Car insurance (osago, comprehensive insurance). Car insurance (osago, comprehensive insurance) Basic tariff rate

The Ministry of Finance has determined a new procedure for calculating the price of an MTPL policy, allowing insurers to set the price 30-40 percent higher than the current tariffs. The bill proposed by the ministry has been sent to the government for consideration.

Starting this fall, the Ministry of Finance is ready to allow insurers to set the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance policies at 30% lower or higher than the basic tariffs of the Central Bank, and from September next year it is planned to increase this threshold to 40%, writes the Vedomosti newspaper with reference to a document containing the final amendments of the Ministry of Finance to the law on compulsory motor liability insurance.

Let us remember that it was initially planned to expand the tariff corridor by 20% from September of this year. Although shortly before the Ministry of Finance’s announcement, experts had already seen a sharp increase in the cost of the policy, which could have happened in a year, but still seemed inevitable. Thus, compulsory insurance may cost drivers much more than expected, despite the Ministry of Finance’s assurances that the price of the policy will not exceed the maximum basic tariff of the Central Bank by more than three times.

Now the cost of the policy is determined by multiplying the base tariff by coefficients - for the driver’s experience and age, car engine power, region and place of registration. The amendments of the Ministry of Finance will gradually abolish first the “power factor” and then the “regional coefficient”. When calculating the cost of an MTPL policy, companies will be able to use the “insurer coefficient” and the “ traffic violations" The first will provide the insurance organization with the opportunity to set an individual discount for a specific driver. The second will be applied to car owners who have repeatedly exceeded the speed limit, crossed a “continuous” road, or gotten behind the wheel in drunk and committed other violations leading to serious consequences, including the loss of a driver's license.

Thus, the cost of the policy will, first of all, be influenced by the car owner’s driving style, frequency and duration of use of the car. At the same time, violation of the rules, even if not recorded by cameras, can lead to an increase in the price of insurance.

In addition, the Ministry of Finance proposes to switch to different types OSAGO policies. This proposal has already been voiced before and was included in the final part of the amendments. So, the document provides three insurance options: the current one, that is, 400,000 rubles. for damage to property and 500,000 rubles. — life and health; as well as both maximums - with payments of 1 and 2 million rubles, depending on the terms of the contract. Moreover, it will be possible to issue any of these policies for three years at once, instead of the previous one, the draft resolution notes.

Insurers have already supported the MTPL reform, saying that the current system for calculating the cost of the policy does not take into account the individual risks of each driver, and in such a situation it is difficult to set a fair price. This opinion, for example, is shared by the President of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, Igor Yurgens, whose words are quoted by Rossiyskaya Gazeta: “We actively support the reform of compulsory motor insurance and the steps of the Central Bank and the Ministry of Finance in this direction. In the current situation, some segments are being subsidized by others, and this excludes the possibility of establishing a fair price.”

One of the experts in the field of insurance and the founders of the portal, Valery Kolyada, also believes that the new amendments should correct the existing tradition, when careful drivers overpay, and reckless drivers pay the same as them: “As a result, for careless drivers, the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance will increase, and for careful drivers, perhaps, on the contrary, insurers will provide a discount,” commented Kolyada’s innovations on IA Regnum.

To avoid a sharp jump in prices, it is planned to expand the tariff corridor in several stages. As the Ministry of Finance assures, insurers will not be able to determine the unfair cost of the MTPL policy.

Previously, the media reported that approximately from November, drivers will begin to be fined for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance policies. All 1,460 violation detection systems will identify violators. Moreover, a traffic police officer will be able to fine you as many times as he likes per day, even if the driver took out a policy, but forgot it at home or did not print it out. True, the data center has not yet announced a specific launch date for the system.

April 12, 2015 There was a serious adjustment in the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance, the price of the policy increased by 40-60%, but the maximum amount of payments also increased. Law on compulsory motor liability insurance has been operating since 2003 and this is the first significant change in tariffs. In 2013, began its work single base accident rate of AIS RSA drivers, data from this database is used to calculate the driver’s KBM. Calculate KBM using online calculator you can on our website.
On April 1, 2015, payments for compensation for damage to the life and health of victims were also increased to 500,000 rubles, which significantly influenced increase in insurance rates.

The price of the MTPL policy from April 12, 2015 increased by 40-60%, that is, on average, the policy increased in price by one and a half times. You can calculate the cost of your MTPL policy this year using the MTPL calculator.

Reasons for the increase in the price of compulsory motor insurance.

  • Increasing the limit of insurance payments - from 160,000 rubles to 500,000;
  • Inflation growth - inflation currently reaches 16%;
  • The ruble exchange rate has collapsed - an increase in the cost of spare parts.

