Prostate cancer - cystoscopy. Prostate Cancer: Cystoscopy or Bladder Analysis Prostate Cystoscopy

Damage to the bladder and rectum is often combined with damage to the prostate and seminal vesicles. Isolated damage to the prostate is very rare.

Closed injuries most often occur during instrumental intervention on the bladder and urethra: with the introduction of catheters, bougies and a cystoscope. These lesions can most easily occur with urethral strictures, adenoma, and inflammation of the prostate gland.

The degree of damage may vary. In mild cases, the wound is superficial and heals in a few days. In more severe cases, the instrument can penetrate deep into the prostate tissue and form a false passage leading to the bladder, to the seminal vesicles and to the paraprostatic tissue.

Main symptoms damage to the prostate are the discharge of blood with clots, hematuria and urination disorder. In the presence of hematuria, it is not always possible to determine whether it is the result of damage to the prostate or simultaneous damage to the urethra and bladder.

Dysuric phenomena are expressed in frequent and painful urination or in urinary retention. In mild cases of damage, bleeding and urination disorders stop after 2-3 days. In more severe cases, bleeding and urinary retention are more pronounced and last longer.

An infection enters the wound, leading to inflammation or abscess of the prostate. With deep perforation, urinary infiltration of paraprostatic and pelvic tissue occurs with the formation of urinary phlegmon. Without timely surgery, these complications result in severe urosepsis.

The diagnosis of damage to the prostate is made on the basis of palpation through the rectum. The prostate appears unevenly enlarged, painful on palpation, doughy consistency; in places of abscess it is soft or fluctuates.

For mild prostate injuries, treatment should be perineal cold, drugs, calcium chloride, antibiotics, and bed rest. In more severe cases, it is necessary to divert urine by imposing a suprapubic fistula. In the event of an abscess of the prostate, a perineal prostatectomy is indicated.

Open injuries of the prostate are rare. They are observed when falling on sharp, piercing objects (bough of a tree, stake) or when injured with a knife and a bayonet. The wound usually occurs through the perineum and rectum.

Gunshot wounds of the prostate are observed in wartime and, as a rule, are combined with wounds of other organs. As a result of injury, necrosis of the glandular elements of the prostate develops, inflammation occurs in it and in the surrounding tissue.

The impact of urine and feces greatly aggravates the course of the wound process, especially if the integrity of the urogenital diaphragm is broken and the pelvic tissue is involved in the process. Severely flowing urinary streaks and uro-sepsis can be fatal. With a more favorable course of the disease, urethro-rectal or urethro-pro-perineal fistulas are formed.

Symptoms of a gunshot wound to the prostate are obscured by symptoms of injury to other organs (bladder, urethra, rectum). Only after some time, hematuria, urination disorders and pain in the anus make one suspect a prostate injury.

In a later period, symptoms of urinary streaks and urosepsis come to the fore. Wounds of the prostate end with the death of the glandular epithelium with its replacement with scar connective tissue. The normal function of the prostate is disturbed, and patients often develop impotence.

The diagnosis of prostate injuries is made on the basis of palpation examination, which makes it possible to establish the presence of wounds in the prostate region and its significant deformation.

Treatment of injuries of the prostate is determined to a large extent by the nature of the accompanying injuries. First aid should be expressed in the primary treatment of the wound according to the general rules of surgery. With simultaneous injury of the bladder and urethra, it is necessary to divert urine through the suprapubic fistula (to avoid urinary infiltration).

When the rectum is injured, an unnatural anal opening should be applied. In cases where there is a blind wound and a bullet or a fragment of a projectile is determined in the prostate, as well as in the formation of abscesses in it, a perineal prostotomy is indicated. Urinary streaks must be well drained.

1. What is cystoscopy.
2. Types of cystoscopes.
3. Indications and contraindications for cystoscopy.
4. Preparation for cystoscopy.
5. Carrying out cystoscopy in men.

