Dream interpretation of walking with your eyes closed. What do eyes mean in a dream (interpretation according to Magini’s dream book)

As you know, eyes in a dream symbolize the overall physical and mental health of the dreamer. They can be harbingers of important events. Based on their condition and color, you can determine what to expect from the future. To understand the dream in more detail, you need to try to remember the smallest details, as well as understand exactly what emotions the person experienced when he saw the dream.

To correctly analyze the dream, let’s turn to well-known dream books:

  • Miller.
  • Spouses Winter.
  • Freud.
  • Sorceress Medea.

Miller's Dream Book

To understand why a person’s eyes are drawn, let’s turn to Miller’s dream book. Such a dream does not bode well. Alien eyes symbolize enemies who will have to fight back. The machinations of spiteful critics can become a serious problem on the path to success.

If a girl or guy in love had a dream, there is a huge chance that a third person will appear in the lovers’ relationship, who will shake their idyll.

If the dreamer dreamed of his own unhealthy organ of vision, the dream book promises trouble.

Why do you dream of a man without eyes? Miller's dream book interprets this dream as an extremely bad sign that will bring great misfortune.

Dream Interpretation of Spouses Winter

If you dreamed about the eyes of a stranger, most likely strangers are interested in your life. This can be either a fan or an envious person who closely follows your life. Sideways glances in a dream indicate that you are suspected of something. Seeing the left glass eye means an inadequate interpretation of your own actions.

Slanting, inflamed eyes symbolize troubles from a secret envious person. If your own organ of vision sees poorly in a dream, perhaps in reality you incorrectly assess the situation and may make a mistake. Good vision, on the contrary, promises you great success and the fulfillment of all your desires.

Freud's Dream Book

Why do you dream about (your) eyes in the mirror? Freud interprets this dream as follows. The dreamer who saw this dream is incredibly proud in reality. He respects and loves himself more than anything in the world. Increased attention to his own person excites him incredibly.

If an organ of vision falls out or is damaged in a dream, there is a serious conflict ahead that will disturb the dreamer’s inner peace.

Blindness symbolizes a faded interest in life, which will entail a rethinking of values.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream beautiful eyes? The dream book of the sorceress Medea says that eyes seen in a dream are a sign of eroticism. Erotic relationships will bring the dreamer happiness in love. For unmarried girls, the dream promises a quick acquaintance with the man of their dreams who will make her happy. It is worth paying attention to your surroundings; perhaps happiness is somewhere very close.

Other interpretations

Interpretation by color

  • Green eyes- passionate love, love adventures. This is a sign of hope and faith in a bright future.
  • Blue is a sign that in the near future the dreamer will receive good news or expensive gifts. Another interpretation could be the dreamer’s uncertainty, which prevents him from achieving his goals.
  • Black eyes - fun and joy. In the future, the dreamer will have a fun time in a pleasant environment that will charge him with energy.
  • Brown eyes are envious and ill-wishers. In reality, you should pay attention to the people around you; perhaps there is an ill-wisher lurking among your friends who is waiting for the right moment to harm you.
  • Reds- a sign of fatigue. IN real life the dreamer should pay attention to his own rest and health. Physical and mental health is at risk.
  • If in a dream you see a person with different eyes, this can only mean one thing: in reality you have a two-faced “friend” who cannot be trusted. Perhaps this is a business partner. Seeing multi-colored eyes in a dream for spouses promises betrayal and betrayal in marriage.
  • Gray is a sign of deceit and flattery. It is worth refraining from rash actions and not paying attention to praise; it is quite possible that this is flattery, which can encourage the dreamer to take the wrong step.
  • Blue eyes- a sign of love and passion.
  • The color yellow symbolizes suffering and torment. Perhaps in reality the dreamer will have problems with the nervous system.
  • Bright honey ones - portend the dreamer wealth and joy.

Eyes can perhaps be called the most striking symbolic image. When these sense organs, which play a vital role in the life of every person, are closed, the illusory nature of the world increases. It is not without reason that in various cultures since time immemorial, the eye has occupied a special place among symbols.

A dream, the main element of which is these incredible oceans of the soul, primarily tells about the mental state of the person himself. And more detailed details of the dream and what fate has in store can be found in dream books. The main thing is to remember the details of the vision.

