Traffic lights on all types of roads. Types of traffic lights, the meaning of traffic lights Traffic signals at an intersection

The increased flow of vehicle traffic on the streets and highways of our city contributes to increased demands on all participants traffic. The process of introducing students to the modern living environment in a metropolis, to a conscious attitude towards compliance with traffic rules, and conscious behavior as a road user is acquiring great social significance.

People are taught traffic rules from childhood. In addition to the basic rules for crossing streets, every pedestrian must know what a traffic light is for, know its light signals and be sure to follow them.

Traffic lights use green, yellow, red and white-lunar light signals. Depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be round, in the form of an arrow(s), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, or X-shaped. Traffic lights with round signals may have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow(s), which are located at the level of the green round signal. The main application criterion traffic light signaling is the intensity of traffic and pedestrian flows.

1.Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

    • GREEN SIGNAL allows movement;
    • A GREEN FLASHING SIGNAL allows movement and informs that its time is expiring and a prohibitory signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
    • A YELLOW SIGNAL prohibits movement and warns of an upcoming change of signals;
    • A YELLOW FLASHING SIGNAL allows movement and informs about the availability unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, warns of danger;
    • A RED SIGNAL, including a flashing one, prohibits movement.
    • The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming activation of the green signal.
    • <\ul>

2. If a traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists).

In this case, the green signal allows, and the red signal prohibits, the movement of pedestrians (cyclists). To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size, complemented by a rectangular white plate measuring 200x200 mm with a picture of a black bicycle, can also be used.

3. To inform blind pedestrians about the possibility of crossing the roadway, traffic light signals can be supplemented with an audible signal. According to GOST 23457-86, at pedestrian crossings that are regularly used by blind pedestrians, in addition to traffic light signaling, sound alarm, operating in a coordinated mode with pedestrian traffic lights. Beep, audible at a distance of several meters, turns on during the period of the green signal for pedestrians and informs them that the crossing is roadway allowed.

Who invented the traffic light, why is it needed? and got the best answer

Answer from Yergey Kaleev[guru]
Traffic light (from Russian light and Greek φορός - “carrying”) is an optical signaling device designed to regulate the movement of people, bicycles, cars and other road users, railway and subway trains, river and sea vessels.
The first traffic light was installed on December 10, 1868 in London near the British Parliament. Its inventor, J. P. Knight, was a specialist in railway semaphores. The traffic light was manually controlled and had two semaphore wings: those raised horizontally meant a stop signal, and those lowered at an angle of 45° meant traffic with caution. In the dark, a rotating gas lamp was used, with the help of which red and green signals were given, respectively. The traffic light was used to make it easier for pedestrians to cross the street, and its signals were intended for vehicles. On January 2, 1869, a gas lamp at a traffic light exploded, injuring the traffic light policeman.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Who invented the traffic light, why is it needed?

Reply from Yovet[guru]
If they didn’t exist, there would be constant accidents every minute.

Reply from Alexey Baranov[guru]
A long time ago, they served to organize traffic, now they serve to form traffic jams....

Reply from Lady[guru]
Why is it needed? Have you ever crossed the road?

Reply from Beard[guru]
The traffic light was invented by street designers. What would be beautiful:
Yellow, GREEN. red... You can add

Reply from Zombie[newbie]
You can piss on him

Efremova's Dictionary

Traffic light

Light signaling device for regulating traffic on streets and roads.

Ushakov's Dictionary

Traffic light

traffic light, traffic light, husband.(from the word light and Greek phoros - carrier) ( neol.). Signal light with multi-colored (red, green or yellow) glasses for regulating traffic on streets and roads etc.

Ozhegov's Dictionary

SVETOF ABOUT R, A, m. Light signaling device for regulating traffic on streets, roads and railways. S. open, closed (the path is clear, busy).

| adj. traffic light, oh, oh.

Automobile dictionary

Traffic light

device for supplying light signals that regulate traffic on streets and highways, rolling stock on railway. There are colored traffic lights (green, yellow and red), positional ones (signaled by the arrangement of single-color lights) and combined ones. The first traffic light device was installed in 1868 on the streets of London; an electric three-color traffic light appeared in 1918 in New York, and in 1930 in Moscow.

Encyclopedic Dictionary

Traffic light

a device for supplying light signals that regulate traffic on streets and roads, and rolling stock on the railway. There are colored traffic lights (green, yellow and red), positional ones (signaled by the arrangement of single-color lights) and combined ones. On the railway, additional blue and moon-white colors are also used. The first traffic light type device was installed in 1868 on the streets of London; an electric three-color traffic light appeared in 1918 in New York, and in 1930 in Moscow.