6. Possible complications after cystoscopy.
7. Chromocystoscopy.

The use of cystoscopy in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system.

If there are suspicions of bladder disease, the doctor prescribes. Other research methods do not allow to reveal pathological changes in the mucosa (the appearance of polyps, ulcers).

Cystoscopy is a special invasive study to diagnose the condition of the bladder. With this procedure, sources of bleeding and inflammation of the organ are identified, tuberculosis of the urinary system, anomalies of the urinary tract and kidneys, as well as polyps, tumors, foreign bodies and stones in the bladder are detected.

Carrying out cystoscopy has not only a diagnostic, but also a therapeutic purpose. Cystoscope- apparatus for carrying out this procedure. They can bougienage and dissect the mouth of the ureter, crush and remove stones, cauterize ulcers, remove growths and papillomas of the mucosa, inject the drug, take tissue for a biopsy.

Types of cystoscope

The cystoscope can be rigid or flexible. This long and thin instrument is hollow inside. It has an optical mirror system. It sends the image to the monitor. Also, the cystoscope is equipped with lighting lamps that improve visibility.

If necessary, the inner tube of the cystoscope is used to deliver medication to the bladder mucosa directly, to introduce saline into the organ to increase visibility, and to remove excess urine. Tumors and ulcers can also be cauterized with this device and a cutting loop, and tissue samples can be taken for analysis.

Depending on destination cystoscopes There are operating, catheterization, examination, universal and special.

Operating cystoscopes are used during medical manipulations in combination with semi-rigid surgical instruments.

By using catheterization cystoscopes catheters are placed in the ureters.

For washing and examining the bladder viewing cystoscope.

TO special cystoscopes include pediatric cystoscopes, cystoresectoscopes, and cystolithotriptors.

Pediatric cystoscope differ in small diameter and are used for examination and treatment of children.

cystoresectoscope the following therapeutic manipulations are carried out: resection of the prostate gland, if it is affected by cancer or adenoma; resection of tumors and papillomas of the bladder using high-frequency current with visual control; transurethral electroresection of the bladder neck affected by sclerosis.

By using cystolithotriptor mechanical crushing of stones in the bladder is carried out.

Indications for cystoscopy

  • Cystoscopy of the bladder is performed in the following cases:
  • frequent or painful urination (for example, urinary incontinence in men);
  • the presence of pus or blood in the urine;
  • pain in the pelvic organs of unclear etiology;
  • frequent cystitis;
  • suspicion of infectious diseases of the urinary system;
  • suspicion of neoplasms of the prostate;
  • suspicion of the formation of stones in the urinary tract.

Contraindications for cystoscopy

Carrying out cystoscopy is strictly prohibited in the presence of inflammation in the bladder, urinary tract, prostate or testicles, if bleeding is suspected, with urethral fever, if there are problems with the urethra (its damage, obstruction).

Preparing for a cystoscopy

Diets are not required before cystoscopy. There is only one prohibition: do not eat on the day of the procedure. It is also recommended to refrain from urinating for an hour before the examination. Men should have a cleansing enema 1-2 hours beforehand. The doctor should inform the patient about the risk of complications. The patient must sign the consent to the procedure. Cystoscopy is performed only under the following conditions: the absence of inflammation in the urethra, which may interfere with the passage of the cystoscope; the content of at least 80-100 ml of fluid in the bladder; absence of inclusions of pus and blood, transparency of the patient's urine. Bladder cystoscopy in men is associated with a greater risk than in women. The reason is that the urethral canal in women is much shorter. Also, this procedure gives men more pain. Therefore, cystoscopy in men is performed under local anesthesia.

Bladder cystoscopy in men

Stages of bladder cystoscopy in men:

    The doctor lifts the patient's penis and inserts the edge of the cystoscope into the opening of the urethra.

    Under its own weight, the device descends to the sphincter of the urethra.

    The doctor lowers the penis down, holding the device in an inclined position. This moves the tube toward the back of the urethra.

