Luxurious Monica Bellucci: Amazing photos and facts from life. Monica Bellucci - biography, photos, quotes Young Monica Bellucci in a swimsuit

She knows 5 languages ​​and has been the "muse" of Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana for more than a quarter of a century. She has been married twice and has 2 daughters. She loves swimming and yoga and loves pasta and pizza.

She is 52 and has never been under the knife of a plastic surgeon - but she looks amazing!

She is Monica Bellucci. A famous fashion model, a talented actress, a real Italian, a sex symbol of modern cinema, a crazy mom and just a charming woman.

Monica Bellucci: strokes of biography and career

On the last day of September 1964, in the small Italian town of Città di Castello, in the family of an employee of one of transport companies Pasquale Bellucci and artist Brunella Briganti had a daughter. They named her Monica Anna Maria.

There were no more children in the family, so little Monica Bellucci felt rather lonely as a child and does not particularly like to remember those years.

After graduating from school, the girl set her sights on getting the profession of a lawyer, and in order to earn money to study at the university, she began to earn money as a model. However, the show schedule turned out to be so tight that there was no time left for study. And Monica decides to devote herself entirely to the modeling business.

By the age of 24, she moves to Milan, where her modeling career is rapidly gaining momentum: Vogue and Elle covers, contracts with Dolce & Gabbana, Valentino, Prada, Victoria's Secret, Hermes, Escada, Revlon, Cartier and others " high-profile brands, shooting in Paris and New York, London and Tokyo…

Life swirled her in a whirlwind of endless journeys, advertising campaigns and photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci posed nude more than once or twice, she also appeared on the cover of the famous men's magazine Maxim. And Monica met her 40th birthday at the first stage - such a wonderful and well-deserved "gift" was given to her by the international men's Internet portal Ask Men's.

However, long and fruitful cooperation with the most famous fashion houses and the most venerable photographers of our time, recognition and fame in the world of advertising - all this was not enough for Monica Bellucci. Having conquered one peak, she decided to storm another one - cinema.

In 1990, Monica starred in the TV movie "Life with Children", and after that - in two more Italian films, where she plays the main roles. Success came to her after the release of the film "Dracula" by Francis Ford Coppola in 1992. After the relatively small role of one of the brides of Count Dracula, offers poured in from both Europe and America.

For 3 years (from 1992 to 1995) Monica starred in 5 films. And that was just the beginning. Today, to list films with Monica Bellucci, you will need to compile an impressive list - the filmography of the actress consists of 63 films in which she played both the main roles and episodic ones.

Among them were Mary Magdalene in Mel Gibson's drama The Passion of the Christ and the vampire in Shaitan, Cleopatra in the comedy Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra and the Mirror Queen in the sci-fi thriller The Brothers Grimm, the courtesan Sylvia in the historical thriller Brotherhood wolf" and Persephone in two parts of "The Matrix".

But, perhaps, the most scandalous and most difficult role of Monica is Alex in the dramatic thriller Irreversible, which was released in 2001. The scene of brutal rape, lasting 9 minutes, shocked even the worldly-wise audience at the Cannes festival. In protest, 250 people walked out of the screening, some of them requiring health care, and 20 people lost consciousness right in the hall.

Critics took the film ambiguously, and after the scandalous premiere, Monica predicted the end of her career as an actress. Fortunately, the predictions did not come true, although she herself frankly admits that she is scared to watch this film, and she will never touch the dress that was sewn for filming and left “as a keepsake”.

Such a kaleidoscope of roles and genres is proof that Monica Bellucci can play any role. And play it with full gear!

This is confirmed by numerous awards and nominations: 12 times the actress was nominated as "Best Actress", "Best Supporting Actress" and in a number of other categories, and 15 times she was awarded "For Contribution to Cinema", "Actress of the Year", " Best Actress”, twice she received the Golden Globe.

Monica Bellucci: personal life, husbands and children

Monica has been married twice. And divorced twice. The first marriage with photographer Claudio Carlos Basso, for which she "jumped out" at the age of 20, lasted 4 years.

