How many numbers of the world stamp will there be? Postage stamps of the world, collection

Collection Hachette (Ashet) - magazine series (partwork)

At the very beginning of 2014, a new partwork (magazine series) from the Hachette collection was released in Russia.

The first issue is available in Rospechat kiosks from January 2, 2014. The first issue went on sale before the new year.

All postage stamps included with the magazine are original. All stamps are canceled and are not suitable for sending letters.

The magazine is available for sale on the Internet.

A series for philatelists - beginners and advanced.

We collect REAL GENUINE stamps from the world (not fake or dummy - the stamps in the series will be REAL!).

Magazines are published weekly starting from issue 4, it is planned 80 issues .

Each issue contains a magazine and 30 peace stamps.

As a GIFT with series numbers, readers receive everything they need to properly store their valuable stamp collection for many years (sheets and self-adhesive strips for storing stamps, an album with dividers, catalog and thematic cards).

IN EACH ISSUE: a colorful magazine + 30 real stamps:

Sections of the magazine cover:


The price of the first issue is 99 rubles. The second issue and further - 199 rubles per issue.

This collection is a huge success in many countries. The series has already been published before in different countries of the world. Now it is available in Russia - since January 2014.

Magazine Postage Stamps of the World invites you to discover the wonders of our world, its peoples, their great monuments and history through a fascinating collection of postage stamps. Publishing house Ashet collection(Hachette).

Stamp collecting is something everyone can do, and what's more, it's a great pastime for the whole family. Take an exciting trip around the world! Discover the great moments of Russian history, get to know different countries of the world, take a virtual trip to the time of dinosaurs, into space, to the most exotic countries and find yourself in the lap of unfamiliar nature...

Collection of Postage Stamps of the World

The first postage stamps appeared only about two centuries ago and almost immediately became a subject of interest to philatelists - “postage stamp lovers”. Today, when electronic mail has long made the exchange of real paper letters a long-standing tradition, the best time has come for collecting authentic postage stamps, the value of which increases over the years. It is likely that within a few years these postage stamps will become a rare antique item that every philatelist will treasure.

Collecting stamps from around the world without leaving home is not an easy task. The Postage Stamps of the World magazine offers you a unique opportunity to easily combine authentic stamps from all five continents in your collection!
When you complete this collection, you will have three magnificent collections authentic brands:

  • Album with Russian stamps
  • Album with stamps from around the world
  • Album with stamps from different thematic collections

And that's not counting the wonderful accompanying magazine with colorful illustrations and detailed descriptions!

The collection contains:

  • Album for storing stamps
  • Stamp storage sheets
  • Catalog cards for commemorative issues of Russian stamps with complete information about each brand
  • Thematic cards
  • Self-adhesive pockets
  • 30 stamps with each number

With these items you can keep your collection in pristine condition for many years to come.


The publication “Postage Stamps of the World” will help you learn to recognize, sort and properly store your stamps. Here you will find valuable information that reveals all the secrets of philately: its history, the most interesting facts, many practical tips and a list of the most important terms. All this will help you understand the language of specialists and become a real professional.

Magazine sections:

  • Postage stamps of Russia. With each issue you will receive Russian stamps from commemorative issues. In this section you will find detailed information about each stamp, the special series to which it belongs, and the object or event depicted on it.
  • Countries of the world. In each issue you will find a section dedicated to a country in the world, and you will also receive postage stamps printed in that country. The first two pages provide basic information about this country and its history. On the last two pages of the World Countries section you will find information regarding the images on the stamps you received.
  • Thematic collections. With each new issue you will also receive a small themed stamp collection. This mini-collection, while representing a general theme, will consist of stamps printed in different countries, or of stamps that form a particular series. In this section, along with colorful illustrations, you can find information that reveals the content of the presented topic.
  • World of postage stamps. In this section you will find a variety of information related to the world of postage stamps. The section “Postage Stamps and History” tells about the history of postage stamps in different times and in different countries. Here you will find information about the famous Penny Black stamp, the very first stamp in the world. “Philatelist's Corner” will introduce you to anecdotes, various interesting and specific facts related to the history of postage stamps. The section for beginning philatelists will offer you two application pages dedicated to special terminology, and will give the necessary practical advice, which will help you become a real professional in collecting stamps.