In the presence of adenomas, the doctor tilts the cystoscope down and moves it forward. Do not use extra force to advance the device through the urethra, as this may cause a false passage or rupture of the urethra. The cystoscope in the study of the urinary system in men goes a long way: bypasses the prostate, moves past the seminal tubercle and bladder neck.

Before a cystoscopy, a man must undergo some preparation. This will help minimize the risk of complications.

    Conduct a general and biochemical analysis of urine. This will give a more complete clinical picture.

    Examine blood clotting.

    Take an x-ray of the urethra.

The last meal before cystoscopy under general anesthesia should be 8 hours before the start of the examination. To prevent the possible entry of hairs along with the cystoscope into the urethra, a man should shave off the hair from the groin and vulva. Also, before the procedure, hygiene procedures are mandatory to prevent infection from the outside of the genitourinary tract.

Complications after cystoscopy

Certain complications may occur after cystoscopy.

    The presence of blood in the urine. They usually go away within a couple of days.

    Feeling sore and burning when urinating. They disappear on their own within a few days.

    development of cystitis. This leads to the introduction of infection in the process of cystoscopy. Quite often, this complication occurs due to insufficient hygiene of the external genital organs.

    Perforation (puncture) of the bladder. This happens in inexperienced doctors. For example, the doctor collected histological material with a needle that was too long. Symptoms of this are prolonged severe pain, blood in the urine, a decrease in its amount, chills, fever.

    Damage to the urethra. This complication is one of the most serious. It leads to the formation of a false move. For treatment, they resort to the installation of a cystostomy. Under this system, urine is diverted into a special attached container. It is removed after the restoration of the normal process of urination.

If the patient is not disturbed by negative symptoms after the cystoscopy procedure, he can return to the normal rhythm of life as soon as possible.


To diagnose the functioning of the kidneys, doctors resort to a separate type of cystoscopy - chromocystoscopy. The patient is given an intravenous contrast agent. After that, the doctor determines the rate and time of excretion of colored urine by each ureter separately. Normally, this result is 3-5 minutes. If the release is delayed up to 10 minutes, we should talk about violations in the functioning of the kidneys.

The use of cystoscopy in the treatment of diseases of the urinary system

Cystoscopy allows you to perform the following medical procedures:

  • stop bleeding;
  • remove benign and malignant neoplasms in the bladder;

Hello! I visited a paid urologist in Chelyabinsk. At the first appointment, prostate juice was taken for analysis. I am concerned about the possible consequences of the procedure. Since I was only concerned about the issue of premature ejaculation and very rarely had pain after an orgasm in the lower abdomen. And after visiting the urologist - worried about frequent urge to urinate and pain when sitting on a chair and sometimes tingling in the pubic area. The first two days after the test, there was even pain during orgasm. I thought that the doctor did a prostate massage too roughly and was in a hurry all the time. According to the ultrasound, there are single calcifications in the prostate. Question: could the doctor damage the tissue of the prostate itself when taking prostate secretion?

Vadim Railevich Shakurov, Chelyabinsk

ANSWERED: 09/08/2016

Hello, do not worry. During such a procedure, the prostate gland cannot be damaged. By your complaints it is necessary to be engaged in treatment of a chronic prostatitis.

clarifying question

Clarifying question 08.09.2016 Vadim, Chelyabinsk

And what could be the reason for the increase in symptoms after palpation of the gland? It's been bothering me for four days now. Before the procedure, there were no such complaints on my part. And now there is.

ANSWERED: 09/08/2016

Hello, it is quite possible to cause harm by inept actions. Be sure to perform prostate trusion, PCR scraping for all groups of infections

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 09/08/2016

Hello, I answered you, it is quite possible that the inept actions of the urologist, strong pressure (which is categorically unacceptable), led to your complaints

clarifying question

Clarifying question 09.09.2016 Vadim, Chelyabinsk

Immediately after the procedure, it was almost impossible to urinate, as if everything was compressed. Considering that before the massage, I very rarely had pain after intercourse, and now it’s uncomfortable to sit on a chair and I constantly run around for a little need. Tell me, judging by the symptoms that have arisen, could he cause irreversible harm to the prostate gland? And will it affect men's health? Is it worth worrying about the consequences of the procedure, or are the symptoms temporary?

