Homemade device for suppressing electromagnetic signals. How to make a cellular jammer. Is it legal to use

GSM cell phone jammer circuit

Today GSM bugs are a bestseller! The most convenient and most best option wiretapping - via GSM channel. You are in the Canary Islands, a client in the Kuril Islands - you called this GSM bug and are aware of everything!

The scheme is very simple - you don’t need to sit near the client’s office and be calculated, the whole system works where there is cellular communication, and today it is everywhere, such a gsm jammer and noise suppressor for any range of digital signals. We propose a circuit for suppressing a cellular signal in the GSM range.

A homemade jammer circuit for a mobile phone is assembled on an outdated element base, but it is very easy to manufacture and all the blocker element base is available on the markets. Theoretically, the suppression range of this GSM jammer circuit is no more than 7 meters.

Suppressed frequencies 900-1800 MHz. The power supply is from 15 to 20 volts, there is a stabilization chip that supplies the entire circuit with 12 volts. A voltage-controlled generator is assembled using transistors.

GSM cell phone jammer circuit. Phone blocker circuit:

Jammer circuit for GPS receivers (1575.42 MHz)

The GPS jammer circuit provides effective suppression of signals from satellites (GPS) at a frequency of 1575.42 MHz.

The suppression range is 20-75 meters, while the effectiveness of suppression depends on what kind of obstacles are between the car and the satellite (roof, forest, and so on). This scheme assembled on a frequency synthesizer chip from Motorola.

The signal from which is mixed with the NOISE signal from the LM-386 microcircuit and then through the mixer is fed to the preliminary high-frequency amplifier further through bandpass filter to the final RF amplifier and then to the antenna. The device is suitable for use in a car when powered by Krona. Operating time from the crown is 10-15 minutes or from the cigarette lighter through a 9-volt stabilizer.

Jammer circuit for GPS receivers (1575.42 MHz):

Radio signal jammer diagram

The circuit is intended for the manufacture of a device for protection against radio bugs. Silencer circuit Provides effective suppression of emissions from low-power transmitters in the range 30 MHz - 1000 MHz. A large number of bugs operate at these frequencies.

Schematic diagram of the suppressor:
Transistors VT1-VT4 require radiators of at least 100 square meters. see each, provided there is good internal ventilation of the case. It is better to replace resistors R1 and R2 with one 4.7 Ohm 10 W power.

Deputy Director for Development Kerimov Rostislav.

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Cell phone jammers, as cellular signal suppressors are commonly called, are an affordable and reliable tool with which you can prevent the leakage of information of varying degrees of significance. IN modern world A variety of tracking devices have become all too common, making it increasingly difficult to maintain the secrecy of commercial and other information not intended for public scrutiny. Jammers mobile phones were created specifically to ensure confidentiality and non-distribution of important data.

Also, cell phone jammers are designed to maintain the established order of stay in some public places: libraries, theaters, cinemas and many others, where the rules of visiting establish the absence of unauthorized sound signals. "SpetsTechConsulting" invites everyone interested in suppressing cellular signals to purchase mobile phone jammers at various modifications. The cost of the equipment we offer to suppress the signal of cellular operators varies depending on their technical level and capabilities.

Cell phone jammers work on different frequencies. They can create noise that interferes with the operation of mobile communications. Depending on the power of the noise generator, the range of the equipment to block the signal of cellular operators changes. How more powerful generator, the more space will be blocked. There are cell phone jammers for use in cars and for rooms of various sizes. Some modifications of the equipment offered by SpetsTechConsulting to suppress the signal of cellular operators can also effectively block data transmission via Wi-Fi.

In the online catalog "SpetsTechConsulting" you can find equipment for blocking GPS signals. For example, the GT-13C model, which belongs to the compact devices from the series of portable jammers. This device, thanks to its external similarity to a mobile phone, small size and modern design, without attracting too much attention, can provide freedom of movement to its owner by blocking the GPS signal.

Modern cell phone jammers have many modifications and provide various opportunities to their owners. If you are considering the possibility of purchasing a mobile phone jammer, but have not yet decided which one would be optimal to purchase, contact the specialists of SpetsTechConsulting, who are able to advise on a professional level and provide comprehensive assistance in choosing the optimal equipment for implementing a corporate and personal security system. Using modern capabilities provides many benefits to prevent information leakage of varying levels of significance.

To eliminate the problem associated with tracking, you will need a communication suppressor device that suppresses the navigator and also introduces certain interference during its operation. Such jammers are sold in an electronics store, or created with your own hands if you have some knowledge in the field of radio engineering.

What does the jammer consist of?

