Sber salary project. Tariffs for remote service. Tariffs for use

Sberbank’s salary project is modern handy tool on payment wages, and crediting it to employee accounts in minimum terms. The banking instrument will help the client company reduce financial expenses and labor costs in the process of paying employees. At the same time, the company will be able to take advantage of preferential connection conditions and appreciate the advantages of banking technologies.

What are the benefits of the Sberbank Salary Project for legal entities?

  1. There is no need to pay for the service of cashing the total amount of the company's wages;
  2. Sberbank has provided flexible tariffs for account servicing, crediting funds to a client’s card, as well as providing other services as part of the company’s salary project. The cost is discussed individually;
  3. The procedure for concluding a contract has been simplified. A constructor agreement developed for these purposes will help with this;
  4. Large clients can submit a request to install a Sberbank ATM directly on the premises of the enterprise. Employees will be able to withdraw funds without leaving the premises of the enterprise.

How does the salary project work?

After signing the documents, the company and the bank will organize the issuance of plastic cards to employees, as well as the opening of accounts for each employee. The principle of the project looks like this:

  • The company's accounting department transfers the total amount of wages (monthly fund) to a single bank account opened in the name of the client company.
  • A statement indicating the salary of each employee is provided to the Sberbank branch.
  • Sberbank, within the period specified in the agreement, credits the transferred funds to employees’ salary cards (according to the enterprise statement).

Important! The client company is recommended to register in the "" service. There you can submit statements remotely and independently control the presence of funds in the company account. To interact with a banking institution, an accountant does not have to visit a Sberbank branch.

How to submit information as part of the Salary Project? Instructions for an accountant

You can send salary information remotely. To do this, fill out a form on the Sberbank website indicating all the information about the company:

  • Full name.
  • The total period of activity.
  • Number of employees.
  • Amount of monthly wage fund.
  • Address and telephone numbers of the enterprise.
  • Contact person.

After receiving the documents, the organization is assigned a specific bank employee who will deal with the preparation of documentation and resolving issues that arise during the period of servicing the client company.

Sberbank of Russia has developed a convenient release tool salary cards For individuals. The registration process has become as simple and convenient as possible.

Instructions for registering:

  • The file “Register for opening accounts” is downloaded to your computer. It can only be downloaded from the official website of Sberbank of Russia.
  • All fields in the Register are filled in. Provide information about employees. The “Export” button is pressed.
  • An electronic digital signature (EDS) is affixed to the document, and the Register is sent to Sberbank.


  • Issuing a Sberbank card, the cost of annual maintenance is free.
  • Cash withdrawals from ATMs within the daily limit are free.
  • The card opens an overdraft line with a rate of 20% per annum. In case of delay – 40% per annum.
  • The daily withdrawal limit is set based on the card type (Classic, Gold, Platinum). The Classic card has a daily limit of 50 thousand rubles. Platinum – 1 million rubles.
  • A commission is charged on funds withdrawn in excess of the established limit.

The employee register in the salary project contains the following fields:

  • Employee profile details (full name).
  • Full name of each employee in Latin. This information is filled in automatic mode after providing information in Russian.
  • Date of birth, city of residence, country.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence.
  • Passport data (series, number).
  • A secret code by which a person will be identified.
  • Employee telephone numbers (at least two).
  • The position that the employee holds in the company.
  • Email address (personal).
  • Type of banking product being issued – Salary project (Classic, Gold, Platinum).
  • Information about the bank ( , branch code).

After entering information about employees, the register is exported. For this purpose, there is a corresponding button on the Sberbank website. The document is endorsed with an electronic digital signature of authorized persons of the enterprise and sent to Sberbank.

If changes are made to the instructions, Sberbank will develop new services, and the client company will be automatically connected to them.

Undeniable advantages for employees of the institution:

  • You can issue additional bank cards for relatives and loved ones.
  • Individual clients of the Sberbank salary project will be able to credit cards, take advantage mortgage lending and offers for car loans on preferential terms.
  • Employees take part in special offers with discounts from Sberbank partners.
  • Each client will be able to take part in the bonus program "".
  • While staying abroad, bank clients will be able to pay using international bank card around the world, where products of international payment systems are accepted.
  • , it is enough to make one call to the hotline or to the nearest Sberbank branch and the plastic card will be blocked. Client funds will remain safe.
  • Get access to own funds possible around the clock. Sberbank has the largest.
  • By accumulating funds on a card account, the client will be able to receive additional income in the form of interest from Sberbank.
  • The "" service allows you to receive information about the account status and any movements of funds by sending an SMS message to mobile phone client.
  • Internet banking () will allow you to make transfers at any time of the day, pay for services,. Internet banking service is provided to clients free of charge.

