Robotic gearbox. Robotic gearbox - advantages and disadvantages. So the advantages of a robotic gearbox

Instead of a traditional manual transmission, designers are increasingly using more modern and technological options. A manual transmission is a robotic gearbox that performs similar tasks, but has a slightly different design and operating principle than a manual transmission.

To begin with, it should be noted that cars with a robotic gearbox are equipped with only two pedals. Instead of a third pedal, a whole arsenal of sensors, actuators and special sensors controlled on-board computer. The electronic system analyzes driving style, load, speed and road type, based on which it predicts further actions. The operation of individual parts of the gearbox and the car engine is also synchronized, which allows you to quickly and timely switch gears.

Manual transmission design

The design of a traditional manual transmission is based on two shafts: the drive and the driven. The engine performs a certain job and creates torque, which is transmitted via the clutch to the drive (input) shaft. The driven (secondary) shaft is already directly connected to the wheelset, due to which the car begins to move. The primary and secondary shafts are connected to each other by special gears. The gearbox determines exactly how they interact with each other. In the neutral position, the gears on the driven shaft rotate freely, that is, torque is not transmitted to the wheels.

When it is necessary to set the car in motion, the driver holds the clutch and engages the gear. The gearbox lever disconnects the input shaft gears from the engine and displaces the secondary shaft synchronizers, as a result of which the gear of the desired gear on the driven shaft is blocked. After activating the clutch, torque through a system of interacting gears begins to be transmitted from the engine directly to the wheels with a given coefficient.

Manual transmission has a lot in common with a manual transmission, and the operating principle of a robotic gearbox is in many ways similar to “mechanics”. But the main difference, as mentioned above, is that some functions, such as activating the clutch, are performed automatically by the robotic box.

History and reasons for appearance

European car companies set themselves the task of improving the car's performance and handling. Since modern driving conditions differ quite significantly from those that existed at the time of the advent of manual transmissions, it is necessary to create new designs. First of all, busy city roads where the flow of cars moves unevenly are taken into account. Constant starts and stops, and the accompanying gear changes, are very tiring and reduce attention. That is why a robotic box was invented, which is a cross between “mechanics” and “automatic”, combining best qualities both boxes. The pioneers in this were sports cars, and manual transmissions were actually “tested” on race tracks.

Features of manual transmission

The operating principle of a manual transmission is essentially no different from the operating principle of a manual transmission. They also have a similar design, with the exception of the presence in the “robot” of special servos, which are called acuators. They allow you to automate many processes, in particular the closure of the clutch and the direct selection of a specific gear.

The acuator is an electric motor with an actuator and a gearbox. Some car models use hydraulic actuators. Electronics controls the operation of these mechanisms.

    A command is received and the servo closes the clutch;

    The synchronizers move, selecting the desired speed;

    Immediately in automatic mode the clutch smoothly opens;

    Torque with the required coefficient begins to be transmitted to the wheels.

In other words, there is no longer any need to have a pedal in the cabin, since the electronics automate the basic steps.

An important element is the computer, as it analyzes the speed of movement, data received from various sensors and so on, based on which it selects the desired gear.

Pros and cons of manual transmission

Pros of the robot box:

    Budget version of the "automatic";

    Many advantages of “mechanics” have been preserved;

    Requires less effort;

    High percentage transmission efficiency in torque.

The simple design does not require maintenance, but at the same time it has good performance characteristics.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that manual transmissions are more suitable for cars with powerful engines- these boxes were originally designed for racing cars. Due to lack of power, the box operates at more wide range and changes gears more often, which reduces transmission life.


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Along with a manual transmission, an automatic transmission has already become almost a standard. At least this won’t surprise anyone. Another thing is a robotic gearbox (manual transmission) or a robot. It begins to appear on new cars: Chery Indis, Opel Corsa, LADA Priora etc. Let's figure out what a robot gearbox is, consider its main pros and cons.

In fact, the robot gearbox is ordinary manual transmission. Its creation was motivated by the desire to provide the driver with maximum riding comfort and to achieve unpretentious maintenance. Special electronic equipment is installed on the mechanics, through which the clutch and gear shifting are automated. As a result of the modification, two pedals remained in the car interior. The peculiarity of such an innovation is that the ability to control speed remains, but its direct switching is already performed by electronics based on sensor readings.