Release schedule

№1 – 1 gold "penny black" - world's first stamp + 4 Russian stamps: Yuri Gagarin commemorative issue + 10 Cuban stamps + 5 Dinosaur stamps + 11 surprise number stamps + 2 index cards + 2 themed cards + 1 self-adhesive strip + 1 sheet for storage – 02.01.2014
№2 – 1 Russian stamp: commemorative issue "Olympics-80" + 5 Romanian stamps + 10 space themed stamps + 14 surprise number stamps + Storage album + 1 self-adhesive strip + 1 storage sheet – 16.01.2014
No. 3 – 1 Russian stamp: “Ice Hockey” commemorative issue + 5 Mexican stamps + 10 art-themed stamps + 14 surprise issue stamps + Album dividers – 01/30/2014
№4 – 1 Russian stamp: Soyuzmultfilm commemorative issue + 5 Hungarian stamps + 10 Olympic themed stamps + 14 surprise issue stamps + 10 index cards + 2 themed cards – 06.02.2014
№5 – 1 Russian stamp: Icebreaker Dezhnev commemorative issue + 10 Tanzania stamps + 5 train themed stamps + 14 surprise issue stamps – 13.02.2014

First issue of the magazine "Stamps of the World" came out back in October 2013 and cost 99 rubles. Today, the recommended price of this magazine is 219 rubles, but my father buys them for 260 rubles (for which I thank him), because our sellers are like that... sellers. On "Stamps of the World" You can also subscribe. For this they give you all sorts of crap as a gift: a magnifying glass, tweezers, a stamp album.

Each issue consists of a magazine (volume 8 sheets) and bags of stamps (about 30 pcs.)

In some rooms you can find:

sheets for storing stamps,

self-adhesive strips

theme and index cards

I currently have 47 issues, starting with issue 1 and ending with issue 47. In total, the publishing house plans to create about 80 different numbers. Two magazines are published a week.

I'll start with the "advantages" of this publication. The most important advantage of magazines are postage stamps.

This is the main reason why it is worth buying sets of magazines. Just keep in mind that one issue contains stamps from different series. They are united either by some common theme (Mushrooms, Space, Flowers, etc.), or they are stamps of one country (different themes and series). Therefore, it will not be possible to limit yourself to purchasing 2-3 issues. Everything is thought out in favor of the publisher. Even now, having 47 issues on hand (more than half of what was planned for release), I can say that some of the series I have collected are not complete.

If we talk about the quality of postage stamps, then there is no doubt about their authenticity. Some countries (Czechoslovakia, Hungary) have issued stamps in which images are printed in such a way that the image appears in relief to the touch.

Different series contain different numbers of stamps. There are single stamps that can be combined with any thematic collection that is similar in theme.

Postage stamps from the Hachette collection are represented by the following countries:

USSR, Togo, Czechoslovakia, Benin, North Korea, Republic of Guinea, Azerbaijan, Guinea-Bissau, Poland, Chad, Vietnam, Belarus, Solomon Islands, Congo, Zaire, Paraguay, Burkina Faso, Antigua and Barbuda, Maldives, Nicaragua, Nepal , San Marino, Bhutan, Dominican Republic, Granada, Rwanda, Bangladesh, Equatorial Guinea, Belgian Congo, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana, Madagascar, Mongolia, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Kyrgyzstan, Sri Lanka, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, Thailand, UAE, Comoros, Belgium, Honduras, Tajikistan, Japan, China, Hungary, South Africa, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia, Mozambique, Malta, Canada, Norway, Netherlands, New Zealand, Austria, Uruguay, Tanzania, Bulgaria , Cambodia, Afghanistan, Laos, Cuba, Romania, Mexico

You can also highlight the themes of the series: fish, mushrooms, cars, trains, fire engines, dogs, cats, butterflies, dragons, Olympic games, snakes, turtles, owls, flowers, chess, parrots, tigers, circus, beetles, elephants, trees, motorcycles, fine arts, minerals, dinosaurs, cartoons and much more.

In the collection "Stamps of the World" There are stamps of various shapes (rectangular, square, triangular, rhomboidal), of different denominations, obtained by different printing methods (offset, photoengraving, metallography, etc.), horizontal and vertical.

The variety of brands is amazing.

I give another plus to the collection for the contents of the magazines. Each room has general information about a particular country and its brands. There is a section "The World of Postage Stamps" and information on the thematic collection of this issue. The magazines are colorful and contain a lot interesting facts for schoolchildren.

Now let's turn our attention to the publication's shortcomings.

Firstly, there are erroneous insertions of stamps, when instead of the declared stamps those that were already in the previous issue are placed. I hope the publisher will correct these errors. Otherwise, even if I buy absolutely ALL the issues, I will not be able to collect part of the series.

Secondly, the sheets for storing stamps turned out to be useless: the transparent film was not secured on the sides in any way. It is inconvenient to store stamps in such sheets: they simply fall out. And the sizes of these sheets are different:

The manufacturer claims that all stamps are canceled, but this is not the case: there are stamps without printing, absolutely clean.

I recommend these publications only because of the stamps. Seasoned philatelists are unlikely to be interested in this collection, but it will please a child school age You will definitely succeed with magazines with stamps: collecting stamps is quite an exciting activity. My eldest child stepped away from the computer, became interested in the aesthetics and historical content of postage stamps, and read magazines. What is there! I myself love looking through my stamp albums. It calms the nerves so much...

The 4th issue of the magazine Postage Stamps of the World included 12 index cards for storing stamps + 30 additional stamps and a magazine.

In each issue there is an attachment - 30 of the most authentic postage stamps from around the world!

The magazine Stamps of the World is available for sale and on the Internet.

