Social mortgage in the year of requirement. Social mortgage to Sberbank. Rules for obtaining a mortgage at Sberbank

Own apartment- this is the dream of millions of people. But not everyone can buy it. Today, one of the options for state financial assistance is the provision of social mortgages.

Social mortgage– this is preferential social lending for the purchase of housing, provided to certain categories of the population. The implementation of such a program is based on cooperation between government agencies and banks.

According to Russian legislation social mortgage in 2017 may be provided in the following forms:

  1. Mortgage lending with a subsidy in the form of a lower interest rate. This program designed to subsidize commercial loans. This is a fairly common form of social mortgage, as banks provide loans for the purchase of housing at reduced interest rates with a flexible loan repayment scale.
  2. A mortgage program based on subsidizing part of the apartment's ownership by the state. In this case, the bank is paid a certain part of the cost of housing as a subsidy, which includes an interest rate. This form of mortgage provision is quite common for low-income groups of the population. For example, social mortgage for public sector employees, which include teachers, doctors, cultural workers, scientists, etc.
  3. Sale of secondary housing from the state social housing stock at a discounted price on credit. Basically, this form is intended for employees of certain structures.

Types of social mortgage

To whom is it provided? social? This question interests many. In fact, social mortgage lending comes in several forms.

Social mortgage for a young family. In this case, the borrower is given a subsidy from the state for the purchase of housing. Families with children can count on 40% of the total cost of housing, and childless families - on 35%. All payments are made by bank transfer. Both spouses must be no more than 35 years old. They must have official documents confirming the fact that they need to improve their living conditions, are on the waiting list for housing and have the ability to repay the remaining interest on the loan. The area of ​​subsidized housing must comply with state standards (per person - 18 sq. m).

Advantageous offers for social mortgage “Young Family”

  • Sberbank

Military mortgage. This type of social mortgage involves opening a special savings account, where a certain amount will be credited monthly, which can subsequently be used to improve existing living conditions and to purchase housing. Moreover, these funds can be used not only after dismissal, but also directly during military service. In total, this cumulative amount can be maximum 2.4 million rubles. Military mortgage funds can be used for a down payment on an apartment and to pay off interest on the loan. If the financial situation in the country changes, the amount of the military mortgage will be indexed.

Advantageous offers on military mortgages

Loan name




Down payment

Military mortgage


up to 2,220,000 rubles

up to 20 years, the repayment period must occur before the Borrower turns 45 years old

Advantageous mortgage offers for young professionals

  • Snezhinsky Bank

Social mortgage for people on a waiting list for housing and low-income groups. To obtain this mortgage, citizens must be on the waiting list for housing. A social mortgage can be obtained either in the form of a free subsidy for a down payment, or in the form of a loan to pay for the minimum square meters at their cost.

Advantageous mortgage offers for those on the waiting list for housing

  • Sberbank

Advantageous mortgage offers using maternity capital

  • Rosselkhozbank

Mortgage AHML

You can get a social mortgage through AHML(agency for housing mortgage lending). This agency offers mortgage lending to social categories of citizens by providing favorable interest rates (from 10% per annum), subsidies and the opportunity to buy housing at fairly low prices.

Obtaining a social mortgage through AHML compares favorably with other options with the ability to reduce the down payment to 10%, increase the mortgage amount using maternity capital, reduce overpayments on the loan, and also provide the opportunity to purchase economy-class housing.

The provision of social mortgages is carried out within the framework of the “” program, within which two directions are offered, such as “Social mortgage: apartment” and “Social mortgage: house”.

Receipt procedure

How to take social mortgage? For each type of social mortgage, there are certain ones. First of all, you must be a citizen of Russia, have a permanent residence permit and a job, a certain length of work experience, and a good credit history (if you have one).

For young families, in addition to the conditions listed above, it is necessary to have agreement on compulsory mortgage insurance.

