Comparison of Volkswagen Polo and Hyundai Solaris. New Solaris vs Vesta, Polo and Fiesta Solaris vs Polo sedan

These two cars can be called not only of sufficient quality, but also one of the most popular options in Russia. These two beautiful cars from all points of view can be found in almost every domestic yard. From the very moment of the appearance of these car options to this day, they can be called one of the best in price category. As for the Polo, it has been sold in Russia for the past seven years. Will he be able to compete with a Korean car, and which is better: Hyundai Solaris or Volkswagen Polo? Let's take a closer look.

Popular German

For 4 months of last year, 19,468 Korean cars and 14,168 German-made models were sold.

Some experienced motorists, despite all this, choose the German. Why? As for the German car, this is a really high-quality option, however, in terms of the visual component, Volkswagen Polo has long become boring to the domestic buyer.

As for the appearance of the car, the last time a German car had changes was only a few years ago.

Differences in the interior

If we talk about car interiors, then there is practically nothing to distinguish from a German car. As for the Korean car, things are much more interesting here. The center console is tilted towards the driver. The instrument panel is just incredibly high quality. There is also a fairly high-quality and reliable chute where you can put a smartphone or something else. In addition, there is a variant with 2 12-volt outlets, as well as dedicated USB outputs. As for the German car, here you need to stick a flash drive directly into the multimedia unit. It is worth noting that in the absence of climate control, it is always possible to solve the problem by purchasing an extended version. As for the glove compartments of cars, in both cases they are devoid of suspension.

In fact, can Polo be called a real state employee? In advertising, a client is often lured by offering to buy a car for only 599 thousand rubles. However, in this case it will be possible to use the most modest version, which has a motor with a capacity of 85 Horse power With mechanical box gears, ABS. There is not even elementary seat heating, as well as air conditioning and an audio system. As for the Highline car, which already has a 110 horsepower engine and a six-speed automatic transmission, it will cost 825 thousand 900 rubles. If there is a desire to get a more powerful car, then it will be necessary to pay 997 thousand 540 rubles. This is almost 1 million rubles, just think about it!

As for the Korean car, it is still more expensive here. Although in this case the car looks very colorful. From the more bulky Koreans, this car has a huge amount of chrome elements. There is also a rather angular grille, as well as LED lights. Moreover, the company changed the prices for cars literally 3 months after the car appeared on the market. As for the basic version, at the time of release, with a capacity of 100 horsepower and a 1.4 liter engine, the price was 599 thousand rubles, and three months later I had to pay 624 thousand rubles. As for the top version of the car, it will cost 1 million 15 thousand 900 rubles.

Of course, this is not the smallest money. Despite all this, in terms of performance this car difficult to compare with any other option. There is a high-quality rear-view camera, special sensors that allow parking. Well, in addition, there is a high-quality seat heating, windshield and mirrors. Moreover, in this case there is an incredibly high-quality multimedia complex, user-friendly interface and excellent navigation. Inside, you can feel like in a better and more expensive premium car. As for the plastic in the car, it is available here, but of sufficient quality. Despite this, it is difficult to determine which is better: Hyundai Solaris or Volkswagen Polo.

Technical differences

As for the option with the German Volkswagen, things are much worse. Nevertheless, this car is much older, which means that there is a much lower quality multimedia complex here, and you simply cannot find navigation maps here. For review, in this case, very small mirrors are used, in comparison with the Korean competitor. As for the selector niche, in this case it is incredibly inconvenient and very small. Not even a small smartphone can fit here. However, the German car has high-quality cruise control, a rain sensor, special mirrors that use an automatic dimming level. Among other things, two parking sensors are installed here at once: from the front and rear. Solaris can't boast of having all these great features. As for the capacity of the car, in this case it looks preferable german car. Solaris has much less free space for passengers.

Solaris engine

As for the technical properties, then in a comparison of two six-speed automatic transmissions, the Korean has 123 horsepower, and the German has 110 horsepower. Despite the superiority of the Korean car in this performance, the German lags behind only in the initial set of speeds up to 60 kilometers per hour. As for gaining the first hundred kilometers per hour, they do it approximately on an equal footing. Solaris is able to accelerate in 11.2 seconds, while Polo is able to accelerate in 11.7 seconds. Despite this, in all other driving indicators, a Korean car looks much more preferable.