What does a client company need to know before signing a contract?

  • By signing a cooperation agreement, the client agrees to adhere to the public conditions indicated on the company’s website.
  • If changes are made to the terms of provision of the “Salary Project” service, an additional agreement with the client is not signed.
  • Any legislative changes and technological improvements are put into effect for all clients who have signed the Design Agreement. In this case, the additional agreement is not signed.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly improving products for private clients and partner companies. This also applies to the Salary Project. Using the program from Sberbank will significantly simplify the process of paying wages to employees, as well as reduce the company’s expenses to ensure this process.

The largest in the country among its kind has become salary project Sberbank. This is explained both by the extensive network of branches and by the fact that the bank acted as a pioneer, setting an example for other Russian financial institutions. The technology continues to improve, making it easier to conclude contracts with Sberbank clients.

For any legal entity, be it an enterprise, institution, organization, management financial statements is important integral part activities. It is greatly simplified if the employee’s wages are issued through the bank. At the same time, the costs associated with the need to make payments are significantly reduced. With the transition to payroll services, it comes down to three sequential processes:

  • the required amount of the monthly salary fund is transferred to a bank account opened for the client;
  • it is distributed according to the provided statement, entering the card accounts of employees;
  • issuance is made through the use of salary cards (for the most part, this method is almost 100% used) or in cash.

Sberbank installs software for its client that allows them to implement a salary project. The use of various 1C configurations makes it easier for accountants to carry out calculations and fill out registers; uploading occurs quickly. To implement the payroll service, the bank issues and distributes the required number of payroll plastic cards to the client company’s personnel.

Various types of product can be used:

  • private entrepreneurs;
  • legal entities;
  • individuals

Conditions and tariffs for individual entrepreneurs

Connecting the Sberbank salary project for individual entrepreneurs becomes a necessity. After all Russian ministry Finance has repeatedly issued unequivocal explanations regarding the impossibility of independent calculation and payment of wages by an individual entrepreneur to himself.

In the current situation, individual entrepreneurs were able to find some benefit for themselves. When creating a register for recording wages by individual entrepreneurs, the purposes of the transfer are indicated in the form of other payments. Sberbank, serving small businesses, allows individual entrepreneurs to transfer income using salary cards.

Such a little trick as making a transfer from an individual entrepreneur’s account to the card of the individual entrepreneur himself allows you to save a little on the commission amount. The implementation of Sberbank's salary project for individual entrepreneurs without employees allows us to reduce the commission when transferring money to 0.3%.

Conditions for legal entities

Sberbank services almost half a million within the framework of the salary legal entities. To attract participants, employers are offered to take advantage of exclusive service packages:

This method of service is also beneficial for company employees. And not only because the bank has the largest network of self-service devices and branches in the country. The tariffs for the Sberbank salary project for legal entities and owners of plastic cards are also beneficial.

There is no need to spend money on annual maintenance fees. This allows you to benefit from 450 rubles (the owner Visa Classic Aeroflot) up to 3,000 rubles – to owners of:

  • Visa Gold;
  • MasterCard Gold;
  • WORLD "Golden".

Additional pleasant bonuses are added to this. Using the MIR “Golden” salary card, for example, will allow you to become the owner of 0.5% “Thank you” bonuses with every purchase.

Individual salary project of Sberbank

Any enterprise/institution/organization, entering into an agreement with one or another banking structure, pursues its own benefits. There may also be personal interest on the part of managers. However, their receipt of some preferences from the bank does not necessarily mean that participation in this salary project will be acceptable for the employees themselves.

For one reason or another, someone may enter into an individual agreement, and a new employee, for example, may already have a Sberbank salary card that suits him completely. One way or another, every worker has the right to independently decide through which financial structure to receive their earnings. This may be due to the provision of a mortgage, receipt of dividends, loan servicing and other circumstances.

Maintenance cost

When concluding an agreement, both basic and additional conditions are taken into account that affect the cost of servicing the Sberbank salary project. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the current tariffs.

