Registration of a newspaper for truth and justice. Andrey Fefelov for truth and justice in support of new popular movements. Again about the same rake: both motorists and deputies complain about pothole repairs in Orel

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Politics is a cruel thing. You can shine in the rays of parliamentary glory for several years and be instantly forgotten after being expelled from the party.
28.05.2019 Kaluga crossroads

Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly and founder of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice” Vyacheslav Gorbatin received a refusal from the head of the Kaluga Regional Court D. Krasnov to a request to provide publicly information about income, expenses and property,
02/13/2018 iKaluga.Com

12/23/2017 iKaluga.Com

Ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region Vyacheslav Gorbatin sent a letter to the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia Yuri Artemyev with a request to check the activities of the Governor of the Kaluga Region Artamonov
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11/28/2017 iKaluga.Com

Deputy Chairman of the Village Duma of the municipal joint venture "Mikhali village of the Iznoskovsky district Elena Bolgova on behalf of the residents of the municipal joint venture "Mikhali village", the villages of Raevo, Vozzhikhino, Mikhali, Kozlakovo, Orlovo, Mezhetchina, Pavlishchevo,
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The Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, in its response to the editors of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice,” explained the sharp increase in gas prices in the Kaluga region for private consumers from July 1, 2017 to the fact that
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Unnoticed by the public, Order No. 56-RK of the Ministry of Competition Policy of the Kaluga Region dated June 14, 2017 “On approval of retail prices for gas sold to the population in the Kaluga Region” was issued.
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The head of the department of affairs of the City Mayor of Kaluga, Alexey Volkov, said that the wife of Governor Artamonov no longer has anything to do with the Kaluga regional charitable foundation “Vozrozhdenie”,
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An amazing answer came from the Department of Education of the city of Kaluga to one of the requests from the editor-in-chief of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice” Vyacheslav Gorbatin.
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The editor of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice,” ex-deputy of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Gorbatin, contacted the Kaluga Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor’s Office.
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Former deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Kaluga Region, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “For Truth and Justice” Vyacheslav Gorbatin sent a request to the Kaluga prosecutor’s office about Zoya Artamonova’s possible gross violation of the Federal Law dated 02.
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The court rejected the claim of Svetlana Mochalova, head of the municipal administration of the Yukhnov urban settlement, and her deputy against the independent newspaper For Truth and Justice.
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Almost 500 journalists from all over the country. Only independent regional media. Selection for participation is almost competitive - there were several times more applications than the hall could accommodate. The Media Forum was held in St. Petersburg for the third time. And every year the interest in it grows.

At the same time, the forum has an important condition: only those who write about serious, acute and important issues your region or your village. Relevance of the work - main criterion. And Stanislav Govorukhin rightly said that “the most active and courageous journalists of Russia gathered in the hall.”

Now imagine this hall and several hundred journalists, where behind each of them there are thousands of readers and spectators- from newspapers to regional TV channels. And so the president came to talk with them. But they often know better about the troubles and problems of their region than another governor.

The fact that three hours was not enough for them to talk- this is already the case, notes in the margins. But the fact that it became a kind of rehearsal for a direct line with the president- That's for sure. I will remind you that in five days- this Thursday the President will answer your questions.

But what topics did the journalists choose? Our special correspondent Viktor CHERNOGUZ closely followed the work of the forum.

The meeting with the president was, of course, the culmination of the forum. Which was preceded by several days of seminars and lectures. What usually remains behind the scenes. The meetings differed from ordinary reporting events in that everyone in this room had their own story. Fight for justice.

Elena Shumilova, TV journalist: “There is a wall behind me, on which tens of thousands of rubles were spent, and because of this wall they will not move, supposedly major repairs have been carried out here.”

Elena Shumilova, a TV journalist from Komi, is a real headache for the republic’s officials. Thanks to her report on what the program for relocating dilapidated and dilapidated housing actually looks like, she was among the delegates at the St. Petersburg media forum. These shots, of course, do not need comments. This is how dozens of people on the waiting list live in the Pechora district of Komi. Suspicions of multi-million dollar fraud have already turned into a criminal case for those responsible.

Elena Shumilova, TV journalist:“The amount is about 600 million rubles, 90 percent of which was paid in advance by the contractor. the contractor is now in contact with him legal actions, he is still under recognizance not to leave.”