As for behavior on the road, then Polo car in this case, it loses significantly to the Korean car. Still, the German shifts gears not as smoothly as the younger Korean. If speak about sport mode, then in this case everything goes even more poorly.

Multimedia Polo

Regarding the chassis tuning index, the first and second cars are doing just fine. It is difficult to nominate any car as the winner in this case.

If we talk about the Korean version, then looking at it, it's hard to believe that it can offer such high-quality indicators. A fairly ordinary, modest car can please with an unusual multifunctional steering wheel. In addition, the behavior on the road of the car is literally perfect. It can corner very easily even on regular tires. At the same time, the car shows such behavior even not on the highest quality and reliable roads.

The German car is able to please no less high-quality behavior on the road. However, the Volkswagen Polo will not be able to show such confident performance on uneven and difficult road, like the Hyundai Solaris, but this by no means says that it is better. Despite this, the German car is much quieter than the Korean. This can be attributed to the main advantages of the sedan. As for the Korean version, it has a much lower quality sound insulation. If we talk about the soundproofing of the cabin, then in this case the difference becomes much more noticeable during trips around the city. Without a doubt, the ride is quite comfortable both in the first and in the second case.


Both cars are truly one of the best in this price range. It is difficult to choose a winner among these two giants. If you choose in terms of passenger comfort, then, of course, you should choose a German car. But if more comfortable behavior on the road is needed, then the Korean version will be the winner. You should choose solely based on your own preferences. Among other things, it is simply impossible to ignore the cost of cars. In this case, a German car looks like a more acceptable option. If there is a need to get more comfort for the driver, then it is still worth overpaying a little.

From the point of view of the body design, the Korean Solaris still looks much more interesting here. It is for this reason that many choose this particular car, without paying attention special attention for the technical part. Without a doubt, Polo also looks quite decent. In any case, to choose which is better: Hyundai Solaris or Volkswagen Polo, you need to carefully and wisely.

Hyundai Solaris and Volkswagen Polo Sedan are perhaps the main competitors in their segment. Both of these cars are assembled in Russia and cannot boast of either real German or Korean quality. This complicates the choice, but we will try to objectively evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each car.

Car cost

For let's take comparisons basic configurations and compare their cost and equipment.

Volkswagen Polo Sedan: Trendline trim (1.6 MT) from 461 100 rub.

Hyundai Solaris: Classic package (1.4 MT) from 459 000 rub.

Differences between the basic configurations of Solaris and Polo

The difference in the construction of basic configurations is not great, Polo is only 2100 rubles more expensive. As a result, we get more powerful engine the Polo Sedan, hence the greater torque and acceleration dynamics. But at the same time, Solaris can be refueled even with 92nd gasoline, and Hyundai has less appetite. Solaris will not lock the rear doors and adjust the steering wheel for reach. In addition, the Polo for 461 thousand rubles will have electric windows, while the Solaris will have antediluvian handles.

Otherwise, Solaris wins, in it in the basic configuration:

  • cheaper air conditioning, almost 10,000 rubles.
  • Has rear disc brakes
  • for metallic color you do not need to pay extra 15,330 rubles.

Prices for a complete set with an automatic

For comparison, let's take the lowest possible price for which you can buy a car with automatic transmission gears.

Volkswagen Polo Sedan: Comfortline equipment (1.6 AT) from 590 000 rub.

Hyundai Solaris: Classic package (1.4 АТ) from 494 000 rub.

The minimum possible equipment of the Polo Sedan with a gun is almost 100 thousand more expensive than that of Solaris. Of course, the Polo has a more modern box, a 6-speed one, and the package will include heated mirrors, seats, electric mirrors, as well as a head unit, but still, the Polo Sedan is inferior in equipment to Solaris with a similar cost. For 590 thousand rubles, Hyundai offers many more options than a car from Volkswagen.

Photos of exterior and interior

In reviews and on dealer websites, cars are usually shown in maximum trim levels that are well equipped and look rich. But most people do not buy budget cars with equipment. So that you can adequately compare the Hyundai Solaris and the Volkswagen Polo Sedan, we will show photos of these cars in the very basic configurations,.

