Dream Interpretation Muslim interpretation according to the Quran. What are dreams? Fruits and vegetables in dreams

Reading it in a dream is a sign of honor, joy from Allah and victory.

And whoever of the sick sees that he is reading something from the Koran, the Almighty will heal him.

Reading the Qur'an in chant is a sign of the multiplicity of good deeds and the height of the degree (darja) in the afterlife.

Whoever sees that the Koran is being torn to shreds is a person who does not believe in Allah and does not recognize Him.

And if he sees that he has done something in the Koran that he would never like in reality, then this is a sign of the destruction of his faith and character.

And whoever sees the Koran in a dream with him will gain power and knowledge, and if the one who saw the Koran is sick, then he will get rid of his illness.

To see in a dream the readers of the Koran gathered in any place means that statesmen from among the sultans, merchants and alims gather in this place.

If a person reads verses from the Holy Quran in a dream that tell about joy and mercy, then he deserves the mercy and protection of the Almighty.

If the verses read in a dream contain lines about punishment, punishment for sins and warning, then this dream means that a person sins in life; he should repent and sin no more.

A person who reads the Quran in a dream very beautifully and expressively will succeed in the future in everything that he does not undertake.

Whoever sees himself reading the Koran written in an ugly and illegible handwriting will soon repent of his sins.

The Qur'an says: "When you read the Qur'an, we put a hidden veil between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter." (SURA-ISRAI, 45).

Putting the Koran under your head in a dream means doing wrong things in life.

The Prophet Muhammad, s.a.s., said: "Do not put the Qur'an under your head."

Take the Koran with your right hand - for good; to return the Koran to someone is to regret something very much.

Whoever sees that lines from the Koran are written on his shirt is a very religious person. But if they are displayed on his left hand, then he can commit a bad deed.

Seeing an unbeliever holding the Koran or some other Arabic book in his hands is a failure.

A person holding the Koran in his hands in a dream and not reading it will soon receive an inheritance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

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Dream Interpretation - God's Message

Symbols of faith (church, bible, mosque, koran, etc.) dream of a desperate person who has lost patience and humility in solving his problem, question. A small digression from your dream: God is one, Allah, etc. This is a light, a bright light, a golden glow as you wrote, a color like that of the sun just does not blind, so the opposition in the dream was figurative so that you understand the problem (reason) of your impatience , and moved on the right path, since you write that you went to 4 churches, in different cities, it means that something prompted you to do this, it’s very difficult to understand from a dream this is the reason for your faith (disbelief) or you are confused in your life path, etc. d. I hope you got something useful from what I wrote. I don’t write this to almost anyone, I’ll write to you if you need help in your situation, you can write to me via private messages to understand what’s wrong with you and where you should go next. Good luck and be patient!!!

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Truly, all praise be to Allah, we praise Him, we ask Him for help and forgiveness. I testify that there is no other god (worthy of worship) except Allah, the One, who has no partner, and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger.

Indeed, the fact that most of the dreams of a true Muslim become prophetic is one of the small signs of the Day of Judgment, each of us notices them today. Imam Al-Bukhari and Muslim narrate a hadith from Abu Hurairah narrated from the Prophet that he said: "When the time of the Day of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be prophetic."

Probably, the wise justification for this is that a true Muslim before the end of the world will be a stranger (gharib) to everyone, as the hadith cited by Muslim also tells about this: “Islam began unusually (gharib, a stranger to everyone) and will leave unusually (gharib, alien to everyone) how it began. There will be few who will console him, treat him in a friendly way and will at this time assist him in his service to Allah. And then Allah will show him His honor, endowing him with true dreams in order to please him with good news and strengthen him on the true path. There are very few true interpreters of dreams, especially those to whom Allah has given knowledge in religion (ilm), wisdom and skillful understanding of dreams. There are a lot of books on the interpretation of dreams in Arabic, small and large, but most people do not benefit from them and practically do not use them.Therefore, the modest following lines reveal to the reader the methods, ways and ethics of interpreting dreams and lead to the most correct and accurate interpretations, most of which are selected from the Koran and the Sunnah.The materials of the book offered to the reader are based primarily on the work of Imam Muhammad Ibn Siryn al-Basri, who belonged to the generation of tabi yn - followers of the companions of the Prophet - and was a great scientist of his time. Also in the book are interpretations of dreams by such scientists as Imam Ja "far as-Sadiq and an-Nablusi.