The next fiance of the beautiful Italian was the actor Nicolas Ferron. That, however, he did not become Bellucci's husband.

After 6 years of engagement, they broke up - while filming the movie "The Apartment", Monica met her new love - French actor Vincent Cassel. She lived with him for 19 years (5 years in a civil marriage and 14 in an official one). She bore him two daughters.

But even this marriage did not stand the “test of a career”: he is an actor, she is an actress, constant shooting and traveling - all this does not strengthen the relationship.

Such a "gypsy" marriage (the couple never lived together) was, apparently, doomed from the very beginning. But “in memory” of him, Monica left two daughters - it is thanks to them, according to the actress, that she wakes up happy.

She gave birth to her first daughter, Virgo, 18 days before her 40th birthday. The second - Leoni - after 6 years. Such late children, according to Monica Bellucci, are her conscious choice.

That's just the second child, with an eye on the ticking biological clock, she planned to give birth as soon as possible, but .... unexpectedly carried away by the role of the mother. She breastfed baby Virgo for a long time, happily spent time with her alone, recognizing her and slowly with a second pregnancy.

By the way, the “interesting position” became another “plot” for Monica: both times she appeared on the covers of Vanity Fair magazine with an already very impressive tummy.

For the first time, she posed completely naked, thus expressing her protest against the “idiotic law” that limited the rights of Italian women to conceive using IVF.

The second "pregnant" photo session was less frank - the body of the 45-year-old film star was partially covered with underwear or clothes.

Monica Bellucci: height, weight and other parameters

Looking at Monica Bellucci, many involuntarily wonder: what are the parameters of the figure of one of the most beautiful and sexy women of our time? Well, there is no secret in this.

  • Height - 171 cm.
  • Weight - 63-64 kg.
  • Bust / waist / hips - 94-64-91 (+/- 2 cm).
  • Clothing size - 36 (European).
  • Shoe size - 41.
  • Breast size - 4.

As you can see, Monica does not belong to the fragile skinny. However, she does not see any problem in this, and goes on a diet only when it is necessary "for the role."

In ordinary life, the actress does not deny herself her favorite dishes, although she admits that after the birth of her second daughter she became a little more “cautious” in eating.

Yes, I started going to the gym. Occasionally. Monica honestly admits that she didn’t train at all before, and even now she is too lazy to get up early in the morning in order to be in time for the gym. In addition, she does not like monotonous exercises. Whether business yoga! But even here, due to the busy work schedule, one cannot dream of the regularity of classes.

So Monica Bellucci admits with a laugh that instead of exhausting workouts, she simply puts on a black dress - it's much more practical and fun.

And kilograms and centimeters ... Yes, and God bless them! After all, as the film star once said:

" for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when it is not there and when there is nothing but beauty."

And one more of her eloquent statements: “I'm not skinny, but I'm not fat either! I love to eat and enjoy life! Who cares?". And really - who? Certainly not her!

That is why she is calmly removed without clothes until now. By the way, the vast majority of Bellucci's erotic photos "do not know" computer processing - so the beauty of the sultry Italian is all natural, "without cheating."

Monica Bellucci's beauty secrets

Comparing Monica Bellucci in the photo in her youth and in the last pictures, you always wonder how she retained her beauty?

After all, the actress did not do a single plastic surgery - therefore, even now she looks not only attractive, but also natural.

What is the secret of her impeccable appearance? She is asked this question in almost every interview. Well, Monica willingly shares her "secrets" with the whole world.

How does Monica Bellucci take care of herself?

The most important thing is lip care. The lips of the actress are full, so they dry out quickly and need regular moisturizing. In addition, Monica Bellucci is sure that lips are one of the most attractive parts of the female body.

Bath. This is the favorite "procedure" of the Italian. Three quarters of an hour (or better - an hour), which you can devote to yourself and only yourself - priceless time!

Moisturizers. Light moisturizing creams are, perhaps, the only item in Monica Bellucci's daily face care.

