How many horsepower does a Tesla have. Cars of the company "Tesla": models, characteristics, prices. The history of the model

In mid-January 2020, in response to a petition filed with the NHTSA complaining about the "sudden unexpected acceleration" of various Tesla electric vehicle models, the manufacturing company issued a statement that all of the allegations presented were "absolutely false". Tesla called the person who filed the petition a speculator - it turned out that the petition was submitted by Brian Sparks, an independent investor who buys Tesla shares.

Investigation petition filed by independent investor Brian Sparks contained 127 complaints from Tesla electric car owners. different models and years of release.

Tesla's relationship with government regulators, including the NHTSA and NTSB, is hardly calm. However, Tesla says in a statement that the company "has passed all NHTSA audits and routinely [reviews] customer complaints of unintended acceleration with regulators." The company claims that most of the complaints from the petition have already been addressed by regulators, and "the data confirmed that the cars functioned normally."


Half of Tesla electric vehicles are sold with defects

Thousands of Tesla Owners Can't Unlock Cars Due to App Crash

In early September 2019, Tesla electric car owners faced a massive problem: they couldn't open the car due to an app crash.

To unlock central locking Tesla electric car, you can use a key card with a radio tag, a key fob or mobile app. The latter method became so popular among some car owners that they stopped carrying physical keys with them. It was these users who were caught off guard on September 2, 2019, when the smartphone software crashed and they couldn't get into the car.

There have been numerous complaints from electric vehicle owners on social media. Here, for example, writes a Twitter user under the nickname @ethlie.

The automaker confirmed the problem, but did not name the cause of its occurrence. According to the Extreme Tech portal, the failure was observed within 3.5 hours. During this period, motorists called Tesla complaining about the problem.

In this case, the car could be opened using a physical key or key fob, which are included in the delivery.

The technical issue with the Tesla app was also identified by Downdetector, which monitors website issues and user complaints on social media. In total, over a thousand complaints were noted, mainly related to the inability to log in to the Tesla application.

Tesla car burned down in Moscow after an accident in electronic assistant mode

On August 10, 2019, an accident occurred at 37 km of the Moscow Ring Road in Moscow involving a Tesla electric car, which was moving in electronic assistant mode.

The Tesla driver turned out to be the general director of Arikapital Management Company, 41-year-old Alexei Tretyakov, who was traveling with two children.

The man added that he was not driving on a full-fledged autopilot, but behind the wheel with the “driver assistant” function turned on. According to Tretyakov, he escaped with a broken leg, and the children sitting in the back seat with minor bruises.

A video appeared on the Internet, the author of which filmed the moment of the explosion of the Tesla electric car. Flashes are clearly visible on the frames, after which the car was almost completely engulfed in fire and thick smoke. The car was completely destroyed.

The managing partner of the Moscow Tesla Club, Igor Antarov, in a conversation with the Moscow 24 TV channel, said that the driving time on the autopilot of the Tesla electric car is being trained.

This is not the first time that a Tesla electric car has crashed into parked vehicles in autopilot mode. Tesla says drivers should keep their hands on the steering wheel, even when the autopilot is on, to take control of the car if necessary.

Battery capacity in Tesla electric vehicles drops after software update. Driving without recharging is reduced by 64 km

In early August 2019, the owner of a Tesla electric car filed a lawsuit against the manufacturer, alleging that the company limited the battery capacity of older cars with a software update. This scheme, according to the plaintiff, was supposed to help the company avoid a costly recall of defective batteries under the pretext of "customer protection".

Thousands of Model S and X owners around the world have already noticed that the range of their older generation batteries has suddenly been reduced, some by as much as 40 miles (64 km). This topic has been hotly debated on dedicated forums such as, where many owners have spoken in detail about the problem that arose after the next software update. Some users claim that the restriction was introduced on purpose - by doing so, the company is trying to depreciate the car, forcing owners to purchase a new model.

Plaintiff David Rasmussen, owner of a 2014 Model S 85, notes a decrease in battery capacity of approximately 8 kWh, but Tesla claims that this decrease was inevitable. The company spokesman added that the decision was related to the safety of the car - after the incident of spontaneous combustion of an electric vehicle in Hong Kong, the manufacturer carefully reviewed the charge and temperature control settings on the S and X models. The purpose of the software update was to "protect the battery and extend the life her service." However, the company has taken into account the claims of users and is working on a problem.

According to messages on the forum, some owners have dealt with the problem on their own: some have sold the cars, others have gone to court for compensation, and still others have simply turned off the Wi-Fi in the electric car to avoid software updates.

Cracks in Tesla electric vehicles are sealed with electrical tape. A PHOTO

On July 15, 2019, it became known that workers at Tesla factories are using duct tape to seal cracks in electric vehicle parts. An article about working conditions and violations of production regulations at the company's California plant in Fremont (USA) was published by CNBC.

Four people working on the conveyor told the TV channel that managers recommend using insulating cable tape to repair damage to plastic pipes and housings. In support of this, photographs of Model 3 elements made of plastic were provided, the cracks in which were hastily sealed with electrical tape.

Several interlocutors also said that the plant has to work in the heat during the day and in the cold at night. In addition, during the wildfires in California in 2018, factory floors were filled with smoke that ventilation could not cope with. Workers also said they neglected water leak detection tests.

