RSA check of MTPL by state number. Unified MTPL database (check policy). Check by RSA

If you have purchased an MTPL policy and doubt its authenticity, you can check it.

Checking by number does not take much time and does not require additional expenses or long waits in queues. This can be done online.

OSAGO check is a guarantee of protection from any troubles on the road.

How to check the authenticity of an OSAGO policy by number?

Why do you need a compulsory motor liability insurance policy?

OSAGO is compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners. If you crash into any car, the insurer will pay for repairs to the damaged car and pay for treatment.

The insurance company will cover the costs associated with repairing, for example, a store window or a fence if you damage them too.

But under the MTPL policy you will not be able to compensate for the costs of repairing your vehicle or car theft. It only compensates the costs of the person responsible for the accident.

People gave the policy the name “Auto Citizen”. The amount of payments depends on the size base rate and coefficients.

The cost of MTPL consists of the following factors:

If a motorist does not have an MTPL policy, he is prohibited from driving a vehicle and registering it. Ignoring these conditions is punishable by a fine of 500-800 rubles.

The insurer fulfills its obligations to each victim. The number of insured events is not limited.

Damage is indemnified in the following amounts:


This is a simplified registration, a procedure for drawing up documents for the purpose of compensating for losses under compulsory motor liability insurance without the participation of traffic police officers.

The following conditions must be met:

  • An accident involving two cars whose owners are insured under MTPL;
  • as a result of the accident, damage was caused to the vehicle specified in the first paragraph;
  • disagreements between the participants regarding the circumstances and damage received are resolved, and the relevant information is recorded in the notification form according to the rules of compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • the amount of damage does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

To register, contact any insurance company, fill out the application and provide a package of documents:

  • application for concluding a contract;
  • identity document or certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • vehicle passport, vehicle registration certificate, technical certificate;
  • certificate of drivers who are allowed to drive a vehicle;
  • diagnostic card, maintenance or state inspection certificate;
  • previous policy (if any);
  • do not forget to make copies of the above documents.

Let's consider how to find out the authenticity of an MTPL insurance policy.


There are different ways to check:

  • visual;
  • verification of authority to conclude an insurance contract;
  • automated database of stolen and lost policies.

Insurance payments are not made on fake policies. If the owner gets into an accident, he will have to compensate for the damage himself.

Fake policy:

  • a fake form, which is made in a typographical way, having the necessary attributes;
  • an original form that was stolen or lost by the insurance company;
  • forms that were not submitted by insurance intermediaries immediately after termination of contracts with the insurer;
  • forms of insurance companies whose licenses were revoked or were declared bankrupt.

Let's look at how to determine the authenticity of an MTPL policy visually:

The introduction of new policies in 2016 was aimed at:

  • to increase the level of protection and preservation of car owner data;
  • suppression of fraud associated with the production and sale of counterfeit OSAGO documents;
  • stopping the uncontrolled distribution of unused old forms.

We check the company’s rights to enter into an MTPL agreement:

  1. The insurance company must have a valid license to sell policies. If the license is revoked, the insurer has no right to enter into such contracts.
  2. There must also be an intermediary of authority to conclude an agreement, a valid power of attorney for the right to enter into agreements.

You can check whether an insurance company has a license on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:

Let's find out how to check the authenticity of an OSAGO insurance policy using the RSA database.

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers providing compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners.

The status of this association is fixed by law. It includes 71 insurance companies.

You can check OSAGO on the official website of RSA Using the policy number, you can easily determine expired, stolen documents, authenticity, and whether the policy belongs to a specific company.

The response information on the policy must contain information:

  • duration of the policy;
  • document status (lost, stolen, valid);
  • location (at the insurance company or insurer);
  • to whom it was issued, license plate number of the car, full name of the car owner.

You can also check whether there is an insurance policy for the car using the vehicle number. You must enter the VIN number or vehicle registration number.

Possible options for checking:

  1. The policy cannot be found. Then the document is fake and needs to be replaced.
  2. Not issued. If the status contains the entry “is with the insurer,” then you only have a copy of it, and the original is with the insurance company.
  3. Lost power. You previously received a policy, but for some reason it was canceled.
  4. Expired. This policy also needs to be replaced.