Makeup Monica Bellucci

Brown eyes, dark hair - the bright "southern" beauty of Monica, in principle, "allows" her to do without makeup at all. But she considers make-up to be a kind of "armor" - without makeup, the actress feels more vulnerable.

Monica's makeup bag contains natural shades and products that do not prevent the skin from breathing. The actress emphasizes the natural beauty of the eyes with light shades of light shades of gray or brown and black mascara.

But Monica's favorite cosmetic product is lipstick. By her own admission, she has a variety of lipsticks - from neutral to bright "classic" red.

Monica Bellucci: clothing style

Monica's favorite color in clothes is black.

And next to it are white and red.

Combining them, she then "reduces the degree" of her "blatant" sexuality, then, on the contrary, raises it.

The actress skillfully "wears" such a rather complex print as polka dots - but uses only its black and white version. And competently complements the image with “boats” on a hairpin and a black handbag.

Dolce and Gabbana, Sicily and...of course, lace! Like a real Italian, and even the muse of the D & G duo, Monica wears lace often and looks stunning in it!

As if nostalgic about the time when she dreamed of becoming a lawyer, the actress often appears at formal events in strict trouser suits, under which she puts on a shirt, a bustier, or just a white T-shirt.

Well, the “calling card” of Monica Bellucci is a long tight evening dress with bare shoulders and a seductive neckline. And, of course, high heels. Classics are always in fashion.

And it is the classic style, like no other, that perfectly emphasizes the femininity and sensuality of the "second Sophia Loren" - as Monica Bellucci is often called.

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Monica Bellucci is an Italian actress and model. Gained popularity after the release of the films "Dracula", "Malena", "Irreversible", "The Brothers Grimm" and others. In 2016, she became a Chevalier of the Order of the Legion of Honor.

Monica Bellucci was born on September 30, 1964 in Italy. The hometown of the actress is Citta di Castello. The girl was born despite the diagnosis of "infertility", which the doctors made to the baby's mother.

Monica grew up as an only child in a poor family, her father's name was Luigi Bellucci, he worked in the field of agriculture. The girl's mother, Maotya Gustinelli, was an artist. At school, the future actress became a diligent student - she understood that the financial situation of the family was fixable if she got an education.

From an early age, Monica Bellucci dreamed of a career as a lawyer and after school, in 1983, she entered the Faculty of Law at the University of Perugia. Studying was not free, so the girl first got a job as a waitress in a pizzeria, and from the age of 16 she began working as a model for Liceo Classico.

The modeling career was developing successfully, and soon Monica had to choose between studying at the university and the podium. The Italian beauty chose social life, abandoning the idea of ​​​​becoming a lawyer.

In 1988, Monica Bellucci left her hometown for Milan, where she signed a contract with the prestigious modeling agency Elite Model Management. It took the girl a year to become a famous model. She has collaborated with Elle and Dolce & Gabbana.

In 2001, Esquire Magazine's published an article about Monica Bellucci - the photo of the model was on the cover, and the biography of the actress took five pages. In 2003, the star posed for Maxim magazine. Bellucci topped Ask Men's list of the 100 most attractive women in the world in 2004. In 2011, the Italian became the face of one of the Oriflame lines, and in 2012 she advertised Dolce & Gabbana cosmetics.


Being a successful model, Monica Bellucci decided to become a movie actress as well. She first appeared on screen in 1990.

The first projects were episodic roles in the Italian-made films Life with Sons, Bandits, Abuse. Bellucci received a prominent role in 1992 - the actress was invited to shoot the film "Dracula", in which Monica embodied the image of the bride of the famous bloodsucker. Then she happened to work with,. This picture cannot be called a breakthrough in the acting career of Monica Bellucci, but it was after this role that the girl was noticed in Hollywood. The directors began to call the actress in films more often, accelerating the girl's creative growth.

In 1996, real success came to Monica. For the role of Lisa in the melodrama "The Apartment", she was nominated for an award called "Cesar" as the most promising actress. This was followed by a role in the action movie Doberman.