Before going into more detail about this book, the importance of sleep in human life should be noted.

In Islam, since the time of the Prophet, special attention has been paid to sleep, its role in the upbringing of a person and deliverance from sins. Here is a summary of what Imam al-Ghazali said about visionary dreams in his book The Alchemy of Happiness:

  1. In a dream, the five doors of comprehension of the ordinary, that is, the five senses, are closed, and the door of comprehension of the beyond is open in the soul - information about the past, future or hidden.
  2. The information received from there is either dressed in the garb of memories and imagination, or appears as it is.
  3. Those images that are given by memory do not correspond to the external appearance of the event, but to its inner essence.
  4. A person is given the opportunity to comprehend transcendental knowledge in order to give him an example of the knowledge of the prophets, because a person will never believe in something that he does not see an example of.
  5. What ordinary people see in prophetic dreams, the prophets see in reality.

In this book, in addition to the usual interpretations, a technique for analyzing dreams is presented and factual material about dreams that have been seen and come true is given. Therefore, it is of value both for the ordinary reader and for psychologists, psychoanalysts and specialists professionally dealing with Islamic issues.

The interpretation of dreams in Islam is a special science, each situation is deeply individual and requires a qualified approach in all respects. This is exactly what Ibn Sayrin did. And this book is compiled according to the interpretations that he gave to people who turned to him. Given the specifics of that time, it can be useful today. The publication provides an opportunity to understand the amazing era of the birth of Islam, based not on dry historical facts, but on the living dreams of people of that time.

We all have dreams, and many of us sometimes wonder what they mean. The key to understanding dreams is given in the pages of the book you hold in your hands.

Islamic dream book. Interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah. - Articles

Truly, all praise be to Allah, we praise Him, we ask Him for help and forgiveness. And I testify that there is no other god but Allah, the One, who has no partner, and I also testify that Muhammad is His slave and messenger of s.a.s.
Indeed, the frequent truthfulness of Muslim dreams is one of the small signs of the Day of Judgment, each of us notices them today.
The Messenger of Allah, s.a.s., said: “When the time of the Day of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be true” (Bukhari, Muslim).
Probably, the wise justification for this is that a devout Muslim before the end of the world will be unknown and strange to others, as the hadith cited by Muslim also tells about this: “Islam began strangely and will return strangely, as it began.” There will not be many who will console him, treat him with friendship and will at this time assist him in his service to Allah. And then Allah will show him His honor, endowing him with a true dream in order to please him with good news and strengthen him on the True Path.
Real interpreters of dreams are extremely few, especially those to whom Allah has given knowledge in religion (Iilm), wisdom and skillful understanding of dreams. There are quite a few books on the interpretation of dreams, in Arabic, small and large, but most people do not benefit from them and do not use them to perfection. Therefore, these modest lines below reveal to the reader the ways, ways and ethics of interpreting dreams, and lead to the most correct and accurate interpretation of them, most of which are selected from the Qur'an and the Sunnah of the messenger of s.a.s.
The materials of the book offered to the reader are based primarily on the work of the great Arab alim (scientist) Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin Al-Basri, as well as Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq and An-Nablusi (may the mercy of Allah overshadow them).
Sleep is divided into three types:

1) Good and favorable sleep; and this dream for the one who saw it is glad tidings from Allah and one part of the forty-six parts of the prophecy.
The Prophet, s.a.s., said: “There will be no prophecies left after me, except for al-mubashshirats,” and when he was asked what al-mubashshirats were, he answered them: “These are righteous dreams that a person sees, or they are seen to him…". The Almighty once asked Adam: “You saw everything that I created, but didn’t you notice someone like you out of everything you saw?” And Adam answered: No, O Lord, create for me a couple similar to me, so that they live with me and recognize only You and worship only You, like me ... ”And Allah put Adam to sleep, and while he was sleeping, created Eve and placed her at his head. When Adam woke up, Allah asked him: Who is this sitting near your head? And Adam answered: “This is the vision that You showed me in a dream, O my Lord…” And this was the first dream that man had.