For example, in a standard gearbox, the clutch is first depressed (all gears are free), then the driver moves the lever to the desired position, which puts the gear of a certain speed into action. When riding a robot, switching is performed in a slightly different way.

Cutaway robot box

A feature of the robotic box is the presence of shocks during speed changes. Getting rid of them is quite simple - slow down the engine speed when switching.

When the gear is changed, the desired speed is not switched on with the movement of the lever (the driver does not directly control the processes in the box, but only gives a command). What happens next is approximately:

  • A specially programmed system recognizes human action;
  • The signal is transmitted to the control center;
  • The speed and other performance indicators of the vehicle are analyzed using the information received (it is transmitted from sensors and sensors);
  • When the system detects optimal conditions To change speed, the clutch is automatically released and the desired gear is moved to the working position.

As a result, with good software (some can even remember the driving style of the car owner), excellent driving dynamics are achieved.

Robot and automatic machine - what's the difference?

It would seem that there should be a minimum of differences, because both boxes are aimed at simplifying and automating gear shifting. In reality, automatic transmission differs from manual transmission in the same way as from manual transmission. The main difference between an automatic machine and a robot is the speed change system.

Automatic transmission

In the first case, switching occurs using a torque converter. When the engine speed increases, automatic gear shifting occurs: the previous speed is jammed, and the next one is wedged. This allows you to switch almost instantly and unnoticed by the driver.

Manual transmission

In the robotic version, switching is performed by squeezing the clutch and engaging the desired gear (in absolute analogy with mechanics).

As can be seen from the information provided, the difference between an automatic machine and a robot is significant.

Video about robotic gearbox

Pros and cons of a robotic box

The focus of many manufacturers on robotic gearboxes indicates many prospects for their use. Of course, in most models, such gearboxes are installed as an experiment, because drivers are wary of unfamiliar technologies, preferring mechanics or automatic. But in terms of the totality of convenience, operational life and cost of maintenance, robotic models are in first place.


  • High reliability. This is due to the similarity with a manual transmission. It is more durable than the CVT and the standard automatic.
  • Long clutch life. Thanks to the control of its squeezing electronic system, the resource increases by 1/3.
  • Less oil. About 3 liters is enough to operate the robot. An average of more than 8 liters is required to be filled into the variator. At current prices for car oil This results in significant savings.
  • Manual switching. Many models of robotic gearboxes allow the driver to switch from automatic to manual gearboxes. This is useful when the car is slipping. Just keep in mind that slipping can disrupt the system sensors, so resort to it only if absolutely necessary.
  • Fuel consumption. It is close to the minimum value. This is possible thanks to the same system manual transmission.
  • A large number of gears. The car can be equipped with a 6-speed manual transmission, which has a positive effect on gasoline consumption and engine performance. If you compare it with a 6-gear automatic, the cost of work will be several times lower.


  • Instability. Setting up the electronic components responsible for the operation of the robotic box is such a delicate matter that even 2 machines of the same model may differ in operation. But this is only possible if the production of cars with a similar type of gearbox is just getting started. Companies with experience have already learned how to achieve stability.
  • Switching delay is up to 2 seconds. The process of processing information and transmitting commands for execution may take a little longer. As a result, the speed is slower than with an automatic transmission.
  • Inability to configure. This drawback does not apply to all robotic models. But there are robots whose control program cannot be adjusted to suit a specific driving style. For example, you are used to speed, but the gearbox is set to economy (switching is done at low revs). In this case, the ride will not be comfortable enough.
  • Jerking when switching or starting to move. This disadvantage can be corrected by changing the program or complete replacement robot (control unit).
  • Software problems. With gearboxes from some manufacturers, problems may occur in the form of firmware failures, which can affect gear shift speed. In some cases, a certain gear may not be included or all together.

When the phrase “automatic transmission” is mentioned, most car enthusiasts imagine a mode selector instead of the usual gearshift lever and two pedals instead of three.

And only professionals and people who owned various cars They know that “automatic machines” are different in design and principle of operation.

This article will discuss a robotic gearbox or the so-called “robot” gearbox.

It differs from a conventional manual transmission in the presence of a developed electronic unit control, which analyzes the vehicle's driving mode and transmits commands to electric drives to engage the desired gear, depending on the degree of pressure on the gas pedal.