The RSA database is freely available 24 hours a day. You can use it for free. You can find several on the website useful tips, find out useful numbers, look at sample forms, ask questions, read important documents.

How to check electronic policy OSAGO for authenticity?

OSAGO can be issued electronically, paid via the Internet, or received by email. The insurance company signs it with an enhanced, qualified electronic signature.

It is completed quickly and quite easily:

  • Log in to your personal account on a website that has this function (pre-register);
  • select “Create a new MTPL agreement”;
  • fill in your data, vehicle data, driver data, policy validity period;
  • after automatic check pay with a bank card;
  • if the verification fails, some sites require you to attach copies of documents for manual verification;
  • Afterwards, the electronic policy is sent to you by email.

There are many sites where you can check the authenticity of the policy:

  • Ingosstrakh: ;
  • Rosgosstrakh:;
  • Renaissance: ;
  • Consent: ;
  • and other insurance companies with a license for compulsory motor liability insurance.

Authentication by last name is not the best way. It may be incorrect. Usually such data is scarce. There are many namesakes in Russia, so additional data is required to be entered everywhere.

Check the authenticity of the MTPL insurance policy immediately after receiving it. This way you will be better able to protect yourself from counterfeits and other related problems.

Don't be lazy:

In the RSA database you can see a list of all the forms that are necessary for issuing compulsory motor liability insurance policies.

If your policy is not in the database, if a completely different insurance company is listed in the data, you are being deceived, do not enter into such an agreement. But if you have already taken out such a policy, take measures to recover the amount paid from the fraudster.

There is liability for purchasing a fake policy or an empty form (Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). It will not be possible to receive an insurance payment under a fake policy.

If an accident occurs, the car owner must compensate for the damage himself. Be vigilant and always carefully check the policy you purchased.

Each motor vehicle liability policy (OSAGO), as a type of blank document, has its own individual number. Moreover, both paper copies and electronic e-policies have a number. It consists of alphabetic (three letters) and numeric (10 digits) characters: series and number. Knowing the OSAGO number, you can find out the validity period of the document and its status. But this is precisely the question that needs to be clarified - whether the insurance is valid or not. You need to go to the main page of the RSA website, where in the center of the page you will see the field “Checking OSAGO policies”. By clicking on the “Check” button, you are taken to a page where you need to enter the series and number of the insurance policy form.

The result of checking the policy will be to find out information about the status of the policy form. The status can be:

  • “is with the policyholder” - this means that the insurance is valid, is in the hands of the citizen, and the data has been transferred to the RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers) database;
  • “is with the insurance company/insurer” - this means that the document is with the insurance company, with the agent. The data has not been transferred to the unified RSA database. But if the insurance opening date is very recent (1-7 days), then perhaps the data simply has not been updated and the status has not changed. If the policy has been open for more than a week, you need to clarify the circumstances with the insurer;
  • “lost” - this may mean that the policy has expired or the form was invalidated after any changes were made. For example, the six-month insurance period has expired, and the renewal was issued using a different form. Or, after the sale, the policyholder applied for payment of the unused period and the policy was closed. Also, mistakes by insurance company employees cannot be ruled out. It happens that the agent did not pay for the policy on time, or did not pay for it at all, or due to his fault, the policy data was not entered into the database, or as a result of mechanical impact, the document lost readability, or the client reported the loss of the form, etc., but the employee did not follow through with the matter. end;
  • “lost” - this status is given only to those documents that clients reported as lost or stolen (for example, along with a car);
  • “damaged” - this means that the client stated that the document was damaged. The restored policy was issued with a new form;
  • “printed by the manufacturer” means that the form was printed and was not even given to the insurance companies.

Thus, the OSAGO number can provide the information that you need to find out about the document, and most importantly, make sure that the insurance policy is valid.

Why is it necessary to check whether another road user has insurance?