But it is not always possible to achieve justice; there are other facts - when the fight for the truth turns out to be mortally dangerous for a journalist.

Svetlana Gorbacheva, editor-in-chief of the newspaper in Tulun, Irkutsk region: “The journalist began an investigation, he was outraged by the very fact of legal nihilism, that an official is allowed everything and everything is possible.”

Journalist Alexander Khodzinsky was killed by the vice mayor of the city of Tulun in the Irkutsk region. The official acted absolutely openly, not embarrassed by witnesses. The reporter died because he published a series of materials about the shopping center, which belongs to the wife of the vice mayor. The reporter was sure: the building was built illegally. Numerous trials, accusations of libel. In the summer of 2012, after losing yet another trial, the high-ranking official’s nerves gave out. He went to look for Alexander Khodzinsky, taking with him a knife, an ax and a gas canister.

Svetlana Gorbacheva, editor-in-chief of the newspaper in Tulun, Irkutsk region: “Some kind of squabble arose between them, Alexander Nikolaevich began to drive Gennady Zhigarev out, he sprayed him with a gas canister in the face and inflicted 7 stab wounds on him, from which he died on the spot.”

1 year and 10 months - not even imprisonment, but restriction of freedom - this sentence to the murderous official was almost a greater shock for Alexander’s colleagues than the crime itself. The experts, as if in agreement, unanimously repeated: the defendant acted in a state of passion, the investigators and the judge for some reason believed it. So the meeting with Vladimir Putin became the last chance for Alexander Khodzinsky’s colleagues to achieve justice.

The forum in St. Petersburg brought together more than 450 participants who represented all regions of the country and all existing types of media: from the Internet to television. In fact, the people who form the information agenda for millions of Russians came to meet with the president. Therefore, for many it is important to hear the president without intermediaries - to understand what he thinks, how he places his assessments and emphasis in domestic and foreign policy. This is the first question about international relations. The president was asked this question by a journalist from Dagestan, Alik Abdulgamidov. Who, it turns out, has already met Vladimir Putin once. 17 years ago - in the Botlikh region, then our artillery ironed out positions captured by terrorists, among whom there were many touring artists from various countries. This war on terror continues to this day, only now, fortunately, not on our land - in Syria. But the successes of the Russian military, the capture of Palmyra alone is worth it, are recognized by Western partners with great reluctance. The president was asked where such bias came from.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “To silence these events is simply impossible. Impossible. There is such a desire, the task is to belittle, silence, underinform your viewers, listeners and readers. Life will go on as usual, and we don’t really care. The result is important to us."

However, Vladimir Putin spoke much more about internal Russian affairs. I’ll instruct you to sort it out, we’ll take it under control - that’s how he answered almost every question. And several times he even announced decisions that were already in soon will improve the lives of thousands of Russians.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “We discussed just a few days ago with the Government: we will make a decision that in today’s situation, when our prices have decreased last year real incomes of the population, support large families, giving them the opportunity to take a certain amount (now we’ll decide what) from maternity capital.”

So, in an open dialogue mode, the conversation went on hour after hour. The line did not reach Svetlana Gorbacheva. The bright yellow dress was a little trick to attract attention, holding the arm out high didn't seem to help. But still, towards the end of the meeting, she managed to talk about the tragic death of a journalist from a small town in the Irkutsk region. Less than two years for the murder of a reporter - this story, of course, impressed the president.

“I will simply ask you personally, as the leader of the ONF, as the President of the country, to show political will and, by contacting the Prosecutor General’s Office, still send this case for further investigation so that the killer is punished.”

Vladimir Putin,President of the Russian Federation: “The free press can be an enemy only for swindlers, embezzlers and criminals, and for the government as such, which serves the people, such a situation cannot exist. And I will, of course, ask the Prosecutor General to study this case in your case, make an appropriate decision and make recommendations to the investigative authorities.”

In total - more than 3 dozen questions. Already at the very end of the meeting, Vladimir Putin was complained about the German guest of the forum, Willy Wimer - he allegedly said that Russia has no national idea. The President could not miss the opportunity to look into the issue personally. Simultaneous translation from the head of state - we have never heard this before.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “Is our German friend here?