For all categories there is a single registration procedure mortgages. First, you must submit an application to local authorities, where a positive or negative decision on this application must be made within three days. With a positive decision, the future borrower goes to the bank. After submitting all the necessary documents, after a certain time the bank will make a final decision.

List of documents

The following must be submitted to the bank social mortgage documents:

  • Application for a mortgage;
  • Passport;
  • Certificate of permanent employment and a copy of the work book;
  • Certificate of real income;
  • A decision by the local government that a person really needs housing improvement;
  • Military ID;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Document on education (in some cases).

Social mortgage at Sberbank

Not everyone in Russia provides social mortgages. One of the few banks that solves data questions, is . In it, social mortgages can be obtained by employees of budgetary organizations, young families, military personnel and people on housing queues.

There is a special program “” for married couples. Preference in this program is given to families with children. There is also a special program “Social Mortgage”, for participation in which you need to have Russian citizenship, work experience and a positive credit history.

Having collected all the necessary documents and completed the application in Sberbank, each applicant will receive a response within 5-10 days. If the bank has approved the application, you can start looking for an apartment or house, because in order to make the final decision, you must provide documents for the housing you are purchasing to the bank within 120 days.

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People working in the public sector find it difficult to buy an apartment in 2018 due to wage conditions. That is why special conditions are provided for them in some banks. One of these banking institutions that offers more favorable conditions for public sector employees is Sberbank (it also accredits a number of insurance companies listed). There are a number of special programs here, many of which concern not only state employees (teachers, pedagogues, doctors). In most cases, the collection of such debts is carried out.

For example, young and large families (who can), low-income citizens, disabled people, pensioners, single mothers, and military veterans can calculate payments using a mortgage calculator at a preferential interest rate. The same conditions for state employees and other categories of citizens apply in Moscow, Saratov, Engels (Saratov region) and in other large and small cities of Russia.

Social mortgage in Sberbank 2018 - conditions for obtaining

Listed below are the main conditions of a social mortgage at Sberbank, under which a positive decision can be made by bank employees:

  • family living in one living area;
  • living in a rented apartment or communal apartment without owning other real estate;
  • living in a room with cramped conditions (less than 14 sq. m per family member).

What does social mortgage mean at Sberbank?

Social mortgage is a support program to improve housing conditions for citizens with poor living conditions, who are considered an unprotected category. The country has established a standard of about 14 square meters per person. If you live in a smaller area, you may be looking for a suitable apartment program. Often, such programs are developed at the state level, and banks, using mechanisms, are forced to provide all possible support for this initiative.

How to get a social mortgage from Sberbank for an apartment?

Taking out a mortgage loan and drawing up the corresponding agreement is the last stage. Do you need to undergo a whole series of other procedures before it?

  1. Prepare and submit an application and attached documents to Sberbank.
  2. Waiting for a positive decision.
  3. Selecting a specific property.
  4. Transfer of real estate documents to the bank in order to verify legal purity.
  5. Drawing up a mortgage loan agreement and a purchase and sale agreement.
  6. Making an entry fee.
  7. Registration in the Rosreestr of property rights.
  8. Receiving finance.
  9. Transfer of finance to the seller.

If you managed to go through all these stages, then the procedure can now be called complete.

Social mortgage for public sector employees in Sberbank

Social mortgage for public sector employees is a subsidy program. According to it, public sector employees can direct money to the purchase of finished housing and the purchase of housing under construction.

Favorable conditions apply here:

  • currency - rubles;
  • interest rate – on average 13%;
  • term – up to 30 years;
  • mandatory starting fee – from 20%;
  • maximum cost – 50 million rubles;
  • repayment under an annuity scheme.

Often, the first payment is made up of funds that were obtained under the guise of maternity capital (issued at the birth of a second child).

What is the interest rate?