If in a dream you were able to see the color of the eyes of the person you were talking to, the dream book says that in reality soon you will not be able to find answers to your questions. This is a harbinger of a fairly frank conversation. There is a risk of finding yourself in a difficult situation.

Why else do you dream about eyes? The dream book gives many interpretations. It depends on the smallest details. Let's consider the most common situations that may appear in dreams.

Why do you dream about green eyes?

The dream book says that such dreams speak of meeting passionate love, as well as finding loyal friends. It is a symbol of healing, harmony, balance, sincerity and faith in the future. Despite this, the dream book indicates a possible evil eye, envy and jealousy if the main character of the dream is a stranger with an evil look.

According to the Modern Dream Book

Did you see black eyes? The dream book says that this is a good sign. Expect that the coming evening will be spent in the company of pleasant people, carefree and quite fun. Perhaps these people will soon help you resolve some problems.

According to the dream book, brown eye color of the people around you indicates their deception and deceit. It is worth trying to protect yourself from two-faced and crafty comrades who are building bad plans behind your back.

If, while at rest, you see blue eyes, the dream book says that you can count on receiving a gift or useful information. A passionate and serious relationship awaits you. The dream book interprets blue eyes seen in dreams as harbingers of failure due to excessive gullibility, excessive indecisiveness, and lack of self-confidence.

Universal interpretation

The appearance of red eyes in a dream indicates that the person who is sleeping is extremely overtired. Most likely, you should think about an extraordinary vacation and unload mentally, and the dream book practically persuades you to give preference not to lazy rest, but to active and sporty pastime.

Different eyes

If, going to the kingdom of Morpheus, you saw a person with such eyes, then this may indicate cooperation with partners who lie a lot and play a double game. In principle, dreams of eyes of different colors talk about the betrayal of such close people as children, wife or husband. The opinion of the parents no longer has such serious authority for the child; the position of his peers is much more important and much closer to him. In this regard, the child feels unnecessary, abandoned and believes that he was left alone with his problems.

Seeing gray eyes during sleep is a sign of praise that has no basis and is said only for flattery. The dream book warns against committing rash acts that are imposed by someone with flattering statements.

Examples of interpretation

If you see white eyes, the dream book says that this means you are dissatisfied with your own behavior. You also understand that it does not meet accepted moral standards.

Seeing yourself with white eyes in a dream also means dissatisfaction with your behavior, non-compliance with moral standards. A person’s dream of rye-colored eyes speaks of mental anguish, confusion, and also grief over something. In some situations, specialized books talk about possible damage to health, which will primarily be psychological in nature.

If in a dream you had to look someone in the eyes, the dream book says - this means that this person evokes the most sincere feelings and interest, you would like to get to know his soul better. In some cases, this indicates a possible deterioration in relations and a gap in mutual understanding. When a sleeping man in his dreams met an unfamiliar girl, and he had to look into her eyes, the dream book informs about a rival who is very close.

Blood from the eyes

Such dreams indicate that certain difficulties will arise at the place of work, and management will set goals that will require the person to concentrate maximally on the little things. In this case, the dream book advises paying close attention to your own well-being.

A dreamer who saw closed eyes can expect quick good news, as well as a stormy, but short-lived romance. Eyelids closed - serious affection. Saw the object of your passion with eyes closed- the dream book indicates discord in relationships with loved ones. Surely your significant other has something to hide, and you don’t even know about it.

Why do I dream about children?

If you look into the eyes of a child, the dream book says that this is a symbol of news that you are not expecting, of overwhelming surprise, of discovering something new. We realized that the eyes of the dreamed baby were blue, which means ordinary life Immeasurable tenderness and care await you, your loved ones will feel the endless affection and warmth emanating from you.

A juicy black eye is a humiliation that will be public. The dream book advises you to let provocations pass you by, save complete calm and not lose your dignity. Also, lately you have been thinking all the time about pleasure, which is forbidden. This obsession leads to mental anguish. Some interpret such a dream as a sign of imminent profit.

cat eyes

The dream book says that you will discover an excellent solution to a situation that has been haunting you for a long time. According to the books, in the shortest possible time the sleeper will find peace, and the fear of the unknown will leave him forever. At the same time, a dream where another animal is looking at you is a notice of a person who is jealous or envious of you.

