Whether to remove the battery at night in winter. Storage of different types of batteries in the winter. Why do not many people throw off the terminal

Many motorists in winter refuse personal transport completely or go on trips on it much less often than usual. There are several reasons for this, and the main one is the presence of snow on the roads. At the same time, not all drivers care about maintaining the battery in the winter, leaving it connected to the terminals in the usual mode for weeks or months. Such negligence can lead to a complete discharge of the battery or its failure due to the short circuit of one of the cans. To prevent this from happening, you should take care of the question of how to store the battery in winter.

Should the battery be removed from the car in winter?

There is an opinion that car batteries must be removed in winter to retain their maximum charge. This statement is true, but not always; in some cases, less radical solutions can be dispensed with.

In "warm winter" conditions (when the air temperature in the place where the car is stored does not drop below -10 degrees), in order to maintain the maximum battery charge and not bother moving the battery, it is recommended to reset one of the terminals onboard network from the power source. We recommend to avoid the risk of getting "plus" to ground and short circuiting the on-board network. By removing one of the terminals from the car battery, it will be possible to greatly reduce the process of discharging the power source.

If the temperature in the place where the car is standing has dropped significantly below -10 degrees Celsius, you should think about moving the battery to a warmer room. At the same time, do not forget that from the on-board network of the car, the settings of electronic systems will be reset.

How to store the battery in winter?

The main thing to remember about the safety of the battery in the winter is its position in space. Never store the battery vertically or on its side. The power source, dry-charged or filled with electrolyte, must always stand horizontally.

To store the battery in winter, you need to choose the right place according to the following criteria:

  • The battery case must not be exposed to direct sunlight. That is why, if there is a choice between storing the battery in a pantry or on a balcony, it is better to give preference to a pantry or any other "dark" room where the sun's rays do not fall. The danger of sunlight hitting the battery during its storage is that they can cause deformation of the case, and this will lead to malfunction of the power source after connecting to the car;
  • The temperature in the place where the battery is stored must be above -5 degrees Celsius. You can leave the power source to winter in the cellar or basement, where the temperature, if it drops below zero, is not much;
  • The room should be well ventilated and not have high humidity. This is due to the fact that during self-discharge, the battery releases a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen, which is explosive. During long-term storage, self-discharge is inevitable, and its value depends on the air temperature - the higher, the more.

Storing a battery with electrolyte requires not only the correct selection of the room, but also its preparation for wintering. Many forums write that the electrolyte should be drained from the battery for better preservation in winter - this is a lie. Moreover, before storage, it is necessary to check the electrolyte level in the battery. If it turns out to be low, then add distilled water to the battery, and then charge it as much as possible.

Attention: The battery can only be filled with distilled water. Never top up with tap water or acid, as this may cause unwanted reactions that will destroy the power supply.

Long-term battery storage using boric acid without refueling

As a last resort, if it is not possible to regularly charge the battery to the limit values ​​in winter, boric acid should be used to reduce self-discharge. Similarly, you can store a “spare” power source for a car in a garage or apartment for many months. To reduce self-discharge, a 5% solution of boric acid is poured into the battery according to the following system:

Attention: Boric acid is susceptible to temperature changes, so it is necessary to store a battery filled with it in a relatively warm place at a temperature above 0 degrees Celsius. However, do not forget that the power supply housing should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

A "canned" battery can be stored for more than 15 years at a temperature of 0 degrees Celsius. In warmer conditions, its shelf life becomes shorter. Experts do not recommend storing the battery without checking at temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius for more than 9 months.

To restore the battery to a healthy state after storage using boric acid, follow the instructions below:

  1. Boric acid slowly drains from the battery - within 15-20 minutes;
  2. After the boric acid is completely drained, the required volume of electrolyte is poured into the battery, which is a mixture of sulfuric acid with distilled water with a density of 1.83 g / cm 3. Add electrolyte should be at a temperature of 15 to 30 degrees Celsius;

After renewing the electrolyte in the battery, you must make sure that its density does not decrease. To do this, it is better to leave the battery for 40 minutes, and then measure the density of the electrolyte. If everything is in order, the battery can be installed on the car and be sure that at the most inopportune moment there will be no need

If you need to remove the battery, you need to know how to properly remove the car battery, following the sequence and a number of important points. Of course, many people simply take the car to a service where specialists will do everything, but sometimes this is not only inconvenient, but also unprofitable. If you want to clean the sump, charge the battery or perform a replacement, or do something else, but you cannot do without removing the battery, then read this article to end.