On the eve of the introduction of the new tariff, the Central Bank of Russia announced a press release, which indicated a 40% increase in base rates for most categories of vehicles, while the price for insurance of special equipment, motorcycles, and vehicle fleets will be reduced.

Comparative table of new rates for compulsory motor liability insurance from April 12, 2015 and old ones.

Kind of transport

Old tariff - maximum
BT value (rub.)

New tariff - minimum
BT value (rub.)

New tariff - maximum
BT value (rub.)

Mopeds and light quadricycles, motorcycles (vehicle categories “A”, “M”)

Tractors, self-propelled road construction and other machines

Since April 12, 2015, territorial coefficients have been changed.

Coefficients have been increased in the following areas:

  • Adygea;
  • Mordovia;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • Mari El Republic;
  • Chuvashia,
  • Amur region;
  • Voronezh;
  • Kurganskaya;
  • Murmanskaya;
  • Chelyabinsk regions.

Coefficients have been reduced in the following areas:

  • Dagestan;
  • Chechnya;
  • Ingushetia;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Transbaikalia;
  • You you;
  • Chukotka;
  • Yakutia;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Leningrad region.

Results on MTPL tariffs from April 12, 2015.

Base rate for compulsory motor liability insurance now fluctuates between 3432 and 4118 rubles. At the same time, the tariff corridor was increased fourfold. If previously the price of an MTPL policy could fluctuate between different insurance companies within 5%, now the maximum variation is 20%.

An example of the cost of compulsory motor liability insurance according to the new tariffs dated April 12, 2015.

For example, let’s take a passenger car with an internal combustion engine power from 100 to 120 “ Horse power" Let’s say the driver of the vehicle is over 22 years old and has more than three years of driving experience. In the capital, he will pay for a policy from 8,200 to 9,900 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 7,400 to 9,000 rubles.

(see text in the previous edition)

1. The victim has the right to make a claim to the insurer for compensation for damage caused to his life, health or property when using vehicle, within the limits of the insured amount established by this Federal Law, by submitting to the insurer an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses and documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance.

(see text in the previous edition)

An application for insurance compensation in connection with harm to the life or health of the victim is sent to the insurer that insured the civil liability of the person who caused the harm. An application for insurance compensation in connection with damage to the property of the victim is sent to the insurer that insured the civil liability of the person who caused the damage, and in the cases provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 14.1 of this Federal Law, an application for direct compensation of losses is sent to the insurer that insured the civil liability of the victim.

(see text in the previous edition)

An application from the victim containing a claim for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses in connection with damage to his life, health or property when using a vehicle, with attached documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance, is sent to the insurer at the location of the insurer or a representative of the insurer authorized by the insurer to consideration of the specified claims of the victim and the implementation of insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses.

(see text in the previous edition)

The location and postal addresses of the insurer, as well as all representatives of the insurer, means of communication with them and information about their working hours must be indicated in the list of representatives of the insurer, which is an appendix to the insurance policy.

If there are insufficient documents confirming the occurrence of an insured event and the amount of damage to be compensated by the insurer, the insurer, within three working days from the date of receipt by mail, and when contacting the insurer in person on the day of filing an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, is obliged to report this victim, indicating a complete list of missing and (or) incorrectly completed documents.

(see text in the previous edition)

Exchange necessary documents about insurance compensation to check their completeness, at the request of the victim, can be carried out in electronic form, which does not exempt the victim from submitting documents to the insurer in writing about insurance compensation at the location of the insurer or the insurer's representative. The insurer is obliged to ensure that the applicant's appeal sent in the form of an electronic document is considered and a response is sent to him within the period agreed upon by the applicant with the insurer, but no later than three working days from the date of receipt of the said appeal.

(see text in the previous edition)

The insurer has no right to demand from the victim the submission of documents not provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance.

2. The insurance payment due to the victim for damage to his health as a result of a road traffic accident is carried out in accordance with this Federal Law to compensate for the costs associated with restoring the victim’s health and his lost earnings (income) in connection with the injury to health as a result of a traffic accident.

Insurance payment for personal injury in terms of reimbursement of necessary expenses for restoring the victim’s health is carried out by the insurer on the basis of documents issued by authorized police officers and confirming the fact of a road traffic accident, and medical documents provided by medical organizations that provided assistance to the victim. medical care in connection with the insured event, indicating the nature and extent of damage to the victim’s health. The amount of insurance payment in terms of compensation for the necessary expenses for restoring the victim’s health is determined in accordance with the standards and in the manner established by the Government Russian Federation, depending on the nature and extent of damage to the victim’s health, within the limits of the insured amount established by subparagraph “a” of Article 7

Information about the insurance policy number and the name of the insurer who insured the civil liability of the owner of the vehicle at fault in the traffic accident is provided to the pedestrian injured in such a traffic accident, or his representative on the day of contacting the police department, whose employees drew up documents about such traffic accident.

