Chef Ivlev Konstantin. Personal life and biography of Konstantin Ivlev Activities on television

He was born in Moscow, but the boy's early childhood was spent abroad, where his parents worked. The Ivlevs returned to the capital of Russia when Kostya was about 12 years old. Compared to his Soviet peers, he stood out because of his more expensive clothes and equipment, which, however, did not prevent him from communicating normally with the guys.

But there were problems at school. As the chef himself recalls, he was almost a poor student, so he considered it pointless to go to the 10th grade. Thinking about the future, Konstantin decided to connect his life with cooking, since even as a child he liked to help his mother in the kitchen. He went to continue his studies at a vocational school, where, by the way, his future colleague Yuri Rozhkov also studied.

After training and serving in the army, Ivlev began climbing the career ladder. At first, he gained extremely useful experience working in the canteen of one of the institutes, where he had to serve up to a thousand people per hour. And then Konstantin achieved the chef’s uniform and worked in the top ten most prestigious restaurants in the capital. He did not stop his culinary development. To do this, the man regularly attended thematic seminars and master classes in France, Sweden, Spain, and America.

Today, Konstantin Ivlev is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers, and also heads the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia. A few years ago, he decided to share his knowledge with the younger generation and opened the “Ask the Chef” culinary school together with Yuri Rozhkov.


Konstantin Ivlev is not only an excellent culinary master, but also a popularizer of Russian cuisine. He came to the conclusion that dishes of Russian invention were buried under the primitive monotony established in Soviet times. Thus, the professional decided that it was time to introduce the population to the idea of ​​preparing native products using new, modern technology.

Together with another chef Yuri Rozhkov, Konstantin began hosting the culinary program “Ask the Chef” on the Domashny TV channel. There he talks about unique recipes, often his own, and also conducts master classes on how to prepare them at home. The positivity conveyed by the chef fell in love with the audience, and they began to closely watch how he created one mini-masterpiece after another.

And in June 2016, Konstantin Ivlev also appeared on the Friday! TV channel, where the reality show “On the Knives” started. The chef, who is the guru of the domestic restaurant business, decided to declare war on the lack of professionalism and negligence that Russian restaurateurs often demonstrate. By analogy with the programs “Revizorro” by Olga Romanovskaya and “Magazzino” by Alexander Molochko, he will tour different cities of Russia and inspect public catering places. Ivlev will share his impressions with the public.

Best of the day

Personal life

The family life of Konstantin Ivlev is also developing very successfully. He has been married for a long time, his chosen one is called Maria. Their family has a son, Matvey, who will most likely follow in his father’s footsteps, as he is already showing a keen interest in preparing various dishes.

The chef is the author of publications on modern cooking technology. The most famous are “My Kitchen Philosophy” and “Russia Cooks at Home”; he co-authored several more books with his long-time partner Yuri Rozhkov.

In Konstantin Ivlev’s apartment, in a special glass cabinet, there is an amazing collection of dolls depicting chefs. Currently, this mini-museum contains over two hundred figurines from around the world, including a miniature copy of the chef himself, custom-made by his wife.

Alexander 19.12.2016 02:46:21

I would like him to teach me and maybe I’ll surprise him. I fed our show business in 1995-2000 and everyone was happy, but everything is a thing of the past. I want to learn from gurru cuisine

Konstantin Vitalievich Ivlev is a Russian chef and TV presenter, known for the programs “Ask the Chef”, “On Knives”, “Hell’s Kitchen”.

Childhood and youth

Konstantin was born on January 12, 1974 in Moscow. The boy's father worked for the KGB, and when Ivlev was 7 years old, the family moved abroad for five years. Upon returning to Moscow, 12-year-old Kostya had a lot of foreign things that were not easy to find in domestic stores, but his strict father did not allow the teenager to boast of his wealth in front of his friends.

