Parcel status. Postal statuses of parcels when tracking. Arrived at the distribution center at the place of delivery - which means further actions The parcel has arrived at the regional center

In order not to make a mistake in the approximate delivery time of the parcel, you should know what this or that status means. On this page we will consider in detail all possible statuses so that you do not have difficulty determining the location of the parcel.

Postal statuses when tracking shipments from abroad


This status means that the sender has completed all the necessary forms, including Form CN22 or CN23 (customs declaration), and the package has been accepted by the postal or courier service employee. Simultaneously with receipt, the shipment is assigned an identification number, which is subsequently used for tracking.

Arrival at MMPO.

MMPO is a place of international postal exchange. At this stage, the parcel undergoes customs control and registration. After this, service employees prepare a grouped international shipment.


One of the longest periods in the delivery of postal items. This is due to the fact that sending a partially loaded plane is unprofitable, so you have to wait until there is a sufficient number of parcels heading to one country.

In addition, to optimize logistics processes, shipments can be delivered in transit through other countries, and this also delays delivery time.

It is impossible to name the exact duration of the parcel's stay in export. But on average it ranges from two weeks to one and a half months. Moreover, on the eve of the holidays, this period may further increase. But if more than two months have passed since receiving the “Export” status, and there are no changes, you should contact the postal service performing the delivery with a request to search for the shipment.


This status is assigned to the item at the Russian AOPP (aviation mail department), where it arrives from an airplane. Here, according to the service regulations, the parcels are weighed, the integrity of the packaging is checked, the barcode is scanned to find out the place of departure, the flight number is recorded, and it is determined to which MMPO the parcel should be sent. The length of time an international shipment stays at AOPC depends on the workload of the department and its employees, but on average it is 1-2 days.

Handed over to customs.

After sorting, the parcels are sent for customs inspection, where they go through an X-ray scanner. If customs officers suspect the illegal transportation of prohibited substances or items, the shipment is opened and inspected in the presence of an inspector and the responsible operator. After this (if the fact of transportation of prohibited goods has not been confirmed), the parcel is packed again, an inspection report is attached and sent along the route.

Detained by customs.

This status is optional. It is assigned to a shipment only in cases where customs officers detect a weight exceeding permissible norm, cost more than 1000 euros and other violations. In this case, the recipient will have to pay additional fees. If there are no violations of customs legislation, the parcel will bypass this status.

Customs clearance has been completed.

After receiving this status, the parcel is again transferred to the place of international postal exchange, where it is processed by the department staff. In some cases, this status may be replaced by “left MMPO”.

Arrived at the sorting center.

From MMPO the shipment arrives for sorting. There are postal sorting centers in all major cities. As a rule, the parcel is sent to the center closest to the MMPO, where logistics service employees develop the optimal delivery route to the point of issue.

Left the sorting center.

This status means that the parcel has been sent along the delivery route. The time it takes for it to arrive at the recipient depends on several factors, including traffic congestion, remoteness of the region, etc.

There are Russian Post sorting centers in all major cities.

Arrived at the sorting center of the city N.

Upon arrival in the recipient's city, the parcel is delivered to the local sorting center. From here, the goods are distributed to post offices or other order delivery points. Delivery speed is affected by: traffic congestion, weather conditions, distance. For example, delivery within the city takes no more than 1-2 days, but within the region it can take about a week.

Arrived at the delivery location.

After the shipment arrives at the nearest post office, it is assigned this status. Next, postal employees are required to issue a notice and deliver it to the addressee within 1-2 days. In fact, this period may be slightly delayed, so it is better to use the “My Parcel” tracking service. As soon as you see the status “arrived at the place of delivery”, you can go to the post office. It is not necessary to wait for notification, since postal employees are required to issue the item using the identification code (tracking number). Upon receipt, you must have your passport with you.

Delivery to the addressee.

This status is assigned to the parcel after it is received by the addressee and means the end of the journey.