Photo VW Polo Sedan

Photo Hyundai Solaris

Car safety

Unfortunately, our cars did not pass the EuroNACP tests, so we will focus on the results of the Autoreview magazine tests.

Volkswagen Polo Sedan: 4 stars, 14.3 points.

Hyundai Solaris: 2 stars, 8.5 points.

A few clarifications need to be made about the Solaris crash tests. Firstly, the test was carried out on a car with one airbag (now there are two of them), and secondly, points were deducted for a traumatic clutch pedal. The results of testing the car by the Koreans themselves did not reveal such problems. In addition, the Australians, who tested a similar car, gave it 5 points, although their car was also equipped with 6 airbags and automatic transmission.

Convenience for the driver and passengers

From the picture, we can conclude that the cars are similar in terms of the internal dimensions of the cabin.

The exception is perhaps the space for rear passengers. The fact is that the Solaris has a more sloping roof, which is why tall passengers can beat their heads against the ceiling.

Maintenance cost

Buy budget car and paying big money for maintenance is not logical, so we will give the average prices for servicing these cars.

Maintenance cost for Volkswagen Polo Sedan

Mileage 15 000 30 000 45 000 60 000 75 000 90 000
Price 4518 rub 8098 rub 4518 rub 8098 rub 4518 rub 8098 rub

Hyundai Solaris maintenance cost

Mileage 15 000 30 000 45 000 60 000 75 000 90 000
Price 4 697 rubles 4 887 rubles 5 341 rubles RUB 8 834 4 697 rubles 6 861 rubles

The cost of maintenance of Solaris and Polo Sedan is similar.

Spare parts cost

For comparison, here are the prices for some running original spare parts

spare part VW Polo Sedan Hyundai Solaris
Oil filter ?290 rub. ?82 rub.
?Air filter ?175 rub. ?150 rub.
?cabin filter ?362 rub. ?371 rub.
?brake pads front ?1 842 rub. ?1 339 rub.
?Shock absorber front ?2 801 rub. ?2 069 rub.
?Shock absorber rear

The doubts of potential buyers about which is better - Volkswagen Polo or Hyundai Solaris, are quite understandable and understandable. Both cars belong to the class of budget options, that is, they are available to quite a few, both are convincingly announced on the market and well-advertised. Manufacturers of both models have won the respect of Russians for a long time.

Of course, there is a difference in price, but it is not so significant that it is absolutely impossible to pay extra for the option you like.

At first glance, Volkswagen should have led the competition: the adjective "German" has long become synonymous with the definition of "quality". But statistics show a very different picture: Russians have recently been actively voting for Hyundai (which is also distinguished by the recognized quality of its popular models). It was this company that in 2011 ranked among foreign cars first place.

The Germans, on the other hand, turned out to be already the fifth, and in terms of the number of cars bought, they were twice inferior to the Koreans. Those who are aware of automotive news involuntarily begin to wonder where Hyundai outweighs Volkswagen. Even supporters of this German brand are beginning to think about whether to go over to the Koreans, since so many people preferred their products.

Which is better: Volkswagen Polo or Hyundai Solaris, many meticulously compared, and experts managed to come to certain conclusions.

Exterior and interior design

In general, in appearance, neither the Germans nor the Koreans began to invent something radically new for their models. Polo sedan is based on the namesake hatchback, however, with a completely different angle of inclination of the racks. Solaris - model rehash Hyundai Accent, however, prettier than the ancestor, with lighting and other forms of bumpers.
  • Outwardly, Hyundai Solaris has a dynamic, fast-paced and quite modern look. Volkswagen remains true to tradition: their Polo is conservative, even somewhat heavy in appearance. Many may find the model dull and boring;
  • Salons of rivals are of high quality and well decorated. But German pedantry showed up here too: the design is strict and no frills. Solaris is more elegant and light on the inside;
  • The plastic of the inner lining of the Polo was not recognized as very successful: the automaker, in an effort to reduce the cost of the model, saved at the expense of quality (although you will not find Chinese brittle plastic here). But in Solaris, many are annoyed by the overly sharp blue instrument lighting - it has become a classic sign of the latest Korean models;
  • The steering wheel in the brainchild of the Volkswagen concern is regulated in two planes. At the competitor - only on an inclination.
    The front seats were considered by most testers to be more comfortable in Hyundai: they have better lateral support, which the driver’s back really appreciates on the road;
  • The rear will be more comfortable in the Volkswagen Polo. The low overhead ramp in Korean will force tall passengers to pull their heads into their shoulders. Although both models are approximately equal in terms of legroom;
  • The trunk of the German sedan is slightly smaller, but it has a more spacious opening through which it will be more convenient to load.