At school, Ivlev was far from an excellent student and often upset his parents with bad grades, but he was a good helper in the kitchen. After graduating from high school, Konstantin entered vocational school No. 19, where he began to study cooking.

Chef career

In 1993, having received his education and served in the army, Ivlev began working in his specialty in restaurants in Moscow. The talented young chef quickly began to move up the career ladder - just a few years later, Ivlev was already working as a chef in the most prestigious restaurants in the capital, including the GQ bar and Ginza-Project restaurants.

At the beginning of his career, Ivlev attended many master classes and seminars in Europe and the USA. The training took place in special schools and restaurants awarded 2 and 3 stars in the Michelin guide.

Konstantin Ivlev on modern chef education

In 2000, Konstantin took 3rd place at the Russian Culinary Championship, and also became the only Russian chef at the Haute Cuisine Week in Russia. The following year, Ivlev received the title of “Chief of the Year”. In 2007, Konstantin confirmed his title according to Time Out and CHEF magazines.

In 2004, Ivlev wrote his first book, “My Kitchen Philosophy,” in which he formulated his own gastronomic philosophy and expressed his thoughts about professional cuisine.

In 2008, Ivlev became a member of the French gastronomy association Chaine des Rotissers and later headed the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia. Two years later, Konstantin, together with chef Yuri Rozhkov, opened the “Ask the Chef” culinary school in Moscow.

In 2011, Konstantin, together with Rozhkov, published the book “Kitchen for Real Men,” and two years later, the book “Russia Cooks at Home,” in which chefs shared proven recipes based on Russian products.

In 2014, Ivlev became co-owner and chef of the Wicked restaurant in Moscow. Czech footballer Martin Jiranek was also at the helm of the establishment. The restaurant, completely renovated, abandoned the high-flown dishes and offered visitors classic “Ivlevsk cuisine” with familiar recipes in the author’s refined style.

Konstantin Ivlev on television

In 2014, Ivlev starred in season 4 of the TV series “Kitchen” on STS, appearing as a participant in the culinary show “Chef” (season 4, episode 20). Apparently, Konstantin liked his debut on TV, and by 2016 Ivlev worked as the host of several culinary programs at once: “Wednesday of Taste” on the radio “Silver Rain”, “Taste within your pocket” on the channel “Kitchen TV”, “Eat this immediately! » on the “STS” channel and “Ask the Chef” on the “Domashny” channel. Ivlev hosted the last show together with Yuri Rozhkov.

In the same year, the famous chef was invited to become the host of a new show on the Friday channel! - “At knives.” In it, a patient master taught restaurant and cafe owners how to work correctly and avoid ruin. The show gained great popularity, although some viewers considered the presenter to be rude, and the whole country learned about Ivlev.

Konstantin Ivlev told the whole truth about “On Knives”

Personal life of Konstantin Ivlev

Konstantin has been married for more than 20 years. His wife Maria is 4 years younger. The cook recalled that it was love at first sight. The couple have two children: son Matvey (born 1999) and daughter Masha (born 2014). Ivlev’s son is already trying his hand at cooking and once took part in one of the episodes of “On Knives,” and in 2012 he became a co-author of Konstantin’s book “Cooking for One, Two, Three!”

Konstantin's nephew, Roman Ivlev, is also a successful chef and one of the founders of the Culinary Partnership Center.

Konstantin Ivlev about “Russian cuisine”

In one of his interviews, the chef shared that he never copies recipes, but cooks on a whim, and some recipes come to him in a dream.

Konstantin leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke and rarely drinks alcohol. Ivlev swims a lot and, according to his assurances, can easily run 10 km.

Konstantin Ivlev now

September 20, 2017 on the entertainment channel “Friday!” a new show “Hell's Kitchen” has launched - an analogue of the famous culinary reality show with the participation of British chef Gordon Ramsay. 18 chefs took part in the competition, ready to complete the most difficult tasks even under severe pressure from the master. The winner was promised a place in a prestigious restaurant and a large cash prize - a million rubles. In this show, Konstantin did not try to spare the self-esteem of the participants and was even tougher than in “On Knives”.