ANSWERED: 09/09/2016

Hello, perform truzi glands. Visit the doctor again (better than another). The results suggest the root of the problem.

clarifying question

Clarifying question 09.09.2016 Vadim, Chelyabinsk

Truzi has single calcifications in the gland and paraurethral. It turns out that inflammation was caused after the massage? The urologist massaged me in the presence of stones and in a rough way.

ANSWERED: 09/09/2016

Hello, the presence of calculous prostatitis is a contraindication to digital examination, the doctor could not help but know this

clarifying question

Clarifying question 12.09.2016 Vadim, Chelyabinsk

Tell me, if after the procedure my gland became inflamed (constant urge to urinate and pain and the inability to go a little after the procedure, the secret began to stand out badly) - can this have irreparable consequences for my men's health? Just 5 days after taking the symptoms began to subside.

Clarifying question 12.09.2016 Vadim, Chelyabinsk

Tell me, if after the procedure my gland became inflamed (constant urge to urinate and pain and the inability to go a little after the procedure, the secret began to stand out badly) - can this have irreparable consequences for my men's health? Just 5 days after taking the symptoms began to subside. And what kind of injection was given to me in the groin area 20 minutes before prostate massage, with an insulin needle?

ANSWERED: 09/12/2016

Hello, you have been answered. Repeat research. Ask your doctor about the injection, he should explain everything to you

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 09/12/2016

Hello, please do not duplicate questions. You will not receive more information, but you will cause a lot of inconvenience

clarifying question

ANSWERED: 09/12/2016

Hello, please remove duplicate questions. They hang in the unanswered category and interfere with work

clarifying question

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Cystoscopy of the bladder is a diagnostic manipulation, during which the doctor receives information about the state of the organs of the urinary system. For cystoscopy, special endoscopic equipment is required, containing an optical fiber and a lighting device, and in some cases, manipulators. The name of this device is a cystoscope, it is a long narrow tube and comes in two types, rigid and flexible.

The easiest way to examine the bladder with a cystoscope is in women due to the fact that their urethra is wide and short. The study in men is much more difficult, since their urethra is long and has two physiological bends. The quality of the procedure is highly dependent on the skills of the doctor.

Cystoscopy can be performed at any age, including children. For them, there are special children's cystoscopes, small in diameter and length. The cystoscopy procedure is quite painful and unpleasant, therefore it is performed under anesthesia.

Cystoscopy is performed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.. Using this tool, you can take a tissue sample for histological examination, remove the papilloma, insert a stent into the mouth of the ureter, and cut its mouth in case of stricture, cauterize a small wound defect in the bladder mucosa.

It is important to know

In this way, you can also remove a stone or small stones from the cavity of the bladder. In the case of bleeding from the bladder, cystoscopy allows you to determine its exact source and coagulate the bleeding vessel.

The method provides invaluable assistance in the diagnosis of various diseases, including those that are not detected by ultrasound. For example, it is the best way to determine the presence and localization of a tumor and to detect prostate cancer in a timely manner.

Bladder cystoscopy has its contraindications. General contraindications are severe decompensated diseases of the internal organs, such as renal failure.

Cystoscopy is not performed for pregnant women, the elderly, and those suffering from decompensated heart disease.

The general weakened state of the body, intoxication, acute viral diseases or other inflammatory diseases with fever also make it necessary to postpone the manipulation until better times.

Local contraindications include any inflammatory, including infectious diseases of the urethra, bladder or kidneys.

With stricture of the urethra, as well as with diseases of the prostate, cystoscopy is carried out very carefully.