The eyes of a mustachioed beast glowing in the dark - advice that during family quarrels Don't lose your balance. Only a tactful and calm approach to business will help you avoid an unpleasant scandal.

Miller's Dream Book

Based on its interpretation, the eyes indicate constant surveillance by ill-wishers; people can prepare meanness and commit treason. The hero of the dream, who has only one eye, is evidence of the adversity and difficult twists of fate threatening the sleeping person. Three eyes at once are a prophecy indicating that a woman will soon become pregnant and a child will be born. If a person’s third eye opened during sleep, then his intuition has reached a qualitatively higher level. new level. You are ready to develop spiritually.

Large eyes are a harbinger of happiness, an improved quality of life and a sign of a serious inheritance. The dream book says that you will soon meet an honest, talented, and also intelligent person.

What does it mean to dream in which a person paints his eyes?

If this happened to a young woman, then this is a prophecy of the appearance of a rather annoying admirer. But do not doubt the seriousness of his intentions, and simple courtship can become a platform for a fairly strong relationship. Eye shadow indicates that there is a liar in your environment, but his deception will soon be exposed.

In the case where you use shadows on someone, this indicates plans to sin against the truth. The interpreter also presents another meaning of such a vision - a person is trying to get to know his acquaintances better, to understand what guides them when performing specific actions

Painting your eyes - dream books consider this option as a symbol of secrecy, a reluctance to open your own inner world to strangers. Eyes that are too heavily made up indicate a desire to match an unnatural image. At the current moment in time, it is better to put on a mask than to give up, open up and show your true essence. Some reasons do not make it possible to correctly assess the current circumstances. According to the dream book, such a person should give up thinking with stereotypes. Such a dream is a signal of isolation, unplanned self-defense.

For the fair half of humanity, who are interested in various cosmetics and in real life devote a significant part of their time to their appearance, such a dream acts as a projection of everyday behavior.

If, while in a state of sleep, you saw a person lining his eyes, this indicates that he has the most tender feelings for you and is ready to do anything to achieve reciprocity. Using an eyeliner pencil is a harbinger of a happy marriage and a prosperous family life. Sharpening a pencil and then using it is a surprise, an unplanned trip or an event of a positive nature.

A dream where you yourself use a cosmetic product on another person indicates a fascinating and rather extraordinary phenomenon; expect good news from an old friend.

Why else can a person see eyes?

According to dream books, sick or dull eyes are a bad symptom. An illness awaits a person, his undertakings will not be crowned with success, this is also a signal of various troubles, and in some cases, mortal danger. Eyes that have been gouged out signal the loss of a person who is too close to the heart. If you did this on your own in a dream, then your ability to control yourself surprises those around you and even repels them. Dream book hint: reconsider your behavior, be a little simpler, then finding contact with different people will be much easier.

Eyes that emanate beauty and kindness mean that a person will live a long life, he will be accompanied by good luck, security, faith and love of loved ones. If you noticed in a dream that barley appeared on your eye, reality will present you with a serious gift in the form of enormous wealth. I dreamed of worms in my eyes - these are warnings of impending troubles due to reluctance to solve accumulated problems. Your enemies have spread their nets, so be careful. Moderate your own ardor, give up feelings of rage and hatred towards others.

People who have no eyes at all are a vision that speaks of the death of a spouse or a severance of ties with relatives. When a sleeping person looks into a man’s eyes, the dream book explains this situation as follows: you are trying to understand what is in his head. Surely this representative strong half humanity arouses your genuine interest. Perhaps you are afraid of him or cannot understand why you want to get to know him weaknesses. In the case when you, without taking your eyes off, look into a man’s eyes for a long time, the dream book interprets this as a sign of anxiety and concern about a secret. Before you is a wall of misunderstanding; in your soul there are worries that now your significant other will not support common ideals and will not appreciate your worldview. The clouded eyes of a guy - the dream book says that he feels a lack of funds, he is haunted by failure in business and evil fate.

Dreaming of swollen eyes - people with whom you are doing business together will set you up if this promises them personal gain. When working, never stray from the path of the law, otherwise a fine and even a trial are inevitable.