But at the same time, it is similar to a conventional gearbox by the presence of a clutch and the usual mechanical component of the primary and secondary shafts with gears on them. Only the clutch and gear selection are controlled by various motors.

Robotic gearbox design

The gearbox, of course, has an original design for each car. But, despite this, we can highlight the main elements found in each such unit:

  1. Clutch
  2. Mechanical part
  3. Clutch and gear drives
  4. Electronic control unit

Now that the basic elements are known, it becomes possible to understand how this unit works. But to do this, you first need to remember the principle of operation of conventional “mechanics”.

There are two shafts - the primary (or driving) and the secondary (or driven) on which the gears are mounted. The input shaft rotates when the clutch is engaged because the engine torque is transmitted to it. When certain gears of these two shafts are connected, the engine will rotate the wheels in addition to the shafts.

But there is one feature - on the drive shaft the gears are fixed and rotate together with the shaft, and on the driven shaft they are able to rotate freely and therefore, when the neutral gear is engaged, the machine remains motionless.

To engage the desired gear, the input shaft must be disconnected from the engine. After the clutch stops working, using the gear selection lever, the synchronizers begin to move through the rod system. They block the gear of the selected gear on the secondary shaft and, when the clutch is engaged, the engine speed with a given gear ratio through the main gear are transmitted to the wheels.

Exactly the same processes occur in a robotic box. Only control procedures are handled by various drives, hydraulic or electric. It is important to know which drives control the box.

  • If they are hydraulic, the switching work will be done quickly, but additional energy costs will be required to maintain system pressure and drive the drives.
  • In the case of electric drives There may be delays in their operation, but the costs of operating these motors are minimal.

So, it becomes clear that when you simply press the gas pedal, many actions take place, which the electronic unit takes care of by sending commands to the electric drives.

Design features and disadvantages

As is usually the case, every thing has positive and negative sides. Robotic box transmissions was no exception to this rule.

On most automotive forums, owners of cars with robotic gearboxes note a long gear shift time.

This happens because the electronics try to avoid “jerking” when engaging the clutch and spend a lot of time closing them. Therefore, for those who have just started using cars with this type of gearbox, switching seems slow.

Each manufacturer is struggling with this problem with its own developments. For example, this is how dual-clutch gearboxes developed by the Volkswagen concern appeared. This development became known as a preselective gearbox.

And Opel, together with Ricardo, introduced a single clutch and gear selection drive for its Easytronic gearbox. Thanks to this, the switching time between speeds and the overall weight of the structure have been reduced.

Another disadvantage is the overheating of the clutch when driving in a traffic jam. As well as early failure of clutch drives and gear selection due to the same traffic jams and, as a result, abrupt starts.

“Do they really have so many shortcomings?” - you ask yourself. Nothing of the kind!

Compared to normal automatic transmission, the advantages of the “robot” include the low weight of the structure as a whole, the possibility of saving fuel in comparison with a conventional hydraulic “automatic”, as well as the presence of a manual gear shift mode using the steering column switches or the selector lever.


Many automakers believe that the popularity of three-pedal cars is waning. The desire of car owners to see only two control pedals is not a tribute to fashion, but another step towards comfortable travel in a personal car.

And despite the fact that robotic gearboxes still remain an attribute expensive cars, steps are already being taken to implement them on cars of various categories.

In order to find out what a robotic gearbox is, it is enough to remember what the structure of a conventional manual transmission is. We can say that this box is a kind of compromise between Manual and automatic transmission. On the one hand, robots borrowed parts and elements from mechanics; on the other hand, they borrowed ease of control from automatic machines.

According to experts, the robot is the same manual transmission. After a command coming from the electronics, servos make it possible to switch stages.

What is this box?

What is a robotic gearbox that is much simpler and less expensive than most automatics? Of course, it will not be able to compare with the latter in terms of the smoothness of the car and the precision of its operation. However, despite this, robots are installed on some car models. For example, Peugeot 107 endowed with such a box. But don’t think that a robot is destiny budget cars. So, the Bugatti Veyron is equipped with the same gearbox.

It is believed that this is an exception, because Bugatti is a supercar and the car is also endowed with excellent control electronics, which copes with changing gears often better than an experienced driver.