The interest rate on a mortgage from Sberbank for public sector employees depends on the conditions under which the contract is signed. The minimum interest rate is provided when the down payment is more than half the cost of the apartment, and the mortgage term does not exceed ten years. Under such conditions, the interest rate for public sector employees will be 12.5%. In general, the percentage on social mortgages for public sector employees ranges from 12.5 – 13.5%.

For the poor

At Sberbank, social mortgages for low-income people are perhaps the only opportunity for citizens with insufficient income to acquire living space. If a low-income citizen does not have his own home and he lives on an area of ​​less than 14 square meters, then this bank can issue a mortgage agreement with him at a favorable 13%.

Programs for young families

Social mortgages for young families in 2018 at Sberbank are accompanied by a promotion. If one of your couple is under 35 years old, then you have the right to receive an apartment under a mortgage agreement on favorable terms - an interest rate of 10.25%. Without the promotion, the interest rate starts at 11%.

For social workers

A mortgage for social workers from Sberbank is a mortgage for public sector employees. It is expected that for public sector employees in 2018 there will be a preferential interest rate of 9.5%. Under the contract, you can purchase both primary and secondary housing on the real estate market. Taking out life insurance is not considered mandatory, and the loan term can even reach 30 years.

For pensioners, what are the conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank?

If pensioners are still working and are state employees, then they can receive preferential interest - 9.5% and higher. However, the main requirement is that the person be 75 years old at the end of the contract. What is important here is the fact that it is possible for a pensioner to take out such a mortgage loan, because in many banks this category is prohibited for this area. On a general basis, the percentage is 11.5%.

Mortgage lending at Sberbank - preferential types of lending for social workers?

The state actively supports the poor. First of all, this concerns the provision of housing for privileged categories of citizens. Social mortgage is a program in which participation will help you get housing in a short time and less money.

Social mortgage is government assistance to privileged categories of citizens in purchasing their own housing.

Local governments decide which subsidy program to apply in a particular region, who can participate and under what conditions. The point is that participants are given money to buy their own home.

Cash assistance to beneficiaries is provided in the form of:

  • Compensation for part of the funds spent on purchasing an apartment with a mortgage;
  • Purchasing housing from the state at a favorable interest rate;
  • Reimbursement of part of the interest on the mortgage loan.

In 2019, the subsidy amount will be at least 30% of the price of an apartment purchased with a mortgage. For families with children - 35% of the cost of housing.

The minimum interest rate on social mortgages in 2019 is 9.9% per year. Although, in practice, even when receiving a mortgage with state support, the percentage rarely falls below 11.5%. The minimum down payment, according to the state program, must be at least 10%, but even the most popular bank in Russia on average requires a contribution of 20% of the cost of housing.

The final amount is set by local authorities. The calculation takes into account the region of the country, the cost per square meter, whether there are children and how many there are, etc.

Advantages of social mortgage:

  • The bank reviews the application in a shorter period of time and, often, makes a positive decision to issue a loan;
  • Interest rates on a social mortgage are lower than on a conventional mortgage;
  • Longer loan repayment period;
  • With the social programs of the Russian Federation, credit organizations take care of completing all the documentation and help the borrower apply for a housing subsidy.

Thus, the advantages of social mortgages are that the state helps quickly solve the housing problem for vulnerable categories of the population.

Differences between ordinary and social mortgages

Depending on the benefits a citizen receives, there are social and ordinary (commercial) mortgages. Commercial is provided to legal entities and individuals who, by law, are not entitled to benefits from the state.

Social mortgages help to improve living conditions or purchase housing for vulnerable segments of the population. The bottom line is that a person has the opportunity to take out a loan for housing, the cost of which, thanks to the government program, is easier to repay.

Thanks to government support for beneficiaries, people have the opportunity to get housing. And because you can pay off over many years, monthly payments are easier to pay off than with a commercial mortgage.

Types of social mortgages

Not all citizens can qualify for a social mortgage, and this point should be taken into account. It is necessary to check whether the applicant complies with legal requirements.