Sentences containing "traffic light"

At the traffic light, pilots must drive a warm-up lap, during which they are not allowed to overtake each other.

Under the control of these devices, for example, traffic lights are automatically switched when a train passes.

In this case, special traffic lights with blue signals are used as the main means of signaling.

Modern super economical hybrid cars turn off the engine at every traffic light.

In addition to traffic lights in the metro, there are various signs with signs: these are indicators for the end of acceleration, the beginning and end of braking, incline, and funny yellow flashlights for temporary speed limits.

At first glance, traffic light signals are all very simple and we have all known them since childhood. Red - stop, yellow - get ready, green - go. This is a very simple rule. In this article we will look at this rule deeper within the framework.

Let's find all the pitfalls hidden in traffic lights. The most interesting signals will be those that are in the additional section of the traffic light and what signals there may be in this section. We will look at Chapter 6 of the Traffic Rules regarding the regulation of traffic through an intersection using traffic lights.

6.1. Traffic lights use green, yellow, red and white-lunar light signals.

Depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be round, in the form of an arrow(s), a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, or X-shaped.

Traffic lights with round signals may have one or two additional sections with signals in the form of a green arrow(s), which are located at the level of the green round signal.

We will not consider white-lunar traffic lights, in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian or a bicycle, and X-shaped ones in this article.

6.2. Round traffic lights have the following meanings:

  • A green signal allows movement;
  • A green flashing signal allows movement and informs that its time is expiring and a prohibitory signal will soon be turned on (digital displays can be used to inform drivers about the time in seconds remaining until the end of the green signal);
  • The yellow signal prohibits movement, except in cases provided for in paragraph 6.14 of the Rules, and warns of an upcoming change of signals;
  • A yellow flashing signal allows movement and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection or pedestrian crossing, and warns of danger;
  • A red signal, including a flashing one, prohibits movement.

The combination of red and yellow signals prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming activation of the green signal.

This paragraph of the traffic rules describes round traffic lights. The most common traffic light, which is most often found on the roads.

6.3. Traffic light signals, made in the form of red, yellow and green arrows, have the same meaning as round signals of the corresponding color, but their effect extends only to the direction(s) indicated by the arrows. In this case, the arrow allowing a left turn also allows a U-turn, unless this is prohibited by the corresponding road sign.

The green arrow in the additional section has the same meaning. A switched off signal of an additional section means that movement in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited.

The first thing you should pay attention to is that the signals are made in the form of arrows, i.e. the arrow is a signal. The signal is not round. Traffic light signals with a contour arrow do not fit this definition, and clause 6.3 of the traffic rules is not applicable to them.

The second important point is that traffic lights made in the form of arrows regulate only indicated directions. For example, if the red arrow to the right is on, then movement is prohibited only to the right; moving straight, turning left and turning around are not regulated by this signal.

The same applies to the green arrow signal, but only if the arrow is in the main section of the traffic light. Determining, for example, in the dark, whether this is the main section of a traffic light or an additional one is very simple - if the section is additional, then some signal in the main section of the traffic light must be on; if there are no other signals besides the arrow, then this means that the arrow is in the main sections.

6.4. If a black contour arrow(s) is applied to the main green traffic light signal, it informs drivers about the presence of an additional section of the traffic light and indicates other permitted directions of movement than the additional section signal.

This paragraph describes the purpose of the contour arrow of a traffic light signal. We see that a contour arrow can only be placed in the main section, and only on a green traffic light signal, and unlike a signal in the form of an arrow, a contour arrow allows movement only in the indicated directions. Traffic in other directions is prohibited.

We could finish our material here, if not for one very common situation in practice. We often come across a traffic light with the following signal:

In front of us is a traffic light with an additional section and a round signal. It would seem that according to paragraph 6.3, moving in the direction regulated by this section is prohibited.

But let's figure it out:

  • According to clause 6.2, a round green signal allows movement in all directions, clause 6.3 regulates traffic light signals made in the form of arrows, in this case clause 6.3 is not applicable.
  • The additional section may not be visible at night, and traffic light signals may not have different meanings depending on the time of day.
  • The direction regulated by the additional section is unknown to us, we only know that it is “different” from the signal in the main section, and in the main section we have a green signal that allows movement in all directions,
  • The additional section may not contain a traffic light signal at all, but can be used, for example, for a timer.

Thus, with a given traffic light signal, according to clause 6.2, movement is allowed in all directions, unless otherwise prohibited by signs or markings.