There is a whole host chargers(ZU). Among them there are both home-made devices and those bought in specialized stores. It must be remembered that the temperature of the electrolyte during charging increases, it begins to boil, toxic gases are released. Therefore, it is recommended not only to carefully ventilate the room, but also to unscrew the lids of the jars. If the charger charges the battery very quickly, then this is not good. This indicates an irregular current supply, which is detrimental to our battery. On average, 30 minutes of charging corresponds to 70 hours of operation.

Preparatory work before installing the battery

The installation process itself is performed in the reverse order from removal, however, you need to prepare the seat and the battery itself. The pallet on which the battery is installed must be cleaned of oxide, it is often very dirty, so it can be brushed over metal and wiped with a clean rag. The same applies to the rubber lining, it is advisable to rinse and wipe it, and then install it on a pallet.

Sometimes motorists find that the seat under the battery has been corroded, as a result of which it is not reliable. In this case, a replacement is recommended. It is also desirable to pre-treat the battery, wipe it, wash it if possible, but you need to make sure that water does not get on the terminals and in the battery banks. It is advisable to rub the wires with sandpaper, as they oxidize at the points of contact, due to which the current permeability deteriorates. On this, all the preparatory work can be considered completed and proceed to the direct installation.

Learning how to properly install the battery

Lay the rubber lining on the cleaned pallet. Next, we put the battery, it should be installed approximately in the center. This is extremely important, since the mount may loosen on a large pit or bump, and the battery will be damaged on the impeller, but this only applies to cars of the VAZ family.

After we installed the battery in her starting position, fix the clamping bar. We have already said above that we have two poles on the batteries: plus and minus. You need to connect plus to plus, and minus, respectively, to minus. If you do not follow this simple rule, the device will quickly fail. In addition, a short circuit will occur, which can ruin almost the entire network, from the dimensions to the fuses responsible for the wipers, etc. The wires connected to the battery terminals should not be under tension, as they may break while driving , and that's no good.

What everyone should remember when working with batteries

Under no circumstances should work be carried out with the engine running. Firstly, it is dangerous to health, secondly, wires, batteries and fuel hoses can be damaged, and much more. There is also a risk of electric shock while the generator is running. After the above instructions, you should have a clear understanding of how to properly remove the battery. The sequence looks like this:

  • removal of the "minus";
  • weakening of the "plus";
  • removal of the clamping bar (battery mount);
  • take out the battery.

If you did not find the battery in engine compartment, then most likely it is located directly in the trunk or under the rear seat in the car. In this case, the removal sequence is exactly the same and does not differ from the one described above.


In conclusion, I would like to say that the battery can serve for more than 5 years, but for this it needs constant care. Maintaining the charge level as well as cleanliness are fundamental factors. Under no circumstances should you overcharge. As for removal and installation, after you have done this operation several times, you will not have a question: how to remove the battery from the car, etc. The main thing is to follow the instructions, take precautions and do not work in a hurry.

The battery is needed to start the vehicle's engine. Its serviceability makes the mechanism work stable. Vehicle downtime, which often occurs in the winter, does not have the best effect on the condition of the battery. Storage rules in the cold season will help maintain its performance.

  • dry-charged - designed for self-refueling with electrolyte, after which the battery is ready for operation without requiring an additional charge;
  • filled with electrolyte during the production process (maintenance-free) - equipped with special elements that absorb moisture and prevent the electrolyte from flowing out of the case;
  • gel - the electrolyte is contained in a thickened state (they are resistant to heavy loads, fast charging and endurance to deep discharges);
  • motorcycle - the electrolyte is absorbed into the absorbed fiberglass.

Battery photo gallery

Motorcycle batteries are subjected to high electrical loads
The gel battery is the safest and most durable of all types of batteries.
A maintenance-free battery does not allow you to check the electrolyte level, but requires periodic charging

A dry-charged battery requires periodic checking of the electrolyte level and the addition of distilled water.

Is winter storage required?