A harbinger of incredible luck, real luck, smart and healthy kids are dreams of slanting eyes. But in the case when a woman is frightened by the appearance of strabismus, the dream book suggests that her reputation may suffer significant damage. An eyesore that appears in the eyes is a dream that speaks of obstacles, difficulties on the path of life, a sign of meeting an annoying person and a quarrel. If this ailment is on the right side, betrayal can be expected from a man; on the left, a woman will let you down.

In a situation where the eyes of a familiar person begin to change their color, it is worth taking a closer look at this person. There is a possibility that your friend is actually two-faced, and you can expect trouble from him in the near future. Since in the dream book the organs of vision are associated with loved ones, the dream in which they occur is in most cases a bad omen. There are quite possible serious problems with one of the relatives. Despite this, the dream may be the result of increased excitement due to an upcoming special event or another episode with a positive connotation.

If you went to bed and saw your own eyes, which have no pupils, most moments elude you. You become self-absorbed too often, which leads to you losing track of what is happening around you. Try to establish maximum connections with others, do things that will bring benefit and effect to society.

They began to kiss the person in the eyes - this speaks of an upcoming holiday, unbridled fun, and the fulfillment of secret desires. The dream book promises that soon a ray of hope will appear in life and everything will go according to the scenario that was outlined earlier.

Colored lenses for the organs of vision indicate a relationship with a loved one, which will soon change. For someone who wore contact lenses while sleeping, but at the same time his vision is one hundred percent, the dream book gives interesting advice - you should choose a goal in life as soon as possible. Among other things, you should stop wasting your time and energy. Determine your primary goal and focus your attention on it. Dropping lenses during a dream means that you have doubts, feel timidity and constraint in implementing your plans.

If you feel unpleasant feelings because of a speck that has gotten into your eye, your children will become the cause of serious hassle. Seeing a speck means that in life you will have to make excuses, look for a person on whom you can blame your own failures. The dream book explains that in controversial issues you don’t know what to do, although the essence of what happened is known to literally everyone.

Was a married woman blindfolded in a dream? This is a warning that an ax is hanging over her marriage. The unknown will make every effort to destroy the existing idyll. For another category of people, such a dream indicates a mystery and a phenomenon that has a mysterious connotation. Apparently, the person does not see the obvious facts. Before doing anything, you need to weigh the pros and cons as accurately as possible.

You saw the deceased, but at the same time he opens his eyes? Such a dream indicates obstacles in the professional field and possible losses. Sometimes such a vision is a bad sign that foreshadows the death of a relative. In any case, dream books advise not to reveal other people's secrets, otherwise you will suffer due to excessive love to talk. When a person cannot open his eyes, this subconscious mind tries to show a serious degree of mental fatigue. The books encourage you to change your occupation for a while.

A dream where you are in a hospital room and have undergone eye surgery is a real symbol. The time has come to assess the unfolding events impartially and wisely. You will have the opportunity to rethink the ups and downs, discover aspects of life that were hidden to you until now.

Losing the organs of vision is wasted work, tasks that are beyond one’s strength, and a harbinger of risky decisions. In addition, some dream books interpret at the moment on the other side. If there is a sudden loss of two organs, then you can count on material well-being.

A person who has wrinkles under his eyes is a symbol of happiness, a life that is full of joy, parties and exciting activities. In principle, all dreams in which there are wrinkles on the face indicate that the person will live a long time.

If you had to cut an onion and at the same time constantly wipe your eyes from tears, you should be prepared for the fact that secret ill-wishers and rivals will do something, after which you will not find yourself in the best position.

The Persian dream book has its own explanation of why you dream of an eye on your palm. Soon you will become the owner of a certain amount of cash, and this is never superfluous. If you dreamed that you had an extra pair of eyes, this is an unfavorable sign. You should not rule out the possibility of loss or theft, so be vigilant in financial matters.

In Grishina's Noble Dream Book there are more detailed explanations of why non-standard eyes are dreamed of. A significant concern for special books is lifeless eyes. Such a vision indicates a high risk of getting injured at home, getting into a traffic accident, or having an accident with friends. You should not ignore such signals and be as concentrated as possible in the near future.