To understand what conditions we are talking about, it is worth noting that the plant is called "tent" because of the presence of an assembly line under the tent canopy. Such a solution was supposed to be temporary - while equipment and robots were set up inside the factory premises. But the tent has been around for four years, the publication says.

The Tesla press service called the photos a common anecdote among employees, which is misleading and does not reflect the conditions for assembling an electric car model.

However, the press repeatedly reported on the difficult working conditions at Tesla, and the founder and head of the company, Elon Musk, called them "industrial hell."

Fatal crash involving Tesla Model 3

On May 17, 2019, an accident involving a Tesla Model 3 became known. The Autopilot adaptive cruise control system was turned on at the time of the fatal accident in March 2019, when a passenger car drove under a semi-trailer, according to a preliminary report from the National Transportation Safety Board USA .

In 2015, Tesla updated customer vehicles to include Autopilot, an adaptive cruise control system. Since then, the company has updated the system many times and as of May 2019, Tesla vehicles are able to drive partially autonomously on highways, controlling acceleration, turning the steering wheel and changing lanes. At the same time, Tesla formally obliges the driver to monitor the traffic situation, keep his hands on the wheel and be always ready to intervene in the system. The car in autopilot mode monitors the presence of hands on the steering wheel and warns the driver with audible signals if the hands are removed. However, the company has been criticized by many industry experts for overstating the capabilities of the adaptive cruise control system. For example, the company sells the most feature-rich version of the cruise control system called Full Self-Driving Capability, which leads some customers to take the name literally and mistake the car for a fully unmanned vehicle, while the system does not even reach the third level of autonomy from five (according to SAE classification).

On March 1, 2019, a Tesla Model 3 car was involved in a traffic accident in the US state of Florida, as a result of which the driver died. The US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) conducted an investigation into the accident and released a preliminary report. Shortly before the incident, the car was driving on Highway 441 in Florida. A few seconds before the collision on the right across the road Tesla left the adjacent road truck tractor with a semi-trailer, after which a car crashed with the upper part of the body into a semi-trailer. Due to the collision, the semi-trailer actually cut off the roof of the car, which at the same time continued to move, stopping almost 500 meters from the collision site. The report notes that after entering the motorway, the truck braked, thereby blocking the path of the car.

The NTSB determined that the vehicle was under the control of the Autopilot system at the time of the collision, but neither it nor the driver attempted to avoid the collision. The system was activated 10 seconds before the collision and two seconds after activation, the driver removed his hands from the steering wheel, according to the sensors. In addition, the vehicle was traveling at 109 kilometers per hour at the time of the collision, even though the maximum speed limit on that stretch of road is 89 kilometers per hour (55 mph). Tesla confirmed that the Autopilot system was on at the time of the accident, but reminded drivers to keep their hands on the steering wheel and keep an eye on the situation.

This accident is almost identical to the first fatal accident involving Autopilot, which happened in 2016. Then the car also did not notice the truck that drove onto the highway and drove under its semi-trailer. It turned out that the Autopilot system did not notice the white trailer against the bright sky in the camera data, and the radar data did not help in this situation, because the system was configured to ignore high obstacles. Tesla has been repeatedly criticized by the self-driving car industry for its approach to automating driving. In particular, Tesla is known for its principled rejection of lidars, which provide direct data on volumetric objects around the car, in contrast to cameras, which can be interpreted ambiguously, as in the case of a white trailer against a bright sky.

This case was the third reliably confirmed fatal accident with the Autopilot system turned on. In addition to the mentioned case in 2016, another traffic accident occurred in 2018. In addition, relatives of the owner of a Tesla Model S who died in China in 2016 have been suing Tesla for several years, alleging that the autopilot was turned on during the accident, but the company says it cannot confirm this due to damage to the computer in the car.

Tesla electric car exploded in a parking lot for no reason. Video

As you can see in the video, at some point white smoke begins to come out from under the car, and after a few seconds it explodes, causing damage to a nearby car. According to the Shine publication, citing firefighters, Audi and Lexus cars standing nearby were damaged.

According to the owner of the exploded Tesla electric car, the car was bought about three and a half years ago and there were no serious problems with it. He also added that the electric car at the time of ignition was not on recharging.

The automaker also said no one was hurt in the incident. The circumstances of the incident are being investigated.

From 2013 to April 2019, there were at least 14 Tesla car fires, most of which occurred after an accident. Tesla has previously said that its electric vehicles are about 10 times less likely to catch fire compared to vehicles equipped with gasoline engine.

In Shanghai, where another Tesla electric car caught fire, the American company is building its first off-site car manufacturing plant. The total investment is estimated at about 50 billion yuan (about $7.4 billion). By 2020, the plant plans to start assembling the Tesla Model 3 and gradually reach an annual production volume of up to 500,000 vehicles. Commissioning of some assembly lines is expected by the end of 2019.

A famous jeweler was locked in a Tesla electric car for a long time

In early April 2019, celebrity jeweler Ben Baller shared on social media the story of being locked in a Tesla electric car, after which the company canceled his meeting with CEO Elon Musk.

Baller is the co-founder and head of Los Angeles-based diamond jewelry manufacturer If & Co. Baller is a longtime Tesla fan, but he still posted on Instagram about how he got locked in a Model X P100D SUV. The electric car went into low power mode, blocking all windows and doors, so that Baller could only get out of it after 47 minutes through the trunk.