The jammer, as in the photo, consists of certain elements:

  • A generator for voltage regulation, through which the overvoltage of the entire system is removed and combustion is prevented. It also enhances the current flow, while maintaining the functionality of the entire system at any voltage.
  • Antenna. IN this device Various types of transmitted elements are used, but the more suitable one is SMA, which provides the maximum coverage area and also operates in the desired frequency mode.
  • Amplifier. A certain part of the circuit that is responsible for supplying a powerful signal.
  • Scheme. This element includes a generator as well as a coil. The first produces vibrations that are gradually transmitted to the coil.

To ensure uninterrupted operation of the gadget and avoid communication jamming, you will need to wind the required number of turns. The duration of operation of the device and the gain directly depend on the correct choice of core.

The design also provides other details, thanks to which it functions in different modes:

  • interference in the functioning of tracking devices, which makes it possible to remove a phone or car from radar screens;
  • changing the signal so that it conveys distorted information.

Photos of do-it-yourself jammers


Buy a regular signal jammer; these can be purchased at radio equipment sales points in your city. Find out the frequency of the waves you need to suppress and program this device. These could be various navigators, antenna signals, radios, telephones, and so on.

In order to assemble the jammer yourself, use the following diagram: http://samodelnie.ru/skhema_glushylki.jpg. In this case, you can suppress any television and radio signal within a range of up to 10 meters. Please note that very powerful signal suppression devices can damage equipment.

At self-assembly device for signal suppression, please note that the loop coil L1 should not be on the same axis with the inductor L2 and should be removed at a distance exceeding 2 centimeters. As an antenna, use a piece of wire 20-40 centimeters long.

When setting up, it is best to have a dielectric screwdriver in your tool kit. The inductor in this case should have about 10 turns, and the wire should have a diameter of 1 millimeter. Its frame should be 10 millimeters, and the inductor should be wound around an MLT 0.5 resistor. Its rating is 100 Ohms, and the wire should have a diameter of 0.1 millimeters (100 turns).

When using this device, please note that if you use it to tamper with someone else's equipment, you may be subject to legal action. If your neighbors are disturbing you with a loud radio or TV, use the legal means available to you to respond: just call the police. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, it is unacceptable to violate the silence regime after 23:00 in the evening. If you are sued for using a jammer, you will not only be required to pay a fine, but your equipment will be confiscated.

Video on the topic

Please note

There is a fine for using such funds.

There is nothing difficult in assembling a phone, but only if during disassembly you did not damage any of the parts of the device, in which case it is best for you to contact specialists.

You will need

  • - thin flat screwdriver;
  • - a mild table knife.


Disassemble your phone by first turning it off and removing the battery. Unscrew all visible fasteners, pull out the special plugs and unscrew the bolts under them; this is very often found in clamshells. After that, proceed to open the phone case. Pry it on one side, and then on the other. Try to make less effort, since you may break the housing mounts.

Please note that some phone models can be held together using special glue; here you will need a mild knife or a thin flat-head screwdriver. Place the phone on its side in a stable position (it will be better if someone helps you), place a screwdriver or knife along the line of connection between the parts of the phone case and lightly hit the tool with your palm, as soon as you feel that the phone opens, separate the parts using the knife.

After opening the case, remember the order in which you disconnected the phone parts. Try not to damage the connections between the wires and cables of the screen and the microcircuit. In order to remove the circuit, unscrew the bolts, usually located on the sides and in the center. Be careful, if your phone has Wi-Fi functionality, it's best not to disconnect the modem unless absolutely necessary. The same applies to the phone camera.

Be careful when removing the speaker - it is usually soldered to the internal circuit board of the phone, so during reassembly you will have to somehow restore its position. Remove the keyboard, disconnect the fastenings of the remaining internal elements of the phone.

Reassemble the phone in reverse order. To better remember the sequence, record a video of the disassembly, or simply write down your actions on paper.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Do not use regular kitchen knives to open your phone.

Assembling any phone is carried out in the reverse order of the procedure for disassembling it. Before disassembling your mobile device, read the terms and conditions specified in the warranty card, and also read the technical documentation regarding your model.

You will need

  • - a small Phillips screwdriver;
  • - a thin flat screwdriver or a mild knife.


Prepare the work surface in such a way that it is convenient for you to disassemble the phone without losing its small parts, and also so as not to damage the internal devices. Choose a screwdriver that is sized to fit the screws on your phone, because if it is larger than the sockets of your phone's screws, you may damage the fasteners and then have to replace them.