2) Bad and unpleasant sleep; and this dream is brought on by the shaitan in order to arouse fear and horror in his soul and mock him in a dream. The Prophet, s.a.s., said: "Some dreams are from Allah, others are from Shaitan." The dreams that come from the shaitan are saturated with something bad, condemned by Allah and inciting to sins. These can be stupid dreams, and nightmares, and dreams that cause wet dreams, after which it is necessary to perform ritual bathing (g1usl). In order for good dreams from Allah to come to a person, he needs to go to bed clean, with thoughts of Allah and reciting a prayer (dua). Dreams from shaitands come when a person goes to bed unclean, with thoughts of something obscene or on a full stomach.

Modern dream book

What is the dream of a ram in a dream book -

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Sheep flock - joy; eat lamb - the loss of a friend.

What is the dream of a ram in a dream book -

If you dreamed of a herd of sheep - get ready for a long life. How many animals were in the herd, so many years you will live in health and happiness next to dear people.

Catch and try to catch a ram - safely overcome the obstacles that have arisen in your path.

Riding a ram is to earn great trust from an influential and very rich person.

To observe in a dream a stall with rams or a large herd of rams - marks the fact that your subordinates will respect and love you, the fulfillment of your most cherished desires; your comrades or close people will help you achieve success, a good position in society.

Eat lamb - says that you can defeat your enemy.

Find out what it means if the Baran is dreaming?

If a ram is standing in front of you in a dream, success awaits you, but for this you will have to overcome a small obstacle. Perhaps you have a friend who is not very smart.

Leading a ram on a rope means good luck.

To run away from a ram that is chasing you is unfortunately.

Butting ram - fear, abuse, anger of the authorities.

Catch and catch a ram - successfully overcome all obstacles on the way to the goal.

Riding a ram is to gain the trust of a rich and influential person.

To dream of a barn with rams or a herd of rams grazing in a meadow means that your subordinates will love you, your desires will come true; your friends will help you achieve success, a high position in society.

Eating lamb means defeating the enemy.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the inhabitants of these places will experience heavy rain and lower prices.

If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is to prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. It is said that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of hard-hearted tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and buzzing into the trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, according to the one who sees this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die.

If he believes that the sound of Israfil's trumpet, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then an imminent imminent death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the dreamer will give his life in the struggle for faith. To see an angry angel of death in a dream portends death without repentance.

Graze a sheep- to move up the career ladder.

Flock of sheep- an increase in the state (in the event that in a dream this herd belongs to you).

Get a lot of sheep as a gift- to meet a famous and very influential person who will contribute to your imminent rise.

Ride a ram- victory over spiteful critics and enemies (in the event that the ram is calm in a dream).

Boiled lamb- to financial prosperity.

roast lamb- dreams of misfortunes and failures, and in general to sadness.

Slaughter a ram in a dream- to the defeat of all your enemies and your possession of all their property.

Islamic dream book

bleating ram- symbolizes generosity and cordiality, and the cry of a lamb indicates the slander of a cunning servant.

Big dream book

The dream in which you saw a ram- necessary and useful, if you dreamed of a live ram.

Seeing a live ram in a dream- means that in the near future you will achieve prosperity in everything.

If you dreamed that you were buying, selling, looking at and cooking lamb- expect trouble. Such a dream usually means a disease, your own. True, such a dream, we believe, is not a dream about a ram: it is a dream where you saw meat, and raw meat.

However, if you saw a ram's head in a dream- then this dream is good and promises you a profit that you will have to receive in a fairly short time.

Modern dream book

  • If in a dream you see a herd of sheep grazing peacefully in a meadow, then in the near future you will be able to enjoy a period of pleasure and prosperity. If you dreamed that a ram was being slaughtered in front of you, the carcass was cut and some dish was prepared from mutton, then luck would smile at you. Your task will be to skillfully use it.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

See also Sheep, Lamb.

bad- scolding, fear

If in a dream you see a herd of sheep grazing peacefully in a meadow, then in the near future you will be able to enjoy a period of pleasure and prosperity.

If you dreamed that a ram was being slaughtered in front of you, the carcass was cut and some dish was prepared from mutton, then luck would smile at you. Your task will be to skillfully use it.