Remote service

An LLC that has not previously cooperated with the bank will have to pay for:

  • opening a current account, which will cost 960 rubles, and maintenance (650 per month);
  • use of an electronic key (for 1,700 - standard, for 2,150 - touch, for 3,990 - with a screen;
  • installation of software at the location of your own office and basic training of employees who will have to work with the system (no more than 9,000);
  • sending SMS messages to salary card holders with notifications about replenishment of the current account and its balance (80 rubles monthly for each);
  • electronic document exchange with third parties (monthly – 295);
  • connection to a service that checks counterparties (monthly – 300).

Additional expenses

These include, for example:

  1. Charge a fee when cash is withdrawn from the card in excess of the established daily limit.
  2. Issuance of a plastic card belonging to the premium segment, for which increased tariffs are established.

Free services

By deciding to activate the Sberbank salary project, the client receives several benefits for which he does not have to pay anything at all. For example:

  • The bank will service the salary card free of charge;
  • withdraw cash without commission, without exceeding the accepted limit of at least 50,000 rubles per day;
  • replace the card free of charge;
  • do not pay for the maintenance of premium service packages “Sberbank First” or “Sberbank Premier”, adhering to the terms of use.

Package of documents for the Sberbank salary project

Before visiting a branch or proceeding with remote registration, you should carefully read the terms and conditions under which the services are provided on the page

After this you can go to:

  • filling out an application form;
  • providing copies of statutory documentation (if the company has not previously cooperated with Sberbank);
  • concluding an agreement for the provision of services;
  • filling out a register containing information about employees to whom wages will be transferred (a sample is available on the official banking website).

Agreement for the Sberbank salary project

Having independently figured out the tariffs for the Sberbank salary project, an individual entrepreneur or the head of an enterprise/institution/organization can also call the hotline (or the personal manager assigned to such clients). The specialist will provide all the required information; from him you can get an intelligent answer to questions that arise during the explanations.

The formation of conditions for the provision of service occurs with an individual approach to each client, taking into account various circumstances and characteristics of the activity. To secure it, a special offer agreement is signed. Sberbank does not enter into agreements with structures that do not have a monthly wage fund of more than five million rubles.

Application for Sberbank salary project: sample and form

To submit an application to join the Sberbank ZP, you must fill out a special form. It is available on the official portal and looks like this:

It is also possible to fill out an online application. For residents and non-residents, it is necessary to indicate the basic details:

  • legal addresses;
  • contract number;
  • number of employees;
  • volume of the monthly wage fund, etc.

Clients who already have a bank account indicate its number.

How to connect a salary project to Sberbank business online

It’s easier to connect to Sberbank’s salary project remotely:

To connect it, you will need to visit a bank office. For clients who will use their personal account, Sberbank has compiled instructions explaining how to carry out certain financial transactions. Activate the PO by filling out a special application.

Cards for the Sberbank salary project

By joining the service, an organization can use any of the offered plastic cards. There is also a service that involves non-standard design of bank plastic, which demonstrates the involvement of its owner in a special business. Many client companies order the issue of cards with a unique corporate design. For example:

How to disable the Sberbank salary project

It happens that you have to refuse the Sberbank salary project. To close it, warn financial institution must be made in advance, in writing or online, no later than 15 working days before the scheduled date.

Summing up: the pros and cons of Sberbank’s salary project

The video introduces the advantages concisely and sensibly

The advantages of salary cards are known to tens of millions of working Russians. In relation to the shortcomings, everyone has the opportunity to choose which bank to receive their salary, taking into account their own motives.

2 comments on “Sberbank Salary Project – Conditions and Tariffs”

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You can pay salaries to employees not only from the company’s cash desk, but also by transferring funds to a bank account. Especially for these purposes, credit institutions offer their clients a separate service - a salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that the organization transfers funds in one payment, while simultaneously providing the bank with a statement indicating to whom and how much should be paid.

For whom

Bank salary projects are provided for any organizations that officially pay income to their employees. Today, credit institutions' priorities have changed. Previously, banks did not cooperate with small businesses. Now any organization with at least ten people on staff can join the project.


Payroll projects of banks are serviced at preferential rates. Card issuance and maintenance is free. The issuance of funds through the terminals of your home bank within the limit is carried out with zero commission. But the restrictions depend on the type of card with which the salary project is serviced. Sberbank, for example, has set a limit of 50 thousand rubles for Visa Electron and Maestro. and 1 million rubles. For Platinum cards. When withdrawing large amounts, an additional fee is charged. The time frame of the limit is set according to Moscow time and is valid for all regions.