The following year brought roles in three films at once: "Stress", "How Do You Want Me" and "Bad Taste". In 1998, the actress appeared in the films “Compromise”, “Desire”, “There will be no holiday”, “About those who love”. A career has developed, the directors simply filled up the artist with offers to star in their tapes.

Monica Bellucci in the movie "Malena"

The most striking and memorable were the roles of Monica Bellucci in the films Malena, Asterix and Obelix: Mission Cleopatra, Brotherhood of the Wolf. special attention deserves the game of the girl in the film "Irreversibility". The scene with the brutal rape was played so realistically that during the screening at the Cannes Film Festival, some viewers became ill. I could not stand it when I saw my tormented wife on the screen. Then the man ran out of the room in tears.

The actress also starred in the films The Matrix Revolutions and The Matrix Reloaded, The Brothers Grimm, Secret Agents, The Passion of the Christ.

In 2007, Monica appeared in the short film Heart Tango. The artist's partner in the 7-minute video was actor Jose Fidalgu.

Monica Bellucci in That Summer of Passion

Then an interesting role went to the actress in the film "That Summer of Passion." According to the plot, the artist Frederic tried everything in life that is possible. And only one thing escaped the hands of the creator - this is mutual love with a wife who is constantly cheating on her husband. Then the man decides to commit suicide and begins to say goodbye to those who are dear to him. So the audience is gradually getting acquainted with the events that took place in the life of Frederick.

In the filmography of Monica Bellucci, there are more than fifty works. Talent allows her to act in films of completely different genres. The actress continues to work actively. She appeared in the frame of the films "Miracles" (2014), "Love and War", "007: Spectrum" (2015).

The Italian is considered a model of the femme fatale in modern cinema. Monica has repeatedly received strong roles of bright women: in Asterix and Obelix, Malena in the film of the same name, the Mirror Queen in the Brothers Grimm film, Persephone from The Matrix, a friend in.

Despite her popularity, the actress is not spoiled by awards. The artist’s personal fund has two awards from the Italian Golden Globe and the Silver Ribbon from the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists. The collection of trophies of Monica Bellucci in the fall of 2016 was replenished with the Order of the Legion of Honor, received from the hands.

Personal life

The personal life of the beautiful Monica Bellucci is not as rich as it might seem at first glance. Officially, the actress was married twice. The first choice of the girl was Claudio Carlos Bass, who worked as a model photographer. The couple registered the marriage in 1990, it lasted four years.

Then the artist got engaged to Italian actor Nicola Farron. Celebrities starred together in the movie Life with Children. The lovers were considered the most beautiful couple in Italy. But on the set of the film "Apartment", the girl met the French actor Vincent Cassel. Initially, the future spouses did not like each other. Monica considered Vincent an arrogant upstart, and he thought of his partner as a stupid model. But soon mutual dislike flowed into strong feelings.

Vincent Cassel three times called his beloved to marry, and all three times the fatal beauty refused. And one day the man got into a small accident. Then Monica was frightened in earnest and agreed to become the actor's wife.

After several years of marriage, the couple had a daughter - Deva Kassel. At the time of the birth of her first child, Monica Bellucci was 40 years old. The actress gave birth to her second daughter six years later - the girl was named Leoni.

For many years, the pair of Bellucci and Cassel was considered a role model, the joint life of the actors seemed ideal, they even starred together in several films. But in 2013, the news about the star couple spread around the world. Initially, the fans did not doubt that this was another "newspaper duck", but soon the couple confirmed the information.

Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel broke up peacefully, without scandals and loud statements. The irreversibility of the breakup of the star couple was discussed for a long time by the press and fans, who generated versions, built assumptions. Bellucci's affair with a businessman was called the probable reason for the divorce, but the rumors remained rumors. In numerous interviews, the actress spoke about her good attitude towards her husband after the divorce, and that the children will always associate Monica with Kassel.

14 years of marriage ex-husband and his wife lived in different cities. The press dubbed the actors' marriage "guest". Monica has repeatedly mentioned in an interview that she and Vincent have an open relationship. But after the breakup, the insider shared that after so much time, the actress was thinking about a family nest, and instead, she periodically received information about her husband's infidelities.