Domestic Russian shipments are assigned the same statuses, with the exception of those related to the customs stage and MMPO. Therefore, the information will also be useful to those who make purchases in Russian online stores or are expecting a package from loved ones living in another city or region.

Now you know the interpretation of each status and can not only determine the actual location of the parcel, but also approximately calculate the delivery time.

Very often people on the site ask what this or that parcel status means. And since they ask, then we need to figure it out.

Postal status and order status on Aliexpress are two different things!

This article will discuss about postal statuses , we also have an article. These are different things. The order status is tracked in your . And reflects information about the parcel within the Aliexpress trading platform. And the status of the parcel is tracked in postal services (Russian Post, China Post, etc.). Don't be confused.

Not all orders can be tracked

Please note that not every parcel can be tracked while moving from the seller to you. This is only possible if it has a trackable track. But how can you find out about this BEFORE ordering?

In the case of Aliexpress - open , then click on Delivery

And after clicking, you will see a menu with information about delivery methods. The last column will display information about the availability of the track (Delivery Information).

If this field says Not available, then your order will not have a track when you select this delivery, the parcel will not be tracked and you will not be able to find out the current postal status of the parcel.

How to track a parcel from Aliexpress

If this is your first time tracking a parcel and your package is from Aliexpress, then read our article. If your parcel is not tracked at all, then read.

Please note that the article describes the most common statuses. In fact, there are many more of them, but other parcel statuses are much less common. And yet, for some private courier companies, especially in China, the same statuses can be designated by different words. If you have a status that is not described in this article, ask in the comments, we’ll try to figure it out. Be sure to indicate where you saw this status!

Parcel statuses in the country of departure (for example in China)

While the parcel is in the country of departure, it may have the following statuses:

  • Collection, Acceptance – the parcel was delivered to the post office. It is worth keeping in mind that the parcel does not immediately begin to be tracked using the tracking number given to you by the seller. It takes some time to process the parcel and enter it into the database. Usually the track begins to be tracked within 10 days.
  • Opening (The parcel has arrived at the transit point) . Usually the postal code of the transit point is written next to this status. There can be many such statuses. Moreover, their order is not always correct. Probably transit point operators do not fill in the data right away. Therefore, one should not be surprised at the Opening status after Export.
  • Arrival at MMPO (Dispatching, Processing) . In this status, the parcel is being prepared for export and shipment to the destination country. For some shipping companies in China, this is the last status that is tracked.
  • Export (Departure from outward office of exchange, Total Export) – means that the parcel has passed all the necessary procedures and has been sent to the destination country.

After the last status, it may take quite a long time until the parcel begins to be tracked in the destination country. If the parcel was sent without an international track, it may no longer be tracked at all.

Parcel statuses in the destination country (for example, Russia)

  • Import (Import) – the parcel has arrived in the destination country. It is processed for transfer to customs.
  • Reception at customs – transfer to customs for clearance.
  • Customs clearance. Customs release – the parcel has passed all the necessary customs clearance and is being prepared for release from MMPO
  • Left the place of international exchange of MMPO – the parcel left customs and was handed over to the post office for further dispatch.
  • Left the sorting center – the parcel is sorted and sent to its destination.
  • Arrived at the delivery location – the parcel has arrived at the post office. In principle, you can already receive it. Or wait for a notification.
  • Product Delivered – the parcel has ALREADY been delivered to the recipient.

Please note that in the parcel tracking interface at Russian Post, for import, the addressee's index is indicated. Sometimes, in case of an error or a fake track, it may be clear that the parcel is not going to your post office. If the package has changed several statuses, but the index is still incorrect, then you should start worrying.