At the end of the article, it is necessary to mention once again that such dreams are some kind of warning that a person does not see something, cannot understand how things really are. Eyes fixed on the sleeping person indicate the existence of a rival or rival, and also speak of an ill-wisher who is watching you and waiting for the moment to strike in a sneaky way. Therefore, if you dreamed about the eyes of a stranger or it was a dream about the organs of vision in general, you should not immediately forget about it, as this may be a hint for further actions or a warning about a danger you don't see. Do not reject what your body, as well as the Universe, tells you, then you will be able to avoid unpleasant moments or prepare for extraordinary events that bring only positive emotions. Pay attention to the details of what you see while in the dream state.

Why do you dream about sore eyes? The dream book explains: health problems, troubles at work, deception, betrayal will soon begin. But such a vision in a dream sometimes portends profit and wealth. To correctly interpret this symbol, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

What was the disease?

What disease did you dream about?

  • red, inflamed - severe fatigue, need to rest;
  • myopic - troubles will soon begin;
  • swollen or stuck together - something prevents you from looking at the circumstances soberly;
  • slanted in a dream - irritability, rejection of the situation or others;
  • unhealthy, dull - you will be very worried about the children;
  • thorn - deception in an important matter;
  • losing an eye - make a mistake, and then you will greatly regret it.

Miller's Dream Book: disturbing events

Did you dream that they were inflamed? In reality, expect the beginning of some disturbing unpleasant events. Perhaps problems will arise at work or with colleagues. Beware of the machinations of enemies.

You took the wrong position

Why do you dream about sore eyes? This is a warning about deterioration in some area of ​​life - perhaps troubles in business or business.

Did you dream that they were sick? The interpretation of the dream suggests: the position or point of view that you defend is incorrect. And although you are completely confident in your own rightness, an event will soon occur that completely refutes it.

Be careful: someone may deceive you

Seeing festering, sore eyes means: it is difficult for the dreamer to understand where the truth is and where the lie is. Sometimes he doesn't want to know the truth at all.

Inflamed, swollen, watery - according to the dream book, they warn: deception is possible. Try not to trust people you don’t know too much - they will “set you up.”

Sore eyes in a dream also warn of confusion that will unwittingly happen due to new circumstances. There is no need to blame anyone, it is better to quickly take measures to correct the situation.

To see cloudy ones - someone will deliberately create mystery in order to confuse the sleeper and mislead him. Probably, due to a lack of information, the person chose the wrong goal or does not clearly see his task.

Other meanings

Why else do you dream about sore eyes? The dream book suggests: your health may deteriorate. The disease may appear in the dreamer's relatives.

Did you dream about loss of vision (blindness) in a dream? A person sleeping in reality loses the ability to think clearly - intuition does not work, he cannot adequately assess the situation.

Trauma is treason, the betrayal of some person in reality. Usually the right eye means a man and the left eye means a woman.

Sore eyes from which blood oozes in a dream is a bad sign. The dream book warns of trouble with one of your relatives or loved ones. Such a vision promises complications at work, an assignment that will be difficult to cope with.

Good omens

Why do you dream of stye on the eyelid? The dream book informs you: financial success is ahead. Carefully planned ventures will bring excellent profits.

Such a vision in a dream promises a person wealth, prosperity, and health. At work, your salary will be increased or unexpected income will appear, which will allow you to save a certain amount and increase it.

For an unmarried man, seeing stye on his eyelid promises a quick wedding with his chosen one.

Psychologists say that dreams convey our inner state. Eyes symbolize the spiritual ability to see clearly: your present, distant and near past, future. Therefore, a person without eyes in a dream is a sign that the person has a rejection of everything that happens in his life.

What if you dream of a person without eyes?

The dreamer, projecting a dream with his subconscious, saw in a vivid image his personal perception of the world, which was formed today. A person simply closes his eyes to reality! Doesn't want to notice her. He sees neither the beauty of this world nor its perfection. Something happening in his personal life forces him to do this. Perhaps what a person sees causes him fear. It is quite possible that reality and a person’s environment give rise to anger. It is possible that he is afraid for his future or for the fate of the people around him. Moreover, in this case we are talking about a holistic negative perception, because the left eye is feminine, and the right eye is masculine. If a blind person in a dream is missing both eyes, then a thick canvas is thrown over the mirror of the person’s soul; perhaps he does not know how to admit his mistakes.

Refusal to see something is sometimes a consequence of the fact that a person has forbidden himself to experience the most beautiful of feelings - the feeling of love. How often does a person, having once stumbled in life, not allow himself to straighten his shoulders and again look at his surroundings with optimism. There are troubles that you have to come to terms with, and there are those that you can forget.