Reply (in German): ...

Vladimir Putin,President of the Russian Federation: “I was misunderstood, says our guest. Please continue.”

A little later, in Russian, Vladimir Putin formulated his understanding of what Russia should be.

Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation: “The feeling of patriotism is very important, the feeling of national identification is very important, something that is being lost in some European countries, unfortunately for them. We have it inside. We have this in our hearts - love for the Fatherland. Let me remind you of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. He once said that patriotism is fundamentally different from nationalism. Nationalism is hatred of other peoples, and patriotism is love for one’s Motherland.”

At this point, Vladimir Putin was forced to end the conversation - his schedule did not allow him to stay longer. While political scientists analyzed the content of the president’s speech, Svetlana Gorbacheva summed up her results of the media forum. There is now hope for the restoration of justice, but the question remains: why did this tragedy become possible in the small town of Irkutsk?

Svetlana Gorbacheva, editor-in-chief of the newspaper in Tulun, Irkutsk region:“I am always amazed by this moment: why do people who come to power, do they get sick with some kind of virus, what happens to them? Do they stop noticing people’s problems?”

Just a few hours after the end of the media forum, it became known: the Prosecutor General ordered to quickly assess the legality and validity of decisions in the criminal case of the murder of journalist Khodzinsky. The President fulfilled his promise, now it’s up to the investigators.

In Tatarstan, unprecedented awards from the fund for supporting independent regional media went mainly to representatives of Tatmedia

Yesterday's summing up of the results of the journalistic competition of the Truth and Justice Foundation, established by the All-Russian Popular Front, turned into a scandal. An unprecedented amount of 90 million rubles was spent on awards for journalists who covered “corruption, arrogance and wastefulness of officials.” One of the three hundred winners refused the prize, another promised to spend it on charity. In Tatarstan, four out of five winners work in state publications.


Today, the results of the competition of journalistic works were commented on by BUSINESS Online at the Truth and Justice fund for supporting independent regional and local media. The fund was established by the All-Russian Popular Front. On Monday, the first deputy head of the ONF executive committee Dmitry Minenko announced the results of the competition - they were published on the foundation’s website.

In Tatarstan, five journalists became winners. Despite the fact that the goals of the fund are stated as “supporting independent regional and local media, as well as strengthening the role of independent regional and local media in improving the quality of life of citizens,” the awards were received mainly by journalists from state media. The winners included Vladimir Matylitsky(magazine "Tatarstan"), Irina Khalitova, Farida Yakusheva(newspaper “Republic of Tatarstan”), Nikolay Artyushkin(Karl Fuchs magazine) and Ilnur Yarkhamov( Four of the five winners represent publications that are part of the Tatmedia state holding. The exception is KazanFirst, which controls Yaroslav Muravyov. But it should be noted that his arrival in the media business coincided with receiving generous funding for information services from the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The fund itself, in response to a request from BUSINESS Online, explained that only journalists themselves had the right to take part in the competition - editorial offices were not allowed. The fund began accepting work on September 22 last year from journalists covering the implementation of the “May decrees” of the leader of the ONF Vladimir Putin and anti-corruption policy.

“In November 2014, the public council of the foundation decided to admit to the competition works of journalists whose works are published in media that cannot be called independent of the authorities,” said the chairman of the public council of the Truth and Justice foundation. Dmitry Minenko. “But these works must correspond to the competition theme, and therefore reflect a particular problem of the region, city, or settlement.”

At the same time, Minchenko was surprised at the small number of works received from Tatarstan. Participation in the competition could only be on the initiative of the journalists themselves, who submit their work for professional evaluation by their colleagues.

“Yes, we are a little surprised by the inactivity of Tatarstan journalists,” he added. “Because the media sector of the republic is very developed and the region has something to be proud of in the area of ​​solving problems.”


The foundation's first journalistic competition received about 1.5 thousand applications from almost all regions of the country. The competition commission selected 500 works, and then the public council selected 279 winners. In addition, the public council of the foundation allocated a separate nomination “For helping to increase trust in the media” and awarded 21 journalists from federal publications and television channels who did not submit applications. In total, 300 people were awarded in this way - each of them will be paid 300 thousand rubles. The award fund amounted to 90 million rubles.