Announcement of “Hell's Kitchen” with Konstantin Ivlev

In the future, Ivlev plans to launch a fast food chain called Chick-pork, where the entire menu will be based on chicken and pork dishes. Konstantin is also going to write his fourth book called “The Bible of New Russian Cuisine.”

Konstantin Ivlev- famous Russian chef.

Biography of Konstantin Ivlev

Konstantin Ivlev born on January 12, 1974 in Moscow. He entered the restaurant business in 1993.

“My first place of work was the canteen at the institute. We served 2,000 people in two hours, it was a real hurricane! An extremely rewarding experience."

Since 1997, Konstantin worked as a chef in the restaurants “Reporter”, “Nostalgie”, “VIP-21”, “Boulevard”, “In Vino”, “Puazon”, “L` Etranger”, “Zebra Square”, “ GQ-bar", "Bublik" and many others.

Konstantin Ivlev constantly improves his skills: completed professional internships at the VATEL school (France), at the Edsbaka Krog restaurant, awarded 2 Michelin stars (Sweden), at the Beef Institute (USA), at the Arzak restaurant, awarded 3 stars Michelin (Spain).

Since 2000 Konstantin Ivlev successfully participates in professional competitions:
2000 - bronze at the 1st Russian Culinary Championship
2001 - bronze at the II Russian Culinary Championship
2000 - participant of the Week of Haute Cuisine in Russia (the only Russian chef
2001 - “Chef of the Year” according to Kommersant-Weekend
2007 - “Chef of the Year” according to “Time Out”
2007 - “Chef of the Year” according to “CHEF”

Konstantin Ivlev published his own book "My kitchen philosophy".

“Your success consists of several things: experience, specific dishes, imagination. This food is in demand, if people like it, then they start coming to you day after day, year after year, bringing friends with them... And what does every cook, every artist, every poet live for? To convey your thoughts to listeners and viewers. In our case, it’s to bring it to food lovers.”

Konstantin Ivlev is a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers Chaine des Rotissers.

Chef Konstantin Ivlev, well known in culinary circles, is a guru of the restaurant business and a famous TV presenter. Not a single important detail escapes his inquisitive gaze. He knows everything related to delicious, gourmet food and elegant serving of dishes with an A+.

The biography of Konstantin Ivlev is, for the most part, connected with Moscow. Here he was born and lived from the age of 12. The future chef spent his early childhood abroad. Dishes from Konstantin Ivlev can be tasted at the Wicked restaurant (he is its co-owner and chief culinary officer). Fans can also watch the development of events on the TV screen, where various shows with Konstantin Ivlev (“On Knives”, “Ask the Chef”) are aired. At the moment, Konstantin Ivlev is 43 years old. The personal life of the chef is going well. Married for a long time. She is raising her son Matvey, who is already taking his first steps in the culinary arts, and his daughter Marusya.

The beginning of the journey

Konstantin Ivlev’s path to high-class restaurants began with a European-level establishment, “Steak House,” where he ended up after the army. The skill of the cook in the 80s “perestroika” years is difficult to overestimate. There were no places where you could eat delicious food. Konstantin Ivlev found himself offering customers unique dishes for that time. The path to the restaurant business turned out to be accidental. The future hero of culinary programs Konstantin Ivlev entered a specialized school for the company. He considered it pointless to continue his studies in the 10th grade: he was unlucky in his studies, but he managed to create something interesting in the kitchen. The master’s first experience was related to serving visitors to the institute’s canteen, where up to a thousand people came per hour. Having graduated from the institution with honors, he rapidly gained “points”, constantly improving his qualifications.