In 2017, it became known that the artist's heart was busy again. Monica started an affair with French actor Gilles Lellouche. The new chosen one of a woman is 8 years younger than her beloved. The couple first appeared together at the Sidaction Gala Dinner in Paris in early 2017.

Monica Bellucci is a person who arouses the sincere interest of men and women. The refusal of the actress from plastic surgery and diets surprises, but delights the fairer sex. The artist does not adhere certain system nutrition, but even after 50 has the model proportions of the figure as in his youth.

The Italian admitted that she could not deny herself pasta or pizza, and resorted to a diet if necessary for the role. Monica is indifferent to fitness, she prefers playing with children, walking in the fresh air and yoga.

Age and motherhood do not bother Bellucci, in September 2016 she posed naked again. Pictures posted in Instagram-account of the star and on the pages of one of the Parisian weeklies. Perhaps exceptional self-acceptance is the secret that explains the demand for an artist in the profession.

Monica Bellucci loves Rome. She has repeatedly admitted that a woman is attracted by the energy of the city.

Monica Bellucci now

In 2018, the release of the film "Necromancer" is expected, where Monica Bellucci is involved in the title role. Together with the actress, Tess Hobrich, Ben O'Toole, Goran D'Clue and others will appear on the screen.

In January of the same year, information was received that the actress, along with Ben Kingsley, would star in the spy thriller Spider in the Web.

According to the plot at one time, Kingsley's hero, Aderet, was considered one of the best agents in the world. But everything changes, and now the authorities consider the man old and dismiss him. And then the spy gets a chance to show that it's too early to write him off when he goes on the trail of a chemical weapons supplier. And while the hero is tracking down Angela, Bellucci's character, the management sends a young operative Daniel, whose role will be played by Itay Tiran, to follow the agent.

Gradually, Aderet realizes that he has turned from a persecutor into a victim.

Spider in the Web will be directed by Eran Riklis.


  • 1992 - "Dracula"
  • 1996 - "Apartment"
  • 1997 - "Doberman"
  • 2000 - Malena
  • 2002 - "Asterix and Obelix: Mission" Cleopatra "
  • 2002 - "Irreversibility"
  • 2003 - "Matrix: Revolution"
  • 2004 - "The Passion of the Christ"
  • 2005 - The Brothers Grimm
  • 2010 - The Sorcerer's Apprentice
  • 2015 - "007: Spectrum"
  • 2016 - Mozart in the Jungle
  • 2018 - "Necromancer"
  • 2018 - "Spider on the Internet"

This wonderful actress was completely different: both strong-willed, and domineering, and meek, with a subtle spiritual nature. In any case, she always had and now has her incredibly attractive charm. In her rich biography, you can find a lot of different juicy details.

What was Monica Bellucci like in her youth? Let's try to figure it out here.

Everyone knows that Monica is one of the most non-scandalous personalities in the film industry.


In Citta di Castello in Italy, Monica Anna Maria was born on September 30 in the family of a village worker and artist. Her year of birth is 1964. The pretty girl grew up as an obedient child, studied well and had a cherished dream of becoming

After leaving school, she entered Perugia (University), firmly and confidently moving towards her goal. She combined her studies with one of the popular city pizzerias, so as not to depend on her parents financially.

Yielding to the persuasion of a friend after a certain time, Monica Bellucci (in her youth she was even more charming) participates in a casting in a modeling agency. Having successfully passed it, she became a model. Her career in this direction rapidly began to rise up. Monica in 1987 gets a job at the well-known agency "Elite". And it is this year that is considered the most important and turning point in her biography.

In subsequent years, she was often invited to fashion shows in New York and Milan. She even got to be the face of famous brand Dolce & Gabbana. Her amazingly beautiful photographs were printed on many covers of the most famous fashion magazines: Maxim, Elle, Magazine's, Esquire and many others.

According to the results of Ask Men's statistics in 2004, she deservedly won the title of "The most beautiful woman in the world."