In the 4th issue of Stamps of the World - Soyuzmultfilm commemorative stamp with Gena and Cheburashka, and in the magazine - its description, as well as the history of the creation of the cartoon.

Cheburashka, which is called Topple in English-speaking countries, is a tropical animal unknown to science and the only one of its kind. One day he overate himself and fell asleep in a box of oranges, in which he was brought to a fruit store in Moscow. The store director carefully took it out of the box and put it on the table, but the paws of the overfed animal became numb, and it kept falling: first it fell from the table onto a chair, and from there it fell onto the floor, so the store director called it Cheburashka.

Cheburashka is somewhat reminiscent of a bear cub with large round ears. He is the size of a five-year-old child. Cheburashka lives with her crocodile friend Gena, who wears a hat and coat, walks on his hind legs, plays the harmonica and works in the zoo. They and their friends have an ill-wisher - the old woman Shapoklyak, who is constantly plotting various intrigues for them.

Cheburashka was so popular that he was chosen four times as the official mascot of the USSR team at the Olympic Games: in the summer of 2004 in Athens, in the winter of 2006 in Turin, in the summer of 2008 in Beijing and in the winter of 2010 in Vancouver.


V. M. Kotenochkin said that his frivolous surname brought him into animation. He was a brilliant animator of musical and rhythmic scenes and admired Disney films, which he knew from the few copies available at Soyuzmultfilm.

His funny cartoon Well, wait a minute! with a classic comedy chase plot and recognizable everyday realities, the audience loved it so much that, at their request, and sometimes the scripts they sent, it became a series.

Of all the awards received, the most valuable for the artist was the Polish Order of the Smile.

About the collection

Postage Stamps of the World features a magazine, stamp storage accessories, and 30 authentic stamps in each issue.

A special album for storing stamps, sheets for storing stamps, catalog cards and self-adhesive strips for commemorative stamps of Russia and much more - all this is included in the issues with the magazine.

True, by the 4th issue it turned out that there were no longer enough sheets for storing stamps, but folders could be purchased. Also, for the collection (for those who are seriously involved in philately), you can purchase the stamps themselves - there are even complete annual collections, souvenir themed postal sets.

This magazine has been published in Russia since the beginning of 2014.

In issue 4, 12 catalog cards were included as a gift to store the stamps of the collection.

IN THE COLORFUL MAGAZINES of the World Stamps series: many interesting facts and interesting information about brands and different countries of the world.

With the help of the new publication “Stamps of the World” from Ashet Collection, aspiring philatelists have an amazing opportunity to collect a collection of authentic stamps issued in different parts of the world.

Each issue of the magazine contains several sections telling about countries and their history, 30 stamps and an accompanying description of their origin, as well as gifts that will be useful for keeping the collection in perfect condition - sheets for storing the collection, an album, thematic and catalog cards.

Release schedule

№1 – 1 gold “black penny” + 4 Russian stamps: “Yuri Gagarin” + 10 Cuban stamps + 5 Dinosaur stamps + 11 surprise number stamps + 2 index cards + 2 thematic cards + 1 self-adhesive strip + 1 storage sheet – 02.01.2014
№2 – 1 Russian stamp: “Olympiad-80” + 5 Romanian stamps + 10 “Space” stamps + 14 surprise number stamps + Storage album + 1 self-adhesive strip + 1 storage sheet – 16.01.2014
№3 – 1 Russian stamp: “Ice Hockey” + 5 Mexican stamps + 10 “Art” stamps + 14 surprise number stamps + Album dividers – 30.01.2014
№4 – 1 Russian stamp: “Soyuzmultfilm” + 5 Hungarian stamps + 10 “Olympic Games” stamps + 14 surprise number stamps + 10 index cards + 2 thematic cards – 06.02.2014
№5 – 1 Russian stamp: “Icebreaker Dezhnev” + 10 Tanzania stamps + 5 “Trains” stamps + 14 surprise number stamps – 13.02.2014

How many issues of the Postage Stamps of the World magazine are there?
80 episodes planned

Peace Stamp Collection

In my opinion, collection of Postage Stamps of the World will be able to interest even those who have never been interested in brands. With the first issue, the reader receives a commemorative issue of a unique stamp, the golden “penny black”, which is the first stamp in the world, issued back in 1840 in England. You can find in the magazine detailed history its origin. Perhaps in the first issue it is the only one that will be of interest to experienced philatelists. Among the remaining stamps included in the first issue are 4 Russian commemorative collectible stamps “Yuri Gagarin”, a dozen stamps of Cuban origin, 5 stamps “Dinosaurs” and 11 stamps of surprise numbers.

Personally, as a person who knows a little about stamps, I liked the idea of ​​a publishing house. I intend to buy the magazine through kiosks, in order to avoid receiving stamps that are already in my collection. I'm looking forward to the next issues, as, as the publisher promises, they will contain stamps with vintage cars, the Winter Olympic Games, stamps from Nicaragua, Cambodia and Afghanistan. I also expect new interesting surprise brands that will appear in the next issues.

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