Let us note that we owe the appearance of the robot to technological progress. This happened at the beginning of this century, when an excellent replacement was found for a good, but already outdated box.

Mechanics and robot

Let's compare mechanics and robots. The first box consists of two shafts. Torque from the car engine is transmitted to the input shaft through the clutch. As for the secondary shaft, it transmits torque to the wheels.

So, when the driver engages a certain gear, he depresses the clutch. Thus, the input shaft is disconnected from power unit. The synchronizers continue the operation of the manual transmission - they move as the gearbox lever acts on them. When the driver releases the clutch pedal, the synchronizer firmly locks the desired gear. Torque is transmitted to the main gear and wheels. This is the operating principle of this box.

As for the robot, then here is practically the same scheme of work. Only in this case, turning off/on the clutch is assigned to servos or, as they are also called, actuators. The latter are mainly devices with an electric motor, but there are also hydraulic actuators.

Servo drives- Very important element robotic box. But they are controlled by an equally significant node - . When the driver gives the command to change gear to first, the clutch depresses the first actuator, and the second actuator turns on the required speed. Then servo drive No. 1 smoothly releases the clutch and then everything is assigned to the control unit. In other words, the robotic gearbox only works like a mechanic when shifting first gear. Then she is already a real machine gun.

Robot Features

The robotic box has the following advantages:

  • Reliable design, compared to an automatic, because the gearbox is assembled in almost the same way as a manual transmission;
  • Affects fuel economy by almost 30%;
  • Servicing a robot is much cheaper than an automatic or variator. Gear oil, which is poured into a box, is very expensive. Only 3 liters go into the robot (as much as 7 into the same variator);
  • The cost of repairing a robot is also estimated to be lower compared to an automatic machine. Let's say even more: even the driver himself can repair the robot if he has the knowledge of a car mechanic;
  • The robot is equipped with a useful function, which makes it possible to switch speeds manually;
  • The robot has an increased clutch life, which mainly distinguishes it from a manual transmission


  • It will be impossible to increase the dynamics of the resource, since the control unit will not allow this (although, in some cases, the control unit is flashed and an increase becomes possible);
  • When driving uphill, the clutch may unexpectedly open, as it tends to heat up quickly, especially if the driver is inexperienced and engages low gears more often. also affect the robot negatively;
  • Noticeable jerks when changing gears are the hallmark of a robotic gearbox. For this reason, owners of cars with a robot are advised: when switching gears, release the accelerator pedal and after switching, press the gas halfway, allowing the car to accelerate;
  • Robots sometimes freeze and this is almost the main disadvantage of such a box;
  • In city driving conditions, the robot is not so effective. When driving around the city in cars with a robot, and during long stops/starts, the risk of gearbox failure increases. On the other hand, the useful Tiptronic function will help avoid this.
If you want to buy a car with such a box, then the article below will help you get necessary information. Once you know what a robotic gearbox is, you can confidently make your choice. If you prefer comfortable and moderate driving to aggressive and too active driving, then the robot is ideal for this.

There is an opinion that the movement of progress occurs due to nothing other than human laziness, and this is a completely viable statement. Don't you think so? That’s why automotive engineering is based on human vices, which is clearly visible in the car’s interior: where there used to be three pedals, there are now two - gas and brake.

Robotic gearbox or as the common people among motorists also call it a “robot”, nothing more than a manual gearbox, in which electronics are responsible for shifting gears and disengaging the clutch, that is, these functions fully automated.

This name is intended to indicate that the driver of the car and the established road conditions They provide only input information, and then the control system controls the operation of the robotic gearbox itself through an electronic control unit, which operates according to a certain specified algorithm.

The robot has absorbed all the positive aspects of manual and automatic transmissions. The comfort of an automatic and reliability combined with the fuel efficiency of a manual. With all this robotic gearbox is much more affordable in price segment than the classic automatic transmission. Today most of the presenters automobile manufacturers equip cars coming off the assembly line with robotic gearboxes, installing them on all models from budget to premium.

Operating principle

The operating principle is extremely simple. You can put it this way: this is a regular manual transmission, but with some facilitating and helping automatic systems. These systems engage and disengage the clutch and shift gears in the correct down or up sequence, intelligently choosing when to make the right gear changes. Even the operation of the robotic box is the same in principle as that of mechanics.