As part of the Sberbank salary project, an overdraft is provided (payment amount in excess of the card balance) with a 20% rate for use and 40% penalties for violation of payment terms. The cost of monthly servicing of cash register services for organizations is 3,500 rubles. There is no monthly fee for annual account maintenance.

Let's take a closer look at how to connect a salary project through Sberbank.


To activate the service, you need to enter into an agreement with a credit institution and provide all employees with debit cards. If the organization was previously serviced by Sberbank (opened an account or transferred funds), then it is enough to submit an application to join the project. Otherwise you need to provide complete package documents: application, copy of the charter, certificate from the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund, signature cards, etc.

Most often, the bank reserves the right to change or introduce new options without concluding additional agreements. But in practice, credit institutions at least inform the client in the form of SMS about changes in the terms of service.

Next, you need to obtain debit cards for all employees at the bank branch. Depending on the terms of the program, the size of the organization and the position of the employee, both Visa Electron, Maestro, and Visa Gold, Platinum can be provided. Employees of small businesses must independently contact the bank to obtain a card. Employees of large and medium-sized enterprises are served by bank representatives right at their place of work.


The accountant responsible for payroll carries out all calculations in his program (for example, 1C). Further salary statements via special equipment installed on the PC are sent to the bank:

  • via email with a file and electronic signature;
  • through the register in the Sberbank Online system.

The credit institution independently transfers funds to employee cards.

Consumer loan

A participant in a salary project has the opportunity to take advantage of a number of bonuses, one of which is a loan for up to 60 months. The maximum loan amount is calculated individually for each client, based on salary, length of service, volume of guarantee and other indicators.

Since the credit institution already has basic information about the plastic holder, applications are processed within a few hours, and the loan itself can be issued directly at the place of work at a reduced rate.

Benefits for employers

Sberbank’s salary project allows organizations to:

  • Simplify the payment process. If an organization has connected a payroll project, then the need to recalculate large sums, transport funds from branch to office, and manually pay salaries automatically disappears.
  • Sberbank has developed the salary project in such a way that all the accountant’s work comes down to sending a statement to the bank and transferring the total payment amount.
  • Order a separate terminal and ATM so that employees can not only withdraw funds, but also pay for services and make transfers right at their place of work.
  • The project is very convenient for organizations with a large number of employees. It eliminates the need to store huge amounts of funds in the cash register and line up for workers. Payments are made simultaneously to all employees immediately, regardless of their location.
  • The salary project allows small organizations to save on a cashier's salary.

Benefits for employees

  1. Cardholders can enjoy all the benefits of plastic cards from international payment systems: manage their accounts remotely via the Internet, participate in promotions and receive bonuses from a credit institution.
  2. Save time. There is no need to stand in line to receive your salary. All funds can be withdrawn at any convenient time through any ATM in the country. Salary cards are serviced by all credit institutions in Russia without commission.
  3. You can transfer money between accounts, pay taxes through self-service terminals, mobile communications, Internet, television, housing and communal services, etc. without commission.
  4. Pay for goods using non-cash methods.
  5. Connect the service " Mobile bank» or "SberbankOnL@yn" and track account movements online.
  6. Clients who have been served within the project for more than six months can:
  • additionally issue an international payment system card for relatives and connect it to your account;
  • use an overdraft;
  • get a credit card;
  • apply for a mortgage loan at a preferential rate and with a minimum package of documents.

What to do with cards of dismissed employees?

You can hand over the plastic to the bank, including through an accountant at the enterprise, or continue to use it. In the second case, you will have to contact a credit institution and change the tariff plan to a standard one, since the card holder, not the employer, will pay for the service.

Special services

Salary cards are used not only for their intended purpose. For example, plastic holders from the Pacific state university not only store funds in the account, but also use plastic as an electronic key. The TNU campus card automates the internal processes of the university. It is used as a pass to the university premises and as a library card.

Offers on the market

After the Russian President signed a law at the end of 2014, according to which employees of enterprises can choose their own bank to transfer salaries, credit institutions began to actively develop new programs to attract clients. The employer has no right to refuse this request. According to Art. 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee can refuse service through a salary project chosen by the organization (Article 131 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

OJSC Rosselkhozbank offers a salary overdraft. To apply for the service, it is enough to present your passport at any bank branch. Users of the service can receive to their account at any time additional funds in the amount of average monthly earnings. The limit is calculated in advance for each client and cannot exceed 1 million rubles.

VTB24 offers holders of salary cards preferential property insurance programs with a discount of 10% to 15%. In addition, there is a list of partners, when paying for goods with a non-cash payment, the client receives bonuses on the card in the form of a refund of part of the funds. The number of points assigned also depends on the specific store and the purchase amount.