Response from the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Let's summarize:

  • The round traffic light signal extends to all directions,
  • The traffic light signal, made in the form of an arrow in the main section, applies only to the indicated direction and does not regulate traffic in other directions,
  • The traffic light signal, made in the form of an arrow in the additional section, applies only to the indicated direction and prohibits movement in other directions,
  • A round traffic light signal with a contour arrow on it applies only to the indicated direction and prohibits movement in other directions.

And this is how the TV show sees the situation “ Main road"on NTV.

Dear you without obstacles!

Olga Semenova
Lesson notes on traffic rules “Why and for what purpose did the traffic light appear?”

Summary of traffic rules in senior group“Why and for what purpose did the traffic light appear?”

Teachers: Semenova O. N.

Lebedeva E. A.

Target: Consolidating children's knowledge that traffic lights control the complex movement of vehicles and pedestrians on streets and roads.


Introduce the history of traffic lights

To consolidate children’s ideas about traffic lights, their purpose, and color signals.

Give an idea of ​​the types of traffic lights

Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with traffic lights.

Develop the ability to think logically.

Introduce the rules of safe behavior on the roadway.

Methodical techniques:

Informational and illustrative: conversation, questions, explanation, artistic expression (riddles).

Game: physical education lesson “Cars”, didactic game"Traffic light", crossword puzzle solution.

Vocabulary work: bumpy roads, traffic lights, tram, carriage, horseman, colorblind.

Preliminary work:

Outdoor games: “Sparrows and a car”, “Stop-go”, “Red, yellow, green”.

Conversations about traffic rules: “How we cross the road,” “What I see in the city.”

Analysis of dangerous situations on the roads and streets.

Dramatization of situations: “Well-mannered passenger”, “Find the mistake”.

Targeted walks to the roadway, to an intersection, to road signs.

Examination of albums and books on traffic rules.

Watching cartoons: “Lessons from Aunt Owl.”

Reading fiction: S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”, “Cars on our street” and others.

Role-playing games: “Transport”, “Driver”

Games at the table: “How to avoid trouble”, “Pedestrian ABC”, “Attention

road”, etc.

Didactic games: “Who can assemble the traffic light the fastest”, “Prohibited-allowed”, “Yes-no”


Street layout, road signs, model of a bus, steering wheels, 2 sets of cut-out pictures “Roadway”, riddles, toy cars, traffic light sign. presentation, cards for educational games.

Progress of the lesson.

Luntik appears with a bandaged leg and arm, covered in scratches and abrasions, and makes sounds of pain. - What's happened? Question from the teacher, or maybe from one of the children. Luntik talks about how he came to visit us and crossed the road incorrectly.

Don’t you know that this is not right? When we cross the road, our friend helps us. which protects us from different emergency situations, tells you how to behave correctly on the road. But this friend is unusual, and to find out who he is, guys, I’ll tell you a riddle.

Slide No. 2

Guys, let us take you on a journey and find out: why and when did the traffic light appear? And Autoznayka will help us with this.. Sit back and get ready to listen.

Slide No. 3

There was a time when only riders on horses, chariots and horse-drawn carts rode the streets and roads. They can be considered the first vehicles. They traveled without observing any rules, and therefore often collided with each other. After all, city streets in those days were usually narrow, and the roads were winding and bumpy. It became clear that it was necessary to invent rules that would make movement on them convenient and safe.

Slide No. 4

Then the first cars appeared. They drove very slowly. Over time, there were more and more cars. Then the first rules for motorists appeared. There was a time when crossing the street of a big city was not at all easy. People stood on the sidewalk for a long time and waited for the endless stream of horse-drawn carriages to end. The most impatient ones ran across the street. Do you think they did the right thing? What could have happened to them?

(Children's answers)

Slide No. 5

What can we say about these days, when a stream of cars rushes in several rows! How can pedestrians cross the street? But there are also cars that move in the transverse direction, and they also need to clear the road. Think and tell me what helped regulate traffic on the road?

(Children's answers).

That's right, a traffic light comes to the aid of road users - both pedestrians and drivers. Traffic light is translated from another language as “light bearer”. It regulates movement using light signals.

Slide No. 6,7

Do you know when the first traffic light appeared?

(Children's answers)

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In our country, the first traffic light appeared almost 100 years ago in Moscow. It looked like a round clock with three sectors - red, yellow and green. And the adjuster manually turned the arrow, setting it to the desired color.

Slide No. 9

Most traffic lights use three colors. Which?

(Children's answers).

Do you know why these colors were chosen for the traffic lights?

(Children's answers)

Didactic game "Traffic Light"

The teacher gives the children circles of yellow, red, green colors. The traffic lights change sequentially, and the children show the corresponding colored circles and explain what each signal means.

Why were these particular traffic light colors chosen?