But, of course, we cannot do without certain differences. And the most important of them is the presence of actuators. More clearly, servo drives are responsible for the operation of the clutch in the robot. The actuators are controlled by signals from the electronic unit, and they are driven by a small electric motor. For example, before you start moving, you put the selector in first gear. The ECU immediately recognizes the task and commands the servo drive to depress the clutch, the second servo drive places the desired synchronizer in the appropriate position, thus securing first gear. Afterwards, the servo smoothly releases the clutch, and subsequent gear shifts occur in a similar way.

But if you want to convert the box completely automatic mode, then the algorithm of actions will be slightly changed. The command to change gears will no longer come from you as the driver, but from a computer that will calculate and take into account the speed at which the car is moving, engine speed and will take readings from security systems and. In this case, the driver will be assigned the role of an extra, operating by pressing two pedals, and you won’t have to worry about everything else, because all the “dirty” work will be done by the gearbox and electronics.

Having analyzed most of the reviews from drivers of robotic boxes, we can say that along with the main advantages, there are also disadvantages:

«+» - light weight of the unit, economical fuel consumption, relatively low cost.

«-» - poor throttle response due to jerking when changing gears.

Naturally, manufacturers know about this and are making every effort to solve this problem. Mechanical actuators were replaced by a single electromagnetic one, which entailed “killing two birds with one stone” - the size of the robot has significantly decreased, therefore, weight and gear shifting began to be carried out eight times faster. We cannot ignore the emergence of robots with two clutches. This innovation in the field of robotic gearboxes has increased unit speed and durability. The future lies behind them.

Main advantages and disadvantages

The robotic box has many positive aspects. We will be based on reviews from ordinary motorists who encounter the robot every day while driving their cars. Since the design of the robotic gearbox is similar to a manual gearbox, its reliability is higher than that of an automatic transmission or a variator.

So, the advantages of a robotic gearbox:

- due to the fact that the robotic gearbox is smaller in volume than an automatic or manual transmission, it consumes much less oil - 3 liters versus 6-8 for an automatic;

This type of transmission has been widely studied by any repair service, since the design of the transmission is similar to the mechanics familiar to everyone;

The clutch life is one third higher than other types of gearboxes;

Almost all robotic gearboxes are equipped with a mode that switches it to manual operation, which will appeal to fans of both manual and automatic transmissions;

And the main advantage, according to consumers, is the efficiency of this box in terms of fuel consumption, which is close to that of a manual transmission.

Disadvantages of a robotic box:

- the most offensive thing about robots is that there is no possibility of programming them. To reflash some robots, you will have to completely change their ECU;

The robotic gearbox does not please drivers with its thoughtfulness. You often have to think through the moments of changing lanes down to a fraction of a second;

Frequent jerks during gear shifts are annoying. Of course, this can be cured by flashing the firmware, but you can turn a blind eye to this.

To summarize, I would like to say one thing: There is no need to be afraid of robotic gearboxes. Analyzing all the reviews from the owners, we can say that robots will not cause you much trouble. Based on what has been said, do not forget to listen to yourself. If you feel that this is your option, then take it and enjoy it to your heart’s content.

Basic faults

Oddly enough, but the problem of clutch wear should be put first. The robot's clutch can "fly" already 50 thousand kilometers. In addition, this leads to the fact that other elements of the robot, such as the valve block and mechatronics, become clogged with the remnants of such wear. Robotic boxes are so “stuffed” with various sensors, drives, wiring and various electrical and electronic components. This is where problems often arise.

It can all start with a simple loss of contact or end with a breakdown of the electronic control unit. In some cases, you can get away with flashing the ECU, but it may also happen that you need to completely replace the “brains” of the robot.

A wide range of problems can be identified in the cooling system of the robot box. Firstly, due to the fact that the cooling radiator is located deep, it is deprived of a sufficient amount of air. Secondly, sometimes it is placed on the crankcase protection, which requires frequent cleaning of dirt. Some types of robotic gearboxes constantly adapt to the wear of the clutch discs, which leads to a new study of the engine torque, learning to re-depress the clutch, moving off smoothly, and changing gears.