Silly friend;


Dream Interpretation Baran Symbolizes the animal nature. A dreaming ram personifies a person close to you, who has a very assertive character. His feelings are very mundane, in life he is ruled by instinct and a dull feeling, aimed only at satisfying desire. He appreciates you for the fact that you are always there at the right time. Women's dream book

Dream Interpretation Baran A ram seen in a dream: symbolizes success, sometimes offensive. If he beats with horns: fear, abuse. Many sheep to see: strength, honor, prosperity. Riding a ram in a dream: looking for a way out of a confusing situation. To be afraid of a ram, to run away from him: involuntarily enter into a dubious relationship with enemies or ill-wishers. Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Dream Interpretation Baran Sheep flock: the joy of eating lamb: the loss of a friend. Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Baran The image of a lonely ram: is a warning about possible mistakes made either by you or someone you know. If the ram behaves aggressively towards you, this is a sign that your mistakes or someone else's ones threaten to make your life much more difficult. At the same time, a flock of peacefully grazing rams and sheep often portends a period of calm and prosperity. Tips received in a dream

To see a ram is in need.

American dream book. What is the dream of the Baran

Ram - male power, the spirit of pioneering.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi. What is the dream of the Baran

To see a ram or a sheep in a dream - to wealth and prosperity. They say how many sheep you saw - so many years you will live! If the ram has thick and long hair, then your whole life will be serene and happy.

If you dreamed that you were shearing a ram and a lot of wool fell to the ground during the shearing process (and you understand that it is yours!) - you are destined to become a big boss and manage a large number of people.

Graze a ram - to move up the career ladder. A herd of sheep - an increase in fortune (in the event that in a dream this herd belongs to you). To receive a lot of rams as a gift - to get acquainted with a famous and very influential person who will contribute to your imminent rise.

Riding a ram is a victory over spiteful critics and enemies (in the event that the ram is calm in a dream). Boiled lamb - to financial prosperity. Roast lamb - dreams of misfortune and failure, and generally sadness. To slaughter a ram in a dream - to defeat all your enemies and get you into possession of all their property.

At all times and among all peoples, dreams have been given great mystical significance. Dreams in Islam have a special meaning and interpretation. We will find proof of this in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ. Islam warns a person against the thoughtless interpretation of dreams and recommends in these matters to refer to the Book of the Almighty and the Sunnah of His Prophet ﷺ. Not every believer is able to explain the meaning of a particular dream. Therefore, the name "Muslim dream book" can only be carried by a book in which dreams are interpreted, based on knowledge from the Koran and hadiths.

Types of dreams according to Islamic tradition

In Arabic, dreams are denoted by the word "ar-ru'ya", which literally translates as a series of thoughts, images, emotions that a person sees or experiences in a dream.

There are several expressions used in Scripture that are related to dreams. Three of them relate to good, wholesome dreams:

  • "ar-ru'ya",
  • "manam",
  • "bushra".

Bad dreams are denoted by the term "khulm", and the phrase "adgasu ahlam" is also used, which literally means "incoherent, meaningless, confused dreams." They have several types:

  1. Satan's instigations in order to bring sadness to a person, to frighten him
  2. Appearance of jinn in a handsome form, which force him to strange or sinful deeds

3. Embodiments in dreams of a person's thoughts, his usual actions from the past or present, as well as dreams about the future.

Many of these references to dreams are found in the Qur'an in the stories of the lives of the prophets Ibrahim and Yusuf. In relation to the dreams of the prophets, there is an independent term "ru'ya sadika", that is, a true (or prophetic) dream of the prophet, which foreshadows the beginning of the sending down of divine revelations. The Almighty speaks of this in Holy Scripture: "Indeed, Allah showed His Messenger a true dream"(Sura "Victory", ayat 27).

Sometimes other people can see such dreams, for example, the righteous or even unbelievers. We all know the story of the true dream of the wicked king, for the interpretation of which he turned to the prophet Yusuf. The most pious believers contemplate the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, according to the hadith: "Whoever saw me in a dream, he truly saw me, for the devil is not able to appear in my form."

Dreams in the Noble Sunnah

A reliable hadith says: "A good dream is from Allah." The mother of the faithful, Aisha, reported that the divine revelations of the messenger were often preceded by good dreams. The prophet associated senseless disturbing dreams with the intrigues of the devil.

The Prophet also said that when the Day of Reckoning approaches, sincere believers will see many true dreams that will delight Muslims, help strengthen faith and patience in observing Islamic canons.

A reliable hadith says: “There are three dreams: a dream from the Almighty, a dream from the devil, with the aim of upsetting the believer, and a dream associated with a person’s thoughts during wakefulness, which he then sees in a dream.”