Shortly after the publication, the jeweler was contacted by Musk's assistant, who said that his meeting with the company's CEO was cancelled. She also asked that from now on, Baller, if there are problems related to Tesla, contact the technical support department, and not publish information on social networks.

It is worth noting that the meeting was scheduled after Baller gave Musk a $37,000 ring with Tesla's name and logo as a gift. The jeweler said that he would sell the ring at auction and donate the money earned to charity. Baller also said he understands why their meeting was cancelled, but noted that the electric car incident had raised serious concerns about the safety of Tesla's products. He bluntly expressed that he would never let his children near such a car - Baller's child suffers from bronchial asthma, and he is not going to risk his son's health, waiting for a response from the technical support service.

Baller said that Tesla allowed him to terminate the Model X lease early without additional payment. Representatives of the company have so far refused to comment on the incident at the request of the media.

Tesla Model can be hacked and sent to the oncoming lane

In early April 2019, the Chinese company Tencent Keen Security, specializing in information security, talked about a Tesla autopilot hacking method, as a result of which an electric car can independently drive into the oncoming lane, creating a serious danger.

According to the researchers, the Tesla Autopilot adaptive cruise control system may incorrectly recognize points on the pavement, take them for road markings and turn off so as not to cross a non-existent marking line, including when driving into the oncoming lane.

The experiment was carried out in two stages. On the first of them, the existing marking line was unevenly sealed with white patches. In this scenario, the car may not "see" part or all of the lane.

At the second stage, the existing markup was not distorted - a new one was added. Specialists put three white squares on the asphalt, which partly blocked the lane and led to the oncoming one. The car recognized them as an extension of the right lane and, ignoring the left, drove into another lane.

The researchers were also able to access the steering system through the autopilot and control the car with a wireless gamepad. Moreover, it was possible to intercept control even when the autopilot was turned off.

In addition, information security specialists have found a way to trick the system responsible for the operation of the windshield wipers in the Tesla Model S. The wipers do not just react to water on the windshield, but are activated if the machine vision recognizes bad weather. The Chinese put a screen with an image created according to a special algorithm in front of the electric car, and the windshield wipers turned on.

Tesla responded to the experiment. The company said that hackers deliberately placed false signs on the road and changed the markings, which in real life hardly possible. The manufacturer also emphasized that in the event of an autopilot error, the driver must immediately take control or brake.

14,123 electric vehicles recalled due to defective airbags

The service campaign covered 14,123 Tesla Model S units sold in China from February 4, 2014 to December 9, 2016, the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) said in a statement. The recall and replacement will take effect from April 10, 2019.

All recalled electric vehicles were produced in . In early 2019, Tesla launched construction on its Shanghai plant to offer electric vehicles to Chinese customers at discounted prices. The start of production of the Tesla Model 3 sedan at the Shanghai factory is scheduled for the end of 2019.

In addition to Tesla electric cars, tens of millions of other brands of vehicles have been recalled around the world, equipped with faulty Takata airbags, which may not deploy in a crash or work spontaneously in cases where it is not necessary, “shooting” metal fragments at the same time. Because of this defect, about 20 people died, more than 100 were injured of varying severity.

As SAMR explained, the parts in the airbags were created using ammonium nitrate without a desiccant, which is why there is a high risk that they will burst into pieces and cause injury to passengers and the driver of the car. Takata went bankrupt after it became aware of a number of deaths due to defects in their airbags.

Tesla announced that the recall of Model S electric vehicles released in 2012 with defective airbags began in 2017, and in 2018 the cars were recalled in 2013 model year. In 2019, the manufacturer reached the cars sold in 2014-2016.


Former Tesla employee showed defective batteries that were put in electric cars

In August 2018, former Tesla Motors employee Martin Tripp posted photos online that he said showed defective batteries in Model 3 electric vehicles.

At the end of June 2018, it became known about a lawsuit between Tesla founder and CEO Elon Musk and Martin Tripp, whom the engineer himself calls a "saboteur" due to the use of defective components.

According to Musk, Tripp hacked into the company's internal systems and stole trade secrets. Tripp himself believes that the former employer was angry with him because of the criticism - he pointed out defects in the assembly of the Model 3 sedan, which the businessman did not like very much.

To prove his case, Tripp posted several photos on the social network Twitter, which allegedly show damaged batteries. Pictures of vehicle identification numbers have also been released, which an ex-Tesla worker claims were shipped from the factory with faulty punctured battery packs.

Tripp later deleted his @trippedover account, apparently in fear of lawsuits. Photos disappeared with him, but they remained in the cache of the Google search engine.

Tripp's lawyer told CNBC that the client's account was not hacked. At the same time, the lawyer could not explain the reasons for removing the content.

Tesla itself denies ever using punctured batteries in electric vehicles. The company assured that cars with the same VIN codes that Tripp published are equipped with fully functional and safe batteries.

Tesla tricked out subsidies for electric vehicles. Motorists must pay 4 thousand euros

In July 2018, it became known that Tesla Motors had fraudulently obtained subsidies for electric vehicles. Now Model S owners must pay 4,000 euros to the state.

According to the Bloomberg news agency, citing a statement by the German Federal Service for Economics and Export Control (BAFA), the agency demanded that Tesla Model S buyers return a subsidy for electric cars to local authorities. The fact is that these cars are too expensive for their buyers to qualify for financial assistance from the state.

The payout program was designed specifically to boost sales of electric and hybrid vehicles powered by internal combustion engines and large battery electric motors.