Unpleasant parcel statuses

The parcel statuses described above are quite standard. They mean the package is on its way. Sometimes the package may get stuck on statuses, sometimes miss some, but, in most cases, everything is fine. However, there are statuses that clearly mean problems:

  • Return. Other circumstances - means that there is something wrong with your package. And it is returned to the sender. What is wrong needs to be clarified. It's best to start with the Russian Post hotline 8-800-2005-888. After finding out the reasons and finding the culprits, you can think about what to do next.
  • Return. Return to customs - similar to the previous paragraph. Usually means that the address is not written legibly.
  • Unsuccessful delivery attempt - usually accompanied by clarification about the reasons for failure. Inaccurate address, Incomplete address, Addressee dropped out, etc. In this situation, the main thing is to get to the post office before the parcel storage time expires - that’s 30 days. Also check whether the parcel arrived at the post office at all. Well, sometimes at the post office such statuses are given from a flashlight. But it's worth monitoring.
  • Return. Expiration date – obviously, you forgot to receive the parcel on time and it was returned.
  • Dosyl. Submission – the parcel arrived at the wrong post office and was redirected. That is, the parcel travels further. That is, this is not a problem, but you need to control the situation.

What do the letters at the end of the status mean (PEK, CAN, etc.)

These letters are often visible when tracking the status of a package at China Air Post. They indicate the IATA airport designations where the parcel was registered. Their designations can be seen on any air ticket purchasing service (SkyScanner for example;)).

What does NULL status mean (NULL, PEK)

This status is visible when tracking the status of the parcel at China Post. These are just internal China Post statuses that they haven't translated into English. Therefore, where there should be a translation, it is not there, but instead NULL. If you can’t bear to find out what this status is, switch to the Chinese version of the service, copy the status in hieroglyphs and translate it using Google Translator. True, this method does not always work. Sometimes in the Chinese version some statuses simply do not exist.

NULL, PEK means that the parcel was at Beijing airport. What she did there can be found in the Chinese version of China Air Post.

What does item arrived at OE in tne destination country mean?

OE - office of exchange - MMPO, Place of International Postal Exchange. This is a normal status, which means the parcel has arrived at customs and is undergoing customs clearance.

The track (package status) has stopped changing, the parcel is not tracked

Very often, restless buyers begin to worry when the status of the parcel suddenly stops changing. This often happens after export. It seems that just recently the parcel was briskly moving around China, changing statuses almost every day, and suddenly, after some Export of international mail, Arrived to destination country and the like track, the parcel stops moving..

If you recognize your situation, we have discussed this situation in detail in the article. In short, there are two options:

  • If your track is international and is successfully tracked on the official website of your state mail (Russian Post, UkrPochta, Belposhta) and more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the last status update, then well, your fears are not without reason.
  • If your track has never been tracked on the mail website. You checked the status of the parcel in your Aliexpress personal account or some specialized track checking site, or the track format is generally clearly different from the international one (the correct international one is something like this RR123456789CN). This track often changes during export if the parcel is transferred to your state post office. That is, in your country such a parcel travels under a different track (which you do not know, and, as a rule, cannot find out). Well, the old track remains in the latest status. That is, there is nothing to worry about here at all. This situation is normal.

But be that as it may. Whether your parcel from Aliexpress is tracked or not, the main thing you should do is control the protection period and extend it if necessary or open a dispute.

Checking the seller on Aliexpress

Most problems with orders on Aliexpress can be avoided if you carefully choose a seller on Aliexpress BEFORE purchasing. There is nothing complicated about this and you can figure it out. But if time is precious and you don’t have time to figure it out, then use our service.

In conclusion

I have repeatedly written my personal opinion that when ordering goods from China you need to be patient. There is no need to worry if the parcel does not change its status for three days, a week, or two. This is a common occurrence. And on holidays, of which there are quite a few in China, everything stops. When ordering goods on Aliexpress, your parcels are protected. It is much more important for a successful purchase to spend more time choosing a lot and then control only the expiration date of the protection. Than monitoring the movement of a parcel 20 times a day.

And use services and programs to control the movement of parcels. There are quite a few different ones now.

P.S. from February 2018:

In the comments you often ask what this or that parcel status means. Most often, the unclear meaning of the status is associated with a crooked translation of the status issued by the Chinese carrier. Often the current status depends on the previous movement of the parcel, and it is now possible to understand what your non-standard status means now only by understanding how the parcel moved earlier. Therefore, if you want to ask something about your parcel:

Write the tracking number of your parcel.