Stuffing and movement

Motor Hyundai Solaris, no doubt, more powerful than the opponent. 123 horses give quite decent dynamics, and among budget sedans this Korean can be called the fastest and most powerful at all. To put it mildly, the not-new Volkswagen Polo engine produces only 105 hp, although it is enough for it to move: neither strain nor suffocation of the engine was noticed while driving. Although, of course, you can’t name a particularly dynamic model.

By the way, we note that according to the engine compartment Volkswagen of choice does not offer: only 1.6-liter, 16-valve with the mentioned 105 draft units. True, the box can be selected both mechanical and automatic. Hyundai equips its Solaris in 2 versions: 1.4 liters with 107 horses or 1.6 with 123.

with pendant in Solaris, the Koreans were not lucky: no matter how they regulated it (and even changed it), shaking at speed on an unimportant road is felt by passengers quite well. And the driver is forced to taxi. The control on the Korean is also not a fountain: the steering wheel is too light, and the car periodically tries to leave the trajectory on a bad road (and we don’t have enough others). Volkswagen Polo is much more reliable in both respects.

The steering wheel is elastic, but without resistance, informative and obedient. The suspension hides the swallowed bumps in the canvas almost imperceptibly to riders. Although they will feel them by ear: the Germans saved on soundproofing, as well as on interior trim. And the last fact that can greatly influence the decision that better Volkswagen Polo or Hyundai Solaris: Koreans give a 5-year warranty for their model, albeit not a complete one, but somewhat truncated. Thrifty Germans became generous only for 3 years.

In the new generation, Solaris has matured. The sedan has grown in size, and its design has become more solid: in some angles, the car resembles the older Elantra model. Against its background, the Volkswagen Polo, which has recently received purely cosmetic updates, looks somewhat old-fashioned - age takes its toll. In the next year or two, a new generation model will appear, and until then it will not be easy for the “old man”. Let's see if the old "German" can cope with the young "Asian".

Did you win new hyundai Solaris in the "old man" Volkswagen Polo? We wouldn't say that. Because the German sedan has more spacious salon from the point of view of the rear passengers, better handling and more effective noise isolation. And among the unambiguous advantages of the Korean rival is only the "omnivorous" suspension. However, for Russian destinations this is a real trump card, and none of our experts would go on a Polo on a long journey if they were offered a choice between him and Hyundai. So if the first Solaris was the sales leader, then the new generation model is definitely not in danger of oblivion.

Specifications Hyundai Solaris 1.6 6MT

Dimensions, mm


Wheel base, mm

Turning diameter, m

Ground clearance, mm

Trunk volume, l

Curb weight, kg

engine's type

petrol L4

Working volume, cu. cm

These 2 cars have won the trust of our citizens - this is confirmed by the large sales of these cars. I propose to deal with you at the expense of these cars.

They say about the exterior of these cars, the Polo has strict and solid features, trim details accurate to the smallest detail, but still boring.

Since the German concern literally saves on everything, in principle, just like the Korean manufacturer, inexpensive products were used in both cars. The Polo's driver's seat is equipped with wide adjustment, while the steering wheel is adjustable in 2 positions.

The exterior of the Solaris looks more youthful, which suits drivers from 30 to 40 years old. The Korean driver's seat is more comfortable, with excellent side support, in such a chair a person does not move out on sharp turns.

As experienced drivers say, at first it is difficult to feel the dimensions on these cars - it takes a habit. This moment concerns the problem that neither the front nor the stern of the car is visible, but the mirrors on the cars are excellent.