As a result of the accident, the driver of the electric car received minor injuries. The police officers were not injured because they were not in the car at the time of the collision. The vehicles themselves were badly damaged. The police car was thrown onto the pavement, on which he climbed with two wheels.

The impact hit the left side of the police car. It is reported that the Tesla electric car was moving in automatic control mode.

The autopilot system in Tesla cars in 2018 is increasingly being criticized. Cars equipped with it more than once got into accidents, including fatal ones. Tesla says they emphasize that this technology is not designed to work without human intervention. It is an electronic assistant and can correct the course of the car or apply the brakes, but the driver should still keep his hands on the wheel and be ready to take control if necessary.

On May 11, 2018, an accident occurred in Salt Lake City when a Tesla Model electric car controlled by autopilot, when approaching a parked fire truck, accelerated instead of braking and crashed into it. As a result of the accident, the woman driving the Tesla suffered a broken ankle.

In May 2018, a Tesla Model 3 car, moving in autopilot mode, had an accident in Greece. It is noted that this is the first such accident involving budget sedan from Tesla in Europe.

The driver of the Tesla electric car crashed into a bump and burned in the car

On May 10, 2018, a new Tesla electric vehicle crash occurred, in which a person died. The driver of the car crashed into a barrier on the A2 motorway along the Monte Ceneri pass near the Swiss city of Bellinzona. A fire broke out and the man burned to death in the car.

The local prosecutor's office is investigating the fatal incident. Firefighters are investigating the version that the batteries of an electric car may have caused the fire, Reuters reported on May 16.

According to local police, a 48-year-old German citizen died in the crash. Crashing into a median barrier on the highway, his car rolled over and caught fire. The circumstances of the accident are still being clarified.

After the incident, the fire brigade from Bellinzona wrote on their Facebook page that the fire could have been caused by uncontrolled heating of the lithium-ion batteries of the electric vehicle before the collision. The comment was subsequently removed.

When asked by reporters over the phone, firefighters said they were investigating and declined to give further explanations, reports The Associated Press.

A spokesman for the prosecutor's office in the southern canton of Ticino told Reuters that it was premature to talk about the causes of the accident, as the authorities are still studying what could have led to the incident.

“The only thing that can be said with certainty is that a Tesla electric car was involved in the accident,” he added. When the results of the investigation should be expected, the representative of the procurators did not say.

Tesla driver was driving in the passenger seat and lost his license

At the end of April 2018, a British court sentenced 39-year-old driver Bhavesh Patel, who, while driving a Tesla Model S electric car, activated autopilot mode and moved to the passenger seat. Police became interested in the violation after a passing motorist posted a video on the Internet.

The incident happened in May 2017. The car in which Patel was traveling on the M1 highway in the city of Nottingham at a speed of about 60 km/h. At the same time, no one was driving the car, and the owner of the car was in the passenger seat with his hands folded behind his head.

Patel was found guilty of dangerous driving and sentenced to 100 hours of community service. He was also deprived driving license for a period of 18 months and fined £1,800, which the offender would have to pay to the Crown Prosecution Service as compensation for expenses. In addition, Patel will have to undergo a 10-day correctional course.

Bhavesh Patel pleaded guilty and called his act stupid, but noted that he was simply unlucky while testing the "delightful" feature, reports The Guardian.

Tesla engineers, who were brought in to investigate the incident, recalled that the autopilot system, including cruise control and steering function, is only intended to assist the driver, who is fully focused on the road.

Autopilot killed driver of Tesla electric crossover

At the end of March 2018, it became known about a fatal accident in which the Tesla Model X electric car got into. At the time of the accident, the car was driving in automatic control mode.

The accident occurred on March 23 on Highway 101 in Mountain View (California). The car, which was moving with the autopilot activated, crashed into a bump stop. The driver who died was Apple engineer Walter Huang. They managed to pull him out of the car before the fire, but he, unfortunately, died in the hospital from injuries sustained at the time of the collision.

Tesla disclosed the details of the investigation, despite the stamp "secret", for which it received criticism from the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB).

According to Tesla, the Model X's autopilot was activated prior to the fatal crash and the driver's hands were off the wheel for six seconds prior to hitting the median barrier. The company claims that the driver did not respond to visual and audible warnings from the vehicle electronics to return to manual control of the vehicle, and was able to see the barrier for five seconds and approximately 150m, but took no action.

The NTSB said it would investigate all aspects of the crash, including speculation that the driver had previously expressed concerns about the autopilot system. Tesla says it has no information about driver complaints.

Walter Huang crashed into a section of the fender that did not have a special buffer designed to soften the impact. They did not have time to replace him after some other accident that happened in the same place a little earlier. Tesla says that the consequences of the accident could not be so deplorable in the presence of a buffer.

Tesla Model S electric car

The company noted that negative impact the bolts are reacted with calcium or magnesium salts used to prevent icing on the roads. When road services use table salt, such problems do not arise. The bolts are made by the German company Bosch.

The company noted that there were no incidents and victims associated with a defect in electric cars. Even with a breakdown, the driver would retain control of the car, but would experience some inconvenience, according to Tesla.

The manufacturer began to send to the owners of electric vehicles with possible malfunction notification to come to the nearest Tesla dealership to fix the problem. It takes no more than an hour to eliminate the problem in the service, the company said.