A 300 thousand award (and in September the amount was slightly less than $10 thousand) is an extremely rare phenomenon in journalism. For example, government awards in the field of media are 1 million rubles, but they are awarded to only 10 journalists. Here they spent 9 times more - and in fact on PR support for the “May decrees” and the fight against “official arrogance” in the form of opposition to government procurement of something luxurious.

Against this background, the widely publicized struggle of the same “Popular Front” against the spending of regional authorities on financing the media, which the ONF positions like “PR budgets.” The ONF compiled the next rating of such expenses in February, in which Tatarstan took 5th place with expenses of 1 billion 152.5 million rubles.

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Perhaps this cognitive dissonance led to rare demonstrative refusals to receive bonuses. For example, a Vedomosti journalist refused money Suzanna Farizova, explaining this by the publication’s policy. As writes, a journalist from the Yekaterinburg publication Ekaterina Vinokurova, also included in the list of winners, announced on Facebook that the money received would be donated to charity. “For me personally nothing will change. I will continue to communicate with sources and criticize the authorities,” Vinokurova noted.

Commenting on the decision of Farizova and Vinokurova, Minchenko noted that the work of a journalist is public by definition. “She is appreciated by both readers and colleagues. How to manage the fund's premium is a personal matter for everyone. As well as the attitude towards the assessment of one’s work by fellow writers,” he noted.


BUSINESS Online correspondents congratulated their colleagues and asked how they managed to take part in the competition.

Vladimir Matylitsky - journalist in the publication “Tatarstan”:

I had no idea about the competition. It wasn’t me who submitted the application; we have a person in our editorial office who monitors competitions. I only found out about this a week ago when I reached the finals. For me, winning is a big surprise. As far as I know, the selection was based on one article - for me it was an article about housing and communal services called “Leaping for tariffs.” Its essence lies in the eternal struggle between the state and the citizen: we install meters, start consuming wisely, the volume of consumed services falls, and accordingly, monopolists raise prices. As for independent publications, I think it was the article that was evaluated; it was written, let’s say, not from an official position. Apparently, the assessment had in mind the very principle of independent journalism.

I'm still not sure that what they are talking about is reality. For example, I would not be surprised if I come to the St. Petersburg forum (by the way, if they are invited to it at all, because so far I have not received any letter), and there they will choose winners who will be given a decent bonus. For the rest, well, a handshake, for example. It seems to me that this will be the case.

Ilnur Yarkhamov - KazanFirst journalist:

Since I am a journalist and communicate with representatives of the Popular Front, my acquaintances sent me information about this competition. I submitted texts to the competition on the topic of interethnic relations. In particular, I wrote material about how it is impossible to compare the number of mosques and churches in Tatarstan. Representatives of the Russian culture society raised a discussion about the fact that there are fewer churches in the republic. I did not agree with them, at least, the Alexander Nevsky Church was being built near my house in Azino, and I saw that no one was stopping it. It is not clear why Mikhail Shcheglov ( head of the Russian culture society - approx. auto.) decided that this was not so. Plus, I had other texts - from the court hearings in the Hizb ut-Tahrir case. I try to note such things, it’s interesting to me because I’m a historian by education. I don’t know yet how I’m going to use the cash bonus. This is the first time I hear from you exactly what prize the laureates will receive.

Artem Naumov - Executive Director of TRO "OPORA Rossii":

As far as I understand the theme of the competition, we are talking specifically about works covering the activities of the ONF, and not just independent media. Since no one here except the state media covers the work of the All-Russian Popular Front, you can feel the proportion. Apparently, they chose from those who write about it.

How could journalists find out about the competition? When they say that “we didn’t know”, this is much the same as in the case of supporting entrepreneurship. There is help, but “we didn’t know.” It seems that through official sources, through regional representative offices, through Tatmedia, as far as I know, a newsletter about the competition was sent out. Most likely, the local executive directorates of the ONF were instructed to notify all regional media. Perhaps communication was interrupted here, since the task was precisely to gather the widest group of people who would work in this direction. The ONF has recently become a serious source of relevant and interesting information. Maybe they expected that the political media regularly monitored their website, where they posted the regulations on the competition; those who needed it were aware.