Monica in her youth and Monica today are both beautiful in their own way. However, here and there there is that same bewitching and mysterious, inherent only to her, delightful charm. Photos of any age can still decorate any fashion publication.

Why is Monica Bellucci so attractive? The photo in youth speaks for itself.

Not without reason, from a very young age and throughout the entire period of her rather curious biography, Monica Bellucci was often the face of one of the most fashionable houses of Dolce & Gabbana, was depicted on the covers of the most popular glossy publications, in various campaigns and in many other advertising brands. This is Monica Bellucci in her youth.

Bellucci without makeup

Amazing Monica is not only an incredibly beautiful woman and a talented actress, she is also the best personification of femininity and sexuality. Being the mother of 2 lovely creatures (daughters) and having already crossed the fifty-year milestone, she, according to many, is still the most attractive and desirable woman on the entire planet.

It also happens that, participating in an endless number of photo shoots, Monica does not miss the chance to appear naked, and even this happened during her pregnancy. She is almost always in excellent physical shape.

Often she is removed without makeup, and this has its own charm, because she is beautiful without it. She is not shy. Her face, oddly enough, does not lose its charm or unique exquisite beauty.

Always incredibly beautiful Monica Bellucci. The secret is in her, in her soul. She always denies rumors about plastic surgeries she has undergone, and she herself calls the secret of her impeccable appearance - work and love.

Thanks to all this, her career as a model and actress continues to develop. Moreover, Monica Bellucci, having a name and her reputation, can choose only the best and most interesting projects for herself.

Monica's opinion about her figure and beauty

Monica Bellucci is amazing. The figure in her youth was beautiful, but not the most ideal, but she always presented herself with charm. And, of course, made a great impression.

This is what she says about it. In her opinion, the most important thing is understanding oneself: what a person really is. All the information that is exposed to the masses makes a beautiful picture out of it, but there must be a personality behind it.

She says that due to her beauty, many people think she is stupid. It's really just a mask, necessary in certain situations.

And about her parameters and figure, she says that she herself is lazy and therefore can never be perfectly slender. And it’s useless, because you will never please people. Her conclusion: "... I will be the way I like myself in the mirror."

Monica Bellucci in her youth: figure parameters

Monica's weight in her youth was about 55 kilograms, and after giving birth she began to recover. And she herself never considered herself slim. Having a height of 1 meter 75 cm, her weight was 64 kilograms. However, her body parameters are almost ideal - 89-61-89. This is probably why most of the population of the opposite sex call Monica a sex symbol to this day.

Monica Bellucci always attracts attention: the parameters of the figure in youth and age are almost the same, as is her incomparable beauty.

Monica's personal life: marriage

Bellucci has two official marriages. Her first husband is Claudio Carlos Bass (model photographer). This marriage broke up pretty soon (they were only 4 years together). Literally 5 years later, she marries Vincent Cassel (famous actor) for the second time. And this marriage was exemplary for many for a long time, because they had mutual pure and true love.

After 5 years, they had a daughter - Virgo (first-born), and after another 6 years - Leoni.

Once Monica noted that the highest art for her is to be a mother and that motherhood significantly changed her perception of the world, that it all turned her life upside down.

In 2013, Monica and Vincent divorced, and it shocked all their idols.

Monica commented on this event in the following way. In her opinion, every marriage experiences that tipping point when you can choose one of two possible options: either get a divorce or save the marriage. She and her husband chose the easiest way.

They parted beautifully, without any scandals and statements that attract people's attention. In this regard, they bypassed the discussion and condemnation.

There was a small rumor about Monica's romance with billionaire Telman Ismailov, which allegedly caused a divorce from Vincent, but it was surprisingly quickly dispelled.

Success in acting career

In this direction, her career began in the 90s. Monica Bellucci in her youth was invited to star in the film "Adult Children" by the Italian film director Dino Risi. However, she became a famous actress after filming in the film Bram Stoker's Dracula in 1992 (directed by Francis Coppola).

She also starred in the film "Apartment", which became the most masterpiece. This film was nominated for a high award "Cesar". She met her second husband while filming this film.

