Sberbank department of salary projects. What documents are required to conclude an agreement? Sberbank salary project: operating principles

Currently, Sberbank has issued 100 million plastic cards (including about 35 million salary cards), and the number of ATMs in the bank’s own network has reached 50 thousand throughout the country.

Currently, Sberbank has issued 100 million plastic cards (including about 35 million salary cards), and the number of ATMs in the bank’s own network has reached 50 thousand throughout the country. Therefore, it is logical that Sberbank is for recent years quickly took a leading position in salary projects. Their essence is that an organization or other employer transfers wages to all its employees to the bank in one payment. Along with the transfer of funds, the employer submits to the bank a statement for employees, how much should be credited and to whom.

In order for this to become possible, an organization (individual entrepreneur, government agency, other employer) must enter into an appropriate agreement with the bank. In turn, Sberbank issues debit cards (Visa or MasterCard) to all employees of the enterprise. The conditions of the salary project may be different and differ in some provisions, for example, a bank may offer different size overdraft on the card. Large enterprises can get for themselves good conditions through a salary project competition. Sberbank often takes an active part in such competitions.

Instructions for implementing a salary project

To launch a salary project in an organization, you need to sign a special offer agreement with Sberbank. This is done by signing an application to join the bank’s terms and conditions within the framework of “salary” projects. Standard terms eliminate the need to sign additional agreements every time the bank connects new service. At the same time, the bank may change certain provisions of the agreement at its own discretion, which may not always correspond to the interests of the client.

Sberbank issues debit wages to employees of the enterprise Visa cards or MasterCard different levels: from entry level(Visa Electron, Maestro) to premium (Gold and Platinum Visa and MasterCard systems). Level salary card depends on the size of the organization and the position of the employee, his expected income. Employees of small organizations must come to the bank themselves to sign an agreement to open a card and pick up bank plastic. For medium and large enterprises, Sberbank can assign one or more employees to serve employees and issue them salary cards at their place of work.

Consumer loan from Sberbank for salary clients

For salary card holders, Sberbank offers a number of bonuses, including preferential consumer loans up to 3 million rubles for a period from 3 to 60 months. The maximum loan amount is calculated for each individual client based on the following indicators:

  • size wages;
  • length of service at last place of work;
  • the possibility and amount of guarantee for the borrower;
  • other indicators.

Since the bank has basic information about each cardholder, it takes no more than a few hours to process the application. Loans for payroll clients are issued at a reduced rate and can be issued directly at the borrower’s workplace.

Conditions and tariffs of the Sberbank salary project

For the salary project, Sberbank has preferential tariffs for issuing, servicing, cash issuing and other actions with salary cards. Thus, the issuance and maintenance of a salary card is free. Cash withdrawal from ATMs of the territorial branch and within the daily limit also occurs with a zero commission. For cards of the classic level and higher, the commission for cash withdrawal is not charged at ATMs of all territorial branches of Sberbank in the Russian Federation. The size of the daily limit also depends on the level of the card - from 50 thousand rubles. for entry-level cards (Visa Electron, Maestro) up to 1 million rubles. for Platinum level cards.

When withdrawing an amount in excess of the daily limit, the bank charges an additional commission for this amount. It is important to remember that the time frame for the daily limit is taken according to Moscow time, regardless of the region of the country. For debit salary cards, an overdraft limit can be set (a loan for the payment amount in excess of the balance on the card) with a 20% rate for use and a 40% penalty rate for late repayment. For organizations, Sberbank offers a special “salary” tariff plan, which includes cash management services and a salary project on special conditions. The main expense for such a tariff plan is a monthly fee in the region of 3,500 rubles, which differs slightly in different regions countries.

Documents for the Sberbank salary project

To implement a salary project, the bank must provide documents from a legal entity (employer) and each employee - a salary card holder. If the organization is already serviced by Sberbank: has a current account or cash settlement services, it will be enough to submit an application to the bank to join the terms of the “salary” project. In the case where the organization is not a client of the bank, it will need to submit the entire set of documents to open a current account (application, copies of statutory documents, certificates from the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, signature cards, etc.), and then activate the payroll project service. All this can be done at the same time. The employee will only need a passport and an application.