Alexander Latyshev- editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Republic of Tatarstan":

How my employees found out about this competition, I don’t know. I officially assure you that I personally did not receive any information. This is truly the initiative of Farida Yakusheva and Irina Khalitova. At planning meetings, I always encourage employees to actively participate in competitions, because, I believe, the potential creative capabilities of our journalists are very great.

It was a big surprise for me when an employee came this morning and said that she was among the winners, then it turned out that another of the journalists was also awarded. It was a pleasant surprise. It's always nice when your employee is awarded at the federal level.

I would like to add one more thing. Firstly, we are not part of the Tatmedia structure. Secondly, why do state publications not have the right to participate in the competition? This is not about the status of a journalist, whether he is from a state media outlet or from an independent one, although, in my opinion, there are no such things. It's about the quality of publications. I remember the two materials that were sent to the competition well and consider them quite worthy. One text, as I learned later, was awarded in the “Quality of Life” nomination about the real well-being of the population, the second was devoted to government procurement and the topic of corruption.

In the Year of Literature in Russia Party A JUST RUSSIA established a Literary Prize for young, talented authors of literary works who are capable of making a significant contribution to the artistic culture of Russia and creating works of a patriotic nature. The motto of the Prize is “In search of truth and justice.” The Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Party Council for organizational and party activities, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Literary Prize spoke about the idea of ​​​​creating the Literary Prize and further plans for supporting writers, Russian literature and culture in Russia A JUST RUSSIA Ruslan Vladimirovich Tatarinov:

Ruslan Vladimirovich, how did the idea of ​​creating a party Literary Prize come about?

Ideologist of the establishment of the Literary Prize A JUST RUSSIA became Chairman Political party A JUST RUSSIA Sergei Mironov, who headed the Prize Jury. He also suggested not limiting himself to the Year of Literature and making the party's Literary Prize an annual event. At the solemn ceremony of awarding the winners and laureates of the prize, held under the motto “In search of truth and justice,” Sergei Mironov announced the start of a new cycle of the 2016 Literary Prize.

Young writers, poets, journalists send applications to the Organizing Committee before September 1. Then the work of experts and members of the Jury begins. Last season, authors under 35 years of age from 76 regions of Russia and foreign countries took part in the competition for the prize: Georgia, Lithuania, Lugansk People's Republic, Donetsk People's Republic, Ukraine, Estonia. This year we are looking forward to new works with interest and hope to discover new names.

Who is on the Prize Jury?

The idea received support from real masters in the field of literature and journalism. It is a great honor for young authors to receive the attention and opportunity to receive advice from literary critic Lev Anninsky, dean of the Faculty of Journalism. M.V. Lomonosov Elena Vartanova, editor-in-chief of "Roman-Gazeta" Yuri Kozlov, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, deputy of the "FAIR RUSSIA" faction in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, first deputy chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Culture Elena Drapeko, deputy editor-in-chief of "Literary Gazette" Maxim Zamshev , editor-in-chief of the magazine "Moscow" Vladislav Artemov, chairman of the Moscow branch of the Union of Writers of Russia Vladimir Boyarinov, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, head of the department of creativity at the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky Sergei Yesin, head of the department of history of Russian literature of the 20th century, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, professor, Ph.D. Mikhail Golubkov, deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Our Contemporary” Alexander Kazintsev, secretary of the Moscow Union of Journalists Viktor Cheremukhin. And I have not listed the names of all the “literary stars” of our Jury.

Why exactly the Political Party A JUST RUSSIA did you have such an idea?

– Literary Prize A JUST RUSSIA– a landmark project aimed at supporting national culture. The award was created in order to help young authors who want to live and work in Russia and for Russia to open up. They want to realize their talent and give it to their country, but sometimes they are faced with a situation where their talent is left without the necessary support. Most literary awards require authors to submit already published works to the competition. We refused this demand. Marina Tsvetaeva published her first book of poetry at her own expense, at that time she still had such an opportunity. Many aspiring poets and writers do not have this opportunity. Sharp, bright publicists, whose polemical articles are written “on the table”, or, at best, on a blog, do not have such an opportunity. And we are meeting such people halfway, they will be read and appreciated by real professionals, the best works will be published in the Roman-Gazeta magazine, with which the party has been cooperating for a long time. And the awards received will help authors publish their books, albeit in small editions.