During the study, a thorough examination of the walls of the urethra, especially its prostatic part in men, is performed. Using a cystoscope, the doctor carefully examines the inner surface of the bladder, namely the mucous membrane of all its anatomical sections. An examination of the mouths of the ureters is also performed.

This manipulation is an important link in the examination of a patient with diseases of the urinary system.

A similar service is provided by many medical centers specializing in urology, while the price depends on the location and level of the clinic.

Preparation with cystoscopy: main steps

Preparation from cystoscopy is carried out in several stages and has a certain algorithm. The first stage is the determination of indications for manipulation and examination for contraindications.

Contraindications include any inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, urethra and bladder, both acute and chronic in the acute stage, diseases of the penis. Before cystoscopy, an ultrasound examination of the bladder is mandatory.

Further preparation from cystoscopy involves psychological work with the patient. The doctor explains in detail to the patient the essence of the procedure, describes its implementation, obtains the patient's informed consent for the procedure. urethra. As a rule, reviews after the procedure say that it is accompanied by a burning sensation in the urethra over the next two days.

No special food restrictions are required. It is also not required to drink plenty of fluids before the procedure.

The doctor himself can fill the bladder during the procedure for a qualitative examination of the mucosa.

For local anesthesia, an anesthetic solution is instilled into the urethra, which may have to be purchased before the procedure.

Before the cystoscopy itself, it is necessary to wash, paying close attention to the cleanliness of the genitals.

If the procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, then the patient is advised to arrive in advance, to have a change of shoes, socks and a towel with him.

Carrying out cystoscopy: is it possible to carry out cystoscopy without pain

As a rule, the procedure of cystoscopy is carried out in a urological hospital. Cystoscopy can be both planned and emergency, in which case the preparation is reduced, but the general procedure remains the same.

Before performing cystoscopy, the patient assumes a supine position, while the legs are bent at the knees and divorced. The procedure is performed only by a urologist, sometimes with the help of a nurse.

The external genital organs are preliminarily treated with antiseptics. After that, an anesthetic drug for local anesthesia is injected into the urethra using a pipette or syringe. Proper anesthesia is characterized by the fact that cystoscopy is performed without pain.

After some time, when the anesthesia takes effect, a cystoscope is inserted into the urinary canal. Currently, a flexible cystoscope, which is a narrow tube, is more commonly used. A rigid cystoscope may also be used, more often in women, as their anatomical feature, namely a wide and short urethra, may not require a long endoscope.

Because cystoscopy is an invasive procedure, the cystoscope is sterilized beforehand. The sterile cystoscope is stored in a special bag and is opened directly during manipulation.

The introduction is made as quickly as possible, however, during the introduction with the help of a lighting device and an optical fiber, the doctor examines the urethra, evaluates its patency and the condition of its walls.

In men, close attention is paid to the urethra in the area of ​​prostate diligence.

Next, the cystoscope is passed into the bladder, which must contain urine. If there is not enough urine, for example, if the patient is incontinent, or if the procedure must be performed after urination, sterile saline must be injected into the bladder cavity, in the amount necessary for examination.

The end of the cystoscope is directed to different areas of the bladder, and a thorough examination of its inner surface is performed. The orifices of the ureters are also examined.

If necessary, it is possible to use cystoscopy for treatment, namely, removal of papilloma, cauterization of a bleeding vessel, insertion of a stent at the orifice of the ureter or higher. Cystoscopy allows you to biopsy a site suspicious of a malignant neoplasm, to obtain visual information about the size and degree of germination in the body of the bladder.

After carrying out all the necessary manipulations, the cystoscope is removed, the external genital organs are wiped, the patient is allowed to urinate.

The duration of the procedure itself is from ten to twenty minutes. The length of stay in the hospital depends on the underlying disease.

Sometimes, in the absence of complications, the patient can go home a few hours after the cystoscopy.

Two hours after the manipulation, when anesthesia wears off, patients complain of pulling pains in the urethra.

Cystoscopy can have complications that are associated with both traumatic injury to the urinary tract and infection. The infection causes an inflammatory process such as cystitis or urethritis.