Advantages of the Sberbank salary project

Salary project Sberbank has quite a lot strengths, due, first of all, to the huge scale of the bank and the availability of programs to increase client base plastic card holders. Sberbank’s capabilities allow it to place a loan specialist and install ATMs directly at large enterprises that have joined the terms of the salary project. The formed banking history of salary card holders gives the right to receive preferential loans for the purchase of real estate, cars and other purposes. A pleasant addition for cardholders is also access to the Sberbank Online service and mobile banking.

Salary project in Sberbank Online

Cardholders cannot independently connect to the salary project through the Sberbank Online system. To do this, you need to contact your employer with an application for payment of wages to a Sberbank card. The document must indicate the card account details for transferring money.

If you got a job new job, where the salary is transferred through Sberbank, then the employer himself will offer you to issue a card. There is no need to go anywhere. She will be brought to work. If you want to access your personal account through Sberbank Online, then to do this you will need to visit the bank office with a passport.

Most enterprises today pay their employees wages by non-cash method. It's convenient for everyone. The employer thus reduces the labor costs of cashiers and the costs of obtaining cash in the required amount. And employees save time on visits to the cash desk and gain access to various banking products on preferential terms. Many banks offer salary programs, but Sberbank has been and remains a pioneer in this direction. Let’s take a closer look at what Sberbank’s salary project is and what benefits it brings to its participants.

How does the salary project work?

The mechanism for issuing wages with the help of Sberbank is quite simple. The employer must transfer to the bank the total amount of funds to be paid. After that, he provides Sberbank with a register of employees who need to pay their salaries, indicating the amounts and numbers of their accounts. This document can be brought in person or sent electronically through the Sberbank Business Online system. Actually, this is where the work of an enterprise accountant ends. Next, the bank will independently distribute the funds received to the specified accounts and credit them at the required time.

Attention! If you want to study Sberbank’s salary project in more detail, instructions for an accountant are freely available on the website of this financial organization.

A bank employee can install all the software necessary for the implementation of the project at the accountant’s workplace after concluding a service agreement. For large enterprises, Sber also provides a service such as installing an ATM on site for employees. Bank cards are also issued to employees of the organization on its territory, but only during the first month after joining the project. In the future, employees will have to independently contact the bank branch indicated by the employer to receive a payment instrument.

Who can join the project

Which organization can connect a salary project for its employees? Sberbank for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and other types legal entities makes one requirement: the monthly wage fund at the enterprise must be 5,000,000 rubles. If the organization's payroll is less than the specified amount, access to the project is closed to it.

Important! To connect to the project, an organization does not have to be at Sberbank for cash management services. However, clients who conduct all financial transactions through Sber receive a good discount on salary transfer services.

The project can be used not only by enterprises, but also educational institutions– to pay scholarships and benefits to students. The work scheme, as well as the tariffs for services, do not change in this case.

Sberbank salary project - cost of service

The salary product provides two types of tariffs:

  1. “Premier” - with a monthly payroll of 5,000,000 rubles.
  2. “First” – with a monthly payroll of 50,000,000 rubles.

Within each tariff, the bank provides a specific package of services. In the event of an increase in the monthly wage fund (volume of scholarships/benefits), the company can connect an additional package corresponding to the amount of increase. For every 5,000,000 rubles you can connect another “Premier” package, and for every 50,000,000, respectively, a “First” package. As part of these packages, the bank undertakes:

  • issue plastic cards and PIN envelopes for employees of the organization;
  • reissue cards upon expiration of their expiration date;
  • check the registers provided by the enterprise for the correctness of information;
  • notify the company about mistakes made;
  • transfer funds to specified accounts;
  • notify the company about the transfer of funds;
  • provide the company with a transcript of the operations performed.