3. After making an insurance payment to the victim for causing harm to his health in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, the insurer additionally makes an insurance payment in the following case:

a) if, based on the results of a medical examination or research carried out, including by forensic medical examination institutions, in proceedings in an administrative offense case, in criminal proceedings, as well as at the request of the victim, it is established that the nature and degree of damage to the victim’s health corresponds to a larger amount insurance payment than was initially determined on the basis of the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The size of the additional insurance payment is determined by the insurer as the difference between the amount to be paid corresponding to the established nature of damage to the victim’s health according to the expert opinion submitted by him, and the insurance payment previously made in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article for causing harm to the victim’s health;

b) if, as a result of harm caused to the victim’s health as a result of a road traffic accident, based on the results of a medical and social examination, the victim is assigned a disability group or the category “disabled child.” The size of the additional insurance payment is determined by the insurer as the difference between the amount to be paid corresponding to the disability group or the “disabled child” category indicated in the conclusion of the medical and social examination according to the standards established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and the amount previously paid in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article of the insurance payment for causing harm to the health of the victim.

4. In the event that additional expenses incurred by the victim for treatment and restoration of the victim’s health damaged as a result of a road traffic accident (expenses for medical rehabilitation, purchase medicines, prosthetics, orthotics, outside care, sanatorium treatment and other expenses) and the earnings (income) lost by the victim due to harm to his health as a result of a traffic accident exceeded the amount of insurance payment made to the victim in accordance with paragraphs 2 and this article , the insurer compensates for these expenses and lost earnings (income) upon confirmation that the victim needed these types of assistance, as well as upon documentary confirmation of the amount of lost earnings (income) that the victim had or could definitely have at the time of the insured event. The amount of insurance payment made in accordance with this paragraph is determined by the insurer as the difference between the lost earnings (income) of the victim, and additional expenses, confirmed by documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance, and the total amount of insurance payment made in accordance with paragraphs 2 and this article for causing harm to the health of the victim.

5. Insurance payment in terms of compensation for lost earnings (income) by the victim is made at a time or in another manner established by the rules of compulsory insurance.

The total amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the health of the victim, made in accordance with paragraphs 2 of this article, cannot exceed the insurance amount established by subparagraph “a” of Article 7 of this Federal Law.

Insurance payment for causing harm to the health of the victim is made to the victim or to persons who are representatives of the victim and whose authority to receive insurance payment is duly certified.

6. In the event of the death of the victim, the right to compensation for harm has the right, in accordance with civil law, to compensation for harm in the event of the death of the breadwinner; in the absence of such persons - the spouse, parents, children of the victim, citizens who depended on the victim, if he had no independent income (beneficiaries).

7. The amount of insurance payment for causing harm to the life of the victim is:

no more than 25 thousand rubles for reimbursement of funeral expenses - to persons who incurred such expenses.

8. The insurer, within 15 calendar days, with the exception of non-working holidays, from the date of acceptance of the first application for insurance compensation in terms of compensation for damage caused to the life of the victim as a result of an insured event, accepts applications for insurance compensation and documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance from other beneficiaries . Within five calendar days, with the exception of non-working holidays, after the end of the specified period for accepting applications from persons entitled to compensation for damage in the event of the death of the victim, the insurer makes an insurance payment.

(see text in the previous edition)

The insurance payment, the amount of which is established by the second paragraph of clause 7 of this article, is distributed equally among persons entitled to compensation for damage in the event of the death of the victim. Insurance payment in terms of compensation for damage caused to the life of the victim is made at a time.

A person who has the right to compensation for damage in the event of the death of a victim as a result of an insured event and who has submitted a claim to the insurer for insurance compensation after the insurance payment for this insured event has been distributed among persons entitled to compensation for damage in the event of the death of the victim, has the right to demand from these persons return the part of the insurance payment due in accordance with this Federal Law or demand payment of compensation for damage from the person who caused harm to the life of the victim as a result of this insured event, in accordance with civil law.

(see text in the previous edition)

9. The victim or beneficiary is obliged to provide the insurer with all documents and evidence, as well as provide all information known to him confirming the scope and nature of the harm caused to the life or health of the victim.