Some motorists remove the battery at night and take it home. Is there a need for this or is it a relic of the past? Only one thing can be said for sure - it makes no sense to perform such a procedure every day. AT winter time, if the frost does not drop to 30 degrees, and the car is used regularly, it is enough to remove the battery twice a month to charge it.

It is also possible that accumulator battery already old, so it does not withstand spending the night on the street in winter. In this case, you also need to take care to bring it into heat. Although in such a situation it is better to purchase a new battery, since it is troublesome to constantly remove it and bring it home.

Owners who rarely use the car in winter should take care of keeping the battery warm. Even if it is fully operational, it will sit down in idle mode in just two weeks. Bring the battery into heat at night if severe frosts are expected. In this case, you should not take risks and leave the device in the car, otherwise in the morning it may simply not start. If the car is not used at all in winter, the battery is removed and stored separately from it throughout the cold season.

Preparatory work

To prevent the battery from being discharged during downtime, it is necessary to disconnect one terminal from it. In this case, the loss of charge will be, but insignificant. However the best option the battery will be stored in a warm room in the winter. When the battery is removed, the car will painlessly perceive the absence of voltage. You could even say that it will benefit him.

When removing the battery, first disconnect the negative and then the positive terminal, which avoids a short circuit

Dry battery

Preparation of a dry battery is carried out in the following way:

  1. The corks of the jars are unscrewed, and the electrolyte level is measured through the holes using a glass tube. Its quantity can also be estimated from the marks that are present inside each can. If the battery is transparent, the electrolyte level is visible from the outside. In this case, marks are usually applied to the battery case. The electrolyte level must be within 12 mm. If the value obtained is less, it is required to add distilled water.
  2. The density of the electrolyte is checked, its indicator should be 1.25–1.29, but not differ by more than 0.01. If this condition is not met, you need to achieve an average value. When the density is greater, distilled water is added, with a lower value, battery acid is poured.
  3. The surface of the battery is washed with a solution of baking soda to neutralize the acid, and the terminals are treated with conductive grease.
  4. The body surface is checked for damage.
  5. The battery is charged, wrapped in plastic wrap or a rag to avoid possible external influences, and placed in the designated storage area.

If it is not possible to charge a serviced battery, fill it with a solution of boric acid (5%). You will need to perform actions in the following sequence:

  1. The battery is fully charged.
  2. The electrolyte solution is drained within 15 minutes.
  3. Distilled water is poured inside, the battery is thoroughly washed 2 times.
  4. Boric acid solution is poured.

filled with electrolyte

To prepare the device for storage, the following sequence of actions is performed:

  1. The degree of charge of the device is estimated - if it is low, then it is increased using an external charger.
  2. The battery is removed from the machine, the terminals are disconnected in the correct sequence.
  3. The body of the device is cleaned of traces of contamination.
  4. The battery is wrapped in a rag or plastic wrap and sent for storage.


Such batteries are maintenance-free devices. In addition, they are resistant to atmospheric and other types of external influences. To prepare your device for winter storage:

  1. Recharge the battery if it is low. It should be remembered that gel batteries are very demanding on voltage. During the charging process, it should remain unchanged, not exceed 14.4 V.
  2. Remove the device from the vehicle.
  3. Allocate a place to store the battery and place it in any position.

The gel battery is able to work even with a damaged case, but it still doesn’t hurt to check it.

for motorcycle

Before you send a motorcycle battery for "wintering", it must be prepared:

  1. The device is removed from the motorcycle.
  2. The battery warms up to room temperature and is fully charged. In this case, it is important to pay attention to which electrochemical system is used in it. Modern motorcycles are equipped with lithium-iron or lithium-copper batteries. Charging them yourself is not recommended. Given that devices of this type have a lower capacity than car batteries, a special charger is used in this case.
  3. The battery is examined for damage and sent to a dry, dark place for storage.

Home storage rules

There are several rules that should be followed to ensure the complete safety of the battery. Each type of battery has its own nuances and storage features.

Batteries should not be placed near hygroscopic materials, as acid fumes can damage them.

The storage area should be dark, dry and well ventilated. The optimum temperature is 0˚С. During storage, the battery should not come into contact with textiles and other products. In addition, you need to protect the battery from direct sunlight, as they can destroy its coating, which will lead to the loss of its original properties. Do not forget to check the degree of its charge every month in order to increase it if necessary.