The cost of participation in a salary project depends on the region in which the enterprise operates, the number of employees, the form of ownership and a number of other features. It should be clarified in Sberbank itself, in the department for working with legal entities. If your organization provides settlement and cash services through Sber, you can obtain information from your personal manager.

How to join the salary project

To introduce a non-cash form of salary payment in your organization, you must first submit an application to Sberbank to join the salary project. You can do this in three ways:

  • contact the bank branch that deals with legal entities;
  • by contacting your personal manager;
  • by sending a request on the website.

In the latter case, on the main page of the Sber website, select the section corresponding to your organization in the top menu ( "Small Business" or "Corporate clients"). After going to the section, click on the link at the bottom of the screen "Salary project", and on the new page click the button "Send request".

Attention! Before starting to work with the site, do not forget to set the region in which your company operates in its header.

In the application, you will need to indicate the location of your company, the year it was founded, the number of employees and the amount of monthly payroll. You will also need to leave your contact details (phone number or email) - a bank representative will contact you using them. To make the conversation with him immediately more substantive, in the comments to the application indicate all the questions that interest you; there is a special field for this.

After reviewing the application, an offer agreement will be drawn up with your company, in accordance with which the bank will begin to act. Your organization will be assigned a personal representative who will be responsible for issuing cards to employees, installing the necessary software and resolving any difficulties that arise.

Types of salary cards in Sberbank

As you know, there are many types of plastic cards, and Sberbank can issue almost any of them. Tariffs for legal entities for Sberbank’s salary project largely depend on what form of payment instrument the organization chooses for its employees. The following types of cards can be issued as part of the project:

  • Maestro/Visa Electron;
  • Pro100 “Standard”;
  • Master Card Standard/Visa Classic;
  • Master Card Gold/Visa Gold;
  • Master Card Platinum/Visa Platinum.

Each category of cards has its own characteristics. Thus, a special application can be connected to the Electron Visa, allowing it to be used as a transport card. An overdraft limit is set on debit cards of the PRO100 system, allowing them to be used, if necessary, as credit cards. Maestro cards can be issued in a student version. And, of course, each category of cards has its own tariffs for services and limits on transactions performed.

Important! For employees using salary cards, their issue and maintenance remain free. These expenses are borne by the organization. Many of them account for the cost of her participation in the salary project.

As you can see, this banking offer has quite a lot of nuances. We hope we have helped you understand some of them. For more detailed information, contact the Sberbank department dealing with servicing legal entities.

The salary project at Sberbank is equally beneficial for both the company and the employees. Both parties receive special conditions, in addition to standard opportunities - a simplified payroll scheme, the use of cards from international payment systems. Let's consider how it is connected, used and what advantages the tool has.

Features of the salary project in Sberbank

Gone are the days when queues lined up at the cash desks of enterprises and organizations for salaries. Now the money you earn is easy to transfer and receive. A company wishing to cooperate with Sberbank should enter into an agreement. It is acceptable to contact the institution in person or submit an application through the Business Online service. After signing an agreement on the interaction of two legal entities, the process of issuing invoices and issuing salary cards begins. At the same time, it will not be difficult for accountants to carry out all stages of project design, relying on simple instructions, given on the official website of Sberbank.

Having concluded a salary project with Sberbank, the company and banking institution act as follows:

  1. Accounting transfers the monthly salary of company employees to a general account.
  2. Informs Sberbank about the payment amount for each employee.
  3. During the period specified in the agreement, the bank transfers the agreed amount to the accounts of the company’s employees.
An organization that uses a salary project in Sberbank does not need to transfer money into cash, therefore, a certain amount is saved. In addition, large enterprises have the opportunity to install an ATM/terminal on their territory, which creates certain convenience.
You can connect a salary project like this:
  • register in Business Online. After authorization in your Personal Account, you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs and submit an online application;
  • visit a Sberbank branch serving legal entities;
  • use the services of a client manager.
The salary project in Sberbank makes it possible to carry out a number of operations and control a single account. In this case, everything happens remotely.