According to this hadith, Islamic scholars divided all dreams into several categories:

  • divine dream (ar-rahmani). Such dreams are true revelations sent down by the Almighty. They have another name “mubashshirat”, which means “good messengers”. Such dreams will show the right path for believers until the Day of Judgment.
  • satanic dream (ash-shaitani). Such dreams are born as a result of the instigations of Satan, they direct a person to commit sins. These dreams are forbidden to tell other believers and try to interpret.
  • dreams that appear under the influence of everyday worries, dreams (an-nafsani).

Interpretation of dreams in Islam

All Muslim scholars are unanimous in that the explanation of the meanings of dreams is a very responsible matter and requires special preparation, therefore, it is necessary to be very careful in interpreting any dreams. Only the dreams of the prophets are certainly a revelation from the Creator, since they are protected from the intrigues of the devil. Therefore, the orders that the messengers received in a dream, they carried out. We all know the story of the Prophet Ibrahim, who unconditionally decided to obey the command of the Almighty to sacrifice his long-awaited only descendant.

The dreams of ordinary Muslims should be viewed through the prism of divine revelations: if they correspond to them, then believe them, if not, they cannot be taken into account. Many believers are confused about dreams and their meanings. Therefore, one must be careful in trying to understand the meaning of dreams and turn only to reputable scientists.

A well-known statement by the respected Islamic scholar Ibn al-Qayyim, where he puts the interpretation of dreams on a par with the publication of fatwas. And he warns muftis, doctors and interpreters of dreams about the importance of not revealing the secrets of people.

The most famous and authoritative Muslim dream book is the work of Ibn Sirin, called "Tafsir of Dreams". It contains about a thousand dreams and their meanings. Any Muslim today has the opportunity to download it from the worldwide web.

This scientist had sufficient knowledge in the matter of explaining the meanings of dreams. But he first said: “Fear Allah in your wakefulness, for what you see in a dream will never harm you. I interpret only from assumptions, and assumptions can be right or wrong. And he said this without a hint of bragging!

The meaning of some dreams according to Sharia

Islamic connoisseurs of dreams explain them based on knowledge from the Qur'an or the sunnah of the prophet, as well as with the help of metaphors, proverbs and opposites.

According to the Qur'an, the rope signifies union. And the ship can be interpreted as salvation. Wood can be understood as a sign of hypocrisy in faith. According to the sacred sunnah, the crow symbolizes the wicked, and the rib and glassware seen in a dream symbolize women. Clothing is a symbol of faith, religion. When interpreting dreams, scientists also use folk proverbs. For example, digging a hole carries the meaning of deceit. More information about this can be found in special sources on this topic.

Interpretation of Dreams in the Time of the Prophet and His Companions

Some prophets had the ability to understand the meaning of their dreams and the dreams of others. The dreams of the prophets themselves are revelations from the Creator. All Muslims know the biography of the prophet Ibrahim, who had a dream with the requirement of the Almighty to sacrifice his son. The Prophet Yusuf saw in a dream heavenly bodies that make sujud (prostration). Only after many years of wandering and suffering did everyone learn the true meaning of this: the parents and brothers of the prophet made a prostration, greeting the prophet.

Al-Bukhari narrated a hadith where the Messenger Muhammad ﷺ explains the meaning of his dream:

“One night I dreamed of a vessel of milk. I drank from it until I saw that the milk began to pour out from under the nails. Then what was left I handed over to 'Umar. This is knowledge."

It is also known that some of the Companions had the ability to explain dreams based on knowledge from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

How to see a true dream?

A sincere believer can be rewarded with the opportunity to see a true dream according to the hadith of the prophet: "The truthfulness of a dream is associated with the truthfulness of the one who saw it, and the most truthful dream is with the most truthful people." Therefore, one must follow the dictates of Shariah, not deceive, eat permitted food. And it is also necessary to go to sleep, being in a small bath, turning towards the qibla and pronouncing dhikr until falling asleep. And also read certain du "a, which help to calm the soul of the believer. Dreams after such rituals are almost always true.

The most favorable time for true dreams is the time of "suhoor" (shortly before the time of the morning prayer), when the devils calm down, and mercy and forgiveness become very close. And false dreams come at dusk, when shaitans and devilish souls spread.

According to the hadith narrated about the Mother of the Faithful, it is necessary to read du "a in order to contemplate a good dream and drive away a bad one:" When 'Aisha went to sleep, she said du "a:" O Allah, truly, I ask You for a good dream, which will be truthful, and not a deceit, bringing benefit, but not harm.