And we will ignore or delete comments like “What does XXX status mean?” Sorry, but I’m tired of copy-pasting “Write a track, we’ll see” into the void.

A distribution center is a warehouse that receives goods from manufacturing companies or from wholesale suppliers through any distribution network. Then from here the goods go to other warehouses of companies.

The distribution center performs the following functions: repackaging, packaging, sticking, customs clearance, cargo certification.

Location of distribution centers

There are three main strategies for locating distribution facilities:

  • near the sales market;
  • close to production;
  • intermediate location between the market and the enterprise.

The structure of these warehouses and their location significantly influence the costs that arise during the delivery of goods to the customer, and, accordingly, the final price of the product sold.

When choosing the location of distribution centers, you need to pay attention to such important factors as:

  • transportation cost;
  • price of warehouse cargo processing;
  • their content;
  • placing orders and creating a management system;
  • level of customer service.

The best distribution centers are those that will provide high-quality services to consumers at the lowest possible cost.

Sometimes retail chains or some large chain stores do without distribution centers, relying on supplies directly from distributors.

But in case of interruptions in the supply of products, the normal functioning of the enterprise is jeopardized. However, with such systems in place, supplier control occurs more effectively, and the correct supply of goods to store shelves is also ensured.

In addition, a big advantage of distribution centers is that contracts for the supply of products can be concluded directly with the manufacturer, without the participation of intermediaries. This will allow you to avoid markups, overpayments, and will also provide the opportunity to receive large wholesale discounts.

The role of distribution centers

As it turned out, about 30% of all agricultural products produced in Russian Federation, spoils before it reaches the buyer. The main reason for this is that the existing vegetable stores and warehouses have long been outdated. The creation of new premises for storing products will help solve this situation.

Modern logistics distribution centers provide a guarantee of proper storage of goods due to the availability of relevant regulatory documents.

These warehouses collect various products. And when suppliers experience disruptions in supplying goods, the distribution center is a so-called buffer that insures the volume of production inventory, increasing its supply.

A variety of technological activities and processes take place at these complexes:

  • acceptance of goods into the warehouse;
  • placement and replenishment of selection zones;
  • order fulfillment for retail chains;
  • their shipment.

Secondary processes include warehouse inventory, work with defects and defects, returns and other services.

Not only do distribution centers benefit large manufacturers, but also new companies. Such complexes consist of many structural parts: areas of international certification and laboratory control, storage rooms, including freezers.

On the territory of the centers there are also transport companies transporting goods, customs, free trade zone, consulting and review departments, banks and the like. Due to the availability of such large storage areas, significant food losses can be avoided.

Examples of distribution centers in the world and Russia

Thanks to your unique properties and functions, wholesale distribution centers are extremely popular in many countries around the world.

The most famous of them:

  • Kverneland Group;
  • "Mercasa"
  • "Wall-Mart";
  • "ALDI";
  • "X5 Retail Group".

There are also quite a lot of such complexes in the Russian Federation. For example, “Dixie”, “Ermak”, “Four Seasons” and so on.

Famous Moscow distribution centers:“Magnit”, “OKEY”, “Pyaterochka”, “X5”. Basically, these are warehouse premises of large stores and hypermarkets.

In addition, large interregional distribution centers, which, according to experts, should number approximately 10-15 by 2020. IN soon construction of warehouses will begin in Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Rostov, Moscow region and Crimea.

Distribution centers work and cooperate with network operators, farmers, restaurateurs and end consumers. They are trading platform, a commodity exchange that generates the average cost of production. Such warehouse facilities will improve the competitiveness of products not only in the domestic but also in the world market. As a result, manufacturers receive decent payment for their goods, and the final price of the product remains affordable.

Distribution centers in Russia today perform the following tasks:

  • storage of inventory;

  • preserving their quality;

  • improving production functionality;

  • increasing the competent use of the premises;

  • reduction in transportation costs;

  • creation of new jobs;

  • effective sales organization;

  • timely and regular delivery of goods to the consumer.