"RSB" charges 10% on the balance of own funds on the salary card. In addition, money can be withdrawn from the card without commission at all ATMs in Russia. Renaissance Credit OJSC offers similar conditions to its clients.

OJSC Raiffeisenbank offers an individual salary project. Its essence lies in the fact that an employee of the company can apply to the bank for a card, provide the details of the payment instrument to the accounting department, and after two transfers of funds from the organization’s account, receive the status of a participant in the salary project.

Clients of Tinkoff Bank OJSC have the opportunity to withdraw funds from their account at any ATM for 99 rubles without interest. per month. But Aimanibank OJSC has set a limit on interest-free withdrawals from the account within an amount of 3,000 rubles.

The salary project at Sberbank is equally beneficial for both the company and the employees. Both parties receive special conditions, in addition to standard opportunities - a simplified payroll scheme, the use of cards from international payment systems. Let's consider how it is connected, used and what advantages the tool has.

Features of the salary project in Sberbank

Gone are the days when queues lined up at the cash desks of enterprises and organizations for salaries. Now the money you earn is easy to transfer and receive. A company wishing to cooperate with Sberbank should enter into an agreement. It is acceptable to contact the institution in person or submit an application through the Business Online service. After signing an agreement on the interaction of two legal entities, the process of issuing invoices and issuing salary cards begins. At the same time, it will not be difficult for accountants to carry out all stages of the project design, relying on simple instructions given on the official website of Sberbank.

Having concluded a salary project with Sberbank, the company and banking institution act as follows:

  1. Accounting transfers the monthly salary of company employees to a general account.
  2. Informs Sberbank about the payment amount for each employee.
  3. During the period specified in the agreement, the bank transfers the agreed amount to the accounts of the company’s employees.
An organization that uses a salary project in Sberbank does not need to transfer money into cash, therefore, a certain amount is saved. In addition, large enterprises have the opportunity to install an ATM/terminal on their territory, which creates certain convenience.
You can connect a salary project like this:
  • register in Business Online. After authorization in your Personal Account, you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs and submit an online application;
  • visit a Sberbank branch serving legal entities;
  • use the services of a client manager.
The salary project at Sberbank makes it possible to carry out a number of operations and control a single account. In this case, everything happens remotely.

Benefits and privileges for employees

Employees of enterprises have the opportunity not only to receive salaries quickly and in a simplified form, but also to be a preferential client of Sberbank. Now you can use funds in an account outside the country, exercise control, obtain information on accounts, conduct all available banking operations etc.
A salary card allows you to:
  • receive special interest rates when applying for any type of loan;
  • obtain a mortgage loan on more favorable terms;
  • issue an additional card using the same account;
  • receive discounts, participate in promotions that are often carried out by payment systems;
  • connect to the bonus program and save conditional money in a separate account Thank you. In the future, they can be used to pay for purchases in partner stores in a 1:1 ratio;
  • open a savings account for savings with favorable interest rate and transfer funds from your salary card there;
  • if a salary card is lost (stolen), it can be blocked. In this case, the money is saved in the account. If it is impossible to use the old plastic, it is allowed to issue a new card or reissue the previous one.

And thus, data is entered for each employee. Next, the completed Register is exported, accompanied by an electronic signature and submitted for execution. If the project is improved, all changes for the company occur automatically.

Sberbank's salary project is a modern, convenient tool for paying salaries and crediting them to employee accounts in the shortest possible time. The banking tool will help the client company reduce financial costs and labor costs in the process of paying employees. At the same time, the company will be able to take advantage of preferential connection conditions and appreciate the advantages of banking technologies.

What are the benefits of the Sberbank Salary Project for legal entities?

  1. There is no need to pay for the service of cashing the total amount of the company's wages;
  2. Sberbank has provided flexible tariffs for account servicing, crediting funds to a client’s card, as well as providing other services as part of the company’s salary project. The cost is discussed individually;
  3. The procedure for concluding a contract has been simplified. A constructor agreement developed for these purposes will help with this;
  4. Large clients can submit a request to install a Sberbank ATM directly on the premises of the enterprise. Employees will be able to withdraw funds without leaving the premises of the enterprise.

How does the salary project work?