Monica never considered herself a movie star, she said that she was just an actress. And it is very difficult for such creative people to find an appropriate role in which they can reveal themselves in many ways.


Only by the age of 40 did Monica decide to have children and feel the joy of motherhood. And she did the right thing by coming to this, because, as she herself noted, her daughters became the best antidepressants for her.

For 18 years, the beautiful spouses tried to spend all their free time together. Monica herself admitted that until the age of 40 she was not yet ready for motherhood. Before the birth of her first daughter, she still considered herself a selfish child. It should be noted that Monica was the only daughter of her parents.

The name of her first daughter is Indian - Virgo (translated as "the one that came from heaven"). At 45 years old (after 6 years), Monica gave birth to Leoni. Her appearance for a couple in love was a blessing from heaven. Monica still does not believe that at that age she was able to give birth to a child in a natural way.

Unsurpassed Monica Bellucci. Photos in youth and now continue to attract attention with their unique beauty and attractiveness.

Thanks to her amazingly beautiful appearance and talent, Monica Bellucci has played in more than 40 films. In addition, even today she does not leave the modeling business, being the fashionable face of Dior.

She is 51 years old, and in a beach outfit she still looks incredibly attractive and feminine. Photos of Monica Bellucci in swimsuits can cause only one feeling - admiration. After all, this beautiful woman every year becomes even more perfect, graceful and elegant.

Seductive figure of Monica Bellucci in a swimsuit

In her youth, the Italian actress worked as a model in order to pay for her studies at the University of Perugia. As you can see, there are no coincidences in the world, and this part-time job helped young Monica to reveal her creative potential, and already in 1988 she moved to Milan, signing a contract with a modeling agency. At that time, Bellucci's parameters were as follows:

  • chest - 87 cm;
  • waist - 63 cm;
  • hips - 92 cm.

To date, the beautiful Monica is not afraid to expose her body, demonstrating mouth-watering forms. By the way, at such a mature age, her figure parameters are:

  • chest - 93 cm;
  • waist - 67 cm;
  • hips - 99 cm.

Interestingly, the film star does not engage in any physical exercise. She claims that her busy work schedule and rhythm of life do not allow her to suffer from physical inactivity, because she is constantly on the move. In addition, as for the diet, she adheres to them only when she urgently needs to lose weight before the upcoming filming. So, on such days, her diet consists exclusively of vegetables, fruits, steamed fish, as well.

Beautiful Monica Bellucci on the beach

Recently, the paparazzi have been unable to capture a celebrity relaxing somewhere on the ocean coast. The thing is that every day the stars are painted every minute: either a frank photo shoot for Elle magazine, or shooting in the TV series Mozart in the Jungle.

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When she was married to Vincent Cassel, her fans could admire the sunny photographs in which the couple, along with their daughters, were relaxing on Brazilian beaches.

Not so long ago, a men's magazine asked married Russians which of the stars they dream of going on a date with. The survey showed that the "dream girl" for most of our compatriots is Monica Bellucci. 17% of Russian men dream about her! Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson are significantly inferior to the hot Italian in this regard (they have second and third places - 16 and 12 percent, respectively). And everything would be fine, if not for one but. Against the backdrop of the cult of youth in the modern world, the popularity of Monica Bellucci is simply amazing. After all, she turns 52 on September 30! However, what does age have to do with it, I would like to ask, looking at this delightful standard of femininity ... For the birthday of a charming actress, we have prepared 50 interesting facts about her.

1) Monica Belucci's height is 178 cm.

2) Weight - from 63 to 68 kg.

3) Parameters - 92-62-92 (plus or minus 2-3 cm).

4) Shoe size - 40-41. Although many media write about the 44th and constantly include Bellucci in the ratings of celebrities with the largest foot size.

5) The actress has posed nude several times in her career. She is best known for her nude photoshoots for MAX (1998) and GQ (2000) calendars.

6) Bellucci posed twice for the famous Pirelli calendar (and in the world of models, this is the same as the Oscar for actors).

7) Monica Bellucci is the constant muse of Dolce & Gabbana. Their collaboration has been going on for 26 years.

