensation will be paid in any case. Also, Sberbank’s bank card insurance policy protects the client’s property interests throughout the world.

That is why you can pay with a card in any country without fear. In the event of any occurrence specified in the contract insurance risk the client is compensated for the damage incurred.

Insurance of funds on a bank card implies protection against a variety of risks. A client can choose the optimal program for himself directly at a Sberbank branch.

Moreover, he can choose a set of risks independently. Which is very convenient, first of all, for the card holder. Since only the owner knows all the specifics of its use.

If necessary, you can insure all available cards at once with one policy. What is very convenient is that there is no need to conclude several insurance contracts. You only need to fulfill one condition: all cards must be from the same bank.

What risks might there be?

The list of insurance risks that can be included in a contract of this type is very extensive.

It can be divided into three main sections:

  • withdrawing funds from a card through fraud;
  • loss of a bank card;
  • theft of funds in any other way.

Payment of monetary compensation is provided for when fraudsters withdraw cash from the card:

  • by stealing the card itself, as well as its access code (PIN code), through the use of violence or threats;
  • by forging the signature of the card holder and then cashing it out at a bank branch;
  • by making a counterfeit card;
  • using various prohibited methods: skimming, phishing and others;
  • through an ATM using a duplicate card.

The contract also provides for the loss of the card as a result of:

  • robbery, assault;
  • ATM malfunction.

This item is made of easily damaged material (plastic), which is why it is very easy to break. Sometimes the loss of a card can also occur as a result of its demagnetization.

Moreover, this case can come at the most unexpected moment. at the moment. All identified risks are included in the insurance contract of the type in question.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sberbank cardholders often have various questions regarding insurance.

Is it possible to purchase insurance for a regular VisaClassic card with the maximum insured amount and all possible risks?

The type of card the client has does not matter. Regardless of the type, the holder can purchase an insurance policy, while independently selecting the risks he is interested in, as well as maximum size insurance compensation.

An additional card has been ordered for the child of a Sberbank client. An insurance policy was purchased using an existing card. Is it possible to include another card in the insurance coverage?

The concluded agreement is tied to one specific card. That is why, if it is necessary to insure another means of payment, the client will need to conclude a new contract. However, the client has the right not to purchase an insurance policy for the newly issued card. A Sberbank client always has a choice.

What is the point of concluding an insurance contract directly with Sberbank itself? There are quite a large number of insurance companies offering services of this type.

It is best to purchase an insurance policy directly from Sberbank for many reasons:

  • the bank offers the most favorable insurance conditions - to verify this, simply compare the cost with offers from other insurance companies;
  • all offered products are deprived of a franchise - that is why, in the event of an insured event, the loss will be fully compensated;
  • The list of insurance risks taken into account is very extensive.

The most important advantage of purchasing a policy from a bank is that the protection does not apply

Is it possible to issue a special insurance policy for a credit card?

If the card holder is a client of Sberbank of Russia OJSC, then he has the right to conclude an insurance contract of any type from the entire list offered by this bank. This is not only a policy for the card, but also life, health, and accident insurance.

What to do if the insurance risk occurred abroad?

You must immediately call the special telephone number indicated on the insurance policy. The operator will explain in the client’s native language what needs to be done in this case.

How to activate a bank card insurance policy in Sberbank

In order for the policy to take effect, you must first activate it. To do this, you need to provide certain information to the insurance company.

It is necessary to fill in the following fields in a special form on the official website:

  • place of purchase of the policy;
  • cost of the policy;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the policyholder;
  • gender of the policyholder;
  • date of birth of the policyholder;
  • contact details: phone number, email address;
  • policy number.

It is very important to transfer all data as quickly as possible. Since if an insured event occurs before the policy is activated, the company may refuse to pay insurance compensation on completely legal grounds.


The cost of bank card insurance depends on a large number of different factors. This is the amount of insurance coverage, the duration of the policy, as well as the region of use, and the type of card.

Currently, Sberbank offers the following insurance programs for a period of 1 year:

Bank card insurance is a necessity today. Since every year scammers steal details in more and more sophisticated ways. Therefore, you should not skimp, an insurance policy will protect you from serious financial losses.