In order to attract the attention of society and the younger generation to issues of cultural and historical continuity, the party has been implementing socio-patriotic cultural projects throughout the country for many years: “Living Memory”, “Living Memory against Oblivion”, “World War I. Photos from personal archives”, "The history of the Great Victory in the history of the family." We cooperate with public organizations and support citizen initiatives aimed at preserving and developing culture in the regions. This is necessary to form and support the country's intellectual elite.

What do you think needs to be done to support writers and Russian literature and culture in Russia? What does the party plan to do?

– The Party not only plans, but also does. On March 14, Sergei Mironov held a meeting at the State Duma with writers and editors-in-chief of literary and artistic publications in Russia. Writers talked about the reduction of libraries and bookstores, “thick” literary magazines, and the lack of social support for writers who do not receive a normal pension due to the fact that their activities cannot be taken into account as work experience. The forms and decisions of the Ministry of Education today do not contribute to the study of literature at school or to encouraging schoolchildren to engage in creative work.

Meanwhile, Russian literature is the pinnacle of literary creativity at the global level. The development of literary creativity requires certain socio-economic conditions, and the state is obliged to create these conditions. In the meantime, we see that, for example, such a landmark publication as the literary magazine “Moscow”, where the novel “The Master and Margarita” by M. Bulgakov was first published, wanted to be expelled from its office on Old Arbat. Sergei Mironov was forced to turn to Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. So far, the old magazine has been saved.

We stand for the adoption of a new federal law “On Culture”, taking into account the proposals of cultural workers and the creative community, for increasing the share of funding for culture, art and cinematography to 3% of GDP, for increasing wages for employees of state cultural institutions. Faction "A JUST RUSSIA" in State Duma opposes the Unified State Exam and the Bologna process, which cause irreparable damage to the intellectual future of Russia. And we consistently and systematically pursue our policy at the legislative level.

Andrey Fefelov FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE In support of new popular movements

Last week, in the very center of the concrete jungle, in summer overheated Moscow, a significant event took place, the style of which was somewhat reminiscent of a business breakfast of corporate heads. Representatives of four non-party public groups who came here from the Russian hinterland gathered at a common table. The meeting was held under the auspices of the newspaper “Zavtra” and the spiritual-secular movement “Pereprava”. Alexander Andreevich Prokhanov presided.

The purpose of this meeting: to get acquainted with each other among the representatives of the district popular movements gathered here, to develop a common initial strategy for interaction, to find ways to connect the centers of the new society.

Our newspaper and other patriotic publications spoke about these tiny “self-propelled” organizations. In the city of Klin, Moscow Region, for example, four years ago the community “Consent and Truth” arose - a young non-partisan force capable of openly, within the framework of the law, resisting the will of the local authorities. You can read about this in the article by A. Serafimova “The people want to know” (“Zavtra”, 2009, No. 13). The situation especially worsened after the mayor of Klin, so to speak, got stuck, and he raised tariffs for housing and communal services to the skies, making them the highest in the Moscow region. The “Consent and Truth” movement brought people to the streets, organizing a mass protest. This rally, which took place on March 21, attracted more than 2 thousand people, which is quite a lot for a small Russian city. In order to disrupt this event, the authorities canceled a number of bus routes that day, and also rolled out installations with loudspeakers onto the square in an attempt to drown out the speakers. Since it was not possible to silence the speakers using a jammer, “unknown” persons attacked the oppositionists and broke the skull of one of the organizers of the meeting, the editor of the newspaper “Consent” Pyotr Lipatov. Lipatov recognized the man in civilian clothes who attacked him - before that he had seen him in a police uniform at the criminal investigation department. Passions in Klin have run high, and the resulting conflict between society and the authorities is far from settled.

In the city of Tutaev, Yaroslavl region, the situation is less dramatic. But in general, the conflict pattern resembles the Klin scenario.

Former military man, now entrepreneur Yuri Moskvin creates a year ago Public organization promoting the development of civil society "Tutaev Public Chamber". Thanks to Moskvin’s perseverance, energy and flexibility, more than three hundred representatives of various public structures are drawn into the work of the Chamber: from veterans to youth. The Chamber also included people from a variety of parties, including government ones. Read about this in Alexander Lyskov’s article “Spiritual Gates” (“Zavtra”, 2009, N21).