8) Favorite poem - "A Silvia" by Giacomo Leopardi.

9) Monica has two daughters. The actress had her first child two weeks before her fortieth birthday (the girl was named Virgo). And in 2010, at the age of 45, Bellucci gave birth to another daughter - Leoni. Both babies are married to actor Vincent Cassel. “When I get old, I’d rather look at my children than watch films with my participation,” says the star.

10) During both pregnancies, Bellucci posed nude for fashion magazines.

11) The actress has never done plastic surgery.

12) Monica Bellucci had two marriages. In 1990-1994 - with photographer Claudio Carlos Basso. And from 1999 to 2013 - with the French actor Vincent Cassel.

13) Before the wedding with Kassel Bellucci met for 5 years. Those. Their entire relationship lasted 19 years.

14) Vincent Cassel is two years younger than Monica Bellucci.

15) After the divorce in August 2013, the media constantly give Monica Bellucci in marriage. In particular, she was credited with novels with Russian oligarchs - Telman Ismailov and Mikhail Prokhorov. Neither in the first nor in the second case, the information was not confirmed.

16) The native language of the actress is Italian. In addition to him, Bellucci is fluent in English and French and understands and speaks some Spanish.

17) Bellucci often admitted in interviews that she dreamed of starring in the same film with Robert De Niro. Her dream came true in 2011 - during the filming of the film "Love: instructions for use."

18) The hometown of the actress is Citta di Castello, Italy.

19) Bellucci's father was a farm worker and his mother was an artist.

20) Surprisingly, Monica's mother was diagnosed with infertility a few years before her birth. By the way, the actress was the only child in the family.

21) Monica Bellucci dreamed of becoming a lawyer as a child. To pay for her education, at the age of 16 she decided to work as a model. Career took off. The girl liked the model world and she abandoned the idea to devote her life to jurisprudence.

22) Of all the sports, the actress prefers swimming and yoga.

23) The Dolce & Gabbana lipstick collection is named after her.

24) Bellucci's debut in cinema came in 1990. Her first work was the Italian painting Life with Sons.

25) The first success came to Bellucci after the role of the bride of Dracula in the film "Dracula" by Francis Coppola (1992).

26) With her future husband, Vincent Cassel, the actress met during the filming of the film "Apartment" (1995).

27) Monica admits that she doesn't want to watch the film Irreversible with her participation. All because of a creepy nine-minute scene of brutal rape.

28) According to the sign of the zodiac, Monica is Libra.

29) Monica Bellucci is often referred to as the "second Sophia Loren".

30) In the morning, the actress always takes a contrast shower.

31) Bellucci has a house in Rio de Janeiro. She says that she is "madly in love" with this city.

32) The turning point in Bellucci's career is the film "Malena" (2000). It was after this picture that they began to talk about her as not just a beautiful, but also a very talented actress.

33) The film "Malena", according to Monica herself, is half a reflection of her biography.

34) The actress is convinced that washing your hair more than twice a week is detrimental to your hair. And before the procedure, be sure to dilute the shampoo with water. In addition, before washing, rub olive oil into the roots of the hair.

35) The actress's favorite book is Patricia Albert's novel The Life of Tina Modotti.

36) Bellucci considers Fellini's La Dolce Vita and Eight and a Half as cult films.

37) Favorite drink is cool white wine.

38) Favorite color - strict black

39) Nude shooting for Vanity Fair magazine during pregnancy was the actress's protest against Italian laws prohibiting artificial insemination.

40) In the 90s, Bellucci posed for the famous photographer Richard Avedon, who once photographed Marilyn Monroe.

41) Since 2001, Monica Bellucci has been the face of the Cartier jewelry company.

42) An actress goes on a diet only if the role requires her to. And in ordinary life, Bellucci does not deny himself pasta and pizza. And she doesn’t worry at all that they can be deposited on her hips. “Beauty for a woman becomes a problem only in two cases: when there is none and when there is nothing but beauty,” says Monica.

43) Monica Bellucci official website -

44) Official Facebook page -

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