Video: What to do if money is stolen from a bank card

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On the same topic

Discussion: 3 comments left.

    I use mine all the time salary card to pay for purchases in various stores - regular and online. That is why I decided to purchase an insurance policy for this means of payment. Since the card rarely contains amounts of more than 200 thousand rubles, I entered into an agreement, the amount of insurance coverage for which was 250 thousand rubles. This service cost me 3.9 thousand rubles for 12 months. During a visit to Chelyabinsk, I lost my card, and I didn’t find out about it right away. It was only when I received an SMS message that money had been withdrawn from her that I discovered it was missing. I immediately blocked her by calling Sberbank by phone. About 23 thousand rubles were withdrawn. The insurance company paid for all damage. I am completely satisfied with the quality of the services provided.

    I received a credit card from Sberbank. The limit on it is 350 thousand rubles. Accordingly, such a large amount of money may become the subject of close attention of scammers. That is why I decided to purchase a special insurance policy. As it turned out, not in vain. One of the ATMs I used to top up had a pirated reader. The CVV code of my card was stolen. Fraudsters began paying her in various online stores. The card was blocked, and all damage received was compensated by the insurance company. I am very glad that I purchased the insurance policy. It cost me only 5.9 thousand rubles.

    When concluding an agreement, you choose one of the proposed programs for protecting funds on your Bank cards and pay for the insurance policy.

Sberbank Insurance looks for a reason to refuse payment with a full list of documents provided for the insured event, comes up with documents that, according to the Law, organizations do not have the right to issue, or requires changing the text of notarial documents, which is, in principle, IMPOSSIBLE.
My father was insured in accordance with the Terms of Participation in the Voluntary Life Insurance Program. Insurance policy DSZH-3/1607 dated May 24, 2016.
Until the moment of his death, he regularly paid all contributions for 2 years and, according to the terms of the agreement, did not violate it. Suddenly, my father died of a stroke in the hospital on July 11, 2018.
Upon the death of the insured, the insurance company was notified, a statement was written, a death certificate, and a discharge summary were provided.
But the insurance company began to illegally demand documents, an extract of all diagnoses from the outpatient card, a copy of the card, which is legally classified information. The clinic does not have the right to issue such documents in person. Insurance companies you have to make the request yourself. After the letter from the GUZ lawyer was provided, the case was recognized as insured, but the amount to be paid was not disclosed. I called, wrote complaints, recorded a conversation with the hotline employees, and on October 10, 2018, they wrote to me from the insurance company “SBERBANK LIFE INSURANCE LLC” about the recognition of an insured event with the specified amount to be paid to the heirs of the insured person.
Through the Sberbank branch, I provided the original Certificate from a notary about entering into an inheritance and that I am the only heir, but the insurance company requires a certificate of inheritance for the insurance payment. Notaries issue certificates according to a legal model and cannot in any way introduce creative ideas from the insurance company into the Certificates!
Article 934 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Personal insurance contract.
P 2. A personal insurance contract is considered concluded in favor of the insured person if another person is not named in the contract as a beneficiary. In the event of the death of a person insured under a contract in which no other beneficiary is named, the heirs of the insured person are recognized as beneficiaries.
It follows that the beneficiary is not the deceased, but the heir.
Article 1112 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - Inheritance
The inheritance includes things and other property that belonged to the testator on the day the inheritance was opened, including property rights and obligations.
Under the insurance contract, the beneficiaries are the legal heirs, since the insured amount did not belong to the payment to the deceased.
The requirement of Sberbank Life Insurance LLC to the notary to register the payment amount is illegal.
Sberbank Life Insurance LLC is coming up with a second document, which according to the Law is impossible to provide!!!

“And then an epic began, very similar to the “fight of a citizen against a fraudulent organization”...
I agree with Anastasia’s previous review!!!
The notary sent letters to SBERBANK LIFE INSURANCE LLC, and now she has written me a REFUSAL to provide the requested documents for going to court. I hope to receive compensation from the court for intentionally delaying failure to comply with the terms of the insurance contract. On my part and on the part of the insured, all obligations were observed.