Buying an annual MTPL policy means protecting your budget for a year from claims of third parties in in case of an accident(in the case of your fault) or the opportunity to receive insurance payments for the restoration of the car and health improvement (in the case of the fault of the second participant in the accident).

Also, not all motorists know that compulsory motor liability insurance can provide the following possible insurance compensation to the injured party in an accident, namely:

  • up to 400 thousand rubles. for repairs to restore the car;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. on the process of restoring the health of injured persons as a result of injuries received in an accident;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles, as compensation for the acquired disability of the victim in Road accident person;
  • up to 500 thousand rubles. dependents after the death of a person injured in an accident and 25 thousand rubles. as a one-time funeral benefit;
  • a non-fixed amount to reimburse all total money spent on restoring health, on the treatment process, on the purchase of medications, prosthetics, payment for outside care and payment for the rehabilitation period;
  • a non-fixed amount to compensate for material damage resulting from loss of ability to work and lack of sources of income.

And if you are the culprit of the “celebration” and you have a mandatory MTPL policy, then you have insured yourself against monetary troubles, that is, claims from injured parties. No one will require additional money from you to repair a damaged car if it falls within the coverage limit of 400 thousand rubles.

Based on this, having a compulsory motor liability insurance policy is of great importance if a traffic accident occurs. Nowadays, you can check the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance by car number even without contacting another driver. It is important to make sure not only that the policy exists, but also its authenticity. by car number using a special Internet service.

To check OSAGO by car number, lawyers advise turning only to a trusted source of information, the RSA database. After purchasing and issuing an auto insurance policy, the information must be sent to the unified database of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Finding an MTPL policy by car number on the official RSA website is quite simple.

Algorithm of actions:

  • go to the main page of the RSA website;
  • There are tabs at the top, select “OSAGO” and click;
  • on the left there will be a list of sections, select “Information for policyholders and victims” and click;
  • then you are taken to a page that lists 10 topics that may be of interest to these users, select “Information for victims and other participants in an accident on the existence of a valid compulsory motor liability insurance agreement in relation to a specific person or vehicle”;
  • then the system prompts you to enter VIN, state. sign, body or chassis number, as well as the date of inspection, in order to pass the MTPL. Please note that the search occurs only using captcha (a graphical computer test that allows you to identify the user: a living person or a program);
  • the answer will be the following form: number and series of the MTPL contract, name of the insurer (company) and information about what kind of insurance (unlimited or limited);
  • Then you can check the driver’s details, knowing the details of his driver’s license.

In this way, you can get up-to-date information about the compulsory motor liability insurance contract of the second party to the accident, even without his participation: does he have insurance, does it have a valid period, which insurance company is insuring the car. If you want to find out information about people who have driving licenses for the car you are interested in, then you can only do this by asking them for the number and series of their driver’s license.

A similar method and algorithm of actions allows you to find out information about the contract of motor third party liability insurance policy using the individual vehicle identification number (VIN). In this case, of course, the inspector must know this 17-digit vehicle code. It can only be obtained from the owner’s documents, subject to his consent to provide such information.

It is noteworthy that you can find out the information of interest about compulsory motor liability insurance (yours or someone else’s) on the RSA website separately by VIN, separately by state registration plates of the vehicle, and also separately by body or chassis numbers.


As a rule, the need to find out the MTPL policy according to the state. car number appears immediately after traffic accident. And if in Road accidents by participants If two cars are damaged, and both have a valid auto liability policy, then the injured party can expect compensation for damages, and the at-fault party can be free from financial claims.

When you get into a traffic accident, and you know that you definitely have an insurance policy, you want to make sure that the other party also has it. Therefore, seeing the state registration plates of the second car, and even without contact with the other driver, you can quickly find out all the information about his OSAGO policy. To do this, use your smartphone to go to the official RSA website and follow our instructions to check. If you are in contact with the second driver, and he does not mind allowing you to see his personal documents ( STS machines and driver’s license), then you can find out information about compulsory motor liability insurance by VIN number, and information about persons authorized to drive this vehicle. And also, knowing the number and series of the policy, you can find out its status.