Car interior

What can we say about the ergonomics of these cars? In these instances, all devices are where they should be, everything is at hand. There are people who think that the Solaris has a more entertaining interior, and the coordination of optics is on the left, while on the Polo it is located separately. There is more space on the front seats in the Solaris, in the Polo there is more space in the rear seats. In Solaris, a tall man leans against the roof.

Comparison of the interior of both cars, we draw conclusions about good taste German manufacturers. But the design looks better on Solaris. In Polo, the upholstery looks a little worse, plastic parts. In Solaris, we pay more attention to the driver's seat, which supports him during sudden movements.


Start of sales in Russia of these cars

Volkswagen Polo began to be sold in our country this spring. On our territory this sedan is the most affordable car. Sales of the new Solaris began in mid-summer this year.


According to many drivers, the suspension is not so well tuned in the Korean car, and the steering wheel is also adjusted. Cars at high speeds are hard to control. Professional manufacturers will not achieve a balance in the coordination of the machine, as the rear springs and shock absorbers have been changed.

As for the Polo, its balance is much better, this manifestation is estimated in good steering sensitivity and the suspension perfectly reflecting on various potholes. We conclude that in this nuance, Polo will be the most suitable.

The engine presented by us Polo has only one unit of 1.6 liters. with a power of 105 horsepower, gasoline fuel. Solaris has 2 motors: the first one is 1.4 liter. 107 horsepower, the second - 1.6 litas. 123 HP According to car drivers, even old engine- 4-speed automatic more comfortable and more dynamic than the “six” of a German auto. Solaris consumes much less fuel compared to Polo, which is considered a good plus.

Let's compare these cars in basic configurations with manual transmission, 1.6 litas for both competitors, but with others power units: the Korean has 123 horsepower, the Polo has only 105 horsepower.

  • Solaris runs on AI-92 gasoline, with a torque of 155 HM, at 4200 rpm
  • Polo also runs on gasoline, but on AI-95, a torque of 153 HM, at 3800 rpm.
  • The brand from Korea has a rear suspension spring, semi-independent; the brand from Germany has a torsion bar suspension, semi-independent.
  • Solaris has drum brakes, Polo has disc brakes.

In terms of features, the Polo has power rear windows but no trip computer. But the German car has a piece of sound reproducing system, alloy wheels and an alarm system.


  • Length: Vw - 4 m 38 cm; Solaris - 4 m 37 cm
  • Width: first - 1 m 69 cm; the second - 1 m 70 cm
  • Height: Vw - 1 m 46.5 cm; Solaris - 1 m 47 cm
  • Ground clearance: 17 cm vs 16 cm
  • V fuel tank - 55 litas for the first, and only 43 for the second
  • Gross weight: 1 t 660 kg vs 1 t 565 kg
  • The highest speed is the same - 190 km / h

The price of these cars

Of all the budget variations, the Optima package with a standard stereo system is suitable for Solaris. In this version, there is nothing superfluous, and yet it has the necessary functions, its cost is estimated at 486,000 rubles.

Volkswagen Polo does not have a choice of engines, only one, described above. There is, of course, an added stereo system and manual transmission in the Comfortline variant, which will cost 524,000 rubles.

Solaris and Polo engine

The Solaris engine is more powerful than the Polo, 123 “horses” give a decent dynamism to the car - it is considered both the fastest and one of the most powerful engines. Simply put, not a new Polo engine gives only 105 horsepower, but this is enough for driving. It rides without effort and gasping of the engine, but this model cannot be called dynamic.

And it is worth noting that under the hood of the Polo there is only 1.6 litres. motor, 16-valve and already said 105 horsepower. But the checkpoint is equipped with both "automatic" and "mechanics". Hyundai uses 2 engines - 1.4 liter. 107 horsepower and 1.6 litas 123 horsepower.

car trunk

luggage compartment the Volkswagen Polo is quite roomy and is 420 litas. The luggage compartment of Solaris is 455 litas, which is considered quite decent.

Final conclusion

In principle, Volkswagen should sell somewhat better than its rival, but Solaris wins in that it has more choice in motor range. And the fact that Solaris consumes less gasoline occupies a leading position in sales. The advantage of Solaris is that it has a 5-year warranty, while Polo has only a 3-year one.

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