Damage to the lining of the urethra can lead to swelling and urinary retention. This is especially true for men with prostate adenoma, since it is they who have a narrowing of the urinary canal at the level of the second physiological bend. It is extremely rare for bladder perforation to occur, which may not be immediately diagnosed.

With proper preparation and conduct of the procedure, the risk of complications is minimal.

If, after cystoscopy, pain persists for a long time, not only in the urethra, but also in the lower abdomen, with urinary retention, with fever and signs of inflammation, you should immediately consult with your doctor.

Cystoscopy allows you to examine the inside of the bladder. This study is carried out in order to identify various kinds of anomalies in his condition, as well as infectious foci and inflammation. In this article, we will briefly describe this procedure.

Feedback on cystoscopy will be presented at the end of the article.

Indications for carrying out

This procedure is used when alternative diagnostics cannot detect small neoplasms, their distribution and characteristics. For example, an ultrasound scan of the bladder may not show the presence of small ulcers or polyps if they are in the early stages of development. This method allows you to get more detailed and accurate information. Cystoscopy is indispensable in detecting neoplasms of any size and shape, and allows you to determine their nature (benign or malignant). In addition, it monitors the formation of stones in the bladder, the localization of inflammation or damaged areas of the mucosa.

A cystoscopy is often prescribed for a child. Reviews on this subject are plentiful.

It is carried out for such diseases as: interstitial cystitis, chronic cystitis, enuresis, suspicions of tumor processes and infections, prostatitis, adenoma, etc. If blood is found in the urine test, the doctor will definitely prescribe this study. Also, this procedure is necessary in case of difficulty urinating and with pain localized in the pelvic region. In addition, the indications for the study is the presence of prostatic hyperplasia, blockage or Reviews of cystoscopy are of interest to many.


Carrying out this procedure is contraindicated in such diseases as: acute inflammation of the bladder, infectious diseases of the genitourinary tract, orchitis, prostatitis in the acute stage. Also, cystoscopy is not prescribed for poor blood clotting. Many patients complain about the appearance of complications after cystoscopy performed during an exacerbation. Therefore, if you are scheduled for this procedure in an acute period, seek the advice of several specialists to rule out further problems.

Reviews of urinary cystoscopy in women are also presented in the article.

Treatment with this method

In most cases, diagnostic methods are used only to detect pathologies, treatment with their help is impossible. Cystoscopic examination in this regard is more functional, and can help in getting rid of some ailments. For example, in this way, you can remove neoplasms and stones, get rid of blockages and narrowing of the paths, burn small sores. Reviews about this confirm.

Preparation for the procedure

This procedure must be prepared in advance. If the study is going to be carried out using anesthesia, then the patient should not eat or drink for some time (the doctor will determine this time for the patient individually). The duration of the hunger strike depends on the complexion of the subject, his metabolism, and most importantly, on the type of anesthesia. In advance, it is worth considering clothes without a large number of buttons and ties. And also to carry out hygiene procedures immediately before the study and empty the bladder. Reviews of cystoscopy are mostly positive.

Carrying out the procedure

The study is carried out using a cystoscope, which resembles a tube, with a light attached to one end. The instrument is gradually inserted into the urethra. There are two types of cystoscopy: rigid and flexible (depending on the instruments used). With a rigid type, a standard cystoscope is used, which allows you to examine the urinary tract and the bladder itself in detail and accurately. This is a rather painful procedure, which is why the patient is anesthetized before the introduction of the instrument (anesthesia can be spinal, local or general).

Examination with a flexible tube

This type of study involves the use of a flexible tube. Feelings from its use are not so painful. However, the data obtained as a result of the study is not so accurate. The choice of the type of research always remains with the doctor. Only he can decide which procedure is necessary in this case. During the examination, the patient is on the urological chair. Bladder cystoscopy in men is very effective according to reviews.