Representatives of distribution centers at the exhibition

"Prodexpo" is an international exhibition of food products, which takes place annually on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds. This exposition is an important event in the food and beverage industry. For more than 20 years, the event has determined the vector of development of the domestic food industry and economy.

"Prodexpo" promotes quality products to the national market, thereby contributing to the implementation of government projects that are aimed at improving the quality of life of Russian consumers.

An exhibition is, in fact, a distribution center where various products are provided in bulk. Here you can purchase goods for offices, shops or other businesses.

The Expocentre Fairgrounds pavilion is divided into many salons:

  • meat and meat products;
  • dairy products and cheeses;
  • groceries, spices and pasta;
  • vegetable fats;
  • semi-finished and frozen foods;
  • confectionery, nuts and dried fruits;
  • coffee and tea;
  • fish and seafood;
  • canned food and sauces;
  • gastronomy and products for restaurants;
  • trading houses;
  • wholesale distribution centers;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • glass containers;
  • beverage production;
  • packaging solutions;
  • equipment and services;
  • expositions of Russian regions;
  • foreign national exhibitions;
  • delicacies;
  • EcoBioSalon;
  • honey and bee products;
  • food for pets.

Distribution centers presented on "Prodexpo", offer to purchase products in bulk directly from the manufacturer. Every year the exhibition is attended by not only domestic suppliers, but also manufacturing companies from other countries of the world.

Every year an even larger contingent of participants is expected. Countries such as France, Spain, Austria, Italy and so on will present a large number of products. However, the most extensive is the Russian exposition. Leading companies will demonstrate the results of the domestic food industry.

During the exhibition "Prodexpo" Participants and visitors will have the opportunity to get acquainted with new samples of products from famous brands, as well as learn more about newcomers to the international food market.

Here you can also find a supplier or customer, conclude successful contracts, begin fruitful cooperation, obtain comprehensive information about different manufacturing companies, and also learn a lot of new information about the latest technologies and inventions.

The business program of the exhibition includes a wide variety of useful discussions, seminars, presentations and conferences. There will also be master classes, round tables, study tours, competitions, and so on.

The products presented at this food exhibition have all quality certificates, and the excellent characteristics of the products are proven by laboratory analysis.

"Prodexpo" is a warehouse complex where first-class food and beverages are presented in bulk from manufacturing companies from all over the world. Here everyone has the opportunity to purchase products directly from the supplier and be confident in their high quality.

Read our other articles:

Tracking postal parcels sent by AliExpress sellers from China is not very interesting. And first of all, the lack of interest is explained by the incomprehensibility of the status of international shipments.

Let's figure out what is meant by the incomprehensible inscriptions on sites for tracking IPO (international postal mail) tracking codes.

Parcel information received

AliExpress sellers often register parcels using an electronic service. Therefore, receiving a tracking code on the order card does not indicate that the item is already with the postal carrier.

If the parcel has not yet arrived at the logistics company’s branch, but it has already been registered by the sender electronically, the status when tracking it will indicate that “Information received” about it. Sometimes it can take up to 7 days from the moment the parcel is registered until it actually arrives at the post office in China.

You can find information about tracking numbers on our website.

Parcel accepted

Another option: "Reception".

As soon as the seller or courier delivers the parcel to the logistics service, fill out all necessary documents, including the customs declaration, the status of the shipment changes to “Reception”. IN additional information You can find out about the time and place of reception in the sender's country.

Left the parcel collection point

This means everything is fine - the shipment has begun its long journey to Russia.

On the way

Shipments are periodically registered at intermediate points - sorting centers. In such postal hubs, parcels can be reloaded from one type of transport to another; in general, they are distributed along optimal main routes. Using such “control” points, the recipient can receive data that his order is still moving in the direction of Russia.