Tutaev looks like a heavenly place just from the water. The situation in the city is extremely unfavorable. The Tutaevsky Motor Plant is on its last legs and is conducting mass layoffs. The housing and communal services sector is in a terrible state. The social atmosphere is tense to the limit.

A real explosion of popular indignation was caused by the receipt of payment receipts by Tutaev residents utilities from two management companies at once, each of which accused competitors of fraud.

All winter the Tutaevs were shaken by rallies and resignations. Through efforts, including those of Moskvin’s organization, they managed to push off the disgusted mayor.

However, tension in the city still remains. All the “charms” of the social order formed in 1991 are blooming in full bloom.

Tutaev's neighbor, Uglich, looks just as attractive from the deck of the ship! But here, as elsewhere in the country, devastation prevails. The once famous Chaika watch factory is today a pitiful sight. The city is dominated by drunkenness, unemployment, habitual apathy and the total deafness and dumbness of officials who ignore any requests and cries of the population. Seven years ago, Uglich was shaken by events generated by other factors - national ones. After the murder of a Russian youth by Chechens, a spontaneous protest of the local population against the newcomers arose in the city. The killer was never found, although many saw his face. The authorities clearly covered for the Chechens in this matter, which is not surprising. As is known, the consolidation of immigrants from the South in Russian cities very often occurs with the active assistance of corrupt local authorities.

To intimidate the local people, about eighty people came to the city. passenger cars, filled with Chechens from nearby areas of the region.

All this threatened to turn into either a new yoke for the Russians or a global pogrom of the Chechens, with all the ensuing undesirable consequences. The situation in Uglich was saved by entrepreneur Yuri Pervov, owner of the Varyag security company and head of the local branch of the Congress of Russian Communities. His precise, strong-willed and careful actions led to the fact that the aggressive part of the Chechen diaspora was squeezed out of the area, and car raids of foreigners on the city did not recur. By the way, Alexander Kazintsev writes about this in his work “Simulacrum or the Glass Kingdom” (“Our Contemporary”, 2002, N12).

Another “assembly point” of the future Russia is the village of Durakovo in the Kaluga region. Here, entrepreneur Mikhail Morozov, on the site of an abandoned village, is creating a powerful rehabilitation center for alcoholics and drug addicts. This is not a hospital, not a sanatorium, but a large labor camp. This special agricultural artel is capable of feeding all its members.

In the Morozov community there is very strict discipline and, of course, an absolute ban on alcohol. Those who go to the Morozov artel do so completely voluntarily, but they are full of iron determination and desire to end their former, disastrous path forever. This is written about in Igor Ivanov’s article “No days off” (“Zavtra”, 2009, N24). Today Morozov's artel is experiencing difficult times. Instead of carrying Morozov in their arms, giving him an order, awarding him a State Prize for saving hundreds of souls, our authorities gave the green light to confiscate artel lands. Ahead of Morozov is a struggle not only with the impersonal power of human passions, but also with specific representatives of power, who, it seems, have long been intoxicated with their capabilities and their impunity.

The heroes of our time listed above encounter essentially identical circumstances in their activities. All of them are fighting against the dictatorship of theft and betrayal, when the administration, police, prosecutor's office, and criminals, stuck together in a furry ball, form a vampiric reptile, sucking social juices and poisoning the air around.

But the heroes and social activists are related not only by a common enemy, but also by common values. These values ​​are not formalized in any doctrine, but from some individual remarks of many participants in this small forum one could judge the general ideal, which is based on the ideas of nationality, social justice and Russian Orthodoxy.

Although it is especially important that each of these groups has not only ideas, ideas, ideals, but also personal experience struggle and concrete results of their activities.

Now the editors of “Zavtra” and the spiritual-secular movement “Pereprava” are trying to find and coordinate other similar islands of self-organization of the Russian people, connecting them into a “constellation of centers”, into an unsinkable network structure that can be the frame of a supernova of Russia.

Through the newspaper, we appeal to these unique people, to non-partisan, growing “from below” structures.

If you are engaged in social activities for the benefit of the city, district, region; if you are waging your war for the future; If your lines have been taken in this war, respond!

Write to us, tell us about your efforts and your victories!

Leave your contact details!

Email address: [email protected]

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