If on the website you see information about the absence of a policy, the status “lost”, “damaged” and other things, do not panic. The system is not perfect; there may be technical errors, as well as errors in the work of insurance company employees. You can find out all the details directly from your insurer or independently, based on the data received.

If insuring a car under CASCO is a purely voluntary matter, then an OSAGO policy is mandatory for every motorist. Indeed, in the absence of a document, all compensation for harm that was brought to the other party will have to be compensated independently. That is why you need to know how to check your insurance on site to avoid problems related to this issue.

Check insurance according to the vehicle data

So, you got into an accident, but the person at fault does not remember the policy number. How to find out if a car is insured at all? You can check the insurance and the drivers included in it online by finding information by VIN and car number in the PCA database. In this way, you will be able to find out the insurance document number so that you can then contact the company for compensation for losses incurred as a result of the accident.

To check the MTPL by state number, you need to follow the link to a special section of the RSA and enter the necessary information about the car in the highlighted windows. You will need:

  • VIN code (available both in the registration certificate and in the PTS);
  • vehicle registration plate;
  • chassis and body code.

How to check a vehicle if you do not know the body or chassis numbers? Or maybe the vehicle doesn’t have a VIN at all? In this case, fill in the columns with the data that you know, and leave the rest blank. Very often the system finds the necessary car already when indicating the VIN and state registration mark. All that remains is to write the date at which the MTPL policy is checked by number. This will allow you to see whether the insurance is valid at all or whether it has long been canceled.

In this way, you will be able to find out all the required information only by the car number and VIN.

Checking OSAGO for authenticity

In order to check the authenticity of the document sent to you, you should go to the RSA website and enter:

  • MTPL policy number;
  • its series (every document has it, written in 3 letter format, for example, XXX, EEE);
  • date of the accident for which data is requested.

After confirming the security code, you will only have to wait for the verification results. Be careful: if the system does not find the necessary information, it means either there was an error in the data you entered (this happens, just double-check the numbers before re-entering), or the car insurance document is invalid. If the MTPL insurance policy has expired, a message will appear that it has become invalid. However, in some cases this does not happen, so you need to pay attention to the columns with information about the date of conclusion and the period of validity of the document - if the accident occurred much later, then it is no longer valid.

This same method will allow you to see which car is insured under OSAGO, because they may give you a completely different policy (or one that was previously valid) in order to hide the fact that it is covered by vehicle There is no insurance. In addition to the fact that this method can determine whether a car is insured under compulsory motor liability insurance or not, it will be possible to determine which insurance company it was insured with. This will require the same information. Information about the insurer will be contained in one of the columns of the table, which will appear after verification. In addition, information will appear on a certain circle of persons who are allowed to drive the vehicle, or you will be able to see a mark indicating that the insurance policy has been issued without restrictions on the circle of persons.

Having determined whether the insurance is valid and whether this is in fact the same car that was involved in the accident, the injured party can calm down, because if everything is in order, then there will be no problems with paying compensation or repairing the car. All that remains is to contact the culprit’s insurance company that insured the liability.

Even if the other party has provided you with a document, you should still check the compulsory civil liability insurance policy to find (or not) data about it in the RSA database. After all, the mere existence of a policy does not mean that it is genuine. Such a check will only take a few minutes, but you will find out for sure whether the car is really insured or whether the insurance is fake and, in fact, is just a piece of paper, and not a state strict reporting form. After all, it will be impossible to recover any amounts from the insurance company.

Car owners or people who just want to buy a car should be vigilant and check the availability of an MTPL policy for the car. This action is very important because it allows you to identify fraudsters when selling a car, protect yourself from breaking the law, or correct incorrect information about the car. More details on how to perform the check are described below.

How to check if a car has compulsory motor liability insurance

There are three ways that allow you to check your current MTPL insurance policy for a car and find out its current status as of today:

  • entering information about the contract number on the RSA website;
  • entering information about the contract number on the RSA website indicating the period;
  • entering information about the vehicle.