9.1. If several participants in a traffic accident are found liable for damage caused to the life or health of a victim during the occurrence of the same insured event, insurers jointly and severally make an insurance payment to the victim in terms of compensation for said damage in the manner prescribed by paragraph 22 of this article. In this case overall size the insurance payment made by insurers cannot exceed the amount of the insurance amount provided for in subparagraph “a” of Article 7 of this Federal Law.

10. In case of damage to property, in order to clarify the circumstances of the damage and determine the amount of losses to be compensated by the insurer, the victim intends to exercise his right to insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, within five working days from the date of filing the application for insurance compensation and the attached documents in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance of documents, he is obliged to present the damaged vehicle or its remains for inspection and (or) independent technical examination carried out in the manner established by Article 12.1 of this Federal Law, other property for inspection and (or) independent examination (assessment) carried out in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics established by this Federal Law.

(see text in the previous edition)

If the inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) of the damaged vehicle, other property or its remains presented by the victim does not allow reliably establishing the existence of an insured event and determining the amount of losses subject to compensation under the compulsory insurance contract, to determine of these circumstances, the insurer, within 10 working days from the moment the victim submits an application for insurance compensation, has the right to inspect the vehicle, during the use of which damage was caused to the victim’s property, and (or) at its own expense, organize and pay for an independent technical examination of this vehicle in in the manner established by Article 12.1 of this Federal Law. The owner of the vehicle, during the use of which the property of the victim was damaged, is obliged to present this vehicle at the request of the insurer.

(see text in the previous edition)

In the event that the nature of the damage or the characteristics of the damaged vehicle or other property exclude its presentation for inspection and independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) at the location of the insurer and (or) expert (for example, damage to the vehicle that excludes its participation in the road movement), this is indicated in the application and the specified inspection and independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) are carried out at the location of the damaged property within a period of no more than five working days from the date of filing the application for insurance compensation and attached to it in accordance with the rules compulsory insurance of documents.

(see text in the previous edition)

11. The insurer is obliged to inspect the damaged vehicle, other property or its remains and (or) organize their independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) within a period of no more than five working days from the date of receipt of the application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses with attached documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance, and familiarize the victim with the results of the inspection and independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment), unless another period is agreed upon by the insurer with the victim. An independent technical examination or an independent examination (assessment) is organized by the insurer if contradictions are discovered between the victim and the insurer regarding the nature and list of visible damage to property and (or) the circumstances of harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a road traffic accident.

(see text in the previous edition)

If the victim fails to provide the damaged property or its remains for inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) on the date agreed with the insurer, the insurer agrees with the victim a new date for inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) of the damaged property. property or its remains. Moreover, if the victim fails to fulfill the obligation established by paragraphs 10 and this article to present the damaged property or its remains for inspection and (or) independent technical expertise, independent examination (assessment), the deadline for the insurer to make a decision on insurance compensation, determined in accordance with paragraph 21 of this article , may be extended for a period not exceeding the number of days between the date the victim presented the damaged property or its remains and the date of inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) agreed upon with the victim, but not more than 20 calendar days, beyond excluding non-working holidays.

(see text in the previous edition)

The compulsory insurance contract may provide for other periods during which the insurer is obliged to arrive for inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) of damaged property or its remains, if they are carried out in hard-to-reach, remote or sparsely populated areas.

If the victim fails to provide damaged property or its remains for inspection and (or) independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) on the date agreed with the insurer in accordance with paragraphs one and two of this paragraph, the victim does not have the right to independently organize an independent technical examination or independent examination ( assessment) on the basis of paragraph two of paragraph 13 of this article, and the insurer has the right to return without consideration the application submitted by the victim for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, along with the documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance.

(see text in the previous edition)

The results of an independent technical examination, independent examination (assessment) of damaged property or its remains independently organized by the victim are not accepted to determine the amount of insurance compensation if the victim did not present the damaged property or its remains for inspection and (or) an independent technical examination, independent examination ( assessments) on the dates agreed with the insurer in accordance with paragraphs one and two of this paragraph.

(see text in the previous edition)

In the event that the insurer returns to the victim, on the basis of paragraph four of this paragraph, an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, together with the documents provided for by the rules of compulsory insurance, the terms established by this Federal Law for the insurer to inspect the damaged property or its remains and (or) organize their independent technical examination , independent examination (assessment), as well as the time frame for the insurer to make an insurance payment or issue a referral for repairs to the victim or send him a reasoned refusal of insurance compensation, are calculated from the day the victim re-submits to the insurer an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, together with the documents provided for by the rules of mandatory insurance.

(see text in the previous edition)

12. If, based on the results of an inspection of the damaged property or its remains by the insurer, the insurer and the victim agreed on the amount of insurance compensation and do not insist on organizing an independent technical examination or an independent examination (assessment) of the damaged property or its remains, the examination is not carried out.