Arrival at MMPO

At MMPO (places of international postal exchange), items undergo customs procedures, inspection and registration, they are prepared for export from the sender's country. It is here that the dispatch (postal items grouped in boxes or large bags) is formed, intended for the MMPO of the recipient country.


The “Export” status is assigned to shipments that have already been transferred to the carrier for delivery to the destination country. When sending goods from China, this status when tracking orders usually does not change for a long time. This is explained simply: when sending international shipments from China or Singapore, it is necessary to fill airplanes with a carrying capacity of 50 to 100 tons with mail.

There are other reasons for delays, for example, transit routes of flights, which imply the presence of one or more intermediate points during the flight. In each of them there will be delays in unloading/loading parcels.

During the Export process, the parcel will not be tracked.

It is believed that export takes 1-2 weeks, but it happens that the procedure takes up to 2 months. Although there is a recommendation, if this process is delayed, to submit an application to search for the parcel. If you order from AliExpress, you need to ask the seller to sort out the situation. You will either get your money back or extend the Buyer Protection Period in order to still find your lost items.


This status appears only when the shipment is registered by the postal operator in the MMPO in the country of destination, that is, at the place of international postal exchange already on the territory of Russia.

Boxes (bags) with many parcels from the transit section of the aviation department are sent to MMPO. About a day after arrival at the center, the containers are opened and all shipments are registered, which is displayed on websites for tracking tracking codes. By the way, international parcels arriving in Russia are already expected at the centers - information about them is received before arrival from the country of departure.

There are MMPOs in Moscow, Vladivostok, Orenburg, St. Petersburg, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Samara, Petrozavodsk and other cities. The choice of the city where the parcel will arrive depends on which flight was best to send it from China, as well as on the degree of congestion at the MMPO.

Sometimes it seems more logical to send a parcel to Moscow for a Moscow recipient, but it is sent to Bryansk, and then transported by land to the destination city. And, perhaps, the order will reach the recipient faster, due to the periodically low throughput of the Moscow center.

Transferred to customs

After registration with the MMPO, parcels are transferred for processing to the Federal Customs Service. They then go through customs transit, which means they are packaged by type and transferred to a specific location. All shipments pass through an X-ray machine, where an operator views their contents. By the way, dogs also work at customs - they sniff each parcel for drugs or spice.

If at least some suspicion arises, the parcels are opened by the operator in the presence of the responsible person - a customs officer. Reasons for opening:

  • availability (although it is not clear how an X-ray can be used to determine that the parcel contains counterfeit products);
  • assumption that goods for commercial use are present (for example, a batch of nail polishes);
  • suspicion that prohibited goods are being sent (weapons, drugs, chemicals, plant seeds, etc.).

If the parcel has been opened, an inspection certificate will be attached to it. Two operators work with one customs officer. Customs performs its functions around the clock.

Detained by customs

One of the most unpleasant statuses.

Real people work at customs, not robots, so they carefully look at information about the goods being sent. The low cost of assessing the MPO, if there is a smartphone inside, will immediately lead to suspicions that the seller is trying to deceive customs. The same thing, if there is simply no information about the shipment, such packages are often opened at customs.

Customs officers know how to use the Internet, so they can manually check the real cost of the goods, perhaps using the information on the MPO, in which store it was purchased.

Another very important point: it is checked whether the purchases made by the same person have not exceeded the limit set so far at 1000 euros. The weight limit of the goods is also taken into account; it should not exceed 31 kg. If the limits are exceeded, then a customs receipt order is attached to the parcel for payment of 30% of the value of the goods. You can receive a shipment at Russian Post only after paying the customs fee.

All of the above explains why goods periodically get stuck at customs: FCS employees need time to unpack suspicious goods, check the real value and other procedures.

Released by Customs

After inspection by the customs service, the items are sent to Russian Post for further forwarding to the recipient. Where exactly in at the moment The location of the MPO can be found out from the post office index, which is written next to the next status of the item.

From the moment of transfer to the postal service, you can approximately calculate the time of arrival of the order, taking into account the average delivery time of items across Russia.