Entering information about the contract number on the RSA website

  1. Go to the website where the availability of car insurance is checked online in the RSA database.
  2. Go to the page to view the current OSAGO policy form.
  3. Check the contract number that you have and enter information about it in the appropriate fields.
  4. Select the series of the form in the field “Series of the MTPL policy form”.
  5. Indicate the form number in the field “Compulsory motor liability insurance policy form number”.
  6. Enter the captcha to confirm the security check.
  7. Click on the “Search” button.

After this, a database check will be performed, which will allow you to obtain information for the current year. It is performed for policies different types(paper, electronic).

Statuses for found policies can be as follows:

  • “Printed” - the document has been produced, but has not yet even been transferred to the insurance company;
  • “Hosted by the policyholder” - the document was given to the client. Information about such policies has been successfully entered into the RSA database;
  • “Hosted by the insurer” - the document remains with the insurer or has already been purchased by the buyer, but this was quite recently and the information in the system has not had time to be updated;
  • “No longer valid” - it is recommended to renew the policy in the near future;
  • “Lost” - applies to policies that have been reported missing.

This method allows you to quickly find out whether the car is insured. But it also has disadvantages:

  • the need to connect to the Internet to access the database;
  • there is no complete certainty that information about a fake policy was not entered into the database;
  • overload and slow search for the necessary information in the database, since due to the large amount of data, the database periodically freezes. The duration of freezing and processing of information can reach more than one day.

Entering information about the contract number on the RSA website indicating the period

To check your policy using this option you must:

  1. Go to the website where the policy is checked.
  2. Enter policy information (series, number).
  3. Indicate the date for which you need to obtain information.
  4. Enter the captcha.
  5. Click on the “Search” button.

In the search results, in addition to general information about the policy, you will see additional information. For example, you will be able to read about the exact reason why the insurance is not valid.

Entering information about the vehicle

This method is the reverse of the previous two. In order to check this way, you must:

  1. Go to the website where you enter information about the vehicle to check your MTPL policy.
  2. Provide information about the car:
    • VIN number;
    • body number;
    • chassis number.
  3. Select the date for which you are interested in information.
  4. Enter the captcha.
  5. Click on the “Search” button.

After this, information will be received about the insurance company that issued the policy. When choosing a date, you can find out the MTPL numbers for previous years and request that the information be corrected if an error was found in it.

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How to find out the owner by OSAGO policy number

In order to avoid problems, you need to check who owns the policy. You can find out who the MTPL policy was issued to by using the policy verification methods given above. A website with a PCA database or contacting an insurance company will allow you to obtain all the necessary information about the user of the car.

To obtain information about the owner through the insurance company, you need to visit the company’s office with a passport and information about the policy.

In order to find out who is registered with OSAGO by policy number, you will need to use the RSA website:

  1. Go to website with database.
  2. Enter the policy number. In the database, you can check when entering various data, for example, the owner's last name. But if it is incomplete or incorrect, then the search results may not yield anything. At the same time, searching for the owner by OSAGO policy number is very simple and comprehensive.
  3. View the information you need.

By looking at the results that the system will give after completing the search, you will find out who the policy is issued to.

Is it possible to find out the MTPL policy number by last name?

The search engine has the ability to use the owner's last name to try to find out the OSAGO policy number. However, the results are often less successful than when searching by contract number. A particular difficulty is that namesakes may be issued, and, accordingly, information will be about other people’s insurances.

In addition, you should know that it is impossible to check all the information by last name - some of the information simply will not be given out.

Find an MTPL policy using your driver's license

To search for insurance using your driver's license number, you will need to go to the following places:

  • RSA database;
  • insurance organizations (personal visit required);
  • specialized private organizations that provide such services.

How to find out where your car is insured

To obtain such information, it is enough to use the RSA database. In order to find out which company insured the car by insurance contract number, you will need to enter the corresponding information about the number in required fields on the site, according to the instructions given above.

After this, all the key information about the insurance will be displayed, where you can also see who issued the insurance policy.

In addition to the method above, similar information can be obtained from the state. car number. You can specify information about it instead of the contract number.