(see text in the previous edition)

13. If, after an inspection of the damaged property or its remains by the insurer, the insurer and the victim have not reached agreement on the amount of insurance compensation, the insurer is obliged to organize an independent technical examination, an independent examination (assessment), and the victim is obliged to present the damaged property or its remains for an independent technical examination , independent examination (assessment).

(see text in the previous edition)

If the insurer has not inspected the damaged property or its remains and (or) has not organized an independent technical examination, an independent examination (assessment) of the damaged property or its remains within the period established by paragraph 11 of this article, the victim has the right to apply independently for a technical examination or examination (assessment). In this case, the results of an independent technical examination or independent examination (assessment) independently organized by the victim are accepted by the insurer to determine the amount of insurance compensation.

(see text in the previous edition)

14. The cost of an independent technical examination, an independent examination (assessment), on the basis of which insurance compensation is carried out, is included in the losses subject to compensation by the insurer under a compulsory insurance contract.

(see text in the previous edition)

15. Insurance compensation for damage caused to the victim’s vehicle (with the exception of passenger cars owned by citizens and registered in the Russian Federation) may be provided at the choice of the victim:

(see text in the previous edition)

by organizing and paying for the restoration of the damaged vehicle of the victim at the station Maintenance, which was chosen by the victim in agreement with the insurer in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance and with which the insurer entered into an agreement to organize restoration repairs (compensation for damage caused in kind);

(see text in the previous edition)

by issuing the amount of the insurance payment to the victim (beneficiary) at the insurer's cash desk or transferring the amount of the insurance payment to the bank account of the victim (beneficiary) (cash or non-cash payment).

(see text in the previous edition)

15.1. Insurance compensation for damage caused for a passenger car owned by a citizen and registered in the Russian Federation, is carried out (except for the cases established by paragraph 16.1 of this article) in accordance with paragraph 15.2 of this article or in accordance with paragraph 15.3 of this article by organizing and (or) paying for the restoration of a damaged vehicle victim (compensation for harm caused in kind).

The insurer, after inspecting the damaged vehicle of the victim and (or) conducting an independent technical examination of it, issues a referral to the victim for repairs to a technical service station and pays the cost of the restoration repair of the damaged vehicle of the victim carried out by such station in the amount determined in accordance with the unified methodology for determining the amount of expenses for restoration repairs in relation to the damaged vehicle, taking into account the provisions of paragraph two of paragraph 19 of this article.

When carrying out restoration repairs in accordance with paragraphs 15.2 and 15.3 of this article, the use of used or restored components (parts, assemblies, assemblies) is not allowed if, in accordance with the unified methodology for determining the amount of costs for restoration repairs in relation to a damaged vehicle, replacement is required components (parts, units, assemblies). Otherwise may be determined by agreement between the insurer and the victim.

The minimum warranty period for restoration work on a damaged vehicle is 6 months, and body work and work related to the use of paints and varnishes, 12 months.

If deficiencies in the restoration repair of a damaged vehicle are identified, they are eliminated in the manner established by paragraph 15.2 or 15.3 of this article, unless an agreement concluded in writing between the insurer and the victim chooses another method of eliminating these deficiencies.

The claim of the victim to the insurer regarding the results of the restoration repair of the damaged vehicle is considered taking into account the specifics established by Article 16.1 of this Federal Law.

15.2. Requirements for organizing restoration repairs include:

the period for carrying out restorative repairs of the damaged vehicle (but not more than 30 working days from the date the victim presented such a vehicle to a service station or transferred such a vehicle to the insurer to organize its transportation to the place of restorative repairs);

criteria for accessibility for the victim to the place of restoration of the damaged vehicle (at the same time, at the choice of the victim, the maximum length of the route laid on public roads from the place of the traffic accident or the victim’s place of residence to the service station cannot exceed 50 kilometers, with the exception of if the insurer organized and (or) paid for the transportation of the damaged vehicle to the place of restoration and back);

requirement to maintain the warranty obligations of the vehicle manufacturer (restorative repairs of a vehicle, less than two years have passed since the year of manufacture, must be carried out by a service station that is a legal entity or individual entrepreneur registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and carrying out service maintenance such vehicles on its own behalf and at its own expense in accordance with an agreement concluded with the manufacturer and (or) importer (distributor) of vehicles of certain brands).

If the insurer has entered into an agreement to organize restoration repairs with a service station that meets the requirements established by the rules of compulsory insurance for organizing restoration repairs in relation to a specific victim, the insurer sends his vehicle to this station to carry out restoration repairs of such a vehicle.