This is not the first recall of Tesla electric vehicles. In October 2017, the company announced a voluntary recall of 11,000 Model X. During testing of the cars, they found cable debugging flaws that create a risk that the back of the left rear row seat could fold forward during an accident.

Problems with Tesla Model 3 production

At the end of January 2018, it became known that the problems that arose during the production of the Tesla electric car battery at the Gigafactory in Nevada turned out to be more serious than expected, and could lead to additional delays and quality problems with the Tesla Model 3. Several Tesla employees reported that some batteries are handcrafted, requiring additional labor.

The company has already delayed the start of Model 3 production, citing problems at the Gigafactory. On November 1, 2017, Tesla CEO Elon Musk assured investors that the company is taking steps to fix production issues and bring the Model 3 to market.

Despite the company's desire to automate production, just a month later, in December 2017, it became known that the company still produces batteries for the Model 3 partly by hand and enlisted Panasonic specialists to help with assembly. Panasonic is a Tesla partner and supplies electrochemical cells for batteries.

According to CNBC sources, Tesla has not come close to mass-producing batteries in the base model of the electric sedan.

Problems at the Gigafactory could prevent Tesla from reaching its goals, according to CNBC. Delays will reduce employee motivation, dissatisfy customers, and play into the hands of competitors.

But, despite the opinions of skeptics, some Tesla investors are optimistic about the current situation. Ben Kallo of RW Baird said:

crashed into a parked fire engine.

Representatives of the fire brigade of Culver City, California, whose car was damaged in an incident that occurred on the morning of January 22, 2018 on the 405 federal highway, said that the driver of the electric vehicle used an autopilot system that controls automatically.

The fire engine was parked in the left emergency lane. As a result of the incident, the Tesla electric car was badly damaged, and the fire engine also needs to be repaired.

Firefighters were in front of the car, eliminating the consequences of a previous accident. Thanks to this, a more tragic outcome was avoided. Reportedly, the collision was quite serious. According to the Mercury News, the electric car was moving at a speed of about 100 km / h, but it is not yet clear if he slowed down before the collision.

After the incident, Tesla said that "autopilot should only be used while carefully monitoring the traffic situation." The Model S owner's manual contains numerous warnings that autopilot and other semi-autonomous vehicle control functions should only be used if the driver is paying close attention to traffic.

In 2016, a car equipped with an autopilot system from an American manufacturer was involved in an accident that resulted in the death of the driver as a result of a collision with a truck. Then the National Transportation Safety Committee found that the driver had too much confidence in the autopilot.


High marriage rate

At the end of November 2017, it became known about the high level of defects in Tesla cars coming off the assembly line. Although these shortcomings are eliminated before the sale of cars to consumers, the American company suffers considerable losses on this.

Hacking by hackers

In June 2017, specialists from the cybersecurity company Keen Security Lab, owned by the Chinese IT giant Tencent, managed to seize control of the Tesla electric car, USA TODAY reports. The experts were able to remotely activate the Tesla Model X brake system, open the doors and trunk, and activate the car's headlights and radio.

Serial production of Model 3 - the most inexpensive electric vehicle in the Tesla lineup - will begin in September 2017. At the first stage, according to a statement released by the company, it is planned to produce about five thousand Model 3 per week, and during 2018 to increase production to ten thousand electric vehicles of this brand per week.

How many Model 3 electric vehicles Tesla expects to sell after the start of their mass production has not yet been reported.

Tesla Model S is an electric car, the presentation of which was first held in 2009 in Frankfurt. But only a prototype car was presented to a wide audience. Serial production of the vehicle began in 2012, and by 2014 the American manufacturer upgraded the car, focusing on increasing power and modern interior equipment.

Appearance Tesla S is very aggressive and easily recognizable. In principle, it is somewhat similar to other models of the series, and with analogues from other manufacturers. Xenon headlights and sporty side lines catch the eye. Updates in appearance took place in 2016. This mainly affected the front of the car. As for overall dimensions of this vehicle, they are as follows: length - 4976 mm, width - 1963 mm.

Tesla Model S showroom

The interior equipment will also please the potential owner. A touch screen is installed inside the Tesla S cabin, which allows you to control all the systems of the electric car, which greatly simplifies the work of the driver for the car. The interior decoration is also elegant. Here you can find a combination of genuine leather and wood and metal inserts. Everything looks very harmonious.

Indeed, everything inside resembles a car of the future. There is no standard steering wheel here, instead there is a so-called multifunctional steering wheel, which fits perfectly into the interior and allows you to control the machine easily and naturally. Both front and rear in the car is very comfortable. Adjustable seats allow you to customize the profile for a comfortable ride.

Luggage capacity

Tesla Model S has a very roomy luggage compartment, the volume of which is 745 liters. This is a pretty significant figure for a passenger vehicle.

By the way, this figure can be significantly increased by adding rear seats. Such actions will help increase the capacity to 1645 liters, which will allow you to use vehicle for long trips, taking with you a maximum of things.

Tesla Model S Specifications

The machine is driven by a motor with a power of 362 hp. With. This indicator allows the car to accelerate to 100 km / h in 5.5 seconds. Tesla car The Model S has a top speed of 210 km/h. The electric car has a battery with a capacity of 60 kWh. Its power is enough for the vehicle to cover a distance of 375 km on a single charge.