(Children's answers)

Red is the color of danger. It is clearly visible both during the day and at night, and in rain and fog. It is no coincidence that fire trucks in all countries are painted red. They warn other road users about the danger and demand that they give way to them. So the red traffic light prohibits movement. It’s as if he’s saying: “Stop! The path is closed!

Green - the color is sharply different from red; they cannot be confused. Therefore, a green traffic light, unlike a red one, does not prohibit, but permits movement. He seems to be saying: “The way is open!”

Between the red and green “eyes” of the traffic light, another one was placed - yellow. He calls on drivers and pedestrians to be attentive, as if saying: “Attention! Speeding will either be allowed or prohibited.”

Sometimes traffic lights, in addition to the three main color sections, have additional green arrows. They indicate the direction in which movement is allowed.


What other traffic lights are there?

(Children's answers)

According to their purpose, traffic lights can be pedestrian or transport

According to the location of the signals, horizontal and vertical

Slide No. 11

Pedestrian traffic lights use only two light signals - red and green. They depict little pedestrians. The red man is standing, and the green man is walking.

What do you think these colored people represent?

Yes, that’s right, if the pedestrian light is red, you can’t walk across the road, you have to stand. But if the pedestrian light is green, you can cross the street, but be sure to make sure that there are no obstacles for a safe crossing.

Most often, such pedestrian traffic lights are installed in places where there is a large flow of cars and it is difficult for pedestrians to cross the road.

Slide No. 12

For people who cannot see, use a traffic light with sound.

Slide No. 13

For those who have trouble seeing colors

Slide No. 14

Physical education lesson “Cars”.

We woke up and stretched.

Tilt your head down, hands behind your head, elbows down.

Hands up and to the sides, raise your head - bend over - take a deep breath.

We start the engine.

Legs apart, arms to the sides. Turn the torso left and right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.

Checking the seat belts.

Legs apart, arms along the body. Tilts left and right, arms slide along the body.

Checking the brakes.

Hands behind your back, rotational movements of the foot of the left and right legs alternately.

Walking in place, turning into running.

In addition, there are traffic lights. They are also different.

Traffic lights that are familiar to us are used to regulate the movement of cars.

Slide No. 15

To regulate the movement of cyclists, special traffic lights are sometimes used. This could be a traffic light, the signals of which are made in the shape of a bicycle silhouette.

Slide No. 16

To regulate the movement of trams, a horizontal traffic light is used

Slide No. 17

Trains also have their own traffic lights.

Slide No. 18

Solving problem situations:

Why are there two traffic lights on one pole (for drivers and pedestrians)

(Children's answers)

If the traffic light for drivers is red, what color will the signal for pedestrians be (green)?

(Children's answers)

And if the traffic light for drivers is green, what kind of light will be on at the traffic light for pedestrians (red). Is it possible to cross the road?

(Children's answers)

If at the intersection there is only a traffic light for drivers, then at what traffic light will you cross the street?

(Children's answers)

If a yellow light comes on while crossing the road, what will you do next, stand or continue on your way?

(Children's answers)

And depending on the purpose, traffic light signals can be in the form of arrows, X-shaped,

Slide No. 19

Slide No. 20

Our car expert has traveled a lot and brought back many photographs depicting traffic light monuments.

Slide No. 21

Didactic game “Think - Guess”

I want to find out who is the most resourceful and smart in our group. I will ask you questions and throw the ball, and you catch it and, answering the question, throw it back to me.

How many wheels does it have? passenger car(Four.)

How many people can ride one bike (One)

Who walks on the sidewalk (Pedestrian)

Who drives the car (Driver)

What is the name of the place where two roads intersect (Crossroads.)

What is the roadway for? (For traffic.)

On which side of the roadway does traffic move? (Right.)

What can happen if a pedestrian or driver violates traffic rules (Accident or traffic accident.)

What is the top light at the traffic light (Red.)

How many signals does the traffic light have (Three.)

What animal is it compared to? pedestrian crossing(With a zebra.)

Which cars are equipped with special sound and light signals? (" Ambulance", fire and police cars.)

Did you guys like our trip? .Avtoznayka and I learned the history of the traffic light, its purpose, its types.

Did you remember everything, Luntik?

So that our Duntik doesn’t get into trouble anymore and doesn’t forget the rules of the road, let’s make him some traffic lights.

You have traffic lights on your tables, but they don’t have enough colors. Let us cut out a circle of the desired color and glue it to the traffic light. How can we get a circle from a square?

Well done, watch what I do and repeat after me.

Well, now you make traffic lights. What colors do you use?

In what order should these colors appear?

Well done guys. You did a very good job. I will give your traffic lights to our guest.

Luntik: “Thank you, guys. Goodbye!"

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