Terms of lending with state support:

  • The citizen does not have his own home. Often, such people live in a communal apartment, dormitory, or rent housing;
  • The family lives in cramped circumstances, namely less than 14 square meters for each family member;
  • Compliance with the requirements set by the bank. Depending on which bank the state cooperates with as part of the social lending program, there may be requirements for citizenship, length of work experience, registration, etc.

Additional requirements for applicants are indicated within each social category of citizens.

For a young family

Before a young family applies for a social mortgage, it is necessary to take into account the most important criterion.

The age of the spouses at the time of receiving a mortgage loan should not exceed 35 years. If this requirement is met, the young family can count on financial assistance in the amount of 30% of the value of the purchased property. If there are small children in the family, the subsidy amount increases to 35% of the cost of housing.

It is important to remember that the family does not receive the money directly. A special certificate is issued, which indicates the right to cover part of the costs. This document is provided to the financial institution when applying for benefits for the purchase of housing.

Additional conditions, which a young family must meet:

  • In a family, one or both spouses must work, and the family income must be at least 2 times the monthly loan payments;
  • It is necessary to have confirmation from local authorities that the family really needs to improve their living conditions;

After researching the family as a candidate for a social mortgage, a special certificate is issued, which will later be required for the package of documents.

Social mortgage for state employees

State employees are employees of government agencies. Often, this category of the population receives a very small salary, and therefore has the right to apply for housing benefits.

State employees include:

  • teachers;
  • young scientists;
  • doctors;
  • military personnel.

State employees have the right to count on the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to purchase housing at cost;
  • partial reimbursement of housing costs from the state budget.

Local authorities may offer another form of social support for public sector employees. Details should be obtained by contacting the authorized authorities.

Doctors, Being employees of budgetary organizations, they can apply for a social mortgage. However, to do this they must meet a number of requirements:

  • Live in cramped circumstances or in a rented apartment;
  • Have a special and higher education in the field of medicine, be a certified specialist;
  • To apply for participation in the state program, an employee must have worked in the medical field for at least 1 year. The period may vary in different regions of the country;
  • The maximum age of a participant does not exceed 35 years, in some regions - 40 years;
  • An employee who receives mortgage benefits must subsequently work in this field for at least 5 years.

Teachers may also qualify for a social mortgage. Conditions:

  • The applicant's age does not exceed 35 years;
  • Absence of any real estate ownership;
  • The applicant is a citizen of Russia;
  • The teacher must live in the region in which he works;
  • Work experience - from 1 year;
  • The borrower is solvent. In practice, mortgage payments should not exceed 45% of his official salary;
  • Have a positive reference from the place of work, in particular, there must be no reprimands.

When a special commission reviews candidates, priority support is given to village workers, as well as teachers who have moved from the city to the village to carry out work activities.

U military housing problem is the main one. To solve this problem, the state developed a special program in 2004 to help get housing as profitably as possible.

The essence of the program: a special account is opened for a military man, into which a fixed amount is received monthly. You can use these funds only after 3 years of military service. The maximum amount of savings cannot exceed 2.4 million rubles.

The accumulated funds can be used as a down payment or to cover an existing mortgage debt.

Procedure for obtaining a social mortgage

Each region has its own procedure for obtaining a mortgage. However, it is not enough to find out the conditions for participation in the program and collect the necessary documents. A citizen who applies for improved housing conditions must stand in a special queue.

The decision to provide a social mortgage is made by executive authorities. A special commission determines those who most need housing. Next, information on a specific participant is transmitted to Rosstroy. Only after this can the family receive a special certificate.

Conditionally procedure for obtaining a social mortgage looks like this:

  1. Applying for a social mortgage. The application is submitted to the city administration or to your superiors. It takes into account which group of beneficiaries you belong to. By submitting your application, you have officially joined the queue.
  2. Familiarization with the nuances of lending. To do this, contact a bank that cooperates with the state under this program. You will be able to find out: the interest rate, features of monthly payments, the maximum period for which the loan is provided, the package of necessary papers, etc.
  3. When it is the applicant’s turn, a social mortgage agreement is drawn up. Treasured housing becomes available.