How to check the validity period of the policy

You can also find out the validity period of the policy by the insurance policy number by following the instructions above through the RSA DB website. The search results will provide information that will let you know when your car insurance expires.

Is it possible to find out the mileage of a car using insurance?

Such information can be obtained using a specialized website. For example, Autocode, or on our website - it is not difficult to check the mileage under the MTPL policy; you just need to provide information about the state number or VIN number.

After verification, information about the insured car is provided:

  1. state registration sign;
  2. VIN code;
  3. status of the insurance contract as of the date of the request;
  4. the name of the organization that signed the agreement.

All you have to do is check everything carefully and make sure that the document is correctly executed.

All insurers that have Licenses to provide these services are included in the table of subjects and are required, no later than the next business day from the date of signing the contract, to enter the necessary information on compulsory motor third party liability insurance (MTPL) into the AIS database. All insured cars in the Russian Federation with valid insurance policies are required to be included in the RSA register.

Checking the MTPL policy by number in the RSA database

It is best to check the insurance document by number on the official website. The procedure will take a short time, for this you need to prepare an insurance form, enter the required page of the RSA website and use the search engine, substituting the requested data.

Moreover, the procedure is the same: for those issued at the office of the insurance company and received via the Internet, the series of documents issued remotely is the same for all documents (XXX).

After receiving a response with verification, the normal status is considered to be “with the insurer.” But don’t forget, you should also check which car this policy is registered for in order to make 100% sure that you have not been issued a duplicate or fake.

Verifying the authenticity of the policy using vehicle data: license plate number, VIN or body number

The authenticity of the policy can be easily verified by car registration number, VIN number, chassis number or body, although the latter is no longer considered a serious test, because they can be replaced.

As in previous cases, to check the policy you need to go to the RSA website page and in the reverse order - i.e. Based on the car data, we obtain information about your insurance policy. You can enter one of the requested parameters to choose from, but By VIN code issued the most full information . By state number The data is not always found, but this depends on your insurance company (some do not enter such data into the registry).

The result of the check A message appears containing information about:

  • series and number of the insurance document;
  • period of validity of the policy.

Secondly, you can also check the drivers included in this document here; to do this, you need to insert the series and number of the license for the right to drive transport in certain lines and, if in fact the person is included in the insurance, you will receive a response from the system: “The driver with the specified license admitted to management under the MTPL agreement highlighted in the table.”

Checking a policy issued online (E-OSAGO)

Based on the Decree of the Bank of Russia dated November 14, 2016 No. 4191-U, the websites of all insurance companies and professional associations of insurers are required to ensure uninterrupted and continuous activities for concluding compulsory insurance contracts in electronic form. Therefore, car owners can easily insure or renew insurance for the next year without leaving home. The procedure for preparing a document in an online service is described in detail in many sources - we will not touch on this topic here, we are only interested in checking the authenticity of a document issued remotely via the Internet.

For all insurance companies in Russia, policy verification is the same. As a rule, after issuing an E-MTPL on the Internet, the insurance data immediately goes into the AIS RSA, only if the system is very busy, then this process can take one or maximum two days. In this case, after waiting, make another request.

When you already know for sure that the transfer of data to the database has occurred, go to the RSA website, in the provided field indicate the series (XXX - always for policies issued online), the policy number (only numbers are entered). After some time, a line with the status of the document is displayed.

When you see the policy status “held by the policyholder,” you can be sure that your insurance is valid.

But if the following messages appear, which are considered invalid statuses, you must immediately check with the insurer:

  • lost;
  • invalid;
  • printed by the manufacturer (this means that it was not handed over to the insurer).

There is still a chance that you will see this - “is with the insurer”, which means that the data has not yet been updated in the RSA database, visit the site a little later and make sure of the change.

Visual check of the policy

Every year, before receiving an Insurance Policy directly at the company’s office, check the organization itself to see if it is on the blacklist of insurers and whether it has a valid license. For example, you have been cooperating fruitfully with the same company for a long time and are accustomed to trusting it to insure your car, but do not follow the news of insurers. And this organization became unprofitable and went bankrupt, but by inertia continues to issue policy forms that obviously will not be valid. You should invest your money in trusted institutions. Take this as a rule and only after you are convinced of its reliability, you can safely renew your car insurance contract.