If none of the stations with which the insurer has concluded contracts for organizing restoration repairs does not comply with the requirements established by the rules of compulsory insurance for organizing restoration repairs in relation to a specific victim, the insurer, with the consent of the victim in writing, may issue the victim a referral for repairs to one of such stations. In the absence of this consent, compensation for damage caused to the vehicle is carried out in the form of an insurance payment.

15.3. With the consent of the insurer in writing, the victim has the right to independently organize the restoration of his damaged vehicle at a service station with which the insurer does not have an agreement to organize the restoration repair at the time the victim submits an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses. In this case, the victim, in an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses, indicates the full name of the selected service station, its address, location and payment details, and the insurer issues a referral to the victim for repairs and pays for the restoration repairs carried out.

16. Compensation for damage caused to the victim’s property other than a vehicle is carried out in the manner established by paragraph three of paragraph 15 of this article.

16.1. Insurance compensation for damage caused to a passenger car owned by a citizen and registered in the Russian Federation is carried out by issuing the amount of the insurance payment to the victim (beneficiary) at the insurer's cash desk or transferring the amount of the insurance payment to the bank account of the victim (beneficiary) (cash or non-cash payment) in case:

a) complete loss of the vehicle;

b) death of the victim;

c) causing serious or moderate harm to the health of the victim as a result of the occurrence of an insured event, if the victim chose this form of insurance compensation in the application for insurance compensation;

d) if the victim is a disabled person specified in paragraph one of paragraph 1 of Article 17 of this Federal Law, and in the application for insurance compensation he chose this form of insurance compensation;

E) if the cost of restorative repairs of a damaged vehicle exceeds that established by subparagraph "b" of Article 7, paragraph 22 of this article, all participants in a traffic accident are found liable for the damage caused, provided that in these cases the victim does not agree to make an additional payment for the repair of the service station;

g) the existence of a written agreement between the insurer and the victim (beneficiary).

17. If, in accordance with paragraph two of clause 15 or clauses 15.1 - 15.3 of this article, compensation for damage is carried out by organizing and (or) paying for the restoration of the damaged vehicle, the victim indicates this in the application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses.

(see text in the previous edition)

The insurer posts on its official website on the Internet information and telecommunications network information about the list of service stations with which it has entered into contracts for the organization of restoration repairs, indicating the addresses of their location, the make and year of manufacture of the vehicles they service, and approximate terms carrying out restoration repairs depending on the volume of work performed and workload, information about their compliance with the requirements established by the rules of compulsory insurance for organizing restoration repairs and keeping it up to date. The insurer is obliged to provide this information to the victim (beneficiary) for him to select a service station when contacting the insurer with an application for insurance compensation or direct compensation for losses.

(see text in the previous edition)

Changes in the scope of work for restorative repairs of a damaged vehicle, the period and conditions for carrying out restorative repairs must be agreed upon by the service station with the insurer and the victim.

(see text in the previous edition)

The procedure for resolving issues related to identified hidden damage to a vehicle caused by an insured event is determined by the service station in agreement with the insurer and the victim and is indicated by the service station when accepting the victim’s vehicle for repair or in another document issued to the victim.

The procedure for resolving issues of payment for repairs not related to the insured event is determined by the service station in agreement with the victim and is indicated by the service station in the document issued to the victim upon acceptance of the vehicle for repair.

The direction for repairs issued by the insurer on the basis of the second paragraph of paragraph 15 of this article indicates the possible amount of additional payment made to the service station by the victims for restoration repairs on the basis of the second paragraph of paragraph 19 of this article.

(see text in the previous edition)

If the cost of restoration of a damaged vehicle, payable by the insurer in accordance with paragraph 15.2 or 15.3 of this article, exceeds the insurance amount established by subparagraph "b" of Article 7 of this Federal Law or maximum size insurance compensation established for cases of registration of documents about a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers, or if, in accordance with paragraph 22 of this article, all participants in the traffic accident are found responsible for the harm caused and the victim agrees in writing to the payment additional payments for carrying out restorative repairs of a damaged vehicle, the insurer determines the amount of additional payment that the victim will have to make to the service station, and indicates it in the direction issued to the victim for repairs.

The insurer's obligations to organize and pay for restoration repairs of the victim's vehicle, accepted by it on the basis of the second paragraph of clause 15 or clauses 15.1 - 15.3 of this article, are considered to be fulfilled by the insurer properly from the moment the victim receives the repaired vehicle.

(see text in the previous edition)

Responsibility for the technical service station’s failure to comply with the deadline for handing over the repaired vehicle to the victim, as well as for violation of other obligations for the restoration of the victim’s vehicle, lies with the insurer who issued the referral for repair.