The choice of a potential buyer is presented with several variations of the model with a set of different specifications. For example, in the most advanced version of the Tesla Model S P100D, there are 2 two electric motors with a total capacity of as much as 765 hp. With.

The body of any Tesla S is made of high-strength steel and aluminum. Appearance captivates clear, graceful lines. The overall charisma of the car does not take your eyes off it. The surface and design of the hood gives power and once again emphasizes the sporty style.

Vehicle modifications

For the simplest Tesla Model S, acceleration to 100 is carried out in 5.2 seconds, and the speed limit is 210 km / h. Tesla Model S P90D has 469 “horses” under the hood, which allows you to accelerate to “hundreds” in 4.4 seconds. And the installed Tesla Model S battery with a capacity of 90 kWh will allow you to drive up to 473 km on a single charge.

The most advanced version of the Tesla S P100D has two electric motors with a total capacity of 765 hp. s and "tears" up to a hundred in just 2.7 s. A battery with a parameter of 100 kWh will allow you to travel 507 km without additional recharging.

How much does a Tesla Model S cost?

For Tesla Model S, the price in Russia has not been officially set, as in principle, no official sale cars in the country. However, on secondary market you can buy this electric car starting from about 4.5 million rubles. For the Tesla S, the US price starts at $85,000, for which the buyer will receive a basic set of features.

The 2019 Tesla Model S is slightly cheaper than before. The decrease in cost is due to the release of new models by the company. However, recently the automaker has increased the cost of the vehicle several times in order to get more profit on the creation of new cars.

The battery warranty is 8 years, given by the manufacturer. The reliability and stability of the electric car has been proven not only in words. It has been tested in the harsh conditions of Norway, one of the coldest countries in the world.

In general, this modern car, which can impress every sophisticated connoisseur with its futuristic design, advanced technology and decent running capabilities. Pleased with the fact that the vehicle is presented in different modifications. This means that Tesla Model S can be bought individually, for every taste and color.

Tesla Model S photo

Introducing an electric car that sets new standards in premium performance. The heart of the Model S is Tesla's electric drive, which gives this electric car unparalleled autonomy and exhilarating dynamics. Rigid body structure, near-perfect 50/50 weight distribution and an unusually low center of gravity give the Model S the responsiveness and agility of the best in the world. sports cars while maintaining the ride quality of an executive sedan.

electric drive

Tesla's advanced electric drive gives the Model S amazing dynamics. Unlike conventional cars, which are powered by an internal combustion engine with several hundred moving parts, the Tesla electric motor has only one rotating part: the rotor. Therefore, Model S acceleration is instant Press the accelerator pedal and after 3.4 seconds you will reach a speed of 100 km / h, without any delays and jerks, and without spending a single drop of gasoline.


The Model S suspension was specifically designed for the model's unique architecture. It works in harmony with Tesla's rigid and light platform for precise handling and optimal comfort. Rigid body structure, near-perfect 50/50 weight distribution, and an unusually low center of gravity give the Model S the responsiveness and responsiveness of the world's finest sports cars, while maintaining the ride quality of an executive sedan.


It's much more than a comfort and handling package.

Intelligent air suspension combines automatic functions and on-demand control. When Model S accelerates, it automatically lowers the car to optimize aerodynamics and increase autonomy. Forcibly, using the touch screen, you can raise or lower the Model S, for example, to overcome deep snow or a steep entrance to the yard.

electric drive

The Tesla Model S offers a choice of three different batteries, each of which allows you to achieve record mileage on a charge. Each of the three batteries is integrated into the car in the same way, thus providing structural and aerodynamic advantages. All three batteries use battery cells made specifically for automotive applications, configured for optimum energy density, thermal management and safety.

Tesla model s car


The S Performance model takes electric dynamics to a new level. Equipped with an 85 kWh battery and a high performance inverter, the Model S Performance accelerates to 100 km/h in 3.4 seconds.

Moreover, if it is used as a regular Tesla Model S, then both cars have the same efficiency, thanks to the unique design of the electric drive.

glass roof

The entire structure of the panoramic roof is made using lightweight safety glass. Swipe your finger across the touch screen and it will open wider than the panoramic roof of any other sedan. And even on the hottest days, the innovative roof glass will keep the cabin comfortable by blocking 100% of UV and 81% of heat.

Charging port

By pressing a special button on the cable, a triangle opens on the side rear light behind which is a compact charging port. The charging port is suitable for charging from any 230-400V AC source, as well as for using the Tesla Supercharger fast charging station.

unique key

When you approach the Tesla Model S with the key in your pocket, the handles will automatically retract to open the doors. While you get in the driver's seat and buckle up, Tesla Model S turns on at this time.

Everyone now knows about Tesla Motors, which produces high-tech electric cars. Someone treats it negatively, someone is neutral, and someone bought and is very happy with his purchase. Here we will talk about the first all-electric crossover from this manufacturer - Model X 2018-2019. The model was released because now the popularity of crossovers is very high, people buy them, so the manufacturer also decided to take its place in this niche with its innovative product.

For the first time in 2012, the public saw the prototype of the model, and only after 3 years the car went into production and sales immediately began. Pre-order before the start of sales issued 25 thousand people, this is a stunning result. In our country, the car is not officially sold, however, there are buyers, since it has already been met on the streets more than once.