Benefits and privileges for employees

Employees of enterprises have the opportunity not only to receive salaries quickly and in a simplified form, but also to be a preferential client of Sberbank. Now you can use funds in an account outside the country, exercise control, obtain information on accounts, conduct all available banking operations etc.
A salary card allows you to:
  • receive special interest rates when applying for any type of loan;
  • obtain a mortgage loan on more favorable terms;
  • issue an additional card using the same account;
  • receive discounts, participate in promotions that are often carried out by payment systems;
  • connect to the bonus program and save conditional money in a separate account Thank you. In the future, they can be used to pay for purchases in partner stores in a 1:1 ratio;
  • open a Savings account for savings with a favorable interest rate and transfer funds there from a salary card;
  • if a salary card is lost (stolen), it can be blocked. In this case, the money is saved in the account. If it is impossible to use the old plastic, it is allowed to issue a new card or reissue the previous one.

And thus, data is entered for each employee. Next, the completed Register is exported, accompanied by an electronic signature and submitted for execution. If the project is improved, all changes for the company occur automatically.

Sberbank’s salary project is a very handy tool, allowing enterprises and organizations to pay their employees wages to a bank card of the largest Russian bank.

Sberbank salary project: operating principles

Companies that have chosen this tool from Sberbank significantly simplify the procedure for paying employees salaries. To do this, you should conclude an appropriate agreement with the bank, and no difficulties should arise here, because the scheme for concluding the document is simplified to the maximum: it, in particular, even provides for the possibility of online contacting any of the Sberbank branches.

If an enterprise or company has previously collaborated with Sberbank, then in order to join such a convenient toolkit as a salary project, it will be enough to submit the appropriate application. If the company that liked the project has not previously cooperated with the bank, then it will be required to provide complete package documents.

In most cases, the financial institution reserves the right to change existing options or introduce new ones without entering into any additional agreements. However, in practice, the bank still informs clients about such changes, at least in the form email or SMS messages.

After successful completion of the contract registration procedure, the next stage begins, at which the company and the bank arrange for employees to receive debit cards and opening bank accounts. Employees of large enterprises receive cards directly at their place of work, while employees of small companies will need to visit the bank, however, this will not take much time.

The instructions for an accountant, created by Sberbank specialists to make using the salary project tool even simpler, explain in detail how to carry out this or that operation. To put it very briefly, the process looks like this:

  • the company transfers the total amount of employee wages for the month to Sberbank into a single account opened there;
  • the bank is provided with information about the amount of accrued salary for each employee - the company accountant carries out all calculations in the program with which he works, after which the salary slips are sent to the financial institution - either using the register in the Sberbank Business Online system, or by mail to an electronic mailbox with an attached file certified by an electronic signature;
  • Sberbank employees transfer the amounts specified by the company to staff accounts. The period for transferring funds is indicated in advance.

Benefits for companies that choose Sberbank’s salary project

The advantage for a company that has chosen the Sberbank salary project is significant savings in funds previously spent on cashing out money. In addition, there is no need to count large sums of cash every time a salary is issued, which also attracts unnecessary attention from the criminal world.

Moreover, a large organization even has the opportunity to request the bank to install an ATM in the office or on its own territory, through which its employees can cash out money received on the card. This solves the problem of long queues that previously lined up at the cash register on payday, because employees can withdraw funds on any other day or even use the card to make non-cash payments. Small companies receive tangible savings for them, because a cashier responsible for material assets is no longer needed, which means they can save on wages.

All the work of the accountant will be reduced here only to the correct calculation of employee salaries, sending the corresponding statement to the bank, and transferring a single amount to the financial institution.

It is also worth noting such a moment as registration with Sberbank Business Online. Having done this and choosing a salary project, the company gets the opportunity to remotely submit registers to a financial institution and control the situation under a single account: in other words, the entire interaction process is transferred to the virtual space, and a physical visit to the bank no longer becomes optional.