The urinary canal is filled with warm fluid, a cystoscope is inserted, and the doctor can examine the inside of the bladder. The examination itself lasts no more than ten minutes, and the entire procedure in complex cases can take up to forty minutes.

Carrying out the procedure under anesthesia makes it easier for both the patient and the doctor - he has the opportunity to calmly examine the patient. But the decision on the use of anesthesia is also made by the doctor, based on data from laboratory and instrumental studies. Insertion of the instrument through the urethra allows an assessment of the structure of all mucous membranes and an examination for blockage, trauma and other damage. The introduction of the solution into the cavity of the bubble provides a better visualization of its internal surfaces. Often, a biopsy is also performed using this method.

Feedback on cystoscopy

Since the procedure is quite painful, most of the reviews refer specifically to pain. It must be said that all patients agree that an examination performed without anesthesia leaves a very unpleasant impression. Although, a lot depends on the experience and accuracy of the doctor conducting the study. Many patients note that if the doctor inserts the instrument carefully, it helps to avoid severe pain. In addition, patients note the quality of the equipment, paying attention to the fact that cystoscopy performed in a big city, in a good clinic and with new equipment is less painful and more informative.

It should also be noted that pain during cystoscopy may increase if you conduct a study during an exacerbation. There are times when other diagnostic methods simply do not work, and a disease (for example, cystitis) can only be diagnosed using cystoscopy. Reviews of women about this are available.

Patients who were anesthetized with the Cathejel gel note that the effect of anesthesia in this case is, but insignificant. According to patients, one of the most unpleasant moments of the procedure is the introduction of an instrument into the urethra. Further, when the doctor is already starting the examination, pain can be reduced by relaxing the muscles as much as possible and not straining.

The slightest tension will provoke the onset of sharp pain. Removing the device does not cause discomfort. Another uncomfortable nuance is that the liquid pumped into the bladder before the procedure is a medicinal composition. With this liquid you need to pass about two hours, maybe more. Women who have undergone this procedure say that this is perhaps the most painful part of the study (everything is very individual here). After the manipulations, all patients note significant discomfort during urination immediately after cystoscopy. But within a day, everything should return to normal.

According to patients, a very large percentage of success is due to a positive attitude. During the procedure, you need to try to tune in to the best and relax. It is not uncommon for patients to have acute cutting pain in the urethra for a long time after the study, which does not even allow them to walk normally. In this case, you should consult a urologist.

Cystoscopy in men. Reviews

Patients focus on the doctor's qualifications: if the procedure is performed incorrectly and by an inexperienced doctor, then the risk of serious complications returning increases many times over. Men's reviews are more restrained, but they also contain information about the pain of the procedure at the very moment the instrument is inserted. Pain is exacerbated by the fact that the urethra in men exceeds the length of the female several times, which is the cause of the pain. Representatives of the strong half of humanity most often undergo cystoscopy using anesthesia. According to men, this is one of the most informative studies in the development of prostatitis, prostate adenoma and adenocarcinoma.

In general, the feedback on the effectiveness of the study is only positive, that is, the information content and accuracy of the results of this technique exceeds the effectiveness of other diagnostic methods. Patients are advised to drink as much liquid as possible after this examination in order to increase the urine output, this will reduce the unpleasant symptoms that have arisen after the examination. Most patients note that the itching and burning sensation during urination persist for no more than 48 hours. In addition, traces of blood in the urine and pain symptoms in the lower abdomen may appear. This is also a variant of the norm in the first two days.

According to reviews, cystoscopy in Sechenovo in Moscow is carried out very professionally.


It should be said that those patients who immediately underwent an operating procedure (stones or a polyp were removed) are also, as a rule, grateful to doctors for the fact that the therapeutic procedure is carried out simultaneously with the diagnostic one. This eliminates the need to repeat it. The doctors' comments about cystoscopy are all positive, they note that the high efficiency of this method in diagnosing bladder diseases surpasses all other methods, and in certain cases it is simply impossible to do without it.

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