The idea of ​​the project proposed by Sberbank is to organize support for young families in order to provide them with the necessary conditions for the rapid improvement of the existing conditions of residential property. To make the “Young Family” mortgage loan attractive to more families, it was supplemented with preferential innovations that ensured the necessary conditions for the acceptable return of the loan amount and accrued interest to the Bank.

What are the required conditions for the “Young Family” mortgage in Sberbank for 2016?

Loan processing standards have been simplified to the maximum. Representatives of members of society, called a young family, only need to work at their place of work for 4 months. The total length of service required is more than six months. The total contribution paid initially should not be less than 10%.

A bonus for users of the banking service is the participation of relatives and parents in the person of co-borrowers. Those interested will be able to participate in the application. The bank will consider the total income of all applicants and family members, including pensions and other social contributions.

To receive their loan, parents do not need to have any preferential certificates from government agencies, as is required for a social mortgage. Sberbank provides simple conditions that young participants in financial relations encounter every day. It may be noted that the mortgage forecast for 2016 from Sberbank is favorable in terms of calculations and payments. Competition will be low, because there are already 40% fewer people willing to borrow money for housing from the bank. Moreover, the scope of the repayment period can be independently determined when submitting an application from one and a half dozen months, for example, and up to 30 years according to the maximum allowed by the bank.

Obtaining a “Young Family” mortgage loan is guaranteed if people representing a young family meet certain criteria:

  • The age of spouses is limited to a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 35 years;
  • They are able to work and are financially ready to repay the loan amount provided by Sberbank, including interest;
  • The acquisition or construction of housing will take place on Russian territory;
  • Availability of family capital, if there are children, at least 10% of the total cost of residential property that is planned to be purchased; those who do not have children yet are required to contribute at least 15%;
  • Representatives of single-parent families are also no exception, where the age of the only existing parent also does not exceed 35 years and who has children.

The banking organization makes another bonus for representatives of young families with a new addition. For a three-year period with a continuous duration, from the moment of the birth of the child, credit holidays are provided for the existing mortgage loan. The condition for this surprise must be timely payment of loan payments, including interest.

About the procedure for obtaining documents “Young Family”

As with any bank, Sberbank clients need to go through several stages to collect a standard package of documents. It is imperative that you get everything you need. And to decide for yourself how long to take out a loan, Sberbank’s 2016 “Young Family” mortgage calculator will come in handy. After all, with each season, the features of receiving interest may change, which is especially important for users.

The sequence of actions for obtaining a loan is represented by this algorithm:

  • Drawing up an application when visiting the nearest branch of the Sberbank network;
  • Providing the client with a list of necessary documents;
  • Collection of documentation according to the received list with subsequent provision to the lending representative at Sberbank;
  • Waiting for a decision on the application;
  • In case of a favorable response for the user, subsequent execution of the contract;
  • Mandatory insurance of the loan collateral from Sberbank;

By the time you receive a loan, it is worth obtaining and collecting a certain list of documents on the availability, construction and functionality of housing to provide by the time the contract is concluded.

It is unlikely that users will want to delay making a decision, because Sberbank’s mortgage forecast for 2017 does not imply any changes for loan recipients.

It is impossible to obtain agreement approval from bank management for any of the mortgages for young families without:

  • The original with a copy of the identity document of each participant (passport);
  • Documents informing the amount of official income of loan participants (certificates 2-);
  • Originals with original copies of documents indicating marriage, birth of one or more children;
  • With the participation of co-borrowers - documents confirming the relationship of the main borrowers;
  • If there are government benefits, a subsidy certificate for making the first payment.