Desirable actions after seeing a good dream:

If a believer saw an alarming meaningless vision, it is recommended to do the following:

  • ask the Almighty for refuge from the devil,
  • spit to the left three times,
  • change the location of sleep or roll over from the left side to the right,
  • do ablution and prayer,
  • do not talk about this dream,
  • Don't try to explain the bad dream.

The danger of being deceived about the content of dreams

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ repeatedly warned the believers against deceit. This also applies to the content of dreams. Ibn ‘Abbas reported the words of the prophet about the terrible punishment of liars who tell people lies about their dreams. The Almighty will entrust them with the duty to connect 2 grains of barley into a knot, which is impossible. And the hadith narrated by Ibn ‘Umar says: “Verily, the (worst types of) deceit (include fables) that he saw in a dream what he did not actually see.”

Now, many wicked people are turning the explanation of dreams into a profitable business and leading ordinary people into heresy by falsely explaining the meaning of dreams. Such liars cannot be trusted, much less make any decisions based on these interpretations. After all, a true believer knows that it is allowed to believe only in the dreams of the prophets. Therefore, adherents of Islam should know that we can get all the necessary knowledge from the Holy Scriptures and hadiths, as well as from authoritative Islamic books. And there is no need to explain dreams or search for any new information in them.

All people, regardless of age, gender, religion, dream. There are many opinions about the nature of their origin, and each religion has its own way of what a dream is and whether it should be trusted.

What are dreams according to Islam? When a Muslim says a prayer, he talks to the Almighty, and when reading the Koran, the Almighty talks to him. Also, the Almighty speaks to him through dreams.

The Muslim faith implies that only observant Muslims (that is, those who fully adhere to their faith) see prophetic dreams. Muslims believe that they become prophetic closer to the Day of Judgment, thereby indicating the path of salvation.

Dreams have been given attention since the time of the Prophet Muhammad to dreams. It was believed that they form a personality and are able to protect from the sinful. To understand what exactly the higher powers want to convey to us through a dream, we need to turn to the Islamic dream book.

Muslims believe that only a person who knows the basics of Islam and the sacred text of the Koran, first of all, a mullah, a Muslim priest, can interpret dreams. Many books have been written in Arabic on the interpretation of dreams in Arabic.

The Islamic dream book is based on the theses of the Koran and the Sunnah and was created by the scientist, dream interpreter Muhammad ibn Sirin.

The Islamic dream book of ibn Sirin in alphabetical order is the result of many years of work, dreams in it are divided into three types:

  • auspicious (considered good news sent by Allah);
  • negative, sent by Shaitan. They instill fear and uncertainty in order to lead astray from the righteous path. They are considered dangerous for Muslims, because they are able to induce the believer to commit sin. Often they come to those who go to sleep without purification and prayer;
  • about household chores that are important to a person.

If a dream cannot be attributed to any of these categories, according to the Islamic dream book, it cannot be deciphered.

He who sees good should:

  • give praise to Allah;
  • rejoice and expect good things;
  • tell about what you saw to your beloved and dear person;
  • interpret it correctly - the dream comes true, as it is interpreted.

The one who sees the bad needs:

  • ask Allah for protection from negativity;
  • spit three times to the left;
  • turn to the other side;
  • perform obligatory and additional prayers;
  • do not tell it to anyone;
  • not to endure tafsir (interpretation) to oneself.

These actions are indicated in the hadiths and sunnahs. For example, Imam al-Bukhari, the author of hadiths, heard from the Prophet Muhammad: “Whoever had a good dream, let him thank the Almighty and tell his close people about it. And whoever had an unfavorable dream, then let him ask Allah for protection from evil and not talk about him. In that case, he will not be harmed."

At-Tirmidhi, a companion of the prophet, and others cite the following hadith: “If someone had a good dream, let him interpret the dream and tell about it. If you had a bad dream, let him forget about it.

Rules for using the dream book

Unlike European dream books, Muslims believe that daytime dreams come true more often than nighttime ones, and with the opposite meaning. For example, crying means a joyful event, and laughter, on the contrary, means tears and troubles. What is seen may refer not to the one who saw it, but to his relative or friend. Money is the only thing that is interpreted literally: the more money you see, the better. It is especially good if you dream of gold coins with silver coins. Such a dream, in addition to wealth, also means happiness.

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