The serviced accumulator is stored in vertical position. Its plugs are wrapped tightly so that moisture does not get inside. The body of the device must be dry and sealed. When storing such a battery, it is necessary to keep a distance of at least 1 meter from heaters. The plugs should be checked periodically - if they have moved away, they will need to be tightened again tightly, after which the battery can be installed in its original place. It is advisable to store the device on a stand.


The storage requirements for a flooded battery are practically the same as for dry-charged batteries. True, you don’t have to check how tight the plugs are. The instrument is also placed in a dry room with low humidity and good ventilation, installed vertically. It is recommended to avoid sudden changes in temperature, as this may adversely affect battery performance in the future. If the battery has been used for less than a year, it does not always require additional charging. In other cases, the device is usually charged every three months.


Gel batteries require recharging much less frequently than other types of batteries. It is enough to do this once a season, sometimes more often. The main thing is not to interrupt the process, but to bring it to the end. For example, if you stop at 70%, the device will not be able to reach the required capacity next time. Therefore, a fully charged battery must be delivered to the storage room. If it is serviceable, most likely, you will not have to carry out any manipulations with it. Although, periodic checks do not hurt. Gel batteries withstand temperatures from -35˚C to +60˚C and can be installed in any position. The room does not require additional ventilation.


If the motorcycle is in a dry garage that is heated and its temperature is at least 15 ° C, the battery can not be removed. It is enough to restrict ourselves to disconnecting the negative terminal so that the device does not self-discharge. If the conditions are not suitable for storing the battery, it will have to be removed and taken to a warmer place. During the winter, you will need to charge 3-4 times.

Restoration of working condition

At the end of winter, the battery should be prepared for use. First, a solution poured in the fall is drained from it. It is worth noting that this must be done slowly, at the same pace at which it was filled. In time, draining the acid takes about 20 minutes. Then the device is washed several times from the inside with distilled water. It is advisable that she stand in the battery banks for 10 minutes to get the best effect. When the battery is thoroughly washed, electrolyte is poured into it and left for 40 minutes. This is necessary to check that its density has remained unchanged. Otherwise, you will need to adjust this indicator, focusing on the marks.

After performing these steps, the device is completely ready for operation, it can be installed in vehicle. The terminals are connected in reverse order when compared to the process of removing the battery.

If you follow the established rules for storing the battery and use it correctly, it will last a very long time.

Recently I wrote an article - about, in it I indicated that there is one old "grandfather method" of verification. We just throw off the terminal with the engine running (any, but more conveniently negative) and if the car does not stall, then the generator is alive. And comments immediately went to me that it was impossible to do this, that everything would burn down (in the sense of wiring and other electrics). Is it really possible to do this? Also, many of my readers are interested in the question - is it possible to remove the battery for a long time, say for several months, for example, for the winter, if the car is not in operation? Let's find out what...

Before talking about a running engine, I would like to start with a long-term removal of the battery, for example, for the winter, because many novice drivers do not move, say, in winter, that is, they put the car in a kind of parking lot. Do I need to remove the battery first?

Why remove the battery for the winter

Guys, everything is simple here - they take it off so as not to “kill” the battery! If the machine is not in operation, but the terminals are connected to the battery, then the discharge microcurrents are still present, of course, someone has a much larger leak, someone has a much smaller one, but it is present anyway (by the way, like her). Also, do not forget about self-discharge currents, even the most ideal battery can discharge itself for a long idle time. YES, to be honest, the batteries are not always clean from above, that is, they may contain dirt, moisture (for example, precipitation, evaporation, etc.), antifreeze and a lot of things. All this can drain the battery, albeit slowly but surely.

Can I rent for a long time?

Let's just say that after three to four months, the battery can lose 25% of its capacity, and after six months, about 50%. If such a discharged battery remains under the hood of the car for the winter, then it will, moreover, in such a way that it may break the case.

Therefore, removing the battery from the car, even if it is a foreign car or our VAZ, GAZ, UAZ, etc., during long-term parking is DESIRABLE! Take the battery home, leave it in the vestibule, pantry, on the balcony in the end and occasionally, at least once a month or two, check its voltage. Recharge if necessary.