Chef Ivlev’s series of restaurants included the most famous places, the “Rublev” entertainment complexes “Karo” and “Razdory-2000”. Chef Ivlev considers the legendary “Nostalgie” to be his life and professional school. In 1996-1997, the restaurateur worked here as a sous-chef and adopted the experience of the famous Frenchman and master of culinary art Patrick Pages.

Konstantin Ivlev received the high-profile title of “chef” at the age of 24, when he headed the “Reporter” restaurant.

Returning to Nostalgie in 1999 in a new capacity, he worked in tandem with Yuri Rozhkov.

Participation in the promotion of projects

Since the early 2000s, Konstantin Ivlev has been actively involved in promoting restaurant projects, offering signature cuisine of various variations. At Boulevard, the chef promoted eclecticism, which was popular at that time. At the same time, the menu from Ivlev’s restaurant In Vino was gaining popularity. Konstantin Ivlev also participated in Konstantin Novikov’s project “GQ-bar”, improved the position of the White Rabbite restaurant, and worked on the Luciano trattoria. Dishes from Konstantin Ivlev could be tasted at the Poison cafe, L’Etranger and Zebra Square establishments. Continuously studying, the chef attends thematic training seminars and master classes from top-class specialists in Europe and America. The activities of Konstantin Ivlev have been repeatedly noted by authoritative publications. “Chef of the Year” is one of the awards he received from Time Out magazine.

The famous restaurateur is also a member of the Guild of Gastronomers (France), the head of the domestic Federation of Chefs and Confectioners. Together with his colleague Yuri Rozhkov, he owns the Ask the Chef culinary school.

His preference is quality ingredients. He travels a lot (both for filming television programs and for personal purposes) and himself participates in the selection of products for restaurants. Konstantin Ivlev’s sphere of interests is reflected on Instagram, where he shares professional and personal materials. Photos and videos of Konstantin Ivlev (with his wife, children, colleagues and friends) can be viewed on his personal page on social media. networks.

Activities on television

On television, the chef acts as a popularizer of original cuisine and the art of cooking in general. He has many loyal fans. Konstantin Ivlev is not only a competent cook, a good presenter, but also an attractive man. Weighing 104 kg. He is tall, athletic, and takes good care of himself. According to him, the plump and rosy-cheeked chef is just a myth.

Nowadays, Konstantin Ivlev’s videos from the show “On Knives” are very popular. The “war” against unprofessionalism in the catering sector is broadcast on TV screens and is loved by Russian viewers. Reality tours expose the true state of affairs in the Russian restaurant business and encourage restaurant owners to develop and regularly “work on mistakes.” The TV show “Ask the Chef” will appeal to those who love to cook. The chef shares the secrets of dishes that can be easily mastered at home. The target audience of the project is cooks of any level of training (both beginners and professionals). You can also find various materials and original recipes from a talented gastronome online.

For book lovers, Konstantin Ivlev has prepared several printed publications. The most popular books are “My Kitchen Philosophy” and “Russia Cooks at Home.” Other books were co-written with the chef’s colleague and friend, Yuri Rozhkov. Active educational activities contribute to the prosperity of the chef’s personal projects - in particular, Konstantin Ivlev’s restaurant in Moscow enjoys constant popularity.

A famous restaurateur collects chef dolls. Now the collection includes more than two hundred figures from different countries. Konstantin Ivlev pays special attention to the exhibits and stores them in a special cabinet. Among them there is also a mini-copy of Konstantin Ivlev himself - as a gift from the chef’s wife

  • 20 years ago he gave up alcoholic drinks;
  • supports Dynamo Moscow;
  • Once a year, the Ivlev family “escapes” on vacation to an exotic country, where they devote time exclusively to themselves.

Konstantin Ivlev is a good example of how a passionate person becomes successful in his business and helps others find their own path. The chef's projects produce good personnel who in the future will form the basis of a highly qualified galaxy of restaurateurs. And for the average viewer of Konstantin Ivlev’s show it’s a reason to relax, get creative in the kitchen and simply enjoy the process of preparing delicious dishes.

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