After signing the documents, the company and the bank will organize the issuance of plastic cards to employees, as well as the opening of accounts for each employee. The principle of the project looks like this:

  • The company's accounting department transfers the total amount of wages (monthly fund) to a single bank account opened in the name of the client company.
  • A statement indicating the salary of each employee is provided to the Sberbank branch.
  • Sberbank, within the period specified in the agreement, credits the transferred funds to employees’ salary cards (according to the enterprise statement).

Important! The client company is recommended to register in the Sberbank Business Online service. There you can submit statements remotely and independently control the presence of funds in the company account. To interact with a banking institution, an accountant does not have to visit a Sberbank branch.

How to submit information as part of the Salary Project? Instructions for an accountant

You can send salary information remotely. To do this, fill out a form on the Sberbank website indicating all the information about the company:

  • Full name.
  • The total period of activity.
  • Number of employees.
  • Amount of monthly wage fund.
  • Address and telephone numbers of the enterprise.
  • Contact person.

After receiving the documents, the organization is assigned a specific bank employee who will deal with the preparation of documentation and resolving issues that arise during the period of servicing the client company.

Sberbank of Russia has developed a convenient tool for issuing salary cards for individuals. The registration process has become as simple and convenient as possible.

Instructions for registering:

  • The file “Register for opening accounts” is downloaded to your computer. It can only be downloaded from the official website of Sberbank of Russia.
  • All fields in the Register are filled in. Provide information about employees. The “Export” button is pressed.
  • An electronic digital signature (EDS) is affixed to the document, and the Register is sent to Sberbank.


  • Issuing a Sberbank card, the cost of annual maintenance is free.
  • Cash withdrawals from ATMs within the daily limit are free.
  • The card opens an overdraft line with a rate of 20% per annum. In case of delay – 40% per annum.
  • The daily withdrawal limit is set based on the card type (Classic, Gold, Platinum). The Classic card has a daily limit of 50 thousand rubles. Platinum – 1 million rubles.
  • A commission is charged on funds withdrawn in excess of the established limit.

The employee register in the salary project contains the following fields:

  • Employee profile details (full name).
  • Full name of each employee in Latin. This information is filled in automatically after specifying the information in Russian.
  • Date of birth, city of residence, country.
  • Registration address and actual place of residence.
  • Passport data (series, number).
  • A secret code by which a person will be identified.
  • Employee telephone numbers (at least two).
  • The position that the employee holds in the company.
  • Email address (personal).
  • The type of banking product being issued is Sberbank Salary Project cards (Classic, Gold, Platinum).
  • Information about the bank (branch name, branch code).

After entering information about employees, the register is exported. For this purpose, there is a corresponding button on the Sberbank website. The document is endorsed with an electronic digital signature of authorized persons of the enterprise and sent to Sberbank.

If changes are made to the instructions, Sberbank will develop new services, and the client company will be automatically connected to them.

Undeniable advantages for employees of the institution:

  • You can issue additional bank cards for relatives and loved ones.
  • Individual clients of the Sberbank salary project will be able to obtain loans, credit cards, take advantage of mortgage lending and car loan offers on preferential terms.
  • Employees take part in special offers with discounts from Sberbank partners.
  • Each client will be able to take part in the “Thank you from Sberbank” bonus program.
  • While staying abroad, bank clients will be able to pay using an international bank card anywhere in the world where products of international payment systems are accepted.
  • If your Sberbank card is lost or stolen, it is enough to make one call to the hotline or to the nearest Sberbank branch and the card will be blocked. Client funds will remain safe.
  • You can access your own funds around the clock. Sberbank has the largest network of ATMs throughout Russia.
  • By accumulating funds on a card account, the client will be able to receive additional income in the form of interest from Sberbank.
  • The “Mobile Bank” service allows you to receive information about the account status and any movements of funds by sending an SMS message to the client’s mobile phone.
  • Internet banking (Sberbank Online) will allow you to make transfers at any time of the day, pay for services, traffic police fines. Internet banking service is provided to clients free of charge.

What does a client company need to know before signing a contract?

  • By signing a cooperation agreement, the client agrees to adhere to the public conditions indicated on the company’s website.
  • If changes are made to the terms of provision of the “Salary Project” service, an additional agreement with the client is not signed.
  • Any legislative changes and technological improvements are put into effect for all clients who have signed the Design Agreement. In this case, the additional agreement is not signed.

Sberbank of Russia is constantly improving products for private clients and partner companies. This also applies to the Salary Project. Using the program from Sberbank will significantly simplify the process of paying wages to employees, as well as reduce the company’s expenses to ensure this process.

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