Arrived at the sorting center

Traveling across Russia, parcels pass through numerous sorting centers, where optimal main routes are determined. Numerous items are sorted and sealed in large boxes to prevent damage and loss.

The speed of sending MPO across the territory of the Russian Federation is determined by many factors, including such as:

  • travel by land or air;
  • frequency of flights towards the destination city;
  • the degree of load on mail planes (if the load limit is exceeded, the item waits for the next flight);
  • other.

There may be more than one sorting center along the route. After the MPO is registered at the regional sorting center, you can safely wait for the parcel for 1-2 days. And you don’t have to wait for a notification in your mailbox. By presenting your documents and tracking number at the post office, you can ask to check whether the shipment has arrived. In any case, there are slight delays on tracking sites, including due to the fact that local postal operators may delay the registration of newly arrived mail at the office.


Sometimes parcels are sent to the wrong place at sorting centers. Another option is that the AliExpress seller confuses something when writing the recipient’s address. The wrong index has the strongest effect, but the name of the city, region, and the addressee's last name do not have much influence.

After the MPO arrives at the wrong address, post office operators issue a “Forward” coupon and send the mail to the addressee. This is not terrible, but it greatly lengthens the travel time of items.

Arrived at the delivery location

After local post office employees register the MPO, they issue a notice, which the postman will take to the addressee's mailbox. The presence of this notification speeds up the process of receiving the parcel.

If there is no notice (for example, the recipient did not wait for the postman after seeing the status change on the tracking website), then the post office operator will print it again. You need to have documents and tracking code with you.

Parcel delivered

Another option: “Deliver to the addressee.”

The parcel was issued to the recipient at the post office indicated in the status.

You can track your parcels either on or in, which is installed in the browser. Take advantage convenient tool, allowing you to control the movement of your orders from the moment they are sent from China until they are received.

Competition between retail chains is becoming greater and greater. Therefore, it is important for enterprises to implement effective methods organizing your processes. It is clear that where management and middle managers skillfully implement marketing strategies and cope with logistics tasks, optimizing product flows, they will be able to successfully make decisions and achieve excellent results, increasing the profitability of the enterprise.

Majority Western countries turn their attention to logistics issues. Where inventory management should be carried out in conjunction with the coordination of purchasing, sales and delivery of goods. Distribution centers can solve all these key problems. These are warehouses for storing goods and products, both in small volumes and in large-scale centers. Distribution centers are hubs for solving logistics problems of storing goods in their warehouses on the way to retail chains.

In markets in Eastern Europe, the stage of development of retail chains has almost reached its logical conclusion. Both metropolitan and regional retail chains have been formed.Each of them has the main task of gaining a foothold in its territory and winning a certain share. To solve problems of this kind, special methods and tasks are used. From various types of marketing strategies, where almost all methods are good, and evenregional notice board, where you can post announcements about sales or promotions.

Internal process optimization also plays an important role in achieving effectiveness. This problem is best solved by distribution centers, which are part of the logistics cycle, allowing in a short time to quickly and efficiently improve the quality of the movement of goods and products from the manufacturer to the retail consumer many times over.

Distribution center- This is, first of all, part of the logistics processes of the movement of goods.The experience of leading companies has shown that logistics is high level- this is a joint and coordinated effort of all successive stages and links, starting with marketing activities and ending with work with consumers at the final stage.

Logistics optimization should be based on the effective synchronization of two parallel directions: commodity and information, which are closely interconnected. A single coding system blurs geographic, national and corporate differences.

A well-established logistics system in a distribution center makes it possible to reduce costs at every stage from receiving goods to distributing them to retail outlets. Therefore, investments in optimizing enterprise logistics increase the profitability of operations many times over. And allows him to work efficiently and effectively.

Advantages of distribution centers.

1. For efficient and uninterrupted delivery of goods. Many retail chains, which have dozens of stores and do not have distribution centers, depend on supplies from distributors or manufacturer dealers. But any failure jeopardizes the smooth operation of the store. The distribution center has better control over suppliers.