Benefits for employees

In addition to the company, employees also benefit from participating in the salary project of the largest bank in the Russian Federation. Firstly, they get bank cards international format, that is, it will be possible to use it outside Russian Federation. In addition, it is possible to carry out various financial transactions using the card in the remote access. However, these are not all the advantages, because with a Sberbank card you can:

  • obtain a mortgage loan on very favorable terms;
  • get a loan, including a targeted one, at a more favorable price for the borrower interest rate, which differs from the rate provided for ordinary clients, to a lesser extent;
  • issue an additional bank card for a relative to the same account: for example, your significant other can use the funds family budget, being at a considerable distance, and at the same time you will not need to make any additional money transfers;
  • pay with points accumulated on the card as part of the “Thank you” program in certain online stores and traditional points of sale;
  • take advantage of discounts provided by MasterCard and Visa.

It is also worth noting such an important point as the security of your funds. Even if you lose your wallet, you don't lose anything. financially, since the bank card is blocked by the bank, and, accordingly, all the funds located there will continue to remain in the account - no one else will have access to them. And finally, such a pleasant moment as the rate of income - you are required to transfer funds to your savings account, where they gradually increase.

By receiving wages on a card, employees save their time. After all, as mentioned above, you no longer need to wait in line at the treasured window with the inscription “Cashier”: the money is simply credited to your account, after which you can use it at your own discretion - withdraw it on any convenient day, pay utility bills, pay for Internet, top up your balance on your phone. In fact, there are a lot of options, because a Sberbank bank card opens up very ample opportunities, making the life of its owner more comfortable. You should also remember that Sberbank bank cards are serviced by all financial institutions in the Russian Federation without any commissions.

Almost any company can apply to participate in the salary program of the country’s largest state bank. Previously, cooperation with small companies was uninteresting for banks - bankers focused all their efforts on working with large holdings, but now priorities have changed, and today even a company with a staff of several dozen people that pays wages officially can join the project.

To summarize, I would like to note some other points, such as, for example, the overdraft provided for in the Sberbank salary project. The usage rate here is 20 percent, and in case of violation of payment terms, a 40 percent penalty is imposed. For organizations, monthly servicing of cash register services will cost 3.5 thousand rubles, with monthly fees for annual servicing financial institution There are no accounts provided here.

An employee, in case of dismissal from the enterprise where he received a salary card, can refuse it - to do this, he should contact the relevant department of Sberbank. But there is a second option - the card can continue to be used, only its owner will have to contact the bank to change the tariff plan to a standard one, since now it will no longer be the company, but himself, who will pay for its service.

Development and implementation of salary projects (PP) is one of the areas of work with corporate clients.

Sberbank is a pioneer in the development of this financial space, convenient for both the banker and the consumer (legal entity). Today, almost all major banks in the country have switched to payroll services. A whole team of specialists is working on projects. Cooperation is carried out strictly on a contractual basis. The mechanism of the project is the consistent and regular implementation of 3 steps:

  • Transfer of a sum of money in the amount of a monthly salary from the company to a bank account;
  • Distribution of money across employee card accounts;
  • Ensuring the smooth issuance of cash or the use of a salary card (ZK) as a tool for paying for goods and services.

The person responsible for payroll performs all the necessary calculations, fills out registers, using modern software (including various 1C configurations). By agreement with the partner, Sberbank installs at the enterprise the software necessary for the implementation of the RFP.

Attention! In 2016, Sberbank’s activities within the framework of the RFP are carried out according to an accelerated scheme, using the Sberbank Business Online platform. Several tens of thousands of legal entities have already switched to such interaction. New technology allows you to transfer money to employee accounts within 10 minutes, while the company’s accountant has the ability to track receipts online.

Advantages of the new technology:

  • High speed of salary transfers;
  • Providing easy access to other products and networks, for example, Sberbank Online, Autopayment, mobile bank etc.;
  • Improving lending conditions: to obtain a loan, including obtaining a mortgage, a salary client requires a minimum of documents and time. In relation to partners, Sberbank applies other (preferential) tariffs, charging low interest rates.