If you have a camera with a video recording function, record the disassembly process so you don't forget the sequence later. If you do not have this opportunity, simply write down the process step by step on paper and sketch the device connection diagrams, if necessary.

Turn off your phone, open the battery cover and remove the battery. Take out the SIM card and removable storage. Unscrew all the existing screws from the back wall of the phone; note that in some models they may be hidden under special service stickers. After this, carefully pry off part of the body of your mobile device using a flat-head screwdriver or a mild knife, or best of all, use a plastic card.

If necessary, carefully detach the camera from the back of the case. After removing the phone case, carefully examine its contents. Unscrew the chip, disconnect the phone's keyboard, and don't forget about the side buttons for locking the device and adjusting the sound level. Remove the keyboard buttons by pushing them in from the outside.

Reassemble your mobile device in the reverse order, paying attention to the size of the screws matching the threads of the case. Be sure to secure the screws on the internal devices of the phone to prevent them from breaking the next time your device is dropped. Insert the SIM card, replace the removable drive and battery. Close the phone cover and check its operation.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Before disassembling the phone, cover the surface with a light cloth so as not to lose small parts.

If you're tired of the noise your neighbor's radio makes, or you want your child to turn off the radio and sit down to do something homework, you should jam or degrade signal reception. The person will turn off the receiver himself.


Take the KR555LA3 microcircuit and solder the signal jammer using a soldering iron, tin and solder on it. Use the diagram below. Use 2 batteries of 1.5 each as a power source. This device will perfectly drown out any signal.

Try purchasing and using a portable stun gun. The stun gun easily creates quite powerful interference. However, they are not directional in nature, and it is difficult to constantly activate its work.

Try using a noise generator from a simple electric lighter for a gas stove. It, like a stun gun, creates strong interference, covering a wide range of radio frequencies. An ordinary radio becomes practically useless. It also has a non-directional effect and also has a very strong effect on the entire electrical network. Thus, you will interfere with all your neighbors, and your television and radio will not have good signal reception. Use caution as electric shock can be very unpleasant. You can screw a regular wire to the lighter, which will act as a transmitting antenna.

A portable signal jammer can always be made from a regular gas lighter with a piezoelectric element. The disadvantage is that you have to press the button constantly. To enhance the effect of this electrical noise generator, attach a piece of ordinary wire to one of the electrodes that are located next to the piezoelectric element. The interference will not be strong, but the constant clicks that will be heard through the radio speaker will force it to turn off.

For a long time now, people interested in radio electronics have been looking for various schemes and instructions for assembling some fancy device for personal use. I am also among these people. While surfing the Internet, I found an article by the Jammer company called Instructions: How to Make Your Own Cellular Jammer. After reading it and looking at the diagrams, I became eager to do something similar for myself.

Because their instructions had all the information I needed, including diagrams and technical data. I thought of some details myself, and in the end I made my own cell phone suppressor. Below I have described the entire process.

This mobile signal blocker operates on the 800MHz frequency because many mobile phones operate on this frequency. So I used a sweep generator as a VCO. It works just fine, but if you are new to radio electronics, assemble such a part without good tools It will be quite difficult for you.

The 45 MHz clock generator I used as a jammer drives the on-chip local oscillator port of the receiver. To equalize the resistance of the local oscillator port and the clock generator, the local oscillator signal of the receiver passes through an impedance matching network.

The local oscillator port, which is the RF input, is connected to the 800 MHz antenna, and the RF output is first sent to a special signal amplifier, which increases the output power of the device by 15-16 dBm. After this, the amplified signal is fed to the output antenna.

The frequencies of the received and sent signals of all mobile phones operating at 800 MHz always differ from each other by exactly 45 MHz. So when your cell phone blocker is turned on, anyone talking loudly on the phone will only hear their own voice on the phone because their own signal will be returned to him or her.

You should also remember that this jammer mobile communications blocks signals from tracking devices that use your car's GPS navigation for tracking and cellular frequency to record received data, in other words, you can also build a GPS jammer. This suppression device can also be used to prevent the explosion of homemade bombs that are detonated using a signal from a regular cell phone.

In this device I used a 600 MHz frequency converter, having previously improved it.

There is no escape from using an RF amplifier, despite the increased power consumption.

I took old aluminum packaging and made a case out of it, and used old VHF connectors from a Motorola phone for input and output.

I soldered the VHF connectors to the chip used.

I used a voltage regulator and a 9V battery to power this mobile signal suppressor. The battery was separated with foam from the rest of the device.

I installed an on/off switch on the case, and screwed the antennas to the VHF connectors (they, by the way, are from the same Motorola).

That's it, your cellular blocker is ready!

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