2. The ability for distribution centers to independently conclude contracts with suppliers, bypassing the level of distributors and dealers, which naturally affects the final price, which is many times lower. An undeniable advantage is that the manufacturer, who is also the main supplier, offers good wholesale discounts.

3. If there is no distribution center, then in each individual store you need to allocate a certain area for personal storage. And if there is a distribution center, you can expand the retail space using warehouse space.

4. Savings on personnel. Purchasing managers are needed only in the center.

5. Centralized control over product quality. If one and the same batch in one store deteriorates faster than in another. This means that claims should not be made to the supplier, but to pay attention to the storage conditions in a particular store.

It can be noted that all these advantageous factors also contribute to reducing the costs of warehouse services, which means that there is also an economic benefit.

Main functions of distribution centers.

Firstly, DCs manage commodity flows and distribute them.

Secondly. Warehouse function is the accumulation of goods.

If suppliers experience supply disruptions or uneven sales. At some point, sales of a certain group of goods or at a certain retail outlet decrease. Or vice versa, rush trading during the holidays. Then the distribution center becomes a kind of buffer. It always contains additional inventory, which, thanks to distribution, can eliminate the shortage of goods at some retail outlet and thereby prevent sharp changes and fluctuations in the direction of inventory shortages, and therefore losses in trade revenue, from prevailing.

Thirdly. This is a key grouping of goods using grouping of similar operations:

  • Acceptance of goods for storage;
  • Replenishment and placement of goods in selection areas;
  • Completing orders for retail outlets;
  • Dispatch and forwarding of collected orders.

The auxiliary processes include:

  • Inventory of goods;
  • Working with defects and ways to eliminate them;
  • Return of goods and packaging;
  • Handling complaints with suppliers and customers.

Efficiency of distribution centers.

To improve the quality of operation of a distribution center and reduce costs, it is necessary to install an automation system. Then a certain percentage of storekeepers are released, leaving only a few dispatchers. The system itself does the work automatic mode for the selection of goods, which means there is no need to train selectors on a large assortment of goods.

Automation of distribution centers allows us to solve one of the most pressing problems - theft. Thanks to automation, it allows processes to be carried out “transparently” and will increase the level of control. Due to the high cost of automating warehouse processes, its payback is important. According to economic calculations, it occurs in a period from 6 months to one year. With more efficient work, this happens within the first months from the start of activity. But, the main thing is to emphasize that when implementing such a logistics system as distribution centers, reducing these types of costs will increase the efficiency and profitability of the business. Which will accordingly bring the company forward, and possibly into leadership.

The entire coherence of the distribution center logistics system makes it possible to reduce costs, and sometimes even make a profit at each stage of the system:

  • Acceptance of goods from the supplier;
  • Checking the quality of received goods;
  • During storage in a warehouse;
  • Product configurations;
  • Loading and transportation;
  • Reception of goods in stores;
  • Return of goods as a result of non-conformity;
  • Turnover of reusable containers.

Cost reduction occurs in all areas of the resources used. If we take the results of the largest retail chains as an example, it turns out that the income from reducing costs as a result of optimizing internal processes is equal to the income from the sale of these goods. These results are amazing!

Scheme: supplier - central distribution warehouse - regional distribution warehouse. Can work in two types. Like a central warehouse or just pure distribution. If there is feasibility, then a combination is possible.If this is a central warehouse, then it is necessary to focus on improving internal logistics processes. From receipt of goods to the return of returnable packaging. Here you need to pay attention special attention to synchronize all incoming information flows with corresponding optimization of subprocesses in order to integrate into a unified process management information system.If the work will be carried out in the direction of distribution, then the joint work of all retail operators in combining their efforts to maximize the inclusion of goods manufacturers in the logistics process is important.

All these areas will allow you to optimally reduce costs to a given level and confidently plan subsequent processes. Technical solutions used in optimization will further help reduce costs and increase profitability.

Maxim Sofin

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