(see text in the previous edition)

17.1. If the Bank of Russia identifies repeated (two or more times) within one year violations by the insurer of obligations for restoration repairs, including obligations for its organization and (or) payment, the Bank of Russia has the right to decide to limit the implementation by such insurer of compensation for damage caused in in kind in accordance with paragraphs 15.1 - 15.3 of this article for a period of up to one year (hereinafter referred to as the decision on limitation). The insurer that has received a decision on the limitation, in relation to victims applying for insurance compensation for damage or direct compensation for losses after the date of the decision on the limitation, compensates for the damage caused to the vehicle in the form of an insurance payment, except for the case when the victim, notified the insurer regarding the decision to limit it, confirms its agreement to compensate for the damage caused to its vehicle in kind. In this case, the insurer organizes and (or) pays for the restoration of the damaged vehicle in accordance with

Now this tariff is 2440-2574 rubles, from April 12 it will increase to 3432-4118 rubles. Thus, the lower limit of the tariff corridor increases by 40%, and the upper limit by 60%.

In some regions, the MTPL policy will become more expensive tomorrow, April 1, 2015, because new regional coefficients are already being introduced, by which the base tariff is multiplied. In 11 regions they will increase.

From April, Murmansk and Chelyabinsk will become the most expensive for car owners: their regional coefficients have been increased to 2.1 - it is in these cities that compulsory motor liability insurance will cost the most. If previously the policy in Murmansk cost 4562 - 4813 rubles (driver over 22 years old with more than three years of experience, car with a capacity of 70-100 hp), now the OSAGO policy will cost 7927 - 9512 rubles.

Let us recall that from April 1, 2015, the provision of the law on compulsory motor liability insurance comes into force, which introduces a new limit of payments for damage to life and health of 500 thousand rubles for each victim instead of the previous 160 thousand rubles. This innovation is one of the reasons for the increase in the price of compulsory motor liability insurance policies; also, according to the Central Bank, an increase in tariffs will stabilize the situation in the crisis segment of the insurance market. Officials explained the increase in the price of the base tariff by the collapse of the ruble and the subsequent increase in the cost of repairs, spare parts and components.

Please note that there have already been reports in the media about cases of sales of counterfeit or invalid MTPL policies. You can check the authenticity of the policy online -.

In which regions will the OSAGO policy increase in price the most?

Territorial coefficients will be increased in 11 regions of the country: in the Kamchatka Territory, Adygea, Mordovia, Chuvashia, the Mari El Republic, as well as in the Amur, Voronezh, Murmansk, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions. The price of compulsory motor liability insurance in Mordovia and Kamchatka (except for Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky) will rise by almost 100%. Previously, a resident of Saransk would have paid 3,220–3,397 rubles for a policy; now the cost of insurance will rise to 5,662–6,794 rubles.

In many regions of Russia, car owners are trying to purchase a policy at the old rate in order to save their money. For example, in the Urals on March 31, in the morning there were long lines at the offices of insurance companies.

Basic cost of policies in major Russian cities

In the table below you can see approximate calculations of the cost of the policy in several large Russian cities, where the regional coefficient will not change, but the base rate will increase. Calculations are given for a motorist over 22 years of age with more than three years of experience, who owns a car whose engine power is in the range from 70 to 100 hp. All calculations apply to drivers with a good history of car ownership, a good balance of age and experience, as well as a low-power car. If you add it to the calculator additional odds, then the final cost of the policy will be significantly higher.

New regional odds

Insurers themselves consider the increase in tariffs justified. Such measures will help stabilize the situation in the MTPL market, which is experiencing a crisis, believes Mikhail Porvatov, head of the methodology department of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA): “Currently in about 40% of regions there are problems with purchasing a MTPL policy. Insurers either do not sell policies or impose additional services. There are cases of large insurers refusing a license under OSAGO altogether. What is happening now is a consequence of the fact that compulsory motor liability insurance has long been an unprofitable type of insurance. We expect bankruptcies of insurers and a huge burden on the RSA compensation fund.”

Car insurance (OSAGO, CASCO)

Company "DARD-Auto" offers commission re-registration and insurance of cars, motorcycles

Compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL)

introduced in Russia on July 1, 2003. Now, according to the Law, damage caused by the insurer to property, as well as to the life and health of third parties as a result of an accident, is compensated by Insurance Company(SK). Thus, those injured by unlucky car owners are guaranteed compensation for the damage caused, and the perpetrators of the incident no longer care about whether they have enough money for it.

We inform you that on 04/01/2015. Changes have been made to insurance rates for compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners - OSAGO.