Additional conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank in 2016

The banking product has some nuances. Modern users will be able to provide suitable conditions for obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank in 2016. There are enough preferential points to provide them to needy citizens. Among them are able-bodied citizens, including pension recipients. Among the users of privileges are employees of establishments that have received accreditation from Sberbank. When using a Sberbank payment card to transfer salary payments from other financial organizations to it.

It will not significantly change the interest rate calculation if there is no element in the form of children in a young developing family or there is 1 offspring:

  • 0.5%, if there is no personal card issued by Sberbank for transferring the client’s salary contributions;
  • 1% upon refusal of the desired registration of a life and health insurance policy directly by the borrower in accordance with the requirements provided by the Bank.

Sberbank “Young Family” mortgage calculator 2016

A publicly available tool that banks use when calculating certain loan conditions is presented in the form of an online calculator. As a result of the calculation, the payment amounts and terms that the family can realistically count on will be revealed. To do this, they should indicate:

  • Housing price;
  • Amount of own funds;
  • A loan amount that is not enough for the purchase;
  • Indicators of terms of years, months for lending;
  • The cost of housing according to an independent expert assessment;
  • The lending percentage is commensurate with the collateral;
  • The amount of the monthly payment for the loan and insurance premium, their total amount;
  • The amount of monthly income of all participants in the mortgage.

It is equally important to find out the terms of mortgage insurance at Sberbank in 2016 for those wishing to acquire separate housing. The calculation option is presented below.

Such circumstances for obtaining a “Young Family” mortgage in any of the Sberbank branches are provided for all citizens planning to acquire housing without saving the required amount for a long time.

The unstable situation in the state's economy has led to a decrease in Russians' interest in purchasing real estate. In order to somehow support the country's population, the state decided to extend its preferential mortgage lending programs. In 2016, those in need of housing will be able to take advantage of special, very attractive offers.

The essence of preferential mortgages in 2016

The preferential lending program for next year will have its own characteristics. The state decided to issue preferential mortgages only if the borrower intends to purchase real estate from the developer. It will not be possible to purchase housing from an individual, even if it is a new apartment, with support from the state. Funds from preferential mortgages can also be used to participate in shared construction.

The interest rate on preferential mortgages in 2016 will be 12%. Banks that agree to issue mortgage loans to the population at such a low interest rate will receive a subsidy from the state. Next year, the following financial institutions plan to support the state social housing lending project: Gazprombank, Sberbank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB24, Otkritie Bank, Bank of Moscow and many others. The bank will agree to preferential lending only if the property is purchased from a developer accredited by it. In this way, banks try to reduce the borrower’s risk of ending up in a difficult situation due to concluding a deal with fraudulent developers. In this case, the bank itself receives liquid collateral.

Social mortgage terms for 2016

The basic conditions for lending with state support for the next year are now known, and these rules are the same for all financial and credit organizations. A down payment of 20% will be required. The maximum repayment period for the loan debt will be 30 years. For St. Petersburg and the Moscow region, the maximum loan size with government support is 8 million. For residents of other regions, this figure decreases to 3 million. The annual rate will not exceed 12%. If desired, the bank will be able to set a lower annual rate.

A person who wishes to take advantage of such an offer must be prepared for the fact that in order to receive the most favorable rate, he will need to take out several insurance policies at once: insure the collateral property, his life and health, and also pay for a disability insurance policy. Each bank may set other restrictions. For example, state support at Sberbank cannot be combined with other preferential or promotional offers. In the case of receiving a housing loan under a social program, a person will not even be able to use maternity capital.

Who is entitled to a social mortgage loan in 2016?

Every person who needs to purchase housing and meets the requirements established by the lending bank will be able to take part in the preferential housing lending program. It is worth noting that in addition to the preferential annual interest rate, such citizens will receive an offer to purchase real estate at about 20% cheaper, in comparison with the cost of similar properties on the real estate market.

It remains to be noted that preferential mortgages involve a number of preferences, for example,

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