Sometimes, to the question of why a person without eyes dreams, there may be a completely different answer. Everyone knows the blind soothsayer, whose name is still on everyone’s lips. Yes, we are talking about Vanga. To go blind sometimes means to discover in oneself other possibilities of feeling, to gain the gift of clairvoyance. Perhaps the dreamer's intuition has increased greatly recently. The subconscious, having formed a certain sign in a dream, tells the sleeper that he needs to trust more in his inner voice, his intuition. What exactly does a person constantly feel? If he can foresee both good and bad events, then he really has a gift. You should trust yourself more and not waste time on long and dubious thoughts.

What does it portend?

If a person is constantly worried only by vague experiences, various fears, if anxiety arises even without a reason, then one needs to return to the very first interpretation. This is not how intuition manifests itself at all, but a reluctance to hear the pure childish voice of one’s soul, a false, intimidated prudence. Sometimes, a person without eyes dreams and means that it is the person who observed the dream who in the near future will help someone else gain a clear understanding of the world, someone will ask for help. By the way, the dream could have been seen by a person very active in public life, completely occupied with social problems. To your own detriment. In this case, the dream may warn you that you need to take care of yourself. No one except the person himself can take good care of him. When you give yourself to others, you forget about this.

The dream may be telling the dreamer that by closing his eyes to some “little things,” he does not notice the main thing, which has long been obvious to everyone. Therefore, for example, a dream may foreshadow the betrayal of a friend whom the person trusted very much. The dream can also predict a sudden turn in fate: positive or unpleasant.

So, the dream is mostly psychological in nature and carries an important message to the person that the time has come to work on himself. A person’s thoughts and his life are tightly connected, so you need to try to keep only positive energy around you and within yourself.

  • The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul; they reflect everything a person thinks about and feels. People have the following proverbs and sayings for this occasion: “hide your eyes”, “make eyes”, “beautiful eyes”, “eyes run wild”.
  • Eyes not only reveal a person’s mood and thoughts, but also serve as a guide in space: “it’s dark, even poke your eye out.” Eyes are a great value given to a person that needs to be protected, therefore the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings where eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the weight of an oath are expressed by the words: “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” Sometimes they give instructions using the comparison “to cherish like the apple of your eye.”
  • To see a person walking in a cloud of dust and trying to find the way - this dream warns that you are going along the wrong path, someone is deliberately trying to lead you astray from the true path, beware of a veiled obstacle, a trap.
  • To dream that views are flashing before your eyes that you don’t even have time to consider - you are irritated by the lack of time and because of this everything is falling out of your hands, it seems to you that things are going badly and there is no way to improve them, in fact you need just stop and focus on the main thing, discarding everything that is unimportant.
  • You dream that you are warned about the wrath of a powerful man who watches absolutely everyone and always knows where, what and with whom is happening - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous about what is not there; you are afraid of those in whose hands the power is, stay away from them.
  • To see in a dream in the middle of winter an orange tree growing on a mountain that is impossible to approach - this dream foretells you prospects, the implementation of which relates to the distant future; you will be passionate about a new project.
  • You dream of a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you cannot even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of his eyes - you will be put in a difficult position; do not be afraid of frank conversation; do not try to find out what constantly eludes you because the time has not yet come; forgive old debts, otherwise you will get sick.
  • You are walking down the street in a bad mood and, as luck would have it, you notice that all the passers-by you meet have garbage and tears in their eyes - this dream indicates growing dissatisfaction with yourself and the inability to cope with your sorrows; you are overly critical.
  • To see that you are wandering in pitch darkness and cannot understand whether something has happened to your eyes, or whether it is really dark - indecision will take you by surprise and will not allow you to make the right decision in time; Beware of anything suspicious and watch your health.
  • Seeing in a dream everything you have dreamed about lately and being at a loss - to disappointment, tedious work, difficult thoughts.
  • Seeing protective cases that you are trying to attach to your eyes so that nothing could accidentally hurt them - something will appear in your life that you will greatly value and worry about its safety; to a successful purchase.
  • Seeing a stranger in a dream who is trying to attract your attention with his gaze means an unexpected acquaintance, a romantic date; you will witness something secret that can bring you troubles and troubles.
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