Stunning appearance

The design of the car immediately attracts attention, it is built on the base and is the same, only larger and with minor changes. The muzzle of the Tesla Model X is aggressive, this is created due to the narrow narrowed LED headlights. We don’t have a radiator solution that we are used to, instead of it there is a plastic plug made in the form of this very grill, behind it lies a huge pile of sensors. Optics in basic versions can be halogen.

The manufacturer has seriously worked out aerodynamics, which is why at first glance the car can hardly be called a crossover, it looks like a big sports car. In the basic version, the Big Sky branded windshield is installed, which does not end in the usual place, but goes to the roof.

Looking from the side, you pay attention to the shape of the body - swift and dynamic. The inflated wheel arches are complemented by a small plastic body kit. The door handles are hidden inside and are pushed out when a person with a key approaches the car. The doors themselves open up, the manufacturer calls them Falcon Wing. Previously, a similar solution was used in the Mercedes 300SL and was called the "gull wing". On a new car, this solution allows you to park in tight spaces, because to open it you need only 30 centimeters to the left or right. The front doors are the same as other cars.

The well-known Elon Musk said that they were faced with the task of making a car that would be comfortable like a minivan, stylish like a crossover and fast like a sports car. Studying the car, you fully understand that they completed this task 100%.

At the back, things are a little easier. Large optics from Model S were installed (60% of Tesla Model X parts are completely different), connected to the chrome handle of the trunk lid and having a transition to the wings. The lid is of course electrically operated and has an integrated spoiler for aerodynamics. The drag coefficient is 0.24.

Body dimensions:

  • Length - 5004 mm;
  • Width - 2083 mm;
  • Height - 1626 mm;
  • Wheelbase - 3061 mm;
  • Ground clearance - 175 mm.

It should be noted right away that the model has an air suspension that increases the ground clearance to 230 mm. Such a spaciousness for the city is ideal, it is unlikely that you will hook a curb or the like.

Interior decoration

The interior of the car is made using only chic materials. Initially, 3 color finishes are offered, but anything can be made to order. There is a lot of free space in the Tesla Model X 2018, this made it possible to put three rows of seats, there is little space in the third row, but enough for the rest. All 7 seats are upholstered in leather and electrically adjustable.

The steering column has practically received nothing new, a 3-spoke steering wheel with a proud chrome logo and a small number of keys is also used. There are configurations where most of the steering wheel will be made of carbon, hinting at sports habits. Dashboard corresponds to modern canons - a large display on which everything that is most necessary or desired by the driver is already displayed.

About windshield Big Sky, which provides a great view, but it is also covered with a layer that does not transmit ultraviolet and infrared radiation. The tunnel on the front row is empty - boxes, cup holders and armrest.

The center console of the Tesla Model X 2019, as soon as the first cars from this manufacturer appeared, was a breakthrough. It is a large 17-inch touch screen, which is configured for absolutely everything. Here the control of the air suspension, music, navigation, the study of the battery charge - absolutely everything takes place.

Climbing into the rear seats is convenient because of the uniqueness of the rear doors. Elon was able to make a crossover with the convenience of a minivan. The engine is small and the batteries are located in the floor, so there are two trunks, front and rear.

The result of the cabin: it is gorgeous, the design is unique, you have not seen anyone else like this. There is a lot of free space, the quality of materials is excellent. Yes, you will have to get used to the center console, as managing everything through one large touch screen is hard. Great!


Type of Volume Power Torque Overclocking Max speed Number of cylinders
Electro 0.0 l 333 HP 525 H*m 6.2 sec. 210 km/h 0
Electro 0.0 l 518 HP - 5 sec. 250 km/h 0
Electro 0.0 l 714 HP - 4.8 sec. 250 km/h 0
Electro 0.0 l 762 HP - 3.9 sec. 250 km/h 0
Electro 0.0 l 762 HP 967 H*m 3.1 sec. 250 km/h 0

Here we got to the most interesting. The main difference between a crossover and all the others is its engine. All versions are equipped with 2 electric motors with 3 phases and four bands. Power is transmitted to all wheels through a single-stage gearbox. The units are powered by lithium-ion batteries, which we will talk about later.

  1. The cheapest variant of the 70D will get two engines with a total output of 333 horsepower and 525 H*m of torque. The battery capacity in this version will be 70 kWh. In terms of dynamics, it is already showing itself well - 6.2 seconds to the first hundred and 210 km / h of maximum speed.
  2. The more expensive version called P90D will get more powerful units for 518 horses in total. The battery capacity will be increased by 20 kWh. In terms of dynamics, a significant increase, now the Tesla Model X 2018 crossover accelerates to 100 km / h in 5 seconds, and maximum speed will reach 250 km/h.
  3. The penultimate installation of the 100D with two electric motors removes 762 horsepower and 967 H * m of torque. A 100 kWh battery will be installed. Again, acceleration is reduced by more than a second, namely 3.9 to a hundred and an electronic limitation of 250 km / h maximum.
  4. The most interesting version for the public is the P100D. There are practically no technical differences from the previous one. The power and capacity of the batteries remains the same, but acceleration is significantly reduced and starts to be 3.1 seconds.

Battery and suspension

Lithium-ion batteries are installed in the floor, as a large area can be used and the center of gravity can be significantly lowered, affecting handling in better side. Maximum distance on a full battery charge Model X:

  • 70D - 417 km;
  • P90D - 489 km;
  • 100D - 467 km;
  • P100D - 542 km.