Of course, if you leave the car for two or three weeks, then there is no need to remove it, here, this will be enough.

What will happen to the car if you removed the battery for a long time? There is such a myth that all settings will be lost, everything will be reset to such an extent that almost a new firmware will need to be downloaded!

With responsibility, I can say guys, this is a MYTH, and nothing more. All basic settings are sewn into on-board computer and forever! And they are energetically independent! THIS SHOULD BE UNDERSTOOD. If you follow the logic of “such users”, if you remove the terminals from the battery (for a long time, for example, for a week), then all information from the computer, including mileage, will be thrown off. After all, now it is electronic and is located in electronic unit management. BUT HE DOES NOT RESET, all because, I emphasize again, THERE IS NO ENERGY DEPENDENCE!

Of course, your radio settings, time, date, audio equipment settings will be reset, but all this is quickly configured and this data is not important for the operation of the car. Adaptation from modern automatic transmissions will also be thrown off, but after 50-100 km, after starting, the automatic transmission will again remember your driving style, these are the so-called adaptive automatic transmissions.

Therefore, removing the battery for a long time from the car, ABSOLUTELY, will not cause any harm to it, THIS IS A FACT. Do not believe the stories of grief professionals.

To be fair, it should be noted - that there are complex, expensive (often representative brands of cars, such as Infiniti, Lexus and others), they have a battery removal, difficult and it is not always recommended to remove it for a long time. This is because they can have up to several control units in their car, and if the main one is non-volatile, then the rest have built-in small batteries that need to be powered by the main one. If you remove the battery for a long time, from 2 to 6 months, then these small batteries may not be enough. After starting the vehicle, various functions may not work, such as automatic adjustment rear seats And so on. Of course, this is also not critical, BUT UNPLEASANT!

Such machines from total weight not so much (literally a few percent), AND OFTEN IN THE OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS THE PROCEDURE FOR REMOVING THE BATTERY COMES WITH LIMITATIONS! It's worth remembering. BUT in the remaining 95 - 98% of cases, you can shoot without fear.

Can I shoot with the engine running?

There are two camps here - some say that it is possible and nothing terrible will happen, others that everything that is possible will burn!

Personally, I think that it is possible to remove the battery for a short time, for example, to start a neighboring car “completely dead” (and there are no wires for lighting), then quickly remove it and put it back.

By the way, in this way you can check the operability of the generator, watch my video (if you don’t want to wait, wind it right away at 14:21 minutes).

BUT you should do everything VERY CAREFULLY, let's point by point:

  • Short circuit . Actually, when the engine is running, the generator is generating electric current, respectively, a plus goes to the positive terminal, and a minus to the negative terminal. If you remove the battery, THEN IN NO EVENT SHOULD THE positive terminal come into contact with the car body, otherwise a strong short circuit will occur, and then all the wiring and electronics can burn! After all, the generator can produce quite strong currents. That is, the positive terminal must be isolated from the metal parts of the body, because it is through it that the mass goes, that is, the negative part is connected.
  • Voltage fluctuations. Many wrote to me that - "when removing the terminal, the whole electrician can burn out (and it's not even a short circuit), but simply from a power surge." As I consider it to put it mildly "not true". Why? I justify - look, the generator is a “not stupid” dynamo machine, it is essentially a very smart unit; it has a special “”. What he does, he tritely stabilizes the voltage, that is, he does not allow it to exceed the bar of 14.5 Volts. After all, in fact, the generator high speed can give out 15 and even 17 volts, such a voltage will be detrimental to most devices, and so, this regulator “stabilizes” by cutting off excess voltage from above. So, if we remove the battery, then again, nothing terrible will happen, the voltage in the network will remain the same as it was from 13.8 to 14.5V. DAMN WELL FROM WHAT SHOULD HE RIDE? If you want to play it safe a little, you can give a load in the form of headlights, stoves, heated windows and seats, then the voltage will drop to about 13.7 - 14V., that's all! And in fact, the battery is nothing more than a current consumer (load), if it is undercharged, it receives charging from the generator, if it is charged, it does not receive anything! WHY EVERYTHING SHOULD BURN THAT, EXPLAIN, PLEASE?

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