The size of the basic rates of insurance tariffs for compulsory motor liability insurance from April 12, 2015

Type (category) and purpose of the vehicle Basic insurance rate (rubles)
Maximum TB value
Motorcycles, mopeds and light ATVs (vehicles of categories “A”, “M”) 1579
Vehicles of categories “B”, “BE”
legal entities 3087
used as a taxi 6166
Vehicles of categories “C” and “CE”
with a permissible maximum weight of 16 tons or less 4211
with a permissible maximum weight of more than 16 tons 6341
Vehicles of categories “D” and “DE”
with a number of passenger seats up to 16 inclusive 3370
with more than 16 passenger seats 4211
used for regular transportation with boarding and disembarking passengers both at established stopping points along the regular transportation route and at any location not prohibited by the rules traffic place along the regular transportation route 6166
Trolleybuses (vehicles of category “Tb”) 3370
Trams (vehicles of category “Tm”) 2101
Tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles that do not have wheeled propulsion systems 157

To conclude an MTPL agreement, the following documents are required:
- passport or other identification document (if the policyholder is an individual)
- registration certificate legal entity(if the policyholder is a legal entity)
- vehicle passport or registration certificate
- power of attorney to drive the vehicle
- driver's license(or copies) of persons admitted to management.
The insurance premium depends on the base rate (determined by the type of vehicle) and correction factors(depending on place of residence, age and experience of drivers, engine power, period of use of the vehicle, etc.
After paying the insurance premium, the policyholder is issued: an insurance policy, Insurance Rules, accident notification forms, a list of insurer representatives in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
From now on, if you find yourself at fault for an accident, and the victim claims compensation for damage, you will not need to sort things out with him or run to borrow money to repair someone else’s car and treat passengers. Enough, having fulfilled the duties road accident participants provided for by the Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation, additionally provide each other with information about your insurance policy and fill out one road accident notification form together, indicating in it your vision of the circumstances of the incident. Next, you need to submit a notification about the accident to your insurance company, which will carry out the rest of the work with the victim to determine the amount of insurance payment and compensation for damage.
The amount of compensation does not depend on the number of insured events during the term of the contract. However, the insurance amount provided by law may not be enough - for example, in case of serious body damage to an expensive foreign car, the person responsible for the accident will be forced to independently pay the missing money. If you take care in advance, you can avoid these costs by taking out a voluntary insurance policy with an extension of the insured amount to 10 thousand dollars.
The insurer does not have the right to refuse to conclude a compulsory insurance contract to the owner of a vehicle who has applied to him with an application to conclude a compulsory motor liability insurance contract. The policyholder has the right to submit copies of the documents necessary to issue the policy. The policyholder is responsible for the completeness and accuracy of the information and documents provided to the insurer. During the period of validity of the MTPL contract, the policyholder is obliged to immediately notify the insurer of changes in the information specified in the application.
In the event of an insured event (traffic accident), participating drivers must take measures and fulfill the duties provided for by the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation.
Knowledge of the rules registration of road accidents and the sequence of further actions contributes to faster receipt of the insurance compensation necessary for recovery damaged car.

Registration of an accident
Correct execution of documents for accident scene allows you to reduce the number of visits to the traffic police and the insurance company (IC) to receive insurance compensation.
In the event of an accident, drivers involved should:
- stop the car
- turn on the hazard warning lights and put up a warning triangle
- do not move objects related to the incident, record the details of witnesses to the accident
- call the traffic police and, if necessary, emergency medical care
- jointly fill out the accident notification form in accordance with the instructions attached to it
- provide each other with information about MTPL insurance policies
- notify, if possible, your insurance company about the incident, agree further actions by calling the 24-hour dispatch service
- draw up and receive at the scene of the accident from the traffic police officer a certificate of participation in the accident
Quite often, at the scene of an incident, a traffic police officer does not make a decision to bring administrative responsibility to any of the drivers. This decision is made in the administrative practice group of the traffic police department based on the results of an analysis of the circumstances of what happened when an administrative offense was identified.

Collection of documents for receiving insurance compensation
In accordance with the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance, documents for receiving insurance compensation are collected by the victim, who is obliged to notify the insurance company of the harm-cauter as soon as possible. When submitting an application for insurance payment, the victim must attach to the application:
- a certificate of an accident (Appendix No. 31), issued by the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate based on the results of an analysis of the circumstances of the accident
- a copy of the protocol on the administrative offense
- notification of an accident
If the victim does not have any of the specified documents at the time of filing the application, then the insurance company may, at its discretion, either accept the application and part of the documents, or not accept anything. In any case, actions to determine the amount of damage and preparation for payment of insurance compensation will be taken only after all necessary documents have been submitted

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