Schematic for zu Orion 325 plus. Repair Orion PW325. How to choose the right device

The most important reasons for purchasing a charger is preparing the car for the harsh winter climate of Russia. The weather often brings surprises, and many cars don't handle them very well.

Every self-respecting car enthusiast should have in his arsenal this device, just like a spare tire or a set of keys.

Let's consider a typical domestic electronics product that copes with its declared functions quite successfully, as evidenced by many positive feedback. Charger"Orion PW325" - we will talk about it.

Importance of acquisition

Even the most responsible car owner, who conscientiously operates his car and always does everything on time, may experience the need for this device.

When the car is moving, the battery is charged from the generator, but this may not be enough for it to function properly.

Short trips cannot provide a full battery charge, while the use of newfangled gadgets also increases energy consumption. The situation is getting worse considering that currently most cars spend the night in the open air.

All this can lead to the fact that at the most inopportune moment, when you are late, you look for your car under the snowdrifts for half an hour and finally find it won’t start.

The ideal solution would be to purchase an Orion PW325 charger. The user instructions indicate the possibility of using it for preventive purposes or as a starting device.

Preventative action is when you check and recharge your car battery from time to time and maintain a sufficient charge level.

The starting device is useful when you need to start the engine when the car is idle for a long time or when the temperature drops sharply, since in cold weather it is quite difficult to set the crankshaft in motion on cold oil, and not every car can be “lighted” or, even worse, started “with a pusher” . This is more suitable for Russian cars of the last century. Modern models this can't help anymore.


The starter-charger is pulsed adjustable stabilizer current, for example, "Orion PW325", the diagram of which is given below, is TL 494. In connection with this, the device has small dimensions and weighs only 1 kilogram.

This circuit is simple, but at the same time has high efficiency and combines a number of other useful characteristics. If you have knowledge in the field of electronics, the diagram will help identify any malfunctions of the device.

The manufacturer's official documentation states that these circuits are patented and classified.

But on the Russian-language Internet you can find everything, including handwritten and printed circuit diagrams"Orion PW325", and other models.

General purpose

The Orion PW325 car charger is primarily used to charge car batteries and some freight transport, as well as motorcycles.

This device can recharge even batteries that are discharged to zero. IN automatic mode Provides boil control and prevents overcharging. In this case, it is not necessary to remove the battery from the car's network.


Charger "Orion PW325" (owner reviews from positive side characterize additional technical features device) is the source DC for low electricity consumption devices or their recharging.

These could be power tools, car radios, lamps and many other devices corresponding to consumption parameters.

The Orion PW325 charger can also be used as a pre-launch mechanism.

How to choose the right device

The manufacturer offers us an expanded range of similar charger models. They all work on the same principle, the only difference is in the adjustment charging current, well, minor functions are added that seem to be needed, but in general you can do without them.

Each model has its own current supply range. For earlier models it is in a fairly low range, and their cost is lower. Those with a higher charging current level are more expensive, but still not so expensive compared to their competitors.

Some models can only work with 6 Volt batteries for some types of garden equipment), others with 12 Volt batteries, like the Orion PW325. The instructions allow it to be used for passenger cars and selectively cargo. There are also those designed for 24 Volts - these are SUVs, buses, large special equipment.

So before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions or consult with a sales consultant to determine which unit is best for you.

You can opt for universal device, which is capable of servicing batteries different types. This option is suitable for car owners and additional funds movement ( motor boats, snowmobiles, mini-tractors), the same models are suitable for car services.

If you have one car, then it is enough to choose a device with parameters similar in characteristics to your battery. If several vehicles, then it’s better to purchase it with more advanced settings.

Maximum current The consumption of the device should be three times higher than the battery capacity. If your battery has a capacity of 60 A/h, then you should choose a device with a starting current of at least 180 A/h.

Type of work

The Orion PW325 charger operates from a standard 220 V network and can be connected to any electrical outlet that is at hand.

The device has two wires with terminals “+” and “-”, which must be connected to the terminals of the charger. battery.

About the Orion PW325 charger, customer reviews indicate the use of two operating modes: automatic and manual.

The latter provides for battery charging constant voltage. Here you independently rotate the current regulator and determine which parameter you need to set.

It is necessary to monitor the operation of the device to prevent boiling of electrolytes. The session can take quite a long time, it depends on the initial state of the battery (15-17 hours). Therefore, take this factor into account immediately.

In automatic mode, everything is, of course, simpler. The device, despite its simplicity, will determine the charge level itself and bring it to the required level in several stages. Overcharging is excluded and boiling is not allowed. Once fully charged, the process will stop automatically.


Before you start using it, you must make sure that the device is working correctly. After plugging in the power cord, the “Network” indicator light should light up. You need to install the current lever and turn it to the left all the way, to the minimum.

Then you can proceed directly to the charging itself: connect the charger clamps to the battery terminals in accordance with their polarity. Typically, red or light-colored wires are designated as a plus, and black or dark-colored wires as a minus.

After the LED lights up, smoothly set the required current value. To correctly determine it for your battery, you need to select the position at which the LEDs start to light up and set the regulator to an intermediate position.