Implementation instructions

Any institution authorized to implement the RFP has a special document - conditions for the provision services. The bank offers to get acquainted with the wording of the conditions, after which, if the organization agrees, they sign a bilateral offer agreement (in practice, they sign an application where they ask to join the project and agree with the contractual terms). In most cases, the bank reserves the right to change them or introduce new options without signing an additional agreement, but, as practice shows, they rarely diverge from the interests of the other party.

  • Sberbank issues the required number of registered credit cards based on Visa, MasterCard;
  • The responsible manager distributes payment instruments among employees - this approach is practiced in large companies. Employees of small enterprises are asked to go to a Sberbank branch themselves in order to sign an agreement to receive plastic.

ZK can have any level - from entry-level to premium. The choice of sample is at the discretion of the bank and depends on a number of subjective factors (the expected salary of the employee, position, company activity, its scale, etc.). After signing the agreement, the client provides the bank with documents containing information about the employees, including copies of passports. About 10 working days are allotted for the issuance of the ZK.

Terms and rates

Preferential tariffs are established for the maintenance/issuance of purchase orders, as well as for other operations performed with their help. For example:

  • No need to pay for issue or annual maintenance of plastic;
  • It is offered to withdraw money from ATMs located on the territory of the service branch free of charge (you will have to pay a commission if the daily limit for cash withdrawal is exceeded);
  • Even though it's not credit card, an overdraft limit is set on it with an overpayment of 20% (usage rate) and 40% (penalty rate for late payment);
  • The daily limit is set taking into account the credit category, so if you plan to withdraw more, order plastic at a higher level. From an entry-level product you can withdraw up to 50 thousand rubles for free per day, while for “platinum” products the maximum limit is raised to 1 million rubles.

You can withdraw cash above the limit, but a commission will be charged on the amount by which you exceeded the established level. Sberbank can offer an organization a unique tariff plan, within the framework of which cash management services and other salary options will be calculated at preferential rates. The offer is paid, the cost of the tariff plan is approximately 3.5 thousand rubles. per month (there may be minor differences in setting fees for companies in different regions).

Find out about the tariffs set for your ZK by clicking on the link.

Question and answer: useful information about salary projects

1. What salary contract options do project participants pay for?

The manager pays for the issue of the card and its annual maintenance at a reduced rate, since within the framework of a single agreement it is necessary to purchase hundreds and sometimes hundreds of thousands of payment instruments. Another payment is for the bank’s distribution of funds to employee accounts.

2. In what ways are electronic statements transmitted to Sberbank?

Transfer of electronic registers occurs through the Sberbank Business Online system and is possible in the following ways:

  • By email with a file attachment and SberSign electronic signature;
  • Through the “Salary Project” functionality: either by creating a register in the Sberbank Online system, or by importing a register created independently using 1C.

3. Which enterprise can apply for participation in the RFP?

Any organization that officially pays salaries can contact the main bank of Russia. Today, priorities have changed: if previously banks were not interested in cooperating with small companies and relied on large holdings, now any enterprise with no more than a hundred employees can participate in the partnership and benefit from cooperation.

4. What to do with the ZK after dismissal?

You can return it by contacting a special department of the organization that issued it, or continue to use it. You just have to contact the bank and change the tariff plan from salary to standard, because now the plastic holder, and not the employer, will pay for the service.

By the way, if you do not want to receive your salary on a Sberbank card, you need to tell your employer about this. The manager cannot impose his own rules for paying money individuals- this is decided by the employee himself (No. 197-FZ, Article 131, Labor Code of Russia). On the other hand, you do not lose anything, but, on the contrary, gain through participation in the ZP. You have in your hands a convenient payment instrument for which you do not need to pay. Feedback from people participating in the ZP is positive everywhere. You can use an overdraft or apply for large loans within a day without fear of being rejected. You are a privileged client of the bank, and this gives you access to many tools that are closed to “people on the street.”

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