But in any case, if you are alarmed by any fact unusual in the behavior of the box: jerks, jolts, vibrations, etc., we recommend that you undergo diagnostics of the robot. Remember one simple truth: diagnosing a problem at the initial stage and eliminating it as quickly as possible is much simpler and does not “hit the wallet” as much as major renovation the whole box.

History of appearance and implementation in cars

The evolution of robotic gearboxes has literally been turned upside down. The simplest single-clutch units began to appear only in this century. However, back in 1935 (Adolph Kegress) and 1939 (ZF) patents were obtained for manual transmissions equipped with two clutch discs. It is still unknown whether these units went beyond the boundaries of the drawings on paper or not, but one designer from France back in 1934 proposed equipping them with such a transmission Citroen Traction Avant. But unfortunately, this was technologically impossible to accomplish at that time. And this idea was forgotten for half a century.

This idea was revived thanks to the actions of the company's sports engineers Porsche. It was created in the 80s Doppelkupplungsgetriebe- manual transmission equipped with double clutch. But this unit turned out to be not perfect enough. The box was bulky, heavy and unreliable. The boxes that were equipped with rally cars also did not gain mass popularity. Peugeot 205 And Audi SportQuattro S1. The technologies of the early 2000s required large financial costs to bring such boxes to perfection and put them into mass production. And again this technology was forgotten, but not for so long, but only for 10 years.

The box we know DSG (Direktschaltgetriebe) began to create already in the mid-90s of the last century by the company Volkswagen. In 2003, a number of models were equipped with it VAG. Many leading automakers have shown interest in the dual-clutch unit. The result of this was the emergence of a system DualClutchSystem, which is equipped with absolutely a variety of cars from the Bugatti Veyron, Ferrari 458 to the “Chinese” BYD G6.

Differences from other types of transmissions

Let's start with the most popular transmission, that is, manual. This veteran is over a century old. But during this period it changed many times, reaching the present day in its best manifestation. The box together with the engine are located under the hood of the car, and between them there is a clutch assembly. When the driver depresses the clutch pedal, mechanical separation of the engine and gearbox occurs, and at this moment the gear required for engagement is selected. It is recommended to “disconnect” the manual transmission and the engine also during braking and when parking.

Engine location in vehicles with rear wheel drive– longitudinal. The manual transmission in this case consists of three shafts: master, intermediate and slave. Cars with front-wheel drive are equipped with a transverse engine, and the gearbox, in turn, only has two shafts: incoming and outgoing. This leads to different operation of the transmission, but this does not affect the functions, they remain unchanged.

Automatic transmission

Gear shifting in a classic automatic transmission is controlled by a valve body, which modern cars controlled electronically. Therefore, with the help of automatic transmission you can use various modes Drive: economical, normal and sporty. In more “sophisticated” automatic transmissions There are still plenty of all kinds of modes that remain unknown to motorists.

Classic automatic machines are distinguished by good reliability, so much so that they can withstand a mileage of 400 thousand kilometers without any special interference in the design of the box. The main thing is to use the box carefully and not “burn” it at sudden starts from traffic lights, and also to fill the unit with high-quality oil in a timely manner. Many modern automatic transmissions allow you to change gears manually.


The variator includes cone-shaped pulleys, which are directed towards each other with their vertices, and a special wedge-shaped belt is sandwiched between them. The cones, moving in pairs towards each other and back, change the diameter of the working surface of the pulleys. When the cones move apart, the belt, which faces the ribs towards them, will fall into the middle of the pulley and will bend around it along a smaller radius. If the cones move towards each other, the belt will bend around the pulley on the contrary along a larger radius.

The pulleys are controlled under the strict control of the hydraulic system, which monitors the synchronous convergence of the cones of one pulley and the divergence of the other. One pulley is located on the drive shaft, which comes from the engine, and the second is attached to the driven shaft, which goes to the wheels. Thanks to this arrangement of the pulleys, the gear ratio is adjusted over a wide range.

To move backwards in a car with a variator, it contains a special unit that changes the direction of rotation of the output shaft. A planetary gear can serve as such a unit. Remember that The choice of transmission is your purely subjective opinion as a car owner and car enthusiast. Analyze. In the crush of traffic jams, a CVT and an automatic are better suited. Off-road – “mechanics”. But it’s better to learn to drive with a “mechanical” or “robot”, here you can better feel the behavior of the car and the engine itself.

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