Once the battery reaches 15 A, the current will automatically decrease. In this case, you will not be able to set the regulator to a higher value, as provided by the circuit.

Using the device for other purposes will lead to its malfunction or breakdown, as evidenced by numerous reviews of the Orion PW325 charger.

The month of January is in full swing, the frosts are getting stronger. It's a difficult time for motorists. If the battery is dead, then starting the car in severe frost is not easy. You simply cannot do without a charger. I want to tell you about the Orion PW325 charger and do a short review. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this charger is produced in the city of Ryazan. They do exactly the same thing in St. Petersburg. On the official website of NPP OBORONPRIBOR LLC (Russia, Ryazan), they explain the fact that chargers are direct analogues of products produced in the city of St. Petersburg.

Let's start with appearance boxes. The device is packaged in a cardboard box on which there is a sketch of the device itself:

On the side of the package there are brief characteristics charger:

And also the coordinates of the production site:

The device is pleasant to hold in your hands. The device body is very light, weighing less than a kilogram. This was achieved due to the fact that the device does not have a step-down power transformer, which, as a rule, is heavy due to the iron. The circuit is built using pulse technology:

On the front panel of the device there are controls and controls over the ongoing processes. The advantage of Orion PW325 is that it has smooth adjustment charging current, so you can set the correct current for a specific battery:

On the left side there is an ammeter, which has a scale with fairly large numbers:

There are two LEDs in the middle of the device. The first one signals that the device is connected to the network, the other indicates the presence of overheating:

On the back side there is a niche where you can hide the power cord and wires for charging the battery:

The mains cable and the wires for connecting the battery are quite long, one meter long. The cross-sectional area of ​​the charging wires is approximately 4 square millimeters, which is quite enough. Standard alligator clips, which can be bought at any auto store:

Immediately behind the wires in the niche we will see a cooling fan. It turns on only when the charger overheats or if the charging current is more than 12 amperes:

At the bottom there are four square legs, through which four screws pass and fasten the body, consisting of two halves:

The charger is assembled on a modern electronic base, making the internal layout of the radio components quite spacious:

Temperature sensor:

Power transistors and diode assemblies are mounted on heat-conducting paste, and the mounting bolt is secured from unwinding with glue:

Charging current regulator:

This charger can be used not only for its intended purpose, for charging car batteries, but also to use it as a stabilized current source. The maximum current can be set to 18 amperes:

The batteries are charged with a stabilized current, which can be set with a regulator. The charging process can be viewed on the graph. From which it is clear that the current at the end of the charge, when it reaches 15 volts, begins to decrease, due to which intensive gas evolution of the battery does not occur. Based on this, we can conclude that the Orion PW325 charger is not a simple boiler, but a fairly well-thought-out device:

Can also be used as a pre-start device:

Orion PW325 circuit diagram

I charged the batteries with this charger a couple of times. There are no complaints. The device does not heat up much, the fan turns on extremely rarely. Thanks to this h. u. practically no noise. If someone still has problems with the PW325 charger, the diagram I found on the Internet will help you figure it out:

I did not understand the diagram in detail, perhaps it is not entirely accurate and will differ from the original. There was no need for this yet.

Orion PW325 manual

Despite the fact that the manufacturer’s charging turned out to be quite reliable, you still need to read the instructions, which describe some subtleties, which, if not observed, can lead to failure of the device. For example, the sequence of connecting the clamps to the battery.

In order to understand in detail the rules for using the Orion charger, as well as other possibilities, the user manual will help us:

In conclusion, I would like to summarize. The main advantages of this charger are that it has an ammeter. There is also a well-thought-out charging algorithm that will not allow the battery to boil. A cooling system that turns on only when needed. In general, I liked the charger. Time will tell about its reliability.

A friend brought me a factory charger Orion PW325, it did not give any signs of life. Its prehistory is not known, it just doesn’t work, that’s all. I took it apart and saw black stripes on the board between the radiators; the fuse was blown. Well, everything was immediately clear, there was a short circuit.

The first thing I did was go online and look for a diagram; surprisingly, the diagram is quite popular, as is the number of repairs.

It turned out that this is a standard Tl494 circuit with a driver isolating transformer, the adjustment is through comparators on the LM324 op-amp, the current shunt is a simple copper jumper. The circuit has reverse polarity protection

Well, I unsolder the transistors and the Schottky rectifier diode, having first opened the ears of the radiators from the bottom of the board. I unsolder the reverse polarity protection transistors and start testing.
The keys turned out to be dead, one case was split. The Schottky diode was intact, and the field devices from the re-production were also intact.
What was the reason for the breakdown is not clear. I assumed that a capacitor had dried out somewhere in the driver circuits, so I replaced everything at once. I installed new 13007 on the radiators using thermal paste, ordered 13007 and capacitors from China, here is a link to the transistors, and here is a link to the condensers. Everything is cheap

It's time to try it out, the old fashioned way. The lamp flashed sharply and went out, which means there are no problems with the power supply. I removed the lamp and started it directly, the power supply earned an output voltage of 14.2V.

I put all the parts in place, put the case back together and gave it to a friend for testing... Everything works as it should, the person is happy.
My opinion about this charger is not very good, the circuit is good but the assembly is crooked. Well, a few photos for memory

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