North-West Bank and AlfaStrakhovanie company offer holders of Sberbank debit and credit cards a new convenient product - bank card insurance.

The service covers almost all possible risks associated with using cards and allows customers to feel as protected as possible in any situation.

Card insurance – all risks included

When developing an offer for Sberbank clients, AlfaStrakhovanie specialists tried to take into account all the many years of experience in the insurance industry and make the service truly convenient, affordable and reliable.

What does the company with the highest rating offer? financial stability A++ agency "Expert RA" and international Fitch rating, whose services are used by 16.5 million private and more than 390 thousand corporate clients?

The unique advantage of the new product is that when purchasing one policy All debit and credit cards of Visa and MasterCard payment systems issued by Sberbank are insured in the name of the policyholder (including newly issued ones). Only the following are not covered by insurance: premium cards(Platinum, Infiniti). The policy is valid throughout the world 24 hours a day for a year from the date of purchase.

There are five options for insurance amounts from 20 thousand to 300 thousand rubles with a policy cost from 790 to 3890 rubles. The product covers the optimal set of risks, namely: – unauthorized withdrawal of funds from the account. Unlike earlier insurance offers, the new product also covers criminal transactions using the most modern criminal technologies - skimming (theft of card data using special reading devices) and phishing (fraudulent access to card data via the Internet).

Also insured:

  • criminals receiving money from a card given to them by the holder under threat of violence, or from a lost card (lost or stolen);
  • theft (by robbery, theft or robbery) of cash received through an ATM, if it was committed within two hours from the moment the money was withdrawn;
  • loss of a card due to malfunction of the ATM, loss, theft, accidental mechanical damage or demagnetization.

There's no reason to be careless

Sberbank and the AlfaStrakhovanie company remind: despite the protection provided by insurance, its presence is by no means a reason to neglect the rules and forget about caution when handling the card.

Any loss of a card or money is an extremely unpleasant situation. If only because collecting documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event, contacting the insurer and making a decision on payment takes time, during which you are left without a card and/or money.

Therefore, even after purchasing a policy, try to follow normal precautions: keep the card in a place hard to reach for thieves, inspect the ATM before making a transaction, cover the keyboard when entering the PIN code, do not conduct transactions on suspicious Internet sites, etc.

In addition, ignoring the rules for using a card established by the bank may serve as a reason for refusing an insurance payment. In particular, if it is established that you yourself transferred the card with which something happened to another person.

Also remember that if you detect an unauthorized transaction, you should contact your bank as quickly as possible and block the card. If this is not done (except for cases where the blocking operation could not be completed due to health reasons), then the insurance company has the right to refuse to compensate you for the damage.

Bank card insurance – from theory to practice

And now a little about how to buy a policy and what to do if an insured event occurs. You can purchase insurance at numerous Sberbank offices. Thanks to the “package insurance” technology used in the sale of this product, its registration will only take a few minutes.

Just pay the amount corresponding to the selected insurance coverage and receive a ready-made package of documents. Next, you need to activate your policy within 30 days - via the Internet or by phone.

In the first case, on the website in the “Bank Card Insurance” section, select the paid insurance option (790/1190, etc.), enter unique number policy and fill out the form fields. In the second, call 8-800-333-0-999 (calls within Russia are free), following the voice menu, go to the “Bank Card Insurance” section and tell the operator the policy number and other necessary details.

If something happens to your insured card, first of all call Sberbank at 8-800-555-55-50 and block the card. Next, you should file a claim with the bank about the disputed transaction and/or report to law enforcement agencies about the offense committed against you.

A written application to one of the 400 branches of AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC must be submitted within three working days from the date of the insured event (if the trouble happened to you abroad, then within three working days after returning).

Make sure to provide the company with all documents confirming the incident: a police certificate, a report on the card account, a letter from the bank about blocking the card, receipts for the purchased goods (if funds were withdrawn in a larger amount), etc.

The insurer makes a decision on payment of insurance compensation within 10 working days. Sberbank of Russia and AlfaStrakhovanie OJSC wish you financial well-being and hope that you will not have a reason to use your insurance policy. However, in an unforeseen situation, reliable partners are always ready to help you.

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