Batteries are located in a compartment, completely aluminum. Brake system supplemented with a recuperation function - with active braking, a small charge goes to the batteries. The brakes themselves are fully disc with ventilation in a circle, the calipers have 4 pistons and they do their job perfectly.

The running electric car is completely pneumatic, an independent element with 4 transverse levers is installed in front. Rear multi-link. Suspension padded electronic systems that control the behavior of the vehicle. Of these systems, stability control, automatic braking in the event of danger should be distinguished.

There is an active rack and pinion electric power steering, the steering wheel is light, but when you pick up speed, it is poured for more precise control during dynamic driving.

Security Tesla Model X 2019

The manufacturer decided to make the car good in all aspects, so he paid great attention to safety. In this regard, the car is one of the best in its class. The body is made of high-strength steel and deformable elements are thought out and improved in the right places. That is, in the event of an accident, the rigidity of the body and 8 airbags will leave passengers without injury without any problems.

There is an autopilot option, popularly referred to as active cruise control. The car can drive itself in any traffic situation, it can even take you to the point indicated on the map. The system is partially self-learning, the data is sent to the servers, they are analyzed and changes are made to the software, thereby improving security.

Also, the crossover constantly monitors the situation on the road. By means of vibrations on the steering wheel or sound signals it will alert the driver of an impending collision. In a critical situation, the car itself will begin to stop abruptly, regardless of speed.

Price Tesla Model X

Officially buy this car on the Russian market impossible, but you can always bring it from abroad. Some have already done so. The base value of the car is 91,000 euros, which is more than 6 million rubles. In this version you will receive:

  • Xenon optics;
  • 17-inch multimedia display;
  • Climate control;
  • Access without a key to the salon;
  • Cruise control;
  • Blind spot monitoring;
  • stabilization system;
  • Pneumatic suspension.

This is the most basic, there is a lot more, but it does not make sense to list everything. The top version is priced much higher - 130,000 euros. In addition to all of the above:

  • New engine;
  • Autopilot system;
  • Cabin air filter;
  • Doors that open automatically;
  • Expensive interior finishing materials;
  • Additional 4 airbags;
  • Automatic parking system;
  • Heated and ventilated seats.

There are also options for installing a towbar, a good audio system and a winter package with improved interior heating.

Tesla Model X 2018-2019 review conclusion: the company makes good high-tech cars that are gradually conquering the market. No matter how we are accustomed to conventional fuel internal combustion engines - electric motors or the like are the future. The manufacturer understands this very well, and he also understands that it is difficult for people to make a decision to switch to electricity. Therefore, Elon Musk is trying to attract their attention even more with unusual solutions, an extremely high-quality interior and other features.


The history of Tesla began not as an ordinary startup, of which hundreds appeared annually in the San Francisco Bay in the 2000s, but as a completely conscious investment from successful IT entrepreneurs who managed to make a name for themselves and a multi-billion dollar business. The main ideologist of the company was Elon Musk, a man recognized by many as one of the geniuses of the modern era, other investors were no less outstanding inventors and businessmen Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the founders and main people in Google Corporation. From the very beginning, the company's activities have been focused on the development of green technologies and the creation of environmentally friendly electric vehicles.

The idea of ​​the company was not new, hybrids and eco-cars existed and were sold serially for a long time, the approach to work and ingenious marketing were new. Established in 2003, the company launched its first Tesla Roadster electric car in 2006, but already had 100 confirmed orders and several thousand applications for a car that would not be mass-produced until 2008. The brand was promoted to such an extent that almost all Hollywood stars of the first magnitude stood in line for the car. It should be noted that the car was worth the expectations, its characteristics were unique: acceleration to 100 km / h in 4 seconds, 400 km on a single charge, top speed of 210 km / h. Not an electric car, but a real sports car.

The success was amazing, despite the fact that the circulation was limited to 2,500 copies, and the cost of each was $ 100,000. Today Tesla Roadster is a real legend and a cult car, akin to rare muscle-cars or sports Europeans of the 60s of the 20th century.

The new generation of Tesla and future prospects

The next electric car that was introduced by the company was the Tesla S series electric car. The presentation of the concept took place in 2009, and serial production began in 2012. This was the first model of the company that acquired its own unique design. The electric car is equipped with two electric motors and, depending on the configuration, can travel from 260 to 500 km without recharging.

Car sales today amount to tens of thousands of copies. In 2012, almost all authoritative automotive publications in the United States awarded the Tesla S model with the title of “car of the year”. In Norway and Denmark, as of 2015, Tesla is in first place in the list of sales of all cars, including cars with internal combustion engines.

In 2015, the Tesla Model X electric crossover entered the market with an interesting way to open the rear doors in the form of a gullwing. In the same year, the autopilot function appeared on the models of the brand, capable of independently driving the car along the specified path parameters.

However, the development of Tesla's eco-technologies is not limited to the production of electric vehicles. The brand is developing its own network of fast "superchargers", which is already successfully operating in many countries around the world. Also under construction is the world's largest enterprise for the production of batteries and solar panels. Elon Musk's project has been launched to build an underground tunnel for eco-cars to Los Angeles in order to unload the city from traffic jams and smog.

The company's prospects include expanding the mass production of electric vehicles, increasing their range, speed, and safety. Who knows, maybe in the future it will be Tesla that will provide us with the first flying car, especially since the main mastermind of the company, Elon Musk, has long been engaged in space exploration with his Space X side project.

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