Let's start with visual inspection, what you need to know and what you need to pay attention to when you receive an insurance policy at the company’s office.

  1. This is always a document of strict accountability, you can see the letters RSA in the light, they are located throughout the entire field of the form;
  2. The presence of a metal built-in strip on the back side of the form and raised digits of the number;
  3. The size of the form is non-standard and slightly longer (5-10 mm) than the usual A4 paper size;
  4. The presence of red fibers throughout the leaf.

Don’t forget that your insurance data should appear in the RSA register, so don’t be lazy and go to the official website in two days and check if your policy is in the insurers’ database.

In this case, you need to verify all the information entered in your document in order to avoid troubles on the road.

Familiarization with the insurer's license

Checking the insurer's license- the most important component when signing a car insurance contract. No one wants to simply give their money to someone and not receive in return the required, high-quality, necessary product or service.

At one time, many unscrupulous companies appeared on the insurance market that issued fake policies and did not enter data into the RSA database, which is why it is very important to know who you trust with your money. What is the guarantee of the authenticity of the issued document?

In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 214-FZ, a list of insurers has been created that honestly comply with the requirements of this document. This catalog of organizations is constantly being adjusted and, therefore, you can quickly monitor the selected insurance company by taking timely measures.

This must be done regularly and only on the official website of the Central Bank Russian Federation, where the Table of subjects of the insurance business is presented to your attention, this is where insurance companies with valid licenses are checked. In addition, you can also see various financial indicators, company sustainability coefficient, statistical data for the past year.

The information on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is updated only after the organization is blacklisted for license revocation, so for more recent information about the insurer, we advise you to check these lists; if your company is not found there, you can safely purchase a policy.

What to do if the check does not yield results

Let's look at possible examples of why the policy is not searched in the RSA register.

Situation 1

The policy received via the Internet should be immediately uploaded to the register of insurers, but due to technical failures, the upload may be delayed. You need to make an attempt to check after some time, if you have previously checked the insurance company and are confident in its reliability, then the data will definitely appear in the RSA after some time.

Situation 2

The insurance policy received after visiting the company is not in the RSA register, then you need to call, or better yet, visit the office again and clarify the information filled in the document. Perhaps the company's managers made typos when entering data into the policy register. This happens if employees do not perform their functions conscientiously. After the clarifications have been made, within a day or two at most, your data should appear in the RSA database.

When checking the MTPL policy, you find out that the insurance company does not have a license to carry out this activity, then you need to urgently go to court and at the same time immediately draw up another document in an already verified company.

Sample statement of violations in the work of the insurance company for RSA

A very unpleasant moment when applying for insurance is when you receive a fake document, then you must immediately contact the nearest department of internal affairs and write a Statement of Fraud against you and also issue a new one in an official, verified company.

How to avoid becoming a victim of scammers

Duplicates, fakes, and stolen MTPL forms appear with constant frequency. Nowadays, scams and equally developed deception schemes have become more common in this market; we will tell you about some of them.

As a rule, scammers intrusively call your contact number; they have complete information about your insurance. Posing as agents of an insurance company, they offer to renew a policy that is due to expire soon or has already expired.

Please note- they do not offer low prices for insurance, but negotiate the actual cost in accordance with your BMR value.

They come to your home and bring with them a ready-made technical inspection form and fully prepared insurance. Having checked the policy number in front of you, they show information that such a series and number are in the database, unfortunately, it is not visible there who this document is issued for.

Sometimes scammers make high-quality copies of policies, or use originals that they received from unscrupulous managers of insurance organizations.

To be completely sure that the Policy is original and issued specifically for your car, you need, in addition to the series and number of the form, to make sure which one is attached to it, since fraudsters can issue one document for different cars.

In any case, it is best to call the branch office and clarify the necessary information yourself. It is advisable to do this before transferring money to scammers. After all, if you purchased a non-original MTPL policy, you will have to pay compensation to the injured party.

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